Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1869, p. 4

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·· N I-tEl\10VED ·. L.1. \ PPLY TO 1 H~ GOOD C JNCERNING VELOCIPEDES' o NTARIO BANKfl -. 1 to µremisea opposite his old stand, FIRS'!' SHOP JUST OF THE lJRS. CA WKRR , · I, ibtr ty Street. tf ' . R I I ill Ilow,.an·ill·, a!ay 27 , 1869. llonnd on With your velocipedes, · ·ye Bloods of Bvwmanville; You ca.n spin them on tbe inclin!)tBut von cf'l.nnot climb the hill. · Ynn 'll ~find it all through life t he same1 wpere he is prepared to furnish the public with all kinds of BOvTS k SHQES. Having a very Large itock, on hani, ht> .ilil 1 TAILORS a·1<l DRAPERS, liltc, 1 $1'C r1ocei-1"ing tbefr sprini and Sum.ier Good 1, coniii1ting ef l at the Sign of the Golden Lion. -.- -0-:-0- 'l' ba.t u p-hi ll work is hard; llut down-hill you can go r.s slick As if ,twere rul>l>ed with lard. .- Th9 " P oet1s Corner 11 is the spot 'l'o make your s tarling ph.ce; Buy good lb in gs out of' ' "\\~yllie's ," .And "ou're sure to wh1 thi: race . Ile 1s go~t lhe mnnia., WYLLIE has 1 And bounds Rrouud the shou · Upon his wlld velo<.:ipede 1 'Vitl1 skip, and jump: and hop. 'l'alk no t _ to me of Pcgas ns 1 bound to SELL CHEAP. JrJ- All kinds of work. made to order, o.t> the shortest notice· · J. H. JOSE & SON,I CLO'J.'HS, Bil . SE ' ·· J l ,. ·' ' l 1HE l<'OLLOW!t\Ci m:il',\RKS ON . ! QI! ~' ~I 'Iestirn onit"t!s ot'most 'vo n ~c 1ft, l nnd ex' t.raordinary c u!"e s in Ca:ti\dH by t he GF!.EAT I L"l° DL.:°!..J\ UE~JE DY ,:. They ai"e s Lern 1 nnde n ia81e anc; incontKHab le f·l ctr,, suffi cie nt to. con~'in...:e t!ie . m ost sk<:!pLi1,;al that th~ Great Medicinal Co 1:n ponn.1t yeti.rued a fter fo ~ age~ ·s nO'\Y a ccc ~.sih lc iu the Gren t - Bowmaoviile, Au gast 12tn, 186@ 21f. l!limOlfIC DIIEASD ! have now on hand a DR. 'fITOULD JAMES , RESPJWTl VEf,Y JifIXTURES, TWEEDS, {i<c., We, hav e some Or any "Poet's 11 nag!lfas:e~~pa's was a smartish beast, llut wasn't. wortb a rag. J~ead ou t your Iron Hors~, Grand Trunk. " If rRnk ,= 1 fetch your swiftest steetlI'll bC'at. the whol" caboodle On my wilrt \'1.:'locipede. The "G l ob~ n seems lazy roHing round 1 And can 't increas e its speedt:301ne d. a.y l'li leave it in the lurcll On·my wild · elocipe de . · N N. n.-P 8t' tiN hu .r ing clo \ h fr<Jn-1 UIJ C-&n to the Wt\lllS of the vnblic, in tlie il hllpe OJ turt Decay it.nd all th e effect· of indi !c r~ l)&L it cut fr@ · 6f clis.rge)f r@C1ui rtJd . luxuries. \V·YLLlE will ;still keep, ii-a hei·e· tio ni of yoc;.th-a. cure i&, guar&nteed ; .D]5- ""l~~~ -~ ~ , ,, toforc, a bountiflil suppl,;'. of _ p. epsia.1 Li,.-e~ diseasesy aucl dit1H1ee o1 o :i.t&tt OPPOSITE S ILVER STREIT, . . . . . JN T···· SEA.SQN. Wom·m und Cbll·h··n, Canc·rr , . cured R"itbont cutti11g 1 nnd little pt.in; Sor· O~an£?es, ~emo1~s, Pine Apple 9:, Straw; L_ e gs, Salt Rheum, an<l Scrofula in all ite ~ ~ b,ernel'!_, kc ._ 1 lll their s.rason; lee OrtRlD anc. I forms. Dr . .J. is h;~ppy to S!lJ, di!t1'13£· i it1 sp!lrkl~ng_ ice col.d Sod~ 'Vater fri'.rn, ~lie , 'f hicli bnve hitherto be-en thought incurabi·, ~ . , 1~1111tn111 ta hot "~o.ther 1 Brea1I, B11nu.1t~, J a.re ~ow i·a.pidly yi_elding to hi s t Jefttment. II E l!lnb~cnh"-r offt·r!I. for ial· t.. S.\;V< . 