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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1868, p. 2

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.,.;;.. .. ----4-:- - ,-.i" nnd now for tic honour of our Queen nnd for 8'.R.AND Tlt UNK RAILROAD·[the s.fctv of our countr) we npp nl to Q.,1' tnan.-111.e Stl\tion our young men ti) come forward with f loyal enthus a·m nnd courage It may rrquno a little sncr1fioe of ease aud con D5 AM '\Cn1cnce nncl rn11sen1ent and pleasure 6 °~ r M 1 1\..nd :ire you not prepared to make th1s ,//tei" 0 111 defence of your country-your ohurohe· ~f 4 - ----- 1 --and your homes? \\ e beheve you are cf'l' nnd 1f Jou have to submt to stncter d1· c p Jne and spend le·s time tn gftlety nr.d d fr volity will you rot find JOUr com Tl M d ls .,g rnrs ay ormng pe1s1hon '" more rol ust constllut1ons ----- - -- - an i 1n betng better prepared to fight ,ucce··fully for all thnt you hold most denr? -; ~JU!If.t*' ~~· 1 SS?· I ll!!!£! _y '. b \have them and thot without del1y 1U1 liennedJ. Tlus popular Scottlsh songs I er appeDr ed m the I own Hall ]Mt evemng and and w s warmly greeted As he alwnye does lie del1gl ted his audience Ile will suit> agn1 n Oli Ii nday eve1nog when we advise all our renders to give them·clvCR the pleaeure of hstenmg to lum There will hen number ofh1s best nnd oho1<rest O~TAR,,IO J?'roeeed1ngs o:f'tb.<· El<n enth Annual Meefang o:f'the Stockholders o:f'the Ontario Dank. h Id ntthc Banking I-J:ouse, Ho-wll1.o.nville, 1st day oCJu.nc, 1868. J,IST R 5mamrng m ~nv1lle or I.ETTERS the Post Office Bow May 1 1868 not rrev1ously in !id vert1scd A f1t1 rews Mrs James ?ifcPher"on J oha I I · The ohatr was taken by the IIO:i ToH:i Srn:PsON Pre'tdent at whose request the Cashier read the followrng Report TnE E LF.\ENTH ANNUAL llF.PoRr en TllE DIRECTORS OF rnE 0NT~mo B\NK llUBMITTED TO THE SHAREIIOT:DEns AT TIIE ANNUAL MEETING HEID I~ HIEIR BANKING HOUSE IN BoWU\NULLE o~ ~loNJ>\Y THE Ilr l\ n1on Jchn 'Vm Br ly M ss l I znbetl Br tn tco mbe Join C h lles Bn.pl wle Oro n\\ ell S mu el D ckson Tohn G·lton J McMftn ts John Morlev John UC on el Join 3 0 ne tt I ol lord ltobe r l 0 Perine J \V 1 ollock Rober t Ste11en1 :Mrs R !l1££11lll7l lll'. ls'l' DAY OF ,TUNE 1868 Cla@s WA NTED! I JBank Gener.ii Grant. Genernl Grnnt hns accepted the nomt nn rrnn of the Repubhcn1 Con·ent1on at Chw go fer the Presidency of the United State· He I as done ti 18 111 the follow 1ng letter wl toh is I oth well ·n1ttcn The Q11ccn's .Journal and contains an enunc1nt1on of pr1nc1plt~ s A c:l cap cd t on of t1 e Qnr-en 1 J ourn&I wh d 11 cted ont will ronder his term bas Jttet been publ sled at twenty tiTe cents It JB n. marTcl of cl c1tp1 os/J nnd excellence of office peaceful and prosperous Tl e raper s good ti P. type 11!1 goo t nnd the W A~lll'010N May 59 1868 volume altogether 1s 1u1£h as may be\ led i n either tie dntwJng room or tl e k1tcbt"n lo G ne ra l JotiCJ h R Hawley Prc.idont \Ve l f e glad tl a cl f'RP erht on t a.11 bten N 1l1onnl U n1on Repubhcau Con ssue l Jt. w IT 1 lt1ce t w1th1n rt"nch of &II the pehplt> by whom it Rhonld be reftd Jt 11 for sale n t the store of who hn.'f'e a.lso on Yello~lee1 & Quick hand tie Don:1u on Monti I; the T ,rr!'mlln by Sr 'Vatter Scott A cl o ce coll('ct on of TnluabJe &ongr Ac P :ly them a v1&1t n.t once Annh ersa1 ·. The ~Inp e Grove will hold tl eir annual anmvcraary on S abbath and !Uond ny iir·t 7th n11d 8th of Juno On S·bbath a ·crn on will be preacher! after w1llch rec1ta!ton· lflll be given by the