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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1868, p. 3

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o· . RED . U CTIQN S ' · ·., TATEMEKT OF THE HO}IE !XSURn.nce Cdmpany ·of . New H(l.'en, January Ill, !8UB . . Co>plli.l Stock . .. ,, ..··. : , ·· . $ 1,000,000 00 , BU.r.plu.d.,. , ... . .... .. . · · · · . · 6-19,070 3! ASSETS . · llfa,.,tet Valu<. lioal JMaie Olf' nea by 1iic Co . ·'.$205 ,500 Loans on MOrtgagt-s ... . ... . . . . 37 1374 lJnile d StRte51 ~ond~, !) 20 .· · · ~ . 32 5,87 ,G lli·19u,ri.8 .tate .JJonds .·. _ .. .··. .· · 1~ 1 950 TenneS.siCe State: .HHn Cl s . ·· ·· · ·· ~ lti,900 JWi1conain S'4te Bond:1 ·· · · -..-. · · 1_ 2 ,000 '"ir(llni«St&te Bonds. . .. . · · · . . 17 i4 6~ National B.11nk Stock!I ... . ... . · 360, 189 oo 98 00 00 00 00 ~.J.M.lDA· BJ.$~ STo~ K .· · · ·-~'-· . ·· · I.oaa1· on G-ollat eral a n d oii Call C'-1h oil band-" i1 d in B a.n~s·... . i. ,;;.;C aab.~ to. hand· of .Agen t s .. - ~ . . . . <lat·t fft accrued .. ~ · ·. ·. . .. ··· , .Jiil11 r6c'ei t a.hle .. .. :': .'.· ··;. _ . ·_ .. Pr·imiums ..unraift,_ n,\ H o me and .:. _.- Jlr~ucJ.i Ot~ces : ;· ~ -' · ·r· · · .. · s&IYaiii~-~_ '.o _ a . .' Flf e "'.i~ d;..;· I;nlaad _ .' 60 50 3 4,373 75 · 23,814 50 66/114 53 2-io , 10? 36 . 37,463 2a 4l.3'r0 - 7~ lt·nt1 1iic~r-ll e d ·· -.. · · ·. . .· ." .. . : . . I00 104l -8.Q 2 130 2 00 Olhtr propurty [;'01_~ -e:i p·nd.ct·er:Wi~ed . · . ·. · owbe ~ b)' the .Co . - --: .- ,_ . ... .. · "' · - ----·- 51,451 4°' 2 ~,971 BB $1, Gl 7,070 34 Lo1:1 :e·a-'in -1,rO c-~i'"S oi-a-dj U s tmen~ ~ $85,S:iO 44: ()r .. - Pi' ~ til-ititils ;,. -rect- iVtid tl"nd L os8e s pa id. tt1fri:Qg C°ACb. ,,Yiiir ·1iuct'I tbe · brgn·nizntion. of tlurCoDipu:ay '·:· · lS~O,: ·.' .·-· f' .. \ ' ·.i$37,8B 7 1ss1 ·~ . ii-;·£ ~,.- ... ·1 ; - ' 1...iAu1 J, i'iTE S. .. . -· 1,U ;eceived:"'· · I;oss:es paid. . .·IN "CLOTHr'uC ~~-t~-~i"'i~);;;,_~ . .,-1 1:11£ . ' 40 _ so 1·230· oo · $10,78$ 20 . ·16, 190 ,.63 ·1362 :· ' " " "... 168 ,289 49 . 92, 130 89 - 1863-:.;..;. : _ ·,:, .·'" :..-. ; _ 206, 9 '1:3~ -0 5 . 1.60 :1·3·4t:- 3'0 18GA-..; ·i ,-; ,., , ;·, 4711,473 78 278,.188 0~ '. ri6i ~ .. . ,.· .,.., . . 77G,Bl5 .G~ _ 451 ,292 90 UtG'G .-~"'. .' ~:. ·"";> ,.,. l ,-t77,2 8l 28 1,l "22i9 08 80 llG'I . .... : ::·.-.' 1,8 50,0 25 01 1, 137,935 44· , ,._ ,_ ' DRESS COODS,. CROCKERY, Ct1INA, AND CROC E!l!?l'FS. I '[~ :;~,-ww @r@,~~;·~,1 :'~l£~tt1 ~~tr ~::r (~~ ~ a n uary . - . -· ... :-~-"'~-~ - j :..~l' -i}·!.