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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1869, p. 1

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'kt oF «anitbian Stattaman 11 I N t 1 11ue h 1ny fe lt .A to t priatod and pubbahed b1 tle Propr1ctl r, Et"ERI Tl:ll.lIRSDAT MOltlUNG, W M. R. OI..IMIE~ &I \ ho F IC fl:·oAMcUurtry 's Block, K:ll· IT:&·llT 1 ·0"Wll4il' llLLlf,~JIT t ·a.d c · nltu n 1 tho la.teat For4!1gn a.n 1 P'tO'fllll· es ·l .Ne...,. a, Loca.1 [ntell1gence Cou nty Busi ae& s, ommerc1al Ma.ttor1 1anJ. an uu1truct1,., a )(asctllan;y TE RYS -$1 50 p~ra.nuum in l\d ran ceOt if p&td within· x monthe-$l 501fnot paid 1111 l ue end of he 1°"' Nopoper d s WEEKLY GENERAL NEWSPAPER VOL ' XIV BOV.f i\J AN VJLJ E 0 !\ TA RJf\, =, ~V FAMILY M (JR.._. I I\ (T'. 1" cept. at the op tion aootlnued until alls o! the put' !!her 1a1d a.nd e% p it.rhea refu1u11g ps pe1i5 without i'.' 8J 1ng up w i i b· hold rea~onatb' e for the ' ibscript on until \her complY"' th the rnle riarage~arc NO. 47. 24. I a ""~~;.;;~ ·~;;;;.~~·~~..,,.,....~~~~~~~~~~""'1~;..~"!"'~!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~...;~~~~~!""!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:"'.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l':::~~~;::~~:;::;::~~~~~~~ date o" I uuly 11 l, at 1t'tter, .. nd i ran to GLASilf'."I!. ~ 'V·V 'w.:.11"()USE '· ~ ' lO t { t 12. · my room to ,;ot it J usl "Hhm the door lf'U Jlf.I. ~~~~~ A HYMN OF PEACE, \C Id! httero &dd reased to the Ed1tormu1tb1 po1t-pa1d 1 otherw1'e ·bey may not bt takon nm the Poot Ollie· " '<nd you m ·s·ll the loce ?" · r don 1 l1ke to ·or Mr Chon dns ' "Yes h h.ppened lhal I gorn . He !err lu1 chair a·id cntue to the $0 50 She murmured ·ome inconerent ans1'er now and rouud Liuy Dtne a\ its w1ndotf lo ll·t 11 to trun ·ome · 'teY<s but for G 13 IN 'I'HE DOMINION ! · bo·1t takm~ 1he hou1ell111d · place rhat l'ho wnm·n 111d oho wu w&lcb1ng f or chat I mt,;ht nol have mme.J it fo W!lJ~O\V, Wh.r~ f Stood pJ~ym!{ Wllh the Jt.1:5·n ioe TI ow ._oft the tnr wsi~' 1 111\· · 75 ·venrnf( A l· u1o excuse All ;Tork cnn ·h· p:lfodt · " t ·b II ""' 111 \h~ bMt 1m of th ·r,oot t he prrfum e of tho t!ol\'tf· 111 the iected with tho chawbera lml 10 Io d.. ne ll1ll 1 f·ce prt!entod a picture She f irk box )" II 'tnp ot 101118 other Ihm&'· appr~aab1n~ n1gh1 ! by davli"ht, 1t waa a r11le of tl1e ho1110 ilood rnor· liko a p1lr.be&to11 than · ·· eoon · · l .ted 1 h~ upper tray l u v 0 Now lhtn I 11m con1e to henr I had h·d dou~t.·, va ~ ue and tlld'1i11abl·, !mn 11 w· m·n Mr Ch·ndoa recalled ll Wali i;one 0 1 courso I tea rchtd lh· >f Lizzy D~nc tor ·o·M d·y ~ -1hot 1b9 Iler t o he raelf box our, bul w11hn11t r.sull the fie M I! rl wu nnt a't 1i;etber wh·I 1he H·tn·d · Hill·· all lie 1a1d 'llaN y?u ·pokon to t!.e ·erv.1111? cf Brothe-r11 we mec on th .!I t1. !\r of in1u~ 111 " [ ll see abou\ 11, air I IJ gir· that ' 1 hove nol e. 1d much, l11t lho , ·t d ropped" litt le, w~re ' ·uni lhughng t he g ...ti we htlT"8 scvthettd for She looked r·d ·nd coufusod no w. ti ef, E1111 lv. le·l·r !IOI fmin I Anri t .. , Den o a word nf a ·ort I ohould tlunk r · ccus&d t hem '\ ltai 1 Yltl riJ: eoufi,lenee I "' n! mv head nn·I Sweet with the odor& of mvrtle and p n-e, yet r know that I h·d t1· d II up with "I think yon had bel ier her nn ... d Wal that [ had lo·t or mt1'a1d 1om· tn ld lllm- th.i I thought .iihat p·nple hrtcz~ of t ... e pre. r c &nd 1 re&t h of the scr.. l'hey oppHr t had ·con at mtd m,.(hl ·n tl tnke n f r " two or three others nnd left tl1 0 packet 111 ·word at all, m th· ····· you md1c&te,' l·c·, &nd tlt'r.nhed 1t llo l\dow n 1d moun l\ n t\ nd fore!t And ser;.{ K ·ep the wo be quilo rnnoeeu l 81111, the laee coula ghos' mi~ht b.e lnm!lClf w·lk tn~ In his Swe~t is: tl e ftl\i a.nee of my de l\nd ptne' · c~ru111 compartment of my s1ua1lor raturuod. Mr C!iand~I 1 trunk Bo1b boxeslookeduthough rhey ine11 lo their duliH below at m~bt1 and aot i;o wnhout hand1, ' ··p' hnl t hat could nnt t his to SW'eetf' the in ceu11e we offer lo thee, Brothc"ll oace more r ound th i.1 altar of had beon aoarohotl. oYer, for Ille thrni:· HY ant h1·g Lee the jhoil J,e out, "l don't hke \h11, ' ol:iHrnd Mr ~Ir· P t nn H e m·do no T·JOU&der th ine Bowmanv1lle, April 28th, 1869 Chandos after 11 raute ,,.bteur H · hrtod Ins he·d "od were not aa I plMod them Bua I n1111d Htll · .A.n1eJ1 of