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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Apr 1871, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, THE HOUSEHOLD. Sick-rooms---Dacision and Quietness. Consult your pn.tient-'s"'vants,but cott.8ult hin1 little a~ possible. Your decisi.on need not be very ob~·ious and positi v1~ ; y1)u will be most tlecish·e if 110 one su:-ipects that you a 1 ·e so at all, It is th!j triumph of supremacy ~o be.corr10. 1;1n· consciously supn~m~. N?i..vhere U:! .t111s ~clec1s10.n 1nnre b\eilil~ii than in a sick-room. -"\~here it exlst~ in its geuuinene,.i'l, the !:!U~t::rer Hi. ne\:er contra:lictec.1, never coerced ; all h~tle nctorrn~ are ass ·tmed. The Jt;ci:.ive uurs<:i B ncvc1· peremptory, nerer loud. Sho il'I disti~ct, it iB t~ue -then~ iH nothing mm·e a~gra...·nt1~g to a stck person than a whi:ipc.r-but l'lhe is not loud. 'l'huu"h < 1uiet, ho,vever, she never roa.kes ge~turea ~i.ll i~ open aud above-board. She knows no d~plotnacy or J!,nes!Je, an~l l1 f course her shoes llevei· creak. J;ier touch 18 steady and eucourn,giug. She does not potter. She never looks at you gidt:-ways . You never catch her wittch.in.fi. She never i:i lamsth~ door, of course, ~ut she never f:!huts it slowly ,M if she \Vere cr~ck 1 ~g a nut in the hing~. She never talks bc~111d lt. She never peeps. She pokes the fire sk ilfully, wilh lirn1 judicious penetration. She ca.resees oue k ind nf patient with gP1 H1ine sympatby; ii:he talks t.o another af:I if he were well. . She ~ 8 never in a hurry. She is \Vorth h~r. weight .1n g-old,aud has n. bet~ltby prejudice agau~tit pliy.sic, which, howe\'f:\l", t1l1c knows at the right tune how to c-0nc.:eal. C.i> F:RIDAY, APRI:i;, 14, 1871. AGRICULTURAL. Sheep and Wool Growing in our Western Territories. Busy·bodies. enough, in his own mind trouble enoL1gb,in . hie own fortunes evils euough, and in per· E\·ery n1au bath in his own life ~ins i · i Household Sins. Some cooks \vill t1;1·ow Ol~t the wat~r in .which meats have been bmfod, w1thout ltittiug lt cool to t·~ke off the fat. . . B its of rneat are tliro"'n 0nt ·wh1ch would m.uke ha.f'.h n1cat or hash. 'l'hc flour is sifted in a wnsteful ma..T!ne~" and the br cad·p11n left with the dough \;l 11;k111g to it.11ie-crust i~ 18 laid by to eour, in:;tea.d of makil1g Cold puddings arc consi1)e1'ed good for nothing, wlu;n oft1;;;11ti1nes they can be :-itemne·.l frn· . the next du,y. Ve'~l:ltab}(:is an~ thrown away that would wi11·u1 for b~akfast uiecly. . Dish-cloths o,re thrown down wh el'e mice can destroy them. , 'l'he :scrubbing brush is l~ft in the water. Tubs and barrels arc left in the E!Un to dl'y tt.·nd few iart ::i for t1;;;:t. fall apart, Nice·hanclii.;d kruves are thrown into bot wa· ter. Silver s1)oons are used t<) scrap~ :k.ettles. Crca,m is 1;1llowcd. to mokl .nnd t;po1l. . Coffee, tea., pepper a 11 (l i:!-p1ces are left to stanu onen and lose their strength. . ~The cork is left out oft.he molas'5es Jttg, aud ihe flies takf.l possession. Vinegar is drawn in. a. tin b~in (tnd allo\Y~d to atand until both basin and vrneg-a1· are spoil· . . ed. l . d Drie<l fruit is not t.:i.1 tin care o 111 sca:=on,aJ1 becmnes wonny. rot<ltOe:s in the ceJlat· grow, aud the sprouts are nint ren1ov~d until they become uselPsi;; Pork spoil8 for W[l..nt of salt, n,nd beef because the bri ne wants scaldin;{. Bor1 e:s ~tre burned that wonlcl ma~c soup., Clothes arc leit on th~ line to whip to pieces in the wind. .Brooms a.re nevr.:r hung up, and soon [l,re spoiled. The Pot on the Fire. There is one mode nf preparing food in genof the Cuutinent which ·we should do very well nwi·e geuerally to adopt; that is, ··gent.le sim1nering ." ln every or almost every FTench household there is the pol ciu feu. 