1 a_ kes nnd Confec:t.:o?s.r~ of the ~est quali tJ . ~s Ins gratFful patients are wi llin i tn testify lfl LL in g.ood runnin.g_ordti·, t ogetlllfll I wholesale 11ond re tail, a.so, clio1ee stock 01 No c i~l o11tel no ruercury no ilol iaera.IPoHH'ltifi w!th a stoc k ot Log~ suff1c1 · n t to cut 1r Pm Grocer!e!. Soirll!es furnishc.d in first·claiv Ntll be admi nistered i u '.._uy fo im in fun' 'i ti ~~o to $ 1,800 wo r th of Jumbtr 1 111HI Ii. f st_yle on short notice. ~Ved_d1ng ca.kee_n111d1.-: disense. ' " , 1 ~ u uuanLit1 r.f c1uttoml'r'e lo cs , to h 1i ia. WIJ I to 01der . Highest. rnce in c11.sh paid fo1 1'be afflicted, who crtnnot obtA.in r~ litl I L q tb~ tliou:f1u~1!: .Als?, a. ~o~rl Hon5-a 1t nd Eggs, Butter, &c. from other sources, !'re particul a rl y in '"·i ted { Uut bu1.d1ng:1. !itle 11tl'11' ct . 1crrn s: 81,200 "' BURR.AH OUNJ!Il."' to ca:l Rnd se" him . ~ Oftlce in No.ilion'e cash dowu i or cr«l 1t mt y bt agretd upon. 1 Hnll, Bellovillo. d" Offic~ hour1, 11 Q, m., ' .o. pply 10 to 3 p. tu . L. BAXTF.H , on tb e Prl'.'milleS, Yours moat r t spcct fu1l1, Lot ~ o . 12, 8th Collcession Dll-dington. ll. JJ.!l"ES, M. D. llarch 24, !8GD. 25- tf April H, 18GP, begs to annonnc0 that he is prep11!ed to .&i-e instructions in tho MAN, WOMAN, on. (]HILD, WILL deny thefoct, t!rnt WYLL[E beata ·I ' the mercl1au111 in Bowmn>n'f'iHc}" in catering Error! of youth, Ner'l'"Ouft Dtbility, Prem·- ' ·o . . ,., t hat he fa now trentin:;s succcs11 fnl1J a ey r e apect!lLl e Hou se- in tow n. . the following diseftsrf! :--Epileps y, or fallin g l'its, in tliefr ·wurst form i Consumption , iu 'V· haYe.11.Te ry 1nq~:eand8·1·ct11tock: ite variou s s tages, (with Dr. J .'1 r emediee Scar f& a nd N~c k. Li e1 1 of t h· N··Mt 11ml 3e.t consumption i:t no louger &n incu rable <lh;.- :Stylti , ' el\ sa) ; Rrou ehitis, Ca.tarrh, A. th ma, Gtn. \·el, · Dro1 1sy <if tLe Cliest, A bdominllll Dt·opsy, General Dropsy, &c. 1 pat ien ts ,.,.ho have licea tapped several timee a re curable uL<l'r Dr. Lubin's Celebrated Pe;.fumery, J~mei' treatment; dise11.scs of tho . STATE in Bowmf\nT ille, · hich "·'T ill or t he bMt (OO di! ~·!I fil"tH· ~t;n For Diseases oft!:ie 'r~H"oat, Lli cgll ~~ 'Li'vars ]Jige1tiv e OrgaH3 1 T\ii1neys, &c .1 a!:J "·ell a, Sc rofula, lh~. Y:1rious Skin Diseases, Finmora and 1tll d i!lca sr fl a.risit!C' fr oru I mp u1'iLics ot the Blood) ~.Y e bold ly i.: tn't e t.ba t thi[l g reo.t remedy ha. NE YElt m;E~: E Q.U.ALLl!JD ."\'/hcrc '"'as t here e\"er such a cure as that in \he pe reon of \V 1Lso:-r S·ronw:fi _ of Brighton, OnttLrin 1 of Oonslurrpti on; or tha.t of l'F. TF.It C . V. h-I L Lhi:m, of Ernef;;\own; On t u rio, of" ... .> n· un:i ptio n o:' thM,t of A.!IB ROSE V YooD, o Consecon, Outs.rio, of Dyspep. , iu. e.nd Live Coti1pl::i.iu"ti <lr'tha:,'9fJOHN Hos r. Y1 of Nap &&et.· 1 O otBri ci~ of Klu.:n1natism ,· wL o lia.d fLCtn11.!ly be en on cru icbes for years, in s r--iteo f all t r entmen t beretofo tc , r~ntl is now we lL St~res. ~ fsu1.:h cas:e:;; 1nip;lit h(~ 1ne n tionedha.d . . we Gp t. ce. I t::}"~ Ctt:I at. th~ Drug Store nn d ·~gct B Cir· I r,nlnr of u1iquc s ti.onnhle ce rtifi i:"Rteii ou t110· l Gl{E.:\T SHOSHO N1 EEf) R$ 11ED Y ani! s11 t isfy yonriH:lve::;. se l ow a4 t,f !THE. FINES,.T J_.OT OF TRi l\iMINGS · . ..L. Cuffs, ever §hO't,,Vll in Bowmanville. ! , s E LE c TED s OJT EYE 'AND EAR, 'IID ii -, . I GN N - 0 H 1 ' DRE~S GOOD &c., &c. T'ricc of Rcmcdy in ~-For kt~-g< pints SL AG real Bar g. ; r ! .g Sale l1 y all Drnggisls nnd De n.l ere. in ~ l edic i n_c . A gen ts fo!' Bo :,v manvill e, ME>ssrs". J. Il igg-inbo t-W.n ~.Stott. 