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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1868, p. 3

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~""!"~~-,.i;;; - -.,,. , . ._._,. __ iOO ..~·~_:..# _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~ d·-~~ ·~M~ . . ----~ --~------ --------~--- -· ---· ·- _ _ ... _ .. _ ___ _c__ !±i0S ~ ~ _ ...wac, .> IJ _£:£J__ _ ....=-=....__ A ME INTO 'fHE PREMISES OL ' TllE subscriber, lot 21, 2nd con. Darl1nglon, alJout the tniddle of Scptcmb t:r,lus t 1 '1'wo years old, w 11 a J~:e Wu_ w . _ uuder pilrt _ o f t he belly. l he on ~-er ls rcque~ ted t" pay cxrensea and tl\ke 11cr nl~llY ~ 1'. H,\NCOClc. Darlingto n , O c t. 1-1-, 18GS . 12-3w C A REIF.ER ASTRAY. ~ Q u A L :i: T "Y" ~ - i----. - -·- - - Ji®~®" OCTOBER. l~'.ET_) 11I:I1~ Et I?3'1.teEo'...nBt,1.'F · ·A · ~ ~ ~ 'T . '. 9 . -~ : ;IS 'l'HE TEST OF I CROW FOR ALONE ·! . " \'VYLLIE· OE:EA.P::.LN"ESS T 'T :.· .. DA . RL1NGTON, ;1. . DEALEit ilN 'l'ilEI !Finest Quality of Green & Black Teas. l ·B G 1Goon . TutKs SlGN 0 }:t...., THE have c·omP. a..t la..i1t1 And WYLLTE'S in ti·· vtfa "\Vi th dainties of the very bclit 1 To plea.so the inner man. 'For luxuries of '~very ecrt, 1'he "Poet' s Curuur" sta.nd!I ':A "Denr;on Star1 '-e. glorious port To coma and irea ~ all hnnda ·. "Victoria Buildings," Bowmanville~ · · . W HERE :i:-IENHY '"S , ---..v of nll fl.avor15 here we keep, .And· fruits f rom ~very a bore j J" a~ oyster s fro u1 the briny deep 1 y"" .A11J. /i s ~ .aud gam~ g11.lol'c- , . __. Cn.kes, b1·es.il nnJ. ·buns-a great urrRy · - ·.-A r·o i;trind fng hero Sor snle _j And nice t.hln g s Co m ing' ev ery dar, By eLip 1 by tentri, ri nd r ri il. No more nt present, come a1ou ~·.::..;,.. Fetch on th e cash and go it, .A ntl i f 11.t tim es y ou ·wan L a s on g·1 Ju s t palroni Ec t he u. Pot:t !11 · Sweet~ -·-·-. ............. .... ................... ..............,... ... . ..-......................,,.... The subscriber has much pleasure in ,. . ~ ·. . .. ,. ~ -,.... .__ UNEGUAllED . PH-Df-OlSR·APHS !: · PORCELAIN' 'at the ·S·ign of tli~ P I 0 'I' U Il E 8 , info1·'n.1ir1tr his nu1ne1'ous custon1ers and the . pub!'ic · th~1t his Stock 'tif' Dry Goodi is no\V . c6tr1pletc 'i n every departrnunt. ....... . . ., ....... ........, ... ,....................,_......... ..._...._,·...... ..... . ................................................ .......... 1trc produced nt tho ·,F RESfI Bitl!:,_,\ D CAKl;; R, ~BUNS t< BfSCUIT, AL)\. J. Y.3 G.:i HJ.N'b, Ir \vJ.NT A GooD rrEAvY rriRfe·t ·ll-\T"Ool" Canad:iL Tweed for :ls . and 6d per yard, Y-ou . LOWEST .PlU.CJE§, :n id S'atiS"f"a«:tion GI!A R A NTEED . I A BEAUTIFUL .ASSORTMENT or.