'J.h;s vermament "P:ut on :he.fire,'.' ~1fttlr tl1e lnnnnel' of the old-fashto1HiU · d1g!;lstei:-, occnvi.::s a qniet little co i· iier .of the ~tovt< a~· ~re11lace. It can hardly be ~u1<l to boil, but 1t s11nmers on gently, very geuily fo~· hours. There it is th'oi receptacle of many n little bone~ wheih· er the tri1ou1ings of . poultry or butchers' meo.t. lt. rnattL.:rB not, every little stray fragrn~rit of wholesonu: weat find:> its way there. .A. bit of liver i 8 eorn,iidm·eLl a11 immense improvement, and any veget~Lbks that hapyen to be a.bout add to its vleusant illl."4:JL" whether _the tops of eelei·y, J erm:ial~m a1.t:chokcs-~:Ylrn.:.h,. par exc~ llene~, wake it dehc10us-or othe:""lS.e carrots, er~! u ~e in - many pa.rt:i From the _.\tuerican Stock Journal. forn1ance of hi!S o~ccs _failings .1nor~ than . . cuough,.to. entertain }115 o.'"·n 111qu1ry; so 1 h t f I ff f b There is pcl'lrn,pr; uo othc1· branch of An1encan j t at curios1 y a ter t 1e a airs o ot ers can· indnstry dc;;crviug so much attention as ~10~ b~ Wilh~ut envy t1;n evil mind. 'Vhat HhE:'ep and. wool growing. It is deserving of it lS 1t to Lll~i. 1f n1y .11 e1gbbor's J?I'a.n~fatl~~t· because in all counkies <1.uil i u till agef! flocks were a Syrrn.. 11, Ol' las ~r1~ndc110U1er lilt!glU· "'IlS\"erecl t"e tii·e .·t """""°'liea o[ "'""· i..·ielding mute ; or that another Hi 1n.rlebtt-.,d five thous· "' ·· Ll .., " J d l l l l f b b 0 th food and clothing because cveryWhere a_n pounc s, or w 1et ier n~ w1 e g exptff1~ ' . . . ' ~l \'e? But commonly curious pi!rsonf:'I, or whcthc.i· feel from valley, plain, or 1ulls1de, they (a1::1 the Apostle's phrusc i~) 'husy·bodies,are have yielded a golden harvest. not solicitous or inqui~itivc into the beauty All the 'l'rans-1-I:issouri country, we11t of the and order of a well.governecl fa1nily, or at· 98th j\feridian, to the crest uf the Snowy Range, ter the "irtnes of an excellent person ; but k f h' h f b has foi:i!S than six wee s o rainy season, \V lC i there e anything fol' \Yhich men keep ia iu the month of 1fa.y 1 after the cold \Yeath~. 1 .ocks and bnrs, and p,01 t.ers, things that · TTsna.lly there is no rain falls after J:\bvember blush to see the light, and either are shametill 2.fa.v. The Bno 1.v~ de)~ u.nd rou11 d and doea f'ul in n1anners, or private in nature, these not a·;bere to the -"ee1>. There ,·, \vinter thing .. s. nrc the.ir care. and. their b.usin.ess. 1J ~J grazing enough iu Colerado, Wyoming and But lf gt·eat th1ogs will suttsfy 01n· 1nquu'Y, Montn.na. to gruze all the diet:p in the u 1 ,1ited ~he co~rs.e of the s1~11 and ~tn.o.o~, the spot~ in the1r faces the firmament of lleaven u.nd Stateft> Austr~lia, and the Argent.in~ B.~public, the suppo3ed' orbs1 the eb}iiug and fio~·ing the agregate of ·whose wool }Jtoduct lS 300i000, of the ~en, are WuJ'k r.l)Ollgh for U!i ; or if 000 p1Hmth, worth, 100,000,000 dollars. t}iis he oot, ]et hinl tell nle whether the f f fl ks '.J'l1ere is P1cnty o water or count1t:1:1s oc nun1ber of the stars he even or odd, and in the ne.twork of t1treams tlmt drain onr when they began to be soi since son1c ages mount.a.ill ranges of their snows. It >vill be re· hn.ve discover1:<l ne'Y stars which the for· membered that the natural habitation of tlrn mrr knew not, but nlight have seen, if they sheep, n.s \Yell a,s tha.t of the goat and antelope, had been ·where now tliey are fixed. If fa an elevatecl mountainou.s region. 