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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1869, p. 4

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· -- -- ··- ±±3 _____ _ TE"E DRUNKARD'S BILL o;r FARE. T H E - -- - ----- ·- - --"·--_ ._ _ _ ____..§ ~ . ' · :·rd·; ilig,, dr~nkard, for lhe oftener and !!iore you drink; the efteoer end more t!li rsty you will be. If you ·rek lo pr~vent your friends ruising you in the world, be a drunkard, for ' that will defea\ all their effo rt·. If you would elfectually oounteroot your own attempts .to do well, he a drunkard; you will not be disoppointed, If you are determined to be poor be a drunkard ; and you will soon be ragged and pennyless. If you : would wish to 1tarve your fa1nily be a drunkard; for that will eoosume the means of thei. r oupport. Ifyim 'wish to .be robbed be a drunk ard; which will enable the thief to do it wiLh more 1afoty. If.you would wish to blunt your senses, be a drunkard; nnd you will be mote stupid than an ase. . If you woul.d boeomc a feol, be a drunk· tlitld ytu will soon loo1e understaod- If yo ~ ~·i·h to bo always thiFsty, be a LATE CALAMITY! ((bll~~e~~sA~~~~fli1rs~, ~lGN. OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL TO f:TALL BUILI ) INGS, BOJVMANVILLE. DEALER IN . ' -·-:-1-- DRU .xS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, DyP. Stuffi:i, Patentl\'Iedici!'1es, P~rfumery, Bru~hes, C:ombs, Soaps, Paiuts and 01_Js, P:unt B!ushes, Coal 0 1!, · and Coal Otl Lamps, ~c., F. F. MCARTHUR Ill! Physicians' prescriptions carefully Compounded, and all orde1·s correctly answered. · _.. Fw-mm·$ an.d Phys1cians from the Count ry will jtnd our stoclc of '»IM·i ci,1ies com11lete and of the best qualit11. OWIUDTiUo, Jan, i, !SH, - &c. T BISIE TT co. I ~ STOP AND SEE! Test.imonials ofn1o st wouCerfu J a,nd · · traordinal'y -en res i n Canada by the ti HEAT IXD~AN REMEDY . . They ar.e ~tei:n 1 _ ,unde ·ni H.ble ti.!l d inco.ntest_ nble faC'tl'::, au~tle· nt 'to [ h' 7 .) 1 T HE l'OLLOWJNG - REMAH KS ON 1 · · · II · '. i 1 · 1· · . 1 eonvi;ite the tnost skeiith:a.l that the Gi'·.t Medicinal Compound yearned alter fo r: ·IOI is now acces sible !h t!_ 1e Grea't . SHOSHONEES .ft;EM~ D:Y ! have llO\T on hand a rt,6u wish to unfit, y9urselfforrational inti!rcoilrle, ho II drunkard ; thnt will a{lpQmplisb your purpo·e. lf you ,are resohed to kill yourself be a 4runkord; that being a sure mode of de·truction. , Tf you would get rid of your money without knowing how, be n drunkard; an!l it will nnish insensibly. , If you would have no reaourso when past labor but a workhouse, bo a drunkar<l,; :·nd you will be unable to provide any, If you would be reduced to the necessity '·of shunning your crediton, be a dru11.~ard· ; .a,nd you will have rea1on to ptef~r the byep1tb1 to the 'publio 1treet&. If '}'OU would be a de·d weight on lhe , o9fiimunity, an.d :'.'cumber tho ground," · be a drunkard; for that will render you l)·elees, helpless, burd.ensome nod expensive~· Oige s th·e Organs, K idneys, I:~., a.a W9ll .. a, .:3crofula, the Ya.rions Skin Di11!'1ej, H umor· a.nd a l} diseasr.s arising frorn .. Impuritie-t ~- fll the Blood, we boldly tat. 1. U1a t, t h·o I'~"' For Disl'!a!es of the .,Th_ro_ ait, "L,\J. D11, ,\ Li~.,. rem edy ha· NEVER BEEN EQUA LLED :....;. ¥.'here v.