· · ·' · · · _.--· THE l\IEHCHANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 1876, POETRY. HARVEST; With throbbing heart and tearful eye ..1 watch the spring.time fleeting by. Ofhe Thunder Storm·I or L. ·.1woon ~ Sho1l<l e er you ~ in-yO'ndet sky A r:1tor~l0Ud app"ar, 'l'hj;lightni.ng~ fl.ashing vividly, _.,.. While thunders sha.ke the l!lphere, 1 ,...,,.. :Eroyal Aira.in Triumphs. ABIG is UO\V ra.ging at RUAH Don't Read this, 'l'HE l 1:1aw tl1e snow-drop at its birth }'elled, by spears of rain, to ea 'I'hc iris burst her emerald iheath, And show the amethyst boaeatb ; 'rbe~r1tt!a Fe'ar not the .lightning'& vivid tlae:b, Nor draad the thunder"eroar, God can protect our mortal flesh, His help divine implore. \Vhate'er the stormy cloud portend!, Or d nnoore "ll.·vulcl affright, Within our heit.:veply Father's hand~ We feel tbat a.ll is right. What thoughsomelightningshaftmay send Our spirits homC. to God, '!be~ our bnmortal l:longa may h1en<l With seraphs round the throne. Where'er we are, we're ever safe, Protected by God'e power. His loving band affords relief In every trying hour. -&Ugious Hetald. TIELEVENS By Telegraph to Gardener Sewi rig . l· .r ], (1'. r, C()'1/ Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. Royal got firr,t prize at G!engarry, County Fair, over the Webster, Osborne,and Nev.· York JAMES MJLHOY. the N·ewest thing of the season, unless you wish to purchase ' tulipfa<lt1 and close tfore the glory of the ro11e; Elephant House SoME THING A substitute for " Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENTALUMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. And now, down fields of sunburnt ~re.es I aoc the withering rose-leaves pMB ; And night by night, and day by day, 'l'he life of tmmmer ebbs away. I see the grainaries overflo'"· ==fJheap Dry Goods==s. NEVV --o- /J. amilton. MASON having opened his .. Tl:ie mellowing orchard.a bending low. 0 God ! l\fy heart in awe and fea..r Tiooks back upon thy perfect yea1·. Thy bounty covers alJ the land8 ; I lift in pt'&yer my empty hands. Of all the summer of my life ~fy Siuger Belleville, Sept. 30th, 1876. }1arvcat i!:i but sin and stdfe. Ob. could these, l~ke April rain, l\.{ake moist my hea.rt·s ha.rd soil again, And stir the seeda which Thou did'st sow, Oh ! never should they cea,iie to flow. Compound Interest. In 1860, o µHoister in Ohio was engoged · -- The ~Ianufa.cturers have lately added to it, the greatest novelty of the age, the Royal Lanip Hol.dt-r fo'"t Sewing ac hines. The Lamp can dollars, to hi::i wife, so.ytng, 'I waot you to never .upset, nor the Oil soil the w·ork; and it cleanings of the pig sty and stables, and the various ref nee matters accumulating in the rear get yoursol! a dress with thio.' There was is arranged to throw the light on nny part of the 'vork, enabling the operatJr to of one'~ premises, a.nd suffered to bo ex.posed to a kind of material worn then, which she work as well by night as by day. the sun, wind and rain 1 both wasti~ their most bod very much admired, o dress of which Sold by valuable properties aud filling the a.i.r with a. would coot four dollars. So she went to the ,J, s. DONEY, TYRON~. noisome etench. We ha.ve often urged the Mission periodical to find the address of the . N.B.