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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1869, p. 1

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-'....!!!!'!~~~~~~ ~ tkc ~nn~inn jtat~smatr WM. R. is pr.l tcd and pubhsbe a EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, by tl e P tdpri ctor, -0JJIM IE, A t i;:he O FF IC E···Mcllur try ' s GENERAL he assume n right ove r me' I ·poke out m f stc k te rror " You cannot have- nn y pon er over me or my act ions, Mr Edwrn Barley ' " In deed I h"ve, Anne '.l he law would say so Do you kuo" Pen n 18 ? ' ho ubrup ly as ~ed ID AT THE B O WMANVIL L E DRUG STORE , A HOW J'ENNY WAS wolf, Ear 1;r 85 the de w wat dry, Up tbo lull I weot s berrying, Need 1 tell y ou- tell 1ou wb r f F armer DavJs bad n. de.ug bt er 1 And 1t bopponed tbal l know 1 On each su nn y morn1ng 1 Jen ny Up Ibo hill went berrying too SPLFNDID STO CK OF THE Osa a surany aum mer morning, - Most Reliable Dy e St uffs Obtainable. Bowma.nv11le, June IO, 1869 (16) J. J llGG INDOTllAl'tl, OD that he may GLASGOW' HOUSE! Penn lhougbt &he re- BUYIG fro R. ' C ASH , AND l 1 13own1atn1lle, Apnl 21lth, 1869 vv.:Ea.. o :i:... x n.a: 1..1.!.:, rssc a:n or !UARIUAG F. J.ICE1'1SES. By11.ut h o rityof H is E x co !e nc) t he G overnol r ~DE'Tul OFFICE at the "STATES'l\!AN' Offica DR. A. BF.l'l'lf, (G ra dlH\ te of the Toro a to Un1ve nn ty ,) HYSI C! \N , SUllGEO!\ &c OFFICE on Ch irch Street, ~econ cJ doo r \·\est of S1h er S t ree , llowma.uv1lle Outoi. n o P A new and select stock of goods arrived Stylish GooJs for the Ladies. Styhsh Goo's fo r the Gentlemen . L ache s' Sac ks, Head) -made anu Made to Order. New Style~. Gents' Coats, P ants, V csts and Slurts made to ord er, and rnd de to fi t. Good G1ocen es ,j] \, ays on hand. Butter aod Eggs Wanted B 1v n 111 nu. D l l'ID§O :\', A8C OR Dl~G TO THE ne :v i\le tl 1c·d Act as Pb;y~1cui n 1 Surgeon a nd accouche ur, ot the Ro)'&l Coll eg e of Phvs 1c1an~, E nglund U ffi ce o n S1h er S tre et , second d) or north of K ing ~ lr ee t Consultatio n free R E, , TEilE D llo l"r OH\1 n1l lc, June 25, 18-§7 l ' ARE11 EI.L & !llcGEE, H1ghnt pnce paid. S. :I!~. .HIL L . 11la \.? 1 1 20, 186 9 Ilhno1s "ro ge t WHERE. TO CO For a choice sekc tton of new F<1sh1onable Dres:s Good 111, EGlSTR r R WEST DUllll ~M [SSUER of ~{ n r ilt!j& icenses, Ban 1ster ar:d At 'o r ney at I fl. 'W a d Sohc 1lor ID Chancer\ Mo ney loaned on. teal Estate O ffi ce on l\.1ng f\ reet:, Bown !.UT lle R (Jo to 1:, /11 tt s Stoic, !Iarnplo11 a@" par For a superior sclect1on of Beautiful New Prints, Go to E/lwl' s Stme, Hampton It 1s repor ted that Su 8olin f1. For a ~uperior ~I cd on al I is g nng to " rnhtngLon to lot of Ca nadian Tweeds-new Patterns, Go lo Elliott s Sto1 c, llamplon Go to Etlwtl s Store, Ilurnp/011 N eat·fittm~ Clothes, Go lo El/wits Store llampton c1 111plete tlie uegot1at1ons for a Rec1 pro city tlcu t I begun bJ Mr Ho c ij'_; G orge Fr uc1s l 1 1n hos off to t.ako a co 1trn.ct to SilCk Lond on u1 rlajs wh h Fenian soldiers an.d s fr e of ill cost bot t111T spot tat10n 1 &. TUO:ttAS CHRISTIE , £ 1'iG 81 ltEE1', BO\' M !