'l'hey arc these be too troubh~so1ne, . search lower,and provided with an external covering, and ::i. con- t.ell ~le w"11y this turf this ,YeRL' ~>l'iD~5 forth stituti()ual eystem fitJ,iug thetn to endme its a da1sy, ancl t.h·~ t~ext ye~r a p~a1ntn1n ;why rigors and subsist upon its peculiar lil~rbugG. the apple be~r~ blS. tteeU u1 lns . heart, nnd They ·may be l'ernoved to other ref!ionil jb fa wheat bears .1t in h1s l~ead : let l.1Hn tell why · b ' · a graft, tak1ng nonnsh1nent trom a crab· true, an<l by careful husbandry1 n1ade to flout· stock ehall have a fruit niore noble thn~ 1 1ts ish in hot cliina~es, ~n artificial or culti:~ted nurs~ and parent; let bitn say why the best food, and cvc111n rainy and muddy locahtws. 1 of cil is at the top the best of wine in the But the l))nltiplied diseases to which they are middle, and the b;st ot honey at the Uottotn, subjected a.r~ t.:ouvinc1u.g- p1·vof that they n.i·c ex- otherwise tlrn.n it is in soule Jiquora that poOjed to influe11ce!,l 11nnatural i'lind ..mcongcnial nre thinner, ci..11d 1u SOU11: that are thicker. to their con~titutiuns. They require a dry, Bnt the~e things are not snch as please bnsy· gravelly i;oil; a clear, bracing, cool a.tmmrphere; hod~es; the~· 1nnst feed on ~ragcdiee 1 and ft, ·variety of short, nutritious grMses; and they stories of nnstortnnes. ancl cnn1ei:. Uu1ep,g love to browse on highly n.ro1natic plants o.nd yo.u tell the1yi ~orn~·tlnn~ s~<l and new,eotne-. shn1bs, likcthc willow the- birch, the hemlock tl \u~g tbat .lS ~~pne w1tlnn t~lC b?unds of . . ' . thE'ir own kuow1edge or relation, it seems and the artem1Sf)1~. I1~ such cucurusta~1ces they tedi'OU and UH8(1.tisfvlng i which shows are alwnys h e:-:i.lt~1y, ·v1gorol1t; and active; and plainl~·, -it is an e\·il ;p1ri-t ·; Cnvy and idleprodnce the '.naxirnmu of even-fibN·crl wool, n.nd ncss -n:iar 'i~d together aw:l begot curiosity. the bost of b1gbly-fiavored moat. Bnt t.hese i11qubili'o ns i,l-t:e seldotN without 'l'bat we have here rniUions of acres, answer· l d~tnger, never without l1a::;enes& : they are ing all respects to the exact requirement for the I neither just, l!Or honest, nr,r cleligl1tful, autl best dcvclopem0nt of sheep, in tlie production ver.t qfte'h usele~s ·to the curious: inquirer. of both \vool ancl n1cat, is dcmor1strated by the For ...men stand on tbc.ir guard against then1, countless ni.unbers of antelope that annually ~ tht:!y Secure their 1n eat l!gilinst harpi es ~wi~rn1 over the couutry, and .:eein to have 1!6 and cats, laying all thPir eoun~els and secreh1 limlt tn "thefr b ic1·;;:ase. bu t tlitiirnatural entrnies~ out of tbeir· Wtl \\ l(nock therefore nt the the wolv1;;;s nnd the hunters. They are tt.lwa.yil.. (luor, li~lure YU'tl enter ou your _ neighbor's in good condition, h<>althy, fat, and o.ctive; 0.µd r_,riva<.:y _ ; anU.f erncmher that there is no diifetl:!nt'e lll~L~veen entcrinL! into his house, this i~ particularly noticeable in the ,~;inter and " and lo.oking into it.-Jerem. y Ta.yfo1'. spring, when it might be supposed they wouki be red 1.1.ced by cold and want of foocl. The great ~f ost~of the re] igini1R cont'l'oversies are of fact of ""'inter grazing will ena.ble oui· flock ma.-,· details. 'I'hc - great denominations now tern to make wool growing exceedingly remuner· 5tand npart from each other on grounda ati...