Durham Region Newspapers banner

Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Jul 1876, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT FRIPAY JULY ,14 187G, ~ POETRY. If we- .:\{new. If Wt.: knew \v,hcn walk.in~ thoughtlese ThrQu;t.11 the crci"Wtled,tipir.i:y way, That !i!Qllle pearls of m~rvelbus ~hiWness Close befil._µit our pJ1;th)Vay lay, '~ e would .Pa'{tse when irow we hasten, We would often rook nrotwd, Lest our careless-faet.sbould trample So~e rare jeWel iU t~e' Sronnd ~ L"'ot's Lot chose wisely, "" they· of the world !tloyal - A~a.iii ·'l'fiumplls~ BIG _,,,,, · RURH ·~ -THE"- MER-CH.ANT has now a bona fl..dc and with the exception of a few, these pass into the hands of the people of West Durham. The public will at once ijC6 the utility of the paper as an speak. Well, if thie world ho all, he got a rich soil-became a prince, had kings for his'.society and neighbor?, lt wns nolhing to Lot that ' the men of the land were sin· ners before tho Lord cxcecdingly'-enou~ . that it w.. well watered everywhere. Bµt· his wife bec·m· enervated by voluptuow·,: ness, and hie children tainted with ineri\1- 1i , ia ~pw raging a~ Cicula.tion of 1000. TIIE DOMINION Savings and. OF LONDON ONTARIO·· :fRIEE'N'EN S (, ADVERTISil\G . J4.EDIUM. , '.f - ·_ "· ~ INVESTMENT lo ; ·i It Ras No":Bq_ual in this conBtttu1;1ncy,_ and thia fact is being con ---:o:~-- If we knew -·t bat,fOAll'il· were fa.h.ting For the Bhade th.nit We should fti.ng, If we knew ~lrn.t. lips were. p~r,:ching For the wntpr wo sbonld bfing, · We should h:.ste. with el\g.;f footsteps. We would work 'rith. willing Ii.ands, ·Eco.rin[{ ~ups of cooling water. Planting rows of sJ;i~ing rmlms: If we knew wh~n friends arV;1~1d ua Closely press tq Sl'y_g(u)d.by_~, Which among tho lips tha~ kias us, · l!°'irst Shouhl 1 D6Qt~t~fi do.lsieB u~I 'Ve \Vould clasp our arms o.r9und tl;iem 1 _ Looking o~ them thro1 our tea.re, 'l'ernlii'r WOl'dH of love eternal, We would whi!!per in tl11:1ir eal'S· If we kne"' what Hvcs were dw:kcned Uy a6mo thoughtiCSEI \Vord of ours, Whlch· had ever 19.in upon ·them · Like the 1rost a.mollg.the fiowerij -t1incere repentings, Oh f with wliatWith what anguish_of rt:$'ret, While our' eYes were ~;er-flowing, etautly demonstrated. 5: icable corruption-the moral rr..ia.ame. .,Pf If you Lave luat anything, advertise in: this 1 the society whe~lll he_had made his home. paper. ...., - '"l'.i; Tw9 ~"'l;!' inga ,QQd gave him : first, hie If_ yon have found anything, advertise in the homo ·all'! pro~ty were spoiled by . tpe . , MERCHAN'l'. _ir .. ·~ If you want to sell anything, advertise in thiB eBemy 1 · then uu.me fire frow heav~n ; a'.nd , . . "; pa_p@r ~ t· · 'b ' -~ · I 'h 1 · . ' e d .. · By TeUgraph to Garde:rte~· ScwMefNacltineJ Co 1/ " be Iied rqm ... 0 mtxes o " e p ain a ruin - ,. llamiUon. · ·If yon wan~ ,to buy anything.navcxtise in thti man, Hie wife looked back with lingeri'ng Cornwall. Oct. 2, 1875. MERCHANI. If you want to reach the public, use the rev rot.upon the splendid hotne of her luxu'.~ .. Royal got first t>rfae at Glengarry, Cnunty l':I "J Fair. over the Webster, Osborne,ap.fl New Yor~ toolurons o(the MlllWHAN'l', . and ~Iu11tuouSJie~...-antl waa overwhelme -.i Sii;igtir . JAM~~Mu._uoY · · ' ·.. · 't":i Belleville, Sept. SOt}·; 1&'75. OUR RATES ARE LOW, in t~e-encrustin1r""1t; his children carriw Got fir·t pri"e on tho :Hoyal, at.,;lfair here, and h.e is. tletermined to continue t, o sell at these ·;ui~~usly low prices with the into the new world the plague· heating 'Vheeler & Wilson an<l e\.·e.ry Other ma.As a weekly newspaper, the MEROH..1.NT is · " · cheaper·'th·.n the cheapest. spot nf. that profligacy which had been t.he . chlne. Groat contest. . JAMF.R. '.13 AllllE· ··· . · Why he cn.n do itscarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of..care. '""' - "' , ., · ~ Brockvtllo,Sopt. 25' 1875· Jfi. r~t., he buys for cash and knows ·J"ust howto bny ! fully seleuted reading !nl\tter appear in chili.\ ot afilUOUC\Y"8nd idleness; lanJ th!r Jk,ya.J took first prize at 1JnionYiJ\e, 001l'P<Jl· · ea.ch isene, comprising Literature, spirite-0f-t~at r~iii' of fire of the buroec'f mg with the Wheeler & Wilsov.