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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Aug 1876, p. 4

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j THE lHERCHANT FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1876, POETRY. Motto of.Norman MacLeod. Peri.sh policy and cunnillg', Perish all that fears the lig:ht, Royal A2'a.in Triumphs. ================~ -·Long Ago. U uder the willows where br_!~ht ..1:\_ B+G is now raging a.t ~URH THE MERCHANT ·h3.a D.ow- a bontt fide 0 ieula.ti on of 1000. TIIE Savings a,nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON waters playe Two tiny sisters their sumn1er-house madu, \Vhether losing, whether 1'-inning, Trus~ in God antl do the right. Some will hate thee, soino will· love thee, Some will fia.ticr, some will slight, Cease from man and look above thee, Si1nple their pleasures, and-homely their toys, J.ist while I tell of their innocent joys. 'l'h~ir TRELEVENS By Ttkgrapk tu Gara@er S~u~Iriackine, (ft1?! .lia1wil£on.. . ,. arid with the exception of a few ; these pass into th.., hands of the people 1 of VV est Durham, Tbti public,vill atonce see the utility of the paptlr as an ADVERTISING MEDIUM. . SOCIETY · tea-cups were acorns, their sancers the Trust in God-and rlothe right. lnates, Bright broken china their dishes and plates, Of paper their cream-jugs so cunningly made· FARM AND HOUSEHOLD And filled from the brook where their tiny feet Agricultural Protection. strayed. There is a notion abroad that the Canadian '\Vhen that bright summer endeJ. one birdling far1ner is ·wbollywithont prot~ction in th-e shape had fled, of Custom duties on produce .i.rnported from the One ringlet-cro\vned darling lay low with the United States. This, hol\·ever, is incorrect, as dead; the following will show :-On animals of all Her dimpled hands folded,and quiet her breast; kinds, the import duty is ten per cent. ad va,. Iler pattering feet forever at rest. l-01·um, unlcoo imported for stock purposes, \Vhen Swe.etly she uttered her loving good· byes, they are, in the interest of 1 ,hc importers, ad· Joyful1y told of her homo in tbe skiest mitted free.-Butter pays fQur cents per lb, ; 'l'allted of her Sa1viour whose love had been cheese, three cents per lb.; gret;.'ll fruits, ten given per cent ad vakn~1,m· ; hams, one cent pef lb. . To ransom her soul and fit it for heaven. ·hay, ten per cent. ad valoium ; bol_)8, fiv ( cent~ per lb. ; lard, one cent per lb.; vegetablep, in· Summer with roses, .and winter with snow, eluding p?tatoes and othel' roots, ten per cent., Often ha;ve come since that long a.go, ad ·va.fo,·um ; meats, fresh , salted, Dr smoked, But time, or time's changes, can never efface Tha.t loved one's iujuuctiona and farewell em- one cent per lb. It is 1 t11erefore, practically the cereal produc:ts of the farm only that nre ad· brace. mitted free, and of these, '1'ith one exception, Jesus still whispers with love just as free, as~ Canada produces a large aurplus, no MvanSuffer the children to come unto meta.ge could accrue from the imposition of import 'l'urn to him, little ones, give him your heart, duties, That exception is Indian con1, "\\-·hich Then from his presence you shall ne'er depart. the fa.rroers of Canada use largely for feeding purposes, -Ch'r·1stian Adt'Oca.tc. It llas No Equal ata.ntly demonstratoo. ONTARIO. in this ~nst1tuency I.. and this fact is being con l\1ERCHANT. MERCHANT. If you ha.ve lost a.nything, advertise in this paper. If you have found anything, advertise in the - - -::o:_..;.-C 't l Coruwa.ll. Oct. 2 1 18.!