~ -~- . ·.. 15, 1868: 25. lm: R ,, Y() ~,KG, - A gent , BowmaaviUe. "T 1 _;~b,_~~i~~~~~ i '.;; ,' ·. ____2_B. BY !lo llepeal By-Lau·s p assed u11dtr authority <Lnd fur e1>furcenu:n( ol th· Temp<roctic· A.cf of 1864, iii the 1'ownsliip of }Ja'1:lin!Jl~ n. '-~ VV IJ \ CI\ G THE LARGEST AND BEST 'S TOCK J N TOW'N I0 A ...J::::t... · C H R I S T I'ii .A S I PaH~d .January ~O~b, ISGS. Fr om Two Cents to Twenty Dollars of the 'J1ownship of D ,1r· .-li~g_ton; and. it iK · licn·Ly euaP,fe<I hy ·~ . , ·\ hor.i1y ,,f ~he sam e, ~h " t. the By-J,.w ~P'lu·d. by tins Corp11rnt1n.n 0 n · t he 16th .J·y of J >nU1l,ry, 186a, and the By-Law · adoptod b)· th e Elect o rs of this M u nic ipitlity ,on tho 6th , ·71h '"',d 9th 1 i:iy· ." r -Ja~u1,;f, l86f. 1_ P·Hi!h~ d undt-r- an th onty akrl fur the. e 11fr1rcet1H. · 11t. of the 'I'cmper· ·~ce Act nf. 1864 , be, . u 11J t he 8!l 1H e :it'e B.E IT ENACTED BY p·>~ation THE COR- L· . .- E.AR,L-Y and II I ! I :The Grocery D~partment " is A. 1. CA~:r' 'T I N TITE T HFlt. E A NGRY S HE E P l o make him r~ ~ 1c nt. I B E ' her~hy r<>p·11lc<l . · (Si!fned) Il. WfoiDATT , E G. PO\n:u , .flecv1:· .. ,__,_..._.._, ;I - 0 -D · · r 1/Cluk,- · S, ,,. l I { L . c; . ) --.~ 1 . 1 j, Jotice is Hereby Chrcn, j T -h11.t. fhe :abn·e lly-L ·i\V - \:rhieh is 11 ·~, ~lue -~op~» tjf ~ By- L:1w '·)f the C o l'por· .:~ : . _-.ltion of 1\H~ 'l' c1 wn ~l 1i p ~f J)ari in14.lOl\_-~8ll _ be N1tb1uit.Lcd to tli c - ~..M:.unifi prd E letd 11 rs ot '°"'th" ~ - ....ii'1 T ow'fili;h ip,f,, r the ir :1pprov:1l o.r ()t he r11·i:-:c 1 11nd · '""~ a pnll· opene d t~1.r l-[1111 p-0rposc, · ' O p po~ i t i on is t he li fe o f trad e; _h n t w hc11 u1 ·1 ; 0~s in g, -r l ike tu 1i p po e~.' E'~t> n!l e lS: }. (.'11!1 .. uut ,th os t' )Yl;u nre ne ,·f>.r !;iu b usy b ut tht>y -Cfl tl fin d ti ir1 e to siH1 :der tltei1· n t" i ~ b b o rs 1 w h o in·~- n~o 1· c,. h oa ~s =. :~.aa ~ 111 · ~ ~ one n t o s ia. ndt~ 1· - t!::~ n .t ~ ~ i·t1t!. sCli <' S . It. loo ks .li :: d to se ~ meu tirn1_y t he'n~ ~:d v.t s i u tl1 e g 11 rb .of_ n1ee kncss · a nd ionoceu t e .t<· h id e the ir <; I · Bowmanr illc , Dec'. 17th, 166 7. ' :-:c-.;-n:.. . MURDOCH .. , l l EVV A il J ,<::. O J.:<c, \ · l r. 0.LV·E S IS ·· CLCT HIJ\G ! - n- .o;; .·~ JTlond:iy, tbt' 24th d:~ y oJ J<' cbrm~1· y J\'c xt, L ots of th at \-'i',,tl~ .. rtJ.\.[iI fi G Cotton lt-fr , b u t i t is g o.wg fa s tl; bcc11 u sc it is d:;e cl1enp1:st in to ~Yn . l\'"o on_ e 11;fter e nm inin g ron. t ovu in t h e "t'IJ,f,,\ GE . fH·' !lll A J/i P '.i!"' . in t he ~u i~ 'l'ow1H·h ip. : '\"I , .L OCK Oli ., !.l C: ,ll , ., , .t . - o-o- ,. - ,,,, " , . ior ~-1 ea.