-e. In many instances which have come which, by tlH~ir own general confession, do not touch the individual Cliristian characundei· my 01vn observation 11en1 on the Plains, tcr. flocks ho.vc yielded one hundred per cent .. a.n· nuti.lly upon the investment in tl1cnL If our Trans·~Iissonri sheep and \Vool growing intet· e:.t nmkes as 1nuch bead.,.vay in 1871 a!l the oattlc intere~t rlid in 1870 there will be 11 000,000 sheep along .the U. P . R. R., between North CARRIAGE (we~t SHOP. ORGANS AND t-0 MLEODEONS of tht Out.Ario Baok.) SUBSCRIBE ' E. P. Needham 8t Son, :Late Carhart & N ecdbam,) King Street, Bowm1mville. I FOR THE J J ESTABLISHED IN 1816, THE. ·ubocriber i· prepared to build .nd ro-11 pair Originators and Solo Manufacturers NEW Dlf GOODS A~D Wagons, Buggies, and 0'Ulters, · of every deijcription, n.t short hotioe, andon r~aaona.blo tcrrn.J. of the CELEBRATED SILVER TON GUE I Carriagee Painted and Trimmed· Organs and Melodeons, Wli<YJ'ie to The1n ! ! Bl-{OS. A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1·emisw, were !!pccia.1 n.t.tention is to all gt...-en 'MERCHANT' E· P. NEEDHAM & SON l'UBLfSH Carriage work, a.nd General Jobbing. "THE SILVER TONGUE" l\fURDOOII All 1vo1·k done at this Establi~hmen warranted. A ca.11 is respectfully aoliclted. a.nd G-eneral Advertiser. ORGANISTS REPERWRY, A MO!i'l'l'l.LY l\1AGIZINE, Have received per S. S. Hibernian, ii,nd other shipments, a lot of J. MORRIS. For New PANIC NXW Goods _ PRI(lES. Organ-play~rs Bowma.nville. Oct. 1st. 1869. ly-nl and t4e mnf:lic-lov ing a.nd story-reading public generally. which they axe determined to sell at ' ONLY ARRIVAL I ARRIVAL! SUBSCRIPTION, Only 50 Cents per Year Only 50_ Cents per Year! Only 50 Cents ·pe:t Year! SAMPLE COPY '1-:1AILED Fnt:JJ 'l'O ANY ...o\.DDRESS. NEW DRESS GOODS, (all wool Sateens and Serges. LUSTRES. A NEW SELECT, and CHEAP 75 CENTS GOODS NEvV BLACl\. GLACE & GROS. SILKS, STOCK OF SPRING arrived, Send to the office of J. P. RICE Brown St., Bowmitnville, Sole Agent, or to the "SILVER TONCUE" FACTORY OF NEVV OL.i-\.N I TARTANS, NE\V ROUGH BRO\VN HOLLANDS, (VERY CHEAP. per ANNUM, in ADVANCE. Sty~Good4 fo1· E. P. Needham and Son, 143, 145 & 147 EAST 23d St. the Ladiu. Neiv D1·ab NE\V TWEEDS, Winceys. NEW FRENCH 1l1ERINOS GENTS' OOATB, PANTS, VESTS, a.nd SIDRTS, made to order, and made to flt I Pla.tte and Ogden, a.t the cud of next year. VVool has been carried by rail from Snn J'ran· cisco tG Boston for $1.20 per one hundred pounds. Double decked sheep cri.n1, carrying 200 sheep can be had from "the base of the monllt ajns tu GhiCl:Ll("O )n:t.i:-ket:; for $15 ,), theu·by 11uttiug down fat wethers in .. NKW YORK. etc. But supposing lt v.' er·P.. to !1e 1uadt.J. altogether of fresh nui.tcnu.ls- which, indeed. 1n )!-,ranee 1t rarely is-thi'> '>\.{luld be the proper iecipe: 1->ut a gallon of wat(;:l' intn a pot j puL ~nto this either t1Iree. or four pound:. of i::lnn pf beef,. or nny snn· ilar thing. A.dd to tlu.s an 0111011 or two, or some :eeks c~rrot, or other vegeta.ble, three or four teaspoonfuls of saJt, one of black ptlpper, three <.:lovei:i. Givejt one boil up; skiin Car?· fully. Now cuver the pot clo,,.dr, and let it conk gently, fnr· f1H~1· hom·s at the least. .A.bout uvery hour thio.w a wine~}assf11l .of cold wa~e1· into it to make it. clear. 'l aste: it. n1::i.y rcqune a. little m.01e :.:a.It or pe(·(ler, :tcco1·ding to t<i.ste. J>our this sonp over tonisted crusts of bread. Hot h soup 11nd ineat will be found delicious. '~'he whole secret of this lies in the gentle si111tner1ng i11 a covered '.'e!:=sel"'vh~reby tbe flavor is ywholly preser,\·ed,_:uHl nothing is lost. ~<\.bullock 8 }ma~ so cooKed is excellent. turnip~, let-k~. n1arket for 75 cents per hend. Dressed mutton carcasses n.re delivered fron1 the Rocky )fountu.ins in New York for $l.7il per hundred, car NEW CANADIAN KNITTED GOODS, Bowmanville, Septemher !Jth, 1870. 111-ly LADIES' SAOK8 ready-made, ·nd made to older, in the neWftt stylf'fl, Good Groceries Mway~ on hand. load i·ates. .Along the whole length of the Uu~\')Jl Pacific H.ailway, a.lung the Centra.1 P;.ici· 1 fie Baih...