'V holesale, _ Agents, - Nor-tbro p_,. & Lyrna_ n Nev.·copies c~ .'\Wm. G.r\. Tfirt. OE' DARI. . .A-U C I 1 ! ingto11. All orde1·· pu octnally at tendC'd to, Cl1arges moderate. . F on 'I~ I 0 NlLl J:i: R THE 'fOW~SHI P I w. To Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers AtR SF._\TL'~CT. CCH.L !·:D H AIR. 'l'O\\' . HOF ..\ ~pr i ng" , 'J' \~· !1 H" , C"b::i i r- w eU. Jlu!h ·u s. 8crc\P:I HmgN . f.1 °d;: ;o_ Tack~. n ti1 1 Prq1!:' r 1 Glu e: J';n.110 .Stoo tie rcw:'I. Co jflu T 1irnrnmg,;. IJ p!to li:: tt rer'i; N t'e1lles. 111J1!< Reg11b1<J1 :; . ·.\ d tl h Carv er '~ T oo ls. J>x1cM·in11 I. if> 1 '\Li_l{ t: r Hi1:-. l\li.: iu ·.k un Hu1t\wa1 c, e.c ·· For Sn. I~ " l .01.-\'C" l Pi ic:e ... ANDREWS elcruent.s of H 'focal &. Instrumental J\1: US IC, FOR SALE. ----------- beg to pnrt icnlar atte ntion to our stock ol R WllN' & fU,U"f: lll, G.;:lf:ral IJnrrlwnre '1""1HE McTAYIRH l'ROPERTY, ON K!XG S_trcet, HuwmnnYille: qunrter acre of irmbracing tbOrough llass an<l H1um ony, land 7 on which the1·a ls a good liriclC store tho elemcnt3 of composil_ i;;in. , · He is also prepared lo tune nnd repail \nd dweiling house, n. a excellent Ll'ick Pianos. ' Residen ce-Church Street, East. blacksmith's shoJ, a large w ood.sho p, itnb le 1 &c. Most valuRble property, Rnd . will be Bowmanvillc, Junii 3, 1S68. 45-tf. ;;iold at a llargn-iJJ. .Apply ou the premise2, to M. McT.A VlS il . . t A.LL NE\V A N D FASIIIONABLE Ladies Styles in Bor.nt es, OF FICE on~r J. 1iicMUUTflY'S Groc¥-.l·y Store, IGng Street, Bow m?nv-i lle. ! 11 .\kn: lian l~ \"011g e St~ei:H , 1'vro11l(·. I'UlaPENTI~E , AYEl~'S ~acques. a.o. COAL OIL, SKA.TES, l#t:<:., &.c., &:c. Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And for the speedy cu:re ofthe foll owing con1plninti;o· kr· (ul a nnd ~e·-of"ulon· Aft'ecli·ns, ~n.-ki et· TY111111n~ U tce n, 801TA, Etrupdon'f Piat.l.piet1, ~NA&e:ks. Dle;)11c:bc111, !&oHiit· S 111bali, aMd ell 811.ht DiftestmJ. OAKLA.:NU, l nd. , 6th June.1859, J.C . .A YER k Co. Gf!uls; I foc i it mr duty t o nc.knowledg-e what vour Snrsaparilla ha!I don e iOr me. Uuving 1nherit.eCI. u Scrofulous iu foction , I h:n·e· 11utlerea frmn it hi ..-ar iou8 ~·aya fo 1 · yeal':'l, Sornt:timcs it lnus'_ out in lTker." on my 1 1 1'1.nd~ nnl'I 1um:l· fO mctimeil it turl~ ed ir; t'. ard una dlstrn~scrl mP at fh~ l:ltomnc h. Two yea:·s r1go it broke out 0 11 my- h-: ad and COYet'Cd my scal p and enra wit h 011c io;ort'. which. ·w111 8 pnint'ul r. n d Jo<":..thrnm-.~ bcrond d c!,c riptiou. I tried many m~tH cinfis :!l~cl sevnl"nl pl.ly!-icitrn~ b ut v.ithout, much relief fro m nnytlt:ng. l n faci·: t ilt> dis:Jrde r grew worse. AL leug th I was r<·lolccd h rcu.d in th~ Go,i:: pel 1!IcSt:.~nge r fhnt yo u ha~P n:p :trf'f. rm ~lt erath·e 1~ ar8&Ji!l.nlJa), for I !~IlCW tr<Jm y unr reputation that :ln}'thinl{ yon m3.de mu~t be 1::1;011. I sent to C iucinna!i :rwu got it, a:~ i.l used it ~ ill it cured me . I-took it, us )Ou m!d;;e, in small do &-es of a te!lspoonful m·er a m o<tth, and ttH:d n.ltno~t 1hr('ebottles. N:;>\\-" ti.lid !walthy skin soon be~nn to fonll under the s:cnU, \) hfoli a t~e r a while fol I off. ::M\· ek.in is now clc1n, r,:1d I k11ow by my fbclin.,.s 1h:\t. the: diseni:e ha'! gone from my syste m. ~.,,u ci'ii well believe tbst 1 ft..~! 