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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1871, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA NVILLE, 'TI-IURSDAY, IvIAY 18, 1871 .. ~;J="I="i~-;"""-~"""K~ _ ""'lA~'~'~~~~..i:::;;~~~~w'"'l'""""""~· ······~,."""""""' ·~~=~ .. ~~'""""'!~~~~"""E"""·'!!"'a!"!"'r"""'1~y~~R~ .. ;~c-~e~i'!'!!p!'!!!t~""-'!':~~o":=".,.T= -- -=H~l"'!"N~l~I~-"":'1~"'=' E~w~Ll~~~! ~~T"'""""""~~"":"'~--~ - ~=T~H:E~su~B'~sc~~R~ -~~7;;:i~1_~s.~No~v;;-,,~RE~· c~EI~v~rn~-G~A~-"""!,~"'"!"'·,-~,,,,..,"""! -~ f N~E~·w~. ~rr~I~N~-~}s~fiop Large- and Varied l-\.ssortment' I rn nowM:xNvILLE. -SUITED TO THE SEASON G. .R E,EDP EMBRACING A 'VERY :FINE SELECTION OF WHAT IS OF AS :M:UCII PLEASlihE I N F f · and Fashionable, H llW. r New IN FANCY AND DRY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS. nnd snrrouuding eonntry thn.t L~~ hn..3 opt-J:N1 out a .N e\Y 'l'in :::lhop in the .,;torp i.u;teiy cc0upio~ by Jol1n Allen, corner of' J1'()lt1\tIL';G thcjnJ1ubitan!.e ofBa'.Yr::-x. Jr,"lll e TRY IT A CHOICE COLLECTION OF STAPLE IIOUSE D. TRY IT BJLDDING PLANTS DRY FOR SALE AT GOODS 1 FOR j, ' 1 c~~AP GOODS THIS STOCK OF ~TAPL~ EVERY.~AY.GOODS, IS AS USUAL JUNG AND DIVIS ION STREETS · Bo,vnian',ille, \vherc he -.vill keep constu.ntJr on ha11d a well selected stock of stoves, Jap· anncd,1Jrcssed and plain Tinware, · which he will soil __ 1L 1, Al:iD BErnG IMPORrnn BY HIMSELF DIRECT from the British Markets, WILL BF. SOLD AT "CHEAP AS TJIE GHEAPEDT." ( . Special attention paid ta If"$ PRICES SO J1 ALPABLY CHEAP ..@I t~s · , STOTT'S DRUG Sl'ORE. Call ·and 16-41 EA VETROUGHING A'::{D JOB B I NG. t o Con1mend the1n t.o close buyer~, 'vho ~c respectfully INVITED TO CALL .AND JUDGE FOR TREMSEL YES. to. l:i1' Orders from the · courlt:::y pron~pUy nt !;cnUOO. · JJ5r New supplies received during the season. make selections. nzr DON'T GLASGOW Bowmnnvillc, April, 1871. HOUSE, FAIL . TO CAI,L. THOMAS PATERSON. TUY IT E. :a:..... ~ :R. l'\.l.i: E 'S ' ·s p RING NEvv SHUTTLE OR ,LocK-STrTCH SEW IN'G MAOI-I:INES. trj r:rj l'zj H is 71. F.F. McAr~hur's. Special Announcement. . · :~ ::ifi""'·--~;;.':....~~ FOR FAMILY USJE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING. --.L:o:--- : ... . ~-· -· - D. F 0 RB ES . -, - ., - - £..';ff" Ilig-hcst price pe.itl for Ilides, -SJ:icc~Jkin:!! Rags, l\i ool-pickings, Co'f)por, li'eathero .'.'w!a. JforsehaiI·. ~ Grent fnducmncnts held out to podlers. N. B.-Farrners wanting }rfilk Pails · or P :~ni:: would do well to f:all and examine my stock t -::: · fore purchasing eJse"·hcre. A 6ha-ro of Put.i:.o patronage respecU'ully solicited. 1'-. G. IlEETi. Bo\vmfunrille, Me.rel:. eth, 1871. ·F riendly Advice! To tlie Editor. JN ·ANNOUNCIN_G THE OPENTNG OF THE THE "EUREKA" IS A ~ 0 0 0 H tr) PURELY YEGETADLE MJmICINE ! FOR 'l'HE U"UIIB OF 1-:3 z DYSPEPSIA, LfVER COMPLAINT. t;Ex~:R.l\L LOSS OF' APl'E'l'.L'l' E, DllllLil'Y, .AND .ALL DISEASES of THE BLOOD. m\ingt.heSto1nach,of Exciting the Torpid LlYe.r to a H~lth y Actio11, an<l of Ptu·gL'lg out a ll D ep1'U-V cd Ihunors and Biliou.