·ay along the Kausa.-s Padfic Railway ,, ·' ·1 · 1 in the v~l1ey.s of t he tho:rn~ndsi of stream11 bor· ' dcr1.:d with timber for buildings n.ud fences, there are untold millions of a.ores. of luxuriant grazing lands wl1erc sheep can be nut down fron1 Nl":\V , .' . ~ ~. . _ ].fexwo: Iowa, Ilhno1s, M1ssoun and other States for $2 .00 per head. Shepherd1:1 can be hired from $30 to $40 per month thnt can l'eMli· . ,, ly ~1er<l 3,000 head. IhousRn<ls ·of tons of ha,y ci-1.11 bt:i Cui un all our stream~. There is aJJ entire ttbsi;once of the inttn;hy lands and wet soils i;;o destructive to sheep in , the form of "foot n.il." The sheep in K cw r 8 IioT Bt:'.l'T-JiRED 'l'o.vrr \VnoLESoMg 1--~1\. 1'-Ie:nco, CD1orado., and l.Tt:\h, have not after ten slice of Lr.:ad b11l'l1t on the two outer surl~"tc0s, years in the two latter- Territories and forty with i.ts interior in a 1noirit1 waxy condition, ha. 'l . yeat'l) expei·i ence in the foitut;lr, d e vc~Joped "'try no1·i,.Lt t o bt: CaUed toast. It is cel'tainly n.nd serio~sly nnwhfll~sorne. Bnt a r-.l ice of. brt:ti.oi.l, local diseases. rrhe universal testimony has not too thick, just browned Qn the 1Jnt~1<le, but been in all our T/.jrl'itories nnd States west of tbor1>ughly baked through, is wl1olc ~ome and the Missouri river that there bn.ve been no dipleasa:nt food which lllfl,Y be f m.~rlesgly eaten. th fl k d h l · The "";:i.y to t~Jll.~t, bread thus is tu keep it u,t the 1:<ea.ses among e oc s, a u t ey iave improv· right distu..nce from the fire, eo th11t it mRy l:e ed in the qnality and quantity of the fleece. toa~tP-d throughout li ef or e the outer f:i1.H~ace 18 There is no doubt that any breerl. of ::1heflp will O\'erdone- in ot h.eT \Vonl~, not to toa~t it too do well here, hut for various i·ea.qons I would fa.at. Uoucel'ning the buttcrin:~· of hot toast, \Ve macy ndd ancthcr b: nt IJI' Lv:n. l\.n ill-toasted advi~e the h1t.roduction of the best qualitie!l of slice of bread J oc·s not n.hsorb the butter, but mutton sheep in prefer~ncp, to the fine wooled allo\vs it k· re1nui11 iu a 111as::i 011 the surface. A animals. In th e first place, they are ha.rdier slice of prope 1·ly toa:.ted bread, on the cnnt.rary, and inore prolific, a.nd will unrloubtedl:y improve :~Hows tho butter to 1)ermeate every part of it . . . . n.nd to all parts eq_na1ly. Dutter iu Uu: on e case fa::.ter ; and in the <::ecoud place, wlule it 18 pos· iF> too hea"Y f,)r tho stomach; but when thus fliblc to oYcrstock the inarkct~\-·ith \Vool by irn· i 11~inHLtP-ly ii,::i~ocin,ted with the whole rnasa of portation from foreir:rn countilfes it is impossi· the fo<'.'.d· in fhrnly <~i vi Uc~ and proper propo~· · . 1" · ' · .· 1 · to OH;lrntoc.:k tiuu1:1 1 1,i; cln\t·act~·r is e11tirely chani;ed, and it I b.e the 1ueat 1u.trket. We ha\e bcco~es wholc ,s01ncly n\1tritiou s. ; 40,000,000 of peoplt:1, ~n u the annual increa~e is . . , .( , . , j about ~,000,000 ; c~r people a1·e al~ ~1ea~ ea.ter8, GtCE WHICH .wr LL t;J'"::i:ITE E\EN PoI.JBIIED the pnce8 of meat rn our large cities IS' enor. S·rEEL. - A Turk1sh receipt for a cement u sed to . . fasten clia1nonds anJ other p 1 eciou.~ ~torn.:~ to momsly h1gl1, ttnd the annual product10ns by no n:tetallic ~urfo.ces, and which is s~id to stron gly means keeps puce with the demand for conunite even surfr,.ce::, of polished steel, a1t)1ough sun1ptiou. But in addition to all thi~i tho .acexposcd to moisture, is as follows :-Drnsol ve · . cl f d' 1 f rom n. fl ~' five or six Litii! uf g;um 1uastic, each of the size .of tual re:urn 111 .woo· c o me lUlll· a Inrgc p(;o.1 in a~ ~uc1:1 spirits of wine as w~ll wonl ed elH~ep, wdl ntJarly equal in value the net .sutli...:tj .io render it hri_u1d. ~n. another ~· ess:l dis- product. of a fifJ_e wooled flock. '!'hey produce r;olve >ln ~randy as n1ueh. l~rn gl a 15 E!, previously heaYier_ fieeces and the price of the wool bears soft·ened nl water, as will inake a t\'vo-ounce . · . 