-11s there e ver euch R ,cure a1 .i-ba.· ht. SELLING OFF NEW FRUIT. SELECTED OF' SHELF .A.ND STOCK HIDAVY Just Arriyed at T. Darlingt on's, THE GOJJDS , DAMAGED BY THE LATE FIRE l AT THE · · a large and important ~fock of new Malaga Raisins, boxes best London Layers, Boxes and Half-bnxe11 new Valentia Haisins, Kegs of Seedless Haisiµs, Drums of n ew Sultana Raisins, Barrel~ of new !]urni nfs, Boxes of r1ew Citron, Orange and Lemon Pt-el, Bags of new: Filberts, Sacks of n~w 1Valnuts, Mats and Boxee of new Figs, Kegs ofnew Prunes, Ora nges and: Le!nons, >tlso, CHOICE LOT OF NEW CHOP TEAS. 0(r Quality " t!te ten of Ch1apne1s. ".J nsumption or that of Axoaoa· , Wo o D,_:~ ~r Ponsec on 1 Ontario, ofDy11pep1ia; an. d ' Ll.Ytr Complaint, or t'hat of JOHN Hn&~T, of a.nee , Ontario, of Rbeum~tiam r 'who ·_.h.·4 a.c t nn.lly been on crt1tch~11 fo_ r y_e &,1, i n tpit· of all ti·eatn1ent lieretofore, and ii no~ will. S<iores o( sucli: eases migh.t be tnention t d bad wt sp~.ce. . ~ . . _, Jrr Call at t bo Drug Store ,..n·d r·t ~ · Olrcula.r of unquestionable ce"rtific&tet oti tilt tbe person of "rJLS ON Sronal~ Of ·Bf tJt~iC>·, On t ario, of Con ~ umptioJl. i or tba.t of P·t·· 0. Y. ~1 tLLEn, Of .Ernestown, Qnta r io 1 er x,.p.. GREA'r SBOSHONEES 1a.tisfy your!!c_ l ves. RElfllDY n4 :E-3: P,~ R,., D -W-._A_ · ~ E &c., in Mcd ii.:i ne. Ag~nts, for : -Bown111ufTillt 1.;_ !Iess·r s.J. Higginhothau. ~-Stott. WhoJ'tl·l· A'{'ents,-Nortbrop ,& Ly.,ma~- Newco11 i t1 n · Price of RemeiTy· in larg< pint· 1:1"· For Sale by oll· Jlruggi·to and flt11,or1 ·1.: }. ' '\Tm. BARTON. THE TOWNSHIP OF DARL iogton. . AI L orders punctµ ally d tooded to. Charges moderate. .· To Cabinet Maken and Upholsterer· H;u ge«. Lock~ . T~ck!i F'Hnt P1tp< er, Glue, Pia_lt o 91.· Coffiu Tnm111111gt. Uphol11.tt:"rer'11 Nf':edlea_ 111· Regu lators, A dtli:o1 Can-' tr'!I '.fools, Exteru1ion L .. -~ ~ Ang er Hi1l!I, )l d o'..lco n Ha rdwire 1 &:c ·· F·r ~ & 1· · Lo w e111 Price·1i1. · . . Ifyo.u would be. TIUieance,be · drunk·;td; for .\he approach of a drunkard i1 ltke that 0£ a dunghill. ' ·, If you wi·h all y~ur prospect· in life tri be clouded, be a drunkard; and ther will soon b1 dark encugh. . If )OU would de·troy·your body, be a drunkard; and they will aoon be dark enough. . . · If you would destroy. your baby, be a drunkard; for drunkneos is tho mother of dise···· If you mean Jo ruin your soul, be a drunkard lhat you may be excluded from A.T IT A.G-AIN'" T &c., &c. FOll AUCTION'EER,. .7 HAIR. TO,Y. 1'01',& H AIR SEATl-:\'G. CUHLED Chair-wcb Sere,... Spri11gs 1 'J'wi11'e , 1 Bq~tuu-. ., , ~crews, We would beg- to cn.ll part icular attention to our stock ol heann. STICK TO ONE THING. There are many farmers who do nothinr long enough to m.ake it pay, and cons·quently they lose in every thing, At one time they conclude to devote tllemoelves to stook-raising. ,.Before they get fairly nuder good h.cndway in this, they chaRg1 their 1Dinda ;rnd go .back: to raising grain .. Some make a specialty, for a time, of a certain . crop, wheat, corn or potatoea. for in1tanoe. · While l11ey are following this specialty, the crops may b!l small and the prices lowi and. they. turn to another just in time to miss large crops nnd good price~ in what they have left. . 