>. Royal got first prize 8.t Glengarry, County Fair, over the Webster, Oslxirne,and New York Singer JAMES MILROT. Belleville, Sept. 30th, 1875. Got first prize on the Royal, at Fair here, beating 'Vhtieler & 'Vilson and every other ma.chine Grt-at contest. J AUEPI ~ARRET'r. ' Brockville, Sept. 25, 18~5. Itoyal took first prize at lJ.nionvil~e, compet· inr;:- with the Wheeler & V'I Uson. Singer, and others. TILsONBUBG, Oct . 11, 1875. EV1tJR'1'[8 & HAGARMAN. First priie for Roy.al, at Union Exhibition her.e over all competitors. ]/[A'ITHEW STE"\'lABT. ' Woodstock, Oct. 6t11, 1875. Royal took first pri.-.e at Exhibition here,over all couipetitors. ?vlATTHEW S1l'EWART. l 1 a.ris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Hn.re taken first prize with ~yal at Fn.ir here beating the Raymond n.nd Smger. , '\VILLIAM SNIDER. $1,000,000.00 750,000.00 If you want to reach the public use the 1 Pa.id up, .. ... 300,000.00 olumna of the MERCHANT, ' ·Reserve and Contingent Fund, G0,000,00 OUR , RATES ARE LOW. Money loaned upon real estate on the rn()~ t fa.vornble t~rms, mor tgages .Purchased, interest allowed on deposits. and he is detennined to continue to s~ll · at these 1·uinously iow prices A.!t a. weekly newspaper, the MERCHANT is · cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itI~EYS, scarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of carefully selected reading matter appear in First, he buys for cash and knows juR t how to buy ! President:. . Manager. each issue, coµiprising ' j.,iteratur.e, Second, what he can't bny cheap ljll.Ough, he manufactures Reference .by ,permrnB1on, GEO. -McGILL, E8Q, Manager Ontario .4.g-ricultural, Farnily &«ding, Third, he is satisfied with small rrofits ! · General and Local New&Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. Bll fresh and readable. Fourth, he sells for cash ; _ London, MaMh, 8th, 1876. SubsCriptions taken any time during the Fifth, he sells at bottom pxices. · year. If you want to sell anything, advertise in thie paper. . If you want t.o J:>uy ru:iythitig.advertis6 in the ap1 a , ciubscr1'bed ' "' . ' · I>. MAC:fIE, i'. ;a, IN ADVANCE. CALL A.ND SEE POB YOURSELVES, TERMS 75 -CT8., -:o:-BRING YOUR Examine . . --o- . AND FRIENDS -u- WITH ~· YOU. Crumbs fo». Chickens. I How to Uet Rid of Flie9. The Rev. Geo. ~I. Drought, writing from Ireland, says : "For three years I ha.'vc lived in n. town, nnd during that time my sitting· room has been free from flies, three or four only -iva.lking about my bren.kfnst table, while all my lieighbors' rooms \Vere crowded. I often congratulated myself on my escape, but never knew the reason until a few days ago. I then had occasion to move my goods to another house. Among other things movd were two boxes of geraniums n.nd calceola\les \Vhich stood in my window. the window bein~open to full extent, top and bottom, 'l'he boxes were not i.;:011e half an hour before my room was a.s full of flies as those a.round me, This, to me, is · a new discovery, and .perhaps it ma.y encourage others io tha.t \Vbich is ah\·a.ye a source of plea.. sure, and ·which now proves also to be a source of comfort, viz., v.rin.dov.r-gardening. N apane.e, Oct. 15th, 1875, ROyal has taken :first prize at Fair here.over Sin,.,er How4', 'Vftrll7.er lf', Osborne a.ndothers. 0 ' e stock, which comprises evPrything in the trade 1 of the very latest. and most elegan · styles and patte1·11s, of English, Canadian, and America.n manufaetu[e, we have every facility. We do not wo~k for nothing, or fun, but our priceS: will ·be found low, as our presses are run by steam power. i'O:B. JO:B PRINTING TO THE PUBI~IO. WALTER' WIGG & SON, JN returning thanks to ~heir n~1merous .customers and the public gener:~Uy, for past fa.vnrf>, a.d would respectfully 1uv1te thern attention to our present stock of f11rniture, as we have lately h' ded .thereto, that we m~y thereby be enabled to supply :iJ.l parties who may })lease to favor 1m with a ~all. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at out" esta. blishment P ie· ~res, J~ook1n~ Gla&!e8, etc. framed to order, and jn every style. Sa.n1ples of "'the different kh1n~ of o u1d111 gs ca.n be 11een at the ware·room. We would also beg t.o inform you that a.v1ng purchased a ' ' He still continues to manufacture to 01·der, from the.best Of ma."teriru, workmen kent. - er-.:- J A!lf.RS BARRE'!.'. Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. Royal takes first prize at this Fair, for family work and light m3illufactnring. 'VILLIAM SN1DER. I No man knows how attractive his home· is until he offers it for sale, and reads 'vhat an estate agent says about it. · These victories .;;~·ely prove t,hat the li,.,.ht running Royitl, is the people's favorite, and 0 the If your furs ever get wom down short, whip them with forty · rods; for forty rods is said to make a fur-long.White!wll Tunes. " How one thing brings up another !" ~aid a lady, absorbed in pleasing retrospection. "Yes," r~plied the practical Dobbs, "an emetic, for instance.'" Miss Bremer tells us that the life of a rich old bachelor is a splendid breakfast, a tolerably flat dinner; and a miserable supper. Losses may be about the inost profitPOTATO PuDmNo. ~One pound·(eight large) able outlays you ever made if you take potatoes, boiled and well mMhed ; add one into account what they somethnes save quarter pound of butter, two ounces of sugar, you afterwards. hall a lemon chopped fine, one teacup of milk ; BEST FAMILY SEWING M;l.CHINE. .The Manufacturers have lately added to it, the greatest novelty of the age, the Royal Lamp Hokier for Sewing MacJ:im~. The Lamp ca;n never upset, nor the Oil so~l the v.·ork ; and it is arranged to throw the light on any pa.rt of. the \VOrk, enabling the operator to Show Bills Sale Bills Orders Promptly Executed, and Good ;Fits. Guaranteed Hand Bills "' Progammes He has in stock an endless variety of Lndies' atid Gents' Sa.r~~uga.; Truoks 1 VaJUiea etc., all of · . which he is selling ohea.p for .Ca.sh. , ' Ch'culars - · o.i.l Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St· Bill Heads Cards M. ~l.'~ELEVEN. Pamphlets t ~rt· 11 t .; Bowmanville, Ma. 13, 1874. l 1 · :l!·j :· · and none but first-olaBB SPLENDID NEW HEARSE,, W·NshnH be ready at a 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and readonnble terms . B.-Coffins kept on hand and made to order, a.t the · , work as well by nigl!t as by day. Sold by J. S. DONEY, TYRON1!. mcnts-W. Bell & Co's. Organ, Hallett & Dav LS and e\·erything from the size of a. Ppster large enough to cover a barn to a ha.If-inch Strip printedin good style, _ and at cit pri~s. Specimens of WOllk can be seen at our office. W:.ork banded out, and the cash taken for it NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOltf. King Street East, Osll!lwa· Osh>wa, Aug. 26th, 1870. · O. BARKER. N.B.-Agent for Fixst~class Musical Instr~ Manaqer. and Hardman Pia.nos. J. Also 111' Celebrated Waltham and El'(in Watches. The Subscriber thanking his very numerous customers for p~st patronage, {having sold Twelve Tho usand Dollars Worth in 12 roonth solicits their continued patronage, by reasonab prices, lair dea1ings, ·a nd guara.nteed saUlfa tion. J. November 18th. 1875 . NOTICE OF MQTION! . J ~ ' r· · n. - butter the tin and Lake in a moderate oven half A doctor gave the following prescription for a sick lady :-"A new bonnet; · a cashmere shawl, and a silk dress." 