~,,, i.-~ncy .fil'."0 R .,ESS G-OODS, ·oo to F. }'. Mc,lRTHlTR'S. :0 lJ ll is now complete in every dtpnrtmcnt, and "'-ill be Sold l\t the . ~ and "" 6 'lo Ernp~t;s, $ ·,-Oandies, Fruit & Oysters t~i t 'Up ·tfi ~hill pnrt of the country. Lovre£t Prkew for Cash. Je-1.VEDDl!lllG CAl!l:E§ · !-un n. s\y'Ie " h i'.the1;to tiha'tte'ril.p[ed rn 1 Who1es nle :.i nd R e t:l~1 1 Chcl p. AT THE lRONMONGERY. Thibet Cloth ~ Mttrle Uloth", 'Grape Cloth'; · ...... . .. 1. .. .. . . . ... . . . .... . ... ...... p1o,t 1! biess GoodF, ·1 . IN wool Plaids, Po.plinett~11, Merinos, Col.JOurgi, .. " .. .< .,. .... _.- Winceyii, &:c'., &'~. . . I F YOU WANT A'P. .A.IR o"F Dlaokeu for l la. o.nd ·3a, n'.'fou~iI OALL· J.l'T J. 'D i'LEOD'S· l10'ft YO'IJH s 'rOYES, JAMES WYLLIE, co·i·ne.r K i' o1' & Si1ver8 t r e~ t'G , ·oo to -- F, F. ~Jc.1.·it'!'Hl· n·s-, wmum .YOU WILL FIND v.J"icty A LA!t'G£ AND [ very Cheop of 500 Bags Liveruool Salt fer Sale, !lit.ACK & coionab StLKS t Black Silk Velvets, 'Colored do., V E Terry 8ilk Ye! vets-all ('olorfl, Moss clo., E N S ;, :---~-~·-··--·--"--"-·-.·""-':...:.:...... .. ~. ··-- -iO W1txf\nViH6 . do;, :r~ V E T E McCl,lJJ\'G & BROS. NO'TIOE ; J l .ri.¥oir W:J."Nr G o to .AN ALL-wO'Or, 's'iu.m let :Flsn'n'el ro~ b1. and ·3d. per fa.rd, Fo r Wood cir Coal. ·G:}- Spccbl ottenlion 'invite<! to a .New ifil'tl 'Improved '.A 'LL DERTs nu£ either by Nof~, Book ncc o un tg or otborwisc, moat bG p1dd n.t once. SFIA -W-I--'S ! AU-wool long shawls, Paisley, . ... . .. . .... . . . J II .. JOSE, Ji~ erchant \Vooleu Shawls-shepherd &. fancitl, Black Woolen ~hawb. · . . A · .......,..._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ·' I TaUor, 9:.~e n ~ '3tri ~}b!c .for Store·s. Offtccs, Ilallil nn d. I HAS REMOVED · 1 1 ,0 Hrn sta nd lately oc'cd p·ic1 b; 'H. der ono doo r t-." cs t o f Jhu:ts ii t, & C a . s h~rd n·ur e store i w h~ re he will iu:. wnye have on ha nd nlitr l!O s tock I I . -YOU ivlccJ~U,VG\& BROS. 1MANTLES'~~~~'TiIE tATEST STYI:iES·. '_.1· · A "f'l'NE AS'soFtTMENT of of .firs t -class g oods 1 o.nd will b1.1 r1rt-~ared to Jna lc.o gen ts' g nrru euts t o o rder 1n thela ~ 1:.~t st yles o. n<l be s t wo rk mrtn s hip. Al&oi R. lnr g·. . a ss?rtn:11: nL of lhe la te st :.ii t~·los geu ttc men 's _1" e ckt~e::1, Collars, S h1rt:J, Sucks, nnd e\.~ erythiu;' lll he waJ' of g entle.· 111en'r> hab{ .n·das h er y . IF i,500 yds. Coloure.d Silk :for 'S"a1e ~t a Great llargain. 