B·Uilel em, &n1wer t'h.e 1tra1n 1 nothmg, except tho lelten. L 1uy wu "Very welt, 111'" "h 11 nol the !Mt 111 1t1elf-1 I uy cued 1tra1 1 :ht nut toward· 1he entran t & Hark I & new birth 1ong 11 tilhos th~ aky I rn tho gallery now, peermg 001 al Ibo "At I dare uy 1t wall do, quietly h II the f<ol1oit of maecurily 1l ltaH!! " to the pme-in'lr Loud 1u1 the 1torm wind tht.t tumbles the wrndo" oloeo by , I called to her to come enon1th S it wii,lt &hom yourself, If relurned Mro Pe nn " One cannot Shall I tell lllra P e nn th at it 19 nal mun 1 11:host &I all sir and Bel hor m in d 90 10, and bade her 1hu1 lho door n·o·!lary. And-'lltll- tber· 1 no ·Ure that oilier thrng1 will no· follow ~~ Bid the full brutb ol ll · o·g~n ropl7, I et the loud tempe1t of TO ce11 repJy lle>x·· opened! Leiter& got·!" 1he ntOHOllY te mention anylbrng of th10 to Bnt 1 Will not dct11n you lo nglf · ·h· r.r, Dt rtst 7 I noed not giTe any rar C. Q. HA NN ING, Roll ltl!I loni 1urge hke the ear th thaktng retoTtod io a p"8s1onAle tone-though I Lady Cht.ndo·" added, runug "I hoft, Mr Chando1 tie~li:·t' ' ROVIN CIAL LAN O SURVEYOR, Cm! ruit. 10 I had only we nltuned tho ta~I ' I have "But-!l!r Harr y you will not ll11nk I haTe been wrong or u ·urpose 1 11 " ghost, lllrne Engineer and La.ad Agent Office ard Swell tie Ta.ai 101 g t1I it moan ts to r e11dence, Lot 13 3rd con D!t.rlinll:'ton AU tho ·e·cr '·id a fi, !("' oo enylhmJ!: btlon1nn1ot "y·· ye·, I know wha· you would u nkind lo mentio n t his ' Iloreford 7" ek1 I · rdera lie ft at tn· off e of Robe1t 4. rnl~ur1 10 you miss Ii s come to " pretty p··· .ay,' Ji. intorruptod "lene that to rne' "I tlnnk you hut done qu ite right The fo11t· were ve ry oa 1and ··fi~ut. Angeli of B1thlebem ecno the 1tra.tn I Esq 1 ?romptl) att·ude I to if I aUJ' to be ·uspeotod of that ' Ue went hrnprng out or lhe hall door Mrs P enn, ' he warmly Nphed, as II· My hear& beat· htde qn tcke r, · Will you 1ell mo what you wore dmni: at be ·pob H11l d11appeared In the openel the door for her "If we really TO Bii CONTINU ED ROBERT E.i\8'101" m my room Lizzy ? ' direclion of the kilchcc1, mullerinJ! hav~ 11 thief m tht houa~, the aoonor ·· OOP SKIR1 MAXUFl.C TURIR 'No I woo t Doggedly angrily are upon our guard, lhe helter T·'<· Sty hsh Goods for the L ad1e::-. THRILLING STORY· ANNE HEREFORD and importe r of m&tt r a.Iii fr11m · l 111et81 upon koowrng or I ah&ll call ·· That b~ast or a L1zry Deno t Ir she grester care of your keye for the pre11nt Stylish Goods for the Gentlemen. Mr1 Htll ' should g1\ 1prtad111g th11 among th& out As to tho lsce, !Iha Cba11du1 will make "Jim," .. ,d a young ~ ai lor to h i· cou· W e1t , Bradley & Cary's Mrg., Co. Ladies' S ac ),~, Head}-made and Made to Order. llY :IJ:Rb IIE~RY WOOD ·Well then, I 1oi!l tell , I can't bo door men I I alway· u1d lbat girl bro ugh t It good to you-mm, who Jiyed a long w"y ml ~n tl and l:t n~ Street F l\st 1 Bowma.nY1l11 }{cw Styles. "' hUn.! for 11 1 s1 1e iet urn d, wnh 111ddon no good to Ch~n.!01 ' ' Sir! M r Chandos I 1he i11ttrrupted had 11 ner ieen tbs big water" · Jim, J owmannlle, July 15 U tr Gents' Coats, Pants, YeEts and Shirtii mude to C H ~PT!· R X V II resnl11t10n "I came rnto your r"otn, rother fiercely "Oh, pray d t n & hlk 10 did you ever thrn k of gomg to aoa? "What on earth ueed l on have Inter rn···, 10 look for ·omethrni: m the irrouod1 CHAPTER XVII tlia.1 way, I ·hall be n i:cd to han "You me..n l'(Omg t o see the gaJ. I order, and made to fit. -VV. B.. Cf :Lr :J: :t\l.J:XE , fcr ed for 7 Cant n doc\or collle and go t h&I I l h· ught m1_ht eomo th·r·" ment10ned II Tho Ion u nothing" j ·uppo··. I Te been to see the galo lots' 0 ( Good Groceries ahrnys 011 1mnd. l!IU ·R. rroru a l bee bu t but no tnu·t ho OUJOther ' 'I he ghost? I s>1d, ID CAUl!OU·ly LIZZT Dl~ll She lefl the room Nol" !l'ord had I l1me9 , M.A.RRJ,~G IF, f, iCEl\ SES. llutter and Eggs Wanted H1ghe1t pnee paid etl with qucst10ns? If you havij got "So you know of 1t 1111·S ! 