Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1868, p. 4

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MA a: ___ '!'£--_ .__ lMl'!lll ' . IY:X±m WWW - NOTIUE. STEAM GAS & WATER PIPES H«HJ,EH l·' Ll'E§ , Drug busincss,req11eate that all th1 Ji!·i11 - And aJl J,i ud s of' P.1:1ss :ind lron Fit t ing 'l'oo l,: 1 &c. l ~ bted to h i tn ei t he r by Note or Book account 1to cfLll 11nd 9e ttl e the same on or before the 111s Lol' Ma rch n ex t . Offi c e at J.Hi gginboth· OILER PUMPS, OOJT, TIEA 1'·:RS 1J.m'sDrngSto rc . Mr. Higg inbo th 1nn is all thol'Su.lt t,Y Val ve;:; 1 S1.cau1 nnd \\later zed to t·1.1ce i ve and se t tle n.l I a.ocuunts. G.111gcs, :u d eve1 y J escripl ion o f Sirruu 1 1n d Bowws.'(.;.i.. il _e , Jnu, l fl:. l j:jf:il:i.. 25-tJ Gr.i s Fitters' Goods iu 1130 1 ' "-' holt-snlc nud Hetilil, nL g re 11tly r f'r1uced }Hice s. The Lar g;c;;t S !n~k ill 1li"" city. Send fur Caro.Iogne H :J ll Pric e L i.;t. . IJ 'j!JARLE S DIRD, lrnving d is posed of his B 10 .r. B.FC!.LJrn, Of THE IS DAY! · .l' I-:ns ·11 11.1!1 \" 8 T11F.E'1', l'l'c"\ York Cl~y. :r:nc svr lVORL D. is COUGII MEDICI NE IN ']!'MU I F Y-Ou MURDOCH COOD AND CHEAP BROS. have now on hand a .8.T 'l'HE Ol.D TlS'l'.\Jl!,ISmm DRUG STORE ( I.ATE l>R. DIRD 1S .) Dr. J odin's French Cough Levers ~ h o nhl be rel:lor!cd lo 111 ni l crt.S· ftf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS!~~ ---0-:-0--- }1(1 ~ - SELECTED ' STOCK l~L\. Vll\"G lUADE HREA'I' Af,Tf<.:Jt.\.'i'IO:\"S AND RECOM~lEND ED VVJT Ff fl.nil cnstomers, and to thE'.' pnblic g-cnerally I confidence 1:0 Tllinistcrs, f:lcl.J oo J '1'et1cluws , 1 fu r Llic v el'y l ib el'a l s np1iort he hns rece:h1 ed Public Speakc1s, Qingcrs. A11clioneerr; 1 &c, ' s ince his cornmon c in g in business; and hopes 'l'he Congh L ozenges contoin no Op iu m orby con ti nued strict porso 1H).lnttentio11 to b usi - 1 ilny o thr-r ingrc~1ie n t tbnt l\ ill " rlry up n n ncss,R.ndo ffe r ingn o th i ugllutthepu1ei::la.rV cong h nnd thus i1..upe1il tli c Jli1 t icat; they c.lt's 1 at th e m ost re asonable prices i to ens1._ will be found '""ccllcnt in soo th in g in ·i t.ttti on. a continuance of public patronnge. TES Tlri.flONIALS. J h1hlnx N·)\' U :O:n·1iri. Nov. 16/h, 1 867. J. IT . would call s nc ciu.1 ntte nti on to hi G EN 'l'T, li:!lfEN 1 ~I hn.ve g iven Dr, Judin '::i very super ior st ock of rrench Co u gh Leve1s full t1 ial unrl hnv o :0-YE S T U F F S , lit tle hesitation i n saying tliat for ieli1:Jffrom which a re sure to give lhc ,bcst s11tisfac t ion ho11rscness and sore tl1roll.t I mnc L ]1refo1· tbetn to ('itbc1 Br J'<Ln'ri or 13rown's, whit:}) I A woll-selcc tecl stock of linv c fre q ucnLly usc:d n nd which nrc so much DRUGS, l·udcd. 