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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1869, p. 3

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~f5~~~-~ - ~·1'1~"-!!!:h~ -- !!!! - ~"lli!"! .~~·~·===~~~~~~~~~"!':~~'!"'!""'~~~~~"!"' -~~__..__..__'.'!-l-"'-"' -~--"'--~__.._!'_~~"'""'~~ · ~""" - ~!' _ _ ~_'!' _!1:' _ """ _ - -~--i'S"lti!""".'!".!""~==~~-~~~~~....-~~ G1l1~ar AUcT1o:e;r sA1E1 Gohl oFBANKRu P r sr oc i, oF ~nul~ §:HweJi· INEW TAILORING \'tlatcb c.,, -. ESTABLISHMENT. . n~ s T o TT!' . @~_ 'ii'l~J_.i\fr'11r1~m ~ ~f(Dl ~~TQJ @~l{(~ ~v .. ""' ~-!c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ '1.'0 fIALL BUILDINGS, BOW-71:£.ANVILLE. DEALER r N If YOU L . ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, FANCY GO ODS, ~ F . i .. . B . ..r:.·v --"~ ON 0 . 0 ~ 1_':.11 ~ -.~L.!.J SELLING OFF R. IN01 snuctcd by th agenof t SbetI1eld, the Estate . Ohas·.-H. Howard & e Co., Engl.ntl, to S·ll by auction a portion of their Yery_valtu:~le stock, consisting in part as follows: Go!d a .. a1 §Uveir '&l"atches, Electro-plated Tea ati.d Ooffco Services, qruct Sta.ntls, Liquo1· Stands, Pi ck le St n.nds, c ·ake Bot3kets 1 Butter Cool ol's, Ice Pitchers: Te a Tray s, S11 ga i: Rowls, llutter Kuivcs, Pkklti Forks, a hw, Clocks, P a pier Mn.cha Tables, Tr it ys, Co ncertinas, Table and Pocket Cutlery, of JOSEPH R ODGERS & S ON'S make. The f'a1e com m ences on M CUT LERY, &C. w. H. RE ID , H .\S DEEor 01 f . F Iii MC A· R·T H u R II 1 DRU .xS , MEDICINES, AND CHEMCAL, DyP. Stuff:>, Patent:Medici!1es ,~P~rfnmery, Brn~hes, \ombs, Soaps, faiuts ar,d Or_ls,I I amt B.rushes, & Coal 01!, and Co\21 O!l~mps, .<tc., c. _... OR YOUR DRY GOODS, CLO;HS AND CLOTHING Hats, Caps, &c. , and all other kind~ of Dry Gdods,-all of which being ~ purchased fo r Cash enables him to ,, S~lm._ AT ua~. !'Ml,,"t,y ~. ·. · A luicll' ~ . i. !E: U!r_ ~ wa;.~·a. ~\Y -WW . ' '16 r " n. t'm l c i> F ' E Physicians' prescriptions carefully Con1pounded, Having secured the services of a His ass ortme nt is good in enry branch of the . husines~; es· pecia.lly in DHESS G U-ODS and HEADY.l)tADE and all orders correctly answered. CLOTHING , and he expects to cornpet& ·About ~ Far1rie1·s· an<l Phys'.ic'i<ins from the Count1'Y uJiU find with his neighbors in every branch. Five Thousand Dollars Wurlh 9,f . - oii1· stock of n ieil:icines cmnplete an<l of the best 'l_'etaUty. r 'Vedneiilday Evening, §q1, s; at 7! o'clock. a t the .st o~e 'vest of Brodie's Hotel. 'I'lie goorls w ill be on _exhibitioti c-..·er:v day for the public to cx1tmine for theta~ selvCs . .No rescrvo on nuything. J, H. THOMPSON, W, H. RE!D, ~<\gent for Assigne es . A.nctioncer. Bowman.