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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1869, p. 4

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~·=4Q~@~D:-£:r~q~QM&&~ . ~~-~-:-:-:-::[!!!~'!!l!~zt=!i!!~ . tp5S!!~PY!'!!J.~M·_ !!_!!'._~~~-~ -_!_!~,!!!!'"""'!'!'!~'!'!_~"'-~'!__~'!__~~~·~,s;r ~,~~~""!'"'!"llllll......~.........!llllllllll~llllllllllllllllll"'!"""'~~""""""'""""""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""~~~"!":'~~~~~~"'!"'~.~-~~ ~ -~ '-~ --~-~ --~·"""-~ ~-~ -~ -~ - ~-~ -~ --lllll!l!!'!~jj'!'~~_!" -.f".~"".'~~~~!'~~-=-~"O..=.._~·!![~~~~~~'!'!!i!~~"""'"""~i!!'!'ll!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jn. dom es i: life Her l\Iujr·! 8 ., ts an [ rx,, mplc that the nobil!tY. and tl;e we ·hhy <n·s3m aydowellto1mttate. Thet 'm: 1 J j(1 (, p·1ssca· in the <'lff~ irs of Sta f,(j :ire pa.~8~ el;., domcS'ie duties, for the Queen eats " " i He b re~ .J . Her breakfast hour is 8 1 1 · · clock . 'fhi:i is tho social 1neal of Engl nrl. The Queen meets her guests ·t i·he breakfast tab'e with tbe unaff.-.~tod, ca se of a hi~h born lady. Mo therl 1, unnfft·ctcd, ond cO nsid era.te, are all at their"""" · J,etters intended fort.he family rrnd , n ests are put at the pla'. e of e:\eh, nod it. is no breach of d<ecntum tJ ' 6XMUine them. · She is tfre · woman nf the household at the breakfast table, and not the Queen of St.ite. The dinaer is o mere form d, stately affair. . 'l'be Quee~ ntterrds personnlly to her ' hous~hojd, to the employment and diseharge·oH efr·rnt·, to th,e expeiises, ·the wages, Mill all' tlint pertains to t be disbursemMt df 'fun'd~. Sewiug. knitting, vi~i1ing , fh u ipot5r -art\l sick. ~ Her Majesty nlways h s 11 ~ro11nd that slie goes, to· employ the . ti\n'e · nd t of!foially ,occupied. . As a' Sovereign a'M\ istbe' hardestworked woman in :IJ]ngla11d. TllZQUl E ',; p~ SOVE it'.EIGN. . ~ PREPARE- · FoR ·THE, HoLrnAYs ·. . :1 .c_.· ~.- . ~ I · . .. ffl _ .1 ~ . "EF _ iEJ _ '" '.ftJl? _ il'I ~ . XO ~ . : . ~~T~o-=~T~ ~ . I .·. ~g,~~~@)~- r,im ~~~ D:O:ALl!R J.N j\ 'l\T rD ~~ ~ ~~ D 'l\1l Tri? ~, £!Jl I(~~ .. <' ,__, ~\ lGN_· _ OF 1 E'_ ru~_oL TJ_:1 , - .D~~'N ANVIL D UALL BUILDINGS, BOWJJfA.NVILLB. DRU Put DyP. Stuff~, Pate1}t Med-i~ines, Perfumery, Brushes; Combs, ·soa,ps, }laiuts .ai:d O~ls, Pa.int Brushes, Coal Oir l, and \Coal Otl Lamp!, .~c . , &c. ~-..,--- r< ...r.., ' MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, I Physicians' prescriptions carefully Cmnpounded, TI/9llC:» VF 14 · ., in ·· 'l·~a-t v '"' of good Teas , 1 · JfiiiY" and all orders correctly answered. ' C I J ..I FOLf,OWING REMARKS ON 'l'eslimoni11ls ofmo3t :wonc!erful a n d .... tra oLd inary cu res in Ofi.!nada by the GREA'r IN DIA N lvE ME DY. They nre stcrn 1 und'e ni ab:le ·a n d i ncon testable frrcts 1 sufficie nt to co11 \ in ee t he T nost !!lke:µti1..: a l that tile Gr.e~t 'f HE STOP Ai'J D SEE! Fa1·11uws and PhysiciansfrMn t~e Countr·!J uii1l find,, ' 01u· .Ytock .of 1ne1:Ucines complete and of the be_iit qucility. Med ici nal Compound yearned after for age1 is no w accessibl e i n the Great ' GOOD COFFES GOOD CURRANTS · L· ·1 ·ne ! ·oVi·manville, Ja.n. 6 1 18139'. :.Z S H OSIIONEES REJJIEDJ' l fRAISINS ! SPICES! Or Anything in the Grocery 'have now on hand a · ~r~~cl'!~i~~at~~'.'