'J'. W, GA8El:' , XTOULD rnostrespr.ctfully tender his sin~ r't cere thanks to bis numerousfncndlJ THEY .ARE 1 J · HIGGIN B 0 THAM J RJ10J'\CHl'J"~. llOA IP..q,N]~~B CA l'AH HII, COUGH8, CL_,l'". ,,SJ'I1'1A. SllOll'l'~I· :" 01' llB.gATIJ AND ~l\LL V!SORJH ,JU:i OF I 1 HB THHO-~\N D LlJN<.:s. c+ o TO EXT Ii:; ND ED that DEJ? ~~l1. '.I'~IEN. '.I' TllEY 0 AN NOW SIIOW llY FA lt Trill 013, SI-:-IELF AND I-IEA VY C IIE1\f!C ALS , l'ATEK'l' MllDTOTKll~, llRl:fi llE S, OOMH:O, Sl-lOULDE R-BHA OES, SU PPORTERS, &c., &o. k{'pt constantly on hnnd . f1!H.:l11J l;"I 10 \]Jen . \Y . l~ L. ol l. o. of Good 'l't·mplnri:;, J\'apan e e Nv \'. 28th , l~!fT. JOHN ---- ------ - BEST:a:A~D-rvv A:RE AND A T TlIE SAME TD!E THE OILS PAT1"1'S, \rAR.NISHBS GOLOllS nnd WHI'l'E L EAD This is to r. crtlfy thnt I hnvc u11ed 01\ .... !idin s French Co u g h Lcvc1 s w ith great satisft1c~1iction 11nd c~ut conlidc111ly sny 1 nfte1· te s ting ll icm for weeks 1 in sp1.>cial ser v ices, t lrn t 1 think them b ette r tha n any other Troc hes l hnva en,: r used. J. S . CLAltKE 1 \V csley'n ~lini;;t'r , ' at th e e1·y lowest 1n·ice': I-Iorse & Cn"ttle JUedici."1.cs N B.-O ounh·y Storekeeper:-> snpvHcd t'\ dvant1 lgcous tcnns. DD T his is to certify th!tt I 1inve used Dr . Jod ~ in';; F rench C ou gh Lc'i'ers 'v illi good ctrect. A . O.AMPDELL , '\Ves lcy1tn jfini ster . J\[(,8eo11·. Camd~11 ·. Pcc.1867. CI-:IE.APEST &c., &c., &c. China and Classwarfi ! GOOD AND FRESH ever sol<l in town either by 1 n::?' llcm cn1 licrthc oldoriginnl3tand 1s0c· nl door C!lS\ of th ~i Ou ti.trio Hank. ]{o,~-rnanTillc 1 An~1 1 Rt lHLVC 1:tkcn Dr. ~odi11 1 s Frei1ch Cough r.eycrs, and n111ch pt'efo r them to n.ny other th a t I J 1a\'O ever 11sed. G. B . SQHIHl~ 1 \·\ 'csleyan Mi niste r. 1, 1Rl'i!). Blalrnlcy'" Vermih1ge Candles. 01·. il!o1·se's lnd tan Uoot S ugai· C:oatcd rnis. Don t ftiil to cnll, and yo u will find whnt. i~ nsoful an d ornn.n1<>11t:il, nt Auction or Private sale. Ballely's i3. :m.1no1uiac !Li H i111c11t We would beg to call particular attention to our stock of F(J r .'ln lfl hy .J ll 1 ~~ 111 ho zh~m . n111l D. S1c.tt.J)1ui: u:1st11 B/1\\"llHllH l lif' .!. (;1ny 'l' yl.Uw. rr. & J. r:r fin u. Un111 p111n 1:w~t ~II 1'lctl1cl11c fle:-i l ~ r r;. 