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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Jul 1871, p. 3

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ca:rn THE MERCH ANT, FR,TD AY, JULY 14, l871. SPECIAL NEvVS 18'71. !lE W THE Public iu·e hereby informed t h at riit t.LLIOTT'S STORE, lVIJ\Y. ·---o--- 1871, dii~i'ell'~it~fi' I I Jacob Neads MAKES THE BEST 0. BO UN SALL, MAJ\-UF AC'l'UH.ER. I !YIPOll'l'lm, DEAJ"'l~R iu all t he varielit\~ of ' and TO BE FOUND AT THE SUjfllfER - -- 0·-- - GOODS. A T THI£ Italian & American Marble. .A l ~Lrg ti and clrnice ;::election of STOCKS COMPLETE AT T.H E lVIO WEfi THE RE1 \PER MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES, ah·.rays on hauJ, of superim· work111n,ns11ij), v ..nJ at lowt.:~t prices. BOWMAN VI LLE GENERAL W1·otight 0 '1' Ca&t li'On p,;, rues CLOTI-IING S110RE. Tweeds and Coatin1s, snitable fo1 · HAMPTON, m:1y be found :.1. gr:~nd WOOD'S Se lf - Ra k e . display of :BEAUT!:FUL CHOICE NEW GOODS, fl,(, HATS, lBONNJ11-ilTS, BOOK STORE, BUCIC EYE. K I NG S'l'. BOWllfANVILLE. and all ki11d1:1 of I:Furnitur e for ene.loGintr hu1·ying let:>. Tops, -Mantel Pieccc, &c., A cn,11 ia k ept on hanc.l, < ,1· wrought to ord er. 1·e>lpect(ully roquc.<;tccl ::~t the w<.1rl·~. J{i n9 f:Jl r(~c i, IJowmanville Octobe1', .lst, 1860. tf·l l'>lo,vs, Stra\v Cutters, Ch.u1·n s, AGRIC ULT U RA L ,Tu ne 13th , 1871. gi (::'Ltl y - -- - ·- -- - - - - - - - -·-·- REDUCED PRICES. Neu' Cloth~ FLO\/VERS, RIBBO NS , & C. 1 a new supply of IMP L EM ENT S. Tutsey Nene Wawwany Iv.Ie- Spring and Summer Wear , cannis Ca Qu Oconiba. which will be inade up in the MOST FASHION ABLE STYLES. TABLEANDDESSEBTJGVIVES - - - o,- - l'JA GTIINERY AND CAS1'INGS OF E VERY ])E8CRIP1'ION. SO:\IE'l'JII :N"GNew in a and Tweeds, --o -- ~- All work warranted, and a :mrc fit. New Dress Goods. New P rint.'. ~cw STYLISH lVIANTLES. - -o- - POCKET KNIVES, BowMANVILLE, SEWIN G MACHl j\J E 1\fOTE VV ALLETS, CH EAP. CHEAP. CHE AP. A few job lut'3 in Hc:td y.1nade Clot h ing, at less t h a,n half.price. ractory Cottons. J.Vew Linens. Now Carpets. .New Sheetings. ELEGANT DRESSES and COS'fUMES, m:. t de to order. CAL!, A ~~eed.les, NEW THING, cau lie seeu by cn.ll ing fl.t the: t) li o ~ Stoi·c of EnLirely new designs. SEH 1'/-IEM. S. B. :BitADSlIA'W', the iniprovcd A large Stoek of AND F or t he newest, ch e:tpest, an d most Fa.sh ionable goods, go to Trewin's Temple ol Fashion. Ne w ;;uppl1es of Crotchet INDIA TEA, ARRIVALS FROlVI CALcurrTA. A New artic:le of '!'ea, grown in Indio,, fresh, 1ind t he first in this part of Can:1da. Very fine in flavor, o,nd cxtm strength. UNIVE RSAL SHU P 'LE SEWING NECK -TIES & COLLARS. MACHINE. the 1\i.'