\NVIL LE , Ag t ~ for the follu\\ 1ng British and Ca n l d1nu nsu r anc e. Compan1es, viz Rovn.1, I ivcq ool nd Lon d on, British Am rica nnd Prov1nc1al A ~ent for Royal lrrul Li ne of Steumers and ~e i ght I 1n°ofboats Aucttonee ra nd Com russ1on Mer-chnnt and Coroner 1or l;n1led Counties of Nurtbnmbcrlu1 d iln~ Du1ham l For a lot of Heavy Factory Cottons, at lon pnces, For a Fash10nable ~mt of ~ r ' f1 For an extensn e assortment c,f Boots and Shoes, Go to Ellwtt s S 01 to Lon don, G 0 10 e un<l you 11 get e e, J[ampton tn.1n~por t at1011 ! For Cheap C rocenes in all classes, Gu tu Ellwtt s Stm e, llamplo11 DA V I D S ;u A RT, For new Field and Gardl'Jn Seeds, Gu lo Ellwtt'" Store, Hampto11 (LATE OF RUDIDGE AND SM:ART) 1 AT LA\\, SOLICITOR IN Clu~ncery & l nsolve nr. r Con'ie'itlDcer Notary, Sohc1tor for the Ontario Dank, &:c PO R T :S:OP:E. A TTO!lNE~ For Chma, Crockery and Glassware, Go to Elliott s Store, U.1rnpto11 For the Dest Patent Med1crnes of the day, Go to Elliott" s Store, Harnpton N 1 1- ~loney lol\ncd on the security of Real Estate, at the c 1rrent rate 39 For Nails, Glass, Pntty, Paints, Oils, &c, 1 "he vc r v hberal patronage beretofor<> eX1Prid ed to him, nnd vwould also i ntima te ti at he s still p r epare I to attends ues when ve1 re !' .. 1reJ 1 o1 ren sonable terms .A 11 ( i<lers eft at the .:::iT:\.T ES u.N Office v.111 'e prom1 tly a ttende d to BowmanT1lle 1 September I , 1667 8 D AUCTION BUSINESS. VID BISHOP, ACCTIO~EEil Go to Ell wit's tor!, IIam pto1! For School Books, Paper, ink, EnvelopPs, &c, Gu tu Ellwt"· St'!rc, Ha11tptori BEGS leulic t o r~t t r u h1)j s1 nce1e th\nks fo~ For Room Paper, Wmdow Bl111<lB, &c., Go to Ellwtt't tt?· liampton For anytlang Jou can't get any" here else, W- Gen , G1 mt made the f llowm~ spet ch 011 the occasion of Ins rcce it \Mt to th, workshop of t he Bal1111 o e nnd Oh io Railroad -Mr Pre<1de n t, I thnnl.. vou for yo ur 'ery eorJ 1al rcc pt10r · ' l 1· ernr held a ce1tam rule and nevc t kn own to fat! th e h igher up a monkey climbs, the more he shows Ins tail 0 Go lo Ellwll s Sf6t~ lfatttpton You lwd heller give it "l' And if 1t 1s not on hand, or ) ou can't get supphetl there, Remember the place- JS- We have had Eome extraordinary weath er 111 Canad a this prrng, but n oth mg equ,J to t hat HC, u tty p1cvalen t in ROBINSON KOUSJ, TE UP EU :\.NCE HOTEL , NO. 1 09 DAY S 'l' UEE 1 Elliott's Store, Ham p ton. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jr. Hampton, Apnl 29, 1869'. A few doots North of Ki ng S treet, T OR ONTO. J.\ll!ES MATHEWS, $1 PER DAY, Proprielor Nortll of Engl 011tl vnd Scotland A heavy snow s·o11n_ cover«I the h1llo in Wes tmorolanifou the 16 th June and m SOIUe places th d11fts "0 1 e 1 f et th> ck The oldest 111habllunt '"Y" that the fall 1 s quite without · p ec, dent m the wLul~ r<.in~e ot 1 tmos1 hcr1c phJnoulcna Painter, Glazier,Paper-hangei 9-c JAS. BIGHAl.'II, AT S, ( DESTERl:'l~ L U, TH! VAR~ETY Ruom P~1>~· cheaper than ever A UCr:t'IONEER FOR BO\fllA.NVlt.i.\t .lN~ ihVntn. . tiT-ON RESIDENCE, - · · IO"'Orders punctu~Ily otteoded tc :;s <~ Clar Children's Cabs, from $2 00 t\l Sf2 00 5ehtl01 Books and :di ot1\'er Moderate la gool!lis e<'jllolly low. MONEY TO LEND I IN StMS OF Special Inducements to Pdlars ! '\V HOLE:5ALE AND RET Alt. $300 AND UP "\V A R.DS, j N B --We have lat< ly added to our busmess that of an Eit~\.ange Om~ and at a low rale of rnterest are prepared to buy or sell Greenbacks, American Ex,hange, FARmlELL & McGEE, Upper Canada Bills, Silver, &c, &c ~ n-o mce ,-Oppos1teenhanceto T o ,'l'n Hall, Covunan1 Ille. Bowmat,\llle, Aug 20 1 1R68 JUNE 10, 1869 (15} YELLOWl..EES & QUICX. 3 W . H . E D WO ODS, Barber and Bair-dresser, SPHING STYLES ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IN New Self-Acting Han d Loom, p... 3m H A ~r S, &c, &c., CAPS, &c., at Ver) Blmple a nd easily w~d Price only $60 Send fo1 t l rcu lar R W JAM S Bowmanv ,. Ont VV. ;Ea. , C :J::L\l.l:XE, MARKUS not know , He Pl.JIN &. O RN A MENTAL PRlfl!Tl'll I I t

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