1 The best farmers we have observed nre those who first find out what their soil is b oot a<leptc~ ,to produc1. They then turu their energies in that direction and go straight forward in that line. A poor crop doe1 not di·counge them. Low prices do not discour"ge them. They . keop on, and nre 1ure to bo finAlly aucceHful. · To illustrate our idcn : - We once knew a farmer who '!!.ll:.ays ma_ de it a point-- lo fatfen from twenty-five to thirtJ hogs every year. Let the price of 11ork · be high or low, he every year had his lot of hogs of oboul the usual number. He took ·grcat pride in having the beat in tho o.ei~hborhGod. Some years, perhap·, he m¥ht have dune better by 1ellrng hie corn instencl of feeding it. Some years, . perhaps, he might have done better by turning hi1 whole .a ttention to ~ome othe.r ·pe.cinlity i. n farming. But wo ·hould always notice thi1, that, . taking one year wi ~q another,for a long time, oay ten years, ha made th_ e bogs pay. . He was a 8uecessfurfarmer. McfEETER'S BLOCK, MURDOCH BROS. STOVES, LEATHER JSEI,T!NG, , RUBBER , 'I'1Hl.Pl~NT!NE, RV 4.N & OLIVER. G~uer11 IJ:ird wa re Me·r<'h u uil. ·11' Y.oll(t: Street, Tur~~\·, ha Te reor,anized 'heir busine~s, and will be foundlin the pre· mises of J . NEADS, Ayer's . · 0 . :\,~ 4:t!iA~~· PILLS. Are \ 011 ·ic.k, fr 1·blt , a!M com p l niuhig? Al"i!' YOU (;\II do. 'COAL OIL, .11.iYD ErENING I EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, NEARLY OPPOSITE HENDERSON'S LACE LEATHER, SKATES, of o rd~ r. with ,·om·· h 'Jllflfu _1icntllj[t·d. ·tttl '.:· o ur fffll·kfl ·. lu HTIUUN- t l lni.'"\J. RAW AND IIOJLED OIL, &c., &()., 4:c. P. S.-The store is BJUall-come early, before the bir crowd. of ~ick t;·el's is creepi n g llJl<il'I _ , ·o n, !! !.cl s ho u l~l br- a ,·trtf.cJ h _v n th neh· 11i:t· of t he · ri~kt n'mNh'. 1 r11t I'/, yf~ r·· . l'i111, ru: d ck:-.1::-ic out · t~ ; e dbor. de;·e cl l:1:mm~ - pu r i(\' the li) M><l, ll iid !t·t t he tluhh 1oru:-; ~re o.ftel i' t b!;'_ Jll~ huJt! .'Some ft t n 11c om ron a'l;te_ ?Tlw.r.c- .,- ,,." . HOT Eh ' Jut<: tlic f1rndi~llu·· <·f -thit · ::::;1J.tYi'·';~:;i\\1:~'~j~~1~1~·cl1<ct11~t~~ BOWM.ANVILLE, Nov. 24, 1868. WITH A~ FINE A SocR o F GROCERIES SPT C OFST A.NTI y BLACKSMTHS C O AL K ,rTD H l \ 1 /\ \ r tui:y ~hr. r:;:-:tr:-11 fl·nm t lrn o b ~ tructw1 :.!1 wldo b m"~ .. d:~ea~c. 1, cu :11 ~c1t1e~ l'O m ewnere ill th e"toflr-. 11:n'1 ___ bo r;y i nte df.!"0101; ,. 11ctivih, [~ oh~ trnct1< i l;; 1rnt u r11 i f tll ·Ct-io1!il. oqrnni.:, p 1od n j;i 11~ S'e iw ni! n;-~ gt n"Yntio n . ~ 1J1~~1 ~ 1· g, :11;d di:'t'a~e . '\' l: i1t' m tbii' <: 011 0 ~ t~or1 , r>pp r() ~f't··1 Lr the _:l(·1;:t_:;::emc1:ti., tn!; c / t. ycr",.; t'J!J:-i. ll L1 ci ~ 1 · e hl'J 'ff ~ie·-ed, rea,·t. ti po u 1hcm~chcsntni t ~ 1e nn·tJill H_l~~llg !v te~lo re T l;t,n~ , it . 11ot ,. .. All of which we will ~ll l as low as a:1y ho use jn the trade. GR~·Nl) _ D ISPLAY OF AS CAN BE FOUND I N TO\IVN ! ' l -- A Inn. ai11l \\·fill it l h c b 11 0 1 nHf feelin g o11ie ~ ltl1 11~ii(i~ . \'Jlmt 1~ ll'lil' :111 1! to np p:it·1·J1 t i:; tlii ~ trfri11~ 1r:1d l.'tlll'I· _mou c o rn n i1d1_1t, i,; i1: ,- 11_ n·u1 in ?IH\b)' ot tht· tl"'"P' ·':1!t'd a.I'.