-n :. _ :· ooas [ t i.- my ii11 c. 11tiu11 Ju r :L e c ,;ru \ug wi n tct· Jno n th J th [('lJ g und i. c be1 -per t b n u Im:; Lct n la·nnJ tdl vf in t li is part of t h(' counlr J, ,Dy -0"1a, fl.. W l).'DATT , T p C/,,rk. 2 fi-5. ·f) ;x ~· . ' u o~JE&'l CfJ mc, tbc n 1 a 11 d btry ); Ot;. l' Dry Gu uds whe n · .ro u ·Ctt n ge L l hm t hc u pes t, il.ll d \-,,· he re )'o u wiil 11hni y s ge t t r<la t l' d :_tti}L!/{',E _S_., l: und ·-. · fOR SALE. :"--A -~ GOOD tr A It711 \11 tbe wieill'lli¢ __y {~ Ro,.,,_ , Dry oi vu . · · - o-o- ·~'-: ~ ..;..ir · L 1> ~ ' No. l:Z in - the thi.rd ~,.,n~· H:l <!,_h ·1 n-c- the eoudt-we~ t q~121.;<tf' r~- o n.~s s i on ·n...nia'Cto-n; 4!J . 11.t;rc.! ~r-e t:l iC:n r c,d , 11 04 . !. · &f"re't in . h'll r.b~ T he f--e ill a. niel:' <'re£1k rituu1: lhrn·i;~ the . ~· "m"". Two S-ood Bf1rue n. n d I\~ I ' l don't dceni 1 :t ne.eesidry to ii1 for rn n1y u 1onerous C- ustoiners · tllat I g'ive full :weig ht u1~~,l 1ne!'.1Aitre. '!t'i no ncw tlting t1t t!ie GOLDE 1V L ION - o- o- 1.. ag ·. J)~". llin._ fi{ H ou11~ on. tb~ yr&nti9( !I; i_ d so a. g.-.od, Orehn.rd · i i)- tuli h e l\rJa,it . ,For terms anl)' to Wl.LLU. U HO CKEN, on tbe farm ; er-io · R;.' YOUNG, ll0>·mnn~il1 e . 48tf I I NO TRIC KERY AT TH E G-C>L:OEN :Z:... I e> :rxr .,~ bu t everything done fair and aboveboard. -o-oN o S econd-h and T r as h ·k e pt in stoek. ALL.KINDS O F ARTICLES sui tu.b le fo r. the pur.posE- 1 a nd wHl. se ll th~ Rll -T ··.. II . I ' .":bs . et'iber _ h. r.11 on hllnd at ~j3 Mills, o· ~ot.. S"o, SHINGLES-·- FO:R SALE. · ·.~· -_ , 25, l ~lh.con. D a rling-ton, n l&r1· 'loan'tity ofBAWN P !S E S ll!N G L ES, wbi.;_ lii· he- will sell_ ;e ~~~J~r:.~fl.~ _ c.ni h. r .r .M'ARTHU 1 C -H th~ n EA PER f\U J o the r h oi1;1..! _ \\' . 1 lYJcI~:lU RTRY~ 18 i NG · ..c .A:' :L~ L IS co.ivrI . - I . ' i.,i-T~v:-n . · · 'c.l>·rlliigt0 · ····" n ..· - 4, 18 6 7. B, C;\ ll!'BEI.L. , :· Dec .. ·;.,: ·0:l>·w~Yi ijli~'l.'tfi·r,eopy tr. .,__;.._ .F- .~ ~ .S -, "1,-C ,L-.-, -\. ~ S-~-1~8 ~.o.:T .A.·JC>;! .l T ,~ has to bu . y h1.· s goo·ds. and 11·ves by se ~n · - . :. inir them. He is 11ot, [like some " blow·hard s,"J a :wa p talkiilg about selling- them "below what they cost to mannfacture," and so rn uch " ~ h ea per than any other house;" bnt he has . -- I a cions I . .. J. -.-~ .A ND ESJ.MJ~l:l ~· - r '· · . 