0 G6 to · or .Melton Cloaking&, Whit1iey Cloaking1, Petersham 'do;, . .. . . Waterproo'f <lo., . ' . and 'Farrey nn:d Colored. Gd'-- will cou'tinue receivi ng Novelt ies iu F ancy Cloak·ings as the season advances. W e I c;an ,u ud E . >xamin.;J th~ Stock. 16-f.f, _ Bow n1011'i'"ille 1 Oc t, '1 1 1868. 1 YOU WANT A GOOD ..._ Shawl for 111. a~d 6d 1 Insolvent Act of 1864. ·1.11 the matt.e1· of 01·lon '·c arryi·ng on bu!!in e113 :un ler ti.le nu.m e nn,4' ,·s tyle <lf" 11 1.l.a.ll &: Oqm p ~ n s /' AU Insoh· cnt n. Jlall, ·rF Clo lo Ji'. JF, !tlcA.RTOUR·S. · ~1'aic .of" .lha· .l'llll~ .bv ! ,. . ·"' Anctiion "' ··' CordS", ~ -.:·----- --·r;:~ ~-=:.-.::..........__~-·"-.··.::= ~·:---'-~. 1 ~-=-===-~--:::..==-·2..:.=.7~ N0 1'f CE 'I S )JlRE DY G IVE_~ tha t b_y Yi-rtU. e 'of the -po·w·er8 \'es~1· d u. 1 :n1e as Offi ch I A:"is. ig1iec 1 I , t.hl;l un denn gu cd ··will ;:;('ll by Pub li::: Auc tion a t my Ofil r~, :Xo. fi 7 Ont nl'io !Jfi'll·, 'Cou r t .. S lrect, T oron ~o, o n 'I)U~IAC · Wednesday, the 13th ofJanuary, ;i.SS,9. ; :1.t STILL O N WAR D ! I~nsolvc!1t Ac~ of 1864-5. YOU . WA NT A ,:·wrxTER ,: !JA.XTL ll .._ for T1. aud Gd, · . _ AND tl1c ho nr of Lwo o'cl ock in thertfLe1·n o'Jn,nll t :H.~ lF th e int er ei;t of cL ar1ti:- I ns olv ent in thu fo !lowi~1r ·'lt" ,·... ~- .~~~ .A.1I -tJ..n tl sin g ul.ir thos e cer t.1\.in P1l rc-eh '01 "l' rnct3 of Lund 1111 d P..rcmises "S itul'l.le , lyiu.g 'And being in the i '.1\v ns hip of D ad in gton , in o:'l. he Couu ty of D11rlrnm, itn d l'l'ovin ce uf On· 11trio, bein g l' Ompo sed o f l.11~i s ou t h t wc-n ty <.ac res and (Ilic qnar tur of the uor th-we s t qua.rll~r of bot' NQ. 19 in tb e fi r!iL 'o on·cc s ~ iou ol tbc Towns hip . of. Oarli n-g t.o"n a""ote! ahl, aud the south one Jiux1 ,drcd and niu e of Lot No "20 in the first co1LCesSi ou :ofharUngton nfore& ·anic l 1 s t~ve nod e)cc cpt " th<: · ~ :x.trem e !l<,ut.b ·thirty nc1·i:s one rontl o.iid e ight pcrche11 1: h e r~of1 n n d . ~~®t n1 n i ng by adw.easnrctnl'u.t 'On o h11tld1·e cl '8. nd q i ue acre::) of l1~p il 1 .be thr 'lmme ll11ii"u 1 .1r l{IS !J . Go to ' ··· F. ~Ic.ARTilUR·s. '., ' ~ . . JI:. ·H .., matte.:· 1; t" A '.".QJ'hU n a <1 lmGh" llnt. . 1 e{'l" ·ILAH.GE. : ·=· MAR·KUS ·MA YER I tb~ j 1 :I:~~~~~~i~ ~;::r;l:t~_{"Ii:.~~~s:~:~::~~~- 1 ---~-~'" :'.:'.--·-·----~=--~ -"'.".'· ". .'~ · ·~=··_ ,,. _ .-_-_._ -·_ :~-_ ..._ --_ ·------·-· --·-· -. ··,:.;.' "'.,:.,,.___ , Jt26 . a l.Jo ve .A ct, 1 v i<l a menJ m ent s L hcre'to, to me, XJfi"' ~~01£.Jt ~ANT A un der s ig n.e d IB~ . N · ... . E" E9 _. 'I'"· T ·· T.