1Jhial of st1·r:ng glue,adding two bit!'l_of -~um am- a better ratio to it!l cost. nrnniac, which must be rubbed until chssolved . Th~ll mix the whol~. 1'-ith heat. Keep in a phi;;..l clom~1y stopped. "\-Vhcn it i.s to be used S1J,allow Drains are better than None. set the phial in boililll!S water. The late vvar is likely to nfford some val:-iable stat5.t>t1cs. Iuvestigatiu1m ti.re being made lll or· der to aE>certain the compn.rati ve hoaltlii11ee8 of con8umeri'J of a!C(·hol ru1U totail·a.bstainers. It ha.s lie1;ll already discovered that rua.rfj tid r;oldiCl'$in t he Germn.n tLrn1y :ue much inore he~tlthy THE BUTTER .AND BOGS WAll'TED. S. F. HILL. Bowma,nviHe, April, 20th 1869. OBSERVER, (the Organ of the Bible Christian Denomination, one of the best Familj' Papers printed in the Dominion) cluobed with the MERCHANT, for Two Dollars p~r annum, in ad va:1ce. AS USUAL - --0--I I BOW~IANVILLE ~_,OUNDRY ' TJIE' CORNER ADVERTISER THE CIIlE&PE§T REAUHJllTG THE BEST ADOllAR IN THE $ ',VEE!~LY, A YEAR! pct11; ~{'\ d~· .-: m ·~· 1 In- thlii nge or p1·ogress flt<. J. NEADS. · A PAPER TJ SUIT Tfrn 'DUI' ~ AHEAD, Stand::i Unri-v:ll!cd A SUIT OF MERCAI-INT poora, a:; ovinced._ and ever Jnct>a'it:i". It. GUcrs ludn<'c:OU!f;Uts E:cl<.1 u~·t tJJ ~Hi nS.~t {', i 1'1edhnn of lnt c ll~ll!:tlH~"A ITS SUOOESS I8 iJNPREO:EDEliT3D : {From the _.,'\.merican _'-\.gricultnrist.) "\Yhile we are firm believers in the economy anclcffocthcness of d eep dra.ius, even in heavy clay s11il::1, we hnso seen en,o ugh to c'?nvinee us tli:'tt thoi::e wlw, frllin l::~ek of 1nea.m1 or time, 11r 011 11.~co11ni of a n.... intiulli.den t (IUtlet, find deep draining imp1·acticf\ ble, will still find i.t to their 1na.ter:ial advantl!«e to 11.ake sl1a]low drains wher1\vor :the necessity for draina.ge is apparent. 'l'he first requireruent of...n.11 is to get rid of the water that stands on the 1:urface of tho soil, for th ts brings abE!olutc death t.o all vegetation. .l'I.._ simple plow furrow.J to remove the water that accumulilte1:1 in- a depression of the surface, will often produce n10rc beneficial effect tlmn the srune amount of labor applied in any other way. Next to suda.c1o: water con1es a so.rt of surface sringincss, o. flUperhdnl ooze, or water re~a,inf.ld near the surface by a dense hardpan subsoil .E'requently ' thi& water CQllects i11 basins of Urn RnbRnil, n.nd n. r1h rt.1lov: nnderdra.in will cffe,~t. its l'(;'U10Vit1. Good Tweed For $10.50. · -0. GET YOUR DEC}l.lf~:B E'" Ji5 'i'.'.JC BES 'J. published 1 than unmarrieri. C LEA.NING Co.d'f GQLI.Ut3. -For cleaniw; cot~t cnlla1.s and all woolen goods, I rellomme~1rl. t~c So::i,p-tree Hai:k '(Quil.iqyff,- 1J(tJ)'-./nt1rta.,)which .can be procnre(l 1.tt the dntg sto:e!5. Bre a~ a pteO e .'.°·bOtJt two inches sqmw.·u 1nt0 s1nall h1ta, and pour over it a half pint of boiling- \V~ttt\J ; Jt:t ~t 1-1(-:i,11<l ru1 hour m· tv"o; then sponge the collar well with the hquor i a second 1:!po11 ~inf!' w.ith cl ~an water will clean it nicely. 1Sotu washn1g a11d ri11~i11H wutel"1'11ould be as wru:m as for tfannel. \iV e hri.vo,by ut1i11g this Lark,wnshed blal'k 111:itl blue :F.:1 fi pre~s cloths Bncce,<.;sfully, and h!wc deaned hair-clnth chair11 ·whieh bfld been i:;o1led by conta1;t with th1;;; hi.=u.d. Brlll1n111t E1!HOi'!:1b. ~~ (°a~ \ ·~~c ;" ." :i ?