-ville, Sept. 7th . lw. ftt\8T·Ct AS 8 CUTTaa~ owmanville , Jan, 6, 18 69. -- Gall and see jm· Yourselves and ym· need go no further for low P,·.'ces ! HIGHEST PRIDE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE! TH I S WAY H· IVES, Is now prepared to make up GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING to order, in the I 11 GOOD CHANCE TO GET A FARM. THE LlN DEUSIGN!l D will EXG HANG!l fo'r rxopcrty in or near Bowrna nYille, n farm of ·200 acres 'in the To wn ship of Derliy: Tltis property is about 7 miles from Owen S onnd;· tbr cc quarter s of11.T1Jile from ag~u,vel ,-., '~--<- NEW FRUIT. l _ Wi t ~ Teeth. h" consequence of J1r. Banbury retirid~ from bu!)in(::ss.1 '\Vithout Teeth. ·SURGEON DENTIST! - S. B. BRADSHAW bas resumed lh e Boot nnd Shoe Business i n the ol d sta nd , nnd is offc.1·ing a pOr tio n of. the ol d stock o.t RQQ M PAPER STYLES AND \~:~{ +_~- . . . . roa.d. ... · a re 30 11Cl'CS cleared, \nth a good log l:3.rn 5Lx2 6;. , wit h pine sh ingle roof; . 'l'h~re n small lofl" hou se ; nnd a well of wn.tcr.Upo:n the frorit Jif the- lot nre 12 or 15 Rcres of pine, 1tnd on the ba ck part o f it a l ot of fine cedar. Tllo title would be given .d irec t fro m the Government. A:; the advert iser is very Rnxious i o sell this pro per1,y 1 and des irou3 of buyi ng a reside.n ee in or near thig t own 1 he is w_illi ng to ma.ke a. grcnt .sacl'ifice iu the exchnngc. ED)iU!iD SHEPP AUD, Bowman ville. Septe1nber 8tb, 186~. 6 a large and important stock of new lWa!aga Haisins, boxes. best _ lr:T' A sry.2,ES'l' WA1l'l'ED. :.. per pair. d ·London Layers, B oxes and Half'.bnxes new ValentiaHaJsins,' p ; d Ji[ Roy"' .Hoot s fron1 JiOc. ·. , ·'raifilml Kegs of Seedless Raisi ns, Drums of new Sult:ma Raisins, Bar- ianos,_ 0 ig~s ,an ~ e1o eons, ll!leQR'ti ,, " l!!ll · B oxes o f' bes l noaaers f 1H' sa le cheap .; .i.ll 0 · re [s of new C urr:rnts, · new C'itron, ( )range an d ·L emon· ::B- of ·the "I.I~ " · · n · Peel, Bags of new Filberts, Sacks of new '\i'\rahiuts·, Mats and ~ u ~ A..::J:__"'!"~-x. :ii:. :i=-- E ,_.aJl and _ Get Bargains 1 l'\t'.fr. Ives-has been employed as Cutter Boxes <lf new Figs, Kegs of new Prunes, Oranges aud Lemons, 11;.Si'I ~ i!C· ~-"' ~ F"~ ~ l Bow manville, August 20 , 186~. 3 n~~Vl~ ~_l1;Lb I · - --_ -in rnme of the best establishments in England and America ; also, CHOICE LOT OF NEW CRQP TEAS. (Jr]=Qual ity and will be able to turn (nit work, in style and finish, equal to is the te:;t of Cheapness; prepared to.. gi.ve lessons 'i n lbsi c at Flt,., JO:i~iE,. . the lu. te resid ence ofF 1 GUpIT T; Esq., . any tailoring establishment 1ri the Province of Outario. . . # ,- ' · Just Arrived at T. Darlin.gton's, J. M, Bni~wiACOMBE, L 118. ,13 0 0 " · , · OF F !Oll-KTKG ST!\EE'J'. BARGAINS! \Vomen's anil Chi'.drcn'3 Boots from 25 ct.S!. 1 -Is .-&ca~ Sc · K ' Glrnrch S\rcet, _ 1 Bowmr: uville, .Ang. 4, 18Q9. ::... ,, JJG· m MERCHANT TAILOR; . ST A · T I 0 NE R Y ---------- --------- - - - -- - - NOTICE OF BY-LAW. m·et:.>ting of the Tow nship C~ 11 n cll of Dn.r1in_ gtoo, t o b l.I h eld on 2nd October next, for th~ rurpose of cl os ing up e. p ortion of the road allowance b tweeu loLs 2 n n.d 3 1 i n the 5 th concession of sa id Township, and for -open ing a ne"' ro a d in heu thereo f. By or d1r, IL \l'INDATT, 'f 'p Clork. --:o;--:o:-- N OT!O !SITE!lEB Y . GIVEN, THAT A ' Uy-lu.11' will be in trodnced ftt Urn next The Subscriber has ju~t received a stock of D A" .