Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1869, p. 4

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& A Mormon tem!lle is to be erectnd in New. York city within the coming Y'·r. 67 Victor Hugo a~ls a guinea for the pror every time he writes his autograph for strangers. ~The British mint bas been slrik· iag 20,000 medals for soldiers of the Ab1ssini>11 war. S~LING OFF · SELLING OFF ' -an' immense"stock of has now on hand · I lft .,.. . ~ ~ f,.., / Unfailing .E }l;ecu tors' Notice. L[, PERSONS IH V IN G CLA!Ml'i against the Estate of the late Richard Reed, of Bowmt1.nvi1le, in the County ol Durham ,. ShoemA.ker, Qecensc:d , are hereby notified to present to MR.' TIIOS, BATTING, )leI'c hanti Bowmun ville, (one of the Ex cu tors of the EstateJ) forthwith, a sta tement of the same , with particu lars. .And o.ll perscns l nA debtcd to s.t1ll Estate, b;r note, bo ~k account 0 1 otherw ise , cue hereby notified to pay the same to Mr Th oa Batti ng, witho ht delaif. A Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's PRUNELILA AND CANVAS ~ LAZARUS~ MORRJS& CQ'S PERF ~ PTC~~~R~TP;CTACLES A.MD The public debt of tho U oiled States will Le reduced during the present monLh between seven and eight millions. J5)' ;BOOTS AN"::O S:S:C>E?S, ~II of which he is selling at a great reduction from his usual · low prices. Call and eee them; and got bargain·, at the 111141 _ If The ~ ~ E'fiE~GL,t.SSE§, Lirge and in~rensiag snles of 67 The "cnsu11l advantage" derived by Dr. Uyerson from his rcce11t school pilgrimage throughout the Province, in the shape of travelling expenses, amounted to $221. ' a late Abod Five Thousand Dollars Worlh el Sunday morning in London, found but one hundred uud ·ixty-two worshipers in fourteen churches, whose p·stors received altogether $7,074 salary. 11$- A stati<ticnl observer, on PE R FE C TED G,L A 8 S E B is a au1e p 1oof of tlielr su p~fldrlty . ~l"e were so.tisfied tha t they f.iotlld be appreCiu: ted here as e lsewhere, and tl::Hl.t tho rcahty of the ad vt\h tag es offered t b Weh!ets bf our beau t iful len Ses, viz.: the ihiprot eth Cf:lt of the sigh t, and tlie Brilliant asShltl:!.nce they give in }1ll cas!ia, ~ere in t:h6i:b.seltes ao apparetit on tnal, that the 1eBu lL co uld no t be otberwisoe th il. n it hn;,. ln the hlrtlbst general adoption of ou1· ijelelJ~ated pe rfeC teli spectacles by tho l'~side nt a of this lo tality1 UIIARLES HONEY, c' :' 1 '\V. Il. CLlMIE, ~E:tscu to ts . TIIOS BATTING, . l30\\:ttianY11le, Nov. 10th, 1369. i5-tf r Sign of theBigBoot Drawn' by .rwo H~rscs 1 King 1 st., Bowman-ville, TO THE PUBLIC. rr HE informs the public thnt he has purC:ba!!!Cd Ueed 1 Senr. 1 and ~vill continue to t!n rry on , tli o F or Di seases of1!:ie Tb roat, Lu-:igst Li v~hi i . Digestive Org.ins 1 K id neys, &c, as well a, 3..:roful a.,, the Ya,:iO.'J .3 Skin Diseases, H1:mors -'.. IE uHl fill d1sea~f!" ans1n g f1om Imvu11tie.!l o As hcflctofora in the old stftnd; Rn<l hopes the Hlood 'vc boldlv s tat e that tbis gre&t bY st.riot fi ttei1tl on to business to n1 erit a ~on- rr.medy ha~ NEVER BEEN EQUALLE D tinunnce of tbe extenshe cuRtom accorde d "\Vhere w as there ever such a cu1e as tbat in to his faiher for the past th.irty years . the person of ViTJL80N . S·ronMs ot Bnghton, The same woikmen being cmyl oyed as Onta rio of Cons umpt ion; or tlrn.t of PETllR fon;nerly, customers can depe~d un getting C. Y . ~f1LLEH, o.'