!;~~~1z 0~:n;,e;:,~e b:~ fote breakfast. Wherever she is, de·' spatc:,es ~re sent dnily_inbY., messen~ers, who ·ride' in · first-class cars bearing what THAT ·· arc c~llcil: baskets. The papers from all Depa'rtrnc1_1ts are submitted · to her.- ' .!fhcse baskets are dark morocco boxes nbout ir foot in length . 'rhese are .sent from Downinl'( street, the Admiralty, the Home Deparime,n t, the Head of the Army, ~o ..-Ench basket i· locked by thn Minister who sends it . . A card is th~ place to get wartts'Sli{lplfoi:i. hanging from the ·inside contains . the' name of the M~nis.ter. '. .J.<lvery train t.o Wixi<lsor', B~lrnosnl, and . Osborne cnrrie~ me..Sengcrs wi th these bgxes. '.!'he Q. ucen ~ He keeps nothing but THE BES1', ·se11s ond the Minister alone can unlock them, ~ CAEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. for she sig.ns nothi_ n_ g whioh she does. not read. ,Every bill, ilct., tre.a ty, .document, petition, or paper i·equiring her name is subject to her personal attciltiori ;" Her llr ajesty is admit~ed to .be' one of the.best bu.siness women in tho Kin~dom. ; l<lach , day's business 'i's 'finished before the day'. A closes, U sually the messenger waits and ket, locked by her ·Miijesty, takes ·the: bas_ baokto the Minister from whom it oame. ~GLASSWARE AND '.fii~ Qrteew holds a ready. pen ari\I ca~ri~s on her person.·! correspondence, which is. very large. ~he pays her own postage like any lady in tlrn land. She has always given person al attention to ·lier children, nnd their religious ·train-"T"i rn 'd "tt'TA CinTI'.'R B ,,-, L · S iog has been the object ofmuch·saHcitude -sA.:z.w"'- ,an '.r.;.u olJ.-tL . ags lvoarse iverpool a nnd care. · Her favorite pastime ilt '· '.Jhlmoral i> among tho lowly nnd the sick;· w:th whom she talks; reads, prays and leaves the medicine, food, money nrid little i>okeas ofher regard.-B,,rle.igl> :.;.,. NEW ·:: FRUIT. SELECTED ·STOCK OF .AND HEAVY -For D ise ases of th e Throat, Luog.s 1 L iver· · Digestive Orga ns 1 ·Kidneys, &e., as · well , a:, .3c rofula , the vario us Skin Diseases, H uinor1 a n d a ll d is ea s ~s a ri sing fr om Impu rities ol. the Blood , we bol dly s ta te t ba_ t thi s. great reme dy has NE V ER BEEN EQUALLE D.\Vhere was there ever such a cure Rs t bat in th e person of W 1LSON STonus of .Br ighton, Ontar io 1 of Co ns um pt ion;- or, t hat of P ~TEH 0 . V. Mn.T,RR 1 of E rnestown, Ontario, of ·~ onau m ption or tb a t of AMBRO~E W'ooo, of Conse con 1·0ntnrio 1 C?,f Dyspepsia .and I.iver Comp1niut, or t hat of JonN Hos:mv, of Nap~ a.n ee, On tArio, of Rbeuma t ism t wh o ht1.d a ct ually been on cru t ches for y ears, in .spite of all tre Rtw en t heretofore, a nd is .now well. Seol'eS of such ca.se.s t~1ight be 1neutione dha.d v,re spsce. ~Ca ll at th'3 Drug S tore nnd ge t a. ' Cir·· cul ar o f unqu esticnn.ble certificates on ,the Gil.E AT :< HOSHONEES REMEDY aid SR.'tis fy y oursel Yes . - - - - - _ ~ JOHN M c.M URTRV'S ydur ·anC! Just Arrived at T. Darlington's, a large audimporfant stock ofuew Malaga Raisins, boxes be;ist . London Layers, Boxes and Half-boxes new · Valentia Haisins, ·. Kegs of Seedlesl'\ Raisins, Drums of new Sultana Raish1s, Bar; re ls of new Curriints, Bo:rns of new Citron, Orange and Lemon ~ Peel, Bags o:f · n ew Filberts, Sacks of .new ·walnuts, Matlii and ·as Boxes of .new F·fgs. iKegs of ne w Prunes, Oranges and Lemoru, also, CHOICE LOT OF NEW CROP TEAS. (Jr:r,.Quality is the test of Cheapneu. ' --TM H ·iae of Rerned!f in lai·ge p~nts $1. ' - ir.T'F or S ale by a ll Druggists and Deal era in Med i cir1 e . Age n t ~ for Bowma.nv ille,-11l"S s1· s. .r. Higginb othan ;~ . Stott. V\7b olesa.le Agents 1-No r t hrop & Lyman Nc~·~o~iea ev ' '& .c ..., 'Iii '\Vin. BARTON. GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY ( IT l - &c., &c. F AUCTIONEER, OR THE TOWNS HIP OF DA RI, ingtou. All orders punctually at te nded to. Charges moderate. To Cabinet Ma kers and Upholsterers EARTHENWARE! We would 'beg to call ,particular attention .