.'Lnufactuer s ehallenge U1 e \Vorld for 3000 rl ollal's to produce n. DAVID FORBES. Bow1nau ville, 1lay 3, 1871. Oshawa, l\fay 7th , 1871. n56-l y (J-ROOE RIES, of the very besL description . / · Dominion Thermometers, of' va,ri0us si/:jes. 112-tf 1871 A COMPLETE SEWING MACHINE that w ill accomplish what t l1e · OF UNIVE.RSAL 11JAGlllNE WILL ASSORTME~T :None lictter in the mark et . Nli~W SPRI.NG G·OODS AT THE FANS . Just the thing for the season. I t d eo11strnctcc1 on ;J, new pri1 ?.dpRl, which rcn<lerfl it h.Y f ar tl1e betit l\.Iach1rre e\·er offered to the P ublit.: , it is Sim pf{:), 1-\t·liable, Dur:;i,ble, a.u cl OJ1e:.ip. .Bach l\:[:.1.(;hinc is 1varrented fo r li v~ yea.rA. S. ll. DRADSH AW, Ag·nt. l'ig li t. fol' .;ood:Iooldng F1.t1·n1 crs an<l Ivlechanlcs to go shabbily dressed, when at a very low price, thl"y .::~11) bny :\ neat fitting suit at Elli ott' s~ · J:-i i~ GOLDEN The cclebmted Exhibition Swan Bill, a.ncl other Key Rings. T RY 'I11~ A.. OF E:NGLISH GR 0 )V 1~ H. BOOTS AND SHOES -i f every desoript.ion, 111acle to m· d~r, Su\'Y"Cd anrl Pegged, W<W Tai1ted to fit, or no sa.le, t he best of work1 nen k ept . ALSO, fv.T t:H 's and \Von1en's, F elt -o ven:, plain and Funcy. ..A.fao Shoeurn,ker:-i Findinge, n. eompltite Stuck al-... ays on hand. Bownrn,1n il k, Nov. 24th. 1870. 118-tf The Ladic;; u.i1 sw t:1 ·, 1\-o .. 'rhen leave your orders in time . II. J:;LLIOTT, Jl'. Jlru11pton, J\.fa.y 1, 1S71. Also a fine as8ortment of ~hina Tetcs, consisting of You ng Hyson, Gunpowder, and Black, of all pnces. Flenty of that favcrite 60 Cent Tea, -;i o R Toronto, Hi\m]lton, CobQurg, }{ing:st011, I1 Ga1 1:}noq~1c, Brockville·. Presc11~t,C01·1~~·alli JJeauhu.rno;,s, ch rect, w1t hoi.1t I ran· ~1" 011 Ln.::J,l, Canadialt Navig aticn Cc ship men t. Ffrh Hooks, and Lines, &c., &<J. AT T. Ea SIMSON'Sn T. E. SIMSON, Bow man vil le,} SlJ\i SON BBOS., Osh awa, Gen e ral G roce rs. Sa.ve the l?ieces. ff you have broken Gl:ms, Ch in:o, Pearl , Coral) Ivory , &c., tuk.e care of the pieces, and purchase a stick of the celebrated F RENCH TRANSPARENT CEMENT, This n.ia~nificent Liue ii; compos ~<l of th.e follow ing Fir.:it·class Sten.rrwrs, and w1 ll, nnhl fur thei· n r,tice, fJail a.~ undel' :-· Corsican, Cnpt. )l'~iirg rieve, J\.f unlhi y ~'.fa{,'Il~t, " Simv::on, Tu l ~. Corinthian, D u11lop, \V cd. Bowmanvil le, .Tu ne l st, 18'il. Spartan, l '.t."spor t, l{~ngston, lfl'l day F [t..rrdl , Sat. Leaving 1-.mt D£liliugton \'\' l1 ~~d evc1 ·y _ e vC:ll· in« at 5 o' clock , (Sundnyo'> e:H.cpt e.d) for )Jou" tT~.'1! r.nd i n t1.;rrr1~diate P orts, passing th1rou.~ l1 ;d i th e .r'l.pitls of tlw St. L t1. \\'t·enc c and l'honS.'.l.l nl I slan d!>, by <layJigbt. F'1r Toronto, and J:-lamilton,leave every m0111· i n ,,. :.i t :i o'clock, (Tuescla.y excepted) ll'rci ght, a.nd Tickets, ;~pply to . K elly, S indair, 'l"h u1'. now on so, le ::LL the Genernl Book Sto1 ·e. r o 'rIIE c1U1.SeJ a PUBLIC I I "For 'l'HO~·f AS CI-lltISTTJ!;. MO OPEi\J~]) Ollt MUR'r l~ Y CALL and sec our WALTER WI GG SON, T . DARLINGTON, Auenl; . 11owmanville, }ft1y 12tl1, 1871. 