clnldren 1n eonnex on with the S S Ser.ice· to co:i>mtnee nl l1olf pnst on& On Monday addrrn·cs 1nll be dchvered by seTer1 l nblc speaker· alter which a pub] c tea will be ·crved Spenk u g to com men cont one o cl1Jck T1ckct11 25 cents Cluldren 1 i; crnt· SomeHllng new for the Latllc8 I The nbo'o 1s tic hendmg of n circnlar 1s·ued by lllrs Lmton ll ho is on n short v1s1t to our town for the p11rpose of gmn~ lessons 1n Music Ur·wrng and P11rntrng Mex1krne and B rim flowers '.l he two last 1ncn honed nre quite new some sprc1 mens of wlncl we have seen nnd pro nounco tl om to be really bcaul ful As Mr· L will be I ere for n few weeks only tie J,ad1 es would do well to embrace tin· opportunity of acQuarntrng ti cmsel·co with these useful and new brunches Thev mny he seen at l\Ir E Sheppard· on Brown Stroct near the reS1dencc of ~Ir !'foad· 'i our Board of Direct JTS respectfully submit thclf eleventh ann 10] report with the aooompnnymg statements for your cons1derntion and appronl You meet tor the first time in vour new Bankrng premises which wlnle erected to meet the requirements of the buomess f!f the Head Office have Leen built with a due regard to economy and d11rab1hty Your Directors hnvc much plcnsurc rn stntmg that the bu·ioess of the Bank hna been conducted nt all its office· with more thnn usuol carofulne·s and o ti orougb scrutmy rnto the state nnd busrnc·s of en< h office oonvrnuco them that large as tho transnctrnns of the past year have been they haTe been attended with less thnn the avera~e .mount of loss-a result which we feel assured will be looked upon with sausfacllon by you and by all who feel an mtcrest rn the prosperity of the Ontarrn Bank The Harvest of the past year was below on average one but the notivo demond prera1hn:; and the h1:lh prtces obtained for all dcscr1p tmns of form pro luee together with the 6eneral prosper1ty that attended other branches of rndustry have caused a de~ree of pr°'pcr1ty lo obound tn the Province of Ontnno where the operutlons of the Bank arc marnly carried on thal hns seldom been equalled A monetary cr1s1s of considerable ·e·er1ly passed over the country list Autumn-produced mamly (as we believe) by the suspcn·1on of t110 Commcrc12l Bunk but 1ntens16ed by a p:encral feeling of distrust on the part of the Pubho Tho monied in·tllullon· of the coon try lclt constratncd for thetr own security as well as that of then customers, to w1thold for a tnoe the faeihtrns usunll) grnnted for rr ov 1ng the crops and ~Jr cnrr)rng on their ordrnary bu·rness operations The result of the Prn10 "htoh happily only lasted for a short tm1c caused a good deal of commero1al derangemen t and produced ·omc temporary rnoon·entence nnd loss The prompt m inner m wb1eh the Commercial Brnk met ult its liab1ht1cs to lhc Pubhc, should eonvrnce the most seephcul that un dcr 01 y circmmtnnccs the creditor· of our oliartercd Banks nrc-perfcolly safe Various ca1t"es having be n as 1~ned b) the Pubho for produc n.- the ol!SIS )r pamc alluded ti) 1t 1us deemed proper by one Branch or tl1c Domm1011 Parliament to appoint · special eomrmt ee lo enqu1rc rnto and report Up< fl the whole untter The Cowuuttcc. reports haTc olrcady boon made pubhc throu.;h the press and otherwise nnd your Directors feet th·t no further allusion need be m·de to them excepting to shte tbnt the answers ehc1tcd tn reply to the quc·t1ons propounded by the ComnHttee showed a uoan1m1ty of ·ent1mr.i t en tertamed by all convers·nl with the facts and ·eldom attarned o 1 any sub;cct which may t.e