· ·: _ IE' ft ~ Ir &IY p~ , e· . y · 1y · '· ~ ·. . WHI'I'E, S CA.HLET & FAN CY F L.ANN ELS~ L A N K A .BEAUTIFUL CANADIAN ANd s 'C 'oTCH -~ 'rr s .r ! dF A ~s.i g1~ce_ ; i1nd t hey nre l'f1 - q tnred lo fu rn ish m e, "'lth n i two m onth s fro1u . :",is fully pre par·d \Tith a -l . [ . S T 0 0 K. · 'l'UN I I' YO U WANT A GOOD SELE CT!ON of D tC"111 G oodi , · T a d. .... .. l8l'.lI. all d , . or or Ge)lts' Furs · A.L ·I .T thia da te, with their cln.i<·"." S?<cily.ing t he f secu r ity they hol d, if a ny , a.nd the va lue of · 1 i t; aud if n o·n~ 1 s t.ating :the :fact, the .w hole flt.l.~sted und er oa.th 1 ' with tho Youcher!I in sup por t. of tlll (' h clain1s. ' J),;t1·d al llo wmnnville, th i· Ninth d·y of , Scptembc::r 1 A.. D. 1 1S68 . 1 ' u · 0 D rio. G'".·1. 1 · .. p . . '. · ----'--~------------ o . . W:$~ ,,A ~~ffi ~ ~ SELECTION Oo to F. Jle'. 111«: .iR'l'lli.'R'S. N .EWEST ; $TYL Es . -:l·ND 7-9t . 'l' HOJIASCilRISTll!i . ()Jlicial A:is ~ an··· , \ V. 1'. MAS(>N, Oll\ cial Assignee. . Da'~ti (l at 'I\ ironto, this 19th day of Scptem. !tJ er , ·A .I>. l 8t:S. - io .. 1a t, n "I<C. s T Q u v, o··· · ' .H · · A f t D'm It. Ti~mJ'V" & 'Mi(Tr.. Trt.lrn'"DJ A.1 O'l!i'"'f? T~V '!,!)~· i!!ld!!l!S!!>'iJJ~-i!l. 6!1>4'"1J-!!!l'.I ~\!!)<!!ih~~.!O~~ <!I~ ®'@ ~@ · . .A·..1: '- A_'S. FAN c v .-,_,,__ WOOL ALL !YE'SClUPTIONs; whic h h !\Y<i hcen m n11 11fuc th r£1d t>Xprc Rs ly fvr . th io \\'iut e 1 ·· &: '.l'n1.de 1 ~dll be fo utiJ .R EVO J, VIN .~ First·ClasG, both Cheap & Goou. I . m . , ON . NOTICE. ti t' OF '~ u re the:m fr om t he ntde·nngned-, wbu lm s a !lJtlst matcrinl use 8. . H A y R A K E s.~ 1r ·F totr wA.N't AN FR:E XCIJ n ;\ KE I lo . l ·of t~.e t~bov~~ d~ecript,~~n cl'.·n· pro~ I :F. Mc::£.R'l'BfJJl)S. )ARTl·p>S wmmN'G. -"': 'G OO!D Meiin'Oil.t Go t o hL-WOOJ, and 6d. per 7ard , F. . uO\\' ·. . -qu f\ntity on hand a11a ra m"nn ufuetur iug ·mare. GEO RGE llA ~N ES , ' n_f tn e.Surro gate Co u rt of th e U ~11 ted C ou nbecn i:itr o"duced i;o that n11 , t Hl8 of ..N9 rthnnib e rlu. o d und Durham , to b e pa rties ~~ n ba s1~llcd bo~ h in S ty le a.n 'd P rice . l\p poi nted G ua rd ii:tn of' Cha r les· Edgal' M ei n~ , . . I l os h, a uU \· 'il a.lter \V il J~ A.! c h11 os ll, infaut A1' t'E:.'e premi seti 'h:i..v e bi: r n e t.la.rged, eve ry I .Chil d ren of the sidd A lbci·t .Mcintosh de1 atlcnt~·-o a ~.nd comfo rt . :-:_vil.l .:~ e 1dl'ord e<l tv cettscd . · ·c.ui::tollle l'S . Be s u re and cau ..carly. . l) ated at Ne wcas tle this 15th dily o! o.~L11 1e.::0 t .