3:!11 , -- - - - -- -· -- -- - FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS G 0 STOVES, MACHINE OIL, TURPENTINE, COAL OIL, SKATES, &c., &c., &c. BO UNSA LL'S CtlRISTMAS in great P R E S E:. l\ITS vari~ty, LEATHE.R BELTING, RUBBER TO do. Fron1 Two Cents to Twenty Dollars M~MURTRY'S. LACE LEATHER, RAW AND BOILED OIL. The Grocery Departmnt is A, 1, OA~'T EE ~EATI IN TIIE WHOLE D0.1.VIINION. \YJ 'W "'" "'~ ~-'-'l ·-~)) Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Teas for quality and price can't be eq nailed. l\fAHBLE NY PF. llON' intendii1g t.o ~ r<><·t "in1e1 J\101111 nu: n I nr 0 rn t e S t one to tl11~ mt· 1r. Ol') of rl l.3Pfl rt ed fr iends will find it gre11 tl y to t h ~i1 PLAS,--1~ER, A N D A . . ., ,@~~~\~~wi TI] BLACKSMTHS COAL K~PT CO STANTIY O HAND !! -rvv-A TEl~ LI:hLCE AH of whicl1 we 11ill sell as low os a11y house rn the trade. ALWAYS INDIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY. HOME DEPOT. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, iro. 23, Hospital St., l\'Iontreal l ~A A CHOICE LOT OF SUGAR-CUHE D SMOKED HAMR lltcu1c1ubcr the old St:nul--Victoria Utui.idju;,;·,.. .J.\.. C -"'\... L L SOL,IOI'l'ED . tt:T" Tw o App1·enliccswnr.tc1l i tn rnt!tli:tte ly. Bow'J1n uvt ll e, 3.Jnrch '.!4ti qo3, 34 . 18 MURDOCH \\·manYille,Dec .17U1 1 l S61 BROS. ------·-----~~-------------- l~ I~ J\[ 0 V A L ! HENRY ELLIOTT, Jun'r, :B:AJY-i:PTO~ D . S'J~O 'J'T P unE AND GEXT.:J)lE TEAS, OF SPLENDID l\A1'URAL FLAYOn, D!POHTED direct from tile Com r nnics Plantfltions in ASSAM, aud on the slopes of the IJIJ!A~ 1 ~~ ~.L-~ Great D:1rgain8 will be give n at 1he )F.~..:pn{)'\'1 1'1 11. r, y _t\ _\TNUC _\{ 1 1~:s Tnnrs \ , 1t11111r1 n11tl 1:ustomers, l'l11d t11c p11blic in lo ~he '{AS, blended with the 1inest pror1ncts of ClllN .A . ONLY T'-vo Q c Ar,JT J'll:S, viz.: 70cts. o: $ L per lb ., cilh('r DLA.CK, GnEJ~N', or MIXED . F ine Honsehold Tea, combini n g Strength runl li'J ayor, 70 cents per lb. }~i nes t proc nrn blc .. . ......... . .... · .... .. , . . . · · · · 1 d ollar per lb. ~Sold in P acke ts and Cn.iniolers by t he Compnuic's .Agents in cycry Ci ty and Town Has received a large supply of Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots & Shoe s ' Paints, Oils, Sch?ol Books, _ S tationery, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs, ' &c., &c., the particulars of winch urc too numerous to UJention, ' n Canada. A.GEN'I' FOR no vVI\f A1' VILLE. Mr. T. DARLil'lGTON, 15. Gm. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. _ _::;r An inspection of his goods and prices will certainly sati sfy even "hard cases" that ELLlOTT is now selling his goods at 1 CHEAP Du1 g~) '\f ('<: l c' n l'S 1 CORNER Clrnmil· nJ ,. , l',t1ent :\Tt.:d:c ines 1 Dye \Vo o<1s, Dye Rlldf;:;, PRints, Ui1s1 n1·u:o!Je-sl Lttmp~, Fie1d 1.1rJ G.t1de11 8eed:. 