- to o\n ·stock of Screws, Co ttiu T rim m mgs. U phohte rcr ·o: N <· e<lles 1t.1u1 H ~gn la ton~ · · '\ tld i.:< C ll rn .r's 'I'oob. E .xtc11 ~i o n 1.Jp .\ 1 1 ~e r H inges. I.0~~;;:. '1'acks 1 Fli:it Pape r, Glm~. Ilia no Stn1J- TR SEATI XG , CUllLED HAlll, 'f()\\' , SOFA H A.Sp rin g'"· '!'wi ne , ·Butto11s. Scre ws Ch::i.ir~we b , Bi1s. l\1 do:l~o u .Ha1dwa re, &c . . F~or Sale a 490 zt .I URDOCH misce of J. NEADS, Low e1"\ Pr-ic ci>. BROS. Ill -RY ,\ N &. OLlVER, Gc nf" rn.I Hardwa re .:'ltercho.11111 ' 11·1 \' on~ e S1re~1, T o roilto. STOVES, LEA.THEE. BELTING, MA.CHINE OIL, TURPENTINE, .C> the Bosto,n Journal . ~ l'i!any ortl)e wave· th~se w @ - . iif troubJe, lite . y s 'ER s. - i have reorganized ~heir businei:s, and will be fonn<l the pre· ';'nHE 'FRESHE'ST AND BEST .ALWAYS ON HAND! J RUBBER do. COAL OtL, SKATES, Ayer's ·~ 4 :f}[A~<), ~ P.ILLS. l':ick . 1~b ! c , of the ocean, will, if we await them calmly, '.break . at: ou,r feet and disappc.ar. 5$'" ·The steamer. Harman was wreck· .L ACE LEATHER, 6~ m pl i i niu ~? A rc y ou out o l ui"d<:r. ··w1lh yo ur SJ'litem Are ,·on ati' ed on the 13t_ h of' February, on an unknown reef outside the harbour of \Yoko- . homn. Two ·hundred and se·eoty lives were lost. 'fhc vessel is a total loffl, and· nothin~ whatever was savod . ~IT.. Chase, tbe first officer, and 'o'rie Of the crew ON lost. The .Harman was unJer a Japanese c~inrtcr and hnd fuur huadred passengers. PHILADEI.PIIIA, April 4.-A hea<y robbery wns .committed to-day nt St. Joseph's Fund Buildin~, corner of Twelfth and Chcstn'u t street.s. The watchman left the building at six o'clock this morning, and when he returned at six this evening he found the S·te broken open, "'a nd its ent.i~e contents, ari:Jounting to !1800,iJOO or $1,000,000 value, gone. or the stolen properly, over $600,%00 was in available funds , Finnan Haddies, Canned -Pe:=rchcs, ( Grah'am. ·l<"'lour, -Cracked <:\V.heat, in .fact, everything«.in-the Hne of EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING, . NEARLY OPPOSITE HEKDETISON'S RA·Vl A'I'JD BOILED OIL, &c., &c., &le. 11H~ts ~: ~~~1;1~io~·1;~~1~?;F1~:~~c:,~~gt are · often the ~D H ' l'i \.luil- illl'le:>:s. 8 omc fit of ~ick l~C'!<s is ~rN'p in g upon 'oi1, :n: tl t!lm uld· ~ a n.'! rted prC iut PR.d"llSIONS.! n.,d L.\ :i !i m dv u l'"r ' nf the right 1r ;!;ctl/:·. ".l': ~ k:e :A.1 er's Prn1, c.enn~e ont .ti ie disor· ('~· f C" (l h l:ttno r8-pu ri fv the liicod, 1m tl :19r - ri1 e ' fluid· QG"=' !Inspection invited and satisfacltion guarartteed, HOTEL m o\·1~ · ' o n hn cihsti-'f.cJed in .... e~u i n . fu u c ticn~ health T her~'st imu hn e the of ·the ·,., HN ...,U. · ·. H1 ru11 ;' Rll<U' RTRY IYfl · ,, . "Sign oC the Golden ·Lion. ELACKSMTHS COAL KEPT CDF STANT! 1 WITi'Fi ·AS FINE A 'SocK OF GROCERIES : HAN D Bowman:dlle Dec. 3, 1868. All of which -we 1;..ill sell as .low as any house Ill the trad~. . \\.' h:tt ill I rn e nl) rl ro n pp:u <'nt in tl iis trivial ttnd · ni o11 t n ie i n rn:i.ny of t he lile"t-p-. 