Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1868, p. 3

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- - ·--- -·-~- - .- ' ----- .. ·- . - -·---~ - · - -- ----·-- - --- _.....__ :E[ A. s ~R ;Q to p;·emiocs op posi te his ol.d ot·~d, l'!IlST · S HOP EAS1' OF 1'H)J · E Thi C) v E D iiiiiriE -ANn·--ciRouNn 1 ..<!or a .e m ..,, S J ·· B o·wm.a!lVl e. "11 ; , TFi&.ni .i\ EUQ l'U r..1 io ... GldlU.IU' _· .,· ' l ' nE suuscarn1rn 01t ~' i;;ns· 1eo a· sALE ~~~~ lf\.., n. t·,vo ~storoy brick bu ~ l d ing on Ontario .S tr Pr,.t , nen.r Ki ng S Lre ct, wi th gL· o nnd, !J6 f.tel frouL ou O ut :ni o S tn::l:t 1 nrnnin g bfl ck 60 N; 1:i. . W . . . t·i{h el'c he is pre\>tn·cd t o fn r11i.sh the public with nil kinds af DOUTS & SHCES. ~ lt11ving a ve ry IJarg;cS tock on han d : licis :r oon1s tip stttir s , two lnr·go ruoms on first bound to .:i1~LL CITIC.AP. '.fl oor, wi L!t a n ex ce llent cellur the wl; o le size ~._.. ...A.::ll ·- Jd nds of work 1nade t o or de r, On f bu it ili n g- ~oo d wtll 1t11 d ·w c c ds!J~d.-: ~'t he-i:ll.iin·tC>str,no ticc. p n.: rn~se~ can be seen ~1t nny time' by a111)ti... ci.i li ,_ ; n to · 2 ~f. JOHN JEFFRHY, Buil di ng 22 x 2!1:' co ntai ui ng · four Uetl· 'I' I-I l=G - -- -·- -- 49- tf. King 8tre ~ t, BO\Ymttnvillc· lo _ FOR "ACRu;s 01.1 LAND .AD.I OIN ING TllE new Ctt Uiu ~ t li'nctory in the Town of Apply tu ·B tl ildtng has just receive<l and opened a THE LATEST AND BEST l Ho\','mU11\·illc . l'll ANK IT . SOPER . Uowu1.l1n-illc, .August 4th 1 18GS . l-lf. Insolvent Act of 1884. United Counti es ' . Qf Nor t,humberlnnd 1-eanll Durhnm. To wit: ·~ 1 Iu Lho C pu nty Co u r t. of tho ?"ni tc d Conn . th' t; of ;..ruriuum b c11tu1d anll . Durh am. In t!1c n1:.tttc~· ot' .J1tn1e~ Ke rn.·, au !nsohcnt . · On 'fu esd ny, t he ·r wc n iie tb dny of October next, llic u ndc rf)ig11 cd 1v.i:l upp!y t.o t.117' said :-co u t:L fOr n d is-chn rge und er 1Le sa i1l A ct . .Dated this 10th dr1y of _ \u gus t 1 ·A D., 18G8, ten1.ion of bi:; cushnn ers ge 11el'a lly t o· his lal'ge a nd R ESPlWTJ'!lr,LY .I NVJ'l' ES rllll AT11 11lt the pubii< , 'J',\.ll ES K EHR, . J?y n. T. \VILK.INS ON, liis l\ llOr ney a d litC'm . ·- "----"-··- -- WELL ASS 0RTE D STOCK 1· C>F 1li AT,S AND CAP S~ 1 ;at the · Sign ()f the His Sp rin g- pnrc h r. sC>.'i r.re UHirf> tllan JOHN URT.RY'S<E n su all.r e bokP 1 e mb l'ftcing I 1VI P R () V E J) BUCK-'EYE - - -- ----·- .8.LJ~ THE :NOV EI.'I IES nr TH : l.:"J) · n .