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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1869, p. 1

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I I 1 ONDERFUL Dry Goods and Ready~ Nade SOLD AT HOW VE y WONDEJ?FUJ, AND SUJlPRTSING THE QUALITY AND CHE!l.PNl\SS OF ' II Clothing L. LET THOSE WHO Bl:i 0 0 I-CE'S ~nE Oppositee To\Vn Hall, :Eowmanville. NOT AWAHC OF '~'HI~ FACT CALL BEFOUL PURCH'..SU:G, AND SATISFY 'IHE\ISELV.b:S Bowmunvdlc, Octobc1 6, 1869 Sin;:?'le c:.1111 t~i' l1orsoo l::it A. Tn., ldr, d Will Lou,;h, :::rd J me, Wcldou lei and :3nd 1t Sh iw and I -]OOP SKIRT MANUFACH!lER L -i. nd impo1 ter of mn te rrnls Ii 01 1 Kmg St1cC't En.sti Bowmnni; 1l c Bo'\'\mrinvillt J ily 16 V\T. :Bl. 0 2nd Vi est, Bradley & Caiy's lfifg, Co 51-tf .- NEVV STORE. L Iiv.<: x E ISSL1' n OF Bl authout' of II1s TI:x.,;:1 lencJ theOoverno1 "tl'?'l'tt.l OF:FI\)E at :he' STAT:ESl\'!'.AW O:ffica DU. A. DEl'A'H, (Gradua.tc of th e To1onlo U n ne i~ it~ N[tV TAILORING ESTA.BLlSIIJl:I EN1 I TRREE OLDSAWS HOW TO ADVERTISE 'fhe Jn.,dc Tra<k S3'8 ·omo good ti 1ng-~ In t hlj follow111µ: arl1cle '\'d1 c'1 JllfL) be uf pr ucti-al \ alue tu some of unr J end ,) J[)HY SJCIAN , St:RGEON &c OFF!C" 2nd J [ 011 Chu1ch ~treet, <:econd <loot '\\est of Silver St1eel 1 I3owmanv11lc O ntario Lanner, 2ud JlHt. D \ V!DS®:\', and .accouchcu1, of the Ro.) al Uollegc of Pln.,1c an.;:, Eng nd Office on SLhe1 t:!treet, second d)ot north of K ng Street ( J r> ltat1v u free Bo'\\manv1l1e, June 2 >, 186 7 R B ' ' r1rn 1 rn A'.JCOP.Dl~G 10 HIE lllci\-Inrtry nnd ne w A1cdrcal Act as Physici an Surgt"ou F lf\.:3 ~ow CART HUR OPENED Lt Job n Go,g111 D UTI! PRODUCE fo1 pou ltiy 1st l\Irs N Ison Mnrlow J ohn I'<orde1, 31d lllrs Jamee' ns !HS NgW s1 oRgs 8l'LKND10 .. rocK OJ!' W1TH A JUI LEMEN IS Pall TO intor Dry Coods,I SOLD FOR C.A_S:Ei ONLY. I lor poul try 1° t John Axworthj, J ud~<:s sam e as fu1 P Ir g ens loots J110Gl enn Pa11 ladies boots 2nd ,J t ues I,erguson ~ i rl Look out for the Greatest Bargainfi ever offered in the County. ~ ) liard? n::f' Why ia tJ1e rollcl cf tran~.!rcssors Bec1udc lt 1() in11ch tr~n cl!cd ~ C ll"'~ ... o Ii is JU ~ t .:il11n~d i::e\u tons of 1natl 111ot er by a single t1 rnn ~ p, ince N pole()a 1s ~ ' tng tlirougl1 lhc S u 0 z C·nal l!1 lu· ) icl t, oa his I\ a3 to Iodrn 2ud 2ud 1 t Cl1<1s Ti ck, s AUCTION BUSINESS Rv ICf>-, OF A HHST CL \SS CU l' l ER, (t'."r' Ile1e\; to 1i:itcrnnl improvements,' "' Dobbs su1d when he swallowed a do-e f ·tits H. H. FVE'3, WHO -\\ILL MAKE UP IULN'S AND H01 'S ( LOTiiING ro O '\DE R IN A s l YLE NO f' TO BE su_-.PA "SED BY ANY ~ \r1n<l W:-i lv ... e us ht J Weldon ; 1s t Chns Trnk 1 FACTE. d for ligl1t S G u1]1lc1 ·, 2nd lot D Hooey, l ' !1'367 8 E'-TAilLI:iHMENT IN Tf!E PHO\ INCE! rr lfm. W I y Jfe l 1 og~ tbe 1nnst 1ntdl1 nt nn tnals 1n the countrJ ? Eecnuse ~It is ROBI N s OTu r1~1rER\.?>:CE ..H .. 