'fhe lady has entirely recovered. "You haven't opened your mouth the whole session," said an M. P. to a fello\v-n1ember. "Oh, yes, I have," was the reply, " I yawned through all your speeches." "Do you understand n1e no\v ?11 thun· dered a country schoolmaster to an urchin at whose head he threw an inkstand._ " I've got an 1izkling of what you mean," replied the boy. " The times are hard, wife, and I find it difficult to keep my nose ;i.bove water." ~You could easily keep your nose above water, husband, if you didn't keep it so often above brandy." Mark Twain, speaking of a new mosquito netting, writes : " The day 1s coming when we shall sit under our nets in church and slumber peacefully, while the discomfited flies club together and take it out of the minister." A.n Irishman, who had just landed in America, said : " The first bit of mate I ever ate m this country was a roasted potato boiled, yesterday ; and 1f ye don't believe me, I can show it to ye, for I have it in me pocket." The laziest inan is on a \Vestern paper. He· spells photograph 1 "4tograph." '!'here have only been thiee lvorse than he. One lived in !(ansas and dated his letters " r I\Vortll," an· other spelled Tennessee "roaC, and the othe:i- ,vrote \\lyandotte "y&; ·," . an hour, Two eggs may.be added. PL.AliTS. - l~ay some thin slices of sour apple around the plants that a.re troublc<I 'vith white worms, and the worms will work up on to the Mcclung Bros. are setting,thei1: STOCK in MOTION by o:tf'erin'g tll'eir. Go6ds at New Lumber Yard Ir_resistible Pr,ices AND JOINERS SHOP. apple, ar;., d theycu.n be easily remoYed. Selected .Recipes. CLEANING l{w H GLOV.ES.-'l'lie best way to clea.fi kid gloves that have ~ecome soiled with wear is to dip them into benzine, Have a wide mouthed bottle.full of b~lfzi~le, put in the gloves, and cork up the bottlt1; let them remain in about ten minutes, tht:n take them out and :place them between soft ra.gs, afterwards hang· ing them out in the air. The odor of the ben· zine is the chief objection, but this can be re· moved by layiug the gloVB on a. plate placed over a pot oI boiling water, with another plate turned over tbein, a.1{d drive off every particle of the l>enzine. After this the gloves must be pulled int o ahape, and will look fresh and clean, Grease or pa.int spots in clothes are easily re· moved by oil of hu1)entine, or a hot iron press· r.d on the place over coarse bro,vn paper, after A.YING JUST. RECEIVED P;ER Schooner " Sa.ucv Jack," my first corn;i1gn. ment, from the mauUfa.ctory of H. "B. Ra.th· burn & Son, 1'.iill Point, I beg to offer to the people of Bowmanvillc, and the surro1wUing country, (at prices .that defy competitionj. Sa~h, Blinds, JJoors, a.nd ::!5 different sorts of A>Iouldings, nlso winJow and door frame stuff, r1:1ac1y to put togetber. 7 x 9, 12 light sash 42 cts., kiln dried 2 ft. 6 x 6 ft 6. 4 panel doors 0. G. moulded 2 sides $L ~5. The different sizes of sash and doors kept m-stock. Also on hand a good s11pply of Lumber, ~ressed ftooring 1 ship lap and V. siding, laths, shingles, pickctf:I, field posts and ba~tens. I ~av~ also opened ti ca.rpentex and jo1net'S sl1op in c~nnec tiort v·ith the -"bove hu:ii.uc~s,and hope by wteg-. rity of Uealim,. and low prices to sei:;ure your ~atronage. A.11 goodl5 warrnDtcd, and a call solicited. ~~ tion. Wiil find almost evel',Y. She . ,Jf. to ' c'o nta1n 3; Bcirgai1i, and every :cor~'3r ~n 'Attrac- r Si~p.4n, .aU:cl y~u ElephantHouse .TYRONE · . ']_'HE . (JheapStore (Jheap Stora . · . ' '-' Has now a full assorted St.ock of s~· VANSTONE'aS ·Ty RONE FIRST·C~;n~;~lll GOODS. · Proorastina,tion ' ·· . ,. , sOMErrHING · -~ ' i,the be·tmeauso1getting the worth ot:<mr NEW · --o-- A substitute for- EXCITEMENT E-VERY DAY! WEB · Lath & Plaster ! PAPER O{L-CLOTH 'and CARPETING