-Agi:int for Firsf..cla£1s Musical Instr~· gathering up and preservation of all fertilizing meuts-\V, "Bell & Co's. Organ, Hallett& Da.v1s materials, such as bone:;:i, chips, weeds, old plas· Mission Sec1etary, thinking to send the ex· and Hardman Pia.nos. ter and lime, kitcnen slops, etc., and we now tra dollar there. But a· she glanceu ' over Alao 111' Celebrated Waltham and EU;in Wa.tches. r~pea.t the eul!,geation. Let all these things its pages and noticed the triola and strait· The Subscriber, thanking bis very numerous epeedily find their way to thecompoot heap. If of the. MiBeionariea, and the embnrrasena:nt customers for past patronage, (h~ving sold on the north sid-0 of thl:l barn it will be better of the Bo~rd that year, her heart wa· touch· Twtlve Tl.ousarul I>0Ua1·s Wo·r th in 12 month off than on the 1muth ; if oovered, 'it will be ed, and ahe felt that they needed the money solicits tl1eircor1tinued ptttrounge,by reasonab {lrices, fair dta1ings, 11.r.d tuarantt.>ed satflfa better off still. Such a covering can be made more than she did the dre.., ancl instead of t1on. J. without much trouble or expense. Set in the November 18th. 1875 ground six1 eight. or more posts, according to the one, she concluded to send the five dolexpected size of your heap. and throw over lars. them a .ehed roof of lioardH or .elabs, elopjng to She went to her husband and read her tbe irouth. Boa.rd up tl1e shanty on three letter to him. 'O,' se.id hf', 'I'm afraid we aides. r leAving the north side open. No·w, !'lee are too poor to give ·o much.' With a Jit. t6 it tlut a generous pile of inuck, or its equivatie leeling of dis·ppointment she said, ·Well, AYING JUST RECEIVED PER lent, is deposited outtride of the shed, and you. give ipe the change and I will sertd what I Schooner " San<'.y Jack," DlY first consign· 'vill be ready for 0~1·atione. \\'heel in manure ment, from the mannfa.ctl)ry of H. B. Rath· fron'Ni.li quarters a.a fast as it accum(,!.latea, and bad intended at first.' 'No,' sait;1 be, 'yon burn & Son, l\ilill Point, I beg to offer to the lay it in rows or heBps, the whole length of the have given it, and I dare not take it back.' people of l3ow111anviJle, and the ionrro1mding country. (at prices that defy ccmpetitioil). sheda 1 trea.ding it down firmly an<l covering it And so with a prayer that God would ac· Sash, Blinds, Doors, and ~ different sorts of with sttccessive layers of muck. In this way cept and bless the gift., she signed her let· Mouldings, also window and door frame stuff, the tna.nure will be prcirerved from the action of ter, 1 A Friend of A-Iie:aione, · thiitkiog" ae no ready to put togtl-t!Jer, 7 x ~), 12 light eash 1 42 eta., kiln dried 2 ft. 6 ~ 6 ft 6. 4 the elemerts, and the volatile gru1ee, which the one would kuow the author, that WBB the pnnel doors 0. G·. inoulded 2 sides $1. 7_5. The Summer heat so rapidly evolves, will be nb· different eizes of sar:h and doors kept in stock. so1·bed and saved, If any one thinks this won't lBBt she would bear about it in this world. Also on h.o.nd a good s11pp]y of Lumber, dressed The ladle& of the congregation wtre ac· fl(locing, ship lap and V. Siding. laths, shingles, pay, lot him try it nud see. Let every tiller of the 1mil take good care of the manure heap customed to meet weekly at the parsonage pickets, field po13Ls and battens. I hn.ve uJ.so opened n. corpenter and joiners shop in connecduring the Su1nmer,- N. Y. Hen.tld, to sew for those in need. The uext week a tion with tl1e -.bove buaine1m,and hope by integ· lady who was vtsiting in the place, came rity of dealin6. an<l low prices to secure your All goods wa.r rantcd, nnd a. call To Obtain Fruit from BaiTeu 'l're£s. with her friende, and as she entered the µn.tronage. solicited.. W. McSPAllDEN. parlor, she tossed a bundle into the lap of Cfi"" ~hop and yard in rear of R. VV. James A correspondent of the Anierica.n Agricitltur- the miniider'~ wiTc, saying, 'Mra.· -, here Implement Depot. 