· - - : .. : - - l!c!NTOSH, ol tlie Village of ,NJ>WIJASI'LE, .c=="' ·=== -=====,-=:::E:======="' -======="'""""""""'= . I in t he Go u nty D urhl\ m , widow of .A lba r c . I Il H a t S an d c . a p S Ucl<> iosh, in b " li fe ti me , of the sum· µ laoe, t the Stock ha _s °l1 rf c·n ·d nu;IJ J i-:d·, .·a ~d .nll tlJe G . ' cn ~ltn!an ,d cc eas.e d, wi ll Rpply to_ tL_ e Ju1lge St y le ~ iu the M a. r~t et h nve MJNDAY , THE N!NTH DAY OF NO VJO MB!l R next, J ANE AD Jl f, AlDE THEY HAVE NOW ONE OF THE BEST SKYLIGHTS IN THE PROVIitCE! (JG= Gloves and Hosiery in: Great Varie~y.-01} ,.. ' n · .· OR .·M ·. E . ··,·1 '.1·'·n _: · . D ·. E ·. ·.· 01lT I A 1U P· 11 U U 11 of the most celebrated . makers .1 n America, go to O'HAHA'S. ·.Thev are Agents for the best Makers in the .United States an<l Canf.lda. . '· · OABPDTS! Carpets~ Tapesfry-2 ply all-wool, Union, Hemp, Stair Drugget; Damask, Stair Linen. A.1,t -··--· ·· · ~ n"' All kin ds of F 11rs a l tc:r ed and rc'pa ircd, to·1wr, A . D., ldt.18 . ' -1~ lfiU~'l!' .~LO IUHJES alwa ys ·h·und , l'incd und unli ned , Ob ee.p. " o :n R. 1'. WILKI Nl!ON, . lO v'.!i ,. Soli cito r for l\pp li c1 u1t . 'i'liil !ili:'5T Hd _ OREY I .ll' ..tou W!N'l' Cnait., Ootton in Go to W. T. SCOTT, HA ~. 'IF · .lllcARTUIJlt'!I. ,;Highest Price Paid for. Raw Furs. .. MARKUS MAYllR. FL,~ . SW!\' .o t' the Ft I G _ n A 'l\ : ~ll~~~jjl~' , ""'9 ., U . R . '· M . . .. - - -- - -- -- ---·- '.l'llE l.A'll'EST NOVEL1.' JES IN IUILLINERY ; :I?" Good. ,Milliner and Mantle Mak.eta 'al ways in attendance; :,., · ........................................ ..............................·...... . IS I NI P . R 0 YE D .· 'D:tJCK·'RYE " .J;J I-tEMOVED to premises op posite. his otrd 6t-nn·d-, rms·r SHOP EAST OF . TH!ii ONTARIO BANK, where be is prepn rt· d to f nrni shthe JH1hli C wi·h all kinds of BOUTS & Sll()F;s. 1 YOU -THliHiHil!P'i::!t' I Fton Bnia i n tht Couutr, ·WANT OO'r· .:,;:;o· Having a ,· c ry Ln.rge ·'3toek on hnud, he 'i s bound to SELL CHEAP . »::7- All kinds of wor k ma de to ord'Cr, on the s hortest no tice . Bowm1u1vilie 1 .Aug ust 12th, 18'68 . 2tf. -_f ffil.RM FOR SALE, 1:J1UUR MiwES llA OK or BO\VMA.NVILU: [."' - t ho fr o nt b alTe s of L o lR Nos . & & JO, tn tho 6th OouCe11s i0n of, Darlington,-laO .Aoree, cleared . Or tl.u! fro nt pa rt. 