'ier:l f"fl 111· d 1liMcmpt·r1t. T hti i;ame purg a. I !h·e effect t.\pehi 111 ..·rn . C111uc1l eow:n.~ com v lili 1 ~t, i ~ n!~ o ulidruc ts its l~u : urr1J .t\rnctjon e. 'J'hc ~c, if ilot re· iirw·tl, Nmd u pon : herm;e!Y f'R and t he F:n rro un<ll n:;: JlH1 dnci11g ~c 1 1 <;r:i.1 - ag" l":l \':lf:i on , su lfcring, nrn! <li~ea~e. \ rh ile in i1 1ls crrnditio u , opprosiicd by i l he 1~~ rn n ge m c n1s, hlJ..:e .A" cr:s l'ill s, and Fl'e ho'f I ·1it c~ t ly t' ·J:t 1 l.' ~!orC' /he l!ntnrnl tction of t he sys· j l·· 1n. r.1: 1! w ith it. t lw lrn o;.- nnt fecl h 1g ofhco.lth llj;Ain. orp::rn~, d :ing-i· rou~ f'q rifr -t he ~y:<IP:n fr om : he o !J~truct ion,,whi<r h nutkc ,fo,eu~t! . A eo ·l ~ctlic~ ~ o iu e wli ere iu the bo<h·. r.11d li oli y i nt o xlgQ I o u s nctiv ih", l! ~· ~i m i~ ~r ob~ t ruc GRA·ND DISPLAYl ----! A IQ .A L L ;SOL I OI TED. iio:1 ~ :ii:n fl t·J :t l lf'.l 11tc11t s of 1 lui 1;n l11rnl ftrnc tim111 o.~ '11t Uo·h, they >11 1.: 11; 11i dly , nm! m imy oftlu;m t1 \1r'!!y, r1 HPU liy 1li.,:, ~ ::>cc- 11 Lcn ~ ···. ~ \.Q.n e who ku o w thti " !ir n 1i:l uc,11 of thC!> r, !'Ji lli . '.\' i il !"! r~lr d f{l P.mpl o y theJZa :i ~ ! l!h r iH,'-! fwm ! 111~ (: t~ urdcrs I hey diro. :..· : 10/t rnl'l;ff. /"turn lc:' ll!:·~"." 1·l1pici:1nt- i:i t;Otne< oft be r-.i1~elp1I j-t'l ~ (l\ . · : ue-1\.eeidents oaused by velocipedes have' become ~o fr~quent. in Fra 0 ce that J ilt many towns-Lyons, G.renoble Mont: pclicr, etq·:_ they , ore forbidden in tbe. public promenade,; and ioffoe;,pa rts of the stroetsreserved far K>ot pa·a.ugera. A,t Bordeau in addition. ithey are.Dot allowed to tra.vel by ·night' wlthou~ a larit'ern; At . Paris very stri~geot . regu1a t io!1s have been adopted for the p'roteiitfon of foot passenger·- . VeJooipede lrgi<iution will soon. become nccc·sary . fo_ the. United S1ates and C4nada, · Je,.A Maine man givesrhis method of !renting b:iulky horses ns follol<s,. "Let me inform humau·e, men and hostlers, and OF . ~.rHEIH .<\.L\I )S 'tr'© .... JB , i; i1 a -, l.:l·J n to J.;.: _ Uil·;u · \1~ ::. ~ l.lOVi' lL.'1U\.> !ic 1'1-.i·~ e ...,.,.,11·v1~n:;: :g .i:-;~~s~ont f',{ St. ·1.vi.:it1 Fd1. l, CHOICE NE'W GOODS t Keep the Besl and Sell the Ch,eapest ! '· · I Gl'eat Dar~a in8 D :: /'. Y:t~ · "Y11:1rl'il l~;.i. r f!IJ1e t1 :-. r:igo nc.f :i llthat :..-; ;.;; ,·:.t 111 ~! :(·1!:ci: : c . Tl:ey l 1u·;,( curcd my li tt!o d n 1:.: : li t' r of 1: Cl: l OUS i:or i:i; Vp(llJ J.l~ l' lHUl dS rill~ 1(-d t h:> I l, :i(! 1 : 01ltl ir: c111n ble.1b r yeoir s. U ermotl ,t'r h~HI llt 'l' ll lon~ ;;rh'Y 0tt:3l.Y tt ffiict <'d with blot ches n11 d ph.o ~·l<·s o n l:·· :- El .in :! r C in lier l1:dr. Aft er our, t~·.l ~ ~'~~l~c.lc:;~~~l, ~l:e :; It o t1 ~~(~ K"~lrcl;~~"i/! Dt ~'.Cf .J·,s 4 · T" :H n. !! 1· P11rs! ·· rr~m nr. B 1r. ((1 .~:wrfy li t, .J.YCtiJ Odt.a111 .. ·· .:.., i·o:: r J·iil 11 nrc ti:c 1·r; nce or 11111·gc,r.. Th eir e;· 1 1 1 1 ~,~;;.~; ~ ;-~ ~~:; fi;;.I!:. 11~~ \'.~·1::sc/~- ;~,i.~-;:;, :f :,~f;:c~;;~i 1l~~~~~r; 1c:iO:: o n 1i:c !.!i on· ! !'.~' l :id: m ::kei: t!irm h\\"~ lu . ~ Me AT will be gt vcn at .the ,I ' · I :.Icn;l>.1"'-!1 :- , &: :r qo m1~ J .::.t :. :~ Lout iu ~: a1 ,:,a l;> tn·~:rn ~· ~;t nf r!: H·ai:= r . · !;: ?"J1:a :: :~ ·~h r., ~·' ;;;i:o: ~H g1rJ uc1a" all who bold thc·>ci m,.thaHhe w~y to cure baulky horse& ,is· to -take :,'t;Jrnm · fro_ m the o1rria!';C an d . 