'sh:i.t 1 am SQying when I tell you, that I hold yor1 tn be one of t.he npo!<tle;1 of the age ·nd,rc:main en.r g;·:.i.te fu lh' . Yonrsi , · The.Ontario~Harrow. r1""1lJR$UBSCRIBllRHASSEC!JRED THE right to manufactu re: the above 1-Iarrow for the Town!!hip of Do.rliogtoo j ,and i~ ll,OW 1irep~ro d to fill orders. Bo wmanville, March 30 1 JSIJ9 . .35. ICE '· ICE' L 111 · pERSONS WISHING A SUPPLY &'iloy'1 of pure ice during the ensuing sumMADE IN THI Call at shop nnd se. ~£.jr ,yourselvet.. · .i"or mer season, ir.n, be occommodated by ~pN E'\.V EIW'1' liiVJl'YL:ES . pa!'llculors occ bill1. o:rin "' to the unde~ d . Bo wmsnville, Feb. lt 1 liill. 3~-tf. · .T ~ .... 'l'HOS . THO M.AS. . 0 ThI.'"'i"I D.· '\r"!'iibJ~i\.l\-18. - - - · - - - - - -- -- · N, B.-ROrse !hoeing nttended to iu £.. Bo;.;nl9.D'l'ille, May 12, 186!1. · lhorough manner. Panic.ular atteu t ioL :rt is the Best ~arrow in U11e. R. TAII,OR P E TE, i Gentlemen's GM11:1mtn*"' I I NOTICE. The Millinery Depa:rtment 1111 now nnder the Superintendence of MISS M c TA.V[S[~ , '!l'hose n ame i~ a suffic-ient "n<1 ran t~e fnr thu Q'C.~ L !Ti' (JI<' \'\OHK DO~E. English and American <Jlof Also, a fine lot of I Sr1r.1r ,r;; "'·\ ....... given lo the treatment of dbe11sl' <l horses liS" See bills. 'f ..T. Bo"'·man\·ille1 ?da.rcb 30, 1869. KllP YOU:I FEET DRY AND SAVE DOCTOR'S BILLS p er8(lUS de;;;Ji of getti na: their Garn 1 ent.s made _hs m~, wil~ ple«1 e remember Lh11.t I s11all no t. a lio'fll 1 .11 e111 to l'· Y " .l\. few young tnen can b@ ncconi· 1 a ny cl1Jtl1 n erchn u l l'i'hutever~fo1· m·r iw.bt.'it-il 1noduted with Bot:rd ::ind JJorl~l ug, I expect to be pni t.l for snch n1yse~f .: h~id I the reoidcuceof Ww. CULVER, Church · liail not work nu n·y oth or cond itwu,. l Stria.ct '-"m u1o:;t resp eetlully, · ,. ·} ., t Ul0I1ABD PIC4.TE1 TAILO!-i. Btll'mnn\lllc, l\luy 1., h60. g., I Eowmni;vji '.e, Dtc.1 7, 18<;8. ""· BOARI)ING. I I A LL rit ) _1'nll i, ,., ~ l·:' n 1 11 } l '1 f r ?\ l \DI '"N 1 . ,\ ~ U· -1 , ~ .-.. CA l. I 1hf' but Ill the .Muli:ef. ca)~~q;d se!" th!"rn . . "1 r, ,t,/ I - '· , ~lf~ · 'f l\j l C D ,\n11 (, "" ~ i ... .l I .J ...! .A.I ..a.. · 1 .>liicli we ~· iii :-eit :-is :ow as- any home in tl;e tra :le. ~ t; ,~ ::~ ! 'Garrnents m;;,de to order. - Goe~! Fit~ Guaranteed. I ===st - - · I SPECIAL NOTICl~ . FOR NEW STYLES CALL AT ·r·y 1 W. H. BANBURl LADIES '. A YI NG DOUG HT OUT THE BGSIucss lately carriod on liy S. B. Bre.dl!ba.w, is prepared to sell every description of .CENTLEMEN'S, MISSESrAND OIULDREN' XN SPRING CLOTHI!iG, .COLLARS. I FOR ~EW STYLES I N D. S t;.a,\'l @ !(ll~ T .. QDBii'IST' t~NP . lilRlJGQ, ~~T'i I.IA.LL BVlLDI~YGS, .BOW_ lLL\'i'IL "L.E. DE.-1.Llm IN I S()LIOI'l'ED. l .ALFRED B. 'fALLEY. !!it. Anthony~IJ Fire, Cosn ar Err !ll~ Dc~ 'l'EU'l'l' n:1d §u h Rhcn llfll, ~cal d Hc~d, ~&hu;:wort-w.!, §ore F.rcw, Dropl.'ly. · lJr. 1\u lH.:rt ..,M . l'n: Ole write1:1 f'rom Salem, 1\. Y .. 121h 8cpt .. l~J, . th~ t l~e hl\s cured n11 fl1 vaj:N·<> le <'P.~ ~ of Dr..JJpsy . \\!1ich tl1rcf\tc11e d t o te r miun~ t .. il.r, by t h e p t- rEeVeli11.,. use oJ' Qt tt· Surs11p !!1;·:: and alAf! a dungermu1 ~tnf:.c11 cm t F.~t1 r:.ipela.~ by Jin,_, do:;;ci; ot t he !lalI<t:; ~J ~Uc Cllll.:6 t ll~ common L 'n1 ·; tiona Ly it cou:.tant!y. · ~ bottles ot'yonr S&r."- lpa~1l!a 011Tcd m ~ from a C ··i! , - a hi<leou;; ~wr·l!in:;: en t11e n ~ck 1 ?.'hich l Ju: 1d ~1 forcd from oY~r two yer.r~ . " J, f' fl<:ort" h~n 6ii' "\Vbi tc:iri, 01·ari~n T n m 'IO:z-J 'C"teri u-c f!l e(':t':Tt !i;;:.1;~ 1Ii"~4~::t.1 o Di.