.' Ernestown, Ontario, of t heir ,orders... filled as heretofore, 1n an equa lly Oonsumptio n or tliat of AMBROSE \\' oon, of sat1sfnctory manner. Con secon, Ontario, ofD ysper1s,a and Ln·err ·~large stockcfready-makeworkonliand 1 Com p 1a iut 1 or that of JOHN 1:1o~E Y, of Kttpwhich will be sold cheap for cash or approv- a·1ee, Ontano 7 Df Rheuma tism, who bad ed credit... act ually be en on crutches for y ea1·s 1 in sp1ta RICH A RD REED . of all trentmen theretofore, nnd is n'ow well. Bowm11nville, Nov . 10tb 1 1869. SC;ores of such cases m ig ht be mentioned ball we space . & Call at tl1e Drug St01 e ::i. nd get a Cfr· cnlar of unqne~ticnable c e t tif1 t::-ii'-':;i on t he UNDERSih;~~ RESPE bTFULLY th~ entire ·Lock-m"trad e of the late Rtdhard !9fi0!!1HOJWEJES REN! !EJ) :;I{ Virginian ~porlsman shot himself fat·lly last week, nod being unable to move, he fastened a note to the ne'ck of hi· dog and sent the animal home. Help returned before be died, I@"' The Jesuits are buiiding a church in Milwaukee, to cost $160,000, and. one of the p·pers says it was begun without a dollar, and so far bas been faired, and pick.nicked, and ruffled t~ its present pro- ~A With n ful t li.nowtcdge of t he value of the as3ertioh 1 we claun that they are the most perfoct optl ~al aids ever maaufa.ctured. rrb tbose 11eed!ng SpoCtacles, we afford ai nl1 times an opp o1 tunity of prce·1rln~ the boot and most desira ble. ) Sh oe BltS1ness B00 t & ROOM PAPER. CORNISH tc SON, Je1celers, Watchmake1's, &c., Sole Agen ts for Bowmanv1lle, have always port1cn ". DS- The Chicago Times explains that a great many years ago, as many as twenty, the Chicago Historic;] Society was presented with a sealed packet with binding instructions not· to open it till 1870. The injunction has been sacredly ob·erved, and now, as the time draw· nigh, the papers and the society ere wondering what tho packet contains. (\:'.}- Two young women, Misses Swain and Thoburn, left the port of New Yo1k on Wednesday, Nov. 3, Cor service in the Methodist missions for India ; one, Miss Thoburn, in the relation of a teacher, tbe othe_r as a pructising physician, having received a regular medic,i.l education in this ocuntry, and also Laving had a hospital experience. . .I@"' Last Thursday a clergyman of Bristol, R. L, received a letter inviting him to" fill a vacar.t pulpit," at Providence. He went to the place appointed. Iostead ,of finding a vuoant pulpit, he was put into on empty room, a pistol presented at his head, nod bis poC'kets were rifled. Ho also had · to draw a cheque for $1,500. The rascal who victimized the mrnister \Vas captured and committed to gaol, 0 0 B __ ,,_ ______ ___ s AND K " COF EE COFFEE! OF THE VERY BEST KIND I NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ONE OF --.= on hft r,d a full t\s:iortrnent1 suitable for every difficul ty , ~ \Ve tak e occas!on to notify the pub1i0 that .we employ uo pedl ers 1 and to caution tbcm against those pretending to have our goods for sale, KELLY'S REM 0 VAL. DR. DAVIDSON AS REMOVED ms OFF'lCE TO DR. Paton':i office, Corner of King and SiJver Sreeii\ whe1e be\\ 111 be found at nll hours, .£ro1n 8 o't:lock a m , to 10 p.m., aft~r wbicb he will bti fo n n<l a t !ns re sidence on Libert" stroct, oppos ite the dr ill sl1erl, " Bowman ville, Sept. 24th, 1868. GJrnAT SHOSHONEES satisfy yourselves. RR}!E!}~ AD~ P1·ice of Remetly in za,.ge pints $1. Jr:r For Sale by all Druggists and De11 l e r1 in bied1cine. Agsnts for Dcnvm auville ,Irfessrs.J. H1ggir l;othalf "),S to tt . Vlhr.i1 esale Agents,-Northrop & Lyman Kevrcopies C'S PATENT SPRING BESS! H They are Cheap,f11Teat, Clean and D12r1tble. The following are a few of the od,.ntages of this bod : STATIONERY FANCY A GOODS ANO TiA ~UST A.a. coon SOJ,D AT LESS lst.