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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1871, p. 3

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~ --._ --.... GA.NADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDA);, MAY 4, 1871. '· - -~~ -~--~----:_,. -- ." ,. ,,.. 2\l:IDcth£Hmcnts. ~~/ Early Receipt I Corn for Sale, '\Vhole or Cracked.· :.J oho l'flcDougall. llhl9-tf. The Osborn. OF TilE Jn lUemo1·iam , I ~ J'..r _,....__......_,.. "-"J'-" ....._--._.-....-, T llnU premi:'!es 'or the propriP.tor, lot Si, 6th concession cf Darhn~tou, during the season of 1871. TF.Rl\:18:-For Canalliau or Grade CO'WS, $2.00; for Thorough-hteil Cows, $5.00 for thti season, to l~ paid nt the time of service. ,\..-1\I. LEASK. 10-h\·, Da.rlington. J\iray 1, 1871. HE THOROUGR-13RED DURHAM I COUNT OJ:f A'l'HA, v;ill serve ou the Mcclung Brat hers FOR Wanted. my 1\-iills in: Podonk, to nuv-. manYille and Oshawa. For further particulars enquire at n1ill. A. B. C.A.MPBE.LL. Bowro;:\.ll.vflle, l\lay 3rd, 1871. ·10-tf. OF T EAMS TO DRAW LU:MilER FROM Pasture. OOD PASTURE TO LET, FOR 40 to make Ladies, Dresses and J'i-fantl~s ~Particular Spring Fashions SUBSCRIBER HAS J'iOW THE · .. = T HE i~ashions ~5 ~ "AS USUAL' IN LATEST STYLES." I .. = for this spring, 1871, and is prepared I Funnture :XIanuf!:lc·luring Co., iH now in a po;;ition to fill all orders at as lo'v a rate as any deal· cr m · -l~hc county. 16 ROBT. S. l\IANXING, BOWl\IANYILLE FURNITURE l\IANt:FACTURING CO. HE·SUBSCIUBER HAVING BEEN T a@ninterl :retail agent by the ]lowmanv11le FOR HORSES & CATTLE. -;- A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. -i- fitting. attention paid to cutti11g and I ;; ~ --11HTS valuable preparation combines a.11 the mediclnfll virtue of those articles tion of the :..trangr.r, and \'aLJHPO l11n1 to I~ -pause and learn the narne of one lVho f. ha.~ shared so laTgely in the lair c of ~ others. r stronger atfra('tionR to an est the attf·n- in honor of the dc>acl, Heaven ha.c:: t utlefeil no prohibitiou. and Eo.rth is no! U ilijurecl, hnt benefit ted, by them. .AH f: those 1:e 111t1f11l etnblems 'vhich ado1n t thP. rnan~ iomhs around which we loyt· !in linger, assure us \VO nre in a )\'Or\0 c1 .., 'vi arn1 and lo> ing hearts; 1he adoi.·ning- ~ of 1he sepulchres of 1 he "lov ones· alle\.Httcs our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also clicers the be· reaYed to know that an additional en1- ~ belli.shrnent of tlle . gra"" c presents ~ A GAINST HXPENDITURES j" ~ l\IRS. ALEX. FLE~·CHllR. .Apr!l 12, 1871. 3Mf. cows. F.ntrauce in rear of 1ir. Haney's, Duke street . ..._TF.Rl\fS: $8 for the Season, comlllencing May 24t1i. TIARVEY SOPER. Row1nanvillc, May 2nd, 1871. 40-2w. G Mantles, Millinery, STAPL"E NEW TIN SHOP , ~; . IN BOWJ\1ANYILLE. es = ,g ~ ! 'Vanted, A T THE 130WMANYILLE FURNI· 1 TURE Factory, o. few strong young men, o.s apprentices t.o the Cane-Chair and Cabinet business. Apply to THOMAS JOHNSTOK, Man- ager. DRY GOODS I Fancy Dress Goods, FORlt:IING theinhabituntsofBowmanville and SUI'l'OUnding country that he ha.§. opened out a New Tin Shop in the store lately occupied by John Allen, corner of , H AS w. MUCH REED, ~= PLEASURE IN INI I I lo e; ;E ,.... .. ':'= ~ c'e ei ~ ~ I::' _ KING AND DIVISION STREETS, which long experience bas proved to poss12ss the most ~afe and efficient properties for the ~ure of F'lcsh VVounds, Sprains, Brui-,es, 3alls of all kinds, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone 13pavin, Ca.llon8 1 Fistula, Sw~eney, Externa I Poisons, Scrn.tcbes or G1·ease, Strains, La.meness, Mange, \Vhit]f)ws, Corns, Sand Crack3 Foundered Feet, Horn Diste1nper 1 Swc1lings and many other diseases which horses and rJattle are subject to. · This celebrated Linhnent hns been 11setl t'or many years, and its curntive propertie!i! ~horougbly tested, and it is conceded to be the cheape~t and most reliable renledv for all c:;;:t~rnal complain h! ever