1 \ Fi1·3t-c1~1:1 Ca1Tit1gi~ . wiJ..lt a Cftl' Cful di·i \rer. ~vill lea.ve Henderson's Hotd, in t be mm·nin g-s, :tt. 2 ;;ln , and even ings :-i.t. 4::10 Par ties wishing to be called for, will plea...'>e to le;:ive notice with the Agent. :i2-t.f. NOW a Ja,.ge portion uf his Spn;ig :Stock of Dry l:[ AS Goods, of v..-bioh he wt,uJd cnll special nttenti011 to the fol lowing Stock of Ne"l.v :Books. ~ f lines : fo1· pA.st fa.von·i, l-i t1 u· ~f cts we have ]n,tely :iclded t bercto,. tlrn,t 1\.-·c 1ull..y thcl·~by be en1tblctl to supply u11 pru·tH$ who ln ~ty please t~i fa vu r us '"it h a, cal l. Grc[tt induce ;J)1 ent)l held out t o t ho::;e JHU't:b:1. ~i r1 g· 1 1,t 0111· E :; tahli:~ hme:nt. Pieturc_.,, Look ing Gla.<or:eA, &c., fr:unNl to orde1·, ancl in C\· e1·y ,o:yt le. S:.i.u:!-plef of thf·different l~iud:; uf ~l\'Iou ld ings cn.n be Hoen ~it lhe \V: ~l'e·roo1n. YYe wonld afao Leg to inform you, that, h n v111g pnr· rctu rni11g t lrn.nks to tlwfr 1u11n0rou::; Cu;:;tmncr si an(l the I>u blic gu11_e1·:tlly, I Nwould respect fully invite their :ttten t iou to our preHuHt. .:k Fun u t u l't:, UJ. ... HAVE Just recei ved it C hoice lot of H DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, OJ_.O'l'HS, PARASOLS, Millinery. A New Supply of Wall Paper SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, re<~sonab le - - - - - -- - ·--- - - - - --···- T !--IE An assortment of H<its, Bonnets, .Fe>ithcrs, &c., not to be excelled in the Domin;on, for Style, Quality and Price. Splendid puUems, and good 1prnlity. A .l!'·irsl Claes ,1Iillfrw,. l<l'UJ!l!/f' t n <ittendwnce. LOl·JTEST PRlOES. Weekly an-jvals of NEW GOOD S . C. HA.H. KEl~. 13owmanville, April 13th, 1871. we ~hall be rea.tly :.i.L r.11 t i.Jrwa, to ntte:11 tl F tuieru,l~ , on short notiuc, auJ ~ . B . Coffins k ept .,on hand, aud n rnde t o order, i.it th e t ur ms. NEW FRU~TSs NEW DONZ N ION RETAIL FURJ.'U'lUBE lf ,1 RB-ZW0Jlf. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J , W. :Fowk e's Store. O.slu1wa , A.ug. 2nth, 1870. Raisins, Currants, Figs, ·18-t f. Dates, Lem.on, Orange and Citron Peels, NUTS I K GREAT VAlUETY. [THE CHEAI'ES'l" Alm THOSE!SOLD BY 'J.'HB TEAS with au asso1t1nont of ·roRONTO TEA COMPANY, 01· t hefr _4.g-ent.5. A sinJle triaJ and co mpari· son ·w ith any oth er tei-i._<i, ~t the san1c pdc1':-i, will prove this. Our 50c. . rl.\:a wiU be found eq ual to any at 60c. ; 01U' GOe. equal to a.ny at 70c. ; our 80c. cq uu.l ·t.o <~u y <:~L $1. i and otu· $1 green equal to Ml\.', however high t;he p rice chargell. 0 11 .BlZ~c k T eas soil fro1u 50c. to $1. .TapaJ.1 (a.11 t111color e<lJ ;)01,;,. l,1 1 80c. AU ou r T e:\S are sol d fo r c.