Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1868, p. 3

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i· oven to tile Public »'ve i·.r Day! in tirn ~i( ~ MA.R KUS MAYER is fully prc p::ored vd th a. F ..A. 0 TS ," Victoria B uildin 0 o·s )" Bown1anville. WHERE HEN HY'S L..:\.1."{G E or S 'T' 0 C IZ ! Ob' Tilt U , NEOUALllED PH 1 D TDGRAPHS! ,llllBROT'Jil'IES, Ll!~TTERGRAPU§, Ladi es' and Ge nts' Furs NE WEST AND AND POR CELAIN llO R TITF) PIOTL.TRE S, ST YLES 1 are produced at the DE ST Q U A L J : 'J..'Y, LO"lVE§T :PIUf!E§, :.uul §llltisfaction GUAltA.l\"l' ~ED. which h are be en m f1,nnfn,c !.T1re(\ exp re ss ly f i.>r tliis \VinV.!l"S Tnu.l. e>will b{:l found F irst- Class, both Cheap & Good. - - :o:- In Hats and Caps the Stoc k has brcn <lonblcd, rtnd 1dl the Latest Styles iu the t-.larltct 110.vc been i :i~tr oduce tl, so that all parties can be s u ited both in S tylen1 1d Price .. .As lhc premises hnvc been et.lnrged, cu~t.orum·s . C\'Cry REdD XF 'Y0,1E3" , THJS e AND BE SIG N bF T :t-I E ntt cn t i on antl corn.fort w ill be afford ed to De sure o. nd ·enll cnrly. !1:3-.All lt.inrts of Furs :tlttred and repa ired. EFITTED BY IT ! .. .. A ; .......,., · ···· · · ' ' .' ~ , . L.. , .......... , ···· ;.. ... . . ... . ' L,...; ~ -- .·~ ;, · " . , ··,,,; . -- · ···-..,_, .. , .. . . .. , ., ........ . ~ ... . ... _,, TI V C·' Jl<',l. l,O RffB~S always ]ine<l 1\uil unlined, Ohea.p . on h· nd, Highest Price Paid for R a,w Furs, MAllKUS MA Yim. ~J'~~~~r A. at tl1e Sigii of the SIG!\' ot· Hae Bl;< HA.'J.', Ifif PROVE D E DBS!ll!C T U CA Lf, Al'TEN1'ION YOU W.\N'l' A GOOD HEAVY p}]Rc to ou r" Rnck-eyc Gr:i.il). Dril l. 11 \Ye . fe et all-woo l Canada Tweed for 2s. and ivnr rnut it. t o SO\\ \Yhc:\ t, B.r c1 nrt!'lC",V1 Onts, Gd per yurd , ]J . _. ns 0u1d Grnss Seed better tli:·l ll :\:'.!_\' 01li e1· Go to F. F. Mc.lRTllUR'S. Dt·ill m:ule. I t. is now ihc !en.ding_ Drill in tlw. Ln itcd 8hit csi (4.0 UO), fonr thousand· of t h('.m having bee n built in 0!1 C: cs ttdJli s h ~uc nt in Ohio for tl1 i'3 s~as;in'd tra d.o. Quu,ntily s own rc ~ gu l t\. l e d hy n. ~ c rew i n s t.cn.d of genl' PHOrl~ OGll-APHI QJIICJ ~:tlll~U~1f ~N~·~TQJ~A.~Jilt~l~1?~ Gt@~@ I 1~ BEA.ur1~IFUL A.SS OR'I'l\!IEN'I'l 0 :f1 W I }" O' A A'S . . - , -----~- --- G-OOD S, IN T llEY IIA.V E NO W ONBOP '1.'lfEBES:J' 81CYLIGFL'l'S I N 'l'l L!lJ J:>.RO VLNCJiJ ! ~ -:-:"..:..."=='..-.