<:i Secretion from thP. ,, · ' Nurl?erous merch an ~s are offering apparently g reat ir,Cases and Bales of Staple Dress IGoocls nnd the Chea.p Prints in town at ~ ducements, but the ·b_est plaee F. F. McAUTIIUR'S. System. · H :)fost diseases ha ve their ol"icrin in, or n.re grca.t, to purchase is at ELLIOTT'S ..... ........_ Jy c.ggr;1vatedhy lndigestion, frmn the sole causr· ~ . that the D igestivR Or!!ans do not rierfonn thf Fancy Dry '~Goods for the ! """ duty th11t unture hu& 'aesigned then1., hence thr H General Star(', HAMPT-oN, w lnm~ llut,rimcnt is noL abstrat;ted frorn the food, and 1/1 t-he blood i;:i deprivfl<I of thi1t nourish1nont it ri> a great variety is · always kept regulre..:; of the Digestive Organs. -ATIIE MOST SIMJ'LE MACHINE IN THE 1HARKE'l'-0NLY ABOUT ONEIf you Feel Doll. D1·q..,Ysv, D ebi.litatet1. and Des T FOURTH the parts in its const.t·uction that is in othet" J11achincs, th~rcforc only ONE·FOUR'l' in stock, at · reasonable- prfres. pondent, have-frf'<J1i en t IIeadaChe, l\fou~h Tastee as liable to g~t out of order. It is !Jumble in a ll Hs pfLrts, and. every molion positive, It has the 11n· Spring Trade, and are offering R adly jn the 1norning, l!'l'cgu.lar, Appetite nnd der or foUr inOtion fe.orl.-Th~ best in 'H·SC, a,rrd "\Vill pas3 fr mn the finest J\'l.nslii\ tn thecoarse.<Jt of work I '.fougue coated, ;v:..iu ai·c suffering f1'Dn1 'forpid without clrn.ugc of either 'l'E)JSION or S1'I1'_ Elliott's clothing is as stylish CFT: - It makes t b.e Genuine. SH[TTl'LE or LO.GK J_,h'e1· or Billoius ncs!'I. Jn many c::-tses of lkver B7'TTCI:f. al,ike on boLh sides, sO fa.1nou<;.for ite Strength, Eea:1dy or Durability and '\V1J... L NOT JtTP. Cmnplai:nt only. a pa.rt. of these syn1ptoms n.r e ex . It run s raPidly and uses~ S~ort Straigh t·Needle, \Vhich is easily ad.tusted. into pla.~e and not ?1e11r So SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF T as any; his assortment of clotl1s perienced. As u reined v for all sueh casCs tbr liable to break. It is b1ghly ornamented, eQnal to a.ny of the high price Itlacluncs. It .,,, 111 them at such low prices that A f!entlcmon·S _A_ :~ Eureka has no eqUal, as· it. ~ffec.ts I >crfect Cm·el' British nud ~'\.merican flats, I is very complete ; Ladies' d ress including CYe1·y style from King VV'flllam do"·n eaving·the I..i1ver Strengthened and liealthy. HEM, :FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND; FRILL, GATHER, to Napoleon, just arrived at. ; . J .yn, Oct. 31:d, 1870. · goods-··_ a Yery f~shionabl e lot ; ' QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. F. F. McARTHUR'S. :lfR. IL E. RO\t'F., DEAR Srt!,- Havlng usctl UH·cc Lottlcs ot vour . ' _ . IT IS_JL:b'l' THE.~ lt'lA CHl".JB li'Oit they can1jot fail to, suit the Elliott's groceries are- of 1he· n~~t~;&~';:;ct¢g~~:'n11~~~i;~:1i1~ p;;;~,~~}~reg_;"c~ PRIVATE FAMILIES, ~1ILLINERS, D HESS-11AKERS, ,. 'very best descriptio11, -and lnw nlDobility, Inactionof thcLh ' cr Lossof Appc 1 . TAILORS AND FARM.TI:RS · tiLc &c:, it ha1':ini:r been used fOr the above CIJlI'· ui.. : ' ·in: price,-·-he · se-Jls cmrnn!s :ut cloeest buyer. plam.ti ;~ . my family.ti 11 · · ~7 There are· manye~ p oi1ft.