1 l\:rfnme1y, Comb s , N:r., h e slrnll be 11hle t o o!Ter yon ~Lill ~rentc1 :11. SHOE TOOLS AND FINDINGS. RY A N l\hehi11·~ & o L .r VER, E ' VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Dress goo<l~? Elliott's is the place to bny them. STORE! ! <lncernt n1s to fa\·01· h in1 with your -orrlc1 s. T h;t nki ng l1 iseu') tome rs for pn. s tfn. Yo rs, h~ hope!$, by attention to t heir rcqnilen1c11 l~, to <\ u su r e I\ contiuuancc oft licir patro1rngc. ....- rrn1m m:El l TllE ST,\NO I ""'"JI A rO'.'lll'[ ,l·!TF: P11ltrn1 1~ {1i .A>::~OH'l'MENT ::->hl'I~ 'J'n n l ~ ~]1 {1 (' a1ul {1f tl.e L\TP.~T i\l1H·hmr. Tl1 rt·rul 1:0.H'O!l.°rY.TIS l·'li' JS!: .A. JO?. ~ : 0 'VV .A rt. Do the ladies want cheap and durablei during the remainder of the winter season! II I ~ilk. ~ line P1.,· g~ IIceJ (uHI To(J f'l~1l'~ .· ~. (' , \ lrh,1 1c·sri.l1· nnd He !a11. :-:hne Nri1I.- Hhoe 'l'adi:~, 114 YOl\'OE 8'1'Hl·:KI'. TOHU.'\'J'O. l::f .1\YJ~ AL\YA YS OK JL\N DA~ A":'iOflT\1EN'J 3!ll r- illf AN & O!',H'ICIC, 114 Ynnai> Qlreet. l\1wnto. -- ~-- -·- -------- - T O TA I L 0 HS. vr ·--- ---· - - nl H111l\\cJ<:, C.1brnel .l\l;:i\~cr~, ;:incl Ut·h o l ~ tcr c nii 1 Hanhn.1e. :\l l'~·l 1f'll1I C',. Ed!<·' and o 1hPr'I'"()l·, .! m:ci1l 1 l!Pfl'l' T"' & S(m~' an d Clll1cr C1ll1e1y, lluu «1~ 1"u111t::- hrn r, 11111.lwa re . ~~~~m,in'!!~~-- -April-=.~.' 18G~-- ~---- 1 JOHN B. FULLER, GN OF THE GOL DEN IvIOR'l'AR Jrr '!'owl\ ITALL B·r:itnlNCli:: . [Jl Do gen tlen1en want first-class Clothin g made to ord er? Elliott\ iR the place to suit them. His Cloths and Tweeds are his own selection, and are hard 1o bmt. His Tailorr: are known to be up on the latest "New York " Fashions-good fits al ways guaranteed. Old e11stoi:1er~ of the late firm, und the public generally, arc re1>pec tfully rnv1ted to call and see for thcm::;elrns before purchasi ng elsewhere. (~uultty aud at l...-1 \ MI:HlCAN SlJEAnf>. 'J' Uli\ li\lEUf: nm! POINT~ nf nil s ize«. Bqm·r<'" , f'11r,·f1l R 1 ' l ""' fitr.ii~h l 1:d ·TC'< ·1mprcn c1I !reins. E ng-l1x l1 nnd 1 \rn er1 P11n Crny. t'n~~ rl11rlk C't 1 ~ N~·(·· ll·· ~ . '1'11. pPi;, &c . . rd! the llc:st A l'hootmg nun ri~l1 i n g 'J'nr-k hi. Spn r1m g Arn1n1m11h~11. Quoils :rn<l Dnml.o g:~~;l~~~-1G~,~~!'.1v.::~~~~.1i·~~'.1111g w ith 1111 olhn g111 1 ds tu 1l1e ·1\w1i:. }Je ll~. PUBLIC OPINION CONSULTING ENGINEER 41 DIEY §T., l\'ElV YORI>., l\lan 11 f: u ·1111 c: i a JH ! H t· nk r 111 l'"' Pricrii;. lin e t'1 h·we,o;t <'t11!h rnce~ . U'fh.N & 01.I't'ER, J111pnrl<'1S n( {Jar1h\ rirc. 111 Yooge :O:trecl. 