33-3mos. ist sa.ya :- -' 1 I wish to do:1cribe to you a meth- is a preaen t for you.' od of making fa·uit trees bear that I blundered The present was a dress pattern of Jhe on. Some fifteen years ago I had a emall apple tree that leaned considerably. I drov'J a same kind of material she had intende<\ to .etnke beside it, tied a etring to a. limb n.:a.d r~s purchase. And as she thought to her.elf, tened it to the .eta.ki:: The next year that limb ·God has given me this in place of what I blossotned, and not another blossom appeared have given,' she was reminded of the word13 1 GENERAL OON1'RAOTOR on the tree, and, a.a Tiro Bunker eaitl, · lt set 'Give and it shall be given to you.' But A.ND BUILDER. me a thinking.' and I came to the c-0nclusion that was not the end. that the etring was so tight that it prevented A short thne afterwards she received a Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds the sa.p from returning to the roots ; conse· quAntly it formed fruit burfs. !laving a couple letter from the Secretary of the Board of Doors, Mouldings, and of pear trees lnr~e enough to bear, bUt had Missions, enclosing a printed copy of her dow Frames, nevet· blosaomed, I took a coarse twine and own letter, and asking if ebe were the au· With or without Oasin,q. With or without wrapped it t1everal times a.round the tree above tl10r of it; ·nd added, 'If so, a lar~e-heart· Band Moi<lds. thc ll)wer limbs. and tied it as tight ns I oonld. '£he next Spring a.11 the t(1p a.hove the cord ed n1an io New York has authori~ed n1e to blm!somcd as white o.e a sheet., and there was send you twenty·five doilars, with a special not one blossom bt"low whert.. the cord wo.s tied. request that you purchase a dress worth & I ha.Yo sinoe tried the expeiimeht on seveta.l five <lollars, and giYe the rest to your hus· trees almost v:ith the same result. I think it band and children.' There was her five ie a. much better way than cutting off the root1:1. dollar·i back, with four times aa much more Inea.rly Summer, say Jun~ or July, wind a added to it. There was one incident prov .. etro.qs: co,.<1 _&.QJllld a-treA..{..r single limb, and Ornamental Picket8, in evet·y vari· #, the tighter the better; and you will be iog the truth of those inspired v.·ords: 'He ety, and Scroll Sawing, pleased with the result, the Ilt!Xt 'Vinter or that hath pity on the poor, lendeth to the Lord ; and !hot which he hath given, will Spring the cord uuty be taken off." of every description to statedly supply a congregation who were in arrears for a whole year's eala.ry to .their · Could prayer put melt the ice a.way, former pastor, and were only able to prom, Oh ! nev~r would I cease to pray, iso their 'supply,' five dollars · Sunday, till r11ill Thou in mercy, Lord, did'st ~bring the old debt should. be paid. At the close Into my soul a. 1:tecond apring. ot the year, only about two thirds of this Oh 1then what rich reward and aweet . amount had been paid, So it.wa.e not strange To lay its harvest at rl hy f~et ? that their 'supply' soon found himoelf in -Sel<cted. I arrears for many things. That year, the cost -of his periodicals alone had amounted FARM AND HOUSEHOLD to sixteen dollars. 'l'bia he could not pay, · and as none of them could be stopped with· Saye Manurial Accumulations. out payment of arrearage·, the debt must continue to increase. A "great many fa.r1ners allow much of the On New Year's day the mioieter was cal· manurial material to be wa.sted. On many far1na, during the busy Summer seMOn, the led to marry a couple, and gave the fee, five 1 Got fil1!t prize on the Ruyal, at Fair here, beating Wheeler & Wilson and every othP-r ma· chine. Grt"at contest, . JAME~ BARltE'l"'l'. Brockville, Sept. 25, 187D. RoyE\l took finit prize a.t Unionville, compet_ ing with the 'Vheeler & Wilson, Singe1·, and others EvERT'fS HAG.~RMAN. · TlLSONBUl!G, Oct 11, 1875. First prize for Roya.1, at Union Exhibition here, over a.11 competitors. 