1'&· her "For my heorl ""' hol resu ... , ·po ken all the wlule , not a ·yllable &I lo "'!'hat am i what I mcRn" ·t id the S. :i~. II ILL. anytl mg to ask you can ask me ' answor " Ye·, 1& 11 wn!kmg ai;:a1n and A.nd m1 hfe w·s "111 or CM· , my ow n bo:r.c· having bten vi11ttd I u1lor "But what about f!;~lng to ··c Br a·lhorily or B11 Exec ltn cy t h· Go«rnor B 11 \ l "0 18 69 " \\ hy, l\Irs II11\, what do yo u wean? I ru \ ceung round I<> th·ir W·J ol t hou~ht And Ibo burde n l·1d upon mo did oot oaro to thro" any accuoa$1on th o girls? C1n you µ1ve mo an account · """ 1 Ol'D>ami e ' P' · ' rem oostuted lhe n.,en t ' l uHeudcd uo I Htll hos locked up the turrel, 1 J Seemed gruter ·hon 1 co uld boar upon Liz:y Done Be11des, the motlor of ony of :vour a dven tures ?" OJJICE at th0 ' STATES MAN Offica .,,..,..,_,,.=.,,,,,.,_,,,., .. ...,,,_,,._= _,.,,~,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,==·,.-"""',..,,"'""'""'-""""-"""-,..-=,,.-"'-"'-""".,..,,,..."""z""==""""""" h.riu a Qd I have don e no harm llul tn.t ! 10 \,; out is bnrred t, us ' Se·tod baok rn tbt ·hlldo, whore lhe reemed to prcHnt contrad1ohon lo w y " \\'oil rep' rnd Jun · I never make - - - -- - - - ~ h a t a pll!able tlung about .\lr Chan She pulled open 1he door w11h a Jtrk 1uo hght o! lhe aftern oon du! not fall up- mrnd as I found by t ho nexl word· II a pracl1c~ of telhni: 1oeh thrn~s "To.m t ~ iU doe! and depirtod Iho dran~hc of air bl, w oo !um, I 8· W him hft Im hands at the was domg to chat of Mr Chando1 ·good pion bul 1 had " tatlo Jarkrn ' ~~ l>J 1 · are nol or·clea 1hny· out lllJ tr.1! 1Vnx toper, and [ \Yent 10 the Int lrn · , with · ge1ture h·lf ef de. pair, "I oannot fa1hom th11 ·t all unlH· ·Crbpo lut 1prmg, nnd a. you live sway ~Iy oprn1 uo · ao i;ood a· ~rndow [had 110 feor, it novcr necur h. lrof prAyer, and then l·y th·m ou we hna two light fi ~tr d people m the ,,ff to Booton, and don'I geesuohchance·, 1nappcl !111\ 1110 Mll l l know Mr Uha udo· will g·t red tom· that there oould he &11.)' l htnir 1111 pal· faoe W h&lt'flr h11 b urdon houae Mr1 P~nll. loco must bne bton 1fyou ll ai:r·e to keep mum, In toll you. better tho10 ~ e>ery ch·ncc lh·t he !I bo to ace But ouporsutum n calci.mg, &ud 1111i:h1 be, it wu a heuy oac It w.. ho cribbed by one of the 1paid1, I t·a.r , bul &11 abon l it about to mo rrow l ltc ba l ·ymptuw· wh·t dt l my ro·I upon ? who h·d aektd we to amg , Mr Chlndo1, It '" nud!y hlrnly ·ho d t&ke II memor 111 1 mll keep pr.rfectly t1 orl. s&id the t or fOI a cho ice select1011 of new Fasluonable Dress Go0tls, oeem to h· gurng of! us ~u<l le o ·· tile] In the o d ·p >t, hnverrni: 1bout the for the fi r11 t1rne srnee I w.. m the dum dook Whero weuld be tho u11 of who was b~gmn10!:( to feel m t created G~ Go to I /, II 1 &0 11 Hampton en tr.nee 10 tho pine wall, ll'·· · m·n · hou··· Not much of a ·rni;:er al tho best, 1 1 to any ono of them? There were on with your 1tory. For a 811penor selec tion of Beautiful New Prll!ts, ·h 1 oo1fy fi ·uro , tha 0110 l lu·I been told I no·er Y·n·ured on any but the most tb rngs of ulu· ID my de1k, not touohed It doe· make me foe! krnder ugly when T (,o to Ellwtt · Sto re, llampton r, bch·v· ~ 1 1ho gh o·t ot Sir l' ho111u 111nple 1ong1 and of mode rn ones, a gold p·ptr knifo · larf· gol.J ···I , I think en't, I II be hanged if 1t didn t, For a q1pc1101 lot of Canadian fweccls- new P,1tle lll,,, a1J I h· , '"" l ho Bri lgo · M In mus10 by Mui &lid ·omo loo·e sil·cr "ell, wo wu1t but 1t'8 all over now You see S u.e (,<> to l. l/wtU StuH, Ilampton be i;et ..-ell cvcu·ual y? [ hc·e th n.;s o n 1 c laughed ·t m open fo ndoev 10 tho ·weet I t wut, and mennwh1lo tal.:o care of your Baker and I used to take great 8hrnes t<> I hat'· nnother di· r, an·werc.J II11\ d 1y, w 1110 b oad ·u11·l11" Wo ·re , But now 1, hno rallen rrom me 1 kci ·,' ho concluded as he let\ tho par one anotl1c1 Suke wa1 one of your r1rbt For a lot of Heavy Factory Cottons, at lo w pnces, Dr Amos ·a 1 it hod been COtnlll!; .~y 1bcn to br T gh ·t·, to nckuo"' It u buried n tho ··a lour down ·m.rt, welt looking and well beGo to Ellwll 1 Stor., Ilumpt9n on a I U6 wlnle, I pun 1cd dct nuu1,, , d~c t n Pl t, bo ruytl · ·"th· fanc:y ·· An l onlY the so ro w ot o hers I fi ui.hed my 10tcrrupted IOOf! m a havrn i:: ~:\I~ She nppreciated me an <I I For a F,islaonable hut of l\ea t·fittrng Clothe·, 1 rnd·'P it· b 7 a· we kuoif the b ·~1 · ol lhro,.. lls ·hado,. o>tr m·" low mice, sang 3no1hcr or two, and then apprecuted her and nevrr should hn tl Go to Ell ult 1 Store llamplon I iwr m il " \\bat compl·1ul IS 1! · 'I · ' It s JUS~ a cnmpl ·IDt 1h 1 t yuu h ,J cl 1ldreti to b· pupp is dre.sotl up '" went up to my room " r< Penn wa· no trooLle 1r 1t ha ln t been. for iha old Fm an cxtensne .1ssortment of Boots and :-ihoc~, better not osk nb,ut lur ,1our Cllll ··llJ '·~h 1 ei tl,.nJ~ buL l' L»one 1r1 11 e dirk .ran d 11 g · t tho ltbrary doo r m ·n He W·S nn old sn,ke m th· &o to Ell w its So r< llam1iton · .,, t"' Oltl>lled ~I··· t lcl f,rd w.s ""'"th c "" IS ddfer 11t I W· S l ~Ir Chrndos gono into ·h· .!rttSS, nnd mode 11· more h ouble t ha n all For Cheap Grocenes Ill all cla~ses, [[oils rcz ou·c .. ohe b1oku UW·J self on ti t v st ft or De 10 ha·l u rn 11, but htt gr en g '"' of dam.