Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1868, p. 3

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COOD QlJEEN~ Corner ofI\ini;· and :"il Yc l' Streets, a ChoicP Sc~k<:tion of Good:~ :'.11it,ali1,e !l.1r the !.JcG~~1~ which w1!1 be :sob Cheap tor C.ish. pre offered. Call nnd exa111ii:c Good,, :rnll Pri ce~, wlnch cannot fail to girn sati.>factio11 as they are the nry best value . . /00 0 If·~. w1;: ODEY, AND 'I'HIS IS OUH In :Deady-:1Iado flothtng great. Ind11?~n-nents· ~,,..All Ordel'B prom:)tly a.ttentled to, ant.l goccl fits guaranteed. 4 l. J:\. D. D! COOD · AND . Ct<JEAP GOOD QUEEN CASH HAS D. ki'@11.tr~i£§. 1THE LATEST AND BEST! 8<tl".1n1.·iv Inst, Jnn,i :?Llth 1 11 lJARK B/:.'i Honse; fo11r .\·rnr.J old, s 1r.pe<l on tlw no'<e. nnd sn:nli white Jpnt 01.1 frq·e)1('. 111~, n IJd '!hod nil r 11u11J . T!.e DWncr <·i1n hf\~·e t11~ "'fl'.l~(! Ur p1oJYl!"7 lllO)('f1j" ArJI) PO VISIONS! Reduced WILL COM'.\IENCE SF.LLf~\C . \ T A our F:r ic:e'·' "Ten Per CentT' ·· · ;::i I~TU" Till~ ( -l..:\:11}~ ; :;111.nc' ibt\r 1 in tLe l~!~!;Ml8ES OF Tllf~ dll11 g e nf Orr):10, on SHE 11 A ,s !cll(l :l!1Jll1g ('.U $ l::', l>y ll"·,. 011"' · " ' C1\!l ~ I .f,\ 'l. HE i'llEP.lNGrllN. - , '., :'. . _ __ 4S-J\1 I,"° ·' lri "[.~ ~~ ·.D ir..i "\' i ri - -------- 010110, {~ - l ! 1 l~ 1· i·"l c1 ~-;~ cnstomC'l g?:H···~1 11s to hiz i~\rgc anu Rt·c~PCt~li' l' LLY L\\'l'l'L~ ' 'JJ!I~ .\'l'·I ~ - cil fl. 7"~ 1 it!! fg.!1 i;V - /K,;i, {?f ' rJ '11."1>'Eill ·'fef/ 1 , ·""- (;. 0 'l~ () Cro-vvded our Store ·;.vith Customers day after day throughout 1hc season.! SITE~ @,V,!iJ>?,' 4. 11 ~~£Ji~t~i&J1 A\1 !'1,l 1~~ -:. ~~ ~~";~ ~4 ;; ~·· ~.,';' ~,"· r";;I ti' ; ·; "~ ~· .:1lll lL1:_ j t.blil 1 I l'l!B! § I Tl A 8 HAY ~·un~ t~1cm ftot11 th.:! nu11r: :-:i1 ~ 1P~d, ;-.;bo h:1;;. ;J. 1j ;_il"ff_,, ~ ~~ .i: 111 11ntit y 0·1 hanrl 111:d ,s m;i11uf1·cturing- u101 c . }.::c-~ t m.ltr·1 iid u ~c J. ll_} ·\. l~TJE~ l,r1.:-;rr_Ii\ G. _1\ (:CCtD n \KE, J{ 1> ;' I lit· al11,11.'e ll C!:H'!'lptl()H c· ,~ n uow p:r;- !