1'1:.lL, nous:' I P11 \Vork Vlarranted to they nc1e eve15tlnng Fit, or no sa;e, , 1869, ;tttd tlrnt 180 000 peop'e 2nd John ~O. ll 0 9 111: A\' ~ ~'l!ULi,'i' A tew doo rs 1'.rorth ofl\.1 11g S treet, F. F. McARTHUR. BOWMANV!LLE, October TORONT O. J '..1\IE8 MATHE" S, O!il !PE R [l>~~. hare left Hornna srnce the Cuban re10ln11on O':immenc~ d, nnd thi:i.t ther J are 10 1 000 vacant hou·es ln the city 1st J os D.n ies1 JA~' . BIG.H.Aiit, Puinlc1, Glazu1, Paper hange1 g· '1'0 31 lJ §. ( Hlr:§TERF IIE~ !lJJ , & The contrnct 1s stgned by wlHch M Strolrnoch brnds hims lf to pre ll!a .Jnmo P 1tli l 000 000 do'lars fur 100 repreecnta.t1ons in America. 1-t Ch is DEP~RTMENT Jo lr mouth anv Ins ll·lf1enr ne,. "Don't trouhle youf'alf ro stretch w1de1 "s nd a dentist to 11 rI tend to stind 01ts1de ilfoDonou_lr, and Mrs fr.ALL BUILDINGS, BOTJMA_NFILLE. IlF.AfERJN to draw ) our tooth" DRU .:.r -:;, MEDICINES, AND CH A UCTIONT-~~ER F O :t BOWhU.:n JLI E A~D D,., DARLl:SG'"'ON ltESJDE~CE , ~Ordc1s QUEEN STPEEl pu n ctuu llJ uttendC'd to C bu r · 13 Stuff , , Pateut Med1cmes, Pl·rfume··y, Bru&hes, Combs, Soaps, Parnt~ a1.d 01!8, P::unt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Cc.·1 Otl Lamps, .~c, &c. Cotilter, lsl Mis John g"s i\IodPro.te Physicians' i>rescriptions carefully Compounded and all or dern correctly answered. I>'<w 1ners mul Plt11siC'ians fr01n the Cou11tr11 1rill fine on1· sto( k ofme'Uci11es wm,pfote ancl of the best quality Ill\&" o" manv11Le, J nu 6, l!)t_;O MONEY TO LEND ! $300 AND UP"\V ARDS , IG'"Office,-01>p1>§1te enh a nee to 'I'ol-' 11 llall, Be:rt"ai n1a11~ ilic. Bo\Tmnr 'i1lle A u g 20 18 68 3 Mro Jas W. H. EDWOODS, AT THE VAR~ETY eSTORE Pnpcr Oolluis-threo Iloxes fo1 20 cents 100 P1cc·a Music, con.rstmg of Songs, \Valtzes, Schottisches--5 cent, each p!lred to ntlend Lo tie \\ aula o f i lie publi c Sewint; i\lacll1ne~, Organs und ~Ielodeons, fro rn best l\:l:lnuftclurers :n }us hu~, 1n a nH:1.u11er uu s utpa ssed by anJ Albums \VHtmg Desks and r ea Trays rn great V·llelv n the Province ' 1h1ee gr rss of I'ans, at Fuc Cents each ' Particul i.r at tenhon grv en to the cutting Clnldren's Cabs, fiom $2 00 lo $13 00 "-nd diess1 ng of Laaiea and Ch1ld1en's ha.1r School Books and ail othc1 goods equally lo\1. A cnll solic1tt d :Barber and Hair-dresser, fitted up tht:! prem1se1:> third H AVIN'"G door ea.s t of the Poot Offio" is pre- Hoom Paper cheaper than ever MEDICAL . I Special Inducements to Pedlars ! W bOLE.S.\LE tlH;r ana ~ AND Rl<~T AIL . thatone 1 1fnotboth \ lll be fonnd at their rrofess1011fl.lly engag(d R' ll PATTERSO'I having secureo the N B -We have Inti ly udded to our business tlrnt of an Exchan;rc Office, and serv ices of W FENT J~ M D Pio - are pt p 11 ed to bu) 01 St:1 l GreenbacI...s .._i\.meucan Ex..,hiJn~e, Royal Can 1d1an aud v1nc1al Lie nt1\le, would sa) to t he public I U C d B1l4..; t)ut;er &c ' &~ ' D knittmr; 1st nnd 2nd MlEs 1st nrd old pflic· Church trect, at all I cur ' rf notl B·?Vma.avl lle JU "E 10 18GD ..., ' (15) r il) 15 1869 Y:ELLOWl.ES & QUICK. .. - _... Jl FD n~ ~>XTP

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