-wh, at wholci:;alu prices, in half pound, t:x>nnd, i.tt1d 5 po1m ~l pa.ckagos. CH OICE BISCUITS. Da.rliu.gton lrns agnin i·cecivcd anuthcl' lot of th 0\IS celebrated z 0 0 0 p <Q w. PURE LEAF TEAS, Qu. a./ity is lhc 1'est of Ohcrrp 11ess. Hownltiin·iUe, Dec. 22nd , 1870. n l 2-tf 'I'he l'i'lost Select Styles at Extremely Moderate Rates e d 8olu,tlo1·i of the Prowx·i de of The Pm'nv;,an S11r 1ip, a P1'otect- SPIU:NG AND SUMMER - - : o : -- EXCELSl()ll. a succes;sflll ra.id is BUT the ~1 r1iily looke.l for on II\!POR'l'ER OF DRESS GOODS : A very brgc Stock of Cl£s-ily diyl!sted anrl ass, Mn ila t ell with the blood <ts the shnplcst fo ocl. It 'i'ncreascs th<~ qna/n t i t y of N<tl<we's Own T'itaUzlng It·on, is so couibine<l as t u have the chrtracter of an, al·i1ne11,t, a.s THE BEST TEASI 1 871 A.ND SEH the KeY» and S plendid C A1~L Stock of ATS, SPRING AND SU MMER H j w:i t opened ~t the Hardware, Iron, Paints, Oils, Window Gla,ss, and ElectroPlated Silver '\Vare. ld.A.NU.F .A.CTl:-11.ER of o iU kinds of ENGLISH A:ND FUEJS'CH PlUNTS. ENGLISH AND FRENCJI .M USLJNS. BLACK AND COLORED SI LKS. POPLINS, IIOSIEBY, PARASOLS, Jr,ita,liziu..y t h e S11s teni. 1 1/i e C1l,1·i.chc<l nnrl ·vit a..l i t:-ell 1J lvo1 l }'J el ' 1neutes <HJl}ry J)r:crt of'thc bo(ly , 1·e1Ja/i'J·"iu,y <la,.11ucaes <t'J td it·astc, sea/1·chi-ny ou.t · 1n<rr blcl seci·e t ioris, (t1til lea/vlu,g 1iothhtg for t:l'iseltSe lo fee<l u,pon,. Tltfs 'is t h e .. ecret o f lhc 1uo1idcrfnl su.ccc8s of' th is 't'en1 .erly in, cu;rl11,y Dys}Je.JJ8ilt, Li·ue1· Cou't 11l a;in t, ])'ro11sy, Ch1·01ii,c Dlad"l'lt<.XJ<t,Bo·ils , lilcrvo1ts .Ajf'ec.tions, Ch1 ills ari<l l "e ve1·s, H · n1Jto1·s, A fJ6'n t, I'l·o1t- 'in, tltc bloo(l, a?il'.l C1..t1'es " n thou. slin,cl ills," sin1,1Jly l>·y Ton:in,y UJ>,Invigo1·f!ti1t(J ct1i tl '!'he T eas of the T oronto ~l'e11 Cmnj)an y a1·e guaranteed pure as imported fro1n C iinn. and J a1m.n. :E'<,r stl'eugt h .R.1H l fine fln.vo i·, Lbl:ly cannot he excelle(L All tested b efore being sold, and c01npl'ise the fmcst 'l 'eas which are imported . - - :o:- the '1\m'! of the ·roron to Tea Oo1npany give sa.tisf;\ction is the in1meusc t rade we m·e now doing .i n t hem. Fan rili1;.::; who tried t h em once, now get the1n reg ul<1rly, us t h oy fi nd they cmu10t g-et ~uy such t eas for tho money el.scwh ·:rc. Tln~t P-t Best P!t·oo i WATCH J E W E L RY MAK ING, 80\VMAl\IVILLE :i,nd FANCY GO ODf, HAT and CA~ STOEE. TRY BEFORE YO U BUY In to\Yns whore \Ye have u;;erit:i, pnrties tn·e invited to buy a small quantity to ~ee how t hey like tberr1. Afterwards t ]rny C..'\U buy 1nore. J n districts where ·w ri have no agtmbJ, IJtrson.s can write to us for sa..111plcs of '.!'ens of nny kind, at ttny p1-iee, and v.~e will ;;end them b.y nmilbfree. We 8C:n rl 20 lh'l. 01·u101·l" tou.ny ll11.1l1·oud epot in Ont:.w:io, fr eight p o,hl , and collect through E xpress ,\ g 1 ;n t· .. Put up ill lrn.lf pound, pound, au<l 5 pound -pa.ck~igeio'. Atldr cs8 a.11 orders to the TORONTO 'l'EA 00., 18(l Youn g Street, l'ol'onto. --:o :- - Am-un g the len.tl ing Styles, \'! ill be found t h e E st ablishments for whieh tht: Subscriber 111 ru·i <li. ! ex t ensive preparation , ~111 d is preparut. to show the best 11.fARQUI..:J OF LORN, SELECTION OF G O OIJS, Suen as Watches, Clocks, Gold Jewelry, Plated do, Get do, Electo Plat ed Goods, Tea Set s, Buscuit Boxes, Cruet St ands, Spoons, and For ks, Cutlery di.rt\ct from the Celebrated an d DEALER in UJ\1BltELLAS, in Silk, Zanella, Gingham and Alpaca. GLOVES, LINEN SETS, &c., &c. Loss of Co n.