-k do you know, Mus Here the rest Ill t ho fumlv Suke &nd I Ga to Ellwlt 1 Storo, llampton 131oke awaty, loa\ 1n6 11 0 In my ~ ne d rwn , 1he wu1; do ·r,. we1e ,_.hut, ll!tik, l.ie1 J Ol .1t-lac~ l:i.ppe ts thrown beluud, 11cver eIJOJr.d our~clves, for he was. a1 d ..eadful uncc rt uuty I \lCHL up to llt"Ck ~1lence r 1~11cd (Jnce 111.:iir terr ·r t{ ·1 I lit"r g ,1 1 o rnn11 1t:nt~ ny and hcrsc f, wcN wnywano n.Ia n' round nnd tl1row1 n out ens, nhu w~~ ~-a11 n 1 g et I, 1.uolt.1nb !', , bt tltr6tu-1c~n11 piH~l ll figu1e 'ii .- ~ ~Ito etlwrha11~ia, 1e 1\I r Ch otn<lo1 ro!e h1nts,andn1ak1n hmselfas hateful a'1 ··d ·" J .. kc l I 11 t tell me whot W·· 1l 1on ·h·d iwy, an l down I ft· ·, O 11 I b g ynur pord n ·h · ··Id h· w·s homely I got sick on't nnd ·o tho ma t.r w1.h \lr Chand'" ctO··e I the h,,h.e i h 11 111 buut rnti fr eu ter1ug ;O uu Jercrunmouslydid Suke I suppose the old mon d1dn I 1 don t knovt ony mote thnn you th· o 1 k I a1lour t , ~Ir Ch,,,do· II~nrrn 11 the p1 no, I thou.{ht M1·· llere hke me, ·nd d1dn t wnnt mo there I mis· ~Ir Chun dos h 19 had a n·t deal ' II .vo y u b n 1 lllln,! 10 re 1.r1le ford ,. ·· ·I" e' don t kno\T what el·c ro moke af 1t, for ol g l· f ·n<i ir ub e and 11 lll ·Y bo te ltn., t he Jett· I he uoked ' Ohll\ 1 U· ili. t I turned round on lhe m1rnc ·tool · nd he to! I me ruore thnn twenty times to u, on l 1m He has looked 11 1 ol late y ur t·, "t 1od I ere, «·l·111g c IJ I .,, t ·cm; the r om Mr Ch·ndo· 11 ~· e and not come b oc k n~am lore, llarnplmi 1 No comf< rt anJ11hero-110 comlun 1 could ni.ko 11' "'18Wcr l""' J·I, bo· h1u led i,, r · ah&ir Snk< s r · 1 <al the e nd of the c11a1r· !Iuw I - >L thro16h the d 1y [ dun Lk iolT sank rnt 1 my seat '"t'1 · " '1 te f,re I hank i nu ·he " " d hes!lah ng to btr, and [ r ii I he r ' "0 time to le w e h Store lfarnp l011 1 l e >ec J a; 1! l 111I r Ce!\ o l my uea . u Y u I k a· I · 1gh y m h ,.J oeuu · take " ~Ir· Chan do· I· 10 tho Wbl wmd JW open and l ti com e m ~u I \V e d ~ u e ll , 111,t.><l ot he lllS ,(hOst ho I S·l ll d ~ Ill~ but p~rb·1 s [shall b e wtrudm; hO'e · bit of II vtstt J, >OW ' ! ll 11 11 op1111ori 111 one re!'tp1.:ct p.1 0\ed ' \n l th t! !l I b 1 ·t 1 it 1 tr 1r8, J'l"'I f r it I ren11i1.n1? wouldn t hesi tate to do it, for l m non est to b· a coract one fo r L he '" ~t day \ 11 the cffoct n · d uht of uerv " Not it ·II" replied Mr Chan l o· ond ·ery spcct!ul rn my beh ~?t0u1 1 ·P JOareJ tn the hu";ehold He ouo ext om n r Mr f' hau lo3 r· Oc t · ~ltss fI.,rel 11d m·y bo ~hd of your Well, after the lolks " e1e tll 10 bed nud t!tillH! <l JWU llbJll~ t Wt.: !\c 0 ( ")C k, ioo k1u g one ' ht"' lll'llJfit: r ch UJg'l I~ to ou· ol c HDJ · I\' I aw go1n~ to tl (! wost w n~ the house w ~a :stlll r goes nnd gctff I p·lo onrl aubduo<l-bu . ""he utwu lo iko<l lcu ler krnducso mpelf. · J, di]., and put· 11 up to the m n<lmv, 1 am! l mu·t · ·V I could n< · detec t mu"h · fl ,. anyt h rn! olarmed Y "u" ' II··· \OU found your · ttll as a mau·e -1 tlien pulled off mv chan.,c m hnn Stort n;; from my le·~ I can1101 fiuJ 'l·d·rue do Mehe11t · Mr Ch.udo·? boot· u1d cr~wlcd up Sukc met me nt m tho oot. p>r or ""he ent ei ed ll, I well letter w.s all I an·wored fod m · Ye.t· I "What m·nuaonpt?' tho wiudcr ·11 1, nnd a tickelder couplet I up lo 111111 rn tho Jilli u11e ol lbe WOW911' wi th 1uysell I " Sha p·used a moment h!O tll you no\er see th·n "" t'a·. bu t JU St ·· \Lt.Ta OJ' RUB VGE ASD SJ.f~HTJ ' lie took both my hands ·But tb.i · nol tho o·u·· of th'" - yuterd·J you h·d lo·t t>llt I ins ttvlng to clamber m, the co nfound· TT OR'<li:Y AT L \IV SOLIClTO!\ IN Glad to 110 mu ·~&111? Soni· th1 1g h·· fri ·h1ensd \ Oii Corne m· cam· flt ·bout h·r hou .. rua1d · Jutte· d l· 1lder 1hd iuHI dow11 1t wo nt tt1 u ndcr Chancery h ; J nsol\e11 c7 n n l'e\iu re r l Ye· I om glid I wlmpercd, C· lw \lt·· Her. r.. rd t~nu< I kuo.. wh·l It 1 .. 