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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1869, p. 3

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." , . -@!S~ -~ '~. . !£2 , COMllERCIA.J, UNIO:WI ASSURANCE COllPANY. FIRE ·'.AND LIFE. CAPITAL lfuRLAND, WA.THON ~ D~lW~~Il~~~ · $1!1,:>00,008. Co., Montreal, GenerA! Agents for Canada. Fuu: C()r..E, .. - .. Secretary. T, C. L1vntGSTO!t'B 1 S Mi!A·S,· H · ·., .. ~ , fIAL;L BUILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. " . DEALER IN ~· ' :· > i" "' Hamilton, Inspector for '.-~ lo Canada. IN THE coons. cLoTHs AND CLOTHING DyP. Stuffs Patent M~di~ines Perfumery Brushes Combs , . i=:i:at,sz. Caps, &c:, and .all other kinds o~ Dry Goods~:__all 61 . . Soaps; ll,aints a1;d O~ls, Pa~nt B~ush~~. _,Co~) 'o· ii, ' " which berng· purnhased _for Cash· enables hun to · and COPl Oil Lamps, &c:, &c. "'· SELL , A.T ~.:-. llf:,R)':, ; LOW · MEDlGINEs, . AN;n a ·B:EM"IGALs,. FoR 'your{· n111r L~·: F_ ·' B E.,' o · b " O A: L L ·'O N ":k: E . / H,is assortment is g-00cl i~ every · brancli~gr th.e\buslncss,~:es,. pe.cialJy jn D.f{E8S GSODS_and .HEADY.MADE" · CLOTHING , and he expects to compettt with h}s. neJg!1bors in every prauch. / About Fivo Call and see Joi· Yourselves and yo« ·.,ec<l go no furllier fot , 10111. Pr:'ces J Thous:ind Dollata Wbtth o ·V,ALUABLE PROPERTY IN · NEWCASTLE . A : FOR SALE. l:Jw-KLLlNG HOUSj AND LOT ON Be11.ver S~reOtpfor · 1ale cheap for c"ib. Appl)' ·o : Wlth Teeth. " TO 'G°E'Jl ONE OF KELLY'S PATENT SPRING BE~Sl · They are Cheap,:N eat, Clean and-',: Durable. wouici R. n; PATTERs9s ho Ying 1ecnred 1ho 1ervice1 ot'W. FENTON, M. D. 1 Pro .. villcial Licentintc, would 1&y ·io the publie tbat ,one1 if not bot.b, will be (ouiid at their old.}>Jllc:e, C}i,url;Ji ~trHI, &l all bc.un , It no\ profeesionftlly engi\g~d. Bowmanville, July 16, 18~9. r ,, D scriber , his new . stor~. LAZARUS, MORRIS & CO'S CELEBRAIJ'ED and will' continue 's elling -ror the riext he removes to his new store at the old stand,) the balance 'of his · light summer . ~HA 'VJ,S, ~ . . ,~AltA.SOf,s, J,fGHT DRESS ·GOODS, LIGH'l' 'l'WEEDS A~D Uf,OTDS. STRA.W HATS, · - 1-'El,'1' DAT~; GI.OTES; .DOSIER '6', RJ.BJIONS; &c., &c., PRINTS, MtJ~LINS; PERFECT ED SPECTACLES AND -~ EYE-GL~SSES. , 'l'ae l~rgo nod lncren1ing eale1 or the.11· "I PERFECTED GLASSES i& o. Sure proof tJf their IUJleriority.~ We were BRti116cd that they would be apprec:a· ted bore as elsc'whe-re 1 IUHl that the reality of"{~e ndVantngt:s otrered to wenrt"ra of our ben.u·li!nl Jenses; ·\ rli. I the i ni provcJDent of the Sight, an'Cl tho brilliant assietane1 tbry '\-.C give jn nil cpsee, wern ta themselves oo ap~ pAiettt on trial, thnt the rrftlllt eouJd llot be othorwise .1han it bas, ih ·the almoat genorHJ adoption of our ~etcbratcd perfe~ttd ·pee~& .. ti"' PJ' th· ,r..,sideab of. lhia lo~·lity. With a. full knowl·fie of Ibo vojue of 111· · RBlll'tftion, we claim tha.t they ere tbe moat t>erfect optica.l aifl11 ever mPauraotored. To those needing Spectacle11 we "ft"ord a\ a11 times on opportuuity 'Of procurini the b11' AT A T}lEMENDOUS ~REDUCTION. SUCH AS-WIDE PRiNTS AT <id. PER YARD, LADIES' STRAW HATS lOd. :WHITE CO'f'fON STOCKINGS Hd." each. PA'RASOLS h. 8HAWLS Bs; At any other :Book or 'Variety OILS, a?d m~11t desirable. C~RNISH tc SON, P.AIXTl'l, Jeiceler·, ll"atclmrnkera, &c., Look out ~or Bargains !