<titut'ional T'i gor, D iseases of the H:ldneys and Ca:rrh.ge lta:i;-d:ware, Iti1bs. .J :Be~1i ---o--l\/fURD o.CH BUOS. h:1:ve rna<lc extensive :tlterations in t h eir prem llJ!.. ses thi s seaso11, and fitted up a large Stu:!, Spokes a11d lJST nrwmv1m state of' f1u~ sysleni. B (~ in y f r ee 11·011i !J~coho .l,t, in. <:i1ttf JQ1·..11i, 'ils ene ryiztn(J c;rccts <t1"e 1iot fol lo'tVe' l by c<n ·1·cs1Jonillng 1·eactlon, but a1·e perinanent, infii .~ i1ir1 st·"t·r~nath, Blall<le1·, Ji'cH1J.tle Colttp l ai1its , a.n,<l all ' li..::;e a .~c.'1 O'l "i(Jl11atin(I in, c.t b<t<l strt te of' the bloot.l, o·r acco·nipa1ticd by <lebllit· ! f 01· a l oiv GORT SOH AKOFF, WILLIAM, BISMA.DCK, GA1lfB E T1'A, MESSRS. RODGERS AND SON'S, SHEFFIELD, of the gtcttk!3t inagnitude. ino:;.;L con1plcte in quo.lity, u.nd variety , and j15 ~~ nowc d hy tho best of ~int}1 orit:y, t 1 1: q11 iass :1,ll other IIouscs b~twct: n 1\t(ontxeM o.u<l '1'01·onto. <~ g-ootl <1s.':lortment of 11igo'r , a,.nd neu.J Cambridge, &c., &c. In faet, Il:lt s to suit :tll. from 10 cent);, 11p. So ll.11 eau be 2nited. - - :o:- AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE , '.rhis f>tod.,;. i,:; t he l ife i;1ito u.ll JUl-'>'t s of' the ~ys tc1n , anll bu'il<li,nf! up 1 .m b ·on Constitict'l on . Tho'n sci,n ds ha/VC been, chan(Jell by the use of this 1'cnwdy, f roui 1 Yellowlees & Quick, " \<Vho keep on ha1Hl })rtckagciJ of h a.If pound, pound, and 5 pou1 1d caddies, of nll kinds, J3own1anville, Oct. 27tl1 , 1870. u3· l y A hrgc Assortmen t of Sf' ADES- Ga1'li.en, Drn,iffing, ancl which is under the ina.rmgemcnt ut' .M.iss Mc'J\wish. Thi:; departm ent Ditching, w ill be found nnus:.t lly attractive, ""d repl et o with the Call early, and get bargains· .l:Eg-h<:.:bt priee pa.itl for ra.w fur s. 1 C!JRNjSH SlIOlTELS, BAKES, SC '1'fi1ES, FOBKS, and all bnd.s of ·lvealc, sickly, sujfe-rin,g creafu/res, t u st·ronr1, heal t h y , a n,a h a1Jl>Y ·uieu, an<.l 'W01nen, ; a,.r1,cl 'i.J1 ,vnllils ca,u/not · J>easona.fJl u ltesUatc w gi've 'i t a t1·ial. , MARKUS M A YER· ' Bowrrw.1 1viUt', .A p1 ·il 27th, 1870. Slaiighter ! S lciitghter ! ! S I L VER S P 0 0 N S, Slnughter I ! ! nl::.;o a Leu.u tiiul St ock of Wedding Rings, Etc., AAHON DUCKLE11, l3owma1l\·ill n, ~o v. See tluit each bottle has PERUVIAN SYR UP blown in the gl ass. Pnn.ipl1lets --0..- OF ~-.1~ee. 28th, 1870. u6- tf G.1 1.ImEN AND r ARMING '.l' OOLS. which lrnvc been produ cecL Tb c _ Show Room is uo w ope11, mid t h e la.d ies will do well to c~1ll and e.xa.1n inc. --o-'l'liey have also e11brgccl theil' J. I.' . D INS1JrIORJ!J, .P'r u111·ieto1·, No. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. Q ~ AT AN D E RS 0 N & C O'S TO CALL AT BUILDING TRADE. Special t·ttention to this li uc. ·11'ls ..... c. '"J :Solil by .Dr uggists generally. ~-< ~z ""' '-JI "1 ;:tj New Boot & Shoe Store. ,v"J~ beg re spectfully to .n.11nounce to the pub. lie, tba.t we hav(.J now on hautl, a large M· !>ort1ucnt of ]\fen's, \Vom cn's, )fissc>1' , &nd child.· 1·en 's wc[1.1 ·, wbicl1 will b e aolcl ~\t 1·emarka.bly low prices. The above lutving- been purchai:;ed in the best ~farkcts , for Cruih, we are sure tl1at t hey ca.11uot fail to i:ec n rc f·>r us a sh are of your pn.tronagc. N 1·..v.!·lrn Glass, Sash, ., ' HirJO'es v . ... ~~ -t1 C.) J Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Eave-troughs,"\Vindow,o,ml .Picture Cords, :rnd _ rJVfEN'l, G·ROCERY DEP 1tltr :wd will be fo und, a,,; llS lrn.I, ~ 'Do nr>t ruin yuLn eye-sight by ·wearing co1nn1on ::;pect.:tcl cs ; ni1 1e-t cnlh 6 of all eye disCc.'l8e :is canse~l by "\¥Cdrjng itnproper glasses. LAZARUS & MOR111S' JlerfocteJ ~~ ~ I.~ I\f.i1kiucr an d 11aslnon Em.ponurn, op pos ite J l'elc~en':·i"' Boot nnd 8 hoe Sl.nre, a11d J1'in:t <l1lOr e1u1t of B oun":tll's !i-Iar blc VVorks, j Ta.s3els, :tml everything else required ; thus present ing g reater inducements ~o bny~r~ tlw. 11 ~tny oth er hom;I;} i n th e tnt.tle . wl11d1 nf it· r;t:'lJ, j:-i 1 1n ~nnflill atlvau~;~;;e. well supplied. I~ I~ ~ ~ "~ ~ I:Iarne.ss, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Wh ips, Bells, &c., which for style, durability and cheap· ness, cannot be excelled in t his vicinity T o those in .1.\.RRJ;~ AJ~. S , ~F'or 1\!I -1\. S 0 N ' S . ' A CAL L SOLICITED to exa.inine the Stock, befo1·e pu1·cha,-;i11g else. whore. .A hrge importcKl Stock of Iand l ly Spcetaclcs <LW1 Eye G1assei:, J"or which I have the sole agency, n.re the n1ost perf(;ct b e;~ utiful ever :J rlerC'd. They will cause n. conl iHuous <.1n '1 a biding i n1provc- l1c would say .N.13.- FEA.THEHS J '0R 81\..LE. 1 E'RE$H FIELD, AND GARDf:N' SEF..!DS Just recci ved. Bownrnnvillc, Apri.1 20th, l t:i7l. Agent for \Vay & Downing's Patent JYla:ngle JO JIN Bo 11'nrnnvillc, .4..tJtil 13. '71 . ~kLl~OJJ 1ne.11t in ili . o eye, 11ncl assist your s1glit 111 ost 1 brilliantlv. .AA110N BUCT\ T _ ,1 :rt, a~cnt . . . Gl"l.lh:ry 1: i t1~a.te<.~ ov!·)· l\l 1 ·s: li'ldcl1cr'~ l~i;e~s YOU MUS'I' 1'h o~ wl10 PAY UP! S. MASON. Please remember t he St and, t wo doors West of Murdoch Bros. Ki ng Street , Bowman ville . ANDERSON & CO 1)Iay 30th, 1871. Jy·3 ~ l..:~ lta.ve a.h-etv:ly settled, will please ac· cept 01rr h ~:-i.r ty th:inkfe. D~ i,; for Bown;auville and viciui iy. n1.o,3i-2t!.4W. SIGN Ol:~ THE REil FLAG. 13owunnville 1 Jnuc 1ch, '71. ~ Bownu1,n \' illlJ , 1Jp-tf ;Jrtl. 18U\), nlO

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