1'-1ATTllEW Sl'EWART. Wood1::1tock, Oct. 6t.b.1875. Royal took first prize at Exhibition here,over all competiton. 1vlA'f'THEV.' STEWART. Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Ha\·e taken first prize with Hoyal at Fair here, beating the Haymond and Singer. WILLIAM SNIDER. STORE and he \s determined to continue to sell ut these ruinously low prices PAPER OIL-OLOTH and CARPETING cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itSOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Fh-st, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, whut he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures A Large Swck Jttst Received,-Plain a"d Or· 'fhird, he is satisfied with small profits ! namental, both for Wal/I and "'l-Oors. Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. -o'l'he Pa~r with a full assortment of STAPLE BARGAINS DRY is prepared to ofter GOODS CASH, ' - CALLAND SEE POB Y011BSELVE8, AND and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. Oil (..."tJ.oth and Ca.rpet!ng is a Cheap FOR BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. The Chemicals with which the Paper is eatur· ated, render it proof against Ra.ts, Moths, and Mi.;e. · that will compare with any Store in the County. Another thing much wanted. of Ladies' and Geiits' Saratoga. 'l'runks', ValiJies, etc., all of These victorit't!I ~lusi vely prove that the He ha.sin stock an endlcl;S v&riety , which he is selling cheap for cash. This Polish gives a most elegant lnstre,and driee libht running Royal, is the people's favorite,a.nd ineta.ntaneouely. 1:Za.pane.e, Oct. 15th, 1875. Exa.mine e stock, which comprises everything in the t:rndc, of the very la.test. and most el~gfm Royal baa t:lken fir5t prize at lf'air he1-o.over styles and patterns, of English, Cnnadifl. n, and . A.m(:rican ma.nufacture. Singer, Ho\\·e, 'Va.Dr.er 1'"', Osborne and otbers. -oJAMES BARRET. He still cuntinuea to manufacture to order, from the best of material, a.n·d none but first-cla.ss ,.,.orkmen kept. Harley, Oot. 13th, 1875. -oRoyal takea first prizti at this Fair,for family \\'ork and light manufacturing. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed WILLIAM SN1DER. Varnish Polish! Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equal this Polish. !!'OR Plea.se Call and examine Stock. ltighest Price paid for :Butter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICE· Bowmanville, April ' 12th, 1876. bp-ol 5-m2!J. the BEST Ji'AMILY SEWING MAOHINE. Remember the Sta.nd " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. Bowmanvllle, May 13, 1874. -o- TO THE PUBI_j~[O. th~ M. TRELEVEN. WALTER WIGG & SON, returning thanks to their numerous customers n.ud public generally, for past favors, I Nwou]d reepectfu1ly invite their 11.-ttention to our present stock of furniture, as we have lately added thereto, that we nuty thereby be enabled to supply all parties who may please tu favor him with a. calL Great inducementti. held out to thoat- purchasing at our esta blisbment. Pie· tures, Looking Glasse1:1. etc. framed to order, and in every i:ityle. Samples of the different kind of o uldin gs can be 11een at the ware-room. Vle woul<l also beg to inform you 1 tha~. having purchased a · POR Piano F'ortes, Clocks, P.icture Frames or any kind of Varnished Furniture. Buggies, Cutters, Sldglis, and all kinrJ,JJ of Varnished Carriages SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, we aha.II be ready at a.11 timea to attend funerals, on short notice nnd relk!On:loble terms N. B .-Coffins kept on hand and ma.de to order, at the McClung Bros. are setting t'hei1· STOCK in MOTION by offe1·ing their G,o Jds at Yard N ew L umber · · r · ti'bl e p 1ices. .