~c:its£!ll~ IJr. J. ll S. Channing, of New Yor1::Jj:ify, w 1H~:. ' · l most chc·:-i°f'::Uy comply with the rcquc ~ t of vo111· nge n ~ iu H a. d ug 1 lmrt! to:.rnd yonr SnrEnparilla ii. mobt excellent aHernt hc in the nume rouB col)lpl"ints for which \'">e emp loy such a remetfv, but espe-cinlly in Female Di§eases of the Sero.hi lon~ dlat he8Is. J hr.Ye c ured many i nn~tcrnt e ceses of Lt:ncorrllrea Ly it, and. ~ome where the compl 11ia.t. ·was cnused by alc:ei·atlon of the u fcr1u . The 11l<'hr~ti~n itself was ~ oon cured . Not hing wUbiu ll!if kno,.,·ledg:e equalsitfbr these. femo!e dcir.11geiuents. 11 Ed-rfard S. 1\:fur l"O';\". of ~ cwb u ry, Aln.., writ.a : 0 31-oncbo.:ele, Go~h·e er §~·~Uc41A R° ef'~, . Zi;bulon Slo:m, vfrroi::r·~ct, l'cxeP, wnt·s: "1'1n !iECX~TII S~ DRU &c., CALL AT 1\/[ EDICI NES, C HEivfICALS: FORB ES'~ Don't forge t to mnke a.n e~rl y call and j udg~ for you·roelves. Stuff ', Patent l\frdic im·s, Pt'rl°G n ,e ry, 1l r n~l.es, Com b,,,, Soar1:s l'aiu t:> a i;d 01!", l'ai<1t n rn ~ li· s, ( o ~l Oil, · and Coa '~ (y J. l 1 ' ... :tsH1,s, ~'i.e . , &c c ~OOTSAND 'l\'hich Le is H@ sellin~ SHOES, The g ooda 11r·l uf the la.test. style! 1 ndaptetl to the season, CHEAP FOR. CASH. a.leo rpanufftc t u-res to orde r on the ·Jho,t:st uotice 1 and hom tte bcstof15toek ·rnuN~is, ~N~ 0-. All orders promptly a ttehded to . .. Good Fits ond Work~ n · h1p . 0 uartotced i Ol;>nerve the nddre.ss-Corucr ~of K1ug and ~ u ve r Str~t:t:;;, j New and Fashionable, and will bti sold Cheap for Casll ! ii J10W~IANVJLLE1 APRIL 7, hvde:!.=.:u:s' prt~eripticn o ca.:refu liy CompGUJ.lded "' '" --~-- G reat will be given at the !S6~ , w..,.,,,,"", :o ~"'o:;;;:~~.~;;:;,:.8i., · · ' ~n d a ~11 c-.4~ !"< 0 ,_·.,.~,.t!tr ...... al"~. \.:J. .1c. u v ~ · - - ;i.n··W<Jrnd. ~ I ---- -~------2£.4_ ~ 1 IJ'®" rm·1;u·1·fij - -·-- - If·IU' flr·tl r1111sfrim1.~f1·0111 tl;·' <'11111111 ·11 fl_'ill jl1111 1 at<>cl~ of 11:e,Uciiu:111 t·omp1.-.tc a11tl of flH' iJt's! q11af.t11. - - - - - - - I LEAT.E-IER , ,FINDINGS Call llnd e1 Jf uJ{ 1onds on lian d tor sK:e. .:wine stock and prices. the athmtiou I of all thos<~ indebted to hint, by note or Uol'iD!O.Dl J!le Ncfv. t> 1867. ly " ---------- ------ book account, to the fact that COfl !H!rpum G upon the long pPriod his busiuess has bcC"u TWO DOO RS .RAST OF THE REMEMBER THE STAND POS~r NOTI CE · --·o·--TOi-JN COR ER STORE! In my ftt.mily, wl!icLI lrnd ll~fled all the remedies WC) cuul U ~ m.plo~' · h~ sut Jc11gth been complete ly cared by ) our l~tr ~ct of S:in::i:ipn ril! a. Oui· phy:oiclan t hought 11 othing but exti·1mtlc11 cou.ld nfford relief, but he ad_yi~"d the!: ial of your !Sarflll pnrillu 011 tllfl \ a11t !·e.~ort before cu!rin g. r.11d it proved eff('ctu~l. ~!ili~ t;'i~~~~.~,}~~~rJ~1~'.~1 lly ~igll t w0tl1~s no i!ym1Jtot. A rlungero us ovari an tum.01·. fm one of the fcmal~ OF'F'ICE l~ . ~lcLEOD ~v~u ld cnii NHW FRUIT. I I drh11· the rem:thuler of the winter season! 'l"HE subfcribers bl\Viog started Business over Nr. G. H&ines, OarriRge Shop, ia prepa.rtd to recei ve all orde.rs for deprived of his oversigbt and attcn t:on, ~ickncss, it has 110\Y bcconic irn perati,-e, order ta tneet bis engagen1ents, that pnrth.'s Just ,1:\rrived at T. Darlington's, IA!U DLI C OPINION PA.11\'TING, ~HA.ININ·, l)ee..:>rating 1 Frescoing, Ka1sotniniug Plain a.ad Dc1.:orative Paper Hanging, Gilding,&< &c. PAY UP WITll01J1 person a l dernand. 