'l'orc in to. Home Insurance Co has folly justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store" yon could get l'Olt'l' ,\ llJ.I· : ~\N D STA TJ OK.A HY STEAM ENGINES &BOILERS .l1 ~ro ni SUI'I.' ED, AND vVELI_, SUITED 2 to 250 llor.r.;e I'ozr.cr'. (tG= A Ja~~e lot of Coal Oil ,te::; !edhy the Governmeu t Tn.-,peetor. Also, 200 No . 1 hand-made Hickory axe lrnndles for sale E SPECIAL .1TTENTION JS CA T .Lim :.J t o Ids Ci1cul11r and 'C"pright Snw ){j Is, e\"'lll' F.~--.co~LE. Bowmanvillc, Dec., 1867. built. the best f1.11 d n1 o s t powctful Cang l\lills J.\ ud c\·c1y des<:: iption of I-IIBNRY Ji:LLIOTT', Jr. IlAMPTOR, Se pt. 2·1, 1808. Mill Machinery & Machinery Supplies 1'0HTADJ, ~ ,t H1' .lT I O.NA ll.Y (;JUST MIT,T,S , H Twin e, C' ha11-wl·h 1 Butlvno:, Sc 1 'c\1s. Jlmg-cs. }.1:';.·k ~. 'fnr:k". F l1111 P1tpcr. Glue, Pinll o Stool ATR sE .\'J'J N'G . crn.LGD HAIR. 'J'O \'i'. sor.Sprin.,.~. ASS E '_i_, S. ii# 1 B.JlCl"lt:Ct T T. / Aurrcr Bi t~. J\lc ln·lerni Jlnrdwarc . Le .. Fur ~c.!c fll J A1~\,t;11\P11 cf:' :< . ' ~ t;r-'W~ c., fh1 l f11rn mlll!-:'3 - Uph o[,,tcn.:: 1's Nrcrllr:s Hil d ]t ~·gnlat·1f,o;, ,\dd 1:; Can··n'>< 'l'(·t·h. EJLl c11-; 1(1 11 J.1 p n.aa.1 E :>to.tc owned by the Co.. . 205, 500 0 0 7 3" · 00 I 'I f 11 1 )!issonri t-t1t l C Bonil ~ . ·. . · · . . . . jonn~ on or .gnges . · · · · · · · · · · .1 , " Unite<l States Bon d~, !l ~o ..... . 325 18 7:1 09 a ue. KEEP YOUR FEET DRY AND SAVE DOCTOR'S BILLS. J iJ S '1' n. E C I·] I V E D A '1' .li'i' i.N & 1'[ r\... (~i~ii"Vrl,~lit. 19,050 00 G~·n (·rul !Junll\ar<·flll'rel!rrnt~. - · _ ~l ~_,-w~~t! ~~ L·~ 11 'l~~ 11~ 1~~v.:_ j N I -I 0 -- 0 l :>: Ho·v l,oi.;1, H.o\\· Rc§toretl, 451,202 ~o tu:y nddtr.:is, p ost-j lclilli 0 ·1 rrccipt rit' -.ix; l SGtl. · · · · ·.. .. 77G,815 U8 i,122,oos sri cer.t~, 01 . two po'lL st. 1' 11pR, ,\J::;oi Di. cu1-11 soo .......... 1 1 4 77,~Hl 28 l, 137,935 .J4 ,-erv,cll 's "Uarri .1f!'C Gu it1.:." p . icc '.'.:J cenb. 1S U'7 ·· . · · · ··· l. Flfl0,02 , ) 01 ~1. cJ 1!Je,,s the Pu lJl1 ~ l 1 cr. H. YO!JNU, 0 11 AS . J . Q. KLJ 1\}; ,iv, Co., Ageut 1 Bowmn11Yille . l'l7 Buwc ry 1 Nt:w '.l.: ork l'uot (Jtli ~ ~ bux 1-18li, l1'cl; , 6: 18 08. . on the rndict. .d cu~e ( wilh out ml·llicine) of Pr em i n ms \tnpniil fll II01n~ !lnd Spcrrnntorrl1ccni or Seminn.l '\ruakn<:> ~s, fn ~ Bi·anch Offic es .· · ······ ·· l00,041 80 ,-o\untary Sc-m1nnl L osS<'S) Tmpotcncy, l\len- Rent:: nccrucd. · · ·· · · · ·· ·· ·· · · 2,30 2 00 tal nnd l'ln:sicnl Tr:!C l}H\c ity1 Jmpedtr.::ien!s to Snlrages on Fire an~ Inl and Man ing(' eic. i nJ30 , Consumpliou, Epilcpsr, ' L.o ssc~ u1Hl:trrm.1~ed .."