· r st · all{I you AND JOINERS SHOP. .irresis . . ep Ill, will find almost every shelf to contain H a Barga'in, and every corner an .Attraction. ., - - o·- - n. NOTICE OF MOTION NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNI1'URE WARE-R001f. Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa· SOLE AGENT FOR THIS1 PLACE. HARDWARE ! J. ELLI or:rT'S Procrastination As usua. , a L rge Stock on band of . ' is the thief of time, bllt buying Goot..ls at ardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. All of wbir.h will be 150ld a.t low figures. Do You want a WEB of COTTON at a cheaper rate than ever you bought a Web of Cotton before 1 GO TO McOLUNG BROS. EXCITEMENT EVERY DAY! ! . GO TOMcOLUNG BROS. Jolin MoLeod & Co., Angust 10th, 1876. Wellington Buildings, Bowm9.11ville (JheapStore (Jl1eap Store TYRONE, Ha.a now a full assorted St.ock of ia the beet means of getting the worth of your money, in . S. VANSTONE'S TY-RONE, Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in Style,from the largest stock evflr b~·ought into Bowmanville? .. ·~O'l:lrI DNfl'JOON O.L OD pmi :!COIOHO 'ctV:!CHO ' saoo-c ss l!"a:a ~uuAI. no A oa Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or FANCY GOODS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Wiri- Do You want CARPETS or CURTAINS or other REWARD ! Quality w~~hdor Chaap :Elrices which defy Compewhich will be sold at Groceries Dry Goods, ~ .liii)oots &i Shoes etc., etc, ness, FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come along men, women and children, and you "\Vill find a con1plete Stock of Hats & Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c., tition. $. VANSTONE. HOUSE FURNISHINGS? · GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Planing, Planing Matching, sawing and Turning, CAUTION! Don't purchase your Summer Cloths before inspecting l\foO!ung Bros. most e*1sive stock of The a.bove reward \Vill be pa.id to any pe11on who will furnish ample proof that the Boots & Shoes aold by the nndersigned, are not whatre represents them. .C ANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOlT T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D C 0 AT I N GS, &c, McClung Bros. Tailoring Department will take the leud, as usual. ~~~-·o-~~- General Directions for Tree Planting Be carc-ful not to expose the roots of trees to the wind and sun more than is neceasa.ry in the operation of transplanting. More failures. ;in. tree·pla.ntiug a.riae from carelessness in this par· ticular, than from any otber ca.uJS~. To prcw-c:nt this carry the trees to the field to he lllanted in bundles coverL-d with ma.ts; lay them do\vn, and ~over the i·oob1 with wet loam, and only ren1ove them from the bundle a.a they a.re actually rEquired for plantiog: In planting, the roots shoul<l be carefully, spread out, and the soil worked among them with tho band. When the roots W'c c)vtire<l, press the earth firmly about the plant with the foot, Insert the plant to tho depth at which it stood before beiag tran!!planteC. St.:lcct, if possible, for t1·ee-planting 1 a. cloudy or a rainy day. It is bettt.r to plant after the mid(Ue of the day th~n bl'fore it. AU young plantations ni.net be protected from eatt1e and other browsing animals-the grea.tetst enemiea lle:x t to man to young trees, an<l the i!!prea.d of !o:re.at growth.--J. . P. C. Bude, in Co1~(11;eqatWn!1.l ist. he pay him again-' Prov. xix: 17, The Lord is not slack concerning hie promises, and why is it that we are so slow to trnet him when he pays his debta so promptly, and poye such bountifal interest too. Well, it is impoesible for Him to lie, and he would have hie people learn this, by truotiug Hia word at all times.