- --------- ---- - ~---· - - --- - 01JR is now comp lete in every dep nrtm ent, and will be So hl at the Lowr.at Pri ces for Cn~h . ~o win{"!; ns rnay be rlesir('tl. . \Ve c:u1· sbip nt. one~ npon receipt o f ord·~rs. A d (lrc ~ s, ,vliec-ls. ()an Ue chnngc d in t.L moment, and jus r. o.s muuli 01· littl e 1 1ifl"e rc11cc 1n1tde in the F. \\"'". GLFjX 1 E~cc11tor 1 0 13 haw1t... .:i. ROUSE~ LAND Tl!Irn~ - ·- UElln wn 1 ..A ~ ng. 20, 1SG8. I I FYOU WANTA PA!lt Ob' ENOl.llH;I Ilhtuk£ite for l lEI. nnd 3d 1 Pii\.NO O R of the U'lOSt ELODEO~l8i 1.ll \Vool Plaids, i ~ ancl ~ Fancy Dress Goods, Poplinettes, Empress Cloth, l\Ierinos , Thibet Clot4, Cobourgs, Ma rle Cloth~ 1Vinceyc:, &c., &. c. Crape Cloth, .................... ,,. , .............. ,,..... _,-'- - - - - ---- - - - -- - - · - -- ·- Go to FOR SALE, F, F. !llcAJt'l'IUR'S. celebrated n1akers JIU.U C m i: co'a:'rAGE~ I ~11:r1rn 21 .;cn.i·::> OFT. AND,·"' Prrn, 't/'f !:lent occupi cU. by th~ Subscribe r , ad· jni ning the Co 1·porntiv11, JUSt Et.Ls ~ o r thr ()emctcry . On Llic Lt\nd is a Americ ti, go to O'HAHA.'S. Thcv are Agents for the be st Makers in th e United f)tates and Camid a. 500 Bags Liverpool Salt for Sale. Black Silk Velvets, Colored do., V E Terry Silk V elvets-all colors, Mo ss do., do., L V JlC 'L' E E N S . SI-IA _ W .LS t IF YOU WANT AN ALL-WOOi, HCAP.- ~ . ~let Fl111111el fi:rr la . .n.nd :id. per ynrd 1 . J;Jf1 &:.:n. TRRIVII·I G Young ORCHARD, Good i)!ah l ~ nnd f)riyi 11 g ShP.d, TIA.rd nud $n f t \Ynt i: r "\\'ells, nutl otb e1· Jrnpt·ovcmf!uts. For }lfLl"ticnlarf3 fl·1)f'l j to "'il'l$'!1' . 'l!.·rm it/'U. JL ·~~ .~ ,,. ~ "'}@, zlL~ ~ lVIACHINE, \VANT ~ T -1...-v _ All ·wool long sha wls, Paisley, J\ LL DEBTS DUE either by Note, Book ft('CfHtnts or otherw ise 1 must be p:iid at once . VI' oolen Shawls-shepherd & fancies, Black Woolen f:lhawls. · , JU 6 1'Pfl JEH'BflY. ~,jf Go to F. I:'. McARTllliJR'S. CHEAP, get it at U' HAHA'S ! IF .......................,,........ ........................................ A - i ti FIN E: ASSORTMENT OF . .-~------- (lROUND YOU MlcCILU.'liG & BROS. ~f_ilNTLES ~-~- TIIE For Sale in Ilowmn.nville. r! 'fl l·J S, [BSOHIEER OF l·~Ens ;FOR SJ.Ll: l1,· o ~ s tore y IJ rick 1Ju :ld ing ou Ontario LATEST STYI,ES. - r.:::> A ""1:::'.) - c ; i ...I:- ...c:i.. ...c ..C!..J GOOD GATIPE'lGo to 8trr.>ct , ncrL r J\.ing St.r1:? et: with g ro ti nd, Uti i· 1~ YOU \YANT A ft' PI fr o n t o n Ontari o Sti:ee t, n1n11ing h1tck GO j 1c 1!.1-. l~u \J din g: 2 2 x 2 3 . co n ttiiniug four Ue d~ i 1·oum s n p s t airs, twu l:t l' g c r ::H~ms on tirst I Unor, with a u c· xcelle nt cel ln.1· 1b!l ,,· l: cle siz<> f ll1 :ilrling-- g (1CJ d w e1 1 11 1, d \\" (' f;cl 8hed.- 1 pr(,: m :sc s <:< 1.u lie se en u t 1:11Jy ti inc by appli· c nli 1,;1 t. o 11600 yds. Coloured Silk for Sale nt a Great Bargain, of the very latest :styles, and at ahont 20 pe r cent. lPss than the snne p:1tt8r11s cn11 be b(11;1_'..; ht in '1\ll'Ont.o--~'11 ~\IL.