-E ithcr sitle can be used for tlie top. 2nd.-E acb and every spring can be t ak~ en out w1tlJ.out the h~ast Udficulty, as they art: ,1tJl seperate from the- 'v ir e wo1k on eithe.r side. Peraons moviug nny d ::.tauce can .ANTli~D, for 01der'd work only, IO ta ke them out autl pn ck them up iu a. sma.ll \!\/ Oout, Vest aud Pa.a t Makers . .l\_pply corupass . to \V. H. IYE8, at TO TAILORS. ·rxJ THAN WHOLESALE PRICES S R. O'HARA intends going West, we have determined to reduce onr stock t: ONE-HAL.F," and have concluded. t'J sell abou i' 10,000 rolls of Room Pa.per at cosr i Stationery at about one-third less than ~he regular price. Copy Books, Pens, Pencils, ~~Hales, aud every thing in the School line, we will sell from 26 to 40 per (:Gnt 1 less than th ey aro sold forJ ::. · and eheap ae nt any store in anada, or out of it, at ~pr1ngs 3rd.- A ll run.,:ze bed · have fifty-four If you lln<l tha t fifty-fou1 are too F'. F. McARTHUR'S. B 0 UN SA'l~L'S ltlr.An English merchant""" adroitly robbed of$4.200 ioN. Y. Bank of Commerce on Teusday. Ha h11d drawn the amount in four $1, 000, nnd two $100 bills, and was counting it when a goutlernanly looking person tapped him on the ohoulder and said he h11d dropped a bill, pointing to a piece of paper at his feet. the dupe eaving li'iSmoney_on the count· er; stoupcd and pieked up the fifty cent 1hinplaster, and when he ro·o found his m9ney was gone' and there ·was n9 tr a.ee e1 the clever operatQr 1"ho abstraofed it, 1 At any other Eook or Variety Store between Quebec and Sarnia. It bns alwavs been our mode of doin1 business, wlieii we reduced an urticle i:n price to reduce it to cYery one, and to rely on the prir.:es of our goods for their ialri1,.vv~e ne\·er w1sb any one to buy from us nnh·ss they are satisfied that the goods we offer rire as l ow, or lower, tbnn they Aro sold for at other places; and have nlway11 i ~fru ined in our advertisements fLom ma.king any low in ainuatio~, either with reA"ard to our neighbors' goods or our neighbors' selve9. We leave such things to the fishwi-ves of B11Jingsgate aucl their kindred apirits. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION, KING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. rnaay, you can tnke out some of them witli Bowmanville, Oct. 13, 1869. very little trouble, and no harm to tho be d. 'Lh.- Tl:t1s arti cl e will last any person a. lifetim e , as ther e is no Wt'ar ou!. to it onfy 1n the case of the spnu gs, w hi ch will get weak Wlth age, anQ \' b1 ch can be replaced ~Lt any time : ot· if the springs get weak in tlic centre-: you can take some fron1 the ends and exchange ptace3, Tn that way you enn 'tear ou t every spnng in the bed. 5th -Yon will obse rve that you can put a great many more sp11ngs Ill than are there at pl'escnt, 01 you cr.n mflke one side f!L t onge1· than t he o ther, by t aki ng some of the spri gs hon1 one place and putting in a not her-al' you can 1'e11d for more spl'ings. 6th.-Tb1s, we1gh1ng not more than a comm<'ln ma.ttra.::;s 1 can be mo\·eU about w·itb CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, very littl1· troub l ~. 7Lh.-'r bis sp ri n g bed 1 being m ade of lhe F.GS r es pec \ fu ll v to annonnce th~ t he beaL coppered spr1r1g w1re 1 will not rust like hns rec e iY ed a ~well~ ass or ted stock o f conunon iron wit c. Genuine Di UO'i'I a u<l. p 1 re li:ngllsli Chemicals. 