19- tf. T E A !l .J:1AJUI PROPF. RTY A XD IS OL ATED · Bui ld in g s in To wn oi· Oo unty 1 Insured ·I Low Rntes . . f'1 0 MMER CIA L HA NK A ND UP P ER A meriefl.n Mon~y Bou:gb t_ 1-1.n rl Sold. , \_j Ciu!adn. Ban k bill s, a lso-Am er ica n cur. Ii. & H . O'lfl! A ~?.\; ,· r·ncy,,-bough t · n<l solJ by .R. Dec. iz.~~~N H~AL'L"~ UILO!'Nc;s;~ . . ...,,,... . . ., & H. 'O~HARA , & ; '}?RICES, -,~,REDUCED . PU1CES ., ". rn~ ;i BSCl;TBE . .R~ WISHiNGTO G!VE I Ar1t-cll\· 111 p1c ture11 Low Prices, are :pJr~ra.r:Cd to furnish kt CA~O A m , ~- - . ·romonaous .· · .fl· - .. ... , J..~ 1\'ION'EY TO LOAN. Pict u res &1; Big Stock! s11eh ns SUG~ttli, R~ilISINS, CURI~~f\NTSJ AND~A . . .. I i' B ow~Ht.nl'.ille MARKET BU1L01N as: ,Oc t . 3, ]81~ 7 . p·1 o·~"~X· ! .- . ;. j~~ . -._liz:; :r-1 , o' EIAR ~'\. nnoK&n s , LA. ND -.A N-D LAHG E LOT OF { TWO Dollars l'er Dozen. lt. Br. H. <):IiA,RA, Artists, 1u. nKET BU!LD!N G S;· nowru·~v il le. and it must be sold within the next two months. He will therefore commence eelling on 1,000 Agents WA!ii:'El~ ' "' ,t In,.. ura nce A ~en'ts, :sovv = A=v:rLLE. ·: ·~~ . ~ , l\I O .y Sign oi· tbe G'tild~n 1 AL! 1 l lorf:u·. 2 0th Da · y of December I I mily The · ONLY 0 $ t' ')i;. . -u fu A H A S. nrc~ N M A L> '.; RY Agen ta 1n th 15 b us1nes 1:1 . }, n~cy n_ \y -- l.VIA H KE T B U fLD I NGS, FR ESB GRO·C E R IES Al ~RI V E D t AT STOP . .A .NP SEE ' rrH E FOL LOWI NG R F.M,\RKS ON . Tes timonials o f m o s t, w ~uf!e 1 f111 n. od e~ tri1ord i n nry cures i n' C a.na d:a b:)' t h e G Rl~A 'l~ I~D IA~ HEM E DY. ' ThcJ a:r1.i · at~ rn , . unden iable a nd.illcontest nble.' .fa-c}·!, sidfi {;it: n t u 1. co nv ince the mos t. skc·p t h:n J t hn t - th&_, G r.eat. Med ici nal Com pou nd . J~Jt i' n ed ll t't l~r -for < hgt :J is now iiccessible i n th1'!' G rea-t" ' < · ~ wa nls llnd will h· ve i l . 0 NE DO L LAR . · at the following reduc· d rn l es \ C Rp it hl _requ ired to c om me1;c c-w bich s e n d in a r c g iii . cn: fl let ter. I· , . : JOHN 0 .. _ · . c - UR~RY'S. Add re ss, N OV E LTY Co, D~STOTT .JI!~ . Pit.eTtrtH,LY. ANNouNcEsToms ] .\ , ~1~1:1;l,6f.Q ~1 p ~&-t,Qm e rs, a.nd the public ia ., .!'. mal, lhath·l?,··_romo ve d to>he, . 6<l. Grey ,C o1to1i' 7!d . Vi hitt: Cotton 11 }'! add t:T P rit1 t0 CornerBtoreintheTownHallBuild'gs 7 ~ d . \ \ iueey!>!, foiniert 1 o~cupied' by MClisrP, R . k H. O'Hara., _ -. · o ·{.., .dS . ;fr)!er· he intends to cr.rry on ~h e Drug Bn:i i· I ()r] ~ . - ress -J(J() __ , _._,1 i'a al_ l ita branch er; i and-b.v tl~votin.g bii -~ d --... , l / ,,.11.n1< on ~tricu 1 to' it, ·nd· l s. 2d. C e lo r{: 4 ...,. 