· Smgel', and Sec.ond, what h11 can't buy 1 cheap enough, he manufactures A.gritullu1·a~, F1wi..ily Reading, ' . . "· ~ ' .,. ' '. . >.-c others. EVER"'" & 1JAG1f><AN. ' T4il'd,'- he is satisfied ~ith small profits ! Ge:nera,l and Local N ew101lles of tbe pliiJll, rose agam m the darkest ·. TILSONBURG, <:Jpt'. q, ~8~5: F rth h l"' £ all freRh and readable. of the crimes wh>e'h the Old Testament re·· '. First prize for Roya.I, at U1uo1t ExhtbttiOD OU . ' e se u;' 10r cas11 . : ' Subscriptions taken any timo during the . -~ . . h.;,re over all competitors. 'h-:IAT'l'l;l.EW STE,VAR'.r. Fiftll ' he <;.le!ls at bottom -i)rices cord.a, to po1Son the new society at its vety ~ ' Woodstock, Oct. Gth, 1875. ~ · · ' · ·, µ · · -· · " · · · year. t , ' · l .1ap1ta , 1 Subscribed) . p "d (' $1,000,000.00 750,000.00 300,000.00 a1 up, -. Reserve anclContingent Fund 60,000,00 Muney l'mmed upon !:ea! e~tatc on the most favorable terms, rno11.gagos purchased, interest allowed on deposits. L D. :K;A.OP:C:S, London, MaMh, 8th, 1876. P. :B. LEYS, President. Manager. Reference by permission, GEO. McGILL, ESQ, Mamiger Outm-io Bank, Bowmanville. , WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., Jlf. D., Bowmanville. rom:iiai!l. 'Vould we cry...,-j01·oiv.c-:forget. -Sde<ted. . . , ruin, scathed by!i~htniog, over the grave .Ha'· t'!l<~n first prize withJi;oYolat Fatr BR f NG y 0 UR f 0 ·1EN Q S WITH y OU of \ii· ;il~ and t}e shame of his family..- here, boa'tmg tho R·ymondwi~~i'~s~mER. ·" . · · "· · · , F. W , · Examillo ' e eiodk, whfoh co~prisc~ ~vPrything in tho tmde, of tho very )a.test- ~~d most clega~ we have ,.r.: . /:Javed, Jiuf only 180 as by ti.re. · ... · . Napa.nee, Oct..~15.th, 1875, &t.yltta and patterrn~, of English; Cana<liau, and An:1erican 1wwufactura. Jlober.Uon . ' 111st,2!! t_pg__ bnnk ..of the grove, ~nd so tho old man B blacken_ e_ stood ,·d~ ·.;ifO::~~:tii~r!'.'"tvri··iii,ETT~~tisii'~:it~~·r '9 ..A..~ .. j_. 4N .. D SE,~ ,..., Paris, o~t. ;.{frl', 1875.. . ' ' ' ~.~- . . ' .. ;AND i.'iO_D_' · YO'UBSBLVES~ ' TERMS 75 OTB., IN ADVANCE. -:o:-- I JOB :E'B:CNTING Bills .TO .THE PUBLIC. I l ' FARM AND, r HOUSEHOLD . . . Horse Talk. ))assion for bor~es quite fresh. -Now this per· fectly fresh look go~es -yJl it.' a home much sooner than most persons , s~ppose ; and tbougll, provided he has betin -only: piodi::ra.tely 1·workW ~or six months, he ls intrinsically. a ftu:: . better ani· mal for use, and somotinies improved to ~he W D f: ki .. . .~ocial .._}ne r,n ng. At an """"" Jiipiscopal · convent!~ every facility. We do not work for nothing, or fun, but .our prices will be found Royal has ta.ken :6.rat prize at ~.{liif' bf)l'c . ,over -·low, as our _prt;iaaes are run by steam power.\ Singer Ho'\\·e, Wanr...cr F, Osborne and others· IIe still continues to manufacture to order, from the b~t of material, aud none but first-cl,nss ' r. JA:r.l:ES .:J?ARll1£T. workmen kept. Show WALTER WIGG (i SON, . r. .adiacusaion · work and light ma.nnfa.ctw·ing. 1 · _::.:.~v1LLIAM SNrnEu. , ' Harley, Oct. 13th, 187o._ . -o, Roya.I takes firat pri>m··t this ~'o.ir,fJlfijollltl,Y. Or . d,_ers . :e , ro.mntly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed :.t' _ · Sale Bills Band Bills Progammes Cfrculars In ~otting a new horse, most people have a eye of· judge from having lost ·.omc cf hi· su· 'll not a.It er th0 cas e ·; he perft uotui fa t, thls wi does not look BO new. . 'l,bis newness does, and f the geuerality of mankind. 'T? ·.have 'the fust we su1>[)6Be ·will ppD:tinue to put a stamp o value on whatever is songht to~ purchased by - Ughtrunni~g Royal, i~epeople'sfavorite,and en.1re _ .dlSU[!<l, ·.nd·a pa.rt tool< tlle;Qther 01d,,e.... . "'L',S'.T F' ;MLLY SEWING MACHINE. 1 A. l th <. I I .J" E.l!J . A t. ':I?g en ID 11 uen 1 1a. e ergv_ man rose anu.. ' .. The ]\:[a.imfaeturen have lately addOO to it, the ~ ~ -mad~ ~a veP,ement argunient ~jn favor of ·greatest novtilty of the n.ge 1 the RfYIJaL La.mp · ~ · "·.:r ld j 0 "--· 111 ,,. I· L ID]) can .1 · !ItoTb "ine,. denouncing the er ~t~" c. 1,. 