\..'S_ is ~ ]J lj place. \Ve irnport di re ct fro1n the l:irgC' ~ t, nwnu l'actory in England, F. J:"' ·.JJc.-lRTlllI R'S , Melton Cloakings, Whitney Cloakings, Petersham <lo., Waterproof do., and Fancy and Colored. {JG= W e will continue receiving Novelties in Fancy Cloak· ings as the season ad rnnccs. I I I ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~'"'.'" _'::::'.'...:...: . _,_ ::_._.;__;__ ,:, _ ·_ _ . . u:;d Bl'll n~ \' ~l")' ::; ui:ill rr cfit:i , . .~ .,,,,,,.,..--·:__ _ ,,,, . =~==~ JO H N' 40 - 1f. JEFFJi~ HY, 1\i11g Dt !'c.:ct, Bo1YhlanviJ!c· le' ,Ai, ~'1 ~W'~ ~-· "'"· 0 "- · lfa - "~ ~"' ~ IE" j ~;? ~ ~' Ul! /l i\jT ;"~l-;S D ~\CK Of· 1 ~ 0\Vi\!' A~YILL¥- th e 1"1 ·ont lHtl n: s uf Lot:; Nos . ~ & 10 1 ju the 5: h Oon~e ss ion of Da i·lir.i g t on , -160 .Ac~· c :; , cle ared . O r t h e fr out pn.rt. wi th ou t E I v ,M b. ~ IF YOU ,fT,; ~ WANT A · GOOD nounr,E Jl' . Shawl for llii. and Gd 1 Cio t o BA 0 N0 :oJ( I s' s0 ~rA_ 1.1' j\_ N Y 1-rI <-.:1 0 0 NER O D S y ,!~---· I IP A Fine Stock of Trimmings of all Descriptions. ......,.._ _____....,...._ _______ YOU \YAKT ~·-: '","'-~ ..~- ~ (J) C. I: ,ll>l~ "' ~ ~ I . I _ , H · .. .. . F. Ji". ?tlc.t..R]'J11 Ult'S. Cheaper than you can lrny them anywhere else O' HA.lL\ ":O i,; t he pla ce to go. ' IT· I!' ~ A K '.. -r"· E ·. A ~ J T ~ . ' r." ;;;;;. A 9. , lJu1ldiugs . ~--- -- -- M. JOl\ESS. - - - ----·· - '.l.·t f -..:.~ -· -·-- - ---··-~- - --- C1~LL i~N D }~XA 1LINI~ ··iira.luf~·b lc k~arn1 fo1~ OUll STOCl{ ! · 1 G IESO~& co_ Iii Broadcloth, Whitnep, · Me!tons, Cassimeres , Eca·vers, Bedford Cords, Doeskin A, A Fine Selection of Scotch, English & Canadian Tweeds. Sale. '131~: 1 .'iG LOT No, 10 I~ 'l'lIT~ '/ lli CON. [ or til e "T{t wn :ihip of'D ~1L" li 11µ: t on , c o 11t ninir1g l!'i8 Ac re ". 1-'o;: Pri ce and Te rm3: n.pply t.o tlie l'1·o pr ic t o r_, GJ~;OltGE IY.ASUJ~GTO.N", _We have purchased l:ugrly ill Nfi;W Y OHK this Fall Ch eap, OWlllg to a cn.-:rn tliere 1 and uow ufft:r t lie 1u at pri cf:S far lower thu11 usual. l l' YOU WA 1"l' A Wl :-'TJIR 7'· ... ,1 Grt, ro, M.L\'f[.l·: HO.N'rl.1 J<'{:J HG 1~ I1 to C.AJ. .I , at 1 Sign of tl10 Goltion 0 IIABA.'S IZing ·r , WIII'I'E, S GABL f; 1I 1 &: FA.N CY FLANNELS . C ANADIA N AND SCOTCH Street, 11cnvn1.anville . Go to ..., ..'. lllc.lRTH U n·s . And see Goods that w ill astonish you for Cheapness. Beg to announce the arrival of fall supplies as follows: B L A J>f B:: E ri-i s T Rotary, Pov·er (II; Hai1d l'ulnps, !:S U G "l' I O ."