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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1869, p. 3

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I I A CHINA TEA COIPArlY! s ASH IN THE DO PRICE OF 1869~ v ............... - OFF ~i:;, ~'7"""".iU~ ""'~ '*'--w.·Y ~,l:"ci 0 ' '""""'· .........,......................,,,,~---......,......,..,,...,.~,~~ · TEETOTALLERS' TEA, " The cup that cheers, but not inebriates." ' FOH His :YO~R Cap~, DRY Ha!s, which beinr SELL DRY Harvest Field 'I'ea ! !~very one knows that old Goods th~ct ham been singed by Will cool and refresh you amidst toil and fatigue. fire a!1d SPRINKLED \ViTH WATER ' · QUEEN'S OWN ~TEA would not look well in a Bran New Store. The subscriber is dett>rm incd to take no s nch i;:oods to las new store. He has now commenced I FIT TO JlE USED IN TFfll SELLIN"G- OFF! and will continue selling for the next five weeks, (until he removes tu his new store at the olrl ~tancl ,) the balance of his light rn:nmer -PRINTS, l'IJUSLI.NS, ~H/\1.l-e,!'>i, .IPA!\Vi~OJl,S, ROYAL FAMII,Y nANKR UPT STOCK TEA, ~ATJLII-:, S:IEPIIE2DF 8S 1 hlli.. RLI NE 1 1iI:·L'i1 Bi ~\ZE L:A: THE CHEAPEST KNOWN. J,IGH'll' !HU~S1il D.AiS Y, AL SO, LIGH'i' T\VJEJE!l}S A"D (;lA.~Tlnl.~. STllA"\V HA'J'S, Jt'JE§,'f' HAT,_., Gl.OVl~S, GOO!J1l:I<. EVERYBOl)Y'S l\HXLD TE:\, ALL FJ.. 8HIO~A~~L£ A.~:j -~_n_nno::w"', lit)MJE~~Y. &c., &c., · C':lE!-.. P. JJ! C>N ~ AT A TREMENDOUS SUCH AS--WIDE PRINTS AT 4cl. PER YARD, LADilBS' STHA W HATS lOd. yVHITE COTTON STOCKINC8 Ed. each. PARASOLS ls. SIIA"\VLS 5g, Tried by al l but yourself. Inquire of its merits of your ne xt neighbor. SIG~'i OF TIJE c-+OI1 !)E N Ge;t. ,Ai<lrrt~ fr<r_bo\v1rian";i1Je nnl Vicini~y. Bu wrr i>,n .ill.:, Jun-0 14Lh, ~8139, 16 1 IS THE TIME lOlbs. FR $5.00. 'f O GET,OKE OIT J~E L T,Y'S Honest Farmers' Tea, in small caddies, suitable for yom family. 'fltis Tea ia in. Great Dc:ntarnl I SP Ri NG are ChcRp, }.~eat, llu;:-ab~e. BE~S ! Clean and stoek j . O.N~-HALF,'. f!nd hr.. ...-<:: c ~nc! u.C;1~d tJ sell nbo11t IJ,000 tolls of Hoom Pfll--'Cr at cosT i Strt tio11e1y at abo:.. t r:ne~t'rJ:d J es~ l11Rn the iegult,r 1nlc.:e . C o.1y BooKJ, P eus) fT, A :TTNC ~1C·"'1 solicite,l l1y.a. nn1i:bc:-. of P2'1cil3, ~ln.tcs, and e..-eiy tiling i.1 tbe' £l 1, 2 hin : nc<is 1nen tn l1uhlt,.,h r. cum01n- School lino, we wil! sclltr:.ir-.u 25 to 40 per ~d-Dircctory ?f th:! Ccun ~.): of D~H"h<i.m, g:, - ccut, lrss than tl12y u:e srr!..l L·r, ~ inp; n 1111c. residence, anJ. occ11p:1hon of ever,r pu1 ~on tlitl'Lg1,o,i~ lhe UoH'Jf}': - -·\-r. b.i--rc comrncr.ccd tlic s unC'; and, aa tho outl:;i.y At othor Var iety ~·ill be la.:-g9) w~ ;.;oli~it t he pR.tronnge of Store between Qu ~bec an& Barnin . tl.e Pl bl1c in r_~~'nernl. Tlw hnt1i :, e':> " meu v.·il: be waited upon at their pl1>.c.z of br::s inf<ii ;;i by u11t·s.:h·ci> o'r A S R . Q'II.A. RA. in t end~ l:t;"ing \VP.Bt, w~ have tlcto21rnined to I:¢duct1 rJv r DI ItI~C'f 0 ltY ! any Ikioi: or n~ c nt:i. C02fNER & COLTSO::[, Comrilers !'.nU PnbEsbcr.s. Look out tor Bargains !