'W:hirl them ropidly ,' '.round tilL1h{,y .,,.e ~iddy, It ~~quires t"Co' in~n. ·io accom·plisli this, one a ta.he h~rse's; tail. Don't ·let him stop.'cHolibhim tothesmalJc eat possi~le .circle. One · ilo·c . wl.11 often cure him· two doses nre fin·l w1tb the worat hotse that evar refused to' stir. !, · . .. : 1 E·LLI OT T'S STO.RE ! THE . CHEA. PCROCKERY WILT, BE DEPAR1~ !fENT: l ER STORE! PJing' the remainder o'f the .Fnm~ / :r 1:17wm' rf f)n 11t!, lJa)timore. D:r:: .\ r. i:.::(·. A 1· · 1~, : J c~ :: :...",:Jt. nu~\H'r ' yon 1 1l'liai. I l: ::._1·l' ~ u')'c l{ wi1 :i ~ (rnr l'ills h ('t i:e r t hnn t o ~ ~ y r. 1 ! flu:: 1r1~ e1~n· trnr..l 'Wi lli a p1ir[1at;11e, m ec(i· cfo e, 1_ t>l ~c e ~ rl'~t t'.l.1:[JC 1a!f'1:c1 ; 0 11 thlt.t e fH:c!1i al cnt li :!: ta; iu my 1 !:tily co utr ~ l \Yil Ji - t :it"t'~~c, m1 d be· !_h:;·i n,r. r:~ l tl~, ti:~! YO)ir rH,t~ CAQt' ll us tl u:.bcH Wt;: l~l· .;: 1 l OL COUl i=C Yi".,tJC J Lf·n~ ,. ;¢~".f· : ... , . · 11 r r 'l'f5 ntr:no, l'n ., !i!ny l. 1805. D R. J.- 9. .Art:n . S': r: J h~~·e .b e.e n re1)cc lt'.'dJ; cm·r2d ol f tic worst !i cada che :111) body G nn h ~w e by n ~~0tf 11~~11~~~1 ~rn~;~~l~ t;~i~~~·c:Z).1;·.~:~r~i~c~~~e fro m & Yoii :·.; voit!: ~a·.: t n"~ i· .-cL E D.\\' J'~{I~TI LE: Ct.:rk ()f S teamer Clarion. .=:: !r;;'!Ol 'j ·r.!:: c r 1! C1 rs- ~ . i!,·toi.· Con1'fllai n1;:ri:, HAMPTON DON'T::.FAIL ' · FO"C'ND lN 4 ~ 'l'b erc ate now 6il vessels ""rout· to Great Britoin from San Franoiseo, with ·· ;p;oe· ogp:regai.ing one million and 1even hundred thousand sackR of wheat, besides ei~ht ve&sels for domestiu Atlantic· · ports, with ono hundred an.I sixty.six · thou·and sacks of wheat, and ten vestd· for Rio de Janeiro, '"1ith fifty-one tliousand·· b~rtel s o.N lour. The Califoroia ~ flour .and ·,.·heat now nfloat for China and other countries a~regates two million a thre· hundred thousa:nd,. S'l~ks; vulued at ..four.'1llillion d.<Jlhrs. ' TO SEE HIS SELECTlQN o:r ~ ~~ lVI cTavish's Brick Store, winter sea-so1i! >" .l"rnm IJr . 'J'hi'odrJl'e f ;ell, flf _ .N· e w T or k City . :N ot only ~ : '-':· 0 111· l 'ills m~ mir:i hly nr.:1p 1t><I t o th eir. pn q 1osc 11s RH ~ pcd('Jl l. hm I fi 11d t heir J~ n eficial l'lii:> ~U llj'<lll fl:rJ J,h'f r \"C'J"Y m ni k ed iudl'cd . Tliev l::n·u hi m \' rr~c: icl:l ,<Provc'.d rn or~ ctlcctunl fo r thC · 1 cure or l,i{imi s_crim;if.-d nt .s Hrn n nnv one reme~h· l ~ c~ n - mc11-tio 1l I ;;ii.c<'rcly rf'lo ice 1'hut we. lHi.\'e · 1IL ~ lc 11~th n. 11 u_rpH! \"C w,hicii i~ ~'\Jr ! hy t- IL~ co nii c! e ue~ Qf I · !l.r. ~ LllO i ~~lCU C:J :d ~llC l>l't) jHC <l t'lllll~!..Jll, j). I · 1 Christmas and INew Y_e_ a f's Pre~ents.l ~. ' '·· . I ' little 'farther east, where they have the finest assortmocnt ,Crockery, Chimumd Glassware to be fouud in towu. PUBLIC 0 P I N Io N SU I T ~ has fully justified the original idea, that at the " Corner Store" you could get . ..~--About a hundred year~ ngo some g ood Old M U] left n house nnd garden· iri the ci1y of Loadon ·as a perpetunhmaintenance.for three poor women ·and their oot. This is now worth .'