1 e .. n111i; 1ho montl n·d It ln· p~uro tt. n· hotter th i n · 1k·l~ t1 hok mo km,; ntllSC enough t o \\ oke up No i ary Sollc1tor fu .. the Ontn.r -0 Rank , &c ' mg down my exctlemenl · 1d ew allowrn,; j i·' h· couoluded 1'Hh t hat qu1·t ·ow It ruay u \'!ell be .. 1d, . ,. P""nnt, that t on · j Ibo wh o10 to wn lt htt one of the lower POR T :S:OP E 'll1r m~n d of 111&nner · r fow re·ISI Emma "'" hou·em ·1d to the eMt win; 'Ve hod b ·cn w·lkmg togethor to t he winders ond kno,kt d 11 all to snl3·'· I 1the mtrum o tcaro 1hat bad nscu lf B - Mont7 loa.ned on tl e 11ecu r 1t\" of Hampton, ,o\pnl 29, 1869. Ch·n<io.)I, nre you" v·ry Ill ' I did 1101 perliap· d1 I n t core to ll>rrte t to the cha1ub·r· on tho fir.t floo r end of the library I fon' kn ow JU·t c.iu..;hl by . he h p ends vi my lin,,ere l?eal i11l1.te:i aL the c11rren t n\\e 35 hg h·s been telnng you th ·t r..m? I and to d bun briefly what h·d rccn rro l !(Oner.ii} tUlllO 10olu le I, Lizz v ]) ne to whether I have mon t10no l l l b·foro, IJU! on th· wrnder · hB S uko, '"tr I( niu he mqmrcd, 1rnlk111g to eu artu otmr b;r Not mcntlonrng ·u·p1c10110 ol Lin~ the l>C·t Wini{ but It ... oul J frcc1u· nth crnry t vcn 1ng, a goo l hour bo(o1e dus k, r.11rn ~ ma lo a g1>b fo r mo n11J gof. m.-. j help of my ehoula er, for hi! a nkle was Dene or wl at ah· ···d' but suuply ,1 ,., he th· 1»e.suro of Lai!y OI and·· t h At ·he door of t i I· hbruy locked for by t h';' hair of roy hood a .'1d t ween u~ 1weal.: yet, Lut not relenarng when hu the woman had opened the do"r too T,1uy did nol enter her aparl m·nu for t he lltghl by II II "d th· key camecl both I JU ·t rn&do 01:t to ·tay but I AVID BISHOP .ALCTIOS Ei'F. BEGS ~ 'D II:' I had sat clown m 1t I hu'lly, thoreby puttrnµ: lllJ Candi~ out <lkJ· t gothet , ou ly Ihll · W·y '"her pockot Mra P enn t urned ·hou~h ! t woul I b·en well If 1' hodn c lea.Te to return t 11 Bit cere thr.nks (, t \ A t»ifl Tery hberal patronage hereturor~exl"'l) ~ U ~ 11 llm ~ ' I heard !Jr Amo· ·ay &o He -and than on to whnl I h·d soen "It .... a memon n<lum book, not a to me al we Rtood IO&ether at lhe wm- beeu there, for i coulil ne,il>e.r geL m ell to hLm, aad wonld ah10 ln1.1ma.te th o.t he I ·aid-"h mn·I have been one of 1he gnrd- manuocr1pt, ' .. 1d Chando· dow, dropping ber voice to !I tvh l1~r nor gel away 1 t h ll prepared to attends ~les whenever re l " Whal did he '"Y? Why do you eners he qu tetly obserYed " \\ hy " Oh, I underatood her to u y a man ' W · · th ere not som·thm: my1ttr··«· Olil Haker hcsrd il1e n cl.et 011d out rmed, on reasonable terms ~ll orders left Room Paper c heaper than evor ·hould that hue ·l·rmed you?" ueript " abou~ Ins illnesa?' he .,.m· rn h1~ sb1rl to """ what was lo a t th· Sunsuu Office will ·.. rromptl y I Peper Coll&r11--three Bo:u' for 20 c1nt1 1top? I could nol an""" I collld not dis That tho J(ardenoro ne··r remai ned " I hau not found 11,' he conltnn·d Fronkly 1pc11.k1nz, I t ho111ih1 there wa1. pay He "cc· mo hangm th re, and I att· nded 10 1 S 1 b 1 P1eo·· '11mo, con·1·t1ng of Soni!·, "'allzes, ~chotl11eh·~-a ee11 t1 .. ch 1 1 861 m the p:ard·n· after hnl ght, obeying " F ortunatel.l' ilrn oonten < s are of h ttl· Hut m my n·l! mrnd I had con nected ia suproso tho old whelp m1·trusted l ome ~~ 0 "' _.!::_~rem ~ _,_ __ Sewing ~lach1ne!f, Organ1 r.ad ?tI0IoJeon11, f 101n boa· ~Innura.ciurer1 c!o1e the opm 1on I ball heard ' I 1uppo1e you were 111thm hearmg tho atnet o rdero nf the h u«, I ~new o~n··qnenco T hey 001i.1st chiefly ot m some ua l. fined way wi th h11 1leep tlung, for ho went ond go t n fi ·h pole, Album·, "ntrng Dcakl and Tea Trays rn gre&t van·tr Nol " gardener I ario., ered " Lnt a 11 1108 rel&tJve to t he every tl·:r bu·In ·s· w.lkin!{ I could not ..y <lus a.nd bognn to whelt Al my hmbs really A ' Tluee gross of fan· 1 al Five Conti each when the doctor said he h&d bu· t..1 it hope· of ma 1 i:host And, hkmg eouraJo, I lo!~ or the e·talc, and a fc,., 1mvato 1tetn· 'But th.i he 11 so remarkably unh ka- in ear nest I tell you, Bill I was m a T.t:MPERAN< " 1101 ET· Children s C ab· from $2 00 to 312 00. y .. I wa. Bu,, 'lr Cl:taudoe, who lum a'I I had board-that · i:h ··I wn ooncernmi: my·elf Some U1111!'· are en ly & ·UbJeet for it "lmnr; atorny, as nry h.rrmn' utuntion Thro I vr·s ni O. I 0 9 DA.