\'l' l r r, ' ;GOLD I,01vest filIEEP~ STOCI{ i . '~ DRY 0 ~ ~. -D- · a ·· , ·, _ . _J_ - \~-· ·. · 1 I ··G ' RAIN .Dl11L ..I.J. l\; tlie Unit.e d. S .::::i,tc s, (:1000) four tho u~a. t11l or thei'll ·iut-:ii ug.""bee u ~built in o:ie es t abli:;t. m~ n L .. b1. Qhio1 · for :t h is s en8 0 ll 'i1 Lr:l de. Q 1rro., nl11y .~·M1Yf ll rt'gulatetl by A. S'Cl'e W in ::it eud ~f' f!CfH' wL~r: l.:i , Can be c l1 1\n g t'd in 11 rnonwnt, n. n d , l'RJ.CHS Rfi:il!ARKABLY LOW ? Ile is offering UTE DESI RI': TO CA LL ll. 1'1' EN 1'ION l'l to our" Uuck-t·y e Gruin Drill." \Ye ~' Wnl'r.n.n.t it to 1;; 01\' \Vh ea.t, 11.,YC'f HurlC'y, On ts, P1~::L~ an.rl .Gruss Seed bet.1er th:l.n ·<=~-ll f ot.l11:r i Drill mnde. ;It is now 1he leirding Dr ill in GEN 'I'S ' FELT HATS 'fro m :7i:i c. nud up1v1tnls , nnd Strnw 1Ha. t.s fo r the smtt1l .o: \i m Of 10e, Ao 110 ll c~ YO tCS Li:> 1-rilol e fltt.c11tion LO t lie , · is now - ccmplete ·in. cwlfr.y -' JC'p1Htmcnt, and will be S&id nl 'the P rices ior Onsh. I:I 'I 8 >G OOD AND FilEStI ll.!!A. 'll' & CAP BUJleHXESS. h e p ri des l1irn !> clf t lllt t fhi-s 'i u.Unc.l'meu t-s .v.rc S\JPEHlOH · to HllY other li onsc in th e t ract c. '· ju s t .flS much or litll c·1.diffr.rc:1 i?e m,.die i~1 Lite ..:'u]d re,;:s, sow i ng aB nu1y be dcsi rPil. , P!U1e .upoll rec eipt of Ol'dhrs. · CUP!'i:l lif~nde to Oli' t:le~· on'L h c ~s hu rtes l. \\' 0. Cil.ll s hqi 11.l 11u licC". ~. _,-:\._ cnll. l' l' SpU:..:.tfu ll y soliciteU, ' 500 Bags Liverpool Salt for Sale. DRESS GOODS AND CLOTHS 1 PIELD & CARDEN ..,\ ii l Le founu th e SEEDS Highest P1ice ·,Pe.id for Raw Furs, Exr ~u t o r, £'. \\', GLEN, 0 -'.;ha. wn.. - - - - - - -- - - · Ueh1H\'n 1 Aug. 20 1 18G 8 . SUO:E ,[ 'OOLS ii.ND :E" U;rDINGS.'. BASE BAll. I .\lar :->11 lc ~! 1 \ ll' l't·g.'. "'!Jm: l\:uli'. :-; il rn' l'ai: k ~ 1 I I e d ·:ll1<l ·1\l~- Pl aw.-: . .\: 0 , \ . \"h o les alc 11 1~~1 He tu1!. . . · 11 111(' n_. l _'ftl11.·1·n.~ of ~ l l "l.~ '!.'o,,1~: ~.l1N·n1 1:I ~l;11· h. ! 111; . 'l;l·t' t: 11 (! , t'O , \ If'LHTT:: ,\:-< $() H' l 'i\11°:NT of ll H· L.\ T f<: fi'I' and Best Selected: . 1 . i:. Nine .n1cmbr.rs of Ilowman \·illo . Division, Sons of\'ren1pcrr1nc e) ure ·prepv.'r cd .to "lay a frien dlycanmc of base b11ll ·with ""Y 'uine pli~ye,r S·il1· · b thn·T.uwn · ' nwni:.t11r1 ·1 1 oI' D ·~ or in tbe 'l1 vwn~hip of ])a rlingt.on. Ar.., r a nl!e1n e nts .for a gnu1e 1nny be 1u:idc ou :rpp.lica tion· to ·s. 1 B U JlDE::{, Bowmnnville, Jul y 22, l SGS . ~Gly, ,u ¥A N :f-. 01Lll'l>n, l l i \"·ongtl f:i lr t't:L l'i; n.>r i\O. ' NOTICE. An . 