... Gl ,4!31 44 nru1 tits, induced liy sc lf- indulg~nt.;t1 orsexunl Other p1opmty onuc:d bJ th1.; Co. 251f.l'i1.~ cx trnvagance, $1,0l 7,070 34 lt:T"I'ri~·c iu a scn1el1 e1li-elorc, on ly G c0nts. rJ'hc cel chr~tt cd nuthor, in tllis admiin'blc I,l/il. BIJ,ITIJ<:~. essay , cle fl t ly tl t: n1o ns tl'n tcs fron1 it thirty Los:; cs i11 procc.4;;. of adj ustment. $85 1 8·)0 44 years) euccessf11l prarti cti , t hn t tho alarming<.onscq 1 icnccs of selt-nbuse rnny be radically S'l' A 'l'J:~J EKT curC'<l without the dangero u s u;;:.e ofin1ernn l Of Prcmi11ms i ccei >f'rl an<l Losses pn1d n1edicinc 01· 1hc nppl icatio u ul l lie k n i!'P i rluring each year s ince the org ani zat ion of 11 oiuliug ou t n 1ncde of cure :1L 1J11 c ~ simplt· ) the Company:certuin1 nnd C'ftcc t un.1, b.r 111ca11s of w: ic h cn~ry suffctcr, no mn.t t er whnt J1i;i conc1 i uo n J >rmni1ons 1·cc<'!ivcd. Lo.f)ses paid. $ 10, 788 20 n1R.y 1Jf', n1ny curchimsoll' cli c.1 pl_h pl'h·n tPly, 18CO . . ·.. · ·· · · $37,881 40 181$1,... .. · . . · 8 0,2~0 {)0 4G,190 03 nntl rntlica l\y _ 92,180 89 !.r.T 'l'his lcc l tn·c .:honkl in the hnnlls of 18G2 .·· ······ 108.2 80 49 IG0,43.\ 30 evei·y .J(Jnth und CYC'ry ma n iu the laud. 1803 . . · , ... ·· 2.-1G,D73 55 ~ont nuder :::ea l1 in a rLd:i Cn\clore, to ISti L .··.· · ,.. 470, 1 l13 78 2 78,488 0-11' 0 it Just Published. ll JI CW ('i!i1kmof Di·. CU JLl' ~It 't'l' i-Jli.f..A'S CJEl 4 1~1Jj ' ,t.,.l,l~ D ESS A. T 2.1,81 4 !iO Gn sh on hand nnd i n Hanks. ... GG,nM 53 en.sh in il~Lnd s of Ag en ts . ·... · · 2::0,108 30 Tnlcrcst nccru6d .. ... - - __ . __··· 37,46:-:I 25 CANAo .1 HA~K s ,·ocK....... . . .. Lonns on Co\11\.tcrrd nnd on Call 'l'C'11n e3see Strtte Bond~ . ... . . .. lG,000 00 'Yisconein St:i.tc Bonds.... . . .· 12 1000 00 \:ir~inirt 8tn te Bonc1~~. . .... . .. J 7,4G8 G~ ~fl.t1011nl Ba.11k Stoel.~ . .. . ..... ::a0,189 r;o m· 11 L . E VE G~ntk:rncn·s, A l.trgc Q"i::urtn1ent, in every variety, of J_,adies·, ~li H::ics' and t;hjl<lren T he lHH !t Sli i n g lc, Ln.~h nnd Stave Aifl..~ chines ju u se. ~L\C£fl1'·lJ~Ts' 'l' ools of eYcry des cdp h on, and a ll k 1ntli;; of the 1n0st app roved \\roocl working Mnchin e ry in use constan t ly on hu nd and built to ot dor . Tile hciit '1,UB.B[Ng 'YATEit 'YllEELSJ Mill Geariug , &c., kc . ' : Snpe,.im· · ~·J,873 75 and BOOTS AND SHOES 0 {' 11.. oiathel' i ncllj ng and H o§c, at Ue d ucc d Pl'iccs. Rnbll>m· O ~!!