~ o- ~·1 (£ · --,;. I'D lit. ~ ~ 1-·1~1 J' ~ , D 1 ' Jl'1 ~ ....1.\. l ~ ~ ~ - 0 f Great Bargain;,: will b~ gi \'en at the N' s ~ f Y\IQT~~c . -'W~*~ ,..... ,~ .~~ fl! \'. KING STREJ)':T, T{' EEPs ON HAND A I>'lrrsT--CLAss _[j._ assortment of the ~ T;--- K AD Trrn ~i) -· l:,;i E~~ n ·~ , ""E§ '"' CLOTH ~! All : r k mad;in the l atest and Por t Dnrli n.gton Harbo r ICom~a ny bcs~slyles, FANCY GOODS . SQJ,D AT LESS G- L AND I s I will nut receive DA MP or Dl RTY GRAIN for st<..:rf!. gc on any accoJint. JOH.:\< .. :a.rc1U.. .ELLAN . ~ ~V:h ai;fii1ger . Port Dui·lGig_t:oni ,Al1g ust 26, isGO'. -~ -'[!'W§OLVJEl\".ll.' A,()'E OJF !§~,1. In t h e matter o I' Wiil!am lill.,Bdrew & Co,, c C C!arlui, li2'S0!1·HE C REDITORS OF THE A BOVE - nn.r ned !n solvea l. s are her eby 1 1ottfied t hat tlicy have depo sited \\' ith m e f'~ D cCd of . -Oomposi L io n nnd Dischn rgd 1 pllr por t.iUg to be exe cuted by a tnnj ority in. n_ um li c::r of the ir .- -creditors, representing at leaet tbr ee -fo u rt.l.i~ in value of their liabilities: su bj e ct to be computed in ascertaining suc h pro portion ; ,and sl10 1i ld no oppositio n bo made to ;;;a.id Dcr,d of Compo· .:iiLicn ri.nd Discharge with.in three juridical days next nftf:'r tli:i Jns t pnbJic1.1.tion ot this notice,· tl1e n ndersigned Ai'isignee will act upon said Deed ncconling 'to its terms. JOHN FAIR, Assignee-. 5 St 5 a cr nrrient St.r<:et, !lion tr.cal, 8ep t.el"._1~~n· 2lst "= 1869. 6 2-w --.- Sept.-1, , GI CHE.AP N .. ~~ -- 0 A N A D T ents. A CORNER STORE dring; the..r emainder of the winter season! TWEEDS AND - - o - - o -. CLOTHS. ' ACrnEs OF GOOD Lj,:rn Bll.. . ingloL9) in tho 4Lliconce~sion, D al'lin gto n; 2:f mil e_ s from the t own of Bowm a nv ill c: 70 acres cl e!lred a nd 39 i-t.cres wood _ la n d; ~ ta.b1es, s hed s, &e ., nnd some fr uit. trees on tbe pi·em i ses: well watered. For part icu la rs apply t~ Mr . luchibnld hlc Fcetcrs, or to t he prop rie tor, 'l'HO!IAS WELDON · ' T - - - - - - emp,o loo P'o ~-·- As Mr. IVES has just arrived to ·dav, he is now prepared to take orJns: p UBLIC OPINION I SUIT RD has folly justifie d the original idea, that at the " Corner Store ': you could get UJ§'l!' OF I..:fE'Jl'~li'Ei~§ f. f. 2'1cARTHUfi'. BOWlWANVILLE, Sept. 9, 1869. S iieteby giv~n, ,1.h H .t th e pattners hi p he re~ tofore f;uba1stin g betwP.en HA HLO\'V CHANDLBR and MORG AN DAVJE S in the mercantile business carried on at Bowrr an ville u1,1:.d er ihe na me of J.Iorgau Davies bas Peen dissolv ed, and that a lliil in Cba. dc ery luis been fil ed L u dclare sucb d isso lu1 i on. -Dated this 25tL day of . .1\. 11gus t, A.D . 1869 HARLOW CHANDL ER, Also !n .s tock, Gen ts' Collars, &c., of the late st fas hi o?Js. - --· · · - - - - - ~ Reme111be1· t.h e pla ce, next d o or to A . Bucklei:'s \'Vat<; h and Jewelry shop ; l{ia g -s ·., S R. O'HARA intend.~ )J;Oing W~st, .Llo\\'niaJ!v"ille. we h nve · determined-· to· red uce our stock 11 ONE-I·I_ A IJF,' 1 alld ~av~ conelu4ed August 20 1 18D9 . 