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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1869, p. 3

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UFJfj ~IIB:lmi~~J TO .11 :00~ DEAL ER TN ~l{; 1\T(ID®Jil ~~I UALL B V lLDINGS, JJOWJJEANVILLE. s ~ ~ L _ J:1~i .. lf OJ-l, YO~R J_ Hats, &c. , ai;d aiJ otl11 'r kmds of Dry Goocls,- a ll of which being purcliaEPd for Cash en ables him to Cap~, - SELLING I ASH IN T HE PRICE OF DRU 3 r~ 1 J\IIEDICINES, AN D CH E MICALS, DyA Stuff:o, Patent Medici!1es, ;~rfumery, Brushes, Combs, Soaps }lai u ts ai;d Oils, l am t Brushes, Coal Oil, ' and Co<>l Oil Lamps, ~... c., &c. ~~~~"""""""' ~~~~ J?RY GO?_DS, CL?THS AND C'L?THIKG SELL AT l hysicians' prescriptions carefully Compqunded, D ~!iii ~ and all orderD correctly answered. ~ Fm·1ner.~ ' , His assortment is good il1 etery branch of Hie busi ness, es · peciall y in DHE88 GUODS an<l HEADY.l\IADE CLOTHfNG , iti1d he e xpects to com pe te with his neighbors in every branch . Call anrl see fo r Yb11r.M~ei! and yofi need go 1!if fllrthcr fot lo 1b Pr:ces / . ' j About Five Thousand Dollurs 'Vorth o and Ph!Jslc:lan.~ fr om the Oottnl-l'!J will find oiw stock of m ewlcines complete mul of the best q uality. o'\\· hH1 n vill~ , J an . 6 1 18G9. _:_!L ___ _ - - _ ___ ______ _______!'__ _ NOW IS THE TIME TO Gi<;T ONE OF :Every ouc knows that old G oods that have been singed by lite and l{:. ELLY 'S PAT~ N T SPRING BE~SI ii· , wrr H WATER! w.:mlcl not look well in a Bran Ne w Store. The sub· scriber is determine d to take no s uch goods to las new st ore. H e h as now commenced NBW T FRUIT. 1 With Teeth. \\'ithon t 'fc cth-. SURGEON DENTIST ! They are Cheap, 2J' eat, Clean and Durable. The fullowing are o few of the advantnge· of this bed : lsl.-liilbor sltlo cnn be used for the top. can J\e taken out without the least difficulty, ·1 they foil.~ ~E~ c~ and etery spring ' ROQiv1 '. J. M, BRIMACOMBE, L . D. S, OFFICE-KING ST!llmr. ~ A Just Arrived at T. Darlington s, STrJ DE .' H WA~ngo , a larg e aud i mportant stoC"k of ne-w :Malaga Raisins,, boxe~ l~est \ l'iano~, Organs a nd Melodaohs, Londo n I~ayers, Boxes and J-lalf-bnx<'s new Valentia Haisu,s;- - of_the bes t makers, for sale c1cap . Kegs of Seed les~ Haisins, Drums uf new Shlt:ma Ha i sins, Bar- JB c:> vv r-.f.lt:A.:isrv-i:x:x..x. E - re ls of new Currants, Bo xes of new Citron, Orange nnd Lemon Peel, Bags of new Filbert s, Sa cks of n ~ w ·wal nuts, Mats ancl :Boxes of new Figs, Kegs of new I'rnnes, Oranges and L emons, also, CHO IC E LOT OF N EW CROP TEA S. t;Jf:T Quality and will conti nne selling for the next five weeks, (unti l h e re moves t o his new store ~t 1he old stand,)' is the test of ClzeapneRs. the balance of his light summer 1take them out r~!19. pack t11em up in a small comp~ss. ar ~ oll tiE" pent.te from the wire work Qn either eiid e . P ir ~ ons rnoring any distttn ce cnn _ " OFF · 3rd.