-1'he Red Flag is going up Again! OPINION AND. WELL :sirIT ·E.D ' . OOLOllS, V Al!NISRES, · and WH!'l'ELE"\D . l:r At the ~ery lowest pric e3·. S 0 I'lorsc & Cattle JU::cdici.,~cs N B.--.Country S t orek eepers supplie d oo Advnntngeons terms . D AF CCOL!NG Insolvent Act of 1864·5. Jn the mnUcr of Joseph Jf, J ""· ltfer- FIRST PRIZE °' ch<wt Tailor, JJownianvillc, Iueolvent. r1,n11: ,creditors or th· lusolvcn\ nre noti· ' :nt'e - - tied that he bne tnade on aSsignruent of hi!t flllt"le an<l t!tfect°' under the above Ac t 1 tonic, reqnittd-te--.~!'! BO,VMANVILLE, Ju11e 24, 18139. . .. , )Fi. ""Y. GQ. " W"LE.' CULTIVATO.RS! CHARLES TOD "ClIEAP GO 0]) S ,, , ,,, i i · 0 u A , T·· . N . I Store ·between. Qnebec and Sarnia; ,., · } ~ ' :: l DRINKS It _ haa alihtya bee~ au_ r.., U194~ ~ of doing .1:1usineflS1 wLen we rcdU:Ced au urLjcle In price to reduce it to every one, and to rely on the 11rices of our goods for their 1ale.\.\'e never wish nny one to buy from us un-· loss they nre sntlsfiod th·I '\be ' goo\!· WO . ofter nre as lo"·, or · lower, -thl\D. 'they ar~ sold for at other plttc~s i e.ud hu.ve always refrained in our 1ulvertisement!I from making nny low insinua'tiori's either with resz:llrd to our neighbors' goods or our neighbors' se-lves~ ~\r c leave such things to the flsb~ ~ Wi>cs of BiJl ingsgato and their Jdi:_idred spirits . .. ' · ., the 11nde.rs1gn~d A~· ~·~ig!::.ti· ~·~·~·~11~1d~t~h·~Y~~~-,,.-,..~~~~~~~-cc~~_:...,.--~~~"7"~-,--c::~-,--,--;-,..::;_:..."""'-,-°"'"~~--j~...:.!:'..;:'.~;:_:.~~~""'-"~~t.,.:::.:::.~::._--,-,-__,-,----..,,,.,.-~.:_~~::::::_:...-,-~~~-,-~~tiJ~· ~~~~~~ffyjE~~fj-:;PnJ;ii~~;;'j::~~~'.'.'.'.':".:':~:".:';'.'::i'.'.':~C::.::::~:::!'· ~~:;':it~af,;if'jV'if~~;ii;;Tii;\'f,"-'1~f.;J["~i'iii'fi,~~,.--~'°;-c--.~~~ · - months from this dnte, with \h~lr cln.ime, ipu.. cifying the security they hold, if any, d1i~ ~he value of it, n.nd if' none:, ala ting tht! f:.et; ._......_ - "'the wbo1e RtlesteJ ·un1ler C\Rt'1 1 · with the Toucher· ia .support of such claims. THOMAS CIIHJS'l'IE, ~fficiAl .As1igDf!Cr D·ted 11.t .nowmanrilin - the Coun1y of · Du~l! ·m,_thls .l~tb dAJ' Jul7, I 86D. ,GOFFEE. COFFEE I OF THE VERY BEST . KIND ! and ; heap as:at any store in Canada, or / IT .AG-AI~ T - IRON HARROWS of n. i;upbrior kiD.d, als o on ban d. wma nv ille: J u ne 10, 16!59, BUGGIES Al!D \:VAGOKS -fii"EctJJ'il.'