(~ d ::1.: ;: ~~1'1J U;; d J::<!C.lHJ'('l'~. - 'j h,. !'£ . ilH' pur#ll· : ~ ni t·He<:>t C:'\ [H. · !:; tl!cm . C:im= etl by ~imi~:ar l1 1ii< t rt:c· · t::>ai' m in tl(·r : : 1 1 ;::- r 11 1 t· 1 : t ~ o t 1 :: c 11n1 urn l fonc.t iou!'- o! tl1c 1:1J ·h ·. tl wy :He r:ipidh·, :i:·:d _ma:;v of th .. m l- UI"."· 1 !irect! v t tl:c t<u! Hnil 1H;!i(i n -of the· l"··· _C A I:; L ·. S 0 T, I 0 I 'I' E D . 18 onn.·11 bv ti:r_· ~: : me i:it'::ns . i\ 0 1:1~·\r l :o k t,o \'f 1f 11 · ~-i:incll ()/' !Lt~::t, l'ii::', will 1w::kct to cmplo..- U:t-:.ti t:.-Ia·u fr.m·riLi J! frum thi' 1:; ,·1,; .Jc rs l l;c\· cur ~ . · .. SI :;! N r.r :: tfl Ji m1 Llt:;1JJ : l;t:_f,.l;; ,1 -~jij;i.'l. l '. fi: h:· ~r- P-u· ,Of tJ .. r·:: 1 cir!:. f, <:iti"·F, :ii.ti. frv;o1 1,;u.~ r \H ,l· I-.w... ,u 1 v 1:i;ii· 0 P~'>'HH.jil: ,~- BowmanTi1lt 1 ~ o T. 2Gth, !~G T . rr\1rii a l'1:rl!'n ;Ji1::; .~ .'r;( -,'it:r. t "/ . - ]!"[Jti. ;:r:. J..1-.i· , . Fr c. "- '" TIIEIH ~4.IM IS TO CHOICE NE'W GOODS S Keep the Best and Sell the Cheapest ! AT B A l?il Great Bnrgains w iil be ~l \" Cll Dtt /t.r::r;· YonrJ'ill:-:n;c ~ l:t· r~ra t!'ol! o f' n ll t i;;i!, j ;l l !H:::l(,: r: :.(·. Tl:rv i ::n C' (' Hn·d In )' litl ' I!. .!"On -;; 1;r·rn h~r l ;in ,Q~ 111,rl fr..t t.lrnt J;~d Jli Ol l d irn:un:: h i~ for,,·ca r~ . Her ·u ·i.<i llJ.t· i' ___.t nu1_h·l'IJ lo11f{ gric\'Ot1 ~\~ ~ii~:i~ <t<il wii h L!o ~1=! 1 c;<1 :1i.:d , ri:11Jl!C'.'I (Ill !W:" f l{i ll IHlrl rn JJe !' li :iir. A l,ter oo:.r. ch i! 1l ,,-:·s cm rr_ \ , fl:e, :i,lfu td1·~i YCH!r l 'ill~ . n. d lh11 l·~v~ ~oi.n::Ll J.l:r. },;-:,A :;\ l()J;(., l : l lll,. 1'.. A· 111 Fl\U-il!J· Phy .i ic. Frt1m !Jr. R Jr. G:r! 1.~1·ir;/i1 . .oYt:tc Orlt:rt~ ! Your 1 ;n~ ::!'t! t:1 e> p1iu:c "l i f t lllr~~i; . 'fhdf .>rx, eci'.c111 tj1 1n 'il il'S n111 · :~ :<i-: n !;y e:t1t::irtfo Vi' F, pu ~r; .~,~. TJ:(';y ;i1·c mi!1l. Ltil \·1·ry c,·r1!l i:: m 1 r! df!'c t t: :\ I in tl:dT @Ji I l\Clin 1~ on t he Lo »n:h, 1\ _i,:d1 1:111.~;l'F !IHTll i ~ \'Ahil~ ·· m i:;1 1·::t d ::~!;.;1.1cr <JJ 1n:t·rnuf' I - ----THE ELEPHA:NT AND THE RAIL· · ··- ~--- at the I I I lif""'doiti:u·, ~;l .l·1' l:lrn:ht<" bt", l ·' onl '4to Utl'W21.. . · F r om 1li"' }.'t!1r1w.f J;ny i!,' flr: !limnr~ . cmhnr~i c tut.1rntla·t::oyt:1:: : ::.l·~.:u r 1. ;M"il~,t'. ~:' WAY. C'cmii!:: it;f1 l i::::\'·t· _ cu:·a / "' ;1t1 .1 o .. ' !r I 'i.i !" .- bi·I l~ r " . '. 1~~ h > HI)-' a!t lluit 11·t t'/'1'/' frt :Jt 1rilll ct p1·n11itir1'.:m ..1f·· -efot. ] r1l ~ C~ J! I C:l f,;- <.Jt-pt l :1°!1·J:C1· f1 U tf:.Rt e ili_>c t· . .f\J lii!\'i11g. M-liLHl, Lt;Ar: !'.::«. J. \' ~.1~: l c:-.1 : : . 1 · ~ L:.1:n·tr 'nu u,\4 A:· correspondent writing to the · lntloE11r6pti1n C01·r~11Jond~nct fro111 Mongbyr, trndcrdate the 2l ot ult., etates ..that . a 'Very serfoUB accident, brollgbt about in a inaoner unknown, ·nd pe~haps ,unheard of since the establishment of railways, not -only in India but-throughout the world, happened to a t~ain last. evening al · half past eight p. m.,betwecn Sahebgunge nod Mirz,, pore, about two miles from the !atter station. At that time the No. 5 down goods t rilin w.a~ approaching. the ruangoe tope, in. which . some seventy TO , SE_ E HIS IJ:LECTION o:r elephants wen stationed .. , The red lighls glaring in' lhe diotanoe, and the noise and 1mok0 of the e,ngfoe, would seem lo hue cansed an ·awf11l cons.