-AU ~ rull-1"1~£e beds have fifty-four ~prings. If you find tbn.t fifti.·.fo u r are t oo nrnn y , y ou 'Can tak e out some. of them with very l it.ti e t rcub1 e,, nnrl no harn1 to th e bed. 4tb .-T l:iis f\-rtic!c will last a ny pe rson a !ifetiin e , n.s the re is no wear on ~ to .it on ly 111 t he case o [ lhe s p~ings 1 't'; hi c h w i ll ge t w eak with ~ge , a nd wh ich can he re pl nccd \ at n ny time: OL" il" lhc s prings get w ea k in tll ~ ce n trc . y ou cnn t al:~ _so me frc ~ t he enda and exchan ge plRC~3. Jn t h at way y op. can w ea r o ut even· sn rtnC!'In the bed ' 1 , S T ...:.___~ T I 0 AND ~ E R l·Rl[J:W'Ji'§, Nfl U:5L U~ :,.;, JL !Gll:il.'li' T l>'Wl\{!EJiM§ A '1j} C~,O'i!':H§, § '!' R A ".IV UA'll'§, i ' El/I' R!~,T~, ~.a. ovm<i, ~,iii:~[~']' ~~ lit1£§S PA,it1l}~\Oll,S, SHA "\'W~lf.~, JlTST ARRIVED . 1 nnutber lot of Ha. ts in tho fol~o\\ing styles G O O"la S, P Aii IS SHEP TIJWDESS, MAll LUE, .11u nm:@Niii, & e ., .'l e., l!IOl!' HEUY, Great J3mp- ain~ will be gfrcn at the N AT ALIE, D AI~ Y , A~l ,\llO N , CHEAP AT A TRETulENDOUS REDUCTIOii·. SUCH AS--vVI DE P RIN TS AT 4d. PEH YARD, L AD IES' STRAW HATS lOd. vVH ITE CO T TON STOCIU NGS Ud. each. HOSA !,JN ll. in n. vapie ty of styl es. ALSO, THE NEW P ATENT HAT, at pr e-s ent; Qr you c?.n )nAke o ne s idP $trong er than the other, by tn1dng some of th e spri g s from one plac e and putfing in a no1 her-or you can f end fo r more springs. Gt.h . - 'fhi.s, weighing not more t ha n n cnmnHr:i m :t Ltra ~:i , ca n be mo\ e<l a bo u t wi;: h ~ITNNTE, ve ry lit Ur: tro uh1 ·~. · AZELlA , 7t.h.-This spring bed , being made of th e best c opp ered spri ng w ire , will not rust like com nio h iron '~ i re. ' li tb -Yon ~' j1 i nl ~~rve t hat y~u ', cnn put a. g1c:it mon_y more "1prin;;3 in thnri nre -there FA 1 c·yr .i\~T ·· GOODS! SOLD AT THA,N WHOLESALE Stb .- A ny T,in rl nf a n1Jlitr ~ss will pn t o n th ~ 'top fl t' l l i~ lwd. do t.( i COR ER STORE! I 1 TRIM:tv1ED BONNETS, T R lM~IBD HAT~, '\V 1 ,ole3:J!e an1i rctaij, by the llowmanville Furniture Manufacturing Company. Tllm!AS JOH!ISTO.'i", Bo ·.'t"mnnvillc, June 10 1 IE6D . ~lanal'(c r. ALL FASBIO NAllT,E AND CHEAP. 15 SIGN OF T lm GOLDEN LION. - -- - - The App8tite for Tobacco De- At any other Dook or Variety stroyed ! L eave of C lwwi'n.q and Smoking tk e ]>oisonou-s lVi:.>ed, 'l'u bacco I Store between lluebeo and Sarnia . --·~------ N O T' IC ' I "'H ~ .1.\ n n tHtl PAH M3 0 LS l s. SHAWLS 5s. d.ring· the remai nder of the winter season ! J'Iert:11t:" ,,; 1: P SlL~ re. :. of the Bo rr ma nv, J' c Fu . i:il n. e Ma: tu1 in g Com11 a ny (L: ~r. i ttd) 1 w1a !Je b ~ Look out :tor Bargains ! - 1'he l1ed Flg!Y i's. L.J Q'ni11 e,' ·q n '- "' 0 _.. v .. ..i;"" -.. .i> '1!...t-<- "-' AP-'<> i n !