0 001.r rg s . .,. I!VUREASJNGllISSTOVKOf' l s. od. 8.ci1 d et F! a n1wl ' ~ pru,~~~~~Zi~,e~1atentMe, dicines1 : 3 s. :1\ l!..·~v. ~:!·. ~~ :(~ r~~:i i~; ~~- L~' ierS t t ti · . . . P1 e \Vo o d1, f)5.e StnffJJ.,. I f "! ' d · Vf:ints, Q i/·, Bru·li··, · 5~ . J\. I - \V n u ' 'I v.ire e f' t r;A,~g;; - !field so~ .·· · · - · · ·~ r. .. I· a.~rdenSeed" 12·, 6d. ( loth .Jad\,t>J,-; fnr\.Y lSfJ . ~ ··J · Perfu ll"j eryJ 7 ~-d . 1 4d. 6d. ,,'-1 d ~ ~ B(.l x 10, \\' ell nnd; 01 .tuio. . ·1 J\i 0 111 p L.i.fl. l )1Jl i I !· ' ALT , f\IZES A ND PATT ERXS FOil g>t-f e al lo \Y prices, b \· R . & H. , ,-,11. t RA.. l\l nrke t. Bn il d ings, Bowma nvil le. FLC UR CC Ft; r!-IL O AT M EAL , ANDGRAH A MFL OUL SH OS B ONEE:S _.· , . .. L1KE TH E I _ ,_. _: . GIF~ 0B~;;~ STORE EMPOHll!M OF FA SHION !I ~ H oliday Presents ! l\~A 11 .,r r N & .J O H NS TON, CROCK E RY (JU '.!' .A. :I: . Ho~ nJr1nv 1l · 1c, N ' ! ov. 2 1. 1j , .. . JE!: .A. N :0 · - For Diseas es of _ ~·up g: sr -- -Li vfir , t~1 e T bro:it 1 D igC's_ t iv~ O rgan~ , Kidn ey", &c., tts · well a s. . REIDJ E DY ! - ,, L p R S, A ND GLA SSW ARE · S c r of11 l11, the va1·iou s S ki n Dise ases , I! 1J1110tS, ri nd all d iscns rS fl. risi 11 g· fr orn · Itiipuri tit:s of tlie ~ . Ulood ,_ 'w o "" bi] ldly., 1-llH.te t hll t t.l_~i3 grcrii,; remed y hr..s NE VE H. BE EN EQ UA LLED.- . 2~ .·'. ~- ·.} ; <i .. Eh·(:ry p.enmn buyir.g ·a J?ho tog~·aph 4 1 ,l!,l,lll· or a Ilo<\k pf ·iny kin d gets ./ k,. · ,~. pre sen t t · 0 Ii· . .c oni,be , ~·., ah ~\l be ·;bl· to offer yo u1.; W .~;i;-at c r ' ·· 'lluti-m.ntlto·ra·or him wit h f our .oraero. i1 .- 1"li.~WkihP; bi11 cuijtQmerBfor p:1. s.tfavors, b... b~)P'~t; 'b~ attention to the ir rcquircmCn t;i , to 1 ·P,·ure,. ConHnua.n·ce of t he ir pa t r onage. Q" RE)!EMDER THE ST AND .! 3s. i-i oo1J 8 ki rts r 7 s. fis. f. 'J oak i ngs 1.. ; i ., . · i' . . -. ,S. 26 ·P.!1-irS :Skp.te. sI o n T·MPEnA.~c" STREET, d irc,c tl y oppoii t· 1Os. · Hi Sets of China! the en tra n.ce fri J 6d · 100 ;Photogr1r ph 4lbu:ms T <> vv DJ" ···- :er: .A. x.. :i:.. : . S, "'6 ·1· "· l' t Ji' C k B. ' k t 5 ·1 Where Urny nro pr e pared to ex ecute pro mptly ol,Yer·p f!. C\l a e as e · ~llord ers ~i1hw l 11cb thcy m·y b' fa vor ed . 5 ""'Id 4 ---- with i.t: "'@ll . ·F. A Y, E CO.",IMEN C!W BUt' IN ES S ON t ht-- il' own ~c. coua t- 1 i n t he s·hop one doo r north of 1 ¥ '. H G O OD , ASSORT JU : ENT. CO'W'LE'S _ STORE- SALT~ PLAS TER.,_ IF Y OU W AN 'I' W herc w:is th er e eYer su ch a. cu re flS Hutt in the f) ers on of \Vt Lso N S T0, 1 n.