Do You want a of at a cheaper rate than THE PATENT ALU:MINOUS and OR· ever you bought a Web of Cotton before ? N~ENTAL BllILDING PAPER. COTTON GO TO McCLUNG BROS. ~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~ Do You want ,to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in Style,-from the largest stock evllr b'rought into Bowm.anville? Groceries Dry Goods, ·:Soots. & Shoes etc., etc, which for . Come along m en, women and children, and you .. \vill find a complete Stock of Hats & Caps, Dry G~od~:, Groceries, \Vhich will be sold At SOLE AGENT 'FOR THI~ PLAC~· . A Large Stock Just Received,_:__l'lain amd.Or· _nam<ntal, both for Walls and 'i'{qors. Crockery, &c., Hardware, W. McSPADDEN. GO 1.'0 .McCLUNG BROS. '80'llfl ON.D.'JOON OJ, 00 Shop an<l yard in rear of R. W. Ja.wea Implement Depot, 33·3u1oa. maping all that can be got off with a blunt Stai.irn way be remove<l from light col· ore<l clot hes, such as with fuller's eurth; bn_ thl · color out of dn.rk clothe~. It should be dissolved in a little boiliDg \\"ater, pu~ on the spot when hot, held to · the fif~ to Jry, and then , bn1shed out. Pitch is removed, fh·st, by rubbing the place over with gre'ase or oil by the application of spirits of turpentine; knife. <lra.bu~··.::":"ff~s;,,,:o"..;"~·h~it:;:··:_i·_(J.Jj~=_L]=--_Q.{,~=~=~~-G<~D(io~Y.Ho:.:::u'._w~·::a1'.:1t:::_M~I~L~L~IN~E~R~Y;.i._M~A~N':!...T~L~E~S~~o~r·--"FwA~N~O~Y. 'fEVI .I.ii "'·o~ ~Is, J..YJ. -'\1.11\i ""vN.., :::C"I :I 'P P pu11 li01H0 '~'V:::CHO '.)u11,~ ' saooe ss1ia:a no A · oa The Paper Oil Cloth and Oarpet!t!Jl.Jii a Cheap . ~tedi and Durable Substitute for Oi ~ OIOUL ..... Quality and Cheap Pricas which d;~fy Compe. ness, tition. CANNOT aE SURPASSED s. V4NSTONE. J~.~E==:L:::Lo=IQ~l~T~~==T~y1:= ·o=;: no, March 3(Jlh, 'l'he Chemicals \vith ·which the Pa.per , . Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, · Mouldings, and Win. dow Frames, - AND BUILDER. GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Do You want CARPETS HOUSE or CURTAINS or othe u~~ v~~n~ Po~i~h ! . render it P-!~1-~~!pst Rats, FURNITURE · -!---------~ ,, 1 j · ==t ·S"-'74=. ====~-. FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. - 06- - - Anutherthing uch wanted. Thh Polish giv~s a moat el~gantlustrc and driei; iuatantaneo1~ly . cHEAP in~;:mds; tnke out, arid put illto a bowl, pour- ALMOND St'ONGE <J--AKE. -Pound in a white With or without Casing. With or without mortar until very fine. 011e ounce of bitter al. Bar!fi M<>ulds. -CAUTION ! -&c, ' illg over them four table·spoonful8 of boiling Water, and let them simmer three or four min· 1lles. To the yolks of twelve eggs, well beat· en, add slowly one pound of sand sugar and - .beat light ; then, after wiping the alrounds,~ry An Inshmau went to the theatre for 'them . Eeat until very ·tiff the whites of the the first ti1ne. Just as the curtain de- eggs, and add to the :yolks a.qd sugar, alterna· sccnded on the first act, an engine in the ting witl:. tbe flour; stir well, but very lightbasement exploded and he \Vas blown ly, together, as beating destroys the lightness Don't purchase your Summer Cloth~ before inspecting McOlnng Bro most extensive stock of Planing, Planing & Matching, T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D 0 0 AT I N G S, . sawing and Turning, · McOlung Bros. Tailoring DepartITJent will take the lead, ttS usual. - - - -Q . . lfyou want a SUIT, lYicClu:ngBros, will" SUIT" you. 01·narnental Piekeis, in every vari· Nothing ever disc,veTed be' fot e to equal thi.S olish, FOR F"l FURNIT.!TRE ! I ICHEAP1 FURN.ITURE! ' At Xannini's Qld Stand. ., /----· 11 The Bowmanville Fumitn\·e Factory, havirJ!