· 0 V..i- OPIN IO Nj has fnlly ju!Stified tlie ori g i n:'!! idea, that a t the " Cori;er St ore " yon co uld get I· . ul IUtl.'~DU 1.H:il~J, CBEiiHST and DRUGG ~ST, 1 J U' Gr. "FP"< '°"'""'- -x r. nr SUI'I' J £D ' ' A1.~ D SUIT RD BO\'/MANVILLE , J n ne 1869. B o w IY.~111dl:c, lt-~ .. ~ .. COVVLJ.,.; .. Dec. , 18 ll7. _ A}'.l..1 OF T HE VEHY BEST KIN])! O!LS, PAIXT 8 , UOLOilS , y .A u:t-.nSIIF.S, a r tl WH!TELEAD . Ir"]"' At tho ve ry low es t pr ice·"· BROS . !ii! N B.- Cou u b·y 8 torek13e11ers sopvlied OD advant ageous t erm a. and cheap ais at a ny s1ore in Canada, or ont of it, at have reo rganized their business, a H<l will be found rn the premises of , J. NEA D.:l, RECOlDIENDATIONS. Th e followi ng are a fe,v selected fro m tbe 1-i:: ul! it uUe CJfreco min end ai ions in our posf" ess1o n :\Ve , the un tlersig n{'d, herel1j ce :-Cfy 1 hnt \\ e liav e use d O rlon's Prepar a lio n for t be pu rpose of de.:1! 1O) ing tl ·e a p pe ti te fo r 1(Jbs. c- Violin!'<, ()oncerCinas, Fife!', co: v. t' d c)1n a ~ .:1 .tc 11,dsri v. bo a 1 ·e scffc ri nf' l·'lute§, &c., &c., fr o m tl:is lirt biti tl:at Or t on ' ~ Pr~ p RJ'lltio ~l will ~ert n. hi l"y destroy thr 3'p pf:t itc for t obp c:. co q.u10k1y . a'!'1 ~~nnancn11r, a11<l-, wipiou1· any bttd ~!feet 11pc1! the health, nnd wl~ho11t crc~iug an n,ppetite either for t he PreP:el!a-· .tion or any snhs1itute . T . ·. . \V. P. Hea ld , Bnng~r, l-Iaifie; t. Mqod·y t d _vcrsonS'wa~tin g either. Engh sl.1 F.ourthport, Indiana; E . \V. AdkhJs, K'n~;:~ or American mognz~nes : - Fasl_ n on bo~ks Ytl1e, TeDn.; J()bU Morril, Ilnngor . Maine. . or papers of any kind, \fe will furnish J . B un~h, Spr_ ingfield , T ? nn.i W . B.'HarriPg!·~ tkt-nl to yoµ at a less pt:ii:e th.au JOU can t on, · \\i est P oin t, Geo rgtn. . get them ~-t:PY 'vhere c !Ee ; (We do Ifot [FRO1'I j 0 ' W , l · th _,. ' t · 1 t' · I · t · LE_iV _ T, ESQ.] (j ,l;lllll e J~rges c irc1:1' a ,to n rb t 18 cou n~ RGYAL CANAD IAN BANK 1'i'.il' A'll EXPllE8S OFFICE BUILDING It & H. .1. N d~ou s, ·Now is the Time to G lt Them! O'HARA'S! I j NEARLY OPPOSITE HEl\DERSON'S the time to bny Roon1 Paper, Books , Station ti ry, Fancy Goods, 1'lcloPi a nos nnd Sew ing MiH:hines, a nd to get P.horogrn ph s and Am brot y pt:s ofbettu\y and durability. D::r Don ' t forget the T o wtn !Ioli Buil d ing s ; it is there JOU c<tn sper~ yonr Royal Car.11tdi a n Bills to the best ad. v1111tll ge . T OW ia EAD OFFICES- I o:n B~· o::'.::: S tr ei' nt!d 16 Pall ~Ja i l, Loncl on. ' . GoN EH.H, AdL~>CY }' CR. CYX.\ D.-i. :- 2 4 b 8 1.c ra.rn e n t S treet, .\!on ti p ;J. - II _l Newcastle, Ont., }Jay 241 1 8 6~, nnd i:1v::-~tc-d c.ap"tal a nd ,..