0'·1 w"orka· ""d it ,.., '- ;. . radic~1-;reformcrs . r~ .·. , foll, _ :u:o ~ever upse _ , nor th'ua e 0 , ...... atteffllJtlng ~o bnp~ab chis to;~~ i;;!:posp1ta.l·:'." is arranged to throw .tl~e ltght on MY part of ity f~. Nijen he had ~ttmed his ., the work, ona.bhng the operate>r to leeat a lnyman µ~mbling with emotion IOS!l, · ~· work as well by µight as ~y !lay. · It · ~as ' · .·allowable·. f9r him · to· · Sold l>y J. s, ' DONEY:,·TYRONE. ,and "1e.ek~.1f 1 ' fi spea~ The ch'j,ir,-!'aving Aigni ed that he N.B.~g@t for First·c).,s Musipal Instr~· 1would be lteard he said :- . ~'.;,;; ments-'\V, Bell ~ Co,s, Organ, Hallett & DavlEI on teip_p~~nce brought up t · '-wine que&... tio.~.,!.;eo -~ part o_!. _ the clerq"_~J9cated. ~ta He bas in stock n.n endless variety of Ladies' and Gents' Saratoga. Trunks, Valises, etc., all ()f which he is selling cheap for caah. These victories conClusively prove that the -o- N returning thanks to their numerous customers and the publio generally, for past favors, would respectfully invitti tlieir attention to .ou1· presel1t stoi..:k of hr1·1iituxe, as we have lately added thereto, thnt we may thereby be enabled to aupph· nll parties who may \)h~ aaA to favor him with a. oo.11. Grt)at indn(',et.nc11tr; held ont to those l)lll'chnsiug a.t our estab i~hn1en.t . J~ic tnres, Looking Gla.ss01:1, etc. fr~tu1ed to order, a.nd in e_vcry ~tyle. Sa.mples · of the diffo rent kind of o uldin gs can be ~een at the ware·roo1n. W c would n.loo beg to. iinforrn yon, t, that, having purchased a ... I SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, we shall be ready at a. ll timee: to attend funerals, on short notiC.e__and rca.o.ou~blf! terms N. E.-Coffina kept on band and made to order, at tho · Rememher the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bowinanville, 1\.Ia. --!.....-.-- .ir." M. TRELEVEN. 13, 1871. =========:::::========= Bill Heads cards Pamphlets and ev:e1~ything fi::om the sfae of a Poster large enough to cover a barn to a. half-inch .strip, prin-tcd in good style, and a.t cit prices. Specimens of work can be Been at OUl' office. Work bandl'd out, nvd the c11.a11 Lakco fot it NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNITURE lVARE-lWOJl.I. King Street East, Oshawa· Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. ' C. BARKER. Manaqer of o. thing peems the great desideratum,whe~t.r in a horee or anything else. The· dealer' is · · f · th ' t f lus · a.ware of this in atuat1on on e par 0 customer;· he kno~~ t~e h~rse ie a: .,Qett~ ¥1d more useful animal than when he-sold hi1n, but he knows his customers wou_ l d not like hinl.' ~ Woll; he fin<!· them ~orses ; he is not bowi<l to Jind them aense; and till he or something else that in every ro~r-year old unuaed ··~orae ' they have aright to expect a given quantutn o[ ·joyed at tbe pr</"vect that his cherishe,d work, as in ~yory bottle of wine they have a lhopes of other days 'were still to be rea!-~ I Mr. }foderator, it l· not mv purpose "' Waltham and El~in rising, tQ answei:.!9.e luarned argument yotf · ·~ Watches. 1 lhavo just listened to. My obje11t ia more The Su~t.iber, thanking his ve:ry t~umcroua · I customers for past patronage~ lhav1ng 8ol(l Jhumlile, and I hope more practical. on~ -'Tuicli:e Tlufusand Dolla 1·8 lVm-Ot jn J2 wonth .knew a father in ~odcrate circumatancett, · ~o1icits their:continued patronage,by re<1.J:10nn.h who waa at mucb.._liiconvenicnce to ellucat'e f~rjcea, fair .Clea1ings, and guaranteed sn.tRfa ' """ -- tion. J ."D. ,. · a beloved son at co1lege. Here this son ba-'. ' ' November 18th. 1875 ~lcCl11"1g. :came dissipated; but after he had graduated. ~, · docs, th·n·w hor·· will be preferred. and returned to hl· .fi>ther, the influence or: c Q.~.IO~ This predilection for veI'y yowig horaes \vould home, ngting uppno;a generous nature, acl!i.'