1 , t.LAV D .I; ,. SIGN P AINTIJ"...G l:Ie begs to rernind his customers that .. a i8 t he test of· G!teapoess.', . ·'" .All kinks of friend in need 1s a friend . in<ll:'ed, a11d tru:;.;1s has fully justified the orig inal idea, th at at the a laTge au<l import1 111t stock of IH~·w Malaga Haisins, boxes b est " Corner St ore" you coul d get London Layers, Boxoti and l! alf-l.,.1x~s uew Valt-ntia H ai ~i t.!', Kl' gs of Seed Jes~ Haisins, Drums of new Sultana Rai ~ i ns, Ba r· SUI T 11.D re[ B of ne w Curnu1t s, ,~m~e3 of, new C tt rou , O ra11ge and Lemo11 ~ UT 'I' II:D, ..c\.,ND Peel, llago of ne w l· 1lberts, 8acks of n·~w Waln uts, Mars and I Boxes of new I· igs. Kegs of new Pr nne s , Oranges and Le mon ~. I CO'"VVLl:F;., also, CHOICE LOT OI' NEW CHOP T l·:A S. {riT· Qualitu l '"" " 1' Jlow1i.anvili e, Vec., .ii:lu7. Venertal a nd J.1\~rcw·;(;.{ IY ..se.a~e. Ono of my p!>tieuts ha<l Syplti!iti~ ulcers iu bia t ll ront, v.-hich W ll!r()o eommm;ng his velr:.~c r.ild the top at his mouth. Your 8:::.r:<npr:.ril1a. skudily hl.kc-n cu :·ed him iu llv11 weeks .Another wns r.ttackcd hv secondary snnn. tonis in his llQEe, and U:e t.JkerntiOn h:id eaten f.w1;y a consi<lernb;t- r:i:rt of it , so t hRt. I belie: l-e t he di-ti· order "'n"011ld p,f'o n r each lii1< b r~i n :rn d k!ll him. But it yieldf'd tu 111r ml i; :i1 1i ~ :.r.-,.tion of you r S111·sgpu1i ll11; th ii ulceri; lliixh:d , h Utl Uc i~ well ngi:siu, llC't or eourse wi tliout tome .di2 fi :.;urntio·1 to his foce. A woman who lrnd bt·C)J t re:ltecl for th!~ F.!Hnc diso rder bJ' llH'I"' oury wai;: s11fi>ri1 g from rt1is /JOl~o n Jn her Jont1':'. T lwy had OC~nnH' i;o f:em;iti\'-O otl1e .\·e;i.ther thM Oil a rlamp cby i-:he- su ffen~d excrucit1ti11g 1mln i11 IM' l" joillti! uml lionci; She . too, wus oun:d. m1tircly Ly yo u r Sa rsfl pmi!Je. in ti. few weeks. I know fro m ilt': formnfo . whi<'h vonr agPnt g a ve me-, t hat this P r~paratiou from· your lnhoratory mur.;~ be a grei1.. r-cmE:d y; cono:equently, these t r uly rcmnrkabltt r e1;ults wit h it l.m-vc not surprised UH?. ]~n<ernr.lly yourf}, l+- V. LAn IMER, M. D. IJ,bl'ntnnli~nu, Gout, I~iTe r fJo!u p lRi&r. J NDEVl-:N: 'l:r-;,:t:, 1~i-e;; t on Co., Va., {itil Juk, 1807. lJR. J. (;.-=\.YER: Rir, J L::ive been a.frl.kt ed l\i fh n pnlnful chronic Rhe11 1 natism for Q. long time, which b afficd the skill of })hysiciant:, a11d stuck tv . me iu spit e of ull the remedier> l cou ld fin d, un til I tried your !:;a. r ~apari! l !t . . UnA bottJn cured me in h·;l!JI '"eek~. and te:,, to red my gc ne rn l beu11h so rnuch thut I um far better than before l was att ac ke d . 1 tLink it a wonderfn.l 1nedieinc, J, l,.RE.A.!II. J ules ¥. Gc\chcll, of St. Louil-\ w rite:.i: "I have b een aff!ict.ed fGr Y"n ··F. \'::ti· an a.M o~ foii of flu L i~cr. which d~i::tro:n:d my lmalUi. l 1.ricd cYer vt bkc, and e ·;i.:;rytl!if.lg foik d to relieve me; and ·1 ha,·e 1 1 0 " @yphili_, n.1ul Jlcrcnt"i~ ]. Di:r,ca~. ii !'1.F\Y nnLE:.n1 ~, 2~ :· h Ang11$t, ig~,i). Dn . J. c. AYFIC ;:;ir, I clleei·t"J.l ly comply llitlt the t~ijllfll!' t of \·onr a;:eut , a.ml repo rt to you ~omo oftlte eff'ech:1 I lrnv,; reali:.:ed witll your SarsuparHbr.. I htHe cm cd with it. ia m y prc.cti cl', iuo::t o f t hu comp/1'. int:. :tOt· wl! ich it fa !'ecommend~d. n.nd h uHr found it3 ctfeets tn1!y w.