~ - of excr,lkmcc a.bout the Machine, Superior ---:o:·- ours l'."flflpec u y, . ,. . .. F J.rl E Ar . ·1 to others, '\'\'b.ich cannot explain here. but V'i"lil be pleased to furward Cti:cnlnrs and Su.wplcs tif 5c, per Jb, and upwards , rair.i n8 · _ "' · UBPSON, · "· tn~s ,er, I '"York eve1·yw hcre on upplicatioh. DISCOUNT 'l'O CLERGYJ\<IEN. I11po1·1ant to Far1ncrs anil the PubJiic GeneralJy. · Lyr., May 11th, 1870. Jll.~ MACHINES F UL LY WARRANTED. ~( at lOc. and upwards, his tea Jf, :M!<. ILK Howie. . -,,,,.. . B o\vrnan·v1 . ·11ie, 2~ncl Jn . evcr:y oth er '['OV{ll 'v . 1 ' S1H,-l have uBC!d Eureka for Sick Iicaduclw. j li 4 ' ·;J\.(']'NT ...x i~ vrant e d 111 1ere not s1irpassed. . If you ar~- in 1HE CELKBRATED 'DUNDAS AND ~~u·se1+ by a ~isorderc~ stomach, 11111.1 imperfecl ·we have not got one already.established. Larger inducements thari nny other comp.:tny. 'I Lybster Cottons al ways ori hand at u1gcs! mn v;1th snnccss; w l ien c.ther r en1f':i!feF / · E 'I 'S S · . Illel'l"hell Cottons, want' ot a fir t-class Sewir: g fi\iled t.o do me any good, and I am sa.tisJicd all . . A.R:itt. , e1v1ng J.".tach1ne Con1pany. F. F. ~IcARTHUR'S, that is necessary to eonYince any person of it> . .... N-0. 1 R OtJ?:n. ' . H OUSC r·z 7, T ' t O·11.,, f 16 - 11 :merits tvould be to give'. it a trial, nr1d Iche erfnJJ~ , OC1r,, OJ on. .o, .Machine, Elliott's is the nfacc Bleached Slleeti11gs, I'cconrn1r,ud it to itll "\Vhosc · condit ion dem1111r' · ' - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- a_ nything of t.hhi nature. to buy-·yon C"an get a Lockman, Cnorr, · !'1· ..·y'r o~ I.':-H \Voolcn Factory. ·\Vanzer, or any other ki nd, :ct I I~ () Denilns, _ For sale rctn.i:! 11.nr.. whole.Sa.lo by aJJ d_ rugglst.<i or below manufacturcrl" n1 j,-0 ~ , NORTHROP & LYMAN, . ' Striped Hegattmi, Ne~ castle, Ont. Elliott has lately added ;rn ,,,.. J. WINER & Co., Hamilton. B. IL MITCHEL, J ...ondon .. CHEA.PEST STOCK OF sortment of clocks to his stock, T HE Glovf!s'nnd Hosiery in the co·1ni~c ut -Checked :.1trg-aHa1<, M. PORTERWOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE which he sells remarlrnbi y F. F. M o.U:THL'I\'S; W iuhabitunts of Bo\v1nanville and s11rro11ndingYicinity, that he J1ai'l no,.,.. on ha.nc1 tI1e follo·'.ing OF HARDWARE, IROX, WINDOW GLA SS, PAINTS, OILS, u cw and complete st.o.ck of Hessian Ticldr?gs, I l\1PORTER cheap, .and warrants the m . He n.ntl.ELECTRO-PL.l.1.'rE SJT,VER\V A RF.. \ Steei and G((tng Plows, Si.1~yle qnd Do·uhle Ou.ltit'ators, 'Cool;, I'.a·rlot, and Box St()'l)es, ac1s also as agent for mr.l't of Ivlanufacturer of all kin.ds of Tinware, Agricult·tt.ro.l. Fur11uces, ... (Juolers, Root Cntters, Iron Fencing, lf:c. A.KD DF. A T.,EI~ IN .... . the leading Newspapers. Those N.B. -;- OLD IRON TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Cotton Tickings, Stoves, Ca1·r'iage Rardware, :Bent Stuff,. Sp·J kes and, Rnb;. TVILLIA2;[ PORTER, Iron Fotindel'. n want should give him a call Faeio1·y Bo~·mnn·'ille., R;ing Street En.st, March 8th, 1871. JUST R.IJ;C.ETYED i';. .LAH.GE l\.SSOIL'I::\'I b;.NT 01!' at once. All kinds of farm pr0· I Urc!!s f.iuings, ccc., etc. §pade§~Ganlen, Dn·~~wii~i; and D. Hch~ng,f)orni >i h §ho,·els, ,, ·~ "SIGN OF-THE BEAVER, KING ST." cl nee taken in excha n"{" Ac -\...