£ S'l'UEET ' Sohool Book· and a.ll other good, equally low eoul l ha·o told thaL Dr \.wo1 ··td " r ·aid t o walk mi:h1ly m the gr ound· torcd rn h1ero,.dyph1co of my own he m·y be said, I ·hould t hmk 1& had been apeod·d by the hair-For Suke d1..l the A few doora North of King Stree t, "I told, ba ·wiled ' \.il · re uuL · \Vho·o gho·t? ' In> ao~ed, wi th cont1nu~d with · h·lf l·agh "and I JI a ti t, ·h· con1111ucd "Did you hoar most oi tho ho.ni;mg on- · nn old Baku T ORONT O. mo cauhou1 ·& you, wy lltLle wa1d angry eharpneM defy th· tlntf to make th·m out, how wh ether the J,on<lon doctor ·l·o s&1t ·~ m· d · · " hoe, Jn·t waHopm' me down \V HOLE8ALE AND HETAI L JHIJ<,~ MATHJ<::WS, ' llut l hopu it 11 not ·rue I hop· " Your late fa1hcr' 1, 11r , Sir Thoma· over e! .. er he m·v be T he 11n~nlar Ladv Cb·ndo· 7 ' with a hickory flshpolc Wh1t w1s to N B --W · h·n l&t~ly ·dded to ou r bu11neu t hat of an E xchange Office and you ·nil gc' well t i P E R DAT. Chao !os ·hm~ ·· hew it ·ould have d111ppeared "No I did not There'· nobody to be did 7 If Sukc nnd I sl ould let go, l are prepared lo buy or 1ell Gretnbacb, American Exohani;e, Uoyal Canadian and "\\ ould it g1Te you any eoocoro if l IIo turn ed qu1cltly to 1he m111tel from my Iookod do k ' rnqu t o of exc pt II1ll 1'.nd you know would foll and perhaps break my nec k. U pper C &uada Bille S ilver, &e, it prec· pul his c bow oo it a nd ttood "You mull hvo left your keys out, how rnuch mforma11on fie ahould be If Sulrn nnd I hung on, ol<! Biker woo Id did not? ~ly foce flu hcd a1 l 1tood before hnu t here with h1· b·ek 10 m@ But th·' 1he qmckly 1a1d ltk.ly lo i:e' from her ' lick me to j!lWlets with h is 1n(or nal fl·h P amter, Glazier, Paper·hangei g·c (la) JU:NE 10, 1869 YELLOWLEES & QUICX. ln11o~d ot answenob, l beni it llkoa cu l i, 11 face hld looked 10 lroubl·<l, I m11(!1t · l'bst 1· more th &n hkel) Hum~ "Ex·ept him oorreetod \Ira Pen n, pole J nover w 11 10 unpleasnn tly L L KINDS OF WORK PROMPTLY AT prn-h~e a MwplMou ha<o rhough\ ho did to 10dulge 10 · honest pe~plo abonl m~ · t Ch ..do·, I wtth empha!t5 "With a ll h11 1tn1 U·ted tn all my life I would gm t wo te nded t.o 1 and ea.tisfa.chon g uara nteed "I m·y cbca1 tla doctor· ;e1, ho q uiet l· n1<h hue n" beon oYer p·rl!cular II.rn Chan dos'" o i:entlem1n and would 1h1lhngs for hghtmng enough to strike Reu fe n ce ne:r.~ door et\st of the B ble 1a1d, cheerfu lly. ·~Ii·· Hereford you cannoi 1erioD1ly ' I i '" · h·d P"cucc to line hp 1:1vo 'ou rn nnswor. tho old whelp de·d, but all the hghtnrng Oh-rrst1a n Oburcl..i, Tyro ne behove 111 ouch non·onao ! ' where lh·J way be p1 chd up and u·ed , I ·hook my head h was not my I see'd was ID my eye I tell ye Bill there " lluc yuu been tll lolli: 1 ' T yrone, .March 3 1869 1111 ' 1 havo not b·eu quntt woll Anuo11 "N o, iodeed, not 10 oollcott<! mom u oppnrt11 n1 1!e· thu otherwise pl·cc, , youn:: · 111tnr thno on 1uffe r- was 1e>me there, or something else, for ( S, CllESl'EllFIELD, ' of mind 8'llDtti rnn t at.ea 111 reveu1;c UJ!"U onts, lint I left alono to the dork iu ll(hl n·ver hav· be·n i<elZ· I up ·n,' ob aneo to rnquire nf ·lu11g1 they sotme i lo could 1eo elars ot all kinds and colors and the ourpriao al ·ecing 1om1 one oened Mr! Penn tn a 1lre·my lone ·n1h not m qm red of aud I !lid 01 JU·t as thick as spatters But thmk8 I, A UCTIONEER F YOU 1V,\NT TO GET YOUR 'WOOL CARDED I NTO lbe budy Ile moved a1uy to h1· desk &1 ho cban~ed to fright ' "Not a b11of1&, madam Un'"' dus- mueh to Mrs P enn [ ea11't otand this by a Jllg full, eo I took fOR llOWIC.llii\:lLL· .AH· D.i..RLING'l OM., Rolls, or manufactured mto Full Cloths, Tweeds, Blankets, ·poke, wh1eh 1\uod on a ·liie-t~ble. h · ~hy I rnqutre {rom vhom you bnrJ hnne.t people :>re &t hand to tako ad 'You are too f·1tu.l1ou·, Miss Her· and let µ:o Sul<· huo6 on hke" beRver , RESIDE NCE, Flannels, or Stockmg Yarn, go to the was qu11e cHd·nt ho dtd uot w1sll to pur till· fin· ·~lo? vaol·i;:c ot \hem" rord , ynu aro no bettor thon a school and ··ved moi;t hnlf my hair, but down d"Ordero punctu·l ly attend l to 0110 tue topic Whal cou d l <lo bu1 lei "Fi om MrB, Penn tirol But tho " T hen how do you th1Qk your book !