-is of ]3rik h t'on . Ou tari o, of Coosu m µt iou; Or tla1.t Gf J>mri:a C. V . M tLLEn,· oi' Erue ~ t ow n , O n t a r~o . of Cons ump tion or that of AMFIRO SE \Vri on,' of Co a seco a, On ta rio, of Dysp ep s ia. ~ an d .I_, ive r Co mpl 8.i11f1 or t hnt of J oHk H os~ Y 1 Of N' f! pa nee1 Ontal'io, of R be umnti"s m, w ho bd. d. ac t.uRl1y been o o cr ntcbe!'l for J Cttre, in s pit~ of all .t re atmen t here_ t of,-J rc. A.n d is n ow well .. S r.ore~ o fsu.ch c a se~ m i.ghi bo me u ti ou ecl b tsd s,. '~ · &c., &c., &c., _ &c., ("' I ~c. , &c., &:.c., C ·rd . :Sa~kets,. l.lut.ter ·Qoolers, ·"'- .. - . -. ;S tands, 0 ·· · -0 ·~o~:FTo:~!·~,~o~~L!:G.M:RTAk '" 0 0k i)~;iti~i~l;~~.::::J for Grellt' out - .. .. !. , · · ,?OLP. .,o\.~J1 ~!f.VEU. , WAT CHE ~ l .l.: OOD FITS G U .lRAlt;'T E E D. · lt1~~~~ ~~~tR ~~<iclunes, '-~d., I Thei r l ong conn ec tion w ith t11e ~ Tail6ring (;iT~n Cruet Clo ti. i,, g · m.tde STYL ES 1 nng. t Q o:dcr io t ha LATEST l GOOD . . I TEA s;, GOOD CALL AT Gll OCERIES, &c., Mc MURTRY'S, w e sp '.!: ce. tl"" Call at th5 D ru g S tar'" nud get I\ CirPnlar of unqu esticnfl bl e ccrti fi cn t es ou th ai GREAT SllOS HO NEES RJB: E DY and satisfy. y o nrsel ves: · ' Prige ~1Jf l wmeJ.I/ in la.y e p;11ts. ~. 1. B~rgaiqs ~ ..._ __,_ · fJ oods ~o 0 .,,, ,,.,~ulu eft O'Hara: ,,,r Ly~e~~·ntbs' 0 1 . ·· _ : . ·_. ; . t~ Dresen ts ve~ lo w. as Pre8c11ts ! h 11siness ill Dowma.nv1Bc, th e:t tr ust is ~ 5Uffi_ cien t g ua ra ntee of the quali ty o~work done . _ 1 J OH >I Bownf,am-i!Je, De,e<epibet lS, '-, ' \.<,, ~ F .. .~. l~cA~THU-R ; · 186 7~ . ~- --- -..._ ,, -.. .,, .· nnd ch ildren's P<tt t ·rn· , of the ve ry late st. st,yles , for s1l. le . · Remem b e r the SIGN ' ~ _!_. 'l I -"· - . ~~; i:. . · Is. t'h;'tif'8"of Busines& J" so:~,: ;~i1i., :1ray 1, r ss1. -l<... -·· --- · - - .&-·-· -- _ _ . JL._~· .:...-~ lt .. ·' .. A. ::r::>:"V, ;J!'l,l!'l. ,' r ::i: a ::i: :ixr G p!ace-di1·ec t1y . opp.osite -·ib e ea tran ce t " ~~- 1 7,: . ~ P arcels OB' 'TF IE deli vored. t o rJl L I . QN. of the Tow~.~'@!! ~For S_ ale by e. 11 T lr uggis ts and Den.ler1J in Med i c ine . A g e 1'1i,~ fn r B0 wtn11 nvi llc ,M ~ss rs. J. Hi g-i;iabo thA. m· D. Stott.. "\V bole!a l· ,\gen ts, -X orthro p & Lym an Ncwcoo t..lc. BQ.-m·a"ill·, December, 1as r. I VV',B.,CL1:J:~J:E. I PttlN &. oR~IAMEN . T A , PRINTER' Cl·S r-A TE"~ M AX" f) f'rt ·:l':: 1 D o w.' U'i!<."VIJ.jt-Ji~

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