81.h,-Aoy k.nd ofa mattrass will do to A.lso 1 it splendid stock of the most cnrcf'.llly put on tho top of th1s bed. 1\ifARBLE WORICS in the County ofDnrh am , being eomprfaed of tho south 84 a,cres of lot 22. and :nottb 3'0 a.c.:res o f souLh hal f' of l ot 21 lu the~ lh co.._1ccAsion1 Dn.1lington . The l ~nd , i ncluding abo u r. J en ncrcs of wood !R. n d 1 ts of su pe1 ior quality and in a state of goo<l cul tivat1en, lv1th a good dw elling 1 barns nnd ou tUu1l d11.1gs thereon. For terms, apply (if by ietter poatpa1U) to John Farley, liampton 1\ O., John Ranton, Ailsa C1Higr o- to I DESIRABLE FARMtor SALE N THE TOW:-!SHIP OF DARLINGTON, FAREWELL & McGEE, 9-3w. . B0-W-]}1ANVILLE. Barriste rs , &~. Bowmn nv1llQ an d O s ba.w~. A NY PRRON" intending to .:irecteither . .f-1:. . Monumentor <A-ra'VeStone toth~ me1110 rJ of departed friends will find it greatly to th ~ir A.d vantage to call and cornpa1e AYER'S Work, Price & Quality of Mar bl~ with any offer~d 1n Canada V\l"est. We speak positively in affhm i ng a saving of at l eas TW1'NTY PBll CE:NT, Sarsaparilla .J HIGGINBOTHArfl, EOUNSA LL & SON, Prop1 letora, MRS. C. BOUNSALL B I rs p rep :rt.reil to attend to )Iillinery And Straw \\..,..ork, as usnal. Ladi es' :('.'clt Hats c lenncd H.nd alter@d to the Newest Styles. 13-Two Apprenticesv.ar-ted immediately WHERE DO YOU .BUY YOUR GROCERIES 1 being the question of th~ ·d11.y, J.1".f. ~oul<l respectfully give a hint to those m perplexity, that he keeps constant! y on hand a tirst·class i-tock of W bolcsulc and retail, by the Bowmanvilla Furniture 1'1anufoc tunog Company. Tl!OllAS JOHN STON, Jfaunger, Bowmanville, June IO, 18G8. ~:~.::····~.;.~.:.:.~ .!, -'":::.."· ··". "· quahty. An A.SS ortment of Aniline D3e:s kep t consl~n tly on band, t ogetbe l· witb a cho ic(j ireleuL10 u of- ·., I 15 "·CHEAP GOODS" FOR NOTICE. The subscriber bogs to inform the inhabitants of llown1anville and surroun d111 g co,u1.1try, that be has fitted up the Photogra ph Gallery formerly occupied by Mr. V!i~E DER 1 where all those who wish to get good PHOTOGRAPH OR SUNBEAM I ~I at _KoQd satisfac tion , is our mot to; and a11 who want Room Pl!-ptr, 'Viudow Blinds (figured and pla in), Booka for L1b1anes 1 School Books, Jeweliy, Workboxes, ViTiiting Desks, Purses, Portfohos, Plated Ware, Satchels, Fancy Baskets, Pocket Kn1ves 1 Hazora 1 Strops, Bru8bes of all kinds, &c., 6:-c , should. cal! at once. The Poet:cal works which are s old for · other places, we will sel) · !for $2. -· J GROCERIES & ~PROVISIOI~S. and those who 1.my from him will never regret that they are able to answer, , t~~u~··~.~l,ll:!."~~\;0 :~,~!rp::;~~:~t :~~:;: I MUS IC AL INSTRUMENTS 'l'he Gallery is situated over A G.LtEAT VARIETY, For the next two mcrn!lis -We 1t>fl! sell Mele' deons from $5 to $10 less than .. ny o!htr deniers in the County We ha·e made spe .. cial arrangements for the sale of Prln~e7s Melodeons, 11.nd 1ilaso & Hamlin Or2an s, Rnd -will furnish the111 nt Jes s than an) one Mr. A. lFlctehc1·'s Bakery, directly opposite Trelevcn's Boot and .Shoe Store, KING STRI!;ET, EAST. A.LL WOBif 'WARRA VTED. Oome one, come a.11 1 Give Harry a call, His Pictures are bolh Jarge and small ; Ht mak:Qs them look both handsome and beat, ~I for the work-it's bard to beat. H, O. TAJT, Photographer, Bowma.nville 1 Clnt, lowaa.nville, September 14th, 7·6 m else iu town. 