. · T. almost lead to the belie! that people i'!'agine 1 nally reformed bQn.; The father w... over-· l,.JAND JOINERS P. .L i '· 1 , · ' . '!"" a nd ·Hardman Pumos. Also ila~ Celebrated . l· ~ given number of glass~s full. Now jf thete ,?;a.a ,IZe( any .ru.1alogy between tb__e . _ certn.in quantum of ! Several years passed, when, the yourfg v:orkinlthti horse,and:thequa~tnmofw\~~in h . I tcd h" f · 1: ma.n avtng cop-in e lB pr~ ea~Iona ~· a bottle, there oan be 110 doubt but the predi- study and being,. about to leave Ins father' "Mouldings, also window ~nd door Ira!"" ·tulI, . :e.. .' . ' - . . IV Icc,tionwou1d bejudiciona. ~Pbe Pottle from for the purpose 'of" establishing himself in r_eady to pu~togotb.er. .7 x 9, 12 light ~a.sh EXeITEME~T I. which t~o gl~~ses h~v.e been taken iff~lO~\\'orth . "'J- . · · . , ~ ,4:2 eta., klln tlr)ed 2 ft. 6 x (; ft 6;, 4 ~ . ... much by one·sixthas tho! fresji"bottl· that ,busmees, he w~s lllVlled to dme With. :]~nel doers o. G. moulded 2 Hides $1.75. Ihe ' ' . . . . ' . ! ·. : · ' · ' · contains twelve; so if We could !JO certain tbat 'n~ighbo~ing clergym·.n dist~n~uielled '1?1" -xf:,r~~th~~d' ~~= .~.nt1~",;'/1,:~~~r'.':&:::,i Do You ,wan.t a of at a cheaper rate than THE f A.j~T :4LV::~UN01J!! an4.OR· in every five ye·; old horse there wore ty.'olve hm hoop1tahty and s~ial qualmes; At thllL -R\'·riug, ·l>iJ' lap and~ siding, laths, shingles, e er you bougllt a "'eb of Cotton ' before ~ NAMENTAI,i_nUILP:CNG ~4PER.... burn & Son, ]'.\.fill Point, I beg to offex to -~ople of Eow~anville, and the sti.rron.n?ing ·countl'y. lo.t prices that defy competition). ' $)1.tih Biinds, lJoors, and 25 diifereli~ sorts of . n. · } · · STOCK l3r. os_ . . a1·e setting t ie11· · · d ew Lumb . . er , Yard. inJ.VI . t bl by . qf'f ering tbe1.r Gou s at p , St d OU & .Ho . ,·· l r.resis e . rrices . ep Ill, an y . II HAVING JUS'r-ltECElVED P.ER , ,Y,., ',,fi n-d a I _ :p:l()St every ~IieIf t 0 co ntaI n Schooner SBU<'.Y Jack," my first consignt - ..v . . d e-veI'Y cor·11er an LL "ttrac n'iont, from thn m.irnfiwtory of H. JJ: Rnttlhte. a. n.argcvin, an I< . NO_ TICE-'- OF MOTION! J. ELLIO'L'T'S/ s~~~~iii~s tion sOME'l'HING . wG . rocer1· es ·N~ Elephant House A SUbst·t' l ut e... f'"'r La,th &. Plast er...-- 'I' ttE (JheapStore (0h(!ap Store 1 TYRONE, i~ th(l best iueans of . g etting the wo1-th TYRONE, money, in of you1· · Hosnoivafulla9'ortedStockof FIRST·OLASS GOODS. :J. , · 0 EVERY DAY ' GO TO MoGLUNG BROS. '""·:0. , ; /'.!: . WEB ' COTTON :e . ry ~:~·y~~:o~~~:~~::~~:tt~:,dbeb~'.:t ~~:~ ~~~sn;~u:~11:::.a~;r:.~~~:1·:;::!~r~~o~ -~~1~:t::rir:{;~~1~~:~~~~E:~;1~~:~: . sixthdirainishedinvalue. Butthisisnot the him an<lagainfirmly reflUled, Tbisw~· !ityofdealill!,.·ndlowprices to secure your Do You want to select cheap in price and new in case; thesa.mc ..oalculation .itt no way holds I ' d d h rid' t-~ ,'phtron114l'e. Allgouds warranted, and a call · ' · · , . · SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE, good between 'tho two objects; but between · repe~te .'an t e y~ung man was icu·"':'. ··llcited. , . . ·Style, from the largest stock eVAl' brought mto :Rowmanv1lle 1 horseandnwatchsomothiog ,likea.similemay forlnssmgularnbs.tmence. Hewaaetron.~. Gti" "bop and vnrd '1nr'!lar·ollffcSPADDEN. GO-TOMcGLUNG BROS. . ,TU8t~ . · " It. W. James 11.' Large Stock Recewed,~Plain and Or· " " ,-.. be brou..,ht to. J:-.ettr,as we na.tnrallr expe.c tboth ,to overcome appetite, b ut oouId not reins t ~ Iinplen1ent Depot. 33-3moa. ..J nil 0 narmental, both/or Wal!s.wr,,, ~ oors. ·' . ·' to no; and so they both do, more or !CSB ; some ridicule ; he drank, and fell; and from that .'SOll'fl fJNJl 'JQOJf[ OJ; 0{) So ~ery .;.11, some mod1Watcly' ""' ,J!OlnO very mom<·nt became a confirmed drunkard, and ss:a:~a 'fhe Paper oil Uloth and Carpet:ng is a Cheap OT ba<lly, while sm~e, fig~r-atively speaking, can· . Ion~ since has found a drunkarJ'a grave.' :r..~vI and Durti'Jle Substitute for Oil Cloth. not go at &IL '[ho aot1on qi both dopen.ds I M1. Moderator' continued tho old man .... J,.V,J,. ""' PU'.' S:O.~P:HO 1uvM no A oa ' · v PRINTS PAPER OIL-CLOTH .and G4RPETJNG ""'n Qual' d Ch Jty an , · · . ~ap lleSS, Hats & caps, D ry G" t .0. Sh .