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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Aug 1871, p. 1

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-· THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Cncnlat es lar0 elv in tho lo mill 1 ~of Dail ng ton Clurke and Oartwngl t It is a con mor t l ;i.tforrr O{ en to the fr ee liJSC 1 o of all q_ues tions wl l n lo nl pull c ncerne l " c0 nts per annum m ad Seventy five vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RATES OF Tl:ll :llS AND G~ R R LOSCOMBE 1RRIS1ER 17 TAIV WLJr11 JR JN CJJ I~, "L 1 01' .t ICE-0 er 1\icOlu: 1:i s Sto c o,nc t! t as J :&I B1 naco1nh s D cnta.111-oolllil ER_AL ADVERTlSER. Forty First Year GOD1 " I & D I FUT.Ii Y SlJPPl~Y. IONS of S B')Oh. 01 1871 The Kmgdon1 of Home TI1 l'HT Tll.\I l The Cheapest o, Lad es Magazmes Because 1t is the Best SILl :<!DlD 0 1 I ll ;.n,Jt; pt; lEE Bo nnm "lie Oct 27th 18t;<i JAMES BIGHAM, f, :If "I r1 xcJ i>au t er Gbz1er Paper Hanger &c &c 01 1 n.5 eu0 k u1 ]s of vm lt pro1nptly atten <le l to an 1 t;at.isfa.ct on gua:i a1 t ci.; 1 Res1 ler ce-:N ext <loot cnst of t he B1l l~ <.: l :i L ' ( l mcb 1 Yl\ON ~ ~ll Al T H SWEETMAN, OV.l!:RFJ~ For Sale, Or To Rent Uutbuil hr g8 a l 0 chn.1 1 t SP. f: 111d a half Ac; a f occur 1c l by Dr J) av ls0 l r y o the I r l;"l i es 01 t t tl..N \~tlKS nA CJl E itH· ])Al!.rL~G10N Comm1ss10uer m the Court of Common n1RJ HOUSl .l ith 01 1Lho Ple:ts Conveyancer &c &c an l a.t l e c1 t J) ee 115 Mo t<l. cs Lt:ases Ag ement s &u 0 GENERAL STORE, OUR CXEH:1 J ]CJ w lyuO d awn rl)( th accw U· D y a.u l desr tdt lAUGHr B OOK.KEE! fl\G nn ll DA'dDSON ::lf ERC HAN I S l OOK~ I OS I ED Offico S '\ A::\GLE Lot No 14 5 Co 1 Dmhng t n 1na.n villti J lllj 14th 1870 BEAU IIBUL IE.r;IH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S Me nberofthcDentalAsGoc at on of On 11..001ns o er McCl g Bros Store11 - FOR CASH Imperial .Fire Insurance Co 01 LONDON nnJ P.. 11 01dcrs fr HE D ~ IC.E:S 1 Okl Bto<tcl SL l all 1viall London Gfi\f.14'\I l a e a lt'J tat n fo1 co1 ect1 .:! ovei ] "\Ye 0 ,. BACHELOR AND THE BABY A \\AUN I NG \. ND \.N JL: XA.'ii l LIJ: o. . (E.· tablishcd 1803 6..GENCY ClNi.Dl - 24 St Bo Iu n, lV 11 Oct 1st 1870 1 b o ~'u :i.. e t :\Iont1 c..i.l PROMF IL Y "'XECU l'ED l'R:IME MEATS. YOU l1l !I.I I Y I l moat to fit 1 l \CO ~fo S ibscnbe<l u.n I uv est ed Capital a.n l B. er' ed l £1 !J( D 000 Sterhn'=1 unds 1 1vested in U<Wa. Lt- 105 0 lfl 1th \ Ji:;o .A 0 ent fot tlie' ell 1 no :vn IV <\.N'I a good Jon t of Ins ances agrunst loS.'l by l n e a1 e effected o t the n st f 01 a.ble terms a I ]oo;sos 1 u. d out efr:: rence tot] c Bou1cl in London Hrs. ol l stand Stall No 1 li e Mmch 10th 70 :m. e yo l C eud call !lit Ca:wl~elli'~s J DODS\\ :r..ra. ket l i ld ga u23ly I ORTH