'l'o any one wanting a first-clR.Bii Piano: we would say th-at, we will sell a Fhst.cl11.ss Instrument a:i low as Second Clnss Instrumeots are sold for; a.nd those wanti ·g Violins, Concertina!!!, FiCcs1 )<'lutes, &c., &c., CORNMEAL A ND THIS WAY FOR Now is the Time to Get Them Garmc uts tnade by me . w1ll ple11.se 1 em ember tbo. t 1 shall not ullow then1 to 1>a" any cloth 1ne1 cbant \\ h.itever for 1uy lab~n· ... I e x..p~ct to be pnid for snch 1uyse1t. aud ] To MESSRS . CHAMBEl'lLAIN & S1LLS 1 Conway P. P J.JXT11 , sliall n ot wo r k o n .:i.ay oth til' con <l1t10ns. I U., Coun ty of Lennox, Ontario , Canada. COLORS, am m ostres pee!full/, ~[AD00 1 C ounty of Hu3 \i ngs, V1\..RNI SHRS, H.ICHARD PRATE, T.lILOR, ProTince of Ontano, . Fcl:t. ~ lb 1 1869 . and WJiiTELE AD . Ilow ma.nTille, Dec, 17 1 l 8tJ8 , 20, b:]- At the ~ery lowest price;:;, rrhis is to certify tlrn.t 1inring the winier Hor"'e & Oa t tle3:i:edich.. e,.. of lSGJ I \VA.3 taken with a wettkn ess of the a.i.11es, wliich g1nd urdly, cJt.1ing £be sp ring N B --C ou ntry Storekee pers supplied on of I8G7 !:!'{tended to my knee io) and 0 11 up to nd\'antageous t~rm s. my hi p;, and I became so we~Lk tha t 1 conld J 11 0 L wa lk but. wn s con fioe d to my cba 1r.- I For nbo~t two )ea.rsi. w h ile tln:i weaknt>ss I was coming on n1c, and a t'('rwn1da 1 Jsought 1 mcdic?. l at1 dee, f!mploy1 ng, at <liffe r~nt HE Subset ibe r would 1be nttontiwea Lliree doctor ~ 1 and meU1c1 ,1 es of differ-1 tioti of Farmers to the one-horse and ent k:nrl>i , prcsc1ibed by f ·1ends, but of no t,\o-hb rse iro n cultivators mannfa.ctured by A.Vail . l conti n ued to get Y1ors e a nd worsc 1 liir11, na tl whitb have fo r six year~ obta1nt-d un til the sumtrer of 1868, when I was infirst pri ze a At Pl'Ov111ci.d and local fairs. d uced to try the gre a t ShojhonPeS Rem edy 'l'lH'J: a1e undoutitedly the best in1pJe 111 ent of by re ading the curl?'s performed, in u. p,uppht!le kh:tt1 in n se 1 f:.n !l 1'till ln a t~ry short let. At this time I had begun to feiel the tltne tno:e than repay their cost, 1n the Gfft~ weaknes~ in my handa i u.1 f.u,;t I was gl"tciency aQd excellence of thel1· w 01!:;:. Il1spec:t;ng airnosl helt less. f have tak en two tion invited. .A. supply of cultivat ors now _bo til eB of the Shoahonees Rem edy nnd two on hand for th\; §ppn~ work 1 und Wlll be buxcs of the pills s ud I alll entitely rest o1 ed sold a t l e>Ne~ t 1ate3, CAUTION . -All genuine hns the name to healt h . I never ex pected to g~ t belier, "I'eruvla.n Syrup," (NO.l' "l'eruv11tn Hark,"l but s imply tried the me dicine Hs a so i t ot blown HI the s lass A 32-pagfl pamphlet senf free. J P Dl KSMO RE, Prop11et-0 r, 85 Dey St., fo:-1or n }wf1C . Th ia ca se of 1niue was not n. Now York. Sold by all Druggists. of a supe1101 kind, alio on hand. 'private one, but kno\\ n lo all n1y ncigllbors --~and friends j and. to nny one at!J,eted n:: I BUG GIES A2'1D \VAGONS \T"as, [ hn ve only to S' y t1y the S li.03Jionees constantly on ha nd for sale, Hemedy j I Lvheve it" iii cu re yon A LL p ersons desirous of gc-tling tlie ir DRUGR, _ CH ·; mCA L S, PATEN"1' ME DICINE8, BR USHF.S, COMBS, SlfOULDER--BRAUES, ::HJPPIJ llTERS , .Ice., &c . OILS, FIRST I>RIZE direct CULTIVATORS! T 1 1 ·---- iaacAtN s t I retiring :i \. KED WHEAT. To persons wanting either English or .American mngazines :-Fashion books or papers of any kind, we will furnish N conoequonce of Mr. Banbury them to you nt a leso price than you can from busincss 1 get them any where else; (we do not claim the largest circulation in the couotry1 there is a house in Toronto sells n has resumed the Boot and Shoe Business in few more than we do;, but if lowness of ihe old stand, and is otfe1ing a portion of price will hu~e its legetimate effect, our 1he old stock at circulation will materially increase. ~ All kinds of Blacksm i th work done on the sborte::. t no ltce, A ca ll solicited. J. WEsrcur:' Bowm».tH·ill~, April 71 18!JO. Sworn t o hefo~c me at M11.d oc, Counly of Hastrn~s, tlus ninth duy of F..,br ua1y 1 1869 . A. F. '\YOOD 1 J. P, 1 \~c. I hereb y certify tlrn.t I 110.