\e.roMion, among the poor brutes, all of. \ybom, ,mote or Jes· 1 tried lo , brenk nway .from their faste nings; One large male, however, the strongc·t and most courageous of th~ lot, beeame ao i·nfuriated that he brok.c his chain and IIAllIPTON, De1ember 24, 1868. ru1hed forward to intercept. ond enoonn~~. tl1e eupposed enemy. He had 1carce· ly plaQod himself.on the line when the '"""~---...e!!!O'O..,,..,,. ..,..,.....,~---,...,,S-::'l:O"'"'.'E~A~lU'!".-P"""tJ·.'"'1·P,...!"'·,-train' wns down upon him. encouo~ "· "' tered it with head and tusks ; but an- . , cdl Rotal'l', .,,er :· Hand· Pumps, im>I strength proved no match steam . suc-rION, LrF-r Alln Fol\cE · PUMPS, and machinery-the poor brute wns FIRE PU1'4PS, knocked down and killed on the· spot,and ·ncfthik e'ngine, rebounding, ran off.. the FIRE an· G.4.RDEN ENGINES, d oil kind· of lino, and it and ele . ven rarriagea · were "' · ·· · T · . '< 1LtrM·K1 1 "-ll'I> GJ..I ·JTtlilBS' ·Ot·I, capsized .into a ditch. The firem..an luck:a: A s ily jumped off in time, and tho guard did Whlualo Hd Rotail, b1 the sa1110, but the poor driver, named IOIIN B. FULLER, 4 T nY ·niler, Smith, remained io his · place,. and ret o prcnuses · · 1 · oia 1tan·a, opfloute, us N·lg Y_ ork C'r· hwh ii 11 not exoeived injuries from w FCRST SHOP EAST · OF Tlllll ELLIOTT'S STORE! T H E HAM PT 0 N ! CHEAP CR 0 CK E R Y DE PART !f E N T WILL BE FOU~D COR STORE! PJing· the remainder of the winter season! 1N :?-; o: m ;!:· :ir~ ~·<J1.:r. l ' ilJ~ :u!iniruNy f\'11t f lt·d t o t.b·ir nn fl! 1 1·1w:1t, l;-;n J !l! ,d lh1 ·n lx·1:·f1ct-.{ · ~'-TY m:1l'kt·d irn.it't-d, Tli·J' IHI\'~ ill m Y Jlrnctkc Jllo;- t·d w ore t":C'('clunJ fo r J~· · curie of' bilinu ~ . crm·~·1l!dnf.s tb~n ' trnr QT>e l'l'mv1t'f .t eun mci.ti6u J .. 11 . c;:~n·l r n']o!ce illat l\' · h o ;· ~·., l&ngth fl_ J ·<ni;nlh·~ w !iicl1 1~ \\ orH~y !he t'o11!il.le r. Q:t bf t!10 Lit0Jca:io 11 itlld l he l Jl'Op i\: ' · puq·o:;1~ u~ ia 1u r d:tily C(J1 1tcd wn!i di~f' :t rf" :i :ul l,.,,. I dn , thr. t \I JUr l'i lli< :· lib al i;,, 1?1,(.' Lt'lt -\H1 t hl'm lri,:.;b i:o· , ~ J'lTTSlll'l~O-, l"n. , :Utt1· t. ] ~;';.,lt. Dn. J . C . .Arr:zt. ~ : 1 · : I t.:Hc lkt'u ·rl·JlN·ted if c:r1rf·d oi tl 1 e '" un t h r1.id11cl1c ;111) liody c1111 h in t' ·b 1· a rlo~t! o r h\o {l f nwr I iil::i. l: :·Ccms.fo Uri~ f hn1i a fu~r irtot:~::eh. , ..~hd i t la·r C'.t·~1 1 H: nt. 01 ;ce. Y1Joa... '\; i ll:. ::r~:.1.t. H·.:~\1·ct. EU- -c)V i ·rn·"'.f';l.F.. C.'k t'L, r;_f ,Sftinm·!r .C,m·;,.,,. ; 13I!hn:I'! Db r.:-,!<·r~ - !.h·1·r Con1pI1'li n c111. .1"rom Dr. 'l"l:"0<frwr. L'elt. (lf:.Y.-'!l' Yo~k Ci ri/ . l QfCO lll'H! \'liltit.~ tlll «f:l:o:lii t:pu11 tl. t! J .in:r ,,.u.~ !: 111µ;to11, ]lJ : p~ r:T. )IJ,;NT ()}'TIU: f?<:Tt:n r n a . 11 cTavish's Brick Store, little farther east, where they have the finest assortmoent Crockery, China and Glassware to be found in town. ho ~ 11;tnJ 11n:1:tiec cn:r i-;n. cc :1111tJOt SJft: l !1in:: UH'll l.