( s er)lcd ~~ n d.? ~ I ,DG:..i/10u S!r1 l1n;.,.., F u n ds in ves te d in l\t:11ul-. -l.O G1 000 . In snnt!lces flg1d ns t loss bv F ire a 1c eifc· ~ ~f Lry, there IS a house In T oro ? to seli::; ft f o n tl. e m os t fa..,. or et b!c tc n n':o , ti:>rl losse::i ~ '.. ,' f...:\v 1norc than we do;, but if los: nces of wit hon 1 r eJ'~re 11ce to t he no~uu i!l Lo r: t1c· · S~tbscr1 b~4 -- SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, KI KG STH EET, BOWMANVILLE. WITH AS FINE A STOCK OF G ROCERIES · j ' · I WE' ARE SELLLYG OFF! and our pricc.r; are lowr:r than any otlie place. , For many years I have used Tob·ceo in its vanons ~orm:i. . 1 J1:11l m:'!de manyattemi1 ts price will ha1e it.· leget inonte d fect, our ·J . DOD Sl\' ~1'1" 1! . 1 AS CAN BE FOUND IN TOWN L ·,,.. r 'r WHERE DO YOU BUY YOUR being the questio n of the <Ly, J.M. would r«"spectfully give a hin t to those in perpl e xity, t hat ~IC kteps co1Jst a utl y on hand a firs t-class st ock of THEIR AIM IS TO GROCERIES &PROVISION. and those who buy from him will never regret that they arc able to answer, Keep the Best and Sell the Cheapest !. TJ1e ltjga~st price pnid for Roynl Cr,nad ia n ' 11.1 de spair,when hcarmg of Ortoa'e Prepa nt- them: . .Ag~n ts for Lowm~ n -v i !le and Vu _Bills, in cash . , tJ o n for des troying the a.rJpetite fe r 'J' obncc tJ, !\iE lV J)"'O DJ{" L E DGE' "T"'S (} en 1 r; 6, GP Dowma n Yille , Jnn c: 14 11 , 18 c ~1 . [ re solr t- d to ru Rke one more atteruvt t o J. '- t. i. 1; L i, , t~-1Y 1 j R, & · H, U'H'.'< RA, i>r·ak looser ·mu t he " VileM<> m ter, 'l'ohaeco. BOlYBELLS, 1 2;!.t~ 15 CTS.; NEW ·I Ilowm·nville, Mny 27. I therefore sent loPorllnnd , l\l ai ne, fo r a box YOR I< WF: f<:KL Y, 5 C'l'f't.; /J')". C>ft t lte ru ed ici ne, which I re ce ive tl through 'J'OiV TR !JPJ- FLAG, 5 CT..C::. / ' the mail i n dne t ime, a n.tl r om ha ppy to say YOEnVG E NGLIS H JVOESSOKS G IYEN l'.'i th at lhc n1et11 c 1ne bo.i; eft ec t t.al!y r eliev ed m t> ) Inst r u me nta l l\h~~;<.: . from a ny des il'e for T ob~!r co in ·nay form.M Al\\ 15 C'l'S. TI'ESTtaught . A ppl y to fs n o t t his a hapry resnltforn smairoutlay '!' .A'H1V fVOilL D, 5 CTS. ; To bci free from all desire for so B 1nnll a. cost , Lf).VJJO ~\r l30Gl£,~PF, 25 ~ JVB_i:S § a:~~:;~ P fY li ~-; Jt1 ., Tllo p re parntion is not more difficult or uuC'!S.; LEISURE JIO.TfR, ~ lloonfo ~ tL ove },f c.;0 · 1 l l.:n' i.. h ' ~ St . . r". "'H l·} Subscriber would direct the atten- plensa.nt to t uke th:tn com n 1un chewing Gum 15 C . 'PS. ,· VVA"VERb ]T .JfA'"'tion of F tLrmers tu tlm one-horse o,nd a~<l I conciCntion"lJ believe the Pre'paration · v .A.Zli.VE, t2 · GTS. / Bl!l'l'J,")~ lf 1 - ----- - - - · - - -- - - - - - --- -~two.horse iron culth·ator!l rnanitfactured. bv will hH YC the d c ~ ;rcd effe ct in every ca.se7 U 0RK1lf.A j,_v, 12.;\. G1'S . ; 11:11~ _:_ \ _ v· ,::::: ;::~ c _ ~~I ~J~~ ~l ~ !zirn 1 an d wLich lin vc for six y('ars obtaint d w here i t is gh·eu D. fa; l' tl'ial , Upon that beli e first prizea at Provincial nnd local