'lYEBTS ouE either by Not~, Book -JH»counts or ot herw ise 1 must I be pRi d at once . that he has ever shown, anil very Cheap. ------,-·- - - ---- ~-"· · ·---- 'l' .O ; ) 11,;. 'I ' A IL '\ l'lfl·:rucA}" 811 P.A nml t of itll ,.; 1z1· :-.. i"1p m rt>.·, L nr n ~ ll lh:.h:.1! 1 ~lrnigl 1 t · :~:dg~~ , I mpr"n ..·d Jrrn. 1 ;;, . J.:1. 1~ li,;J1 ;!nd ... ~ rnc ncnn Cr!tY' . U:11· 1l i: el' ~ K~R.1?1·1 .\lERB &- O~ H S. P9l.NT~} · i\' ·· ic t' , · ~- 'l'<:\Jll.' 6: ~...; . . al\ 1;f 1he ll eo/ q utd1 1y :rn<.l u! L· 1 \ 1 · l'~t l'ri cel! , n~· -~r; -- - ------- - · - -- --- --·----··- Btrec t, · with "" tLree ~ ci gb 1s t. l f'. an : r, ('. t' e. cf lu'n d 1l·J Yonge ~ !ree l: '1' om11 lf' . '. o.ttuchcd to it. 'l'bc:re is n t;ood young or.cbard, iu full lienring,..nnd nl1 ?.t(' cu1s n.ry r~n · vtJniunc cs i·eqnireU ftbou t a 1·l11ce. ~or To Cablnetl\H:kers and . Upl;.oloter~rs .. " fu rt.her partieulnrs 11 p]1ly to . fl A ;i n f!.l~A,.f'fJ\ j~ , .'-f(J J':.L.l; J) rr J\ r:::t -'J'{ l\ Y ;, :.\OF ,\ - , f:'p n 11g-.-, T\\'llU:, <'hnir-w e h 1 Jh1l!.vllf:l. Screws, . 5 l~ lf. )L SfTEUIN , O!_.. J "' Ji:~Jt, House a.nd lot foT ·Sale. niJJE SUUSCRllJE r, l1D' FrrnS F Oil SA r, ~; . i. i~ griu d two-storC.)' d-wellin p; lir':tse ntt-d oh Kin a Street. two lo t s west of O·ntttri<J s it.1.i - - ----;;·;;---;--;~·;~~~~~I~;~S. -·,- -.~ .l sq.UA llES, \ c1.·;1vT1.1r: ~-, (i;i u~r e s , Ytiru i1 ·r Cal ipe r,.., i~r~· .,.J C1di-11e r . Hi,1';71:", l'al 1 p(.'r_:::~q11n 1 e.; , 1:1. inc. · 1 :1 : 11· 1.·1 ~ 11! ~ (. 1·11 ~·t: i!', ~"' .. 1:. n1.:g1 ~~ 1<· 1 ·111~·; Ca li pur~ :ind Lh·i1:·. ·foo , .'-iliil n;' l·~ Jks u rnl.T. :ml~ l';d1 ·1n <...·il~r6 , ~!i.: ~· 11') f;col.·&·c. : fi, r .-alt· Hy ~ 'l' F l : L. rnn . r·:~;. NTJ ·: ~ ;1. ju: r. n:ri <'l' ~ n( i lanl wa rf!, , 1 1-1 Y PP: :e Si r _ e , ·I, 'l\o f! l HI !>, . '3'il~ Ji\' ·~~m, 1 l I .Mc<C lLU :\'G & n.n.os. ALSO , .A LO 'I' OF TllE 'l;une ;yds. Colou red Silk fer Sale at a. Grrnt Barga.in. Newest Styles & Patterns VHJ'Jl'O n:u. JHiTUHNGS>( Bow1nn uvill e, Sep t . '9 1 l'b6'8 . ·.· ~ . In Carpets. SAJ_./T, PL,,t-l_,ST.E R., A "'TTT 1\. ' N D ;.Jl!1f )iit1 & ·. · . ""r:::) vv A.·rr · - ' ·· ~ ±J~ ------- ----- ··---- ····-- ---:'J l-i. 11 :,;-v"· J .n ek <,. 'l' at·k~ : [·'! 111t ('ap<.n·. (:; ];11:. '" l' i11 110 Shml ' Cu/h H ·l' t 1n11 1 ;.;1g 6. C~;! ; n!_.~1, l' t l" ::i Ne t:!rl leil iiwl R(·g-11lut nn·, Adtli .; ' ( \ 11 ' \' Pr 's '.i'ool.~ .. Ex1 _ t:ll:"io11 [, 1~ j:~1t~~1" J ~i \:u~ : ~ h).J cull Uur~lwunc: ,1: t' · · J-'or i::i:::il e 11. N. E.---The Cheapest.