··~iaLf(' nrny D. C, Yt h .Ft:IJ .. l ~ J'i llt11 in m.r g<"Ja:rnl a~d J(lU l nuule .tl wni , fl.l!ld bt·~t C:· tl( · f llt't .C hristmas and New Year's Presents .. PUBLIC OPINION SU I T _E ]J ~ t:a3e i-:o Jnirtlblc l-c-mt1!:· Jur t1crn11µ:{'m('11t8 ot· flmt o ri;::llJ.1 lti(:C'e<l~ l ho Ye ·H·Jciom lo111id n cni'P of bilioui; ~i.._ t>l 1~ IL:.rntc _ "1l ~:< t it d id Tiot ruulil\· i · it~ it! h· U~m. }"r~I C-i llll.ll f y OnYS, A 1:01\ZO 13AJ.L.1H I) , Physician qft!1c .:llari-iie JioJ<pital. i:nick r:1ul (iecid r d . con~ e qll(:!,tly they oln· 11 :1 a1i· ~T 1·mplo1·. to i'JlY tl1,:1· lffC tlic Th·ir ,.._:g:t1n 1\ng 1·.ctiou uu thc li -n·1 " ·:r,..('nfrroy, h~nrr!'1tr.n, r&.cla x. ltr~'rnt ·o 1- ~: '0_ m· l~r. J. r:. .nr~o1 . ';f ~ :Jiicngn. To11r has folly justified the original irlen, that at the " Corner Store" you cc)uld get 1u.d e11tt; I l1an.·-ev1·r touud. J !10id 1l:t·m 111 eHN'm ns u1u· of th1: l'Lh· ha1~ h:id a 101,g 11 l lll ill m1· 1 rucfice, l>l· ~1 ·t'<°"" H e for w· T 8c OTT · * ·· · ·· · · o · v .E· D :r. Call and ·~e 1U in our new p1·cniisea: SUITED, AND vVELL -. ... MURDOCH BROS· .,__ B·w·n·ill··, !{oT 2'th, 1gO . F . -Y. Bowmanville, Dec., 1867. OO~LE. c~ pt:\blc 1u.:J cou·~·t1iu:llt JQ-r ·he use .,f To·omi-u .::4 clti:drt'll. ; IJy_1o1t.'1"tl.dt'l, l111pnrity of the Ulo~.-1. From. Rev . J. V. llimes. f\'··.tor q/ .1clcl!nt Church, llnst.o-.-;. DR. AY r,n: I h~ve u~etl your 1'1lTs "'ith ex.tr·· rndinnry t::uccef.'s in my fami ly au al nmongtht:!lli/! J Rhti c:alk<l lo ' ' isit. in d i1'l l'tf:S. To rcgnl-at~ tbe orrra u· o.f tt1e !her ro11k_ e s Hu:m :111 _l'Xcc i!l'llt r<·1t1.-...1", w ~u gin~n in linrn 11, !lo~ .: ,; 101· ~ iifo1u "J;scnter}j a1Ld dirw· rf.- ( fft,. T !;c;r_ fitlg11r·~~oatin~ nrnl.:eti them n!ry · 11C- T lll'ir ;1!le r11tivc el!i:ct u1··1l R . .E M . dige ~ lioH ~11d }Jmify the blood, they ilre t ~l' YP.r~ : Led H'm e·ty l lrnve .~t er knowIJ ., tu1d. l ' CAU eo:-- 4... ~ c11tly rc corn mc1'd them to my frle1 1 ris. Your£, J . V. lllllES.. STILL ON WA lt.D, J iJ ST RECEIVED AT cleunFe tl1c t yst cm nu<l pu1,',if!{_ '_l lt~ j?-11&».lai'E!Si ef·th~ IJ!ood. JOU!\ ti Mf~Al:HAll, .M. Ll. ~onstipation, 1.~ a raip1i..,., Dt:Ait ~xn: I am u~illg vonr Ctl,thartic 1·iJl11 in 1nT prncti<lc, n11U 6nd them, 811 exooll:·mt purga h\'1· 'O c~1ive-lt;'l"fii1!111, ,V.-'.:o:.SA1V, '"'roming Vo., N. y tOct . 24, !SM.. where he is prepared to fu~nisntbe publio with all kinds of l!OOTS & SHOES. , Ilaving · -.:ery Large Stoel< on h·nil, he i· bound to SELL CHEAP. ~ A eler!(ymun '· satchel, full o n:;- All kinds of work made to order, o· sernio11s, was recently stolen at the R)cbf the shortest notice. 9'ler R·ilroad dor-ot, and tho thief ex-Bowtnanvilio, Augnst Ulh, 11161. 21(. plaiqeiJ, on being enught, that he needed a carpet bag in order to get lodgings at a hotel,,, ~' A neetctl be will recover, · · If tho oorn used for whiskey in one district of Kentucky were used in fording hogs, it would mnke tho pork of 200,000 swine. O N T ARIO .BANK, FLOUR! v A large assortment, in e.