'Vi th o ul btuldinga. · M . il ONE85 . September 2,, 1869. · -tf - - · -- ··----~ r:r ""{TE DES! RF. 1'0 D ALL -ATl'·t ;N'!'I ON t1 f to ou r 11 Bu ck -eye Gra in nrii L" \\.'e as Uii ue.I, del1i vc i:_1>"d to all p~rt_~ of th9 tow1.1 . Oo to I'. F. l!lt.lRTBlJlt'S· wo.rra.nt it. to 15ll\. \V _h e1\l:1 Ry "': Ha rleri Us.t s, ' Puo.s a.nd GrasB ~S'ifo'd 'oetter thau " i\ny o th'e r l1\KRn l'.1. . ~ -. ' · £ ., ..... D1·il1 made . it \a no\· t he l el\'d ip'g ' D rill in . is Biill prepared to (lo [,11 kin d :l of the Uni t ed Srates 1 (40o'6) fo "U r thooso. nd of thfi'.m having :tieen built -in o!l-0 estab lish men t :\:[ ~ in Ohio for thii;i S1;ason'a trade , Qun.ntity ~ O '\'n re gui~t~~ by a s'Cr ew i n8l<Jnd or · N D w he.Jo . 'Cl an Vo. ~ l\ ·li~ e rl iu " w omen ·., and b R E S 8 l\.f A · E: I N G YOU WANT A GOOD HORSE ilLA.N· j lll~ t ns rnttCh or littl'~ ditferer·t!e lll 'L de in the in f lie la t t'.'!!t !!tyle . G ent 's iliirt s made to ket for 31 . And 9d 1 s owing AS tna y he rle Bi.r r d . 'Y ~1 can sh ill a. t order, au d wa n ·a n tcd to fi t, ·onee u·po n roceip t o"f ortl t".r&. · Go to :F. Ji'. .Jl«::JlR'l'JIUR'S·. Addrt:.'l ~·l . F. \V, GL.JCN 1 E xe cutor, A Dwelling, suitable for a U~haw A. , ~nud l F l1.mlly 1 'r1 ) L i,; 1·. Enquire of Mts .J.lex, Vlet r>.hli!r. (J ~ lunva, .!ug. 20, 1863 . 3. E H SE.' WIN . G GRAIN DllILL. FL JTGatti~i~~~~ J}KE.RY . -- -·- . GOOD SWEET ERE.AD, . · ·-~ . !!u:e·~ Famn~ . fo r ·Al"· Flour . ' . IF YOU ·°'IVANT A FIRS'I'·OLASS , MACH·I NE, cr_:jOTHING J\:IADE TO ORDER; on the Shortest N citlce h}- CHEAP, get it at O'HARA'S ! IF -""======"""~-;;,.,.~=~==:'!!!'!!!!'!!'!'!!!!!'!!!!"""~"""""""""""""""~"""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!! A .T ·' LE "'l'C· H .ER E y.,..,. u} '-' 'l"XT " A :t-:-'.r -' T I<'"' I L L I ; n y FITS Gu ARANTEED: of the very lates~ styles, ancJ th· ~ame pattert18 can lie We import dirc·ct frolll th ~ largest manufnctory in Englnhd; und sell ut very ·mall profils. bought in in about 2o per ceut. Je5s than 1'oronto-O'HARA'S tho pluce. ,is ~ ........ . . .........,-", ' ,.. .,, ~,' ....,......,........,,., ...,......,,.,_...., ............... ..-.................... ,.~ _ . ......-.; REME that YOU 'VANT F YOU \VAN'i' for .41:1. R E . M 0 VAL. I SLirl A GOOD FLANN E L f\bd 6d 1 Go 10 AS REMOVED lilS OFl'I C E 'i'O Dll. Paton's ollice, Coruer of Kiug an d Silvt:r ~treets where he will Li e. fo11uU at all lmura irom 8 ;)'clock fl.m ., to 10 p.m ., uftf·r w!JicU he will !Jo found at his residence un Liberty a t reet 1 opposito t11c drill sli e tl. Bowman ville, Sept. 24th, l80S . . .1·· .l'd1l«:A..BT1Iti:R.ls, . H DR . DAVIDSON ; sent ohcupied. by 'd.Hl S nbscr i_ b cr, ·d ti. t \to =:s L ortiy bri ck bu : Jd1ng on Oittnrio joining the · c a1 ·pOrn ii u11 , -~u ~ t E ll.in oC tb· S t re-ctj n~R r k ing Stree t, wi th gronud , bG Oemetery. ,Oh tl:i e I~ ll.n'd iEI il. frf'>t frQ Ut tlri Ou tRriO .S t.1·t1et, r unning bu Ck 60 HOUSE~ LAND FOR SALE. HOUSE AND. GROUND THE JUU c1i:~ CO'l'TA (,la>:, . For Salo in :Bownianvilie. ITH 2! AO!