fairs. Sl>JJ(.11 1 01·' !PIJJ] 1']JlfE'f:, 1 2 CTF). ; ·\ ir'ti b \:id 1;:1 Tbt"y are undoubt e dly the best ilnplemt>nt of to brea k a. way from the aLivisb a ppetJtf': for Bund u/ ]lope R· evieuJ, 2 c:s. 1 the kind ia u se , aud w ill in H. very t:h or t T obac c o, I o Uf:r t his H~ ::.tim o rf i al nnd s uffer DAVIDSO N time more than repay their cos t , in the 1.'ffi- my name t o be pn bl is l1ed t o tlrn wo rld as a ~1d· n "I [ f AS RBl lOVED HlS OFFICJJ TO r r· crnncy; a nd 1 ·xcellen ec of t11cir We r k. Inspec- liv ing '"it n e:.;o of the w on der fu l effec t of t ':li s .8 ! ..,~ d.l · l. ·~ J \..: i~Cap l_l Paton' so fiice , Ccr nf" 1 · o f Kingan dS il ' tion invite d . A su pply of cultivators no·w" truly g rc n.L 1e medy 1 O: ton '11 Pre pr..ru1in u. Sreets 1 w here be w ill be f, ;u n d at all hoo on han d for t he s pring work 1 and will be C. W, L E NT· fro rn 8 o'cl <l .::k fl..1n., t o 10 p .m .1 t~ f~f'l' w in cl s-old at lowest ra tes . he will hi fou nd at his 1·e,:o i,~ c ncc cn .·L :b-cit !J:.T B~ warc of coun terfeits nnd nll n.r ti clc > s t r\!ct; opposit e t he d r i: I s he.l , purporti ng fo be like thi-;: of the sam 0 nA.roe llow·man\·)llei ;-~~:~t. " 1t h) J 8°;8 . or otlH~r\:iss . The g·'."cat po'puh1rity of Orton'! of a superi or kind 1 also on hand. would again call' a P re pnrntion hi1s ind11ced unr.incfp]ed persona BUGGIES AND \VAGONS t c attt:mp~ pn!ming npon tbf p-:rblic c·ounter· ion to <Jnr stock· of Room Pap ers : \\Te i::r<' ~ e onl"'1" persnus in 1'own Who imnort direct feit a "O:d inf~riOL· a1ticles. Purchasers ~ill constantly on band fol· sale, m ui.i ):la.nutacturers in F .. n g land,wr- thc:e~ \ ""' 1,;'l p11:~aae order directly trom tLe prop t1~t"ot' 1 or _J to breRk ofti bn.t fonnd the hahiL too st rong c1rcui,: 1 .1on w1, rnater1a y i,ncrcase . ; ror my 1:esolution. . I was u;bout to give np The follo-\vlng a!.12 the·· prid~a of some cf . "l , ll . v _ \ , l nsr.e ctor . Grn. TI T\i'TOU L BTI C ,\ g' t:-; , q 0 n ri> GIBSGN [/:(, Co.. FIRST PRIZE C:UI..TIVATORS » r 1 andanenrnestde.::ir~toassistothcrs whowish I tt"'~ ~~ n ~ l=--~ ~ n ll 1 ! oth-n.rc ('}.., DR.. IRON iu proportion. ·we tten- N en t he sho rtest noti ce , THE GROC IC E R Y DEPART lVIEI{T "I EUJV FRDil'J JDHN M'MURTRY .. " WIL T , BE FOUND l N 0A'l'-M E AL, T he price of Orto11's Prepa rs.tien f:f$2/00 el 1 25 cent Satin p apers for 15 cent2 L WE ST COTT . per box, or t hree boxes for !i 1 00, se n t by mn.i l' j gl a z('d 15 cent rapers for 10 cen t3 . Coru - · t o n ny pnr t o f t he cou nt ry 1 se en rely i;ealed' n pa,,,cr .s as lo w ns 4 cents. Bowm anvi ll £l, Ap ri l 7, 1869 . 3 from obse r vat icn: wi t h r os-t"1 ge p!!.id o n r eceip o f pr ice. Ho w t o sen cl money by ma.il.