-.;ry variety, of Ladies', G·ntl~men 's, )iisses' and (;hildren :llUJA91~~ Superior Family Floar ff>r sale ·t Fit"i,,t:(oe, . .._ F,.mn nr .·1. P.. Vrut~'Jllr;,, 1lf«11dreat~ Cnna - . Too ~nnch emn_ io.t lie n.11i.d _oI yenr !'ills Jor ll1e cine ol ffl.~li N:.-~s.'i. l f oth e r.'i Q f O.l'!lt ti':1ter11ih· fun·o fom~d the~u ns c.thcncit.u1s ~~ ,f. lt:..lve... thQ--y ~b.1;111.l d j ohn, J2.!ht! U 1J]ath11n, i2:-;:0!ltf,. 8nppl-c,.f4 tc-., ·N e1trnlg'iu, Dro1,,..>"· me ill pnu;fo.,WJ.illg: it, tru· the hcue.Ut o:f'tbe z1:1:11!tu ucl~ nr-c- we, r~~. MARKUS MAYER llOOT·S ia prepared with a fully AND SHOES \vbo st~t1.\'r fr.::i~\l. t;l.:iJ.t. e_ o1i<v l11i:ut1· wbich~ iut lt.., u.ff!l. bud i: u m~.g-U hi. i,t£ :.:1t'~ i.S H le p1:og·-e-r,. ttOJ: foli.' ot b~-ri; I l:al FLETCHER'S BAKERY GOOD SWEET BREAD, LARGE ., STOCK! of the latest styles, adapted to the season whi~h he is selling at his usual LOW PRICES . . He also manufactures to order, fromthe best of stock, and the most approved styles . GOOD FITS GUARAN'fEED. All orders promptly executed. T1unks and Leather of all kinds constantly on hand for sale . Remember the st·nd-Sign ofhhe llig Iloot drawv by two horses, King S"'"et. Bowmanvillo May 3rd, 1866. vo1.1;,J7-166d. h y" r,, b11t :l~UJ: l'ills uilc~t tlw.t <1.i:gau aud e~tt )-~.· llv e ::i~, ;;;..Fr-cm. .b'l?Ja~ E , St iurrf, Pl1.11sici'ft!' · cmtl _,ltfrii"~~ nai tt-n~l Sl:CZ-eii !1:& -..;:l;l ~-\J. \\'l.10Hy. or Jl ~ ttially 1!-UJl· pr(',:8i·Ji> ruHl ulf>o, 1:'. ~ ··y · ~m.xll.l~l lu' ~ ctea11 se 1hfl :;tornadJ s 11{l lltcpel w1;111n.s.. 'Nlu~y ~i:~ SQ nl\l~ h ~~ best pl~1·~if: - we tL.·we t!.l:J.,t · l r1'CQ;B:).J;Qe1;l\\ ~Q. QU.i.li~ lQ my !JUhQlltt;;. i b_elievo: go,%-ineUiess t~(IJ-· ig»l.atit -i-.11 lht: I flU d 0-ne or t\v ~ l-l!rg6 d o!'eS of you r Pills, t aJ\:t'~ ni the pruycr ii!J'&-,. l;l:t} ~~e el lent ·prom o th~«:s of rite Boston. - ' " , ... · Ladles' and Gents' Furs er rs· AND Cincinnati geutloman designed a.1111u ~ I, ·d.tliT"ered t· all pa.f t1 of tAe Sowa. to coln;,,it suicide, and fearing that . the A Saw. and Shingle MiU newsp, perr. might, in their hurry, make· sonli:J "eYrota in their notices, sent to each iil the fifth coacession1 Town·s·b ip· or··dart· ~fRS. of them in advance a brief sketch of his wright, occnpi·d by Mr. W'. A. ·t.oncks, will i1 1till pnp1red to (o all ldnda or life / -r..·. '.· be rent~d fo~ R.- te·rin ofrye-srs1 wUh or wJ th· · TO RENT. NEWEST DEST STYLES FLETCHER Q ·U AL I TY, which AaTe been manufactured expre1sly tor this Winter1e Tr11.de 1will be found ---:o:---. of sewing bootit and Mills can be giv~ri irrequir&d·. · For fnrlher MIL. LrNERY aboe~ ,!"ith copper wire, in~tead or the information sppl1 t.. tli· 1uba erib" ,.1 J. · n· eonimon thread, hos been patented, Whitbr D ' RE S 8 MAK ING \Ito Stock has been doubled, ·oo_·ll \h· Wn.. DJ.ING the ;dvnntage be:ng, that at a very small 3owmaovii le,Oet. 111, L~te1t : ltylea ;'l 'the Ma.r~et ·ha.Ye teat 1ty1e. GeDt'1· ~hirte made t· il' lf· ia tbf la_ incr0 as,e in expense, the strength and be·en introduced 1 10 that a.it ord1r 1 11.ud warrant ed to fit . partie1 can he suited both in Style and Price. ' duraoility of the work arc much improved. afiiF A method ~ out cleate d land on ernid-I'ot;. - Po1se1liion Of Fir1t-Claa1, both ,Cheap & Good. ~ QJ. rt·po ·i n:.v.b~ :;_r· -'l .;t~i <:;o.;crn.crnnug ~1 c1w<d'_!