-vc kn own ~Irs. Marv Ann Douglit y for the last fi fteen Jears; s he is a woma n ot probtty a nd truth. I ha ve k no .,.. n her hcfon.·, duriug 1 an d since h e r illness . I bcheve her' ce rt1 ticfLtC to be t 1uc in e\"e r " particular I kuo,v tbr.t wllil e ill her casi· we.a de~lar ctl hopel e::.s ; nnd I know tfia t she ha~ 1:11uce he r recovery, olways at· tllbUted her recov l:ry to the- Shosho1.e~s Remedy, \'\'ha t cYel may he the p e c u li~r prop erlif'! of t h is mtld 1c1 11 e, one t hrng 1s ~e 1 t~u n, that 1n her case, it ~Ht~ a cle t.l 1dmost hk.::. t he petformauce ot a mtracle. _ A. B'. WOOD, J. P, AO RES OF GOOD LAND, BE1ng lot 9, in the 4th concess10n, Warden of the County of Hastmg~, P1ovince Darlington, 2 ~ miles from the tovrn of Bowof Outano, Do1ni r. ion of Oa11.ada. mH.wville: 70 ac1es cleu.red and 30 ac1cs wood land, co mfortable dwell1 11 g boul!'le, good burn, sta bl e, shed 1 &c., aud so me fruit trees on th~e pre mises: well Wl\terc:d.-For particulars apply to Mr. A1ch1bnld !1cFeetera1 or to the p"'op11etor, rrllE }!cTAYISH P lcOPF.RTY, ON KING Street, Buwmnnvillc: qnarter A.Cre of TllOMAS WELDON', J\IARY A.~N DOUGHTY. - - - - - - -- - --- - - - S. B. BRAPSHAW Fresh Arrivals of Crockery and Glassware. Goods sent to All Parts of tho_ Town I JUNJl ff, 1861. TO RENT. A Saw and Shingle l'./!:ill in the fitth concession, Townsh ip of Cartwrig ht, occupied by Mr. \.V. A. Louc.irs 1 will be re nted for A term of ye a rs, w1t.b Of with~ 01 1t cleared land on sa 1d lot. P osseselon of Mill~ \.'!ft.Ube given it required. For furtb~1 infonn~tion apply tY:. tb.e s u bscriber at Whitby· I I lllUIEl\'SE BA.RGA.ll\'S ! Women's anJ Chi:dren ':i Boot:i from 25 et1. per pair. The foll owiug are the prices of ilome ot them; Roys' Boots Crout i'iOc. lU tn's " " $1.GO. 3 ' Call and Get Bargains·! Dowmanvillo, August 20, 1869, IT S. F. HILL A.S ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN FELT HATS. f NEW YORK LEDGER, 6 CENTS BOWBELLS,12~& 15 CTS.;NEV YORK WEEKLY, 5 C 1 S.; BOTON TRUE FLAG, 5 CTS.; YOUNG ENGLISH WOMAN, 15 GTS.; WESTERN WORLD, 5 CTS.; LONDON SOCJETY, 25 CTS.; LEISURE HOUR, 15 CJ'S.,· WAVERLY MAGAZINE, 12 CTS.; BRITISH WORKMAN, 12i\- CTS: ; WILK' SI'IRIT OF 'l'HR 'l'l1 1fES, 12 CTS. Band of Hope Review, 2 els. Wm.LAING 12-tf too w. ANDREWS FOR SALE. New Self-Acting Hand Loom , . - Price only $50. ·Bm Very liimple a.nd easily worked. Send fo1 a circu1ar. BARGAINS ·! Vocal BARGAIN"&. ' ' Great Bargaini.: will be given at the begs to nnnounec Urn i he is prepared to gi··c instructions iu the elemonts of Temp~ ~ · 0, & Instrun1eutal ~1 US I C, OHRO~IIC DISEASES hln.cksu~ith's sho? , n la r ge wood-shop , sta.bfe, &c. Mos t val u;i.ble property, n. nd will be sold B.t a Bargain. Apply on the preru1ses, ~~ndd, ~~.:~1!~~~1 ~l~~rsee ~s :ngoeoxdce~t~~~ ~;~:~ to 11. McTAVrnH. l!aroh ~ow.,..,,vil\o,30, And all others Cehap in proportion. ' embraci ng thorough .Basil! and Harruonyl the elemenis of cop'lpos 1tion . He is f\.l.so p repi\.red to tune Hnd repair PiHnoa. Residenve-Ohurc h Stu1et, East. BowmQ.Qvillc: June S, 1868. .t5-tf. DR. "\'ITOTJJ,D JAMES, RESPECTIVELY STATE 'Jules Y Getchell, of St Loui"", , . .-rites· 1 I !Jay" been affiicted for years 1\1tli n.u ajfi!,ctlion oj the I.A i; er, which destroyed my health X tuetl even tlung, and everytbn:ig failed to iehcve me, nnd I ha\ e lJeen a br ok en ~down mnn for some yerua from ll () ther cause than derangnnent (If the Liver My 1teloved pastor, the Rel' Air. Espy, ad\ 1wd me t o try your Sarsn.pa111ln 1 because he suut be knew) on , and anything y6u mudc '\Ht3 '~orth tryu1g. By t ba blessmg of God it has cttred me, nud has so \)l\u ~~o;l mr blood as to made a new man of me I foe ,J. 1t. tlll ij again. The best that can pe s;:µd of you ~~ :µDt hall' good enougb.1 1 1869. 