offe'red io the riublic-it never f"aill! when timely nsed and flgures, executed in the bc:ot wnr kmansbip, "\Ve take this method to ifilorm "ou ~ that we can fill orders for rle~oTittOr·i;; ";he ~ graves of tleparlR.d fru·1ul ·, ~" ~ JoW1 - - - SI}- le J ~ ~ of MON Ul\iENTS,TABLETS. ETC., [ OF 1'H}' FJNEST QUALITY OF t ITALIA1' & AM f>:JllCAN 1'.URBLE, -ANl>-- 1 t ·-~~~~-c_._B_O_u_N_·s_A_J_,T_,·~--~~il _ Ilo"'-man;--ille. fj "EUREKA" i:;upplied on short notice. · Evcrrthing ~; pertaining to Uemetert work ,,.'ilf incet ~ witl1 pr1nnpt attention, by leaving or~ ~ ders witJ1 f SCOTCH ABERDEE.N GRANITE, Fruit 'J'rees Cor Sale. ~and for Perserves, 25 cents; best dcscrt-- Gage, 'Vashington, <t--c., GO cts. ; olso English Cherries, Riggnrcaus and HeM"ts, at 25 cts. Also, Flower Plants in abundance, very cheap, now growing in hot beds. 39-tt. now1ns.nville, April 26th, 1871. e P TREES~Blue, COLEllL~N CAN SUPPLY PLUM : Bown1anville, wht>Pe he "'·ill keep constantly on THIS CELEBRATED MA.CHINE I hand a \Yell selected Hlnck of stoves, Jap. ~ To be bad of all Druggistsi and Countrv anncd, pressed and plain T 1n,vare, .now been test!"l_beyond all questrnn nnfl the 'Merchants throughout ttie Dominion. Pric~ which he '"ill sell verdict of the public 11:> that to·day faithfully applied. "CHEAP AS THE OHEAPES1'." Special attention po,id to J Notice. CLOTHS AND CLOTHING. FOR their advantage to give us a call. E:'-VETROUGIIIXG AND JOBBING. to. r.f1" Orders from the country promptly attended i ·I t Stands witluntt , a ·Rival. ' > 25 cts per bottle. Northrop & Lyman, :r-.· . ewi;:aitle, Ontario Proprietors for Canada. Sold by J. _ HIGGINBUTHAM and D· I STOTT !3wmnnville, Ont·rio. TRY IT __ ,- __ 88-td Bowmanville, May 3rd, 1871. . ' nJ 1-Iighe.<\t price paid for: Ilides, Sheepskins Rags, Wool-pickings, Coppel', 11~eathers and Horsehair. ~ Great inducements held out to pedlers_ N. B.-Farmers wanting .l\.:lilk Pails or Pans would do well to <·all and cxanllne my stock before pu1·chasing elsewhere. A. share of Public po.trona.ge respectfully solicited. d ( ~ TRY IT 40-tf. W. G.REED. Bowma.nvn·e, l\.Iarch 8th. 18'71. 32-tf. It j3 the most substantially hui1t, has the fewest "'01·king parts, beautiful in design and finish.Has the best design of a snttlc, n.nd by far the LARGEST ROBBINS, It is capable of performing a range of '"ork hitherto thonght impu,.,oiblp, for Sewing l\Tachines. 1\'otice. T revising the Asessment Rolls of the Township of Cart'\\·right, so the year 1871. \Vill bo held .at the Town Hall in Haid Tov..-nship, on l\iIONDAY the 15th day of J..IAY,"' 1871, at 10 o'elo~k A. l\f. Parties interested nre herehy reQuireti to take notice hereby and govern themselves accordingy. \V. LUCAS, T'p Clerk. Ca.rtwright, ."-p1·il l7th, 18'i1. 38--td. HE COURT OF REVISION FOR 1871. IRONMONGERY. 1871. SPRING 1871. Is sold ;i(al1ont one-,J1:11Ctbe J. ll I G G I N B 0 'I' II A. Ill, · fprice oC tbie1· !Uaehines JOHN ~cLEOD, ---:o:--- B CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, EGS RESPECTFULLY TO ANTRY IT carefully selected THF. PRTC:F. O'fll.l£R l\.f.ACillNES D0ING THE LIKE '-'ORK. I8 equally at hmne on leather as on fine goods. Has carried off prizes over the Howe, 8ingor, Locknian, Wheeler & "\Vil son, \-Vanzcr, Raymonil, .r~c. ;;,;if' A Perfc<1t ~= 1\{achine Cm1rantced or no salP.. ~- NOUKCE that he has received a well as .sortPd 81o('k of Genuine Drugs and Pure ·1£nglish CI1cmicals. Also, a splc>ruhcl stock of the most Peddler Wante4. 'l'o a prope1 )JC)'$on, good wages will be given. ./qi ply innnc- MAN, TO TRA YEL IN A YOUNG Darlington and Clarke. :Must come "·ell recommended ns to honel:'lty, etc. OF 1I:ARDWARE, IRON, WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, I l\ll'OilTER andELECTRO-PLll.TE SILVEHWARE. Manufacturer of all kinds of Tinware, A!