® Rs' ~'¥6TICE~ tLT., P ERSO NS ha ving c lu.ims agains t A GttEAT VARIETY, lnsolvent Act of 1864. . '~ 'fllE Creditors of the underaigned are notified t.o meeL a t the ot!ice (lf JOHN .:F~IR, No ~. St . . Sscrumeut Sireet, in th· CITY or MONTRE.H,, on Tuesday, the 29th Day of June, at Eleven o'clock in t.lie forenoon. · 'Ca receive &tRtements of URDOCH -~,~~~' ~ \0'~-2.!tl h!;IT~· )eorganized their business, nhd will be found in the pre· ·, · · . mises of J, NEADS1 their a!f:\ir3 1 ftlld to con1tant1y on hand for s ale, IJ1:. t he Into CHARLES BE LL WOOD, o !tJ- All k i nd3 -Of Blacksmith work done t b~ Tow n c,f Bowma nville, in the -Cour'1ty of Durlu11n , ge ntleman; decen sed , ·a re h ~ reby o n th e sbo1· tes t nu ticc , ~<\. co.ll sol ici te d. notified ~o ~ end to t he un<l er sigue d 1 his E.xeL W ES TCOTT . cn t.ol's a nd l~ xe cut r i.x, or to ~lessrs. Farewell B~wma~ville, April i 1 1869. ,, 3 k i\l cGee, Bowrnauvilhli, their Solicitors, on --------~ ·*'----~~- or before the Fifteenth day of August next A stL~tc1nent of the snme, showing the dnteJ, the amo uu t nnd nnture of the -same, ,dnd nrso specif.,·i ng what securityi if nt!J, drc~j ho lri - nAme An Aasignee. Dated at Clarke, Ontario, this 8th dny of Juue, 1869. . . / WILLIA}! ~IULDRIUV 1 , JOHN MULDR)':W, . · . und.~Jhe "" Co-partners, tradtng name o r the;:efor. A n cl notice ts he re by gi..,en1 !hat arter f11~ e xpit a~ion of the tlm ~ n fore s'l.id the said Ex:- ~- WILJ::U~f-.MULDREW ~ co: Insolvent " ! ct of 186'4. In i_ he matter of William .'\ft<ldrew ii C~ .· of Clari«, Onta rio, lnso?v1nt1. rrHE-undersig'ned has been appoint~d As· signee in . this mAtter 1 and requires Claims to be filed withi!i two montba from tbi11 date.. JOHN FAIR, ,5, St. S&r:rnment Street, A&!lignee-," ' llontroa.I, June 30 1 1869. I SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LtON, . ~ ' OPPOSITE iJENDERSON 1 .S HOTEL Vocal & Instrninental MUS IC, C!Dbracing tho't'p ugh Bt1ss and Hnrrnony , the e le ine u le Of c omp os it ion. erntor.s a nd E:r..ecutrix !n ay 1rr~>c1ted to dis~ tri httte the: nssers of t.lre sa::d Clutrles ne ll~ tt oud, or any pnrt th ~ reof, a1nongst th~ par'" tie~ entitl)_ d :_th-creto .., bav.ing r.~gitrc} J-0 tb,'e Jlo't\·1rtanv ~Ho, Jun e 8th, 180'9'. clai ms , if an y , of 1vhich th<?y the n bn.Ye n o~ ti ce ; a nd will not be liable oll account of s;J ch distribution to nny creditor of whoso claim t hey s hnll not t hen h ave notice . . To P!'rsons wnnting either Englieli Dat ed th is 22nU d ay of June 1 186'9 , be.gs to nn noti u-ce tha t ht: is prop~ tcd- . ,. ._ ~...,. or Arnerio:\ll wagailnes :-FMshlon boO\:li to gi··e ius{ruttio os in tho Executix l JANE BELLWOOD, or papers of nny kitrd, we will furnish. 1 f elcwen t:s of J3owmanvill6. them to. you ai a !es· price than you "oan, "E>.iocutifrr t JOHN·. RE)'W:!CK, Orn.oo. ' · ' ' f JOHN' W.