3 t·1 sell a.boqt 10,00() rqlls of Uodtii !1ape~ at COS T i Sta.t.ionery at about Gri.'e.:third less th a n· the regu lar price. Copy Books, P ene, P enc~ils , tHates, and every tlnng iJ1 th e · ' Sc.:Iiool lin e, ·we 1Yill sell from 35 to 40 pel' .~crcs-Lot G, 3.L'd.c?n. Eust _ Wh:tby, t:ent, l~ss Lha n they are3 s:1l d for ·. f () Ji r ame House dnv 1n g b a rn : large fratne ltarn : a nd O rcha rd . , ,,_, . .1tCrCs-lo t 33, 2nd c·on. l)arling to n. At any other Book or Variety Frame ho use and small bat:I.l. Store between Quebec and Sarnia. Acres- 30 cleared --=-Idt. 14, 7th J cou cessio n Eldon. .. _, · ;-, ,, It hns .· olways .been our mo~e of. d oing Acre,S -:- To\':nship · uf . :.'.:·no. wJ.on. business, .Wlieu. ,we red.uced ·r.:U ~r ti clc irL . Oo m parn.th'e·ly wi ld. .-· . price to red ne e it to every o ne 1 nnd to n ·ly The whole 'vi\l be sold on favorr~blP. _ff>t ms; , on the 11rices of our goods for their s:de,-or for I.lie ft\n11s in Eldo n_ nnd.-S~o,'Vdt)u n \:Ve '.ue\·er wish any one to buy from us un .. good poi-tivn of p ay w ill be tnkC~ in en ttlc les s tbey are satisfied that the good3 ·we and horses .' . Ap·pl s to , offer are as lo\v 1 or lower1, tl :il11 the-y are · ·· ·· · · sold for at other ph1ces -; :11id have a l #'ays J, V{, FOV.~KF.i refrninetl in our ndverf.isem.cnt;,o fro'.fu ma lting Oshawa. a ny 1ow in-sinuations eit he r with r('g-ard to ·-----~ our ne ighbo rs) goods or Olll" neigbborsj se lve ~. We h·a.v e s nc11 things t o th e fish~ Preservers ! wives of Billi ngsgate a nd t11eir kin d re d ~p iri ts. · 'THAN WHQLESALE PIUCRS I A tl oo Farms for Sale I l 00 10· 8 o EYE .Ploemaining in the Post Office, Bowmanvillc, Sept. 1, 1869, not previousls adverti. sed. _Allin Jrimcs Allin \Vm. SU IT ED, AND WELL F .. - 'Y'". CO'"VVLE. Bowmanville, Dec., 1867. JONES & VcfEBSTER ' " CHE AP" G0 0 D S " ' LAZARUS, MORRIS & covs SPtCTACu:s IiIR1·cornbe Mr a Jane 1"fa.ynnrd J ob. n JluLt~r -M i s,; V./ood J ames 'B1· nn isou .Miss Si1rn. b Rengclly ""Wm 'Brent ~liss J a ne Po ll ock Jttmes Brown John Riches Ed~ar d J3akcr l'iliss Am el ia Stuart Laughlin 2 ·Carr Miss Amanda Scot Hober t Conrtis .T::imes Smith Ricbard Dafout· 'V A.lter S ommer Gtild:OH Ss biary :Etwcll \'Vin Thos Sylvester Geo rge .- Fleming Thomas Stock ~It:; M11l'y ..:- ~ 7oat_er Geo.r ge Sta ley Joh n ~ Hall i~]liza Jane Sweetma~i Lizzie J McAldcn :Mi.'>s Robin aShol't 'l'bornaB Kitld. 'rbon1.:1.s 'l'rit o n \V:n ](aiser F Ye ll and \Vm Gourky ~frs Vlrn '\V~.sh i n gton A n thony Kenney 1 \-ihs Agnes \Villins \Yn1 Leachman Samuel J , n. FA lilBAmN, P.I>!. ..Allin Hiclrn.rd Burk Mrs }~!iza. Brooke L V\r Lynas ~Hss Uannnh ilart1n .JJ;;rn Kn.te : M orrison 11iss Bella COFFEE COFFEE ! OF THE VEHY BEST KIND ! and cheap as[ at any store in Canada, or out of it, a:t AT IT AG-AIN""" URDOCH have reonranize<l their busine~ s, a.nd w ill be ._. . mises of J. NE A DS, . LIST OF Jr,E'H'TEG.§ reniain" ing in the P ost Office) Newr-ast.le: Sept 1, 1869, not previously advor ti·ed. .'Bickley P -Oowan [J G Davison }[ Ethcring-ioll \V ,Jobnaton !