3~ J;clectic j!hysiciRJI1 lf R. W. JAMES Bowma.nv : l~r,Ont tion to our lft-Oek of Room Papers: \Ve are the only persons in Tow~ whe import direct from the lla.nufaoturers Hi I!. a gland, wr. the:-e. .,HE MILL known ns ELLIOTT'S MILL, lOr ha.ve the newest pa.tterD1 1,and we mea.o iituated in the Village of Leske.rd, ~o sell 26 ce n' ilatin pa.p&Di for ~ 15 cents Town1bip ef Cla1ke, County of Du1ha.m 1 Unglazrd 15 cent rapen for 10 eenta. Oo.aa.with 18 ncre:i of land adjoining, on which mon pa ...>ors di low as 4 cents. thtre are four dwelling bo uoos. TERMS :-One-third down, th~ balance in 'three annual instalments witb se·ven per ce:nt For Sale. I We would again call atten- CHEAP. 1 CORNER -.STORE! dring t~e remainder of the wintor season! T later.,t. 'IJ//ir IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. "'Si Nowisthetime to Paper your Houses. For further pal·ticul ars apply to the Hon. JOHN Sn!PSON, Ontal'io Bnnk, Bowman· 'rill· i or t.o St. JOHN H. BUTCIIESON, Now is the time to buy Books for Libraries. . L i l ' \ l . [ E .. PUBLIC 0 P I N I 0 N has fully justified the original idea, that at Hie " Corner Store" you could get WEL~ Sign & Banner Painti:i;ig Do not mistake the place for Cht:.ap 1 Goods. It is in.. th't Town Hall Buildings. 1\7e have fiTe times the amount F RESH LIME KEPT CONSTANTLY tor !Htle by the subscriber, at his lime house in Neo.Js 1 bnck block, corner Church and Division Streets) Bowman ville. 7-~-ru, Wm. BASSETT· - -·---- -~ ----~ of goods and o. greater va nety than any other pla.ce in Town, in the same line of business, consequently 1 any one whose ea.rs are not. too long for & ma.n muei ho satisfied that O'Hara.'s i1 the Great Variety Stort Bowm!il.nvillt, or SUITED, AND SUITED STOVES! S'l'OVES Also in ;tock, Gents' Collars, & ~ . 1 of t11c lates t fashi on s. 1£3"" Remember the place, ne1ft <loor io }i. . and Dcco1 a tire ' Errors of youth, Nervous Debility, Prema1 t ure Decuy a nd all the effects of indiscre- B11ckler s"' \V a tch ;,n d Jewelry shQp, King, s ., P_ aper Hanging, Gilding,&< &c, tions of yoath-a cure is g uar:autee d ; Dys- Bowma.nvil le. Aurust ao, 186~. 1 pepsia, Liver diseases, 0ind disen~es of PAINTI~G \~'0111e11 a1.1d Cltiid1·en , Gancers eur(':d .vithout outting 1 and little pain, Sore Legs, Salt Rhe um , a nd Scrofula in all its lV111. BARTON. All kinks of fo1ms. Dr. J. ie happy to say, diaeases wbicb have hi therto been though ~iucura b le, are now rapidly yielding to h is trAalmPnt, as his gratf'ful patients ale w1U1ng to tsstif') THE TOWNSHIP Ol" DARL Executed in a. No Cfl.lomel 1 no mercury, no ~ i ne1nlPohon9, ington. All 01·derA punclually at will be adm u11stered in any forml in any tended to. Charges moderate. disease. . The ~filicted, wbo cannot obtain relief ~ Satisfaction g unranteed in all its from other sourc0s, are pnr ti cu lar1y invited branches. to call and see him . lG"" Office in Neils on's CHE.STERFIELD & BlWTHER. Ha.JI , Belleville. ~ Office hours, 11 &. m., to3p.m. Bowman...-ille, Nov, 17, 1868. Yours n.ost respecnfnlly, De~o1atini; , F+escoing, Kal so tllining1 PAINTING, that he is now treating successfully the-following d1seasee :-Epile psy, or falling F1ts 1 in the ir worst form; Ooasumr,tion, in li:XNG STREET, its various stages , (wi(h Dr. J .'s femed iea consumption is po longer an incurable ditiEEPfl Oil llA ND .A FrnST-CLAilS ease); Blouchi tis 1 C!'ltar1h 1 Asthma, Gravel, a.saortme:qt gf t he ilE subsct·ibers lta\"ing shnted Business Dro psy nf t lie C hes t, Abdorui na l Drop~y . over Mr G. I!aines, Oarrialle Sbop is Gene1al Drop~y, &c pa.tieii.ts who baye been BEST CLOTHS! 