~ ods ' 00 ~. g(I oes. Groceries, etc ,., etc, CHarkdware,& roe ery, c,, which for whichwillbewlcht r \9f'OO d s,, Come along men , women and children, and you w .illlilld.J!i.Somplete Stock of parts have been 1with. streaming eyes, · I am that father; GENERAL GORTRAG1'0R Do You put together ; and tile duration of time tht aml it was at tho table of tho clergyman - Al:fJ) BUILDEJJ,, OJ)S ? ea.ch will continue to go dttpends on the good· 1wfro ha~ 'j Ust to.ken his Selt, tlfat: tbiS ioken ~ . ness of tlio materiel of which eaoh have been of hOllpita.lity ruined fhe BOD I shall never Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds yond doubt in a genera.I way manner in which tho working 011 the scientific ?·· 'ftA'o"e . :B,IS, Win· .t,NV-E>:!l:':J::!I: ' ! Gsaoo-o '.iv:a::a:o Cf.AD'.N Bl!: SUBPAS.SED P.,.,1'ces whio'h , de --fy Compe· tl"t1'on· S; v ANS'l'ONE. . '-! no . w;mt The Chen1ica..Ja with wb4:_h the Paper· is Mt'ur- MILLiNERY, MANTLES, or "' FANCY atod, ":':'dor it proof against Rats, Moths, -and Mioo, · ;..~d~iw:1s:~ds;r:~e,~es:;ti::;a~~::tk:r::~ 1 censetomourn.'-lSelect~d. in solliog watch that will go well, and eon· . tinueto do so, frou1 knowjui .the goodness of'its GO TO MCCLUNG BROS. ' J)oors,-..,,.Mc;mldings, and Do You want a n1aterials 1 and the. akiU eiui;loy~J theJntogetber. · Butwcknow·ofnomruiufacturerof horses;:. l).m_ A RS1n: Iamo~erwqr~e~_ and ;gr,pw~ andnntilonoisfou~d,though ,oureye cahtell lmg old. laballbes1xtynex~Fehur· . ·y' 3. I lecture henceforth, ' go:w·,frames, With or without Casing. With or withfJUt in putting - .- .; · [HoraceGrcolcyto~LBl'/ Cnst~e,som~y~sago. ~ Band }l[flldds. A Warningto IllegiblaWriters. - CARPETS or CURTAINS or othe HQ USE . ~URN IS.H r, INQS ?GO TO Ivic 'C .. J,UNG· BROS. . va?~lS ' .. h · "" l" h ! ~Q -~S·_ . · CHEAP Another thing much wantotl. .,. FOR C ·. HEA ...P .. _. _ ._J. E LLIOl T 'l'yrone. March 30~h, lSH, - --- URl-~ FUl~N 1' t I rr. '· I -I I ~ . Horaoo Greeley, New.York Tribune: ' sio;TEST NOTIOE. DEAR Sm : Your acceptance to . lecture Varnished VarMshed before our associution next winter catli'oto· · 1 '1'be roots ~bould be pltt four incbea Jeep and Furniture, GarriagP-s sixteen iucheH .apart ; tbe g11ound must be Wljll hand this morninK. Yilt'.lr~n'lnaushlp' ;,;,t· .~01-u 'r!g. B ' r·os., ~ ·11 .... 'I'll .· ··· some tiaie "to Shops on Liberty Street, North of the a.t "'I'" ~' ~ , ,...,,.., ~ .Q.1:1 Ii' 1:1 · rnauurcd ~and forked .over; Salt a11onld be being the plainest, it took_ SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Eastern House Bowmanvil!e. · · , · -· · · liberally uAed. a bushel and a .peck n1ight be ' translate It, but we ·~cceeue<l, an<l would Bowmanvillo, July 9th, 1871. 11-tf at McGlung Bros. anJ at McClung put on a bed eighteen by ' thirty-six feet.. In say that your time, 3rd of Feburary, and Bros. · . · '. cutt.jng, it is impqr~t not to go too deep~ An your ter~ns, $60, are entirely~atisf.a..£!'!.ry. HIGHEST . PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McC!ung Bros. aspa-ragua·bed 'fould last an almost unlimited I Aeyou ·~,uggest,, \j'eln>ybea~letogej you 1.'Hll: ' 1\-,r length of time if tDJ;ten care of. Young a.spnral ~tlJCf cngagemen.t~ in thiiifl\ln'1~1liate . 'v}cin· DOMINION BANK. ~ .L\· ' .I:: . ' .U-1,. .. ..L ~ guf'.~beds should not he cut mt.ich for two or As uaua , a L rgo Stock on hand of ~DO.WMAl\V<ILhE. tbrotighout tbeSeason at " · - - .. · ' . three yea.r!i. .4. foot of horSe · ma.ntJrEI should ,1ty. lfeo we wtl1 auv1se you. Yours re· every Hea-son be put on the beds. EV.Cry farmer 1 .. . ··pectruuy, . Capital, Paid Up, $1 ,000,000 .· ardware, Paints and Oils, should have n.n asparagus·bed. It is a moot I ~'.[, , B._.CAS'l'LE. ~ , '. : . us1hohorsethatgoCB well, we must trust.·to ch ·.nce ·,· t<> how.l"'.'g h~,w,il\sontinue to go. 'l'h· SO~tdne~· of \ns materta.ls 0·.n. only ~· foun.d out by trial; ""'.1 yet such " t]<e , p~r· versity or folly of lllen Ill Q:eneral, tnat ' thoii.gh some one hMriskedthiS trial.'the , Lors~ 'nono the worse for i~ (inde.Jthe better), and proved to bo likely t? pontinti._e a .