\Its J'r m Kirkconnell DnYid Kellehy Josttph Lee Mr lfay J::lmcs J\{ a lloou J\:frs J .R Ro b01·son Mru·k l?.tiymond Urs \\"' Ski nner James Slater \Vn1 ·Sonsowc Bobert rouna in the I~XPJ1 ES S OF'FICE BUILDII~G HOTEL is a 5 u r e proo f (Jf- th eil'...- s n periOl'.it_f. We S tr eet, Bowmanville. we.re satis fied that they wo11l d be apprccin.T. J . JO NES . S. G. i.VEBSTER. tcd !Jere ::i.s cl se\vhere, nn d tha t the rcn_ lity . . of the advanta.D'CS offer ed to wearer s of our N. B . -A~ I nm d cs1~·ous of ]Ja,v1ng all ~c- bea u tiful lens es~ viz~: the in~provement of ,_part1es tho siirhL, .and tLe br il.liant assista.nc·e they counts prC\'lDllS t ~ tlns ~ate settled 1 indcbt~d t o l ::"e \Vill ~bl!ge by sottdng !..he I give i;;·all cases , were in tb e;m selves so ap1 se.m~, immecrntely \Yl th my rnrt.n c ri ~fr. J parent on trial, thnt tb c result could not be 1 Web:;ter. ocberwise than i t has, in the alt:nost general Ang. 23. T. J. JONES. arloptiun of ou r celebrated perfected opectarh" hy tho re>id en ts of this locality, .[1 \ LJ '\;\7 ith a full know l edge of th(: value of the assertion. ' ve claim thn.L they are tbe moat perfect oPt.i cal aids ever mauufac ti;iretl . 'l'o Lhose need i ug Spectacles, we :iffonl at a11 ti mes an opport:uuity of procuring the ilcst Subscr iber would direc t the att~n- and most dcs!.rab le. Li oa. of Farmers to th e on e-horse u.ntl · pre-.. t\rn-horso iron cu ltiva'tors manufact ured by him , an d \Yl iic h have fur six years obtainl'.d first prizes al Prov incial an d loc a l fairs, Jeii;e /ei's, Watclmuilicrs, &c., TbPy nr~ undoub te d ly the best .implen1cnt of Sc.ile ~1.acnts for Bowml\nville, hnYc al w ays . the kin i n use, nnd will in a very sbot·t on hand a full assor h11eut, suitable for every time more than rGp ay their C:03t, in tl.te officie :h cy an d exceli e nee < J f their work. In spe c-, difficulty· tion i nv ited . A supply uf cultivators !low !ri.- VVe tak e cccasion to notify the public ou han d for the · spring ',vork, apd wi ll be tlrn.t '\Ye e1nplov HO pedlers, and to caution sol d Ht liJ'iVes t rates. them again s t t.l~os e preten d!ng to· ha\·e our goods. -tOr sale. T· Ov~l· Johu 1\Ic:\lu r tr y's Groc-ery Store, Kiug ~wm@m@~ lID»IDlr!!~/l~1 ~~ is our motto j a.nd all wl10 ' Va nt Roo m Paper, \Yind ow B linds (fi g ured and plai n), Books CELEBRATED for Librades 1 Schoql Books, J ~~' cl r,y 1 \\r ork~ bo xes, \Vrit.i ng Desks, Purses, Portfolios, P l ated \Vare, fb t ehels, Fancy _ Dnskets, Pocket Kn ive s, Ha zo ri;, "5Lr0ps 1 B1·ush es of all kinds,-· &c., ·&c . 1 s hO uJd ' CaE at on·ce. T. ic large and in cren&lng ·.Sales of the $.£'· T he Poe t1cn.l works -whi ch are _ ~ld for r E Fi:Ec TE c1 L Ass :E ~ $ 1 nt other IJlaces; \re will S('ll 4 for $2. :n MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A G.n,EAT VARIETY1 For th e nex t two n1onths we·' \vill - sall :MeJo .. dear.is from $5 . to $10 Ic:ss t li an 'l:·ny o the r deaiers in the Oounty \\' c have n:iade spe· ciul nrr ~ oge merits for. the sale of, Prince's Jfel.'