(trl Look hero,' 1ho a lded, tn1 n 1nl I went Old ll·kor w1sn t '·pcctmg me ·'s Modera te 11 drop? I akrn g up 1uy ""rk., l oarneu wmu·o ·ervants 1&lk ef 1t I..iszy Do,.. c·n have ,,:ene ~lr Ch·ndo! ?" brc.kly ' th1a 19 th o work-bo:r I will quite ·O 1000, I ha him on the hoad an cl 1t to m:i w1n..to w, "lule ho ·tuotl rumw·g confu, 0 d 1he Ital gone up now for 1t "\V·ll I e'nnot thmk I &m con- 1ho.,, ynu where the lace W··' k nocked him obffer thsn a mouse I µ:ot N. B -A large stock of F ull Cloths, Tweeds, Blankets, 1ng t bo d·· k e.ideutly 0 ·~rnliiut; lvr Ho turaod ro1m l q111ckly " Wl111 d., ten \ 10 lenve tho t luc1da1inn t o nmc " It a laNe hond·omo bait a up a nd went home, but I !cit pooty gro u ty IN 8 UM:8 or 1um·lhmg !:very iu.t1vidual llll kf; Wa · von ""Y? Lizzy Done went up to wuob Mr· Penn look· d ot hnn 1he ··em·d beauttCul box, t orto11e .hell t nlaid with I tell you. ·ao o AND UP'\-V ARDS, Flannels, Stockmg Yarn, &e , kept constantly on hand, and for at length 1urntd OUI ot It AQU 11 .. 0 .. ror it?' to bo hes&t·t rni: onr eomoth1ni; H ""' 11lnr, II· fi111ni::· of s1lvor and sky blue ·- - - - - - - - - - ' - - sale cheap for cash, or rn exchange for wool. at a low ra.te of interest ag&ln · l wu not ple11ed at fi ndrng J,izzy ·O pt.lp,ble that Mr Chanda· noticed 1! vel.,..,, 1!1 ·c1·sor· (uvo the st1el part) Cun DowN - On no oeca·1on d'o F A RE\\ ELI k McGEE, ' \\ell, 11'1 u ry ·lr&ngo 1 in my ro 1 w, ·he h .. no bu·meH to call " WI.at 11 it?" he ..t.ed 1h thi mble bndkrn, and st1letto of gold G. P. MATHEWSON. people 1cem more prone to commi t blun COi UYBUS, lflh MAY 11 69 44. aw "Wh:ot 11 u, otr l 1 hat 11r I a. ho her there, and I m·1sird upon knowu.~ "I 1h111k I will ·p·,.k, oho ..1d with "I won d~r tb5y did no t lake tli.,e aa ders th ..u ol a wedding '.l' he foll ow1n,,; 17'0 1llce ,-Op1m· 11 e entr.1 nce to would say. .B ..1 l fo ll loo ·h.) , tu my whae took her to ·I At fir1t sho would 1ud don dce11100 "Tho11~h indeed I d o well M the l· ce ' To·"n Hall, Hon man~llle . funny 1nc1dentac tually h·prentd at ""elnew and all-oouao10Ull foc h ui; i or lmu, lu not ··Y , but prt.. ntly eonfenoll, 1he h·<l no1 like to do rn, l\Ir Chanda· ·nd I "They might bo afraid tJ do that," d1ng m Cnhforn11 - In the m idst ot " Bo wm a n v1ll e 1 Au~ 20) I 868 S discard it oa11rely i:one t o w·tch for tho i:h~et ' eertu .. Iy should col but fo r he~rmz of ·.id Urs Peun "Soe I she eried, hft- orowtl of w1tncssc·, the clorgyme u had He h~d mt···<l Ill· nol~ bouJ> Ouu Le "If ev1 r a mn'· c~unt·n·nae betroy In· Jo11 of yours I ha'o liad " ·m· I ing tho tr·y, " thl\t s whore II lay H JU·t completed the 1n terest1ni:; cere mony W. H. EDWOODS, 'i' W·I tn \ho u~bll ol U·tug fur any pur ed n 11c.ly d read, Mr Ch· ndo11 d1 <1 Joi· too" w.. "very hand·ome piece of laoo, and I whic h binds m tho silvery bond· of and ., poH 1 as a 1or5 uf d1·r_y, · Ud aJoo to eut<r ihen He w·nt to the doer, he111 1ted M r Cha~do1 oi\ do"n he ]1,.d been am sorry to lr·c 1t" we<llock ~wo w11lmg hearts, and stretched b1mneM mattoo I uat ho hall lucked it and come back agun, u tf ooareely kau lJ ot&ntlrni: m1eo ehe eamo 1n , and wa.ted '!.'ho swcrpm::: a silk drelO along the r~rth his hand1 to nnplore lhe ble··mg! A VI YG 6tted 1 [ i1 e p cm1 ~es tll1rd up m his d·ak. whoo he l""' Wrule lu 11, 10 ~ what t,1 be about tor hor to con lm ue 1or11 !or i::· rc tek·n ef t hn appromeh ol of he~ven on the umon. Al 11 Uoor eti.st of \he Pos t Office is pre 111 point pl\red to attend to t he wtlnttl of the p il lie: two d·J· ago, he Cult aboolu~ely cerl·lll ' o\nd she 1t 1 -· · W ·ome 0111 'It 11 nol ofnruch n.lu·, b11t-.. yo11 Mr. Chonrln· She p··sed rnto the easl the groomsman, ~eem!( tho open hon.I. ALL THE ~ KWEST STYLES IN n b is line 1n a. maB.ncr unsu1paseed by any Hove J'OU l·h your kuy· . ~gut, wall.mg then? She-and you?" uy by your book -.t l l t he r.ct of 11· wmi.: and \Irs Pann h ..ten·d arccr her reached ont, auppo·ed 1t """ the 11gnal ll a.be Pr ovi n ce ' I dun,\ kuow l gouorally puL tllclll "I don' thmk she dtd, I 1aw 11 hanng: gouo chat troubles me On ly a Stantltn!'; 1t tho doo r of the W18i wmi:, u ror him to ~tirronder tho we ldmg fe,, P a.ru cular attention give n to tbe c itting m my pockel llut 11 l dul lcQYe thew , fter sho had gone Oh Mr Chand o~, btl ufwh·t \\e c·ll Ilonuon la ee obo11t 11f h e h.J a! tll1de1l ~Ir' Chondos from 11, wlm h wus burning in his poeke1 \.e· e.d dre11s ng at Lad ea and Ch ld "en .!J h1ur ' &bou t, nobodJ 11uul.i u·e thew Uur dtl I can eee you ore very 1ni:ry with mo 1 1>1reo y1rd1 of 1t two rnchcs m wulth wo· 'Ir C ho ndos Ho snw u1 both ·omo eordmi;ly, Jll·t u tho c!creymen c111<8 l ea.11 l1c1ted vau