~ood and useful set.. vant. it is this very triaLthaL will ln nine cosesoutofteudepreciatehim in the cstima· tiou of. purchnaer.-Prairie Fanner. ASPARAGUS. On the whole, it seems I must de~li!l· ·to,· l!laning, Planing & Matching, except in Lbie Immediate sawing and Turning, i vicinity, if I do at all. I cannot promise . I T .E f¥: S,, T .E D 0 AT I ~ Gs' ' &c, FOR I to visit Illinois on that errand-ceitafnly :J .. · 1 McC!un£t Bros. Tailormg D. c.partment will 1:..<tk.e the lead, as usual. '. ' ...., .... Piano l!'ortes, 'not now. Yours, ,,, ' Qrnamental Pickets, irn every vari· . HORACE 911;.EEL~Y. _: " - ety, and Scroll Sawing, I lf' you want a. McClung Bros; will '. you. Clocks, A db ' ' .J:'.l_ ' .. · Nothing ever discovere eDon't pnl'ohase y.mJr _Summer - Cloths before !nspoding Mc Clung ·Bro~. fore to equal this Polish, ' most e::<1tensive atock of ' . c -oo--- ·urrION I 0. '.I.1hia Polish gives a mopt t1leg_ant lua,tre,and. dries instantaneously# ... t_. FTIRNITURE !I IOHEAP FURNITURE! w o· w. o.R s ,... .A.t Manning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory, having coll)mcnced business again, and the New Company ba··ing appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent for the ".l'o,vn and Country around, he i8 prepared to oHer the , , _ ··- ~ · . [~'romM.B,Cas~le~o~or<t<o·' Grooley.] . '. DONE ·TO · ORDER, SAND"ICH, Iu., )\fay 12. ,, ' " . ' .. th f' of every description SU IT" If you want a 'H AT McCiung Bros. will " HAT" you If r.f.'PQ - VES ]\'[Cl B 'll "G"OVE" you wat 1t "ii. ... ., . ' c,. . ung ros._ Wl .... ,_ ' ' you. '. : ,lf you wiu1t a TIE, 1\.fcChm~ Bros. will "TIE." you. · 1 suIT' BuggieB, Picture Frarnes or any kind, of Ve1y BEST Styles of FURNIT.URE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. . and o},l kinds of ' Sleighs, SEEDS . at '· M-00lung Bros., G.RO.(JERIE S 'l' '. · .·s ' 1"l'E,A . s ! 'c. · ""' ' A '· 'l."I' T:.,;.AS, SALT PLASTER - - Funerals furnished in every respect, in the Ve1y Best Style nr J. PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER l"IRM IN THE COUNTRY i · @· One of the FlNEST llEARSFJS in the P1·o'vince, SEN'l.' FREE I.:>'Eup · Ei rnu ·A ·, L o ·ri1·1 o· N ' ·l IAitDWAU . ! 8toues and Tinware. All of which will be sold a.t low figurce. l l . M °C LU· N Q B Ro· s. to a£y Fiineral f11.rnished by the Subecriyer, wW,in 1'en miles of Boivmanville. Reports having ' been circblated. that the under1-1ignt:fl lms been ovr.l 'charging in the Undcrtak· ing Department, he begs to submit the i'ollowing fi,i,;tnea, which he r}rnJ~enges any one to contradict, Rev orted a1nount charged. Actual nmount chargerl. Fifty Dollars. Twelve Dollars, Thirty do, :t{ine ao. :U'orty..l!'iYO do. rl1 wcnty-five do. Sixty do. Forty do, Fifty """ do. r:rhirty do. Seventy-five do, :Fifty do, healthf~l food. 1,1he e?'pcnse -0f plaotihg a ,bed 1 is vel'y 'sn1all. No spading and forking are necessary; nor i,s salt easentiaJ, though it is I ! ! The .iu.o 11. ·.,- Debt tO Mother. ~ 1 HEAD OF~l'JCE, , TORONTO. ~· , BRANCH OFFIOES : ORILLlA, OSHAWA, .good., .Z..0:t'1n-Cr's Clnf;. of . lt urru _, t'XCh a.nge gives , h d ·1 f a.n ngr1ou t e eta1 so a f 1 · t. h" li ·h ~ d b very BUCCt!BB 1.1 e:xpenmen w io e n1a e .Y putting a qtia!t Qr so of lime .on the gro'und around :n'early ·every one of ' his ·plum· tree~~ All of the tt·eoa bloa.':11.>Ine<l freely, and those h wero , l'ime'd bore a.n . .a bundanue .of wh' ic fruit, while the others bore very few. The sriil w.n.s gravelly and probably destitute of lime. - J,JME FOR PLUM 1'RRES.-A corre1:1110ndent- th era 1· CoDOURG, W1nTDY, ive 1·or t h e i r c h'ld I ren, ma k e BoW:.Y.ANVILLE, UxB1uoo.1f for them- 11n<lmahifeat · their , . , :-. 