Inspc1;tor UIN IOCTL B l\O~ Gen Agents !vlon t ea.I rmsT-PHIZE l'MlZER SEW!! t1 MAC!llNE, MAN UFAC TURES l'HICES 18 0 <-- -- - · PEAT~, 1AIJOl1 R R LOSCOMBE Barnster Agent for Bowmanv1lle and Vrnm1ty J3o" 1 u v ll e Tunc 11t h 1860 36 Gcntleme is & Boys Garments Mli.l IN TB Muta! Life Assurance Society E STABLISHED 1840 CA:N",\DA C n~F 0.F¥J CEts 1 1 ST JAllrnSSrimEr :\rn:um 'i.L P\I RELIANCE tf NEWES I l~o vn1au S I YLES DRUGS AND MEDICINES A L l U: lie Tuly rz! 186{1 CHARLES TOD Bowmanville Drug Store J HIGGINBO"t'HAM, :BSEAD AND BISCfU'IT BAKB B. ~ I DIJ,ECTOJ, S \V !\.ITEn Sn ANLl E sq J\1 P Cl u n M D u "NCAN ?-.iAu )NALO J£sq ]'[\JO t I } CA.Ml llli:l ..L ,.... St I HONOB \ BLJ:i J OHN J-l\.:illLTON n Jfil l e J-f:i..wks I/ JOST ctua. ly Att Ol l lCE l 1 ] I] SID11~ 1 SECRE I \I Y burg 0 t BO WM:ANVILLE J1d rrs J> SPECIAL b nl 1 HI:: E~n ! H.F. Pl O:F'IlS belo 1g t o an l 1u c<l e 1 11nongst t he P ol cy'wlde 3 LrvES DECLINED lll OT11 1 t Oct 1st rn-o J. Fletcher, GENE RAL GROC ER, bTREET JJOW!fANVILLE EXT d or ' est of Du1IBta1 s Fa y Sto c U yo l t;; goo l :i.nd che1\.p 0 oods give then n. call :Bo in I 11lle Oct 18G9 n3 0 ii P N ES Ol ronT lIOPE L 'NDS 11 ~ BlAVl U1011 l A tog v ll s lcte \.IL\\A Yas fo llo i:; I aum 11 rt N K l ~U GOING 80Ul [[-)! U L J R.AI N DRU US AUCTIONEERS J 01 the 1 ow nsh~p of D a 1 l mgton OHJ MIC/I LS PA 1:EJ.'1 J11EDI CI '(-.E<J B RUSJIE,S co111, 0 ML"{ED H i' [ P HILLIPS, IrAMl' ION gi n t n.tte t on n to isale 1 le t n:il & lit10 18 SJ-lC ULDER hRACES l r ospect u::;C$ r l Ol'll.1. }! l'lll~ &c. !>Ul p lied SUPPORTJ RS oi apphcnt 1on it the FJca l Uil ce o :it ) of the Age1 c t'6 l ti t cu lsta h on l [tJ. I r \.MES C RAN 'I 0 TU:J P 1I1\ 'l uu l oaao1 l-tt>s ':lewe y liiv l tc ] e t.\ie Po t 1101 e t iu veat Lendsay u.t I'Ol 1 BOP! A 'D W:n:J.. Ba11"ton~ Ell:t.ISTU LL/Jll \l.ENJ l! OR BO, \MANVILLl c BAI TCEh {)1 se vc Oir ce K1ug Hy Do Hl V COL OR S ~t V~ RAIL \ lie r J e 24t } ]870 irns G s 1 l30Wt>IANv ILLE " I Co sale "t t L" Ol38l l< Y-J<;lt STORE a supplJ of B to u.nnou c..:e to the p 1bhe that no v ope 11g n. cho1co solect101 of BOll NETS If.A 7 S ~OS BOOK EVERY7HING I l' I eR.ve Pete bo o a i. ll 0 RIBBO!'.DS PLOWJRS FEITHER 0 I EL IE1 ~ <l lfILLZ 'VERY n ere.l vl el 1v1ll be !:lol 1 t the lowe~t IO:; R SCJJOOJ, 8()0](S IIS t "r\h tSEASON ]l. [ 1 ii An ve ~t P o t HoJ e at 1 1 I J ol o 1 tml ble })1 Ctl incl drng l ie lcb G eel and Lat n <Jl \,;',; Books J obn a IJ1st ry of E r gland ~c. KDvG Sl BOTVV!INVJJL l (Jh;~~" Paper a c adm ttecl t o be the G BAllKl R Silk '\el vet or Stra Bo1 nets clea1 ed &G s u ,. vl B ow1nau ville Oct 1st 1009 t( nl Canada t:icarlet WIn te aud RICHARD I.iAR'fIN ~ Bb :oT IN THE :M AH KE J Ag o l S t K on J u 1 l.l J f.o b .J S Ma.:1."':t~i~ge Licenses, G R E Y I L AN NE LS J1'j$Ul1:D BY At S ] ~1ILLS TH~ WtEKLY ROBERT ARMOUR Bowman ille Dec 10 1809 G L OBE. THE HOLIDAYS. E }!3..VE e lal\ e v s r1ly o W "Bool s s1 cc ally ada.pted to tl c and at puces to tll s a call J st1t' 1 PIJ. t3 I AU1S !