.>deons 1 a nd· J.laE_on & Ua. m lin ·.Oi·Z'nns, f'nd w ill furnish the111 nt l.ess t ha n anyone else iu town. Tonny one "'a.nting a firs t- cln se Pia.no, we woul d say 'that. 've w ill. sell a. First-class Instrument. as low RS se:eond Class In struments ure sold fo r j and , t&_ oso wanti :J g ~f'- · l'CI l'}.S'l' PRI_ i j_E ·- CU J_,, T IVAT QR S ! 'j""·IIE CORNISH . $tSO r-J ' Violin§, Conccriinas, Fites,' )<'Jutes, &c., &c., Now is the Time to Get Them ! To person s wantin g either English or At.nerican magazines :-::-ll'ashion .rbooks or papers of any kind, ll'e will fur r'i.ish to HIRA~! HODGES, P.1(, of a superior liin t1 , ,iJ;o o.n h·nd. l llS01Vt ll - l - t r-.,ct fl: OI n lr,)£'4 au · them you at a less price thun you ca n Insolvent Acts of 1864-5. .In the uiatter of Janies Jackson, Grocer Vitlag e of .Newcastle, an Insolvent. ' NEARLY OPPOSITE HE N D ERS ON~ "I'"'flE c.re .· ditors of the In so lvent a . re noti.fu;d 1iln.tho bas w11dP. an as;;;i gnment of -to me., ·the ·unidecsig.ned Assignee: and tbcy ;;n.r-e required to. fu1··n ish me, wi thin two months fro m ibis date, with their clftims 1 specifying t he ae.curity they h ol d 1 if any, and the value of. i t: a nd if non e 1 stati n g t be fH.ct j the w hol e attested under oath, with .the vouchers in support of s uch claims. lhis esti'Ae -ilnd e.ffe.cts .nuder the 1tl:ibve Aets, 1 SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, KING WITH A~ FINE A STOC K OF GROCERIES BUGGIES AND \V'AGONS [n the mattt1' of William 1fluldrew & ge t them any where . else; (we do not con Eta nLiy on h an d fo·r .s ~~1ti'. [ Co. 1 of (}larlt;e, . Ontario, ] lisb?vents. · clai1n th e .largest. ...~irculation;;ill the coun: try , there is a ho~_~e in rroronto seLs n ft3= All kiti,ds 6f Blac;ksmi t b vrod{ done THE nn tlers.ig . ne d bas bee'n appni·n·t...d .As~ , few n101·e t h tt n We do;, but if lo\':'IlCS8 of on the s hort e ::t notice . ...'\.. en ll solicited. ~tiec i' n ti··'" · "II Iiave 1 't ·1 t ft' t 81· 0 " ma tt·cl·, au rl rPquircs price w1 s ege t' -IUHl d e cc , our I. \YEST'OOTT. claims to be · fikd withi:.i two montbs from cirpulut\o. n wiH nlutcrially incre~s_e; Bowmrtnvill 1 Apl'il 7: 1S l3 D, 3 this date. . - - - - --------- JOHN FAlP.., STREET, BOW.MANVILLE. AS CAN BE FOU ND IN TOVITN V/AfiTIED ColJ1pany · 1 ~ 5 ~t. Sacra.nie.n t ~t L· eet 1 .. Morrtrcn i, June !iu, 1S6il. .... 'l'he folloWiilg ai:e.. ·ple prices o.f:so ~e· of Assigner ~ them : ~O D, ACTIVE, J NT E LL!GEN T . L A D, A GwLo writes a godd be..nd, f'or th e WESLEYAN Offici n.l .A;;signee. Dlted n.t Ncwcaslle 1 in the County of JJurha1n 1 this 25 th da,y of _A,,, u g~~i --~~~-· _ ,' WHERE DO YOU :BUY YOUR GROCERIES' being the question of the day, .J.M. would respectfully give a hint to those in perplexity, that he keeps constantly on hand a first·class stock of ! Bowmanville Furniture Manufacturing THOS , JOH NSTON, Manage r. IMP0 1:JNDED . (lQJ'flJ.V!ERCJAL THEIR .UNI IS TO I N THE COMMON PO'C'ND, LOT NO. 1, . 