-.rn<ler flt l i :i the cure of N 0. 1 S'I'Y LE Bowma.n,·llle,· !\ o\·. 111 l8b8, ~ign &Danner Fainting h.:ls ~ un.fortunate circumstances vdll sug;:est a Executed ID a of tnakin,ga reason to preven f t·he .ne cc:lisi tv ., o. CHESTERFIELD & DlOTBllR. Leen a broken-down man for some \ cars fro~ nu ther cause tlum clcra rigement of tltc Liver. lily bel-0\·ed pnstoi·, the nev. l\fr. Espy1 ad~·foe d me to ~ S&tisf'"action 'guaran!ted in all its brauchea. ·' 4; ~··· ~1 isses 1 i~ud '" J.' try you r iSa r,mp;arill;1, heca usu ho sm d he knew you 1 and auything yo u rm.ule \YU!i worth trying. ny n.e ble:i;si11g of God it has cured me~ r..ud has so yurifiell my bload as t-0 made a ne\v man ofmc. I foe young aga in. 'The bed t hat can tie Eil.id ot' you ia not half good enongJi.n k hirn1H 1 Cancer T umorA, Eula1-gen1e· i! JOHN M'LEDD'" WELLINGTON BUILDIN GS, Bowma. 11-ville, Jan . 18, ~!\. iargc Q.SSo rtruerit, i n t:"fcry variet y , t1 l Ladies·, <31.1utlffnie1J · ~ li bildren 1EC9. S THESU1'ERB NEW · 11ea T E ;""- :W.C D'l ~ BOOTS Mill SB: OE S TO RENT. rib.ingl~ tPe AN N 0 ·RS· E ' lfl .; l\1f . A Saw and '· . b».i!! commenced b6r- regular trips be.tween · NORTH sH 0 uE , ..l'D PORTS r Hills ca~ be given. if required. 1afop nat1 ou be rente~ fo.r fl. t~ r m of ycars 1 with or with·/ out cleare~ luP,.d on soid lqt . ro:isc.ssion of in the fifth concessio n, To1rn s]11p of wright, occupied by Mr. W. A. ~.ourks, will F or .fnrth·r subscnbi;a at . Catt-, ' ~:!jlJ!.l~b~' 41MT'lffif:'.j~fi'\i.ffl fi~~ Supedu1· IO'amilJ' i.'l our FLOUR · !7 t'vf sttle at of the latest. style's , adapted to the seaso n which he is selling nt hi· usual .l.O"W PRI CJ<: S . Ile also rua unf:ictures to order, f rou1th o best of sto ck , nn i! t he .tnost u.r;prnvfJ d ~ t .-lc s · Tru nk" :iud 1..icrt\her GQOD FfTR GUA llAN"Ti>I~ D. All odor" pro::.1ptly "·"·'<"tncd of ·ll kinds cons tan t.!; on h rnd fo r -.de . wlwre cures of tbeirn.. formidable complaints ha~:;:;,_ tt>sulted from thl! U:-:i~ o f t hi!i remed\' 1. but o ur i;plicG -:":'.., llel'e will i..'ot admit the m. Some 01 them may b1t found in our American Alm1u1nc, whicb the cgcuta be low nam~d are pleased to 11.u-nish g ratis to- all who call for U1em . ·r D rliiJtCJtMi1':, !l!:r.1u·t ~ iscn.w:, 'F im, :gpllc~)·, i?~ehutc!i:ol7, N"eurat:rht. l\fauy ren;t.urknble cur\..'s oJ t heSf) a ffections hat'G b\:en made by t he alterati..,,e power o{tbis medicine. It st imulc.tca the vital functions into ngorQus action 1 and thus ovP.rcomeR <lhmrders \\"bich would be sup- Vkcratiou, C a rie:?> a n d Exfoliutiolll el t!!ae Bonew. A gre1.t varlet;; of c~ses have been repor ted to us ~ beynnf! its reach. Such, a. remedy has long bt·eU requi red bj the u ccessities ~ tl1_ e- peQph:i, nnd we nrc confident that this ·will do fo1· t bem u.lJ tlivt medicine cen do. po~ed a:ppl_ y t'""' F rrCHEf{'S BAKEHY1 at the lo west firice ~ BOUNSALL' S Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPill CURJ; Oll' l\.1f.tiJ:lHI,E \V OHKS ({ou~h!.:i, nov·:·1ANYILLE. NY PEit.ON i nte111Jil.lg to 3t'ec t ~itbcr )lonn me n t o r Gr&veSLo!!e tu t!.l~ me_morj' of departed friend6 w ill fii:d i t g r e1.