~ -· ~ ffe~ KIE s. WE L~ ASSDHTED ci 2T' STCCK 11 1 ,a ~"'£) ~ i I ,';,' fl 1; J[.c! s or:oRo:; lf Ar·:F.s, SAVINGS SOCIETY I r;n 0 · ·.c·1~ ~ ,-,. Hearl Offico. Ifo. 70 Chi11 ch St., c· tJ yi '" N L i'.. , J J.: D '-' x. ':!}><· ~~·IQ D",. ,,. a,.,. ,c· ('1 i ra··~7 -·~.:r c- .'.. " T'J'T1.' r "'v Jn g I t...,,1 ...... .t.O.... 'vv f.!,' .t O:.o1 G:.. 0~· 1.0, h:') ,J v'\1 ..t . .~ · c:.l Lk°), .Ls U..>-5.L.i. ~ w ~ LOH' ' Sunnrier . Pri111,, TweeiJ,,, C:oth, ready JPade clothing, i &c., &e., &-<-. Tia~ alirrl'c goods wil l be sold at 1 I IIncreased ten-fold our Cashier's Duties' (,OOD ii.ND FHESH l!lll' CAlT S ES r1 .i f ·'.r; · ( '.J. ·1·· ,'·_«'.. ,· !hesu redrH cd prices irntil tliC'y be TUitGitTTO. 1~w-.,1W1i ~ N~"lf ~ ,b~ lie pt'.rl c '-' ';,J,,,-el:" tf 1: l l.".l i1a]p1.·r1:.;c·nli; .u·,; ~,UPl~l~ilJit tu a;,1· 01L o.: 1· 1 O· u~'" &. FIE ·D & CARDEN SEEDS: ~G 0 Our attention to Business to be divided! 1SS us ·r o \\-m. Gr,01 : .~r·lJr, m, \<'c:q . .f F11i \\~1:ctl1:n ~ l<Jn, E.-..q J.,!lL: C :t~ i:l1'.! \I t.'..dC . J11;:1 J; ~ S1nith 1 l·."q., 1 ci~ ~L.11.1.\·, E~q, The Hon. 1J Ii :1ft1.cpl1c1:"'. ~ n ill Lr C 8~· ~ 1f't1u· y & !Liulu~r:,;-'l'Lc ··1·r ~:,s nr 1·r 1 \\'ALT I' ft l:f IL\\K .~ T. E~ 'J' lll\ O~ru. f'arHi !}1'fil.·!61o o~·~~V i" n n t lir: ~J.0 1 ti·~·. no tie·· . ~·; ~ A c.d i i.·~:.;1>e: · ·f'u 1:," .-;o: i c1b.i·2. ' Let al I who wa nt gootb rcme11'tcr the .To· buy 111uch to our o-vvn advantage, : and comeqnently to 0(( / tu !JOUrs ! JOh.N M'MURTRY'S. jQUtt~ P (F·· I,_ ~· SCA» Wttt. tiUt.t r GOODS LAS,-l~F_Jl1,,I D I I !MUST SELL~ W,!LL :S,i~:L 1 l~ ~ DD SELl .. $ L1IJ.\d:E : 'I' Bowin <.111 il ·i l'. June 18, 18\3.'3. M'ClllJNC 13owmanvillc, April l;J, 1868 . I G0 U G H I'.~~ 1:: DI CX l·J 1~ ~i~ 'l'frij.U_~ i\~t7 ~~Ji·~ l'L~~~ I I ! i( fi IBill fil lJl ill~ t Of THE IS 'IV IT () ir . t.1;~ ~rl.ii@ ti tU"[ g !!» m:9 to sit for their Iikeues~~s at \thai ot1r MURDOCH BROS. :,v-~ \Yon Id nn11011nce ,l I : a .A . L L ! .18'1} <"f :~.£ ,~,/! ~;fJ1e..Bwtf.!;a,,~JJ d ,J r;;·-r.:?-. 'ii._; _);i t~· /t! ~'f' i ·Q _/i x ~ ~ _ _ ,_ "'- :",_ c._ _..-<.:..