· f~ 1.B pr1nten a n d pnl lished 'll' l·tn·"'dav · llioa·ni ng =, bJ t he Propuetor vVJ\-f . R. CL IM IE, .at t he O F F ICE-Pos t omce Block JdNG STREET BO\\ MANVILLE ONT ~ ~~ ~I VOL.XVI. ii" ~ NO. 42. By-Law No. _ A By Law to 'aise by way of loan the swn oJ Ji ow1 tho1ts nd and five hund? ed dot lm s f01 the purposee;; the1 ein mentumed BOWMA NV ILLE , ON T., THURSDAY, Mil Y 18<) 1871 . he looked well and hearty seemmglv not t her e s far a.d"Vanced in years s1nce the spring of 18 6~ 1871 . .spring Goods. 1871. $0 50 0 13 0 75 T ne White Flag Crossed With Red {T he followmg b eaut 1ful poem vas wnL ten by a daughter of General L n dsa) V\oho is only six een yea rs or age and sold rn aid of the Society' for the aid of the s ck and 1vounded i,n \.Var 1 T IIE NEWEST A.ND MOST F ASH I ONABLE SPRING GOODS JUST ARRIVED at 0 20 0 03 0 02 s_ ::S:ILL'S- VVhat is Glory1 What is Glo1~ 1 I s it Honor 1 Is it fa me 1 GENTS' SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New Felt and Straw Hats. ;ar- Please call and examme Goods and Pnces as Great Bar gams will be given for Cash A nd the ans ver to my qneRt on T h rough my sleeping visions g leamed I methought was standing gazing On a long and bloody figh t 'Vaged between t\'iO llllghty nations Wcll 111gh matched in power a.ud ro ght Soon I heard the Victor s shout n nA nd the Conquerors t r impets s() 1nd And their cannons deflfen1ng v oliev T h in dermg Victory aJl aro ind F ollowed bv a ghastly stl ence I descended to the p lm n With a heavv heart I wnnd cre t Mid L"ie heaps of mn1 .,led slun S. F . H I L L D. CHEMlST AND DEALER IN DRUGGIST, M d th e heaps of \vounded soldiers Groan1 l in th e r a on:y WI om th e engrnes o-" destruction Thus had doomed to misery T OWN H ALL B UILDINGS, BO W 11IANVILLE . DR UGS MEDICINES, A ND CHEMICALS, Co 1 rr..~ Firmnec:is Heroismt Wove indeed n fearful wreath And t h e end o a,1 1 that wore t Dreadful wounds or speedy death Then upol'.J that field of slauP-bter Dye Stuffs Patent Med1cmes P erfumery Br IShes Combs Soaps P amts and Oils Pamt Brushes Coal Oil and Coal 0 11 Lamps &c , &c Sa \ I ho v v. th zealou s car e K :ndlv forms \Vere gently b end1ng 0 1 er eacl poor sutre er th ere PY Y SICI ANS PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFU LLY COMPOtNDED AN D ALL ORDERS COR HJWTLY ANSWERED Tender \'\ omen v.ere among them Never shx nking from t i en task Br1ng1ng a1d unto the woun led Ere the parched lips could ask. ~ Farmers and Physicians from the Country w.ll find owr Stock of l\I eduoines com pkte ancl of the best qiw,lifly J. JU. Br1ma<>om be, J,. D. § ., Gold Fill 1 gs i sci ted and an l}?'Ce11ent tooth p o d er for sale Office in McClung s block SURGEON 01 er DENTIST ST PERIOR J u s T ~ OPENED. Then I saw the s i:terers carr ed All along th e b]ooa streaked i oa. rl 'Vleit! hcl eavj ambilan ces "\7t1.1 ea for thell' weary load 'I'. J. J o ne!'l, L. D . s., Over encl one wa:vmo- sadly By the w nd its soft folds sprea d.i Saw l float the SJ.YD of mercj Saw the Wh te F lag Crossed w 1L h Red Then I left that place of horror S URGEON D ENTIST OFFICE F F lVIc.A.rthur s store King Street Bo vu ailV llc Markus Mayer H AS JUST OPE:NED OUT A WE LL SELECTED STOCK OF Pnssed to th e scenes away SlooU vhe1 c s ick and "'ounded sold crs On theu beds of su1fer1ng lay HATS, OF E\ ERY CAPS, &c., .A11 that huma n skill co lld offPr Soothed a l d eased each shattt::r~~ f1 amc Ten lcr ha1 Us the fier ce Vim n O.s ba n d a l!d Tren.t1ng f11ends at d foes the same DE S CRIP'J:IO~ WHICH HE V\ ILL SELL CHEAP for CASH. Suen as al the Smnts in Heaven Smile to look on from abo\c CALL EAHLY AND YOU 'IIIT BE SUllffi"IO BE SUPPLIED lie),.. HTGHE~ T t ·RtrCE P A I D FOR RA \V F UR S. J\B.RKU S M:AYER ~ And I- n.s I vutched them mo'iing Noiseles~ly !rom bed to bcd~a v that e:: ch upon the left wrist " ore r. \\: hJ.te Ba.dge Cr o~sed Vi th R ed BARGAINS I A~ G-:A.I N'"S , GREAT Bol.RGAINS AHE NOW GIVEN AT THE Red oes Then I S{l,, 'tho v 1ne11 whose sp nts Dy a gc ero 1s 1mpt l::ie s tirred Met togetb er for one obJect In Ona nn 0 h t y ruu1 concerned Cheap Corner r 1ah and to proffer 'Io the carn e~t httle band 