~17ie Chris - If you want a SU IT, Jl.IcClung Bros. will "SUIT" you. If you want a HAT McClung Bros. will " HAT" you DONE TO ORDER, If you want GLOVES Mcclung Bros. will "GLOVE" you on the If you want a TIE, McClung Bros. will" TIE" you. SHORTEST NOTIO.E. tian. For a Business Mau. Shops on Liberty Street. North of the at Jl.foClung Bros., TEAS I TEAS! CltEAP 'I"EAS, Latest Styles . and The Bowmanville Fumiture Factory, having commenced business again and the New Company ha>ing appointed the subscriber, Ilctail Agen n0 Jl.!'~~'!.1J~1~"ith~f8'ff1anville4i.t1 -at M:cClung Bros. SALT and PLASTER at McClung Good Stock. for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the Bros. '.l'trn HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McOlung Bros. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Vei-y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any DOMINION BANK. ORDERED WORK. BOWMAXVJLLE. PERPETUAL NIOTION at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin~e. S1'0RE.-One door a&et ofCorni&h'eJewelry Capital, Paid Up, $1,000,000 throughout theSeason at SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES For Gents, For Ladies, For Children. CHEAP FUR.NITURE ! CHEAP FURNITUR}~ ! I !CHEAP FURNITUilE! At :Manning's Old Stand. Stop l Yon are goiog too fast. Your HEAD OFFICE, 1'0RONTO. train outruns the time-table. There is a BRANCH OFl<'lOES : ' hot box' yor.ader, and there is dan~er ahead. OruttIA, OSHAWA, COBOURG 1 'VHITBY 1 You fly through this world BB Satan fell from heftve'.o, 'like lightning.' You over.. work; over-drive, over-ea.t.1 'Uver·etfmulate. .. BOlVM~NYILL~, . M°C,LUNQ BROS. · Store, King Street, Bowrn&Dville, J, SMALE Ti' r. i1,ville. May Cth . .;S7lL UXBBIDG.E UB· THE MERCHANT a. has no'v bona fide 'Phis Bank, in addition-to,tra1;sacting the :firmly a.g-a.inst the flosh, dragging or rubbing it outward from the flesh. Do not becon1e excit· ed or blow your Urea.th upon thern. In or<li· nary mana.gement,one vrho does not. flinch even when stung willnot be poi60ned h&lf so] severe· lv as one who does. The flinch or tho ma.nipu· tat.or js eviQence to tho. bee th&t the sting is ef'"ective ; but jf he doe& not flinch, the bee. un"158 greatly excited, seema to conclude that it insufficient, and i.mmediatoly attempts, by orking around and a.round, to extrica.W itself it.bout losing iti:i stinger, w·hfoh ii! certain 'l-th. Ort.on has the writer tempted bees to lg him, a.nd watched their efforts ~t extrical when convinced that they were mistaken :i.use the eting caused no mow·cmeut. A rlen effort to dislodge a bee will a] moi:tt sure1use a severe sting. Do not catch the bee \itt.empt to jerk it f;oxn the ftesh,for in most --- ~nc-es time is gh·en to make the wound f8!" eeverer than at first intended.-.Rcv. J, JV. ShM1-er, in .J.Vew York Herald. Some day there will be a .nap, a break, - a crash, a.nd you n1ay drop deatl in you tra~ka, or sink in paralytic idiocy, and go to your ~rave a driveling fool. You are earning money which_you will lose. Yon are gain· ing w.e altb only to be cheated out of it Yo_ u are starving the soul and killing the body · for. a phantom which you never Golden Rule about Stings. will enjoy. Stop. Take time to Lreathe, f\.Tovc gently, never t.lodge or l!ltrikc at a. bee. to think, to pray, to rest. If yvu are Rtung never flinch. and remove the Do you ..y you will rest by·an.J-bye · 1 ffting with A kutfe blade or thumb nail pres!ied By-and· bye is out of the question. There na.lbaukil}g lJusWess ot.Tel's to the pubHc all t11e advantages of a Savin~ InatitntiOn Vfith tbEJ security of & ln.rg_e paid-np caf!itril, by the means ot a SAYJNGS DEl'AR'rMEN'F. Interest allowed on' all deposits