-c commenced lnrniness a,,., 1 andth.e N ew C ompany7 h a-;rng · · d ·"' '0' , appointe Lhe subsorihel', Refoil LI.gen~ for the Town avd Country around , he ls prepared to offo1· the . Piano b'O'f'tes, Clocks, Pwture Fram.es Bii!J!J'ies, Cutters, , ety, and Scroll Sawing, of every description through the roof, coming down in the next street. After coming to his senses he askeg, "An' what piece do yez play nixt ?11 ohponge cairn. Eakc in tins with upright ~ides, and in a moder~te oYen. If you want a HAT 1\'IcClung Bros. · wil1 " HAT " you . CoN»EDnAT> l'UDDINa .-Rub thorougbly DONE TO ORDER, .. into four teacupful!:! of sifted ilour, olle teacup' on the ful of suet, shreddtd and chopped fiue, one tea· SHORTEST NOTIOE. .A.n old negro 'vas paid his week's cupful of raisins, seeded and cbop~ed, the same wages in New York, recently, received quantity of currants, ,vashed and dried the day at McClung Bros., 'l'~AS the n1ost of it in silver half·dollars. I-le _previou1:1, and one tea.spoonful of . cinnamon j looked benignly at them as they lay in stil' iuto this one teacupful ol mol:>.'8es, and the Shops on Liberty Street. North of the a .t McClling Ergs. SALT an.<l PLASTER at Mcclung · Eastern House, Bowmanvil!e. his paln1, chuckled as though in triumph, :dame quantity of Bwect milk. . Pour into a Bros. . Bowwtmville, 'July 9th, 1874. 41-tf and exclaimed : ' Dat's de stuff de rats pudding bag, 'vcll-ftoured, · or better still, a . . HIGHEST PRIOES PAID FOR BUTTER &_ c., at McClung Bros: > can't cha\\' l' __ _pudding mould, and steam for two hours. Eat hot, 'vith $a.uce. If there is a.ny left, it may A minister travelling through the be heated well through, ap_d will.be folllld just THJJ: through out theSea.~im at · ·west some years ago, asked an old lady as good as when fresh. If you want G-LOVES McChmg Bros. will" GLOVE" you or any lcind of If you want a- TIE, McClung Bros. will" TIE" you. Skighs, and all kinds oj Varn:uihed Garria,ges ei-y B~ST. Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin-e. SEEDS at lVIcClung Bros., GROCERIES TEASJ I CHEAP T'E:AS, Varnished Furniture. . . SOLE AGENT FOR THIS_: PLAC'f. · hi the Very Be,t ' tyll" ar t1 PRIC ~ to any LOWER THAN BY ANY OTIIE n "<l>'l IN THE f; OUNTRY PERPETUAL · MOTION on whom he called, what she thought of the doctrine of total depravity. 'Oh,' she replied. ' I\.!!Jink it is a good doctrine, if the people would only act up to """"'==== DOMINION BANK. EOWM,!1.KVILLE. MURDER-MILL$, . . M°CLUNQ BROS. As usua , a. L rge Stock on hand of e of the FlNE!JT HEARSES 'in the 1 otin , sJENJ.' lt'REE iineml furmslwl by the Sub8e·1-ibe7!, within 1'en miles of Bowman 'lk . I Capital, Paid Up, HEAD OFFICE, Onri.LTA, $1,000,000 TORON'l'O. 0 it.' I· I I " I. I 1i Sadly JJ.eglected.- ' Tommy, my son, OoBOURG, \VHITBY, fetch in a stick of wood,' 'Ah, my dear B_ OW:lfANVILT,E, UXBRIDG.E mother, responded the youth ; the gramThis Bank, in addition to transacting the us· matical portion of your education has ·u.al banking business, offers to the public all the advautagea of a Saviilg Institution with been sadly neglected. You should 'the security of a'large paid·up capital, by the have said: 'Transport from that recummeans ot a SAVINGS DEPAUTMENT. bent collection of combustible material Interest allowed on all deposits of One Dol· lar.an<l upwards, at the rate of FIVE per cent. upon the threshold of this edifice o.ne per annum. of the curtailed excrescences of a deDepositors can withdra'v either the ·w hole or funct tree'. ' any pa.rt of their deposits at any time, 'vitl1out his 'business,' let the cooimunity know that previous notice. Trr FOR TAT.