- Enclose the amo un t in n. lf' tter, ~c a l carefully , )loney sent by n1ai! as above dircc t edl'n. t' f,, G~ OD, ACTIVE , INTEL L1 GE '.'i T LAD, my risk. A d dress y;our Houses·. l-1.. who wri t es c--g ood be.nd, for t he C. B· C()TTOX, Propriet or, Bex 1748, I'ortlnnll , Ma ine. Bowmanville F urni ture llfanufa~tu r in J An ::i.ge nt w:-ioted iu -'e·;-eyy town, Company. A call s olicit ed. !G" All kind s cf Bl·ck,milh wor k done h is duly au thenticat~d ni::-ent~ , ha.ve the new·es t Jltlltcrns 1 nnd we mean .,11~ W· ,. WA ITE D! 'f.BOS . J O liH~'l'ON, NovPis the time to Paper !iovt is the t ime C ORNMEAL lVIcTavish's Brick Store, .t Manag er . '15 · Books for Lib; arks. to buy CCOLING i Bowm nn v illo, Ju ne 8th , 18C8. CRACKED. V\T!IE AT . little farther ea~ t, where they have the fines t a ssortment of C rockery, Ch111 a and Glassware t o be found in town. Fresh A.rrivals of Crockery and Glassware. Call and see 'U S in o-1i1· new JWl"mise... Goods sent to All _ Parts of the Town ! berr3toa n nou:ncethn. th cisp r eprtrcd 0 to "" cr i ··e i ns Lr uc tions iu th"' "' v.leme n t s of "ff O. 7 4V OCa Ol..f J.llS rliTI-1·9 ll !i.i a w. = ~"10 11~ '"' $?1 i~ ' "'-"" """' " .. , .. l t l E E :MILL k no w n as ELLIO 'j T1S J! TT LL-, Cb~.n p G o od~. I L is in ihe 'fow u Hflil s itun. lr·d i 11 the Villa g e 0 f Lesknid , P.11 ildi ng11 . \ Ve h :'ll e fiy c ti me s l he nn::ou 1 J1 '1' "' t Y t '·1 -n · n u ny LOW n sh ip cf Clarke, C ounty of D u rha m , of.-ro ., od s nnd a grc .__. t '- r """' ,,~ne · ot l1c 1· r l c t " n '!'01~ t"u th l" ,. \\ll 1 t 18 a ci:' CS of lr. ntl a.dj oining: o n whit h c:-- ·~.... · ... , c sn.m ? inc. 0.L t here ttre fo ar dwell in g ho use s. b ns incss, c onsqnenlly, any one w ho se enrs <t re n ot t oo h· ug fo r a. man mn st he sa ti::.5 Ell TER ,l ~ :-? u "' - t1 1' rd r1 01~ n, 1h eba lnnc~ i n !ha1 O' H flra 's is the Grea t V,tr iety S,o r~ o! Do not mistake the place fo r 0 0 0 0 T , ,. , 17 jJIURDOCH BROTHER >§ ':· . ., ' I "\VP say a gain, do 11 ot illlS· em bracin g tLo: o li ~l 1 Ba 'ls fiilll H:u n.'J-;;;, fo"f::J.{r IM?\!EDL\ T1~ P0 3SESSIO N G IVE ~. \'i1n the eleme nt s of conl, 1 c 8 i ii~1 "f' F er f1 1rtli r r r. -1.1 li~tl'a 1::. a·1p1y to th e Hon t~ko tbc: 'r0wn 1L11l Bliil Uing:3 fe r Cheap 1 rr . ' J OH ~ SHJ f-' 80.<( , On tari o Ba n k , B owmand .~ :::om paper and fnD CJ good s . . ne 13 a 1sn ~r e. pa r e t o tnn e a n d repn.i.r Ylll e . e r to ~: :; 1 d ence~~h n,r :. :1 S tre et: ~_ast. Bowmau \ ill(' , J une v 1 l86c , · ~ ..-jll;,'"i· .J ~ . - ~..... J.1: U S I (J, ;tuc:e :v1 n uttl 11 1st.a lrn e1 1t ::i w ith :;; ei.-en pe.r ce nt , BJ wmr,nlillc. intmsL l:T .A lwf! jS on l·,:r11 l ,' ~· 1 1l ;;; L t !~ of Cn~c r Pia.nos. 4 J- l f. l i. st., JOI~N IT. IJU TCIIESON, ' .U a'r n~ Lo r 1 F.a n e j Crcad , Hl::; i:.: t i ' ; ) !~ ..:: · 4.& & -.c , 1 Bo wm a11Y illC'. R. & H.'HAH-A .

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