\D DEALER IN o:; DYE STUFFS! rhoice se~ Iconstantly on hand, together "nth a lecti?n ~f DRl;GS, CHE}IICALS, whi("h cannot bP. Rt11'}1asi:o;ed for exccllencv of quahty. All assort1ncnt of _-\nil1ne Dyes !kept T. DARLil\'GTON, EALERIN DOMESTIC PORTED Murdoch Bro's D GROCERIES, AND IM· TRY Pl' diatcly, personally, to 38--lt. G. l{.. PEDLA.R, Oshawa, Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Bent Stuff, Spokes and Hubs. JFS'l' RF:C~~IVED 1"01· Sale! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF A for FRENCH PONY, A SET OF Single Harness n Buggy and S11lky. Cheap C~h, or, Qll Credit by giving securitv. Enquire at tho Statesman omce, Rownu:1n\illc. 37. Spades=Garden, Drawing and Ditching,Coa·nish Shovels, Rakes, Sc,ythe!il, l·'orks, and all kinds oC Garden and Faraning Tools. CHOICE TEAS, FRUITS, PROVIS,IONS, &c., . -). CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Dowmanville, Ont. ~7-tf THE GUEI.PH HA.ND .'-ND OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, BUU8IIES, UOllIBS, SIIOt:LDElt-llRACES, St:PPORTERS. &c., COLO HS, VAHNISHES, &c, PAINTS, and V\rHJTELE.AD £'&:"At the very lowest prices. TREADLE '. 111..U::UINES THE " --"EUREKA" IS A~ " Bl'ick Cottage SALE, ON WELLTNGTON F OR Street. For particnlarfl apply to 16·35tf. . HAVE just received several F Special attention t-0 this line-lila.£ls, Locks, Hinges, Glass, Bash, P11tty, Paint.~, Oils, Bees! f/"ar11ishes, E({;Ve Trouuh.~, 1Vindoit: and Picture C&rd-s and Tassel-S 1 and OR SALF,, RY E. R CilYDERl\IAN, E:eerything d.se required, and that in one place, t11'tl~ presenti1ig ne<Lr Ha1npt:in, greater i11dueement~ to the buyer tlu:en any other ITALIAN AND HYBRID BEES, Bonse 1·n the Trade, v·hich of itself i~ 1w s1nall advantage. - - - - - - ---------- W. PROWER. The Building Trade. Cases and Bales of Staple and ~ PL"RELY VEGETABLE' MEDICINI' ! FOR THE OURE OF are the best made, 'Simplest, more durable nnd reliable than any other single·threa.d machine.Larger and Vtork with great ea,se. Vlill do an kinds of domg.stie scwb1g in a Pcl'fc.ct1y sntisfu.c· tory manner. Has taken :flrst prize wherever HORSE AND CA1.rLE MEDICINES. vantageous tei-1ns. N. B.-Conntry f:torokeepers plied on ad- DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAIN:-, Bet·s ! ! Bee!l ! ! ! THE LOCKMAN . LOSS OF APPETITE, GENKRAL DIBILITY, SEWING . MACHINE ' IS NOW THE '-LEADING MACIIDfE exhibited. THE GREAT ENGLISH RE111EDY AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOT. SIR JA.IUES CLA.RKE'S a Healthy A.ction, anll uf Purging out all Depr!' · ed Humors and Bilious SecreLion from 11 · :i;t poss:essr.s the po~ver of Toning and Stre11~· 1 · cn1ngthe Ston1aC'h,of l£xciting the TorpidLli"c· ) Fai1cy Dry :aoods for the I IN CELEBRATED FEMALE PILL. 37-tf. ville. 70 acres cleare ~l. and 30 in "\V0orlf'l, l'omfol'tilhle DwAl!in~ HmrnP, gq,id Barn. 81ahlP, an cl Shed ;, :,iume FruiL Trl'eoi un the pre1nir:Jcs, 11 gootl 'Vcll, also a strca.111 of Spring \Yater. ..L~ 12, in th e 3th con. of the above 'l'o,vnship, 130'acrescl~ared, beu1g- the S011th 00 ~tc-rcs, and 10 on the ~ortli cast cotncr of Lot 9, in the 4th con. of Darlington, 21 n1iles fron1 the 'l'o'""n of llowman- ·~CRTIR 1 ,C\o _ _ ~_..! r_"F.,.1 - I - -N .B.-~EATHERS for Way & Do'1'i3i11~·'s SALE. Patent THE DOMIN_IOl{_ _oP CA!f:J.,DA. I AGENTS WAN'l'ED Evg1wwHERE Prepared frotn a. prescription of Sir. J. f'! Iarkf 11. D., Physician Extl'aordinary to tho oQueeL ' THIS PROUD POSITIO~ I'l' HAS SPLRNDID INDUCE:WRNTR. attainell 4,broUgh H,., inhP-rent good qualities. These qualities arc sllnplicity, UwalJili.ty. p,Je.gance, adaptability, besides a s.corcmore ofequH.l import.t.nce. lf~or full particulu,rs oddrbSs to the 0F' '10CD LAND, ' I ,:WfcLEOD. "Vellington Building, Bo¥nnanville, .April 10th. JS'Tl. A u .LSO 200 ACRES, BEING LOT NO. "'411'HI :V(' . \ ,, .. , House, ·with RtnnB ( .-:ll~r 1hP -"ull t>faP 0~ th f' ;Houst·, !:l s1nall Log H cn15<· t" 0 B,uTis, '31al1k ~w J Cow Shed. Excellen~ land, sltu.a.ted 31- 1nHe;;fron1 the .Town of .Box v1nanv11le. Fnr ·'nrt11er 2""rr iml1an:: apply to the µru~ 1 1·iet·lr, T HOlVT \S \'YELDON. Ten1po P. 0 .