of One Dol· lat· and upwards, at the rate of }.,IVE per- cent. per annum. . · Depositors cau 'vithdra.w either the w·hole or any part of their deposits at any time, without previous notice. · Special rates of interesta.1Ji1wed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. American Currency aDd Silver ta.ken on <le· posit. . · Drafts granted paya.ble in Great Brita.in, United States and all parts of Canada. ~Dtiposits can b< remit.tad by mail,addree.s:ed to the Don1inion c.ank [registered], when in all ca.sea I\ Pa~e-llook receipt 'vill be sent by is no certainty about it. You count oa. re .. return poet. tiring from business i you thi~k, ' I will J. 4. CODD; Agent, Bowma.in·ille, an. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. take my ease.' So the rich fool thonght. and the night he got ready to retire ho died ! His barns were full, his house was stored Cicula.tion of 1000. and with the exception of a few, these pa.sJJ into the hands of the people of West Durham. The publiowill at once see the utility of the paper as a.n Funerals fumish ed in every respect, in the Ve1-y B E8t Style <tL <l PRICES LO\VER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COuNTRY ADVERTISING 'liliJ" One of the F1NES1' HEARSES im, the Provilnce, SEN'l' FREE to any Funeml furni8hed by the Subem·ibm·, uithin Ten miles of MEDIUM. Bowmanville. s. ·F. HiliL has a F1JLL STOCK OF MEROH.A.N'J~. R~ports having been circulated. thn,t the undersigned has been overthal'giDg in the U~der~k~ ing Depa.rtmcnt, he begs to submit the followiDg fiE;uree, which he challenges any one to contrain this constituency, and this fact is being con dict. Reported amount charged. Actual n.mount cha.rgeil. eta.ntly demonstrated. }"'ifty. Dolla.rs~ Twelve Dollars. Thirty do. Kine do. Forty-.lfive do. 'l'wenty-five do. If yon have loat anything, advertise in this Sixty do. } orty do. paper. Fifty do. Thirty do. If you have found anything, advertise in the I-t Has No Equal 1 Seventy-five do. ~'ifty do. Dry Goods, Bowmanville, April 2sth, 1876. (jlothing~, MERCHANT. If you want to sell anything, advertise in this p·per. If you want to buy anything.advertise in the columns of the MERCHANT. If you want t<J reach the public, use the Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville. March 30th, 1876. 1 with treaaurea, bnt he was dead. So it will be with you, if ~·ou pur.;ne tJiie mad cbaae after the wealth nf thi· world. And why shouhl you do thi· 1 You arc I. L. · Strowger, NI:lWOAS'rLE. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, tt) inform the public generally, that they Groceries, 4c., and is Selling Very Clleav. OUR RATES ARE LOW. As A v:eekly newspa.per1 the MERCHANT is scarcely excelled. Sixteen oo)unma of carefully selected reading matter appear in each issue, comprising Lite'"tatu-re, .A..gricultwral, Family Rtading, W. P. PROWER. The Common Sense Just Arrived ·I the seeking that which you do not need; and gaining that which ie of no use to you. You Having removed to more commodious prtimiset, are accumulati~g that whicb will only be a IN :Buy once a,nd you will buy a,ga,in. SO, HO! Ge:a.tlemen of Fa.shion NOT SO FAST. I bo.ve written these few linel And all I ha.ve to say, That you can fintl me atill at home I am not gone a"\vay ; So all my kind old friends may come And .all the young 3ncs too And get the"ir garments nic~ly made , In fashions tha.t o.re ne'l7, · Where old and young <leb.l' friendme.. meet ---o·--- General aiid Local. N~waa11 freah antl readable. ...A.SJIION BO'USB S})lendid assortment of yo~~scriptions wAs rrHIS H E R! taken any time during tho burden, whfoh will impede you in your journey through this world, and cruah you beg at l·at beneath iis weig\t, aod ehut you out froia peace here and here·fler; Hetreuch. Learn to decline opportunities of gain. Let othere: have a chance. Send busin13aa a·way !MD. TERMS 75 OT-8., IN ADVANCE. --:o:-nothing~ are nolv enahled to offer tht:m in of NEW MILLINERY. Also a Jot of to some honest, struggling young Cetl.Fie to stretch your .nri;ns like sea.a to grasp ' in all the shore. TLrow off th· cares th·t accuruultLt~ abuut you. Gv home ; get ac· l!oTI-· 10 e't!AU A 'l'EA OR Co£.l:'EE Por.