made one of ·pec1ul cnqmry Your Direct or· trust that the labor of this Commutce will not be Jost but that 1t may have that we1~ht attached to tt whrnl1 its nnportunce nnd tho aourco from which 1t emanated entitle· 1t to 'I he Charters of ncnrl; all 1hc Banks m the Prom1ces or Ontnrw nnd Quebec will expire to the years 1870 ·nd 71 and 1t 1· under stood that lcf("l·hon nffecbnn them will take pine durmg the next sc·s1on ol lhe Domm10n Parliament A parlrnmontnry Committee of the House of Commons was struck durwg the Inst Session with that ob;ect Ill view What that le 0 1slat10n may be tt IS of cour·e un po"5 ble to foreshadow but your D recto.a venture to express th e hope that the syRtem portrnlly rntrodueed m 1866 whwh hos already oertously d1 turbcd commermal undcrtnkrngs and curtniled the fac1ht1es prcv10mly afforded by the Bon ks to the country generally will nol only not be extended but abandone I l: our Directors m thmr lost report expressed their ~rot16cat1on that mcnsures lind been t·ken to extend tl1c Trade with tl1e Man time Pro,.oces bv more direct and closer commcro!Jl rclot1011a tho neocs,.ty for winch baJ arisen 1n consequence of the abrogot1on of the lteo proc1t5 Trcnty nnd they al·> expres.ed the hope that those effJrt· might be ntton led with success fhcy fell howcTcr that the l·te legi<I llon of the Don111110'\ Parha1uc11t has been such "" will divert tins trade rnto other channel· and dt·pcl tho hope they then cu tcrt.ll cd for 11s success The pro·pccts of nn abnndnnl har<cst nnd tho hopes of the husbandman were never more gral!fymg than at present T orf.(oly tntcrestcd as your 1Jank 1s m the success of tho A~ncn turihst 1t 1s equally so m that of tie mrnufacturcr prominent onionn which aro those en~'ged Ill the sawed l 1mbet trade Your D reotors nrc happy to be able to state tho, the prospects ~ r tins In ch of Industry wl !Ch~ r son ct me p1St I as been depresied are n >W much more cnooura,.:1n,.: You Bank cannot but foe] bone fitted by the 1 npulse thnt lw1ll be ~lion to tr 1de and o mmercc 1f the expectation· now raised oboll Le re 1hzed Your D rectors lrnvc ~ccmcd 1t ad\lsoble to close tie Dundas branch of your Brnk )'our B llrd re"rct tij have to 1 1 o ince the Jeath of one e>f ti e r co D1reotors who for m1ny yu.rs has fillod the office of V 1ec Pr,s1 dent of the Bink and been n member I the Boird from its form l!on ~r M·nn s urbamty 01 l eonst·nt atte1 d nee at the Il a1 I ueell n· and ]11S gre 1t anxiety ll promote tho interest of the ln·t tu lion causes ) IS lo·s to be severely felt and regretted And wl 1le the hst 1okcos of respe t have this d·y been p11d lo his me mory by follow\U 0 Im rem uus to their I 1st earthly reslmg place the Ho lf l do;1rei to cd e i l to h10 family and relatives their sympathy rn their dl1chon A c>r ful and thorou~h rn·pect on hos been made by th Oili.ca fi.n<l Branches and we have n1uch pleasure tn rep 1rt1ng th t every tit J \Va.:i found p rfcctly c rrect '[ha Ca·h1cr l\fannger· nnd other officers have dioch ir0 ed their r ·poctl\c d 1l1es tu Uie siat1st ·c io l of JO Jr B oard ond wo cons1 !er them fully cnt1tl1d to )Our thanks l '" r1otlt· of the Inst yen ofter U S eurre r t fond· l· To wb1ch Pdd I nl;i 1 ~e i I credit gf prc6t nnd lo·s fr 1m I.st )C·r Gaud W H Gnllngl er P Gonrd Miss llfnry Summerfield Mlll M'ary S ion Jot n GrllsHchrlG nbl tJsm e~ Sbeddon Mr S ggme Mrs S Short Thomao Toph11m l\.hs1 JeonJ1 TapPx Peter Treaouth EdT. ard Hole S1tm el Varco Samu(!l How &: Hro Wr te Mr1 Ja a o Jackman S1unuel ' ' h1 