~ . LIFT AJ\'J) f' O i~ C ! ·: "P!.:-1\ l_P~, FI R E l?"ITJ~v1: PS , f'HU> aoI<'! GA i U >:·;N Jl'.:,'\'fHl\'llS, nnd tt ll k i11cl,; of l'f,I:l\IUJ:llS' ,\ND G A B ~'l'l' TI-;H s' Goo,os, l l' YOU W.4111' A GOOD SEU:cnox of Dre:;1 Goods, " ' liolesn le and rictail, IJy JOIIN B. F ULLF.ll , 4 7 JH~Y S'l 'IH:1':1', .Nen' Yo 1 ·k C'JIL Go to I:'. I:', ~Jc lRTll Ull'S. FL ET cH ii~ls aB AKER yI a t tlw lowes t price. 1 11 J!t / ,, .U @ r~~ ·I "TiJ1lll>..,..,, . ~.,,'/ <l;;:'./"" , /;ii,,/%5"<i: l!l..V""' f § a.1 p -;:_s~ i o a· t:':'"'a lln. ~I}' Il?lour 1 ~;li.i;Fp.a :11i1f/li~h.: 1rr~J"~1 1 ~ 1' u4 ,,..,r-· .1 f~~O UR ! A'l' THE IRffN!l:IO MG-ERY. [ill\l"'"o I IF YOU W .~NT AN ALL-\YOOr, FllE NC ll Merino at ls. n.1n\ Gd. per yl\nl 1 CALL TiOlt A .£ n'll! .' --.-; ~ · M,LEOJ>'S , - - - ---··--·--- -···--- -··--·· - - ·· ·-- ·-- - - - - VG (JG= Gloves and Hosiery in Great Variety . ---- -- - - - - -, Porto Hico, Cuba, Yellow Refined, Crnslied A, Broken Loaf, :·· ~"~r.' · ;,<.!. - . RS~ 1 · ~ ··- . . ' - -~ jjj -· . ,..,,,. _ , - ' . · ~ .Dc Granulated, Ground . Go to I ' . F. lll~UtTUUil'S. YOUlt STOVES, WTTEirn YOTT 'YU.I, FTND A LARGE AND ve ry C lie op variety of SY-R,U~F S. Stamhrd and Golden Syrup and Portland. ~!~~~ ~i ~~ ~~~~~~ ~'e Tapestry -2 ply all-wool, Union, Hemp, Stair I) rugget, Damask, Sta ir Linen. ·- - - - - -- --"- Carpets, GOOD ff\VE ET EUEAD, I "' lts lrn1 1Lkii1· ec~~~~I~ of tho town , I ~1I R::: . COOK PALOR AND BOX STOVES, 1 -Jib· Plug 10 5 4 2 and Fine Cut. A. FLETCH ER .A ND IF i:; .:>till pl'cpn. red to do all kipds of ()attou .i n CtJ.nn.d1i 1 YOU WAl\T THE llEST 7!<l GREY For ·wood or Cool. C:'.)- Spcci,l 'Lttention invi.tcd ton Now an d Improved M:LLLINERY DHE S S Go to l\!fAKING Suitable for Stores. OJ!iccs, H"lls nnd ,I'itrlc·r". Muscatel! Ra isin~, Layer do., Va lencias, Sultanna1i, Currants ~LF Figs, Pmne.s, Lemon Peel, Orange do., Citron do., ' 8oft-shell /\ lmo11ds, Hard -shell do., Out·shell Almonds, 1Vi'alnuts, Filberts. FRT_ TI'l.,S. Good Milliner and Mantle Th'.Iakers always in atteli"d:ince. .., ... ,................. ,. .. ,... .......... ............................. .. ., , in rhe lu lest tit,rle, Gt'·11.\'s shirt s mnd c to ord c1 ·, rulll w1i r ranted to fit. R111nll 11 \1,milyi 'J'1) l.E1·. E nquire of Mrs.Ale.x, Fl e t1·lic1·. S P X O E S. Cassia, Ginger, Cloves, Allspice, Pepper, Nutmegs, :Mace. l\:IADE on the Shortest N oticc by OI~DER A Dwolling, suitabl e . for a Il I 0 J~ . -Carolina, J\rracan, Patna, Grom;d-. - --1 Go t.o I:'. F. !lie ~RTIIUU'S . RE~lOVA L. J . Dlol.J 80D bas ndd ed n 'I1in Shop in coun ection with the Stove haviug sccu1·ed the services o f }tiit. J ,\MBS Nos\r011.TIIY, strict att~ntion \Yill ]) _L~p :n·tn1c nt , :1nd be SOAi"S.- Toronto, Liverpool, Ca stile, Toilet, Honey, ST~..