(;~ -JHI-'q1_ <1 , 1ri., t:1\ ~" ;rt,.,\ ~n c~·~'@-~~ic . r ll orp-i '1l f-iSt'2-~ )\·otwit h~ hlu 8 1 ~ I hr. rj q 1 e ~1 e.:'-t Cr' tll ly!'.' !_ i;;ia l,13, _t i\e - di~(!i\lj:f;, gr~ \'{ "\Y0·1·i-t, my c-a<'c b1·Qught "'."'c !Jt.'1 -y o w - t; k :J l I.au; !J ro n.dtt nw it' l d. ~\\ t~ } OJ]. -<\ cold setUed i_n my F1·0.1n -the Re~~ J!h·.- J-Ja v.:ke.r;.. fl;/ t-be M#iM Hl;i:~ 4~ Ckiin:k 1·u ~ ~ "e t: 1 n (l.usE. ~; r. u1 ~.i 1~iL , B a . ~ J:.J~ , w~ l B 5fi. He>sn;-a:J) ~Jif; . l ~h crnlti !) ~. uu g:rat ~.1_1;\-1 J(,,l.r _ 11 . ) .,. w In · Ha ts and Caps !f~-~\:1 ;:~, ~ :~l tl~,:;;·~~:) i'.'t r~!t'~ ~t.1 11 ~;-~1,11~ ~,~ ~i~~tt:fl :}.J~il: j !i \cd l\' Gll'H.>. \\J : ti. hy t-l te \:v '.'ice o( yo.1u· e.x, i;C li, <'i.l :qi_(_<:,1 ii ~ l} .:'tH\w ~1'.:'-, I.Ir. ::-J. t11.~J; ~11y u\ l ti:~OO ,·our ~{_ :t NA'l'}. C t L.\ -:"IHJt:~l, l@to.. A more astot.isl1ing mu,ical ' pro- diµ f.'lliaa Mozart, is said to be , little Susie' ~fcnbcry, of Baltic, Mas·. Before ehe con'd speak word·, when but month· old, stie would sing en tire tunes correctly. A.t two and a half years old, she sang publiCly befure large audiences, ond now, at four years of ago, plays upon t;he p;ano or cabinet organ with marvellous talrnt. 'if' .A KE NOTICE. l ' ' ! - , filet r.her . ~.mall , A Dwelling, suitable for a F1t.mily, T O LXT. half; in the and Con ; Darlihgton ; · ii'All be pLJsecuted ·a ccor.ding to law~ ot_ berwi1:1e absl.racting wood -ftom th '· btiSb on ,he middle .and north e1fd 1 ·of LO t 13,.Ea.M. .\' iNY PERSON OR. PERSONS P'Ouiefn' t.· 1 . , cutting ·tnndiog· or lying · tililbe·, iir' , ·'HALF -DOLL.a R TEA, · .. .. ' .. ·. . · As ' tht! ,premiie1 h&ve b~en e11Iarg-ed 1. eTery E'nquire of Mr1.A..lex. atteo't i On &nd Comfort "ill be afford e d to cu1tomers. Be 1ure and ca.11 early_. l:i"'k ll kfn~a ofFun1 alt(!red a.nd repa.ired . wi 1id 1 :i.1 111 0-u!-'li a v :!l 1;_d1 ! ~~ n·_m HI~· i.1~ ;.kif t'u l hnnrl ;i, < r- < (f<~,:: g l' H)U~ 1u r: r,1tJ;;,c pi H, ;_ :o m _ t h t;. l\ 1l'r.1!1 uJ con ~ th nt fn:Xju. e gu y !oi 1ow iti- J11ci1L1d m 1 M U.!!'~ T he.~~ C·Hl (U~-<l uo i~~«rQ-Uxy or miucun i;ub:- ·,., nco ~l'(JW' WW~ \\"' h 11t.cn~-1'. r·~~~~ l JJ~t:~n:a}J~ 'Xll;~::,~~1 ;ie ~~~;1~i):·j ';~j!':~~~l' ~·~i,{ t~ ci t; :i ch~ d riw fO.l' )Tin s: '\· T~C.UN!' . >: l J Di'-L. L. c:7p ){r,_~t 1~f H: f\ l'i ! ls -;,; ni rulrnt c01,1t{\lp :Mercury, .,_ P,Ht o11 Rm:i g· ~ , f,11., 5 ]) r·'J,. 1855. · ,, I RliFFA...t.O ROBES alw a ys on hand, i lined and unlined, C hta.p. Fresh and Good. Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs . . I ! P r i00,- 2-1' ,.w,t:2- po.r Do::e, o~ 6- .~oxes !or $1. Pl'eparcd hy llr. J . G. AYE!l & Co,. t.awoll, li.lau, F . RJ.YNES. llowmanvllle 15th No v, l iti 1 . · ' MARKUS MAYER. GIBSON & CO. 2 ~. 31· SIGN oC tt.e . BIG DAT Bowmonvil1· 1 l'tb. t 7, !~ . \. Northrop & t ymon', Ne\'l' caslo , Ontario I General .~gents fo r Oanaae.. · sold by. J . .(."-'ftt1 by Medlein e: Dett!ers '""'TJ?ilttrs-. Hi1ginbotbam itnd D_. Stott , BowmRnf.illt 1 ,/ ·

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