·Cotton !higsin the Market ---~ ALWAYS t ~t.: l tw ~ . H lE V 0 f, V 'll: i:'tii G RA~\. ES. 111 .an· ~N .& o~, 1wrnii ; ('<:'IH"r ul !111r: ; , vv:1_: \l erdm11t:'l , 1 l ·l Y migc ::-\1r.:.0:1 , T o ro nto . · · --.·--·-- -- .,..,.,,.,..,===-====.,...,.. -...2±2-~-- ~---~ -=-- D ·( ,)-ARTJl<;S WISlll:Oi" G A GOOJl HAKR (If thB nbuvc d c:scrip !'i o11 c:.t n uo \v pro1 -cu-re theu1 fr otu the nnd 1!r~ i g n cd, .- wlJ o l1 :1s a · "lunnt1 1y on ltl\.11rl ar:.d i3 rnau u f1 1c tu rin g moru. Bes t matcrii< l u :s<~il. ' IO't _ r OL.l[V E R.j 1:11.l'ORTlrnll OJ! .a. Iii. ! GP:O ltGE UA:ItF.8. Uuwman u i1l c 1 Jn ly 2, l 8G8. 1 i4. i' ONGE = .:>;;v~-\'l' I ZEE' l .A.. :Fl. E TORO N' l'O, , FIR·S OF . 1-uifl THE DAY-! The undersigned having purchased' stock of the late Wn1. GRANT, at a Great Redudion on the originalic ost, is now offorl ng the same at Dcr:idecl JJargains, in the Old Stand one door eas t of J. McLeod's Hardware Store. towu, mfrl noue chc<tper will be found . . 8Q= The puLlic are respectftllly :sol.i cited tb.·call -and,examfoe stock and prices. ('a·ll <:at>Hal and AssctR, '"' C l' His stock.ds equal in qualttY.to any in Bowmanvillc, Aug. 12, i8'68. MU .R DOCH CHINA.. BROS~ Two !Uiliion. D o llao·s-!JN,026,20 1'0. Clrnner ..: d 18 10. 'TIIS·OLD AXD llEL I ADLE GOl!.l'A :\'l". STEAM ENGINES &HO!LERS. : .} 1 :S . F. HILL. ..2-tf. 1 '.f)-:;r·2 . 10 2·5 0 'lf{n'tJC l~orvl'r. ·1 .: c 1.n. A'l'TJ<: N'l'JON JS f!AL T,ED J~u."l ing ill· cstilblish~-d bu si n(· ss in 0a 11: -r1sp 1 ad.a Of ~1'l· o1· e: .Chn. n thirty _y e1J r.:: sia. nJing , h tts ll~ ·to li i.s Gi rc u!nr an d lJp ri p; .h t 8 11.w :Mi ls 1. t_· Omp li ed ':\>'h ii tlie prll vi 8illl'i5 of th i: 11 1?-"ff fn- ilie 'Lest arid most '(H'l<\' l'ri'1 1LGf.lug .··\J ill :;; 1.;ror tillrnn cc A c t _ rl'q 1iidn g- n !" pecia l d t~ p os i t wlrh bull t. :C.\ u d crery dcscri pt-iow uf 11te Govcrnroen!, and \·:ill ccn1tirnv~ to g nt n1 l'ulicieJ up on U.1e ~a:ne fav o r:d.1lc t erm ~ as ber(·toforc. i!? Speci:i ll r low t · "O.lcs nn fi rst c lns s I'V!'t'f.~n Lr': 1 - --~-~ ·-~·-- -- ·"-~- - ---- · ~--- -·- · ·===,.,.,.,c"""' -<=="""""....- Mill Jliachi.a er y & Machinery Supplies) .'Ir, WJ'A TJ0!'\1\liY G JU;'i'l' .~IJI.L [:! . l)\.\'ELLJ.\GS and "(1'},,Ri\l Pt~u p J:i: l{TY, r~w u. krm uf o uc or mor e ye ar ~ . · Losses, 1\3 l1er0to ;~o re, PffOMl"l'LY a nd EQ UoJ"J'A DL Y · <ljusted. Tl:e heat S\1ingl e 1 Lath nnd Sts vc :\L.1~ chin e:; in ur.: e, AIAcu 1 ~l~ T::> ' To ols· of ("V\~l'j' 1 1csc ri pt1 011, a1Hl all k ill<l H of th e \Voo dw o rk iug Mach i nery i n 11.,;1~ c ons t a 11 t ~y o u ! rn(~st. ~i p11ru1·Td I A 'LOT TO .B ·E AT .R. & 1111. hand tu;rl b uilt to ol'dcr. @' irn;I\.. !It /l, T he hr- s t T tJll Bl n> \\' A'l' Elt . WHEE LS, .ll~·ea~ g:IOJ ~ .