1 I ~ -t d I · ' f l ' ,) b'+J ~ ~. ' 'This Bank, 1n:ndd1tion totransact.Ing the us1 tenaerness au ove so ree y, tuat t e name uaJ bnnkin(J' business offers to the public all . ,., J.. · · · · IIs the sweetest in the human language. the ad.vantages of n. ~a.Vlng In1:1t1tutio11 with th l the security of a large pa.id-up cnpitnJ by the 1And, yet sons, you fu anQ;age~! Jr~q_w _ b ut ~means oi~a SAVINGS DEPAR'l'M.ENT. ' ' little of th~ an.Xiety~ the night&. ot sleeple-&B" '.. Intefefl:_ t allowe3> .on all dePosits of Ono Doll e.nd painful solicitude which their mothers lar and upwards, at the l'nte of FIVE ptir cent. i , over . - their-tliought~ess. ' ' waywardper annutn, can withdraw' eitl1e1· the wholti or - -·, have spent Depositors 1 ' ncss. . Tllose \llO ;iDS nearts go 'doWn" tO their . any part of ~heir deposits at nny time, withput self·s~crifices 1 IJohn McLeod &_Co., .. Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville I August 10th, 1875. --================-== -=--=-=:===:=:::::=::=:========= . · ·· . · . Selected Recipes. ·'" _OJ. ".t Sl'RAWDIHt~t.Y P illAMlD. - P· ut f 0.ur 'l-\lM.-kS wa~r O\'~r the fire : when. it boil~ sn1art ly' sprinkle 1n gradua-1ly oue p1nt of the best Cn.ro· 1.. A.a the mother· watches by night, or with notrnc of wtthdrawal. . . Ito!U. . ., . , 1-., ·. , · Amer1cn.u Currency and Silver taken on de· iprays lil th'e privacy of her closet, she weighs posit. well the WOrdS"" Which she will address to - Drafts gr1n1ted payable in Great Britain, 1 Igravea with ~~~01 hq~:r;~ o~~e9t!!.t agony un- . vrev1ol~a notlCe . _Rpec1a} r~tm.1 o~ intCI'cstall~cd upon deposits s · F HILL , Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallia Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville, l'lfarch 30th, 1876. w. p, PROWER. ' Leth boiLmpidly thirty or fortl' min~trs, then !°harm him wilh cheery love wbile her heart an~ place a thin layer of the rice ~p~n lis bleedin~. _ N ,o,'YorLhy a~d ~pc~s~·~J mnn · plate, haymg theedg··.·mooth. UJJ?n tJ>1s ,ever yet: kn~w the bx,eauth and uept& of the place~layerofstrawborn~s,. thenauothcrli>r· !greptobliga.tfo!lwJijchlie is qµd.er !o the · 1 or of nee, and so on, roakmg each smaller Jll " a pyranu ·a· If th o bcrri.es . ' a.re ' sweet mother who gmdelLh1s he~dless tlie f orm "w. · 'steps nt the 1 ~ and tender, th~y will need nosWe~tenin'g!.other- ~ ~ime \vhcn bis charact~r for virt~e an~ pur~ · ___. l:.lkim out it will not stop ' the hoilin·" Ot if it doeR sto1' Ibe.set her soul, 8)10 wa~n . 'eh him Wlth trem· ! ' ·· · · · ' ' b'" ' I 'h · ' Sh ·' ; 15tir 110w ruid then uatil tho boiling is resumed.~ 1 fJJngr est s e ~a~y ~v~r~lic , · c· tnes to ! ' liuarice,wellwaeh~d. 'no~~is~O, siowiYtha-t ! ima · order to lead htm · t~. a ·manhood . , · 1 · ' Un~tedStatesandn.llpart&ofUanada. her son ID ·· fti'"Deposits cin bt ,emitted hy mail,nailreaaof bono:r and usefulness. She will not tell eU fto th9 Dominion ·oank Jregistered], wh~n in h" 11th . f . d "d dl t h. h nllcas\'\saPase:-Bookrece1ptwill bo sent by . e.~r1esan .1 ea· ~en.raw ic l r~tlu;npost.~, I' 1 . . '. , ' ·1 1 · J. A. conn, Agent, ' Bowmanv11le, Jan. 6tb, 1874, 15·tf · . . ..,, l' · · ' - NEWCAS'l':r..:m - J' J.J, .f, Dry G00ds Cl0'th· Ing' ' . &· PJAS c s· trowger ·· u ' )., r , · . , · ' F-1 TJ LL ST Q CK k:: has a OF ~\\~~ ·~~~iyed. at the spl~u<lid \ , · ., REWARD! , . ;. ! CARRIAGE Wedt 'Jf the SHOP Ontttri Ba.nk. King Street, Bo>nuanville. ~Gl'IOflA _ · · asso1·tment of \ j . "'· ·· J · l)UI' d . .1. f ~ I '· · ··. -- · \\ise it 1na.y ht1. arl . . isahle to put so1~rn sugar with 1.ben· in each lay<r,and to set them in the oven 1ty acned with9ut.1._hoscalding. Hmore dressing· will be n1uGb handsomer, how.Cver, if it can be scald through. '!'hen.finish off witl1 ·spray <>f berries at tho top, and set it upon " ·!argtr platll 1 decorated with strnwbel'ry leaves. , ')_'his to · s need, let it b6 of strawberry-jtuce sweetened. A ~tra·vbe1·ry li1y ~ wada bf_s1~ea.ding a Jaytir of rice<liniutlyon each dessert plate, coverins it wlth strawberries, a.nd pouri.Dg o\·er that so1ne atrii.\vbei-r . y-juice. sweetened. course of.vice anu ignpwioy. Let the tluti· ful son do his utmost · to smooth hie math· er's pathway, le~ !!im obe~ tta.implicitly as h e can h er w1,ei · b es an d advice} l et b" 1m omit 1 · nothing that will contribute to her peace, rest, and h~ppinea~ · and yet'. ~ '.\yill port from her at the· tomb a with d~bt to her not hau _ ctischari:ted.