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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1868, p. 1

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- · prin tcd and publ i:iheU. ~tatr~ imm IUODNJNf~, ElERY THURSDAY by the Proprietor "\V~f R . CLIJ\fIE, .4tthe IOWJl,f'AS\II IP: C V OF FICl>···Uc!U111 try's Olock, lUNG S1P.E~I \\Oinu.n 1 &nd co 1buns the lates t Fore gn rrn 1 Prov1n Ot!t.l News, r ocal fntell1gence, Uonnt) .Bust ness, Com1ne1 c 1a l Matters, and an 111s truc: tn e 3hccllnnT rEBMS -$1 50 p~Unnutn ,ln ndvan ce$2 00 1f ptud ·w 1llnr six months-$?. 50 1fnot psld till the end of the ,) cn.r No pap e r d1s · j ctJnt 1 nued until all arrearages arc paid ex WEEKLY GENERAL NEYISPAPER ~~!!"'~~"'!'~~~~"""""""'"""'!!"'~~~"""~""'""'""""""""""'~~'!""""""""'"""""""'~""""""'"""""'~~""""".':'~~""'~~t"'~~~~:""~~~~ -i\_ FAM~LY J DURNAL. NO 32. ::aacemmas _fu VOL. XIII. Il0Wl\1ANVILLE, O~TJi._RIO, THURSDAY J\fORNINf', l\tIARCH 5, 1868. I bend <cems 11 e a te the ladies wea1 oept es &t rei the 01 Lion of the pub] slcr an<l [!1u·t1 1~1ng I apers w1tho it pny1 og p Wul be h eld respo ns ble for the subscription until ti ey ~om ply" 1th tie rule A.ll lettcrs add ressed to the~ 1tortn1 s t he poat pn1d other\vtse the,y 1110..) not be tal en frou1 the Po:;t Office Jr"TTSIO I ..J..V.J... . "-J T J e on their dresses 8 PIANOS, JUE .LODEONS, ChUN:h &Jlot1 ... e ORGANS, ~ } or S·le antl to Relit CHE ll' 1 ·tJ M Drlm· acombe s Albstc & Dental Tido111s Second hnn l !nstrlltI en ts tak e n In excba.nge for hew ones ~ OLICITED. l r that hae trickled from the eve of some poor, ovetwo1 ked dieesmaker or ·eamsliess Mis Spauld mg ahVays f1 cts and make5 you miserable when she comes I suppose she would have meiytbing in the l 1tost style if 1t COot the last drop of b}ood In }OUl body ' Don t talk in that way, 1 om 1' ou know I cou ld not ge t :.1lo n g without her CALL IS DENTISTRY. M. BRIMACOMBE SUR.GEO= DE=TIST, J\Iembcr of the Dentol A-soocrntwn of Ontario N1tru3 Ox de Gas 1s an anresthes1a u:a~d by the lead ng Dentists of ( anadn. nnd the Un1 tet1 States Having purcl ttsed an 1mvrov"d appnratue for making and adm1n1stre.l1ng tbo Ga..-. 1 We 1nv1te tl ose w1sh1ng to get the r r-eetb Extracted wtth out Pain to g ive 1t a tnol ROO~IS OHll' lUcC:J,U.NG &. Brot11ea s' S'.IORE. )) A V I D s 'I A R '1', (I.AT~ DF nunib \.E \ND SMAR'l)t ~ T10RNllY AT L~" SOLICITOR IN (;1 1ancftf) & Insolvenc y Conre\nucer, THE BIG SALE OF THE - o:- - SEASO~l tl\ry Sohc1 to r fo r the Ontario Hank, :i.:c P OER T FI: 0 ! Mrs. PHOTOCRAPHS Cheaper t ua n ever at New Gallerv ove1 :Mc A.rthur s qto N n - MoneJ loaned on the sec rth of Rea.I Estate, at tbc current rate 39 P :l!l llV ORDER TO DEVOTE MORE ATTENTION TO ORDERED DO/'.;EN THE SI;BSCP. J tiEn" Tr lH SPO Shl 01! Hts S'IOC K OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BELOW COST! Priv ate Sale E'< e1y Day. AUC'L'ION ON SATLHJ:>AY :l'~YENING hnlf"-pnst six o·clock. F SOPER, DENTIST I 30 BE SURE AND CALL AND GET BARGAINS. D. , b*OFl.::BES. Ftl r n1y IV 1868 . Creat B.ngams will be gnen at the ER STORE! BO ';i~ 'iBA~li mo c tl nn t lULI.E has fullv 1ustifiPd 1hP ollgrnal 1de11, that at the "Corn~r Stoic" )Oll could get DEPOT I AND vV ET. :r_. out Joi ~ U I 'I' ED ! 