4th con. Dal'Iingtoni a pale'rcd steer, two .Years old. Unless taken ou t within fi fteen .days f ro _!_n da,~e..t be S~Ql.9 llil lbe sol d by :pu b- lic auction. A. STEVENS, Pound Keeper. YOUNG ENGLISH 11'0MAN, 15 C'l'S.; WESTERN. WONJ,!J, 5 (}'I'S.; Bowmanvillo, June Stb 18D 9. 45 J rr; IIJ:ii Y~AR DEGINS ON WITIDXESDA~: LO,VDON SOGJE1'Y, 2 5 ·/ 8th t;eptember, 18G9 . F'ou"'r teen res1GTS.; LEISURE llOl!fi; dent te od ms give instr QeLion in Hatherna-- . 15 OZ'S.; WAVERLY MA (}, ...,, t.ic s, .i.incien t and }fodern Langu,a gea; Na.tASSURA.1i1CE COJlrPANY, urnl, lllornl and Jllent·l Science, and a full AZINE, 12 CTS.; BRIJ'ISH - -... c.ourse of En gl ish. T he department..3 of WORKili.Mv; 12-~ C'i,'8.; WJLICS. FIRE ...t\_N'"D LIFE. ~i u~ic , F renc h and Dra wj n g are uusll r p:tssec.l. SPIRIT OF 'l'f!E 'l'lilfES, 12 01'S.; Cc-s t per annum, cxcrp t cxtrad, $1 · 1G. Band of Hope R"view, 2 els , Appl ic ation for cheulo.r to :E-IAl'\'.lJILT 0 N. FElVIALE COLLEGE, NEW YOR]( LEDGER, 6 CENTS; BOWBELLS, 12;\-& 15 C'l'S.; NEW YORK WEEKLY, 5 CTS.;BU-'l'ON TRUE FLAG, 5 GTS.; tJNJO'i'i>r B.. PEATE '" ' - T A ILOR ?tr.A.D E IN '.l.'H.l!l ' GROCERIES & PROVISION. and those who buy from him will never re,gret that they are able to answer, !-loRLAND 1 _ WATS_ QN & Co., Montre a. lt General Keep the Best and Sell the Cheapest ! Agen t s for C anada. Co r11i: 1 ~ - · Secretary . T . C . Ln'INGSTONF: 1 Hatnilton, Inspect.or f or Can ada. FRED. S . D, ll!CE, Governor. Bam ilton 1 .Aug. 10. 2lf And all others Cheap iu proportion. ' T Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments " ,._ NE-WEST . STYLES. Dowmanville, Feb. 19 1 1868 . 30-tf. 13 .: Acres of Laud". ~ FOR SALE. N Lot 11 1 2 nd co nces sio n of Dnriington. · The1·e .&L'e on it 4 acres of '\YOod 1 >l good bearing orchard of apples: p.elLrs and pl ums ; IL goqd Brick llouse, 'v1tb frame kLtchen hnd Woodhouse attached ; e nd n go od frame barn, lG m.il!utes' wal k to BownianviUe . .Apply on the premi3es, t.o 3-3m, .THOMAS WARD. BUY FROM JOHN li'NJUHTRYe" THE CR 0 CKE RY DEPART lVI ENT .QAT-MEAL, CRACKED O CORNMEAL 'WHEAT . . AND. W ILT, BE l!'OUN:tl fN- .. '"H""'iHF.·· .'. ~~JILL . ~no\vn nsr _ E LLIOTT 'S :JITLL, , A gen t to the abo ve :fi rs t-class English JL SJtuatcd '" the village of Lcskard, \V'e '\vonld again ·call-,- a·tten lJompa ny, offers to pl'o11erly hol det·s perfect Townstip ef ClrlL'kc; · county of Dnrli nm1 Li o:1 t.o ·ortt· stock of Hoorn -:P.-ipf>:.rs·:'.. ,Ve 11<re sec nr ~ty Rgainst loss or d aruage by fire, at with 18 acr es of lan d adjoinin g, on which Lhc on1y persons ln Town who imp c rt direct 11.t"e four dwelling 11ouset. -,t:,ron1 th e )!a.nutact ure.rs in l!.rl'g land 1\'.' P. the:·eModerate Rates of Premium ! thei-e TEHMS:..;:.;..One -th ird clow n, tlrn balance i n for hav e the ne ,vest fJn t te1ns1 .n. t1 d we mean And in Life AssurariC eS tCrros unnsnftlly three annual i nstfl.lmcnts with sev en per Ct' ll t to sell 25 ceit t Satin pa.p erS for 15-..ccnts favorable. iu te fcs t. ~UnghtzP d 15 ce u t r·npers to r 10 cen ts. Coln~A il losses at