· or to Jli..~:IES \VELDOK, Lot No. 13, in the 4th con. of the above To\vnship. 16-39-3n1. 70 in \Voods. \\.ell ·watered; n.lso a good \\'ell. ~.\. ne\.v Framf' D'velling thev cannot fail THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED Spectacles n.nd Eye Glasses manufacturell. by LAZARUS &': MORRTR, and for which I have the sole agency, are gaining golrlen opinions from all those who have tried it. If you want to preserre your sight to extreme old age, use these and no others. _>\..ARON BUCKLER, agent for Uowmanville and vicinity. 1-mo. CIIANCEHY SAL:i<_: OF YAtUABLE FARM PROPfRTY! CHE~it-P GOODS URSUANT TO A DECREE AND P Court order, aud final order sale, made by of t1 cause v. for the Chancery, in '1'110.J.1fA.S RrTR.J.'T, and with the approbation of G. li. Dartll"ll, Esq., one of the J.or,al 1\..faHtBrH uf the said Court, will be sold by Public Auction. al BR<11JTR'R HOTEL, in the Town of Bowman· AT Photographs T .B'l'l"fED a-nd iniproved the Gallery lately occupierl. by .l\ilr, II. Tait, is now prepared. to taJre dangerous disenses to which tbe femal~ constitu11anu:i'a cturers. :F'or tcrn1s, samples of sowing, &c., apply to Sprirlg tion is subject. It moderates a.11 e.Xccss and "\VILSON, RO\\'...){ .\N, & Co., GUELJ:-~II SEHTL.VG 111.ACIIL!v~lJJ co· 1~ removes all obstructions, and a sp-eedy cure Han1ilion, ,Ontarlo. may be relied crn. R. & H. O'HARA, ·.ro 11LlRRIED L .'-DIES Agents fol" Durham and '\,..ietoria. it ls peculiarly suited, lt~-'5:ill, in _ a~ short Dissolution of Pat'tuer!ilhip. .tarn. & H. O'HARA, -wholesale agen.t1'-l'n· -tJm·! biing' Oll tlfe nfo nthly period _,y ith reg_ , .-- - ~ , ' - i·theCounties·ofTiurhaill,Ontarioand Vietotia. u(l\rlty. M'TCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT &F 8peda1 inducementH to Liv<· agents. Ea.ch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the the partncrs11ip hitherto existing 'Let~\ <'en .Jnuuun-18th '1871. · · Government Stamp of Great Brita.in te pre ' the '!nc1crsigned, a~ Merchants. in the ·villa,gc of _ _ vent countl'rfoits. I , Enn1sk:1llen. was di;:;solved by mutual consent on 1 , · CAUTION "h p· I h Id ! Mondav, ].far<:h 27th, 18'71. All liah11itief'l 0f the ! .-1 csc il S s ou not be I firm will he liquidatetl Uy Mr. Robert Hut.C'hi ... im, I taken by females during the FIRST T.HREE therandalldebtsducthefirmarctobcpaidtohiln. 1 lJ lJ ~ MON'T'HSofPregnancy,e.sthey aresure to to HODJ£Jt'l' IIL'l'OHISON. I bring on Miscarriage btit at any other time ,_ HARNEY ~L llRl~lllN. they are 8 f, ' Ennfskillen, April 3, 1871 · In all e :a:~ of Nervous and Spinal Affet ' '1'ith reference to the above, the undersigned tions 1 Pl'lina in the Back and Lambs, Fatigue 'vould rcspectfnllv annonnceto the public that he on slight exertion, Palpitation . of thf' Heart, 'vill contim1B thr. bus1neHH of Urn a.hove firm in the old Ht.and where he hopes to rec<·ive a conMARI):.E.T BUILDINGS, Hysterics and \\rbites 1 these Pills will effect tiuuation of the liberal po.tronagcextcnderl to the - . a cure when all · other means have failed : firm in the past, and for which sincere thanks and altfiough si p-:iwerful remedy, do not con are returned. 'l'he 8 tnck will be kept fullv as so~erl. in.eYery tlep~rL1nenL, aru1 every attintion ta.in iron, calomt'!l, antimony, or anytbin;i will he grvcn to the wants of customc1'S. A call hurtful to the constit ution. is respectfully solicited. Full directions in tlie pamphlet around ROBERT HUTCHISON; each package, which should be carefully pre~ Enniskillen, .April 5. 1871. 3G-tf. Bleached Cottons, served. Sir J a.mes Clarke's Femnle ~-->ills are extensirely counterfeited, The genuine have Notice. Bleached Sheetings, the name of JOB MOSES on each package. 