£40,000 aycor. The poor women and their ·cat, · frie_ nds of the trustees, are n1aint1 li_ ned, and. the "rest of the 'income, £38,650 per annum, "" " is exp~nded on salaries, on unc!es, nunts, cou..;ini:i, appointed as secretar1ee:, . treasurer, chaplains, visitors, &c. , who see to t he proper distribution of the alms, cateohbe the old wO'mcn , a nd stroke the cat. S'.l' EA!tl .. PUlllP§, Rotary, Pewer;&t Hand. ~J1mp11, , SUIT ED, .AND WELL ~ ~ ~ .JI;. · · ~ D I I to E:ll' t ncv nrc tile b8t catJ;s;,nic ··.1:hr il' rCt1Jl::.1 l ug f?tlio n. 0 11 t11 c Ji\' r ~ t:llu c!t'rH!t'rl, co n.-eq ni! Ht.ly t.hcy nrc: an 11. d· ;rnncUJc ro m·<ly Jb r d e1:rn grmc11 ts o f t h nt ' ·c·rga n ·. Jn c:(·N!, J l ,n.~e ~cl d om ~Ollll.d ~c ~e" of.biliO!l-~ di_ 3 ea.~e f O Oli.'.·f11;:1t c tt:nt. 1t dirt not r e11d1h H eld t o t!4.:m. Fn:.h.· !· ,. ~lly youi~, .1.'! LO::\ZO B ALI~. ~[. J), Physi.ci.<on of the 1 llarhic lioi'J1ifal· .,. :C;:'lr·i:r. r y, !lin r··h "':i: , f i:.(t.ln x, \ V o r :i.n.. . _ I:1·om, /Jr . ./. 0 . C ;~ct:i . qfCli ic n,r1n . · j (lll t ] · 11 1 ~ b an;) lu~<I l;l. lo11r; t ; 1-::.l i n rny rrn ctice i:i.d J Lol.cl ffiNn !n 4'~'1 l' i: m ns ouc of _ tfl» 11t; Ff t.pc ri~ p 1, t~ . J !::l ··e f'11 1·r 1ou11 d . TJ ·ci.r :\!tcrn1·: vc cHCct npo~ tl :~ 111 ·,· r rmll;e11 l!ic m :in e xccJ!C? ut 1 ·em&ir whitli: v h eu l11 fHt~ ll do:;cs f oi· bUit" .t::;. (!11stmt1;r y d .kr.r1lul'£~ T Lr.:ir SUlfHr-cv__, 1.titt . "'" nrn.l:es them vcn· r.c· cqitn OJc nnll ~ouj· cl 1 t~ll t 1Q'r tile tlSf' r,o f '¥. om (ii ,taid. ~::. ;:mi t · 1'n·i-h:.t~ im~ Jnl ii. J . JW~tcti cc Cl "Cl' f'i ! 1Cc ~· o n Jua cie tht.>m , nn_<l " 1..~ t!lllplc;. SJ'!! :. 1 Ji;;vl' t: ~NJ yo nr J'. l:s iu my l(l~m·ral und r;1 r- .~ P.T:.! E :<'E .() ~· T ll P. r~TE:UoJt. ( l "\\ CI 7fh }('])., } $<)jj , ~t~i~k an4 e;b, <J 1c11. .. IR E 1 w. T FIRST · ·U 6C-OT-~ · __I , SUCTION, LlFT AND , F ORC})~,.PU MPS 1 '-' " lt:J; :S.E PUJY.tPS, . :.$.owa:aa-n.Tille·; N~ v ,,,_.. 0 '11r"l!!r"7'L VV ~ V rs~'"<"r..;1f,t, -Jn:p~:!'i' l y o ( t~;c nloo d, F~r; m R,v. J. r. I lnnes, p;-· · 10 1' of .Ad~· ent Clm1 cli, D:t A Yl.:r.: I 1rnl'C u <>ed ' o ur P ills wjth· ex traoroil nr y II' 11.:Cets n1 m y fam, iv mi d a rn o ngth -::so J r. m C:tl ' <>d t o ~1Htrn th .~tl C!;'S . 'J0 t-eg 1~lfll e'tlieor ~au11of cti;::-cr:1 ion and p t: rify tlic b lood, t hey ;;ire \.he be~t remedy l bn 1 ·c C'-"l' l' . luwwn, l'llJ d L enn c·ouii· - Bos'd.~ H .A. B - a>lRE an!l _G .U '-Dl':.N 'J<:lYGINES, .·.;·nd all kind· of . PLUMB.ERS ';,.A.ND G.A.li i'ITT·i.S 4Hlo·s, 1 ·a_ 4th ,-18i8_ ~ '\.. ' ~- .; Bo~vmanville, Dec., 18(!~7. ··err I tl ~ :.t tly ~1 SHOP OV·E D EAST OF THE Wbolesa.le and Retail, by JOIIN B. FUJ,!,ER, ·1 :4'1DE Y 8TR i:F.T 1 D r~ .' Ymirs, \ VAT.:S AW, iYy omlu g Co ., N. r:. i")J H. : recom me nd the m t o my frieods . .J .~ V. BLUES. ·' :· r,;·t;e ti c i;:, r.1.d iJc<1. c knu~c to premises opposite his old 1tand-, --- ------ ----- New York C'ys AT bl ood. I_ nm u>iin~ yo ur Cnt h:u·!- ~c ~P.11Jr; i11 ·il'iy~ tt ~ -.: m nn C'xe12He 1:1 p1ng a ti1·c to \ i:c ioystc1u n 1 ~d p1a·f.J!1 il1e . /a1wt a~t. I$ of the Jon1~· lj t.IEACH A M, llr . D ',! Y ·, o~t . ~U , ·.tff®. C'0~1:-;.tip n tion, JS- T.he latest news from Abyssinia 1~ th .. t Menilek, King of Sboa and the ' Was~shnm Gobazye were in the vicinity of M,t~dala prepar~ng· for bnttle.. Each d the,S'e monarchs" supported by one' of Ha:ving a. very Large Stock on hand, be i11 the r;l'~l: queens of the W ul lo-Galla·.- bound to SELL CHEAP. <4~G anler,' the olil capital, is held by a rebel . Jl:l-.AILkind· oLwork made to order, o· leader, who holds 'rheodore's c!dest son a the shortest~ riotice. 