· 1·--'Ii. "lfir1 J"-7l i"lf'! tiJT.J:l...M. .11., ·is i.ow in operaliou, it ot' t he X(~ 8 l i11 1be Proviuce, :rnd by an "n:ang ern<rnt d Eidelighr~,...fhe lteovy dark ~11:,Lh's uuder the clii11, «o co1mnon i~1 Photogrnpl1,;, i' ar,rided . Oi ll' Solar C.nner~L is Olle of the LL'"t; we are therefore prepared to rn:lke the i~ one I L ,, ; I ·"· Life Sized Gl?- ") 1r m1r1 Pictures! 41. 1)n111 : I , i I ,' '. Par!ir:uhlr ullentio11 givu1 1o il1c piclrrres of Children. 0111' li~d1l is w larvc tl1<1t tlivy b11·c only lo sit a few ;;;econcb, ;: 011 :> 1·r1'1'1f' ntly 1h1· n)ost pecfoct pict1t1e can bt) ul.tt1ined. Lrt al I \\lho \\'t!ltl £!'ood pietnres ~iY-e us a ca ll-ou r ru!e is satisfaetio1: t'.l.:: 1: 0 7 }', ~>1~~ ' ( '!"~ :(.' i« : .. THEY C.\.::-1 !WW SllU'.Y !JY FAll rHE ""' n.JJO",\'ITH111Yiil(', 1'. l,\" . T. . -;::,.,. ~I.:> t':l u2J Iii,,~ A.T T1l ]~ c:::.1 rj-, ..l..-' ~::'.') . I .J llllB 17th, J i3u8 . .\. CH.\~~T, l:P g istrar. To C'lll'i.st11p lwr \~- e fl'. L1 1l\ T>1·fo1HJ!\nt, T';Ll,l! n ·, tice ti .'lf ifyuu rl e uol a n~»' CI' or dt.·111u1· to t !.iz Hi l l p1:r·1 1tnl : n tlie 11hcv0 or '\r :tli>'.' P\a111 t1rf '11, \ \' , ,:~ t,1 i11 :nl 0 1rl r r lot. k(· ti: t· Hi.l r." t'011k ..: .se1i' :ig11i11,.. l y nu a 1 HI the Uo11t·L mas gt:t l )l tlH· Plairi Li !f~ ~H ll ~· ~ !1ei'ilsl1e 111:1~ lw entit:t:d too 1 l1i~ o'.'· n f'hc'.'."iti g , :1Ld .vn. wi;J nflt ll'C· 'in; rt11\' f11rt li e1 ll( 1ticr, of tile f1;tur.::. pt·Oc <·<;d:11 g:;. in tb e i: .. usc_ Da.t<: d 1 J uue l"t, 18·.!8. Yuu1J, &c, it · JI)' !v .'!: , ~oli<·ito,· , H. LOSCO'dRD', Pla:111iff'3 s·rocK J T ..,..-,\. o ,~, A TL o n s. tudl-'Ol \ l'" ~t1:·1f· h1 i\,N" T'nJC\N~,! IEAR ~ i[l].1'\lEEl~ ~ _J 1:1lg«" I 11pn , ,,1 1101" h g:t1~1 1 n1d ,\ni/c'. )(\ Ill I r\ II\ ,, E,ul I· ('II< !\ ·to.Ii ~ rap( \; I &. ..... t' I rl ti(': l.t' t:> l 2tuu.'11.111 ~'l ;.ul. 1 w1::·1l'·1c l"' o! il1 M ~ 1 z,.~ ~'iniit·~. 1 ll ·\ l'd ll1· I·""· I j AMERICAf~ It!r. /--- ~ . HARDWARE ~'red0ric]r . Kental, " _,,. ,... fl{'f.t~ K 0)7,,i:l}J,~ I~, KATl Vf~ ~ )l·' }'f:lJ~) ..,lA, ·- -- --- · - - -·-- ·. lmp,r1.~r\.;"1 ~.~"r'.l,\~:t"'.i,, 1 ~ I ¥ 01\°'e -.: ti (.!.