\lill G1'11<'iq.!:, &c., &e . D. 'fOR BES~ ESTABl,JS.HrnENT, Gornei- of King and Si lver Stre ~t s, a Choice Selection of Goous suitable fo:r the Season which will be sc\ld Cheap for Cash. EXTENDED that DEP_,_'\..RTJ\rENT THEY C.AJ'i NOW SHOW ' su1nel!'!Oft' (}Hill Tanne d f,.uatll~1· DY '1!';\ R T"Inl CA NADA LIFE and ~U~c , a.t °l~t~~!!t:C lH~ :P(·i.C~S . :ntultEn.~ a· .1i-e·:e.'i ~l'!1g and ASSURANC,E :CD,,., ESTAJ>L!SI!ED JN 18-17. :,.;jlw. f: iug, Jlull ies and B angc r 1:1, PnleM , Ha.ngen; tuH] Sc!f-o l li.n g Boxes , a nti evury dcscrij)lion uf In Ready-Made Clothing :great Inducements - .x G Ma c!tin er!J <C Railway Supplies, in store u t t~1c lowest rates, l\nd Pl11ns n~1d Spccifh:tttio r1s 1-i:iade ttnd irzformation I g1 v ~ n, u.t sl ior tes t notice. D1· n ~vin g uf 'JI ills, .M acl1iue ry OF NEW .CAPJTAl,, ·· $2 ,000,0 ~)0, _ _._. ~AS J\L\.JJg 'l' Il~~. S l'J~ CL\L DJGPOSTT , .w i Oi .G ovt:l'urncmt of Oa.n . ""." · ' are otfered. Call and examine Goods and Pri ces, which cannot' fail to give satisfaction as they arc the very best value. ~e- .All Orders promptly attended t o, ancl good fits guarant~ed . 41. D. FORllJ~§· j,l l=i. ....i:::LJ LT'l_A_"r · ESrI""'I ·· · · :BJ3.}ST CI:IEAPEST ev-er ·sold in town either by Auction or Private sale. ~ i.tt. & .. u, o~liLl.·R . ... A..J I Dl!st ) fak e _ A 1argc sto ck ofCircn lar und !il i1 1 Sn.ws or 011 ~J !!.IJ d , mucl1 below cos t pt:iccs. Ag·CR}i§ 0 OF!l'I CF.S: ·205 Fulton "Street, New York, ·----1 LIFE and ACCIDENT ' IN ql · i· 'l05 1J ig:li H ol bo rn, Lo-nclo n, 1£ 11:g le.:1a, ~441 'St . P 1tu l Street, J\lont r~al , Dn.nad11.. Dowmnnville, 8o~U, 1S u7, s U n, AN c E . . .JL ravet·ers I nsurance, !l OF HARTFORD CONN. ass e( s ....TnJy ;,; !St , Jl.SGS, $1,0:Ji9, 605 '.l.J... --=-- $'.['!£&.ill PlJ;lIP§, Rotary, Power & Hand PurnpliJ; S UC'l'JO!\· , kL!.i'.T -AN.0 F OltCE .P UA1!1ft ffi lil Ti\ !!.;!} fl l!J ft Li' fJ\ fl) w L!J ill Ll , . (il \.!J \.!) \!) · rp rp ft\ nu n L!J .-~ ~ . 11 u · ·.. · ' a 0 IvIIl uALs · INJ n "\V H N T E :o ! ~rrmmlil lilfilID ®~lil~~wlllmrn Don' t foil to cull, a nd y ou will.fin1J.\v,hat is useful and ornam·111<,J, at o A_]~ E FIRE P U Jl.ll:Ps , ., __,,,. IFJ!