this ~gency adjusted and ~'"'=- LMl\iEDIATE POSSESSION GIV":EN. ~ .Jn ® · po, ..ie rs &S l ow as 4 cer.t.s. pnid here ;withoHt delay. For f ur ther p al'l icu1ars apply t o the H oll H. 0 1IIAliA; l Ag 'ts f 0r Bo,vmn·n viHe .JOHN , SI1IPSON, Ont":l.rio Bank, B,owman"\V. R 1 CL I MIE, j and vicin ity . a. . Yilie; o-rt;; st: JTE un Gers igned hav ing be en uppo in t bd J~-HN: H'uT~HEsoN, Now is thetinie tq, fap~r your - Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London. ES'l'ABL·][§HED 48 parri.ster, &c._ , powrua_n v i ~le Hou§e_ s: , _ -y· - :uw 1§03. EMOV AL. -' - · DR . DAV ID S ON . Now is the' time to buy Eoc:ks for Libraries. · d oo s. It McTavish's Brick Store, a little farther east, where they have the finest assortment of Crockery, China and .Glassware to be found in ·:towu, H VALUABLE PROPERTY l N NE \VCAITLE FOR SALE. DWELLING HOUSE AND LO'l' ON . 'Beaver Stre·e t 1 ·fo.i· s·al c {'hea p for ca sh. Apply to E . G OHMAN. .Newcasn..,, Ju ne .16, 1869., .3m Fresh Arrivals of Crockery and ,Glassware.. Goods JJmrNE ;23,, 1869. A EAD OF'FICE H- 1 Old ~Broad Street, _T AS l<EMOVED nm OJil'JCE. 'l'O DI\, a.11d 16 Pall Mall, ~L o ndo n . l Paten's office, Corne r ofKing and Silver. G oNERAL .A GL1-;oy Fon CY NADA ;- 24 St-. Sreets 1 wLerc he will be found at nll ho11rs , Sac r n.ment S tree t, Mon~r~al. , ' I k t 10 f h' h fron~_R o c ~c a.t;i., .o , "l _r. m .,~ ~~ tr.r :V i.c . be 1\ 111 bGto und at b1a ie~idence on L1be1ty -Subscri bed Lind inve ste..d Cap:tal n.nd -Rc·- t · t opp os'te the driil shcrl s tee i _l · · served Fund, .£1,9:65 1000 S terling. -- Bowm;i n v·1He, Sept. 24th,,.-18{i8. Funds inv_ cste·n in Canada""7""105,000 1 Insurances agajust J.oss b.v Fire arc effec ted P'ft'if3? ~'\1 \'V:Tr' ,/?f1~ o~ tbe ·mo.s.t favorabl e,- terms, and lossc3 pnid ~ ~~T:::~ ~~~,b'i! ~i,v~ I!: wiihout reference to tile J3mrr d Jn Lond on. ; I ·Do not mistalrn the p,lace for Ch 0 I f ·rto 0 ds ari d n. . g reater variety th n. n any o , · ot.ber rlace in T ov·n1 , in t he .-a.me lin e of busin ess 1 conscquen t,ly, AP Y 9 nc: _·w hose .1.:nril Bu.il d i1~gs. - We have fi re ti mes 11.c : nno u n t eap G · ,1 the ' ·r ·· 1 "ow n 1 ~ . , Jinll a re .ilot too l on g for :tt man·. m ust be sal1sfied thn.t O' Harn 1s is t he Great ·varif:"ty Store of I3CW lll'l. l1Ville . , · sent Call. an.d see us in oiw new preniise{J. to 411 Parts- of the Town ! 17 J, DODSWOHTH, ' Inspector. ' . I\INTOUL RHOS ,, Gen, Ag'ts, lfofltreuL FOR AN ARTIS'l'. MURDOCH BROT"RfEif.S - '-'· ~1 , '. ' · · · i Gee : Agent~ ,for Lowm ;;;.nv1,le and \ iC!n;;y_ . I' Bowma.n;r!f1t';r June- 14 ~. h, l8Ei9. 16 GIBSO'ilT & Co 11 LET, A PHOTOGRAPH G.\LT F.RY, t ake tbe Town }! n.,11 Eu; 1:1 1 rfg~1 fer Cl1 eap with good sky light. Posse3'10n im - ROom p i ~ e.r t1; nd·fancy:. goo93 ." -....$ ' inicdiatcl y. Only onr. olh t r Ga !h~ry in tbe l plu.c2 . _<\.p pl y to :-Jrs . _.\lex:lrid?r fletcber. ~JJ::iw l'.!.ln:rrvill~ 1 ,. .'.! l f. rno 1Ve say again, d-o not mis· R. & H.'HARA

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