'f HlS inv.aluable mediCine is unfoiling ib the cure of idl those pa.inful and Trade, and are offering them at such low prices that Most diRea~PR ha,·e their origin in or aro g"'" ly aggravated by Indigestion, from ihe sole t ·· , that the Digesth~e Organs clo not perform 1 d11ty_ that ~ature has designed them, hence , ' nuhnnent1s not abstracted from the food r the blood is de12rived of1.tiat nourishment 'it - 1 requires of the Digestive Organs. If you JT'eel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated and J'~" pondenl, have frequent I{eada.chc Month To.£1 '""-' Badly in the inorning, Irret..'1llar , :..:. t.ppetlte 1n d Tongue coated, you arc suffering from To11 , Liver or llilloius::::ioss. In many cases of Li.Y· ' Complaint only a part of these symptoms are ·" " pcricnced. As a remedy fv1· ull: sucli cases , · l!.'ureka has no equal, as it effects Perfect Cu1~ , eaving the Liver Strengthen ed and Healthy, 1 S;p:tem. N suit G onara I BWI s' I ntr A M I. ·le gen cu ac111:1 JJ al Debility, Inaction of the Liver Loss of I feel sn.fo in recommending the Eureka for gt· · tite, &c., it having been used for plaints in iffy HKARR1K, ~ Ilavingusedthrecbottlcs of y r· .,, valuable rnedidne in my fa.1nj ly with good eff( 1, ThlR. H. E. RowE, Lynt.. Oct. 3rd, 187"· A:p~ ftunily. tho nbovc cv · Yours respectfully, J. Funuso~, !'.[. E. 1\-Iinistcr ~ cloeest buyer. 4 · l .yn, "1Iay 11th, 18'i"<~ J\iIR. II. E. Row:rn, · SrR,-1 have used Eureka for Sick Henda.c 1 " , cam;;ed by a disordered stom~11. and imperf . 1 digestion~ with si1ccess.; when other remr.rllf" failed to ao me any gooll, and I a1ll $atisfied ' P · t that. 1s necessary to ~onvincc ally person Of 1 , 1ner1ts would be to give it a trial, andlcheerf111 1 recommend it to all vdio~e condition denw 1 l : anything of this nature. E. COOK, Prop'r of Lyn \Voolen Factory. BO"\VMANVILLE· p ville, by T. CHRISTIE, A.uctioneer, on Friday, ~th day ot":n:ay, '71, T HE SUBSCRI13ER HAYING RE- OTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N ma.de Corporation the town ofBOVi'n1anvUlc, to application will he All others a,,re worthless. Sold in Bowman'\"'ille ~y J, Higginbotham ndD. Stott, an - a D.11 rcedicinc dcalerl!. o.t EI...EVEN o"clock in th,.. fq""noan, in hvo Lots, and in tho following ord<J1, .-1z : LOT 1.-'rhe south-~ast flll·l'·~0r o-f l ,ot No. Z.2, in the 5th couces>lion of the Town~hit· o' D&rlington, - in the County of Durha1n, conta1nin-; JO acres, :rllore Or lQss. It is nJl cleared ond.,...fenced.-- and under good-cultivation: 'fhe soil is nqh clay loam. The buildings thereon arr., a Frame D""elling huu~e, one i:itory, about 26x2{ feet: Frame Banl. about 30x<1,0 feet,' 'vith Frame Stable tta.ohed thereto, about 30xl6 feet. Thi~ property is within one mile of the Village of Hampton. and about five n1i1e:s . from Bow1n.anville, with good roads thereto. ..____ ,.LOT 2.--The north .ha.If of Lot No. 6, in the 9th concession of Darlington, aforesaid ; there are no improvements on this Lot, which is about ten miles distant from Bo,'lrmanville, ·with good road.s thereto. There will he a reser\'ed bid on each Lot. Denims, Striped Regattas, F. F. McArthur's. PHOTOGRAPHS IN ALL STYLES, AND AT LOWEST PRICES. Pktnres made in all kinds of ·w eather. Act-authorizing the construction of a Rail"\\-ay from the waterH of Lake Ontario in the '!'own of Dowman""ille in tlie Countv of Durl1an1 through some parts of the TownShips of Darlington Clo.rkc, Cartwright, and 11.fonvers in the said County nf Durharri, anrl the 'l'own of l.Ji.ndsa.y and 'l'ow1n;-J1i_i;.s of Ops, Emily, Fenelon antl Verulam, to the village: of Bobcaygcon in the County of.Yictoria., thence to the Government lands and lands of the l£nglish, T.and Company in the counties of or make running arrangements with oUw.r RailVictoria an<l: Peterboro, an·rl. to ways. a.malR'fimate by the Of the Legi.Hlatnre nf the Province of Ontario, at its next Session, for au TO OWNERS OF "Lo r- Property CK MAN" -.A~D- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. _!\._call respe~·l~lly solicit.Cd.. Gallery-Corner of King and D1v1s1011 Streets, entrance opposite Mr. 