- rrhe Red Flag is going up l1gai11 ! THIS W lA. Y FOR F. BO\VMANVILLE, .Tune 24, 1860. -1 I :ac:::>e:a==x , -= OF THE VERY BEST KIND ! ' .. I -AT OF l1~ ~~; and cheap as at any store in Cunada, or ulll of it, at have reorganized their businel!s, and will be found in the pre · mises of J . NEADS, ::i this b:rincll I'f of :J1!s::ce:;~ the subst:ibu s :.· ~Y 0 EXPRESS OFFICE BUILDING NEAHLY OPPOSITE HENDERSON'S HOTEL K Ei·J 'THE LE.AD, SIGN OF THE GOLDEl\r I.!ION, KING STREET, BOvVl\!ANVlLLE. - I WITH A~ FINE A STOCK OF GROC.B:RIES I I I I AS CAN BE FOUND IN TOVlN ! l FOH QUALITY J1:N"D r CHEAl'NE~SS " DRINKS I! THESE 1iRE ' 'WHERE DO YUU BUY YOUR GROCER'CES !" being the question of the day, .T. M. would r eRpectfully give a hint to those in perplexity, that he keeps constant] y on hand a tirst-c!ass stock of U:'l"RIVALLED THEIR AD1 IS TO u ·URFIAM A LAllGl'i STOCK OF NEW YORX J.,Z:;)Ul'.'R, n CEN1'S BOW BELLS, 12f;c~· 15 CTS.- !'iEJV YORK WSBKLY, Ii CTS; Bij . 1'01\T TRllb' Ji'L~1G, 5 t..}l FJ lTOlT.Z·ra 1',,'_.."-;--(;LISJ[ lf (J.i1'1 AN, 15 (_}TS.; H""E'STERN WORLD, 5 Cl'S.: LONDOS SOCIETY; :;5 C1'8.; J,EISl!RB HUFH. 15 C1'S.; TVAYERLY NAC!AZJN E, 12 CTS.; 13!1!1'ISH H'.0Ri; U-Li1V, 12,\- U'l'S; Wf!. K'S SPIR11' OF J'HE TlllfES, 12 CT$.; 1 1 ., .Band of IIope Rev:ei:·, 2 cts. GROCERIES & and those who buy from him will never regret that they are able to answer, '\.: and Sell the Cheapest .ii ~ ,And all others Chean _,_ ' I · GR 0CE Rl ES : Hl propor1,ron,, r, L· ()~~ ® l"i KiI fi-. ~ J!iii ~ "~'Jl © _.t...L\'.t,-AYS ' HA l\D · - '!Ve wonhl again dall a tte n ~ ion to onr stock of Huo.m li Pn1H·1'"I · \Ve a r e only p<'rs·1,t1s Ln Tpwu \fl10. ; ·:"<1: t 11i r ect rn the: ",fanufactur::r::.J in l'.ngli'1:d, \Y1~ thc~e of s !3uperior kind 1 "!so on br.nd. BUGGIES THE- CROCKERY DEPARTlVIENT WILL B~ .AND \!il.ll_G01"{~4 constantly o:i hnnd for :lr. ~ ~ . ·wounEN w AEE . I c~l 25 ba. ve the ne vest pattenrn, nnn. W\3 u1ean cent Si.tin p .per::; ':!'or 1:5 CC"nt,:: Com· f,8 glazr-d 15 cent r-<'\:-1ers for TO cent;;, kinds of Blacksmith work dor: 0 en the shortest uotice, A call sc::c1t~d. I. \V.ESI'CO'f T. Rowm$\UYilhi, April 7, 18('9. ~All n p::t_._)ers luw a.J 4 C2!lLl, HIGBES1' PHICES. _, ,. . _ t PA!D FOR t J:IJ ov;r is the tim.e to Paper lF';f~ {~ §L - FOUND IN I your ·n·CJLOUS6S. j OAT-MEAL, CORNMEAL AND co. Brick Store, alittle farther east, where they have the finest assortment of Crockery, China and Gla11sware to be found in town. RE~10VA Ll ~ ,o!.'icw xs +' ~n.e t· l rc.e t'.{) ~Duy . _ [ J)u Eooks for Libraries. l 1 j i CRACKED WHEAT. I B11 Fresh Arrivals of Crockery and Glasswa1;e. Call and ·~ us i1i our neuf pre1nises. DR.. DAVIDSON TT' H BROTHERS AS REMOVED IIIS OFFICE TO DU. Paton\; officfl, Corner of K11.g ~u d ~~il~er Goods .JUNE 231 186~ ~ent to All Parts o;f the Town ! Srcets) wbere l.J.c 1.a1 bl' f o ·nlll at :::.: I lt..ou ; t'(i from 8 o'clock n.m, to J0 p ,1n., :.tftnr "IJ:l':h he will.be found at hiJ tr~id~nCe on Libcrtv 'i!tf~(~ : , ~.,, , 1 no t e say-· ag-2-1..:1, co 1;;i],p t!ic Town 1Lt 1'. 1{cou1 parc1 and fatH\I D Ll.. i go ·cL. ~.ti i .s . :d n;;c: 'er 0 :eaµ- I l I opiJo.s;t-e the th.'..!· sb ed. " &c I 'I ,l ,.· ~ I "

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