1u AH n: u is 1Vi11ie1 I \\onld callnttent ontol1sll gea11ckot F .. "'Y. CO"VU'I...aE. LADIES' & GENTS' FURS, "h ch bave been c11 rf h 11epa1ed to n nl ~ I eople Com o t tab le du1 1 g tie 1 o ld. we~the1 and w 11 be £o ld al the Caps, Gloves, &c. .~ ! ~ ! Gl ot ill tic ~ND VARIED ASSORTMENT .l'\en :tnd J .. ead111g St) Jes of Hnts Caps {xJo ,es &c, &c 1 con stau tl .) or baud nnd forsde CHE 11' A8 at the BO\\ mu1v Ile H:l.t ( ap ttnd Fur D ~pol con e r of h. 1 1g A1ul 8 11\er S ts 0( pos1te Ma vna1d s Hotel IN V~t\_RIETY nil of whi ch \nil be offeied at the YJiiR\' J,OIVESJ' PRICEs req nu men ts ROBINSON HOUSE, TEMPElt\N< Y. HO'lEL, 'l'HOlllA:oi Row " A:'\vn1E, PATERSO~. 14 Oct "'1 1867 NO. 109 BAY S'IllEE'J' J ATh!Ei:l ~L\_THJi, WS, A tcw doo1a North ofK ng St1 eet, TORONTO. $1 PER DlY. CR EAT CLEAR INC SALE! NOTICE. HARLES BIRD havrng d·sposed of lm Ong hus1 1e99 rcq es ts that aH tbosetn debted to I 1n1 either by Note or Book account ··o ca.11 a.n] get ti e the !'lan1<C on or before the mat of ~[arch next Office at J Ihgg1nboth am sDr 1g8L r e Mr H gg1nbo tham1sauth'>r 1eid tu reoe i ve l\nd settle &1 i a c 'Co in ts Bow1ras;:.., J.l..e J nn JR 1 J:H>~ J FOI(.:0, 1e1no\tng frorn Bowmanv1lle in tho C In returning thanks to the pnbhc for past patronage, would an· S1'Al'ID-Oppos1fe J. NEADs' pre1mses, two doom east of - DR.. A. M. ROSEBR.UGH, Henderson 's Hotel, Kmg Street. Toronto Eye Infirmary. <IOULIST AND AURIST, .A..S coen.to::red h :s offi ce to 2.,..fij, I' 011e AND GET Bov;n1anv11le DM 19 TO 2l RENT. II & 18G? Street, corner of Ah>e~ Stteet, TC>:R_C> TC>. ve'Ctaclcs 1\ nd ~tti fict&. l EJCSahVO.)~ kept o· ha rrd I IY TIME, TIDE AND TRAINS WAIT FOR NO MAN. 3..,wmanv Il e, Oct 16, FOR ~AT,£. N"E~ T HE centre 63! of No 18 Broken Front conc er:.s1on Darlington $1000 <lown and iime fot the bllla.nc<' Apply to Robert Annour 1 Barr ster, Bow manv lie, or t-0 the proprie tor H G Clark Lindi.ttv Dowman \ aHe Se1 t 23rd, 1883 9-tf tng 1t IS.J;!'.UJH Of' CLOCitS, ,J E"\VELERY ')fo not much but Mrs 'VEJtlHJW(, and illOtrRNING IU.~GS, ilIARRIAG I<~ J,J(;E:\'SES. c·me, and l had to lip the WOI k out PEBBLE i;PEC'l'Al'l,ES to1· all 8JA;"llb, S1·utliorltyof Hi ~Keo lei"' the Governor tb1ee tunes before I could ,;et it to smt lenel'a.l ELEC'.rllO·PLATE 'l'f,il SETS, 'rEA. & her She is so parueulai and you know ~ COJ<'FEE l'OTS, 'J'ABLE, DESSER'l', TE"- & SAL'A-' s1·ooss, FANCY GOODS, &c., &c. AUCTION Vi' ATC HES, GrC>C>:OS · ' -VU.~. C X... ::C iv.:t XE, leave to return his Eance1e Vl;i:inks for ACRES O!i' L Hm rnJO!NJNG HI u ST O OK DEFIES 0 JVI p ET IT I 0 N the '"'Y hboral pat10nage hCietoforocxte~d c .i ' cd to him and ~ o 1ld als o intimate that he the ne~ Oabtnet I :1.clo1y n the To\\ n ns QUA.LI fY 1s our ol.JJect and the l\I ~G~E1 or Aiir 1s still prep11red to attend sales whenevm re of -onqnv 11,. qon e d on rensonable te rms .All Olders left $ :1. 0 0 :J? E :Fl. A. C :Fl.E. tt:::r fbe Jobb i ng Departmen t i s attended to onlv bv a first clas s workman ~ ! at the l:iTATESMAN Ofhco w1l1 'e p romptly Ap1 1v Lo I attsnded to A A R O N :BUCKLER · fabl e Knives and Forks FOR SALE, FINE CUTLERY, POCKET AND PEN KNIVES, o _ D AVTD msuoP AiJcrtDNE l> R REOS lo ll-Lf FHA'll, 11 SOPEH COLD Al\P SILVER BOUCHT, BO\\llutnv lle Srl tembe r 1 l.S67 I " n the n me tailed ba,..hnw und wn tt 1 ord"'r 111u~t be donP on parn of death But I huve not told

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