2Lf, priso!lei/: .There is sore famine throughout the .. country, owing to the anarchy which_, has_prevailcd since the depurture .. ,,of the" British ·tr.oops. 'l'hc demands of ~TO rival factions have prevented ' lhe peas, aatry J ronj tilling the ·oil. 0 ONTARIO BANK FL 0 UR ! ' wh;;~hh~;~ :;:J;~~dB~0':fsi~h~~~~u;.li· :)ll1g)~:QJ!!l»l ,, :u.,,,,,......,. Snpe1·ior- Family Flour for sale . at . E .A l?rge ul5sortmcnt, in e-vcry_,variety, of La.dies'. Gen,tlti nH~n '.~. . ~lis.se s'. a11d (;hildten e , c. , · Frc 1m Dr. J. 1'. Va uylu!, ..llnnlre rJ.1 1 ('r7.rw- . . T oo muc h cm11! 0L be :;:1,tl of you r l' iH~ for llie cure of costi<:e;1ess. l f oll: J s of ou r frutcn!ity hl.Ytl found thcr.1 r.6 e lficnci ~us fl5 1 hnve, I hey sb.OU! d lob.' me in v i· ock.i ~ing i t~ 1or t ile bellefitof t h e m ulrit iide.a tVo.'l !iy·cn:t~"" 9uppresso 'c~, i!i ~~~D i~tani ."-U"i!· Ga~~t,· t\!e~n·a . ~ g ia , .l!D1·0:,"f' ~"~ ra~.f"'·: ot, f,ii'ftr:i, AND SH.OE S of.th e !a·test styles, a<;lapted to the season which he is 5elling at his usual LOW J '-R.IUES. He also man~factures t o order,fromthe ,hest of stock, and the most ap proved styles' GO'UD FITS GUARANTEED . ,·AU.ordcrs .promptly~xecutll.d . Trnnh and Leath er of all kinds con s tantly on hand for s ale . Remember the s.t~nd-Sign of.Jrhe.J ;lig Boot d;a.wl} by two herses( .King ~; w c et. t;ad P110 11gh i11 it;.elt: is TIle i:1 ·ogc1 titti 1· of others tlw~ .'11.re 1;·u1-.H i. I believe 1:0 .;N,:<!1l e8s io or\giti~te i n lh0: who i:ttffor 11 orn t!J:1t eompl lli nt 1 wl1ic.U, nit hou .(!:Q FLETCHER'S BAKERY at the lowes t price, Hyer, bu t your l Jills 1 \tfeot t li nt oqp;~ n ~u d 1.;.ui: c .\Q!J d.isease . From Nr1. E . Stuart, Pl1ysicl an and' .N.:dwl,iCR <>strm. · · ' 'a.tl1 ra.t sccrcti.oii w hen wh oJiy o r .. partialh· p1·H·l'e<l , m' d :tli:. o 1·el'J" I ll nd o t1c or t wo Jnrge {loses of yuur _ :rm.a, J it ken 1.n t. li c p1·opc1· lime, ni e excr:ileiit p 1·01111>liv e1:> of the: RENT. Shingil~. GOOD SWEET BREAD, as .nsua1 1 delivered t11 effoctunl , to cfc{V{/Se tho ;:tmnadt mid e.rprl worms . Thev.,.ar e so muc h N 1~ hei;t ph~'.<:ic. w ~ ' imp~ a ll p&.rl ~r of th1i1 town . my iauieuls. have rhl}t 1 ~o ffinieu d_uo oll1cl'.! to 1"r om :. i h -Rc 1;I. i/r. J.Ja 1d~es;Y;fi, th e 1Jfe~hor7i.s t Epif;;. . ~· A :~ desperate ~ffair '1CCUrrf'a on in the _fifth Coe cession, Township · of Cartis still prepared to ii~ al i "kinds of So.turday at the A1nc rican Hotel, Toran- wright, occupied by Mr. W. A. Lotl(·ks 1 will BO'\VlU.ANVILLE. tn. dries he~trd proceeding- from a be rented for ft term of years, with or witb- M I L L I N E R Y room occupied by t.he commercial tra. rel- <;-01~.t .cleared la~d o~ sttid l?t. Possession of , AND NY PERO.N intend ing to ~r e cteither )er foi: Emp.ny.Johnston & Uo. , Mon-treRl;· :~ ills ca~ be given if required. For .further Monu men tor Grave S tone totb ~ morr. ory DRES8 MAKING r .. .. a· th it the · mfor<ma!Ion apply t~ the subscriber at of dcpa.rted friends will find it greatly to th 'ir a~ d . on ..pt-?c;; 1ng 1o e s p( . m_an s Whitby· iT! th~ 1.atest· s-t.yle.r "·~-G ent s shirts made to ndvantRge to call and compare ,. wife w1s ' found on the floor rnsen<1ble, Wm . L:A:l'NG . ord er, and warranted to fit, , . - and her hu sband in t.he act of stabbing S.J-wman:v_ille, Oct. 16, 13ctf Work, Price& Qualityofit'Iarbl; ~dtl m;elf> re pe atedly with a pen-knife. He A Dwelling, .suitable for .a with any offerod in Canada We st. We spea.k "is i!nrnediately s~ized, and n1 edical a&:· Small Family, TO L E 1< Enquire of Mrs.1llc::x, positively in affirm ing a savin g o f ntl cas Flctf"'.her. I TWK~TY PER CEYT. tiil"1tanCe.