~ : ' II. Reports. 'l'" e leg,-;lJ.>]:~0 ~; ,, ..-,'i' ~ , L ;; ':: ~ n~ ? pn.rts. 'V"tll 8cli:c.:~1l A r; ::·~::n::t;:1·:~ i ~ · ~·t~ ~ tcr. F!epo~·a:i of th :~ f,~ z J ':2 <l i..~ . ·~~ ~ -:~, ; :.~ gto11s 1!1Uc-JH,:::c:H'C ' u clc.<~'i:J a :;..; ,'." : :·v .~ f1.r a Popu~ar Fnslllon.T\""cwih Di\· !nc CVC:."J' Y<.;·~ a . c· :-.2~c~~.~ ,; ~~ E:i.~! b ~. 3 :: · ; ~ r: :.c: :'~ · l C ·:; r: Nctnt. F-0r1'f ::It~ '\'C'\Y!'o. li:t (' Tr ; ~· ~ H1·ark f ~11~·rnHI t·x.rH. ~~t or r.~ m· :~ erary nnd fl£RY ..;, , · ,; :: :c.. C'. " l · ;·~ l,o~Ht'al ~;c ~ r;.:::~~; :; !I . JUlU§IlCiliJ, l!'J S fll~ A~DJlllU '.'i, I·t! <,~.,. f:H~IT ,n·; f'g' IT l!) '. 1 :1 ?'!l.i!':.~ · ~3~ ' >1; '. -: ~ · , · ~ ~.:·:) 3 i. I- .. I CORNWALL I o:a: _'!, ;·~~ : 1 i:. :: ~~ '..l c ·;~, ~- -~ ~~ . .. s .~~: R;::D ~ Ufa.,;;~ ~~ ; -: ;i,,;~ ,: ~~.( ~ .'; . BLANKETS ?~or o;-;z nn.rr;~, A~ l .' <>n : ~"r r·; : -r·:.-,'?·.. Orr. oF Ea as. - Au oil ii:! in use..: iu South l{ussia. °"'hich has the meiit of aur1plicity, l-1ci·11g 11 1~de of the yolks of lien's i;:ggs, wluch <ll'C fir::t boileJ. hard ililld the yolks removed, cook ed tt nd placed ovt:r the hre. }'.lerc they. are Ct~r!:'fu~ly t>tirretl unt1 l t.L1:: whole f:!tthstance L':l on the point of c11tehing fire, when the oil se11ai·ates,a..?:1d may be 1)ou1 ·eJ \JU, .The_rolk will y ield nearly two teas)Joonfuls of 011. \V ith all Ol~r eH01·mo1rn ~on · suniption of eggs it is extraord1na,ry ~ww little · we know about thc-n1, and of the nn\1nf·Jld u::1es to which they 1nay be put. Jlow TO CLE.:i.N PAINT.--.:-lf clea.ullnrss is, 11:;; oornc folks .say, <lne Qf the arts, all that help~ it· should be mnde known. l)oors wa.Uis 1 or anything that is pH.inte,l,. ma~: ?e cleaned with a IJieco of :;oft fio.nn.el, chppc~t 1 n wa.nn water, then wrung, and r:;pnnkled with finely powdered FreJJch chalk. The paint on being rubl.ieil \\'"itl1 this will b1;;;con1e quite clean, an<J will be saved from the de8tructi ve a.;:tion of ;-;on,p. 1·lce-c:5 Gf .'!:fii -; : ('. i.7 t;J :·"t:, $ ~:, ) . ~;".i. "· l!i 'l'Ol' H?. n1c v;:-. h :c ~)f°t·<:l :) '~~ -· ~: ; ~i··\ ·, I If a fatrm.e1 · <locs uot (.e el juBti£ed in thorough· ly undet"draining .:u1y {icld thrtt is too \\'Ct, he 1na.y at least be ~Llc t.o lay u fr:\v lines, two or three feet deep, runniug through the worst spots of the fieh.I, without much reference to its genernl confotmo.tion, a.nd thns at le:ist remove th~ 1n08t e vident SO\l1·ce nfl)i~ inconvenfonce and i I Clan · Tartan's, GREAT FAVORITES. PRINTING AT THE Read ou.r Snle~ and Se°"wini Premium A. ~PI."END114' :-> ~· ?~~;~ '.'? i\ '):; Tn,~ ·' ··t.· ·. 0 : T H l~"i -:l f..: ~·~: ·~; :; ·-:. ~ ~:: . · i 'l'HE NOTICE.·---NO HUMBUG. A $25 l~ur 40 S> uh:sc :·; J.i.S.'.r!5. 8'.J?i1 1 :i; :::.::.:::~' : -, loss. Lt:\t.it be distinctly uuderatood that we'do not rccvmm-end thi.8 p1·actice for adoptiOn in a.ny cnsc whero it ifl pr11cticn.ble to do n,nything more; but ther(.1 ii:; no reason why tt ftt.rmer should suf· fll' yea.rafter yea1· fTon1 an annoyance that it lli in hfa po\vm· to lei!son, berau:m bis circumet::tnccs BRI~iACO~iBE & RICE I I I A $32 For 60 Sub ::;c rib"..' '-'-'· Forin. 1 or l!Y.!L 1.'.iO~ yol:~· a·;!B'.'J:J ~· - ~, . :: ~· !" .;;,. The Choicest Variety, B1~ T~:-~~~:_u· f 1::· ~ ·n :- :J (: ,: ·, ...)_ S1111J ·~c~·!5J '. i n! ;;1 l'ot' -:i; t ~ " 1-· ~;i:.:11 ·;-~ ~ : 7 ·; ~ :; ~ ~·: : · ,: ~ . ' t.,· c)~;. O" i~ ; D u~.:... :~ 0 Seedless Raisins (New Fruit), Ten pounds for One dollar. Fresh Cann~d Salmon· GRAHA){ Fr.oUR ::\fcFFIK::$ .