'l'releven's shoe store. Bow1nanY:Ule~ DETACHED RESIDENCES. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THE Checked Regatta!!, }'. CUBITT, EDWIN J. FLETCHER. April 26th., 18'il. 16-89-tf. Uessian_..Ticking8,- R. WlNDA-TT. - .... - -=~- -- - - T, Clerk. Bowmanville, March 2'2nd, 1871 . Mayor, -- Agricultural Insurance Company, T HAT THE. -ANDMedicine Proclaim tile Glad.'i'iffing GREAT SHOSHONET ~ and Domestic ·r,veeds ~ just arrived. TERMS :~Ten per cent. ofthcpu:rchnsemoney 'l'\veerl. Suits nu\de up in Style, Warranted to Fit, to be paid down at. the time of sale to the Plairl- fur $S.OO. F. F. Mc.ARTHUR. tiff or hi~ Solicitor, and the balan<·t·, 'vithuut in· terest, one month frmn day of sale. In other n15pects the conditions are the standing conditiory~ __!)f the said Court. Further pa.rtic1111rrs and condition!'! of sale mav: be had gratis at. the :Mastr.r's office, WhiLb)', and at the Lo.w offices of .J. ",..right, Esq,. and D. Smart, Esq., Port Hope, and Messrs. Cameron & Smart, 'l'oronto. , "Dated at \\,..hitby, 29th lwfarch, 1871. l SPJ,ENDID STOCK OF FOREIGN MILT .. INERY Pa'rlor Albums . (Jotton Tickings, Factor)' ~ C~Jtons, IN· FIVE QUARTO VOLUMES Save Haif Your hfoney. for Canada, Kingston detacl1ed Residences, and Issues Policies o.t SHOW ROOM. Murdoch Bros. B EG TO INFORM THE LADIES OF the Town and Countr;>", that theil· Pric~, $9.00 per vol ume, or Itemedy and Pills, of the Eminent Inclt.." ~il-Iu.n, Doctor Le'vis Josephus, of l· Great Tribe of 8hoshonees, Bri.Lish Columbia, " \\ orking the n1ost n1arf elous 02.nd asto11isliii ~ ' Cures the \Vorld ever heard of. Never in t -' annals of Canadian l'.-Iedical Jtistory has i:r: 1 succes,.; attended the introduction of any me <..i.cine heretofore. WHYi 40,00 }Jc1· Set Com'-lete. 1 T - HIS old and well established Company insures aothing hut Fa.rm Property an.J .# D J. '-VRIGHT, Vendor'& Solicito1·. (Si·ned) GEO. H. DARTKELJ,, --- .'b'lastcr. 36-td. Dress Linings, etc., etc. 1 TO BE f,E'J'. Dress Goods and the Cheapest Prints in to.,Yn at A S USUAL, THE BEST STOCK OF F. F. McA.RTHUR'S, STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS IS' NOW ESCRIPTION OF THE WORK. THE PAn.Lo~ AL:BUM is doubtless the most extenil!.Ve Anr GAr.LERY ever µublished, and by those who have examined the several portions of the work 1 it has hC'en rronounced Greatc-ly Reducell Rates. ASSETS, ......-... . :. . $500,000.00 F OR A TERM OF YEARS, IF REQUIRED, the Smart Estate c 0 JU: PLE WITH ALL 'rHE T E? HOMESTEAD, Wfi'H ThIMEDIATE 1'08_S:Fi_SSION, Ia~ei;t.!Y.9yeltiftLof the Season, ALSO ~ ,........_... - conslstini"'oi flv~ acres of Excellent Land, 1nostly planted with valuable fruit trees in full bearing, if! IS S tflcTA.VISD, the re:'it being garden and pasturage. Also, ifrewho ""-ill :fill all orders promptly, quired';"a...fcw more acres conld be had on reasonablP ter1ni;, This is a new branch of their business and the tff It ifl ·well 8ituated ·within the Tov.'ll, close to ,t. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Stock will be found the. nail way Station, and commands a fine view ...a_ Ge ntlcm-C;Q.'s Jh'itieh- a.nUATu"IDiean._ Hats, CHEAP AND GOOD. ofJ,a.ke Ontario and the Steamboat landing. including every style from Ki.ng Wi1tiam down .......... If.¥ For particulars on f!pplicn:tion to DAVID to No.poleon, just arrived at 16-rott. S?t-IAI!'r, Tiarrister, Port Hope; or on the premF. F. McARTHUR'S ~ Jses to MRS. SM--\.RT. 3Hf. Bowmaanville, l\farch 20th, 1871. ,,. , AND UNTJER 'l'H.lf. MANAGEMENT oF ~ Large Stock OF ________ ~ '~~\.