· ObJ.~ined, when the injuries were, - -- - - -- - - - -- -BOUNSALJ. & SON, thu'ld-io b ~ ·bf a very serious n ~lure.-. 'T' .l~ KF_; NOTICE. f t . .. 'fl ~ P r oprietors . 'fhe ffi '\Q_was l '.l ho rin~ under a fit of 4cl ~·u,n "tremons at the time, and hRd « NY PERSON<, G R PERSO.:;S FOUND ~= ~·:JSI'~ ~ ~-;'®~~,!l!tJo MRS. C. BOUNSALL ..atruok ~ l1 i8 ·; fife witl-i a poker, felli:ig her ; J.~"*- . cuttir.g standing or lying tim,ber, or i-' tl1 '), flo , She h'id frc(l'iently before 1 otherw i s~ abstTacting wood f~f!m the bush NE rhou3and Dollars paid up St.ock in Is prepn.red to attend to Millinery n.nd Stra-w u. . r· ~ . . . on be middle and north end 1 of Lot 13 1 East· ,T he Bo wmanvill e Furniture i\Ianufac .. Work, as u sual. Ladi es' Felt HJits cleaned be ..· J_ oJ;w..nr.de d from ~lourre a l a t the ~X-l!:ia.lf, in the 2nd <?on . OarH'n gto n, shall be tu ring OoW. pahy, at Tee. p.er .cent. discou11t . . &nd alte red to the Ne west Styles. pen~e oi the fi.nn, VI h en he was asoertn1n- p1..,.:;ecutedaccord1.o.g ti> law. 1!::j- Tw o Apprentices wa.i:ted immediately I\1)BERT AR~Jfj)UR. xd ~;be inJ iis drunken fits, as being the ]'.RAYNES. Ilowmanville 1 March .'l.4\j> ...SG3 .. 34 ·. llowm·µTille, M·!· 23, 186.9. ,,only person cop>ble"of rc·torin9 liim , · , ll.o. w.mn.vJI!· 15th Nov . 1865, A Saw and Mill MRS. A. lfHLETCHER Ck w:cli. . ~ BOUNSAL'L'S l\{.A.RBJ_.E· W ORI(S Bowmanvillc May 3rd, 186. 6. -'·ni. L.I7-JC5d . were Pt"?.:i'i.S tL! -Hot:sl:!; San1n 1 ull1 1 Gn ., Jnn. 6, l SUG. ' J ,:lJ ould b e nu "Tlltcfur 1Qr t ilt Teiief} our sl~i !l b:'s tr(·ugbt nw if} did no t reptirt my c:.ise t o ron. A co if! sr·rf.!t:d i n my Jimbi; :w d . b;·ou l!ilt o n cxcruci:i.ti1,g nuiro,lgic 1ni11s..._ · ~·Jiic b ~nd 1·:i i n clrnm ic 1 ·/w-zi~rw. tism. :.'llotwitil.,tar.l-JP:!g "(: hatl t he lH~:-i i o f phy sicrnrls, tll c tl h>ea:-o grew wof ~l: . Ho~<>R:t.:D ~.51R · A and worse. u ntil b v. tlJ.e ~id\·foc of sour excellent; n,i.,cnt iil Daitfmo1e, Dr . J\ind:e11zie, I tried )·oui l' ilis. Thcfr effect!! w cr<:i ~; o w, I.mt s ure, 1 ·A 1 m wh iel1 nlth ougb n vnluub lc r <'mcdy hi skjJfnl hands,, is d:n 1gt'rons in a p n bHc p i1.J, from tl ie drend fu l con~eque u ce.!' t l1nt· fte{J uen r i ~· 1oi lo w its· i11cautio 11 f u se,, '.l'h cl'e c o ntaiu uo llH H'<: u; ry . or tui nenl.l Eubst::in9'lo wba~c r e r. f. everlng- iH t ile HbC oi t hem, I nm 110 w ':lJtlrcl~~ \%'.1.1 1) -> SENATK CHAMnnn . Ilnt on l!01:JJ;El, Lfl ., 5 J}cc ., l·&a:J'.. ; I hc. A \'J<; 1:: J \m ve b l' Ptl ent1rt!ly eurt:d, by your; Pi lii;, of' f.'heum cdic Uot~t -:J p:i in ful <l1:iefl8e tbntlm8 afiliclcd nlfl fo r ye.a rs. Y I NGEN'f SLI D1': L L. r:o- nost of t he Pi il ~ in market conlsin .PJe1:eur y, .Uy per- · '· ·; l . 0 Price; ;z5 cei.~t.a per Ba~~/e.r.-0 :B'o::~:i 'rol· ·st. ; Prepared by Pt . J . <).. P . u:i. iii; t;Jo., ~aweu_, Ji!.._,. Nor~ b:r o p & L y man , Nfn"Toa.sle, Ontari.Q. Gen ertil A gen t s f or Canada, sol d by J,~ . ! Hig g iubot h am and D. Stott, Bow man·t1ll.~., \· n d by ~Led i c i n~ De al ets cv.eryw bcn;,

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