<'Hl E ,trort Hopo . get foctn nny where else; · (we , \lo » not · W,, , ANDR-EWS , 1 cl aim He is also prepared io tune arid repair Pianos. Re sidence-C Ln rch Street 1 East. Dowmanvillc 1 Juue 3 1 1868~ 45-tf, the l·rgest Circul·tion .in the coun"· try, \here is a house ia Tot'on to sel:~ a "· few inore than we do), but if lowness of .pr foe wlll have its legethn·tll effuct, . circulation will materially increase; . , The following are the J)ri'ccs o~ aome them: · ouf ,. Or ' i;. ~ ' :aowMANVILLE. R. AIM DR , DAVI Os ON UAS nRll (J VJm ms OFFICE TO DR. · ,!: ~ Pntor:'.:: ollice 1 Corner of ~KiD g l.\nd Silver S reeta 1 where lie will bo fo Uq <l it'll all bonrB, from 8 o'clock a.rn. 1 t o 10 p.m ., tlftC\r which L ie will be found at his residl! nce on Libctt·at rcl.'; t , opposi te the drill S-l~ cll, ~ ~ Bowman Yillc 7 S ep t . ' · .r · 'lV111. - '11.il.R'.l'Oll. , ·- . :...;,,TIIOR TH!l: TPY.NS~ ..Q.iF IP~~L AUCTI:OWEEle. . ,QIOCERIES , ~&PROVISION~. Ke.ep t~e Bes~ an,d ,., ~ell the Cheape~t I 2.r1 h1 isaa . We would again· calt atte_ U:.: . t io ~l to onr stock of !loom, Papr.rs: '\Ye are .fl ington. All O<WB pµnet.:µaUy ai tended to. Charges .Ui9d~~~t~. , .Mid those w,la"' ;buy from him 'will never .tl,iat :tke_r ~e able.to an'swer, · tbe only versons in _'l~own who impOrt direc'~ from the }iannfac l urers iu fl.. ng1nnd, wr. 1lie:e- : EXECUTOR'S -· NOTlCE'J , late Town·l!i.P tteman,deceascd,-arehercbynotitiedtosend to ' the undersigned, his Kxecut.)r1,--or Jo )[essrs. Farewell .&: JleGee, Bow:manville 1 lhpir Solieitors, on or bctoro the: Twentyfirst day of Augnst ncr:t 1 ,a ctAtement of the same, 11howing the dates., the amou~ta; and TRlue of the BD.Qle, £.nd also specitfing what &ecurity, if any, trhef liold theiefor. .A!\fl .~o:ti~· is .lle~~w _eh.en, that after the ,11\lu.n.-mel\;i<lll~tl· 1 A William Ran Ion of th· ofDarlington,in tbeCountyofDurham,~en-· , .. I BUY .:, r ', _D iA :M J"HN · _. _ M_ 'M'l!ID"IFD . 'f!1' rnUtl:J _V D· un·1:cir' . , LL 1-W'rBons having Claims sg.!li~na:~ tj;e 1 . , ,· for have the newest pn t terns, and we lnen1t . 1 . ,.. ;. . · 4' to sell 25 cent Satin papers for 15 cents : Uu g:irtz<>d 15 cent rape r:a ;rpr 10 cent!-; ....-Colli· ·' ,.., , " ~ · ",, · rn" ofi 'pa . .,et.e ns lo'"' its 4 ccn is/ ..:.,. ·ii ' f · Now is th~ tim~. to Paper BE FOUND lN ·yonr·B'.!luses. o~T-MEAL, &r.te "'"T !-\l"l~~·~ AS . . ~.o{ ,wi\!1 ,~4e ,jljptribution of the $·,lllliii W:il!i/<'ll ~tQo, or any part the<Ulf, .l\!AA!jl:~I .\jie P.l\t!J~s eatitled thereto, hariac 1,e:W,l-i;;Jl ~tp .._qlf\:\1t'.l~ t:(if Any) o( creditor! wbleji ~J;il\.ll 1\~ntlu\·· p~,n ceived, and will DOI be jj,.qj,., qµ jtC.CO.i~t,ilf such distribution to a.uy u.e.di.\q, q:f l"h<l~e. \b.<i oaid Executors C ' :ORNl\1~ AL _ Brick Store> .i. buy ; . CRACKED WHEAT. little, farther east, where they .have Cr0<eJrnry, C.4i,na and Gla,ssware _tQ be fom1cl "in tpwu. <·· claim they shall not. then ba.ve o.o.tic.e. pated lhif Ji\ dal of July, A.O. 18611. ~ ·"'""°"· 1 .\'. ·' ~resh Arrivals ,of Crockery and " . Glassware.' I -i < ' " . .rr~r;-E.D OC fj_ ' 1 ,, ·'

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