__~ Ontario Bank. · DIVIDEND NO. 28. DAILY LINE -TO- E~ch volume contains 20 full ,page Chromo Lithographs, in 0il Colors, : #0 full page Steel Eng1·avings, 40 ,full page engravings on wood and 260 pages of rea(liDg matter, de scriptive of the illustrations, tho whole making each vc1ume about on~ half a~ thick 7' iii~d Same ~ 81;.ed pages, -of Webster's largcst - Dictipnary. Each volume is complete in itself and will be sold se parately, if <).esirf)d. Sold by Subscription, Only. Vol. I Is devoted to Wild America.a Birds. Vul. TI Contains '\\,..ild Americ11.n Animals. Vol: III ' American Domestica-ted Birds and Anirnale. Vol. I'r Jl~oreign. Birds and Animals. Yol. V Fishes, Reptiles and Insects.' Tb is work will at once commend itself to 1 the culti'Vated American people 1 and no li- \ brary will, heree.fLer, be complete 'vithDut this addition to its treasures; while as J parlor amusemeet it is unequalled by I American publications. "'rhc Climax of D~auty." . ?olicyholders, over .. " ·. $68 .000 See th<J follo'wing Certificat,es : i Tb is is to certify '110.t the Agricultural-Jn.;; i snr.ance Company having deposited in the I hands of the Receiver f.teneral of Canada, the sunt of Fifty.four Thousan(l Jl'j-,·e Hun- Deposited with the Finance J..Iinister for special benefit of Canadian Sewing Machine TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE .NOTICE is hereby given, that a divii!endofFourpercent upon the Capital stook of this Inatitution, for the current half HE CELEBRATED DUNDAS AND year, has this day been declared, and that T Lybster Cottons a1wayH on hand at the s_ a_me _wjll be p11.y11.ble at the Bank and F. F. ?dcARTHt:R"S. its Ilranches on and after THURSDAY, the first day of .TUNE next. The transfer books will be closed from the 16th to the 31st day of l\fay, both days inclusive. Notice is also giver;, that the Allp.ual ~I ~t\."_N, General meeting of the stockholdcrs,"_~o r Car'rpng lJnit..cd States and Canadian :?i-Iails and the Election of Directors, will be held nt Expr:ess, . . ._ , their Banking House· in Bowmanville ~ on Leaves Port lfope every ~~Iorninq fnr Rsche.ste'r MONDAY, the FIFTH ~AY OF .TUNE at9o'clo("k on arrival of Grand Trunk Ra.ilNEXT, commencing at the !iour of 12 V\.ay T~a:ms from East and \Vest. HE CHEAPEST STOCK OF o'clock, Rf'.tu"t'rdny, Leaves Port of Rrwlu.:.8ter (Chmrloti( noon~ precisely. Gloves and llosiery in the connty at every evening at 9 o'clor.k , (except SatnrNotice is further given: that a such F. F. l\IcARTIIUU'S. davs, when s"he leavp;; at 2 o'clock, I General Annual Meeting the propriety of · P . M., for Brighton). GENTLEMEN',~ Agents Wanted. We will gi~;;;;~~t~lit;a~~r~~ for I AT THE N 0 R SE FUR:NISHINGS T ,...l'Jc\Need~~ etc., etc. .Jfhis is Lhe favorite sum1ncr route front Toronto to Rochester _\lbany, &c. The cheapest and qukkcst route from points East of Port Ilope on the Grand Trunk, to ltochester, JJu.1."i'alo. &c. The favorite route to A van n.nd Clifton ~prlng_R. Paf:lsengoers and freight Utkt> f':trs along side steamer at Rtwhe::;ter Landing. Con nee tion n:iadc ut Cobourg und Port Hope wit-h Roya.I Mail Line St eamers from lialllilton aud :D.lontreal. The~orseman i;vill call a.t t11e Part of narlin{/· ton every"\V1·.11Nr.:::oinAYMORNING, should r:Ju:flicient freight oJTt-'r. A.ddrcss, R. C, C.:tRTIEH, Port Hope. Ont. 37-tf I increasing the Capital stock of the Bank, under the authority of the Act pa.ssed at the last Session of the Dominion Parliament, intituled "An Act relating to Banks & Banking,., will be taken into conaider&tion. INSPECTION INVITJ<:D. By order of tlie Board, D. Ji'ISHER, I' "SIGN OF THE BE.AYER KJNGST."j ~ B01\':tnan~le;, Aprit 13, · ' Casi)jer, !811· I Bowmanville, 22nd ~pril,1871. ONTARIO B ..... ~K, 1'1.IJllDOCB D,ROS selling the above described publications and j wish to avpoint an agent in every to~n in , the United States and British Provinces. Experienced book agents and all Other perPt'oviuciall Exhibition ! sons of respectability should apply at once. Any YM1g Man, or Young Lady, can, by devot1nir "hort time lluring the day QJ_even· ~-----ing, ~eti e a co~ple.te set, fre eot expense, .hist hel<l. at. Toronto, over the most renowned or, if p1eferred 1 we\\-·111 allow larg9 Comn1is- Sewing :lfaobines in the world, among ·which sioc in Cash . ~ \ We have prepttred a most ·benutiful were the celebralPd liowe, VV11cclcr & 'Vilson, S11ectmen Book Cor .