--One liut of i:>our , "'i~ not a.Uo>v lllru to entirely rcn~ove it j oc· · Fresh Canned Peaches. x ti1 1k; }\ tmH~poouful of soc.l,a; \""one ta.f1 leRpoQn~ul I 0as 1 011uJ1.y 1 i.. .J1-,i.1·gf: trn.l~~ of 1').ll~ ly n1g OH t1rn Pure Col!'ee, fresh ground every of sugar ; Grahu.~n fl?tu· et111ngh to .n1n.ke i~ th1 ~k :;ilope of f:I 11111, 01· nt 1 ts foot, 18 ron.de too wet, morning. batter . Bake iu r1ng.s, or dro1) tho batter ln for tJrofitc"thle culti vatiol). by an underground Morton's celebrated Pickles, new. spoonfuls on a square trn. .A htth~ Halt should ,· ,. h ,,1 ·h"l . , . · ti Dundee Marmalade. new. · be added to the Lmttcr before lxtk.ing. i n1i11r.g, t rou.g l \\ lei a wn.tcr stia,tum in 10 _ higher la.n<l fincls vent.. In such ca,scs, by d.lg. Fresh Sardines, new, retail at whole· ging straight into the hi!l:,_cuttingsoro.e distance sale prices. Brown and Poulson's Scotch Corn p .AS'IE TRIS UF IN SIGH'.r.. - Pity your iutv tb.e wn.ter Eea111- t he flow may be il,duced Flour the beet used in Canad"'. debts as yon get the iuonef: lll your pock.et. to.s~ek the ~rti6cinJ.. putl~ t j aud iQ. !:1Ucl1 ii.. cafio Toilet Soaps (very large size), One Dv \vithout what you don t ueG d: _Speak ~eVeu a $.a.llow stuface drain ma.y carry the dollar per dozen. · your mind \vheu n~cessnry. _Hold ,;.:our ....vatar _ aw::1;y without allbwi.ng it an opportunity Pots of prime Cheese. tongue wl1cn prudent. Cnt ~.he accfttaint~ " to clO" h& rm. Pine new· season Young Hyson Teas, ances who lack prindplc. Bl·ii1· :w1t11 iu- · good and cheap. Fine new season Pekoe llavored black fiuuitk ~, llut not wit\1 vices, Rcsi-Ject..huu~ i:;t,\_ , dt:i11 1i ~duplici~y , w~::;U· y0111·ulll cl'.-'thes 1 0.SE f)n u r.. ·-A uia n has 1\\'0 e_vl·i>; if ht> Teas. All kinds of Groceries, Crockery, and until you ca u pay 1ur ue w unee;, A .1111 a~ Jn.-se one, lie .c~tn n?e the other. lie has two · Cut11l"Ott UtH.I. }J'"UlJl°ii::Ly, llflt fu.r:h ion, Jtc- Jinnds; if he Jose Ollt:' 1 lll' can USQ the other. Glassware. Cash or goods for Poultry and Eggs at kr:owl 1:: dgt- )'Pllr igHunnice, u11d elm 'i 11re· H e--:l~ a~-t·wo fcl~l; ii' lie lo5e one, he can use SIMSON'S t1:nJ kuowl1:::dg-e yuu haY1l't gvt.. Ent<:l'tain the t1the1·. Ile ha1::1 litH onrJ soul. If that is your frieuds, but 11cv1~ r Veyond your o.ieau~ . .l ost, wbnt then 1 No. l Corner, Wellington BuildillJ(S' r: ~ ~ , · n~~ : ~-;; ~;r would cull specia..l attclltion to t,Jieir stock of <Jind JJfelodeo·ns, !manufactured by E. P . Keedbam & Son, New York,) justly designated the chea1lest . JHEROHANT OFFICE, 811ccl1nca <':u}.:k . .,. llJ!iT!'l:I J.:::'6·~·, ii: c~~ t ·.'. ~ ..·~· r T.I.L:I.{.;i:.AJ;·_! -~ fH.>,:.-:1 : ·.:i>· t .t.·-;,;_ ; ;:; :;- . ., : · .;y .. -r .l " - , ., ...., ., ...~;,: . to 4.'11111t:t~ij\: t'r<, ::::=:====:::=======:::-:::: '."'.· '".:'.:":::'.- TH=: D.<\l~Y YC~ r::Cf;!\ ?' . A<lcirc I all L ~ !'X::;a . ,. ;;:;.:: ·;-:. l ' . the " Silver Tongue," . !kc:n !" " ! "' " O ..J ~~ :'-..JU: i ( : 1 Sweetest Instrument kncrwn. GOODS IN TOWN. p- _J . . .:!~. . ' ; ; .e. !lt.' S:1 .i :t~ ~t~ . r.:-~ ~::- _; .. ._;:- - Don't foil to ea.II and examine quality and price. Second hand instrumcnts t..'1ken in exchange. Show rooms at .T. i\L Brimacombe'.> Dental Rooms, over McClung Bros Stores, l:lowman ville. J. P. RICE. J. M. BRil\IACOMBE. n1 Bowmanville, Oct. 7th, 1870. :--. <' ' ':· Jt1ST ItECEIVED,-- F. ·Y. COWLE. BowmanviJle, Sept. 1870. tf-52 STORE, n. sup11ly of and for sale at the ODSJ!:I\VER BOOK SCifOOL /)00!( 8 , All work executed in the Late.,t Styles with Neatness and Despatch, including l?-en9b, Cf1·eek, and Latin Class 'L t R t Books, John' Hrntory of England, &c. and a t owes · . a .es, I c. BARKER ·

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