-fe'tect.ed. wu~ . ao narrgwly balanced agnu,ist a . . IN ' ' ' FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to .inform th~ .public gr~~.;;lly~ that they ifaving ~~~~,~~d ~~ mor~ ~~~~dio~~~enrlset., i:euy on . ce an d you · BowmMwiHe, April 28th, 1876. 1 ~ · an . - s ll" is e ing ' TT y ery ' C' ea· f/, ,p, "l'I AlsQ a.'. lot of o--- "11 rJ'la" w1 ' buy a ,Q 1... , .. . . REAL HAIR, FANOY ' .. j ~ ! -. _, _ , ' GOODS, & The above roward will Ix: paid to any pe!1ot1 ·'I1HE. s 11b81;db~r is p1·epa.i·ed to build and r1:1 -pan who will furnish ample proof U1at the Boots & Shoes sold by tho undersigned, arti not wlia.trti repreaents them. lVagons, Bugg'ies, and Cutters, . of every de1:1t:riµtion, at 8hort notke, and on rua.':IOrrnble terms. Also·a largO .stock of "' · SECRET OF that we .Jiave n·ot the right toola, but by using well tlie tools we have. Whe!'lL we are, and Wliat we are, God's providential arrangemenis; and the wise and manly way is to look our diBadvantages in the face andseewhatcan' liemade of . them. Life, like war is a seiies of wistakea and be is not the l;..t Christian DOI' the liest general who makes .the fewest false steps.. regretting wl1at ta irreparable that tru~ Work God's disfayor, every' one of his benefits is ia to be done, but by making the best of a judgment, ood~v~ryjndgment makes way (AS RE!{ARIJS PRICE .;f; QUALlTY) what \\'0 are. It is not by' con1p1a.ining for perditfon~ _:.Hill. · · tha.n any 0th.e r hoµse in the County: If we stonu " rrg · b t with heaven, every . cross is a blessing,- . and every ' ~1leasing a SuccEss.- It is not only - by pledge of future . happine"!"; if we be in G · ce'ry· ·· l'IA· I t'¥' . - : Bus· 1·n ·ess ! in..the line of 1 ; -,_ - B tt er I nducement s '. e fl - ;J.r~ ; now ..enabletl t.o ofI~r the111 ---- O_, HH v Gentlemen of :E"a.shion NOT _ SO FAST. ' I have wcitten these fow liaeii And all I ha.Ve to say, ·, . '\'h~b~a.~r:V. · for Gents, FA S1 " 'f."Q1 N S For Ladies, I i11 Stamps ror · »~i'P,ing and Em· i;..;LL_, i I Carriages Painted and Trilnmed ~: · ·""; ··.!:¥ . ~ .1~ ' ., .· ' " ~ '~ f~r Spring. just to hand. < A Blacksmith's Shop to ' . " ' ') New Goods I MUST BE OONSISlINO OF »p~~~~t·1· · ~'~N" up11a. . J;'or Children. 'Latest Styles and Good Stock. on the preuiiaelj, wer.e specird attention h; grven ,.u J t - .. - - - - Neveq.·etdid there exist a full faith in Weight and 1'1feaswre Guara1tteed the Divine Word which did not expa,nd the ., in e"Qe'CJj instance. intellect; w . hioh did ·not multiply the aims . · .· · !'!I and ob.1ecta of the under~tandmg, while 1t · W .W · ,J · fixed and simplified tbose 'of the .d01'ires anu 1. L. B.TROWGER. feelinga.-S. T. Gol'1id9e. N~wcastle,Aai;:ut-t., ~1th, 1874 Niii PRESEN · TS GIVEN, BUT CODD Thatyoucanfindmestillathome I am not gone a.Way ; SOLD, . MRS· A · . FLETCHER Bowman >ilfo: April 7th,1874. l"r1ce 2a. 6d. Second Edition. c~niage work, and Jobbing. General So all my kine! old friends may come 'reas spec1!'.!1.l"lt'n" And all the young ones too And get their garmonts nicely made In fashions that are no,-;, _ Where olil a.11<l young de&r frjendnif'. meet A welcome greetlng by R. PEA'J.1E . I Bow1nu.nville, June 19th 1873. .l WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, ' 'fH<'mi..'E, ·Bod1nin. All 'Wo~·k llone at this Establishment PJ... ATED ·'-V ARE, ETC. "1\1r. 1.'hocne was one of the first member. o of th· Bible Christian community. rr" was a SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO wa1Tantcd. Sterling Sliver Spo.;;;;, and Pure Gold iroan of versa.tile talents and qut·nchl~ss- zenl . _., ORDERED WORK. 'l'hri life Uefor~ u~ i~ well Wditen."-R1··i1>i.-iHve WeddiDg Rings. S'l'ORE.-<:lntHlOUl'-~&Ht of Cornif1b'H J e,velry ' Bowmanville, S AMUEI> THOl!NE, Printor, by S. J Oc:!~.f;~5~UCKLER. McthodiJt· Store, King Street, Bowruanville. London: E. Stock. Bible Chrhitia.n Book Room J. SMALE. and Bible Christian, -Ministers · Bowmanville,!lfay £th, 1875. A call is rel'Spectfnlly solidtod. .·Tr 1\iORR18, llowrnn.11ville. o -:t, "Jsta 18fl9 : ,, - --- - ---

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