le Tbomali Kennedy R Walme!:hv Mr I ouden J It 2 1: oung Mr C J B F AlRBAIRN P lf llelen· M " l<:Il· n He n Samuel JN CHANCERY. Wednesday, the Twentieth day of May, (AD) 1868 111 C!tambcrs J et :recn Tl1· Cha ncellor George Dall, Plainhfl'; and Uhr1,.to1·her 'Veu, D e ~n dant. IN CHAf\ICERY ! Jn the matter of' lh1· ~'nt l,.11f and the 1"u1 th·East $243 7:JO 94 your U S GR:\NT a wtnt~ -tn 0111 the I t v ut']) 111 li.t111. qu:u hr oJ l.ot nu111bf'r ourU1 COllCCS!llOD uJ lho 'I t1wnsh111 ofCl:t1·1.e in the Coun- Neu Sec1 cla1 y of' War. 'I O'tt' lUillJP (;OIJl'liCIL. General Scofield hns been appornt ecl the new \.' ar Secretory rn place of Mr Stanton He bns lormally tokca posses The appomtmcnt 1s on s1011 ol I ia office the whole deemed satisfactory f,eovine n bnl.anee nt crerht of profit ond loss noooun t of All of 11 b10h ts re·pootfully subw1H od 0,;T UL!O 'Z18 l"i50 1Z $2a 240 82 · IJ \ ~K Tlowmanv1JJc 1.t J unc 1868 .Jefl"erMon Da~ Is -=--=- - = ==-=-=-=-.:o:============== = -=:: .c_ _ __ - - -- It 1s now reported tbnt the tnul of JcIB rson Davis will not tuke place until Oetoher 'II 1st· a mockery of iusucc and an rnsult to bumn11ty Why not hberat<i I 1m fully or at once settle bis oose ~y trul? -----~-----·~----- ~ta~tril (P' ~~aittan~ut iof tlx~ CC> "ffnir~ ~f t}Af@aatario <>=' ?JB~1alkt AB ON TT.JESD~!\._ Y, TEI.I~--: 26th DAY Oii' ~1: . l~.. Y, 1868. t:x-:Preshlent nucbanan. WI 1le tl e Amcncan people nrc ng1tnt ed ovlf \ho 1rnpenchment of Pre·1dcnl Johnson on the on e hand nnd tne non11 mnuon of Gcueral Grant 011 th e other" Providence has rcn O\:ed fro1a among~ tic 11 one wl o rn l11s y has played an 1mporl·nt pnrt as Amerienn 11Im1ster at the Court of St Jomes J,ondon nnd then ns l'res1dont of the Umon Ex Pres1 dent lluehanan died Oll'>Monday Inst rn the 77tb year Ins ngo anil mth lam anotlier hnk 1s broken which connects the present g·nerat1on of ,\mencsn poh t1e1aas with the founders of the Un10n ASSETS 544194 34 t06 892 69 13891480 1 '>0 32!) 90 152 4~7 98 4 193 546 54 $~ 386 366 25 or LIAilILIIIES 62 000 000 1006178 Another Fenian Fizzle. 'I here wM nnother Fcu1an fi) zlo on Vol11n1ee1 s. :EN'Fl.C>:::C...:C..1% -- I Mond 13 n1p;I tot Detroit A lnrge ~neet "'" wns held eons1strng 1t IS ·aid of fmr tb~a 1d pcr·on1 &t wlnch enthus1nsl!c The burden of the ·pcechcs 11ere mode whole was money money for the 1nvns10n of Canada and the libcrahn~ of Ireland We C·n undcr·tand the appeal for oitsh but we cnn '"" no conneot1on botw9cn that and the nbiects proposed It IS not fo the r elief of Ireland but for the eupporh of a lot of vtle Ta~nbonds nnd cat t11ronts that rheoc nppeals nre mndc Sull let us be rendy Me!srs Brown and Vanatone were "J'lpornt ed a committee to f!XAtn ne the ro&d between lote 13 and 14 in tle 8th con 1 and report al next mee t 1 g of coun c 1I The Clerk ""' instructed to not1r1 Mr J obn Hei ry to move his fence off the road between H and 35 10 the 4th COA b1 the l!t L\ overuber next 25 44 tf · D. OsTAl\10 n~~K Bo~mam11lr May 26 1868 FISHER, Coshicr, MR. JAMES SHERIDAN, E'q -R<1olved Tl at tlio report of the Prc·1rlcnt and D1rcclors be received ndopted and printed for the 111formnt1on of the Port Darlington Harbour Co'y. R rnh ed R csolv d 'I hot tic chamnno do now leave the chair and thnt H That tho thanh of tho meeting arc IJCr<by given to the for Monday the 29th day of June st four o cleck fl m ileJ:t !ly order JOHN MILNE Bowman lie M·y 27 1868 ~eorctar1 That the th·nks of the meeting be g1von t() J J ltob8on, E>q ' ' td The followrng 1s the report