til aro hooeal ' _ 1 am T·ry sorry, I - - ' 'fhat it wu s·re in my work bo't yest.er out of 1ho hbnry, hlS ·yra m proyer, he fdt 1ho pre! 11·, Tho book, ho1<ever, could nol be IOuod " Angry? no ' he notorruptcd m a day morning:, I k now r h,. mornmg 11 \\ hero he bail hi! dinner thd d1y I o( B double Cl\!.llo uro n h1" pnhn 1 te &c., at &c., &c., Jfew Self-Actmg Hand Loom, Mr Cbaudo1 loo kod for it l loolled, 1111 ~entle tone " I 011ly th rnk hnw fooli·h wu 110 loni<er there ' tlnn t know Mme wo· o·cr 11nd the icood man hr1tto te1l app~'l t l at t ho lu d1 Tery e1mplt1 a nd ~a111 ly wo,.ked !eIVaDt! \ou~·d JI.. O·l<l IQ ~ JO k lUil you mUlt be to hston to ·nyt hlttl!' ot tho "W.. tho WO k bo11 Joek·d?' thin::> wrrc tok·n Gl'l«J before l 131'1' b1m crou·ncos of his ·1tu·ll"" bu1 M<ily d· ~ Pu.et · ol) $50 Send for a c1rcu ar 8ort of 1naunor lh~t oowe ale1gtJt ol baud aort. I wi·h I co11ld l11vo 1h1elded you It was I haJ l·rt u 10 tho library, al!'am I hid been up·turo for " be.. Ir po11tsd tho money tn li1s pookot, and R W JAMES · mu·t haYe been ai 1<or~, ·u<l down frem thia alarm l I w11h you had not loaled My k·y· were tn a drawer · f and me t h1m m '10 hall He follcweol proc~eded with his devel!on p Bowma.nT1lle Ont 16 3m ' 111 addro.. ·Lou- 001110 JU·t now to Cha11d· ~l' lie'!!' and F a obionoble S<ylea to hand, a braut>ful assortment to be sold cl cop for cash to wrno a lcitor l my Ledri>on1, where I kept them {or they I mo to tho .,.'I: pulour ~ad t hrew h 1m1elf IE!).. A M· ncl1cste r p·per srea Ir> ol t · .ln early call is solicited wheu ·good choice can be b·d M en· Felt !lnl3 from don H~ury An 01, M .D Ho rug the beJ., a luud poal, and are heuy 1n1l '" .h down my dre·1 lilt· A chair, hko one ul trrly weory, ~.Et. , OX... :J: l.\4ZllJ. 50c upwards, tr lhgbest Pr1e· pud tor h·W Furo \\ hilo n1·kt11g tel' tor Mr Ohanl!oa, lU d·sirod thal Hill 1hu1!lld ba ··n~ lo b·m, 1poekel.!i 'Curiou. to .ay, upon loolong j "Yon h·~e not beon "'·!king much, oreaho 1 of l mr life Lords u1 (Jana " P'flll £ Q iUIAMIE NTAL PRIN';'E:!t under e r 1 R us e s B11 1 ....-. -· ""D"'el' t1te ev·ning, · d1·~u,·.t1n ~·-:&bout the I h!il !!eT~r !een hie f!t~ I& Ile,... i· fo· "') l:·y! tbs mor~··g I fou nd 'hem bav- yon, \Ir Ch·ndr s · AI'Rll ~th 1 166~ ,,,.,,.,.,. .. p " ' J ffJ. r}J l.l5 l f l' t:t 7 ]oY\;:.!.!IT1LLli !!.ATE~ o F Q Au v ER' I~ I :o<<?. T J::T E __ Q .H E A p EST G 0 ODS :I - I oncoun tered Lizzy D<nc, .i .. 1111g oui wnh " h"'to th~t near'y knocked we down Wha t did you wu·I m my room, I hue b··n t ak:1og ti ·urn or two 1n ' -.. pine Wiilk A nd you ? Hne y ou been 1pmt-g111ng agun? ' I d id nol onswer, except by n shake of the head, and ho ·nt for a Ion;:; while rn 11lence, brealnag 1t at la·t abrp tuly ' Doe& !rhs. Penn get looung from the fr on l wmdows nfter t hat-t h t s12l t-th" t JOU p1of ssed to see t L& nigh! beture lll8t ? ' "I th m l.: she would like to do ·o bu& the re s no opportunity 'l' he room· 111 tho e··t wing do not look t o the fron t, r ou know" " Ah I st o vo11 and ahe get talking ofth1s together ' ~tiO. "1 he talkrng has been very httlc ·n d of her seekm!(, not n·111e I \V· ul d I rathtr ahe never ~poh to me at · 11 of lt lfhen ho turned it open not ir1 the U'lnal drawer, but. 1n the it etnbttrra!se.!I inc C·n you not cnnlrI<O to keep lh· wo low dra1Yer beS!de at Wboenr ' Whv does 11 en 1 barras~ you ?' men er·anls 10 their pr~por oecupat1on· taken them out forgol wl11ch wu the "I-!--" Hill? I hear Ibey ·1'1 going aboul the righ t dr:iwcr and pul lh·tn baok lD lb ' Well! he said, look ing str u1ght at houu looktng af1or ghost· wrong one ' JDUR~AL. L zn o' "Mt·· Here!()rtl wont to her roo mJut t "S1r I Mr Horry I' w·· me. w·· w·· g··· 1 · r ··y ~usimu !lirtdor~. ! bt " P I t\ttt inns. H o· ""<l I HERE TO ol I 'fr· · 0 ' ·J·· I 1 In I l I I r,,.., y "' n.. ·t·ir· I y··· r .1i , 1Lh·n1'- Elliott's Store Han1pton. I j HENRY ELLIOTT Jr. I AUCTION BUSINESS. ""'""'""'""""""==========.,.,.===.......,,=,......,==..,,..........,.,....,,...,.,,.,, I '" D T Tn w· 'IP·· I a., I air 1100 'DO BIN S ON HO USE Special Inducements to Pedlars ! W·· JAS. BIGH.HI, A I' ·lt- CASH FOR ----o---I OOL w·· ir;·Y·· En1pire Woollen Mills, Columbus. MONEY TO LEND ! w·· !!'" Barber II hair-dresser, S PHING STYLES or I-I A '1' s, ·Ir ,. ··'II' CAPS MARKUS AYE R'S ··w ··t

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