~ly to th .. ir advnntag e to call an\i co1opara · C 1'cnr;.t 1 l":Cronr:hithi, lluc~pienll Uon· !iuu1pti.u11. iin~I (Or lbc 11lf! li~t· o rf Cor~!i<UH) fltivu '_ Paticat!t in ndvnnccd mtugt:it (;QJ;J~~ ~ JnflUCJl'l'..ff_, ilO~ l'!jC"t!I Cl!lfll' Whiti;y· . PORT OF ROCHESTER, R.nd .w ill continue maki ng d~ily trips, .lcQY iag Gobonrg at. 8 a. m.; Port Hope ut 9:30·, tt.ln. Calls at. \Vbilby, Osbawa., Darlingto~ and Newca3 t le Vi1 ~JpesQay n1ornings. at Brighton 'fh11r~day .morni ngs, ~nd Culborne every 111orning e)icep t \Vednesda.._y. R~~uroing 1 lea.res Port of .Hocheater daily , at $' p. f.'l . ,. e~c~pt Saturdny~. wb,tin she leHv~s 11t :t p . ~.,direct tor Port Hope-. :F ur fr~ight, a.ppty on buurd, _or to C. DraJ'er & Co., ¥."lii ~ by; ?ttmtsii D\ (.Tuy, ~~bawu. ; ;J. )lcUlt:lh:1.n, Dtl.rl111gton; F . ~1cho lso n , Ne~ c-:1.stle; A. Cochra.ue a.nd Geo. Hentler1'011 , Pilr"t. HopH i C. Ellio1t, Co bo~rg: J. l\.~t:h.q·,, Colborue 1 '\Yina.n?S & lhltle r,Br1gbtou. " ni.LAIXG 12-tf GOOD SWEET BRE.i.D, as us u~li d tliYered to nil p~r t ~ of the town . A o:f th(· Di"!Ctl!'I ~. Th!~ ls a remedy so 1mlv1 :ff ally known 'to HlrJl:'l.:;;g lYLJll. J. Ct !OLL.i.i.D Would r.~t. u)n t~anks to the public for their libiJral pBtti;onµge i11 tlrn pa.st i and w.ould announce that she l,ia.s- re ceived ~or , iv !I.fl{ ' !S. Al<'LETCHEH · to is sqa pre-Pared M 1 T.:1 L I N E ~ x;·Irnnn r"' 0 ··1·0U.l\SALL & SON , ! A. Po all kind s of. wi th an y off1:1r~ri in Oan &d it \Ves t. 'Ve~peak, posi tjv.ely in a~l,irwing ;_ i ·3a.viu g of ~t l\c!A· \Vork,.Price&:Qualityot.Marbh1 any other ti·rthecurnofU1rc:.i.tan <l Jun ,.. complStll!t:<, th ;:t i t is 1i,;eJe3~ here 10 1111bliP.h the crjdencc cf H~ l'irt.ues. lh! uurh·allc d cxcellOnce fo r cou,;bs and colds, and its truly wo nderful cures of p11lmonary dlseivre, haxe mndi:o it known throughout the civil· .i::ed mi.tio:n.<1 !l~t h P.~anh . Few are tlic co mmt1 Q itic~ or e\·en la.m1tn~s, :unon·g · f.hem who have not Fome pcrsO!H1l experience of its t.>lfccts - some lidng 1.-on hy in their n1id::;t of its victory ove r the 1m1Jtla nncl dim zc·rous disorrlcrs of t he tliront end lull);S.. As all know the-iimadfhl fa t:ilitr of thei:;e disorder~ ..1. pdl -14, 1S G 9. -110 -tf, l\l K I N G \ r;. R s · o . s o u ff s A L L for the ap.ring tra.del which sue eJlcra . chenp D R E S 8 in tbc-1-utt~st~tyle . , GPnt's slii rtsmaoe to ~rs preprt1 1:11 d to attend.. to .Millinery and Strt.t"\I\' for cush ., orde r, H. lld w a-rrantcd to fit, I 'Wo rk, 11,s usual. L a<l1ea) F elt I:Ia t 1 clea.ned Also, Sttimping for braid w ork a nd em- ' bl'oidery done to ordcr,-Mrs. Dunn'~ full ' · - t.. l ,. ornd a.1te red t o tlo c Ncwcst ilt·; le· . 3tock of Stamps having been procu red, A · · d· A Fe, ~welli~, · 11w-... a i01' a I .-- 1· d. t 8mR;II miJy, .,. i;1 Enquire of MF!J . Al c i;, ~ iy o ppreutlces W6.llcte unme ie. e 1y . , 1 0 LadieB are re4uei:ted lo <.~an. · Fletrhu . _ __ , ' Bow!han·.-;;J·, March .H it., 863 ilo1Tm&1n·iJI·J. Yar eb 29, IR~ ·!Y. 33. Wew liittJCk of JJlllinery Goods j A 1'. D Jl r opd ~tots. ~'~dll:;c;d~ ~~r s~~:~':J~0~J;ut~l~o(!es-;;~e 1rli~:~111:t1~t~gii now all the 'htues tha t it di d Jievc whc-n m rikil ig the onrc.:; whic 11 lHtY1~ won oo stroug\ f uvon th~ contjdence cfmanl:intl. l're.!larod by Dr. J. C. AYER & Co., Lowell, Mas:;. "So r ll ·ru1) & L yml\.n 1 Ne wcas tle , Onl:trio General :\gents for C an ada. Sold by J. Biggh)bothnm Hnd D. S ~ olt , Bowm~n v il !J ~d l:·y M.ed icin~ Dui.!ers ".. "Y err wbe:\'.'; I i

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