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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1871, p. 1

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" ~~t ,~~~~~::~ r~:,~,~:smkn E ~,/..V '::' l!HTR ~D(l.Y JliOJRN j!:u;:, by tl e Proprietor I THE MUR DER. OF THOMAS SCOTT. Let no ne of our readers svpposo tho! we arc alJout to ru,h, sword n hand Jn to t he c~nfhcts anJ perils cf tho pol1hwl 3r t:d a for suc h a co u sc IM mrst rem ote I vV ~£. R. OT,,I~!f: I E, J. ti.:he OFF I lf t;--- .!!osl Offi<' Bl o ck A Y/EEICLY GENERAL NEWSPAPER 01\TARIO, THURSDAY from our rntent10u · We do not LcltevP howeve1 in keeprn ~ ·1 ent on sch;ects of common IJterest merely be·ause EOmr. morbid y sensu1 tre p rtiisan, or FOme gen1 U9 of the neutral trnt, may pcs31bly mis construe our r marks N' p·rty bt·· but a sen<e of 1 ght ond of duty prompt a. to suy a fow word, on the woi m which the murder ol Th on as Scott hns been drnposed cf by tho Parhament of On ta no Th ere are oceas1ons that 11nperat1vely den1ar d th unLtcd nctio ns of all partt<>s to who te,cr s! ad o of pol tteo they mny bel >n6 And we re fl'·c to <;:'ny tha t 1n bur J tldr:; rue nt an oce ~loo of tins ktod occ u1red m tic J,c,1 la!ure uhen M r Bl ke rn trod uc d the 1ollowrng resol u WI ell will be sold At Small Profits, On Prompt Payment, and At One Price. SENR, BUS P COLEUAN IN~ SS! ideas ll Gm nn d w 11 be found n.t his New SI on o-i ox I ARIO ~TREF r 0 1 pos1te th e HS d ence of Mr ir.T A good 8 l!l cksmllh Shop nttnch cd A call sohc ted Carr aZ3es Repa ired Painted and 'Irr med en tl c sl urtest n ot ce GEO. D SPOON ERM PII.YS :ic i l lt.1 §u a ~c os-a .&c, CORONER BOWMAN\ t! Lll Ocnlber 6 t8o9 TH E subocnber h 1s 11ow 1ece1ved the whole of his SPRING Il\IPO .r \. 110;.\8 "hwh will be found of the Newest Rtyles, b es t qnalit1e and at the lowest puces l e mv1tes the especial ,1ttent10n of purchasers to his asso1 tment of 0 , 19 tf C. NEW LAND TIREll, "'l. D , J::JEVVC~STX...E . Oflicc - oppo,1tc Lyman ~. ss1 s Northrop & 9 6m OJ OTHS TWEEDS WATER PlWOF CJOllJS S1IJ11T TNG S SHEErINGS LlNE!\S TO" ELINGS HO SJF.RY BLACK SJI,KR '\ ELVE l S P \RASO LS, U~IBR E LL \S, DAMASKS ~10KI£ENS, DIA.PERS It is a ~rent prcger\ alt re t o n h1~h standard m taste and acl 1 evcm cnt tot 1ke e\c1y year some one book as an c"'pecrnl study not only to bo read, Lut to be conned · ud ted broo ded ove1 the country 111 h 1t to havcl with 1t be devoted ftt1 thfully t o t be w1 bout ani other book for the lime comp I )Ourself \\ 110 can be to read it ngatn and n6aui dull en ough lo pas long days rn the rnt1 mate, c}ote fam1!1 r l 1tercoursc with sonl':i. transcendant mmd and no t feel the bon e fit of it " hen he returns to the common world? Bu t whatever stn"dorJ of mental ex oellonce you thus form rn the study ol the cxcellc ct Bowmnnville USEFUL TO l"<"OTICE,-REJ'll:OV AL. A large asoo tment of Small vv ares dnd Tnrnmmgs at "hole :::ale and relcul MAP or NEii BRll ISH AMf RICA! ~1 CROSSING THE VALLEY A.P OF THE P A.'I'EBSON, Dominion ~ Canada, NEWS! AT T<JE BOl\l\IANVILIE $3; ... In answ er to ll e ,;entk knock at tl c Jibra y door ~fr /?ayers adm1L ted a bo3 of iom teen "ho bore rn !m hand the morn 1 g papci 'You ad\e r l1se d fur nn ostler, s u "Yee do you know of oue ? .--' I "uh to take the 'ltuut10n myself ' Yo 1 ? Could you ta ke care of a horse? ' I tlirnk I could try ' CAP and FUR STORE A cl o ce se ect1on cf T. J. JONE S, L. D. s., 81 RGEOn DLJY1l_'lST. WALTE RWIGG& toa ee; 1N PAfiLOil BOX AND GOOK chc1pc:r tba n eTer e tbe Coal or 'Vood MONEY TO LEND I IN SU11S OF l,lla oo A ND u ic..wARDS, at a l ow atf' of Jter es FARB>\ ELI k llcGEE & OR1ce -Opvos 1tet ntr 111ceto I .,. O"\Wll:l &Dall, Bo\.\ (l\3111 ·lie. 13 ,n10,..,\1l1e Aug 20 1868 3 wl 1le crCJss ng PEATE, The 1'ew Donnanon Rct:nl \V :u·e1·001ns, Opposite J W F, wkc 's S o e 4 A Swrss res deut of P ougl kceps1e N Y mmde1cd Ins swee tbe a1t on 'I:uesdoy afternoon because she refused to marry l11m an d uftenvnrds ntfomptcd amc1do T A ILOR Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments MADE lN T HE 081:-IAWA F OR. B OWM"AN' I LLE .A:SD D \.IlLINGTON KING srREET EAST A.ng ist 24 1870 NEW-EST S IYLES. nr s OE:\ CE , Qt F.E N SrREE! Bwmfl. n v1 1le Feb 19 18G8 lly ittcn ded to .... ~GE1'TC~ ~ THE- B u WMAN v l~LE J O tf llDHNS' HOT AIR I FUR~ ITU RE :o R.. _ u ~. FIRS T-P RIZE 1 'TO LET! Bow rnanvi lle Oct i 5 18 70 1'1>\NUFAC.li:Rl~G J{ FOR THRl TOWN H I P OF t:;O STILL AHEAD ! Au( honer, DART I N<i TO:N ' SALES PROMPILY AT1ENDED TO CHARGES MODERATE ..,,- - - "QV".JR..CL:I::L'Y.C:I:E, lSS L li:R OF THE LOCKM <\N SEWING MACHINE 1B NOW TIIE LEADING lVIA.CHINE IN TH f PAlNTS I V arrnshcs che ap at OILS description~ For.Uairganu GO ·Bl Hardware ton s Date s and Russel ma.I Tll()MAS BASSETS er~ nd D1 10:} ec of n. ll TO BASSETT'S, B \SS ETT S I SIG OP TH.EJ()LDEN ANVIL Oonsnltat.1uu free J nne 15 )86 7

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