-Among the annoyed he is legitimately engaged in running ' a Special rates of interest allowed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. and dripping pedestrians who sought murder mill,' according to the testimony American ·Currency and SilYer taken on de· the aid of a Detroit street car recently of a jury of twelve men. posit. Drafts granted payable in Great Britain, to help shorten the way home, was a Murder-mills are doing a brisk business States and all parts of Canada. man with gray locks and an old maid all over our land. All other business oper· '(.Tnited ~Deposits can b< remitted by mail,arldrcsswith beau-catchers and false teeth. ations m1J.y suffl:lr under the pressure ot pan- ed to the Dominion oa.nk Jregistered]. \'then in o.11 cases a Pa.as-Book receipt will be sent by They seemed to hate each other at first sight, for he was hardly seated be- ics and ·reverses, but those 11mrder·J!lillS run return post. A. CODD, Agent, side her when he growled: on day and night, grinding their grists of .Bo,vmanville, Jan. J. 6th, 1874; 15-tf. 'If you \vomen didn't ,vear bustles human hopes and bea.its and livc11, always there'd be twice as inuch room in street full and alw'Uys 'p~·o5perous: 1 Bet.ween the cars.' bloody millstones of av1trice and cTuelty, one ' If men didn't sit cross-legged there'd ·after another wretched victim disappears, be three times as much room,' she snap- only to be followed by others 'in endless ped 1n reply. snceeasion. · · "ft.."1"'e'l""T7"CAS""L~ 'If I was a woman I wouldn't be r .&.'1 .... VV .&. .... · nd "'I'tl1 ti l e rain · P oU r1'ng n1ore important . . . gadd . mg arou · h Since ·h it is d' d . d how h. we live Having removed to more commod1ousprenusel, do,vn in this \vay,' he re1narked. t an ow '\\'e 1e, an since eat is inere 1 y ;j rx 'Yes you would. If yon were a wo- the arrival at the end of a journey-tho be· FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, man you'd want to go out and show ginning, progress and history of a journey beg to inform the public generally, that they those feet' determining what the arrival is to be-we are now enabled to offer them He drew his No. II'S under the seat, shall do well to diamiss our borrowed !lushed up a little, and growled : trouble with regard to the manner of our . in the line of ' They are not false, like some folks' 'departure out of the world, and be solicitoro teeth.' only with regard to the righl discharge of 'No, they do not turn up quite as present duty. · inuch as some people's nose,' she an· swered. Rev_ M~. Cecil, during a severe illness e He was silent for a.time, but present- said to a parson who spoke of it, 'It is all ' ly recovered himself, and went on : Christ, I keep qeath in view. H God does . . ' 'Thirty years ago wonien got along not, please to raise me. up, he i.nt~nd· me j (AS REGARDS PRICE <t QUALlTY) without paint, powder, bustles, straps, betier. 1 find. everylhrng but religion only . , burkles, and su·ch nonsensical fixings.' vanity ... To recollect a p~age in the Bibll', than any other house 1n the County. 'Thirty years ago,' she promptly re- this is subatance. Nothing would do but NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD plied, 'it was a rare thing to see a man the Bible. If I read authors and hear d1f- Weight and Measwre Guai·anteed come out of a saloon wiping his mouth fe~ent opinions,. I cannot say this is truth. in every .i .'nstance. on his thumb:' He didn't say anything more, but he !..cannot grasp it aa a substance, but the 'l'e~ t! wondered if she wasn't lookin~ out of Bible giw. me something to hold. I have IOU~ IOU "' ol · leafned n;orc ~ithin thesi:; c.urtains thaµ the window when he signaled t e car. I. L. STROWGER. from all tb.e Iiwks lever !'eA<l.' ~~"'taatle,,A.