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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1871, p. 4

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and Varied- ~ Assortment I l ' I §tiU Ahead. §io't<et> ! !!Ho11es ! sc>IREES TEA PARTIES, DALL SUPPERS, PUBLIC DINNERS up ID the b-Ost otyie and on rnaso n ablc terms I JS Advicel PART OR ROX 4ND COOK, EI- THER Coal o... V"\ l od C.hcaper than ever THOMAS BASSETT SUITED TO THE SEASON, EMBRACING A VJ.mY FINE SELECTION OF WHAT IS ENLARGEMENT T :E-IE GZETTE. OF New and Fash i 0nab1 e' ~.ot IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS by tho subscribe!' lhe '\\hitest the sweetest and best bread delivered da ly to customers m all parts of the town 15 31 OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL T HIS STOCK A 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELF PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING A b10ther editor was sitting m his of fico, one afternoon some years a.go, when a fa.rn1er friend ca.me in and srnd -Mr M--, I hke your paper but times are so hard I cannot pay for it " ' Is that so friend Jones? Im very sor ry to hear that you are so poor, if you are so hard run I "ill give you my paper "Oh, no1 I can't fake it as a gift " ' W ell, then let s sec how "e can fixit You ra15e ulnckens, I believe " ' Yes a few, but they don t brmg any thmg, hardly ' _ " Don t they! Neither does my paper cost anythmg, hardly - Now I have a propos1t10n to make to you I will con t1nue your pa.per, 2od whtin you go home you may select from yoru lot one clucken and call her nune Take good care of her and bring me the p1oceedsJ whether in eggs 01 chickens, and lve will call it Srn,-As this is the season of the y~ar that people are m of an exha supply of Dry DIRECT from the British Markets, Mrs. J. C. Pollard \rnnt C loth1ng, Grocenes, Goods, <\S RECEIVED A FULL <\SSORT WILL BE SOLD AI H 11~1 of Boots and Shoes, &c , would It @'" PRICES SO PALPABLY CHEAP ..iB MILLI NERY GOODS, for the Fall trade consisting of BonnetH HalQ not be a great benefit to ) our as to comme11d them to close buyers, who &re respectfully Ribbons Feathers 1' Jowers Laces &c winch sheotfers to th e ladu*>ofBo\\tnan-.,;ille and snr ieaders rn Da1hngton and vicmINVITED TO CALL XND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES rounding country at lowest price Also nl Rttl~k J ad.fr s Collars und Cuffs Braid Ity to know the best place to and Eu1lno dery rnater1ale and Gents Collars GLASGOW HOUSE, and Cti.fl'S pureha5e. Numerous merchants :Machu1e se"'.-..'Ulg done to order also Sta1np1ng 'I.'HOJ\IJ:AS PATERSON. for Bro1d "\\ ork A.ll orders prompt!} filled a re offerrng ~pparently great 111Store 'Iwo doors East of Ifenderoon s Hotel ducements, but the best place .John's Hot l.ia· Frst-Praze to pmchase 1s at ELLIOTT'S Drun1. General St01e, HAMPTON, where a great variety IS always kept m stock, at reasonable prices Elliott's clothmg is as stylish IN ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE as any~ his assortment of cloths 1s very complete , Ladies' dress would take the - oppol'tunity of1nforuung the public that be is preparen to attend to th01r orders. goods - a Hry fash10na ble lot; Having recoh ed and being m rel:e1pt o:C aver)' good assortm~nt of the Elliott's grocenes are of the Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, First P1·izc Culnvators. very best descnption;-and and as ho has determined to conduct bna1ness on lho m pnce,---he se lls currants at Cash Principle Great Bargains -will be given. · 5c, per lb. and upwards, ra1s111s N B -AU .,,.t;tcmding accoun~· wre req1u;sted to be ·ettled vnthout dela,y at lOc and up,.a1d:s, his tea 1s not surpaRsed. If Jou DA_VID FORBES. want ot a fir, t class Sewrng Mach1·1e, Elliott's is 1he place to bu;--you c cin get a Lockman, iVauzer, or any othet krnd, at LA'.l'EST F ASHIONb ALEX FLETCHER Special Announcement. D. FORBES SPRING TRADE NEW SPRING GOODS -AT- EXECUTED IN A llTYLEJ BATTI~G-S ! A'YER'S AN ew Rail way Project T -~ -o--- Sarsaparilla Yours, &c., FRIENDLY ADYFER Dt ceu ber 14 1870 iln1>ortant to Farmers and tile Publici Generally NO WM PORTER WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE inhabitants of Bo,vwanvillc and sunounding-.. 1c1ruty that h e has now on hand the follo'V\ 1ug new and complete titock of I Steel and Gang Plows, Suigfo and Double Cultivators, Cool Pm lor, a.id Box Stove., Agrwidtural Fit.maces Coolers, Root Cutters Iron Fencing, &Jc NB -OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXOII~NGE WILLIAM PORTER, Iron Fownder 0 F F I '. c E Bowm.o.nville King Street East l\'Iarch 8th 1871 16 32L! 1 IN Tll'E 8 7 it has a cow N D 0 MIN I 0 N, AT Warran, N H, there has been a wedding between a: gentleman aged 81 and a lady of 76 They h"' c been mtm1ate file11dsJor the pa.·t srxty or seventy years E w GOODS !AT THE . G-OLDE:r:::f LIO~ .. AT THE ~TATESl\IAN AN Eprncopahan clergyman in Glasgow gave notice that he should set apart the day of the royal weddmg for lamentation, hmniliat1on and prayer, on account of the grevious insult to be offered to the sanctity of,.fue s.fill.S@_of L~t A mile §pring Importations. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Spring Stock of Dr_ y Goods, of which he woul<Lca!L·pccrnl attention to the followmg lines NEW TYPE, MACHINERY fatel0 perfected ill England spins and "eaves from an1n1a.l 11air, of cats and rabbits especially e.ithei by itself or a slight admuture of s1lk, a sort of veh et tissue distmgmshable frnm silk, but not inferior in fineness or beauty The prmc1pal colors am black and white, though n,ny color or shade common 1n other fabrics can be imparted, eq.ually well NEW PRESSES. Prints, M1ll1nery, Gloths; Parasols, ". Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c., NOT TO BE EXOELrED IN THIS !?ART OF THE DOMI1fl01' FOR STYLE, QUALITY, A1'iD PRICES '"'h A~SSORTMENT OF 11-IR l:l.:EvE::<s of Laporte, Ind , had only been married a week "hen he de ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY tected hl8 wife m the act of pounng hot team hrs ear as he slept He says he ATTENDED TO never has been married before, and don t Herfl s freedom to them that would ieail t know what the usuages of society are, but Here s freedom to them that would v. rite 1 ThCic s n one eve1 feared that the truth should he thinks such nets lay a. \v1fe open to sus behenrd p1c1on of lack of affection, or somethmg nut them whom the ti uth would 1m'I ct 1 If 1ny fello·w countryinen will but hsten of that kind Well, not necessarily, m Into and learn ohe truth o' the case I do not diana J W B CLIMIZ, · PROPJUETQR ()LA.SS MILLINER alwaylil tn Attendan~e. LOWEST PRICES Weekly ,Arrivals of New Goods.

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