&E mul R"'-RUEN ENGINES, . {I.Lid all kincls of ~ Casl1 . .. pJ,U:MHN RS' AN.U ..GA~.Fl'rTBnt:>'- (;OG-5\)S, Good J udgos of Pict11ros , :a~riving axra~MatY ... ____ iow _,..... Jtatc:t~ j \V:!Jolesale .nud Rela. i l i by ._.IIA S :IJADE THE S P ECIAL JlllPOSTT of ;;;; 100,00ll wi tl.i the Gov e rnm ent fo i· the beoafit of Canadian policy ho lders. ., HATES LOW, . J OHN B. F ffi,LEI.\ , ,4 7 DEY BT ll EET, No1v York C.'Y:!~. i at the NE w· to sit for their likenesses at in great variety, STEAM GAS l& WATER PIPES WE8TJ:Dl~N BO:C.lLEIR FLUES , .And all kin(la of Urns3 .a nd I ron Fitting 0' HARA'S NEvV GALLERY in the Town Hall Building We wouM announ·c e that our From. 'l'wo Cents to Twenty Dollars ASSURANCE CO. TO RONTO JJ:S 'l' ABL!SHBD 18 51. 'l'oo.h;,. &c. lf)OI L ER .l_) S:tfety PU~I P S, C Oii; HTI:A'r.mRS v ·al vcs, S te a1n a nU Wnter Ci~np:c s , tl.Uil every dci;c t'ipti on of-B tcam nnd GHi3 Fittcn1' Goo d s in U3 e: \Vholcsrolc an d l~ctni l , at g reatl y .,.redµ ced pr i ces . Th e Larges t. Stoc:k in t.he city. ~ Se nd fur Catn- .,~f.11..J'fM. 01 JI SIC l"" L J.(J. I-11; loguc l\:.id Pricu .Li.et. is now in operation, it ·is one of the best in the :Province a nd ·by an arra11gement of sidelight$ the heavy <lark ' sh ~G.es ~ntle r tb e·chin, so co,mmon ~n Photographs, is aonded. Our Solar Camera is one of the best ; we are therefore prepared to make the The Grocery Department is ;' .At, CA~'T BE BELAr:p;·,.IN THE WHOLE DOJYIINION. 2~JE@~ t~~'1~ ·fil:@~~f~1 1:~. ~.. UA.ISINS and f )·UR.RAN'l'S A.lllJAZINGi.iY CiiEXP. With tbc Goverumcnt. H AS CO)JPLITID WITH 'l' H ll INST.T l!· ttnce Ac t a u<l mn.<l>! C\. speci;d de posit , Ro.tes hlu ll er·a te . J . B , fi' VLLE.tt, · 17 DE Y 61'REET 1 New York City. Marhet .Rnildings , ]Jnwriilf'iiVitle. ,.;l_ . . _ 1 "IJJ_ ADVE Brn1u 1-;i ;rgnodr lOFF ICE at "he "STATESMAN " Officel D.D "cJJ yo> if you wi.sh I.( ·l oner al. B;r 1i uth nri ty of II i s F.x ~u lle nc y tl1 c 0-oYc r nor giv en to the pictr.; rcs of Children. Gmipowder, Youn g Hy~on and JJlack Teas for quality anti pric!. Oar bght is so large that t.liey !mve only to s1t a_few seconds, · · can' t .be equalled . · eonseqnently the most perfec: t picture can be obta1nccl. Let all who want good pictures give us a call- om rule is satisfactioi: A CHOICE LOT OF SUGAU-CURE D SMO'ltl~D 'Ftil': YiS ~r,n o c harge Prices low. .Rcmc.mbcr the old Sdam!~V.icaoria n.~.1iJ1Hs1§·r;. Most ~erfec t .Li~e Sized Pictur es! JW~~~~ . 00"'." Par.ticular attent10n Bowmunvillc, June 17tl), 1868. R. $( H. O'J'i.A!RA. .47. MURDOCH .E~~OS~, w.m~n vllle , Dc·c. I.7 th, J. SG7

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