1 p1epa.red to receive all orclers for ~ tA.p ped seve1al times are curable under Dr. All work mada in the latesl ond best styles. Jatne:i' treatment; diseases of the R. JO~Jell'k 1\-IERCHANT TAILOR, , K Plain EYE AND EAR, ll1cluncb.11Iy., ~11u1· a ~~ H. _ ~:my remnrk1;1.blc cm e:: i of these ulf~~ ~ 1s bnr~ fteen made b)' the nlteratt ve p ower ofl!n:-i 111ed1cmc. lt stunnlates the vital tunotions-i1Ho vigoruu:; action, ~nd thus overc11mei,; 1hsq1 a~ rs which woul~I be l:iUJJ" pawed beyi:ind ltli reach Snell a 1emedy hns Jong ~cn rc.quncd p} the ueuess1t1es -0f tlrn people, a11d f!.r~ cpnftdcut t!:iat tll.!s wjll Uy for ttiem all thaij I we roe~1pne can dq. ' ll1e Bones. _, .A great vtniety of cnscs have baen reported tons w!1ere cures of these for)D.ldabl e complaints bava re1mlted Jrom the n~e ot t his 1 eme dy~ but our ::pnCco berti w1ll Uot aduut them. So me or t hem mH- ~& found iu our AID.cricau Almanac, w h1rh Hie ;"' ~ ,~ below uam"';'l n1e pkruwil to fuuuah gratis to ~H1\rfi8' call Jor them. ""s~epsint Hc-:art Dine~Ro, F ilt..-; 7 lf'fi!'1ya,-, Scbiri-u", Cancel' 'J1u111orH, En]rarg..en~cnt! IJlccrntion, Carie~ and E .:idfdiatioti Oi- · Jiyer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAP~D CURE OU' SIGN AUCTIONEER Fon anti f"or If.ho R ebe: "' f)f Conl'.iUWJJtile l.1ntie n ts in. ndvnnc ctl lbtngct1 of the D.iSJea ~c . This h; a r emedy so ·tnherea.11y known to fUrpas::s. nny other for the cure of throat and Jun~com(Jlmut 8, that lt l S useless here to puhh B h tbe ~VJdc 1,cc ol' i t ri virtues '!ts uni 1vallctl excclJc nce for coughs and · colds, anp its truly 1\0ndcdul cure~ OJf pnr rneinarv d1sc:isf!, 'P.~~9 ma~e it known t1uouglrnut the mv1 lizetl nahonF. Qfthe earth, Few £He t 11(· commumties 1 or evun rn.nnlie!l, among tb em v. ho b;.hc uot i:!Omci C!onghti, ColdMt .lnfl uet~za_, I-!oar.,cuess, Croup, Bron~hiilii;i, I1~c1picllit ~0~1 .. aun~ptiou, NO. J STYLE it. PE.ATE,J T..c\..ILOit MAOF. IN TJn; trophy tu tb1,;ir uudst of its vlcto1y over the 1mbtli and drrnge l'OUS d11iiordt!n1 of the throat and Ju nga. .As all know th e dreadfttl fatahty of tbe~e d1sordcrer, 11nc1 us they k n Qw 1 too 1 the effects of t bis 1emelly. t\ e need not do morfl tf,an to assure them that 1 Llmt now .Ul the v11 tutIB tpat it did have when malting tl-:e Ollll>S wllfoh h~ne wQ ll so strongly upon th& confidence of mankind. Pre,pared by !Jr. J. C. AYEQ & ~o., Lowell, Mass. Northro p & LjHH\n 1 NeYi·castle 1 [O nta ri o r.opr1e tors for Unnada . pcrsollul expe11ence ol' ita e ffects~eomc hvmg .. p;- 1'\11L O!t, BOX AND COOK, We say again, do not mia· take 1he Town Hall Euildinga for Ohta ll. JAMES, M. D )t()r e 1 t.bfr Coal or 'Vood, cheaper than ever ' Room paper and fanc1 1ood·. F . 'Y". CO'VVLE. &wmanYille, IM., 1807 THOllAS BASSET1 ':0 · & R.'HkR.! publis ht."r of tb.e tiT~rE!SMAN, for subcrption111.dvcrlts ing 01 j ob work, nre re. qne::1ted motoo stttle tlJ.e &-a.me al onc:f, A LL PERSONR INDEBTED TG THE "VV. ::E1t.. 0 Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments LES. Bo1"manville 1 Fep. )9 1 1868. 3,o.tf. NEnVES'L' S'1' X..X J.\l.l[ X E. 1" I HN &ORNAM'HTAI. PFNNTl!fl Sold by J. llIGGINBOTRAM nnd D STOTT , Bowman vi lle 1 P. nd Medicine Den.lesr e-veryf,"' here.

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