-lgcnts, con- &c~ 'l'hi!=! is only a confirmation of the verUict taining 5 of the Oil Chromoi!, 10 Steel En- previously rendered by the Great Canadian gravings, 10 Wood Engra <riugs ,itnd 50 pages of descriptive reading 1 being selection~ Public, And proves conclusively tho SUPERIORITY from each volume, together with blank pa- OF THE" LOCK.ZIIAJol" ovF.R AI,L OTHERS. per, s1rncirne.n.ii of binding, &c., &c. J'!if'lt. &H. ~QJIA.R.A, '.\VholeSalo and Retail Our Spemm~n Book ha!! cost u:i quite . la.rgely1 and we d o not wish to send it to f Agent..~. Also, agents for Guelph Sewing J\'Taperson !" who do not int~nd to act as agents, ( chine Co., Grover & > Baker, Singer, Howe and but to apy one who ~-ill make an effort to , Williams' J.fach1ncs. \>Ve ha.\'e also on hand a procure subscribers to the W.ork, W'-' will a full stock of the LIT'l'LE \V A:\ZER Machmes. send the Specimen Dook, prepaid, on re c eipt of 40 ccnta to cover postage. Enclose stnmp Person fl noi satisfied with one :i\:lachine can exfo t" reply and address · chan;.;~forany9therinsidcofthirty da:v.s. RoAMERICAN PUBLISHING O()~ meui'be;··R. &, n: 0°Har:1:s Is the REWJNG M A· RuTiA ND Vx. CHINE _,_D.11:POT. Deposit increaserl.,1-$ince date of above certificate, to over $Ci8,fl00. JoaN LA?'GTON, f.or 1liIJ ist~r of Finance. This is to certify that I have been ncqnaiD t.ed with the Officers and Mallagers of the Agricultural Insu;a.nce Co~pany for w._any years, and also with the business operations of the Cotnpany, and have no hesitation In recotnmending it as a perfect.ly safe and rA· liable Company, and it~ Officers as comp0 tent and honorable bt1s1ness men; and as Jl insures ncvt:hingbut F Rrm Property and ~ d~· tached Dwellings, and bas ~530,000 Assets. I consider it responsible beyond any con tin gency. D ]) c · r p p 4 l) DQNG . . ",VIN, M. . . 'Ve have examined into the condition and ste.ntJing of the Agricultural h1Buranr.e Company, and do fully concur with Mr, OR~ en in recommending it to the Farmer:!! oftlus Province, as one perfectly safe and reliab1e in vlh i ch to insure theif property. J . C. Cr.ARK, Banker, ' J. 0AnRUTHERS & Co. -GEo. A._K1nKrATn1cs:, M. B. M. "Hn1TroN. r. Book, byH. S. Per~ WORT.II OF MUS'IC· 1 kins. Price,' $7 50 per F 0 R $ 3 .· , 1 dozen. Contains oyer'CjUBSCRI:&ER c.., 0 Two hundred ne'v andl toPETERS-1t,IUSI~:~·, booutifnl Song;;, Ducts, lVI:o~TIIL"i' etro gctt:u. etc. by Will s. llays their l\-.IU$t~ f?rless th::t " ' 'twocent'3<lltp1ece. Thn ""· 'Vebster, Thomas, etc. \VhO l:.oa-vc- not SOCll· Hi " Everythlngisnew,fr"'rih Musical lVIagas: i:i and sparkling. Contentsls.hould Bend 30 cents fo r, . a sa:mple copy. T l. 0· and.-pecunenpagossent~music is by Ila ~·~. free. Sample copies Thonms, Kin~el, .Pei. n1uJ.led free of po..~tage ' lcy. and other popul.::i!.~. h f Ni. ts ~writers. I 0 ·~ ......,ac Grs or\."-' een · T\~O back nuinbcJ ·, Liberal teruu; fo:r intro- for J.0 cents. Four bn.-:. :-.. duction. uinbers for 75 cents. AddrPRS, A NE"V\r SCHOOL J. L. PB'TEBS,i £i!J<J B1·oad1JY1.y, ·1reu' Y<n; .. Vte would refer you to the following gttn.· tlem~n, in regRrli to the responsibility of the ~ompanv :-D. Fisher, Esq. 1 Cashif'r of the OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWE:()utftril! .Pttnk i .Tno. McL ~ od) M. P, P., J, B TY yeat's, to lie repaid :iJ1 instalments to f " Fa.irbah 1., F.::=q.) Postmaster; J. E, Farewell borroi;.vcrs, "hu are n.Uowed to mllke such pa' Esq, Barrister. _ · nlents, in adilition to .in"tAJments, as they _nr find con\ enicnt, n1ay he obt<dned frou1 the ( Agent for Cobourg lln'd vieinity, nada Permanent Building and Saving Sode' Wlf,LTA11 . 'l' . rfJSH . Ly app_lying to n.. CLTMIE, Local Agent at Bowma.n . J'ARElVELL, ::\IcGEE &. HL"TLEDGE. L w. ville. Dee 1810 I So)witorP., Hov;m n,n vill· WPrivate funds to loan. c_ ·f . - - - -'- -

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