\.. l~ 1 ~lcent;d~I ~~~~tl~"'f!Ji fui~s~ ~S Ii'ITS G ·U ARANTEEl). .. ... .............. ..... , _ iiven to all order!"!, and tut. he u1a 1 iufacture of everything in the line. I T AS RDIOVl~J) ms O F~TCE TO DU. 1. P a t o11 s offi ce, Cor ner of King an d Silv~'r 1 DR.. DA VIDSON 0 I-I .-Si lve r Gloss, Oswego, Corn. - --- -- ·-- -- - -- - -·- - - Steve Furniture, Stove Pipes, Oil Cans, Eave Tronghs&Tinware Of all kinds supplied Wholesale or Ilet,111. C _a_ n_ d _ l-es. _ Belmot, Be lmont 8 pe.rm , Wax, T a llo -\-,,,-.-F--e-n -ch. 1 St n!Gts , ·w here lie will be foun d at o.11 hours from 8 o'clock i:Lm., to 10 p,m., ufiPt' 'vhic h he will be foun d flt his t'esitl~nce ·on Libort.' ~ l:"yeet: oppositG I.lie drill s11cn. · ~ ow wan ville, Sep t", 24lb 1 1808. I r YOU WANT A GOO.D HOR!:!li: BLAN , k.tfo r rto. nnd M, (JrJ= ~ PR~CES Go to F. I". Jlc.lRTJIIIR'S. THAN EVER! J::'ISH. -Ho und Herring~, spl it do ., Salmon Trout, White Fish, Codfi sh, Mackerel, Heel Herrings, Sardines. - - - - - - -- -- - --- -· - - -- -- - ···- ----- - - ---- - -- !lord ware, Iron , Coal·, Paints, Oil3, Glass, H ubs, Spokes, Cutter and Bob Sleigh ·luff, and the Finch Cornish S hovel always on band, ,A HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. SUN'"1f1'JR.IES. J R E: : AN ·' 1 E that at th e ".ll" BER ~ ~ ·~ · \\!!!! J<'H Ai\I E D\\ELL IXG 1 211 BY Bo F r; : 1<;1\ story an d <~ h:i.!f hig h , with q uart er ;i.cre of la nd nt\.i1d1ed, on Chn:-cb street cast, for sale cbt~n.p fo t· C·tsh. A good garde n 'Yith sct·erul f:nil trcc!i , Apply to WcllinGton Buildings, ·Tio wu1 anv illc, Sept. 30, _ 18G8. l!A l\\'EY UHAl'Ell. HO\YUJ ft UVill ci , S ~ !l L Hi , 1SG8. I F YOU WA NT ,\ GOOD Shirl for -i s . an d lid, 1'L..\ NNEL 1·tf, - -- ---- -- - Go to F. l·'. lU<:ARTllUR'S. NOT8CE. x Mc lXDAY, ·nrn 1'IN l'TI DA Y OF ( ) NO VJJ:)lUU:R u ext, JA NE A Dl~J"J A! D }~ l\l r_; fl'{TOS U, ol tile " V illage of NJ.i}\VOASTL B , ju t he Co uu i y of D n r ba m, widow <>f ...'\lbert Mcl11to s:1, in lJ. 1 s life time, of the sume plttc (!, G c n t.. \emau ,dccr <ise il , w ill ap ply t o the Judge of the Sur rug n t.e Ol.llirt nf th e lJnit.(·<l Couu· tie s L·f Kor tl nunbednn d :;.nd D ur! m1u, to be :1ppo i nlcd G u:udi:tn of Uharles l~dgtu· Mc1n1o :-> !J 1 au ct \\' ;d t r.r Josi: p h hle [nt osb , infant chi ltl.rcn of llic su ill Alb ert ~\lc lnt os li, Jew cc as cL! . Dit k<l ~t Xe wcas tlc, t his 15th dny of Oc ~ tu h 8r 1 A. D.i 1333. It , '!'