\ES o~· LA.ND, A"r P Rli: - 1~ rtE SUB S<JRT; IIBOFJI E HS ·'oil S ALE at the ilt the · · W BOOKS; STA11 IONERY,S~GN OF THE AN D J:i.., A N C Y G 0 0 D S ! . Cheaper than yon c.an ...... THRIVING Young ORCHARD1 Good Ste.hJe and Driving 8h"'1d 1 H B.rd khd :Soft. 'Vatcr 'V"cllw, .l.nd other tmprovei:n th t!I. · l · I For portico ur· ·P;;Js~~PH JEFFERY. fioor 1 wit Ii lln e:xt elleiit Cellar t b~ Whole eiie f b nildiug-good if ~ ll ahd WooUshed.prt:n1iset11 cau Le seen ii.t ai:iy tim" bv ap111i.. ca tiu n to ' 49· t f. ;~:lli. ?,~ilsdt~;;.~ ~\:o ~~;~~:'~~~~.~ r~~1· ~~~; c"LL ..1..'1. O'HAHA'S lo the buy t,i1em anywhere else; place tb gil; ...~ · · Good~ are Sbl< i A " -N --:1;·-~ E" .·x :----A --vM ·" "1 "'N~---~"'"o·,-u' ""R"'.""'~---s ~. , · · Ii ·, - · · ·we .ave purchased largely iu NE\V YORK this Fall Cheapl -". lJ 1 . .·· ..rJ . . r·oc.,K · 1 LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE t CASH. - - - - - - - - - -- HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. stur_y ll.nd l£ ba lf hig h, with qnort er acr e of lanll. 1~t Lt1.cil tJ fl , o n Uhu r c.b stt·ect ei~u, f'or salo c bcap lot c a~L. A KOod g u.ttlcu 1Vi.t h ecvtt n.1.l f: Uil. trtll' ll· A n . p ly tl1 . . . I'IA !tV EY l>IU.l'Jl.'1.1 . il o'.r:?:a.n v.ille 1 S~ p t. l t;, H. ll S, , .· ~f~ A ND THEY SAY-fl<' YOJ; WANT 'I'HE . Ue:1t Slock of English Oloth11.t 1'w4!1cd s, BownHi;,ivillei SCpt. 81 I 868 · .5 -tf JOHN JEF; Kiu g Si'Elff, lrec t , Howlli&nTilli· oltin g to a .orisis tbe"rc; nnd now offer thetli at p ' rices far lowor LhaQ usual, Go to F, F, !Uc.6.RTUUR'S. f A FflAMF. D\VllLLl::-IG, 21 BY ·JO FEET, LIME! .Li\.. "Yictot':a: Uuildinge/' Bow~a.uvilie. l ACRE S OF LAND ADJOININ G THE SUPPLY OF THE OE _ .. BR ATED Cabine t Factory the Town Ho chdJ.1.I!°' Lime ke-1:t conRtA. n tl y on sa lc 1 Il o wm&nvill e. The abo ve l o.nd w ill !!bort],r :i,r.d s old CHEAPER t hu.n ~1ny oth er pl aco., & e d h·i ded i nti;i lo t a to suit purch asers. Lime~b o use, S cug og S t reet, Br;w uii1n,,-Hl e. Apply tu F RANK H . $0.PER . ----"- LIME! /10 new FOR SALE. in DON'T l!'OBHE'I1 to CALL at O'HARA'S And see Goods that aetonish you for Ch6apn<lsfi; of On Fair Day l-t·c w i ll take Pfotu1·cs for ~:> Cents eacil; will I . lJowmanviHe Oct, 1st, 18!i8; · PA!!l~ E TT & B!l!:0 \'¥1\'. Bowm.m ·i!Jc , A11 £us l 4th; IeDS. ! -_ I f.

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