~m;~. J4tli, 1874 Mrs: !11. A. Johnson, the plucky aud plain·apoken egitor ot a Western temperance paper, was lately proaecuted by an Indiana rum·seller, for telling the truth about his ruhi·shop. She called the accursed thing a 'Murder-mill,' and defeated her miserable proaecutor by proving before a jury that her atatement was true. The truth is an awful. Jy unpleasant thing for evil-doers, and facta are desperately stubborn customers to man· age. If that Indiana man atill continues ardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. All of which will be sold at low figures . BR.A.NCH OFFICES ; OSHAWA, John McLeod. & Co., ' ' Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville Aup;uat 10th, 1875. . Reports ha'lbel:!n ciiculated. that the undersignetl bais bt·~n overchar.!,>ing iu the Undertak11!g Departmei be begs to submit the follo'\\ ing fii;nrt'8 1 wlnch he challenges any one to contradict. Rep amount charged. Actual arriuuut chai gccl. fty Dollars. . ·. . .. .. 'l'wel\'e Dollars. ' irty do. ,,. , .... Nine do. ~·.!five do, T.wenty-five du. tty do. :Ji~orty do. F1 ") do. Thirty do. Sc n -five do. . }"i(ty do.. .... l Agent for Celebrated Raymotld"s Metallfc Coffins, of New York. · W. P. PROWER. . I s. ·' F. HILB has tt HO~~,, Just Arrived . CARRIAGE -\ at tho w°'t of tho Ontari F1JLL STOCK OF ~~1~ HOP . Ki11g .Street, Bowm~ '!le. Ii :Dry Goods, CJiothjng, L. Strowger, G1--oceries, ~c., and is Selling Very Cheav. ~--.-·o PA.SHION llOUSB splendid assort1nent <lf NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & T l-{J£. .subscriber.is prepared to pau-· RE\fARD! The above rew[\orCt--wTi'ii)c ))~iid to tt:tl:.Y preon who Will furnish arilW,e }Jroof that th e Hoot.a & Shoes sold by t.he uncT~!gned! are not whatre represcntll them. ~· - :'-. --. :Suy _ once and you will buy a,ga,in. 'Bow111~nville, .A pril 28th, 1876. . Also a large stock of of every desc.ription, at short noLice, and . reasonable terms. -{ ( Stamps for Baiding and Em- Better Inducements · · broidery. Carriages Painted aud T rimmed G · r--ocer--y · Bus1ness 80, HO! Gentlemen of i'a.shion I FASHIONS for Spring just to b.and. A Blacksmith's Shop on the prcmisee, were special atte'ntion is glven NOT SO FAST. ha~·e written these ---· few line& And a.11 I have to say, That you can find me still at home -New Goods! MUST SOLD, CON81S'J'ING OF DRB88XA.K.ING MR s. A. FLETCHER ' Bowman ville, April 7th,1874. Price 2s. 6d. Second Edition. usual. Ca.r riage work, and General Jobbing. . to all Latost Styles a Sp.· ecl"alit""'· I am not gone a,vn;y ; So all my kind old friends may come And all the young ones too And ~et their garments nicely madeIn faahio:p.s tbf!ot !'.\or·e q~w,- 1 , '\\There old arid young dei..r friendms, meet Bodmin. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, "h<Ir, Thoclle was one of the first member. PLATED WARE, ETC. of th' Bible Christin.n community. He \1ta8 a. -omM of vermi.tile 4lent$ and quenchh~ss zeal . Sterling Silver Spoons, 11n4 -Pure Gold ThP- life before us iB well written. 11-P1·imitiv~ THORNE, S Al\IUEI. '!'HORNE, Printer, by S. J All w01·lc done 'al this Establisl:nwnt SPECIAL ATTE wa1-ranted. Bowroanville, o,t, ht. 1869 . ' " l Go ORDERE Stock. ION GIVEN TO WORK. A welcome greeting' by R. PEATE Bomnrumlle, June 19th 1873. ' ·' Wedd.in& Rin11:s· .AARON BUCKLER. Mcthodi<t. London: E. Stock. Bib~e Christian Bonk Room A call is respectfully solicited. J . M o:B.:<IS. STORE.-One d9or e~ of Oorni.cll 's Jewelry Store, Kin£ Street, Bo" ville. Dowmanville 1 Oct. 8th,, 1875. and Bible Christian Minister& · J. SMALE · B~wm a.nville,Mny 6.tL, 1875. . '~fl hh trj' ~73 .s-. /Or · · '. ' " ( ·

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