-If quaiut~<l with your wife; become a. com .. f .., Selected Recipes. Grocery Better Inducements the Uno JOll :PRINTING FO:B. we have every 'facility. '\Te do not work for or fun, but our priooe will be found lo,v, as our prossee a.re run by steam 'Power. th, inside of your tea (.Ir coffee pot i~ black pani.'.tn of your cLildren; cultivate the sweet 1 rmi; us~. fill it with water, thro\v in tuud aoa.p, l!lt:t"on the etove a.nd let b syrnpathies of the ho.ueehold, tliefellowsbips (AS REGARDS PRICE of: QUALlTY) than any othe1· house in the County. "a.n hour to nn hoUL'. It will clean as of ht.we. Draw your bueiness to a cloae Business, ---- New lJoods ! MUST CONSISTING BE 011' SOLD, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. r Show Bills ' Sale Bills Hand Bills Programmes Cfrculars Bill Heads REAL HAI&, FANCY GOODS, Ah10 a large l!!tock of & WaBhing ~Iachinc bas boon teCIJiVe\1 with universa.l fa.,.·or. iu n1any o( thti St.ales nf the Union, and to-da.y, stands highe1· in tJJe estimation of hnuse\vives, thann.ny other. 'l'hcyare now introduced into this vicinity, by the undersigned, who l~aa alrea<ly sold a ltirgc "n111nber. The points of exclillenc~ consist in its simpbcity,and the flaving of l:!Oap, la boT and tinw. A.n ordinary washing. for n. largt f!Llnily, cn.u Le doLo by children from 8 to 12 years olJ. The Clothes are perfectly cleaned and not in the least worn by it. 1 Stamps for Baiding and Em · broidery. · new dollar, a.nd cc.ts no ,.·ork. ~DDJNQ.-Onl;l half cup of iice, one of sugar, two quatts of milk; boke '· To be oaten cold, j settle your complicated affairs which none but ):o~rself c~n ever disentangle. S~ek 1ho Divmcblemn~; make your peace w1th God; get ready for etcrnity,-TM W:ayside. Cards Pamphlets and e;erything from the size of a Poster large enough to oover a barn to o. half-inch strip, printed in good style, and at city pnces. Specimens of work can be seen at our office. Work handed out, and the caah taken forit NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight and 1fea8v,re Guaranteed in every instance. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. A l!rla~h.ine can bo aeen at the G1·ocery Store of John l\fc!\furtry,Bow1nA.11 ville, or at thfl residence of the subscribAr, OJ1tario St.,and partiea desiring to see it in ywacticll-1 nae, can do so, by leaving their names with Mr. McI\[urtrv, mid the subscriber will do a. W'l.sb for the1n, fret: of cha.rgo. The O'Dell Royal Canadian .Wringer the best in the n1arket, also kept on hand. :Fae· tory price, $8, will bo sold for $7. · Common Sense Washer, $7. \Vasher and Wringer, $14. Thev cannot fn.il to sa.tiafy, as a.11 who have tried them, apea.k highly of them, t refinement is false delicacy, and Hypoorioy .t he ·y is solid reflnement. . d~ IJl ~vltl!w. i~ homage.Wi\~oi\ vi~ · 'l'ea,s a, Specia,lity. L - L. STROWGER. Nowc..tle, Augu~t, 14th, 1874 ren· . Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold j · Wedding Rings. AARON BUCKLER. llowmanville, Oct. 8th, 1875. -o- DBllCSSMA..B:.ING usual, A welcomo greeting by R. PEA'l'E Bowm·nville, Jane.19th 1873. 0. BARKER. Manager MRS· A. FLETCHER. Bowm·n ville, April 7th, 1874. · P. TH0~1AS. Bowmanville, 1.iar, 'l4th, 18764 213-tf.