. \\'jLKTX~O~, ' 10 A C HE S 01" L·;:'l'D ADJOINING Tll E i In t lle 11~w C:1. b tnet Fact.ory in t bc To wn of · I FOI-{ SA L E. IInsolvent Act of 1884-5. maH c;;f-:\ z·u·as Ecei·, &'till Baking- Powder, Carb, Soda,W a shing· do., Bag Salt, Bo x Black ! ing, Tin cl~:' Arrow Ruot, Alum, \opperas, White Sulphur, Borax, Cayenne, Saltpetre, Shoe, Blacklead and ~II Scrubbing l3rushe~, China Pipes, Corks, Pails, q1 II Yl! Tubs, Brooms, Rope, Cordage, Twine, Ca n· d lcwick, Wash board~. Clothes Pins, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Crackers, Biscuits, Sago, Matches, Cigars, BriLish and l'rince of Wales Ra ucc, P reserved l.' rui ts, Pickles Essence of IJetno1?, do. l)cppennint, .Do1na Black J. . ead, Bulls ' ]£yes, ~l i xcd Candies, Carraways, Crc~m 1\irtar, Bath Brick~, ' .. E '· l',2' fl'"' U :r' ~ IH iE _. -~ ~ '<.cP n i~ ·. ·e -~ ~ &ti ~ nl lit, L fl ;I) . Ni iQ. Goods are Sold at the liaz s oli·en.t. ' l 0 w Es T p 0 A ND 1.'JIEY SAY- IF YO U ,V ...i\N'l' 'fIJE I I be diy ided Bowmnnv ill e. 'l'h c n bove luDd will sho r lly I into lu ts to suit purchiLSers. I r giHE CRE_T~l'l'Ol\~ OF 'f HB JNSOLVJ~"K'r ~ C::' I§ ~ ~ a g b i;: ~ .P ~ Iii:...:.. n 11" II 'V bcst Stock of Euglish Clo11.Js &-T wectls 1 Apply to l~ l ~ A N JC 11. S OPER . . . Uov.m .unrlle, August 4ll1 1 18G8. 1-li. - -- - - - - - - - - · - - I men Jl t. ule lJ O_l du:d th ~t Ile l.1.1::; 111a.de a u assig nof Jiu es tate and "'f!i:cls, uuder t li e Go t o I:', F. nic.lRTHUn·s. L· _r-rvrE· '· J..VJ.. T .r:n~·~ J..ll...C..a1 .-.:-.ll '· · ' 1 I HYictoria IluH<l.ingli 111 UowmtuJYillc. H~·P citor f:.:r "~!:rl'i..Q~1Jl.~· . J. . iu1e -L ouse S.' cu~o rt Strcc.t Hon·.ma11Y illc. ll'I" '.., ' " ""~' Ir ., ' =~E" . . 1 ,,, ..;;o...>" 1·~~ ~.bi ....... SUP PL Y OF THI'~ C E._ ~ ;HHATED Jtoch<lale Li-me k e pt coust aut.\y o n s n lc, nud so lU. Cl:IJL. \. l' E l1 tban nn y o th er pla .;;c. A 1(.-t:: ]1tl.._ "'- @1{;~' 1 ~. 1 aboY e Ji.ct~ and a mendments tllet(> L o, to iu e> liemp SccJ, Dried .A.pples, Cornt he u nc le1s1 g n_N1 A ss1 gD ~e_i nPd they n1c re1neal 1 Ontmcnl 1 I)ot .Ba rh~y , E.;;gs, :Butter, C heese. quued tofu1J11sh 1ne, \\1 tl 1111 L11' 0 m ont11s !rom , } lh is<l-·le, 1·i l lt !heh- claim, , specil y iug t he 18 · P'OOC s<.'c;urit.y thoy h(Jld 1 if n11y 1 an d the Yalue of' . O. . it ; a nd ii uonc', s lating the fact, t h· whole rates and inducements offered to cash-pay rn!! cu~tornets. ...., attested unrh: t· en.t h , w!t11 the Yo u chcrs s up port of su d i cla ims: . .. . , D<Lleil at Ho1vu1anv1lle, tlns ~1utb d.'l.y of j Se 1.> t cm1J(·f1 A. D., 18G8. 10 Bowmanville, 7th Oct. 1868. THO~J.\S CllI:!STTE, ~ - Dt . Oflici ~ lA ss gn c o. Indigo, lJutton Blue, l\lustard in :if' rl . C q one :u1 C 1 0ur p0un .1ars, an nry ..:Ced, OAS EI. T above l · s will be sold at lo W I Bowma11Yille Ocl, 1st, 18G"3. iul l GJ:JBSQ:N"9 &- Co. 6w. / ,. rr

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