< 'i'"'""-'~ the latest styles, adapted to the season which he is selling nt his usual J,QW l'RICES. Slluftjng, Pu Illes a nd Hn.11gers, Pn te::i 1In.11 ge i s and Self- oili n g Boxef>, and cvcrj de sc 1i'j') tio n of Bills rccc1Yn l)lc . . ...·. . · .· ...·· 41 1 370 75 AVJNG BOUGl11' OU'l' 'J'llN w; si. ues s lnto ly cntriad o u hy S. H. Brndsl1ri \Y, 1s prepared to sell every descrip tion of LADIES'. ICENTLEMEN'S, l\lllSSE9 AND CHILDREN'S H H e also manuf.1 c turcs to order, from the best of stock, and the 11108t ap proved styles. GOOD :FITS GUA!lAN TJ<JG D. All orders promptly executed. T rnnks and Leather of all ki11ds constantly on hand for sole. Rt!1nc1nbcr .lJfachinery cf: Ra·ilway Supplies, in st o,tu at the low est rat es, Drn,Ying of Mill s, ilfaclli ncry n.nd Plnns n.nd Speci fi ca tions nlndc nnd iufurma ti on given , at sl1ort cst noti ce. A 11trgc s tock of Circ nlar a.ncl ~!ill Snws o f Best ~Jnkc on hand, u1ucl1 bclo"?i eo.;t prices. 0P'fIOES; :205 Fulton Street, J\~ew York 205 High Holborn, London, Englaud 1 44{ 1.St. P11.ui St reet, Montn :tl, Cn.nnd a . Bowm1iu\·ille 1 Se p t. 5 1 18U7, 1 t,hc st1nd-Sign of the llig Boot clra\VD by two horses, King S treet. vol.11,17-liifid, Ilo1V.nan1·illc, :11ay 3rJ, 181ili. of Ute latc1::1t stylc8 1 nllaptcrl to the seaaon 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, whi ch li e is selling He a lso 1na.nufactt1 res Io order o n lhr. :ihorlfst not ice, an:l f l'om the best of s t oc k. CHEAP FOR. CASH. T .A KE NOTICE. PE HSON OR j\ _NY cnttinf{ stand in g l'llRSONS J.'OIJND or lying tim be r . 0 TH.UNl'i:S, LEA' ..l'l'-IER., <\.ND FJrNDING S 1f Q.f nll krnfl s on haud for E:-t!{·. Cull ui;(J ex vLherwisc a bs tr a cting w o od from the h ns h on li e luiddlc and nort h cn tl: of Lot 13,Btl3t ~ 1 alf,in th e 2n d C_)on. U11.tliiig·tun,shall be P rice, 25 cents per !!ox, O:i'.' 5 Eo~e;i ror $1. lll iu c slocl~ rtufl pricc::i, , p · ..i .s~cntm1 nc cord 1l1g t1) L~L\\. 1 1 I REMEMBER THE TWO DOORS EAST OF STAN!l nm 15 . IJ F. RAYNES BownH\ll\"1llc 15tb Nov. 18'35 . · -· -··--,,,,...- - - ·- ~ ~-· · - - - - - - 1 Prcp nrod byDr. J.C.AYl~I!&Co.,Lowcll,!I:i.s& North:rop & Lyman, Nc w ca s Oe 1 O ntario, Goncrttl Ag e nts for ~: ·n:ttln. Sol 1 l by J. Ilig~rnbotlw 1n and n. Stott, Bo,"imn nYiJl e, !tnd b,Y Medicin1~ De.tle1'!'i r,vc rywli c. e . 1 VV". 1Plt1N & ~. CI..XD.a:IE, _ P08'1 1 OFFICJ~ J j O R NAMEN TA L PRINTER / "0-r·rns;t AN" 'o"'°" · BowuANVILt1 . DV}i Rr11 I S-L--, fl - -- - -- ·· · ·- - -- ------ · - -1 A 1 ..J I'.:; l .

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