'Vho to msc the sick and' o n dcd Lend a. .fi11r nll heJp ng h3.n d Aid to f and stockmgs m her -nbht l1and-a good Very sign m the cstnnat10n of J Jhnuy soon he began t o feel a strong desire to en ter mto conversat10n but for the world he could not thmk how to commence As for tho lady havmg cast one glance at the Bulhyvrn weaver she t ook no further n<>tice of hun so ou· fncnd f 11 behmd '1nd pondered How it happ<lned I kn' eve1 did know for certam ' ny savs it was a P rov10 ice - but so1ne thing caught t1 e dam els foot causing her to slip an cl fall hea' ily In a moment Drysdale was by her side but he iendered assistance after a very cmmsy faslnon fo1 he himself managed to fall There must have been somethmg exqu tely ludicrous m tf11s part of the scene .Tust poor John ny sttugglmg to be gallant a 1d useful, yet only succeeding 1n inak1ng inatters wo1se Dow o tl\e lull for l)o 110 '~ids he 10lled Ultunately he cl l get on !us feet agam, lookmg as sil y. as rnorfal possibly could look Tne :. oung woman sat on the gras· regnrd1ng hnn an d screaming with laugh ter He1 m 1ry laugh md Drysdale good for he scratcned his head and sa1d' 0 d lass bit ve r e mer,.) Then she spoke up0 cl lad but ye re clc' er Clever sayvel said Johnny 'yere the first that e\ er said sae 0 1 Store. And I snriled to see ho" Engl and Could not n uger tdl) byCou.:d not see her fellow creat11res UnasSls.t ed f:tll and die - P U BLIC B'I'I' T E D OPINION Corner St ore you cotUd get Ah then ye re no the iirst that ff\ ei said sae said our poor hero rather sadly I veril) believe that Johnny from sheer bashfulness havmg thus ~poken would ha' e passed on h1s way hatl not the dam sel called to him- has fullv JUstifiad the or gmal idea that at tho AND vV ELL SUIT ED F. Y. COWL E . TO T H E PUBLIC. 'J'ho m a" !';11onhou~e. .AN J. 1nense nun1b 1 of f; s i. o.i: smaller \ ar e t1es ~stimated at nov les:;i sn1d .Tean and ·o than 50 000 were lately found dead on tlishores of a small island in the G t:ucse I :t-;h eRETURNING pu bl generally for past favo r THA'.'\h. ~ c WALTER WIGG & S o n, ro THEIR NUMEROUS C lTSTOMEhS AND woald r espectfullj lD'>Ite a ttent101 to L1e1 pre s;ent o:tock of 1 I A:ND Saks H aving laOOly adrled co 1SJder ably tl creto that th ey may thereby be enabled to suppl) all part es who m.a.y 1 lea.sc to fu.vo1 ti cn1 w tJ a eu.11 Jt'4f' Great mducem ents held ot t to those v w chu:illlg u. ti cu establishment PT CTURES a.1 din every SlJ le LOOKING G L ASSE1:l FRAME D TO O RDER Q01REES TE\. P ARTIES Samples of the diTc1ent1 1nds of mold ngs (",an be seen at the ware1oon s They would also beg to a n no 1nce th at ha 'lng I lll'ch ai::.ed a / SP L E N D ID They ViJ.11 hc. 1ea.dJ at all t imes to a t tend N E. '\V to ~ E I: T-:L A l~ 8 E , 0 u era.ls on shor t notice a n d reasonable terms COFFINS KEP I ON HA ND Al'iD M ADi TO ORDER AT '_i'he ll ew Domuuou ltetaII Fur1uture '-\la1 er o o m, B A.LT SUPPERS PUBLIC DI~ NERS WEDDING CAKES by the sub cnbcr The whitest tho sweetest and best br ad Ueliveied daily t o cust o1ncrs in all pa1ts of the town lo-34: OSHA WA· KING STREET EAST, August 24 1870 Got up in the best style and on r easonable terms T H E COURTSHI P OF JOH N N Y DRYSDALE Opposite J W Fo" kc s Stoie 16 f ALEX FLETCHER GAR NE \ \ I N r STYLEQ 30 t! INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, I N THE LATEST FA~HlONS Bowmn..nville Feb 19 1868 .Book ---------~ ~ B1111hn ~. Mrs. J . C. Poll~ rd RE OEIY ED a FTJLL ol.SSORT H AS JHEN1 of MI L L I NERY GOODS, COMMERCIAL ASSURANCE Co UNION of L OJ:WQN ENGL AND B . §he1·u1 & Co , CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED, £2 oOO 000 STERLING liberal T H IS FIRST CLASS BRITI SH MORLAND, COMPANY OFFERS SUP E RIOR ADVA:N Rutcs loVi and term::; 4 TA.GES to the Pohcy Holders i n both the I 1fe {l,,nd Fue department .cor n1e O NE WITH SOME KNOWLEDGE HR REID MD WATSON & CO., Mon-tre al General Agent~ for Canada. F T HOSHJN of GOmPo mdmg p1cferred W R G'L!Mlll. Agent tor Bowmanville Johnny hst en to this sch oolm as stiong before So he said 'Na na lass' ter I se no leave ye by yerself ae mmutoJohnny · :ra tched his head turned his yard soon