of the Semtrncers To D ~vm F1 mm ~·"I, Cashier, Onhmo Bank Sm -We the undersigned Se rutrncer· ·pp mtcd at the annual meet og of the Sharehq]ders of the Ontnrio Bank held tl11s doy do deelnro the f>llow1ng ~e ntlcmen duly elected as Dtr~ tors for th e current yeor viz -Hon John Simpson Hon W P Howland '.l hos N Gibb· J P LJ,ekrn Wilhatu, Mo~lurtry J.mes Dryaen and Cupl R T Rayne8 C DRAPER M GAJ,BRAlTH HOUSE TO LET I Apply to J 1 ,IIE D'\\ El Ll~G l \1 F.J l OCCU PIED by He~ G co BJ r Ontnr o Street DIE ~ Md EE1El!S or PETER MURD OCH 42 lfay 1311 1868 TO LET! 41 1868 R H 'IURNER A COlB!OD!Ot S BRICK COTTA C<E Apply to H & H 0 H \RA The Do3Td of newly elected Directors met 1mmcJ1>tely after tl e Report of the Sorut1neero and re-elected the Hon J Simpson, PreOJdent and T N 01bb· E·q M P Vice Prco1dent D FISHER Cael11cr Bowma iv1lle FARM SALE! TOWN COil NCI L. BowM AN' n T £ June 1 Tl e Conbe1l met on enll or the Mayo r Members all Jlre1ent except lfe11er11 lJI\ ncs }J"1'Dougn.ll and Young :!ll1nut(Si rend and JURIU. In Darlington on the 31st rn·t lho wife of Gilbert Stevens Esq of a daughter New '.:2\.~u eths cmcnts. f,IST OF J,l 'I'TEltS Ander1on A w. ANDREWS tog e str e ons 1n of elements remnm rng rn the Post Oflioo Newoa·tle Apnl 1 1868 not prcv10usly ad verhsed lf \D 1J ISi :\fcCoH Dnnc1.n MQnro Cyr 1 Dr ED. In Bowmnnv1lle on the !lnd JnRtnnt JAllli:S MANN EsQ \ice President of the Ontarto Bank aged 73 year· Amy John brgs to announce tbn.t he 1s ri1eptlred .co.Q.,6rsnc4 the Vocal & Instrumental In Milwaukee lf S on Tuesday Moy 12th after a short illness SYBII A N i!'r~ Town ll11ll for 1he puri 01e of or1an1:i1ng n. )Ir lldlM!· 6Am and )frs Bo.to!! in only child of 0 S and Sybil Bates aged refertpiec t() ope1 lil:li' the ro.&d a.Ho va n.ee o n l 7 year· decp Iy regrette d by o11 who tbe ?. eat Side of t!Je1r fnrms )Jud on i!.il.e kne" her P a1 Os Rcs1denc~-Churcll Street East Jackson John tab e Bo" mnnv lie June 3 1866 45 tf Jackson J F S me accounts w're pre11enLed llDd referred ---·-----------------DOWMANVILLE HARKET8 to Finance Comm ttee Fr m Pror L nton for tl e free iAe of tl e Bowm&nv11le J ne 4 Call Jainu Cra1d Al·x "1\ ;r U S I 0 Cown B G ..J..V..L ' Den·le J embrncrng tho o 1gh Bass nnd Harmony Droke Mr th e elements of compoSlllon Folsom Mm L Gordon M1Qs ll· 1s nl·o prepared to tl no nnd repair llenrlry Mr !Conley James CIRrk J Bla1r fie"V Ph1ney BarVCJ Park W Peal Franc: g RECORDEJt Ed NEW MILLINERY, MANrl.E, .A. N Sadler Miss Smart Geo :0 Taylo· A \Wtt.ltcr&()D Riel ard Wetmor~ J B W lk ·o 1 Mr Dress-Makmg Establishment! Jv.1'.ISS C.A.RLIN"E NOl"liCE. Mr Frederick Kental, 11ortHS of one of the b gl Schoolei 1s dcs 1 ~ous of obta1n1ng -- W ll ams Capt HJR..01 HODGES :r M N"OTXCE l o oO rill $4 00 l 40 ffi> I 50 1 25 ffi> I 30 ~o li'il o 0 70 fiiJ t.t rough fi'lfc A S HEREBY GIVEN TllAT A BY LA VO will be 1ntrnfj 1ced et tho nc1t meeting or NATIVE OF PRUSS!\ \\IJO HAS the 'Iowashlp Couactl of Darlington to be Ro firgt class ed1 cn.t on bn.'\ t g I n.l'Jl!ed 1e!U on Ger a fe w I l 0 70 @ 080/iD 0 50 "" 0 12 ((j) 0 0 0 0 q mnn p p l!'J to learn the German language SATURDAY, lith day of JULY ne:r.t, for the sale of a portion of the road al lowance between Jots 32 and 33 Jn the 7th con of a& d Townsl p ~ !~ ~ ~ ;~ r-~-A..-D ~V -E _:; _ ·R--T-1_ l _ S _E __,~_ ;_:u_; _~~h o-~ 1 fs_y_ 0 8 l(j) 9 Res dcncc-Orono Terms reasonable Orono June l 1868 I l !ly order R WIND A TT, T p Clerk Jlow111annll· Jane 3 !~&8 1 l 1

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