( [ ( .l).. I lhrun .£~ h I nia ·J afi"~t-dass,·d1,c,ihon 1 li:-tving-p:is,.;t:d "\VHO 11.AS ever cx hibitPd by him, at the i.YELLINGTON BDILJ)INGS, Bowmam·ille. - - --- ! t ve !i' ·.rn·;-; o.f 0nc c.f tie. b:;;.iJ G.crOd1ouls, l:S t1~ 1 ;,2J (!\!8 of oh t 'l i ll ll' r~ a ft.1'i\-' pnpil ,, l.1) ](·,1J1: tile G:~.ttllU; lan g-11:'.gt>_ I J:('!'idt'nC c-O rouc. 'l\~1ms r (' Hsuu:tlile . 0 " :El: E A. JE=> in i;reat vnric.:ty, Now is the tirnu lo 1J11ild and to Pc1inl. (~n rrin (Te l\1akcr8) and BLicksrnitlll·/ Goud::; vffcrcd 011 Kli_PGlt thau ever bel'o1 e in thi..; Conuty. From Two Cents to Tvtenty Dollars ! GOODS TO SUI'I' EVERY.B ODY, antl Special Inducemeuts in the following : :\'ail~, ~,odrn & .l l,atdie!!l, iP:iint,.,, Oihi & \'J!:u· r1i~lt'~ " ' Gfais~, 15a>;h &. I"uHy, I §icyHn<eoj <'lie i"in:1Hrn, · IL.JJJ ...r i~ Jll n fl_ 1 HitE-ALI-'L JL'1 Ai "lf7ll ! "' . The Grocery Deparln1ent is A, 1, 1· OA:.N""'T l3E BEAT IN THE vVHOLE DQ::VIIN~ON. llA.i!iiINS a!lld CUli!ti!i/iNTS .~lllL'iZ'~fli§'JL ¥ <CU:~A P . · ll!:a!.:ei. & (f~·aat]k,., , t:aa'fi'ia;;·c ()io,.h ,. ,\: r,e:1ther, ~:rrnmnit'n·,'l!'i&n:.ier& ~hinglc;; 1 !3p~·h~g·ll; AiHcs & llaml,,., 1§1)ade~ & §Im~ eh, . ilh?JJl'i, ~i1okt'§ & !'docs, ~"'on·i;:c;, ·"'-· !mm~~, · I h·on, IDoa I ·& !Bolts. 1 10(' 3) FA R.1\1 } F O R. SA LE! 1'0Cabi11etl\fakc pnnd UphoLten rs. ,1c;n1,S, BL;,(; Lfll' o, HltCDN. f.l~,rJi: 1gto n . 'tO 1icrt"'J eict"' (? d, a111i Wl1c d laud, ~. C0:~1fc~· 1 2.b;c J\vcllin~ acre~ 0 · Lt. rri ... a;na~: i ~ ' < ·' If, ee hem. "®'H'i?fg< "'" :.g . ...i j~~ ,...;.1 'J;{f;(;O'J. 0['.~ ~;~~r /}t t.'J.,y.,..., 0 '01 ,:,~,l, ,:;;;, ff~ W'k0!~~~~ ~;~~ = 1 .q) ('d/ ~~S {..'.J "--.:,1 ·-"Is liunpowdP.r, Young Hyson an<l Black Tt:<fS for q1ia!ity and pricu ca11't be equalJQd. . - cr.i:rn e, go~) rl b:., !o!a.blc, ;;ht d, &c ., a.ncl :>o!'.tlO A CHOIC.E LOT UF SUGAI~·CURI~D SM01iED HAMS J&.ememt>ew the oJ~ ti~r.irail!-Vh;~oria l!! tiUd,Ug!!>. ! I :i·n ....-o : , 4 ,,. ,J !;J , . MURp0(;1~fil 2-o:;-~""»ril:-:-JP .-::: . :"1't--'.~ 1 1:!V7 BROS .. \ : l' /

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