\.ND nONl 1: C IIONEltY CASH JlOR WOOL ;,C::\SO l ai:11t conH:irs ~'1.vc ~c t T HI.£ HIG HES I ell& 1 r ce 1 11 be l al l for a y fl.ID u t of )fcr<:h:linta.ble ' ool at the \\ ea1eresolvel t lst fo r'lo} satpnccs h n.t l cfy a U co1npet t DURHAM U l'l rnKER Bown anv1 le Dec 21 .. t 1870 'itV 0 0 I_) E N ~l I L LS Vick's Floral Guide for 1871 l! irst I d1t on of (hie H 1 ndrec'l a ld IIIE DES I TEMPER!.NCE l! 1fty l hou:sM1 I COJ ies of \ ck s Ill stlat Catalogt e of :Seeds an 1 Flo a] Gu Jc s publ sh 1 and 1ea ly to send out J 00 l ages 1 a on h u] ai l a. Engra mg f :>..lrnost e c13 de8 r.:~ ble Flu er and ' 7 eget n.bl It 1s elega. tl_1; I tc I on fine tu ted l; q e 11 strated w th Thie GEN1.RAL GROC:E.RIES T-T n lrcd fine Wood Engravu g~ a:n l 1 o bc a.u t if l Colore 1 Pla t es. lhe inost he n.ut1ful nd t hemost1nst1 uct f: Flo J.l Gude p1bl oled I r l s l l 0.1 t nc1 t l i;: i; r: ro1111 tly .A. German Edit on pt bl ::ihcd in all other r1;s :l.Ut~ I 1 f en fo pects similar to tl e Er 0 h1:>h Sen t free to 1111 y st m t s t 18""0 ' rn l h: 11s 1 oss ble ""'1thout ap1 1 c to l Sent D o t f b'-' t tl e l lrl 1rI i ol 1 s,;n, i l t u tll oth ers ho 0 1 ler tl m for I en ( cut c.i vb ch is not 1 alf the cust AU<l1css 0 RONO .. A l 1 o der fl for HE T ed Roll Card111g Spmn.ng Cloth Dressmg l cl Cl t h 1tfan Uact l ng p o npt]y nttcnded to CilONi(Hlll & (,OlWON J ne 'tl 18"0 2 t DA VIDSO:N h is 1emov ti 11 s Office ~ntl ]) L Res de1 c to K ng Str t n ext loo to 1\IIr l3t ck.let Je vehy Sto e 52 n54 JAMES VICK lt ocl este N Y Bo 1 Fa1N'il~v011~ McGee: P lWSPECIUS 0] J HE A fe" onl & D1!1Lt:ledge, 1\1\fE ED SHIRTS a,t S 1< BARRISTERS A'l"IORNEYS >olic1tors Conveyancers NotanesPubhc O~~ C} HILLS FIH,ESI DE FRIEND Bov A;.,~ r. Oe !vI 1 I\fc:rtfu I P.c~PEB B-~G~ I t y Sstm c A [ J\:10N lBEAL I'RICJ "' O I E ~ OE 1 0 H \. \.- Ftnst loor o th of t l e Ht Office .J\[01 ey to loan R.t lo FA 1 w LL LL n 111tes of 1nt e1est n 1 \foG.l!:.t: B .A.. LtMEs Ru:rLEDGJ:: B A 11 m J Bowmanville Vetermary Surgery A J MARTIN RM P S GB l\. 0 St cet east of H end e1son B I es dunce Scu,,,og l{ ad con Cl of ~t ei.::t ]:l wma ... le cans p nc t Ill.} atten led tu \ ct~r n n,ry l cd c nuti h \i<iYS ue 0 R, ) l' 11 1 o OttIIo tel ' ' ell nton l 11.11 l l1 JO! lo 17 l Dll. --DAVIDSON, 1 y bp n1n?O onS Ul ] one to gett111 TII 17 18 21 w No 1 ~ 10 8., $1 70 ~ lO ~ 11 nll m&n H [ II ' r rn l'c·t Offioo Box 4052 T c 1' 01 I Sole :\,, en b et en Pu t }lop N B l lo l ~[1..C J "- 11 Stoc l 2o d Io10 1to 7"/ G BARKEl

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