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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1869, p. 3

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FARMERS Tiarlington Harbor t I . wlll n~ot receive DAMP or DIRTY G!L\.JN'for stara~g'1-e on any e.ccotint. JOTIN ~lcCLELLAN: -No~1ce ro ·= .-... -~~~~1111111"!"~~1111111"!"~~~~""""~~~~~1111111"!"~~~~~~.,.._..,_.,........,......,......,.....,.....,...,,;,;...o;.;-.-'o.....~""""..............~~~"'!"'.'~~~ - -- --·~~~~~ i A :aREAT - --· -- -- ~11um~lJ1~~ ·£~]'~ JLt~t&@@E~~~ TO flALL BUILD12l~"GS, ROTV11IANVILLE: DEAJ:;ER IN »~ sTo~~~ W,ANl, 0 .. A L L ON ~B !RGAINS, iSEL~ING rr1fo Port C1J11'P""Y '\Vharfinger. 'Port Darlington, August 26.'fs69. -.f ·, ~.::., I ; ' , ' "<>. Every 'one knows Jha~ old: qoods ,that liave_ been ~~ngcd by 'fi're and SPRINKLED ,, WITH ~U~@JmlQIJ' O\·er Jobn"Mcllurtry's, Groe~ry Store, King~ street, Bowlnn!lV1lle, T. J. JONES. S. G. WEBSTER. _ N. B.-A~ I am desirous of having nll ~c counls previou~to tbis date ~ettled, p~rties indebted. to me Will obllge by settlip_~ ~the as.me immcdiat~ly with 1oy rartner, Mr. 'VelJster. , ' T. J. JOllES. I w.:rnld' hot 1ook' " ..ell in a s{iff: : scriber is determined to, take,· no sach good1i. to ~ his new · i;tore. He 11a::: now c.o mmenced ' '< - · · l 7 ' - ... Bran N c"iv ' Store. . T'i1e WATER,! l NEW l!i1·ge ·and. important stock of'n'ew M~Jaga Raisins, Bii.nbury retiring PAPER . A ug. 23. 'and --- - - - - -- --- - - -- '- - - -"-----· , Great . Bargains will be ·13 Acres of ,L and FOR . SALE, REDUCTION. CHEAP CORNER STD. RE "'!) - ! - · -~ · dring· the remainder of the winter s.eason ! Red .PUBLIC OPINION FIRST PRIZE SUI'-1' E.. D h,as fully ju:stifi;;d the original idea, tha t at the " Corner Store" you coul.<l get .,.;.,l\.Nf) \VELL CULTIVATORS! F .. "'Y .. Bo\\,drnville, Dec., l8li7. CO~LE .. COFFEE i ·' CELEBRAT~lll AG-.A,I~ T IRON HARR01.WS J I o f ,a superior ~ ' k' ·1nd, also on hand. l l : E'CGGIFS · ,AKD \VAGO:-.<S con.etantly on hand -for sale. PERFECTED .SPE:CTACLES AND . EYE-GLA.SSES. T 1e large and increasing sales of ~~ea· and cheap as~ at a1i'y itofk·· in -'cunada, or out of it, at RD OCH reorganized their busines8, and will be found mises of J, NEADS, 111 !rT A1l kinds of Blacksmith work Jone on the t1hortest notice, ...1.\ call solici L ecl. I. WESTCOTT, ··':. .\ G~OD, ACTin,, TNTJl LL IGE~T L .rn; fl_ w Ito writes a good hand, for the PERFECa'ED .tlLASS'RS i s ~ gnre pro?f of their sufteriol'ity. ~we -were satisfied that ~hey· ~would be appreciated here R3 e-lsew1lerc 1 nnd that the· reality the pre- Bowmanville Furniture Manufacturing . ;;. ~. Company. . .. . ~ THOS. JOHNSTON, ilfanager. of lhe 1ulvant11ges r~ffert'il t~ ; ;wearers of our ,\ieauliful lenses~ v1:.r..: the improvement of the sight. and the brillia.11t a.ssi,s\flnCe they give in .all cases, WC1'0 id tliemseh·ea Ml up- -._ parent on trial, tl..in.t ,the result -Could not he otberw!se thr.. n it ha~, in the uJn1ost g~neral ndoption of q~u· ceTebrated p~rfected. spec,ta.cles by tbe r~sidents of this loci;i.llt~. ,,Vith t\ f1ill knowledge of the Vttlue of tlic R~s~rtion~ We clai1n that thejr ni-e,,lhe inoa,~ perfect optiCal aids ever mnnufact-ntea~ 1'f1 those needing 8pccta.cles, we _alrord nt aJ! times all opportunity of procuring the Oest .su1d llioS":. -desira.ble, . -1 I I f 1E:XPRE~S .OFFICi~ . NlL\hLY :BUILDING .. . O.i:POSfTE IIEl\DERSON'S , JIOTEU OORNISH . tc 'SGN, .Tewelers, lfo.1clunakers, . - . SUi_e Agents for BowmanVille, b-.A.ve alway~ &o., Wrrii KING STREET, .A~ FrN-:E .A ST6c:K·o:F I ~ f GRdcERIEs <Jtl.Uand a full assortment, suit·ble for <Hry oiffieu!ty. ~\Ve R. f -, take occasion to notify :the public · . :Iha, we employ 1..10 . pedlers 1 ap.d to -caution lhem against those pretendtng to have our goods for sale. InsolvE.nt A.ct of 1864, ._WHERE· DO . ~OU BlTY YOUR GROCERIES' being the question of. the day, .J. M. would respectfully give a hint to those in perplexity, that he keep's constantly on hand a lirst-class stock of f .t 1l"" - ~ , .~ .AS CAN BE FOUND IN TOVITN · · · ! GOMl'IIERCIAL UtjION REM 0 VAL. THE In tlie matler · of ,William Nuldr.ew & Co., of Clarke, Ontario, ln1o'venti. undersigned has been'1lpp6inte,4 ,f.ssignee i'l thi11 matter, and re.qui res ·laims to be filed withi!l two months fron1 1lais date. JOHN FAIR, dSi. Sncrameni Street, A11signee, llontrcal, June 31) 1 18G9, THEIR AL\! IS TO l r COMPANY. . FIRE AND LIFE. C.t.Ph'_iL $12,IJOO,OOO. -" lfonr.AND, \\"'Ar SO N & Co ;r1Iontreal 1 ~Gcncral ASSURA~TGE DR. DA' VIDSOl)J -=-: .l, MISS BELL S prepared to gi~ lessons in 1.[:isic at the late re~ideace of F, _ C UBI TT, Esq.i hnrcb. Street, · ~ ~ -;: Sell tlie Cheapest and those who buy fr.)m him will never regret that they are able to answer, < be will be found at his n·::idence on liibertv ~ge~1ts foi; Oam1~a. street, opposite the drill ;;;he·l. ·· : } I\~P ~ Cot~, · - - S{'l)retary. . .· ,... , ... C. LrYINGSl'ONE, Hamilton, Inspector for I Bol'.man\1,llei tiept. 24tb, l8GS. '. Cantt<la. S1erts, where he \orill be found at nll hours : from So'clo{'k a..nl. 1 lo 10 p.m., aft".l' which H AS .!mMOVED Ill8 OFli"ICE TO· llil. Paton's office, Corner of King and Sih·er I - --- Ilowmanville, ' Ang. 4, 18"9. lJg undersigned having hcPn nppointE.<tl ' 1\gent to the above fi1st-clas3 :rn11g\i15h Company, offers to property holders p<'rfccl ;:;ecunty ugaiu~t los:s ur dttmllge by fire, at T Moderate Ra1;es of Premium ! i1 .. !'. ' " /: ~ ' ' ' - An d in Life Assurances ferms unusnnlly fa"'iorable. " I BUY ·.F'RIM . J,OH1N .M'MURTRY ,,,, OAT-MEAL, CRACKED 'WHEAT. THE CR 0 CIf E RY DE J; ART lVI E'N Now is the ~ime to.Papet ". . . WILT, BE FOUND 1N your Houses. Mc'ravish's Brick Store; .t NowEo,,,ks is tlie ,ti~~ ~.o buy for Libraries. Cb itap G: u odS'. · It; "" i~' in the Town H:iH· Buildings, , .V{e ha·e fi<ve ti1n es the aruo11r11 of goods and a g~eat1·r vanety than nu· atl1er place in ."fo-wn; in · the t:nrne line ut bt,s int" ;.::;s, corrn~q11ently, any onr· "liosc r.ttr· a;·e not too i ong for a man roust- be sati~GHI tha.t () ' lia.ra's is the Great Varie ty ~tore of Bo\.vn1'tn'.'1\ le . .". lJo 1w[ mi;take. the place fo1< Fresh Arrivals of Crockery and Glassware. .flxcoutots. little farther east, w h~r~ ~hey have Cro ckcry, China and GH1ss\vare to be found in toml. Ciill and see us in 01t-J· 1iew p1·c11iise~. ~ . JOHNRANTON, - Ailsa Craig, JO HF A J . DODSWOllTH, Inspector. . Ontario. R!..EY, · H~Olpton, GOQds sent to Ail Parts of the Town ! JUNE 23, 1869. RINTOl'!. BROS,, Gen. A_.g'ts 1 Montreal. do not mis; fer C he & ~· GIBSOU & Co., 17 (~en . Oat&r!o.t. .A.e;".1 !" for ._, o'"vma.r." i J .... _q.-nd \r icini:v. .Bol'ir~! J.1Til'e 1 J une 11tb} l8t9. li H. & H.1HkRA

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