~, ,_ Ha.!u·.s, Scyfhe!i!, T.l:'owlrn, :ind :ni ~ k:iiaul.;; olf Gar1lcn P1·oclaim. tile Gfa d 'll'idin.g>i! conpts due on 1st Apri l ar)d 1~ t .and F:uJtnii2sg . T ooY :s ·. ---.... ,...,...- .. rJ"IHAT TRF. OREAT SHOSHONEES Oc-to'hc·· ·r "" ·- - - ...L TimnlXlY and Pills, of thc E1.nlnent Indiar, / l'llcdictne .~tan Dul'. tor Lewi:, J osr.p:hns, c,f th1r Ar.so. Yours, &c. , O·rcat 'l'rihe of Shos:honeeR.._, lh-iti sh Columbia, fa . It posri~s:;; e3 th~ ])O\Yer of Tonlnfr r.nd Strength ~ ~, ~ - z A Sm,-As' this ' is the season l SPLENDI~ STOCK OF _FORE~GN I ,~ould take the opportunily of infor1uing t he pubh _ ' c that he is prcpnred to ntteud to their orclcrs. of the year that people ar~ in ...1 a nd. Domestic T·vccds 1tY' .1ust ai:1~Ycd. \Having received and being in receipt of a verv good assortment of tbe 'l'\Yeed Suits made up in Style, "\Varranted to lilt, · want of au extra supply of Pry Murdoch. Bro's ror ~-00·;_.... F. F. McARTHUR. · Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, Goods, C lathing, Grocerifi<, a nd us he hus dctern1ined to condu~t business on the Boots and Shoes, &c, wcnld' it Cash Principle, Great Bargains -vvill be given. not be a great benefit to :rour readers in_ Darlingtiln and vicin N.B.-~4.ll otdsta. n d·irr.g accoiifd s are. re']_'!testcd to be settled ioiihout dela.y. ity to know tlie best pl ace jo HAVE just received several DAVID FORBES. . .· SP;RING TRAD _ E ·I ·and · IAs lf8UAL, THE BEST s'l'ocK oF ~st purcha~e. SPRING ' GOODS l:a T T I ::t'J" G- S - 1 _;.J · New Railway ,Project I .1. .1. · 1 \Ve Ti""" · I:" · 0 J~. 1871; NThI 0 NG ER,Yo 187]. JOI-IN 1 1 8 7 1 .. ~ - 1 _ 0...() 1 u·es tne Wo. l'ltl c'ccr l:cu.rU of. '\YOrkin~ the tnost rnorvc1ous a1:d Hstoni::::h.ing NeYer in th·· ;ann a ls of CanaCtian l\'fecli<:cLl IIis!".ory has sueL c.uocci;9 a1.te11rle'1 t h e int1·od.uction ot' any medi cine heretofore. 'The Build.in_g:_]:'rade .. . --- , - ~ -~ ~-~~ WHY? ST.MPL"Y- bcca.L1se th e nun1<' rm1s Valuable nchve n1edic.ina:l Yt'.l$'etnh~e ingredientf:!, (so1ne of whicb ....Yo \\ill 111cnuon, such as the .Kx:tra~ts of '\Vilrl Cherry Bark PoUupbylhnn, Ju niper, Qiu:tSc;ia, ~ 1 nlrLrh"\Terl, ))a.ndehon, Hyoscytunua, Coinpound ExtJ·nct. of Coloc:ynth, Jalap, Socotririe .Aloes. ( ·-.psicmri, &c., &c.,l ·whicl1 enter itttot.hc cou1po ~;·ioH ofrhe combin ed n1 cGi...~iI1c, n,rc 1::;1Lwh nntl ~o } ..1·,n onionsly c:lassifiGd nnd c.;-ornpuunrled, t h a.t i1 -l· 1:.;..·11~ t.be iaot>t searching curaEre in the · ~uow1~ v-:nr!<1, and cannot: help b"u.t uut. on the 5ystCl!· !r; n \· r.· ry satisfo..ctor;· u.nd Uesirable n1a.n· llt~r. :'.:;u 111;ti.tc:· '-" hat 1 vuur .ailn1en t rnav l;e, er of how ir'Il.J;" ~t,,~, .:; ;;:.:, 1t ' Yili find the Spot u.nd nstonir;h you li:· t~1;_· n~ pir1 n1::u111et· ir1 vdlich yoo ure resiured to 1wdcci lwn l!h and full vigor. · 'J'hhl lUedi cine ~s pl<::tc mr:1. ·1-r1c\ safe to ~u.kc , auO U; warranted, ann 1Jt:i.;1 1'~'.S!t:'.' "-." !.~· l·c l't:hed npor> lo m.ukc u pcrrna.ncu\. e.i ·l· ·;:t ;.·.ll .:!i:'lea"'es of tht> !fhroat., Lungs, Liver. l {.i riHcys .D'.;c(·stivcOrgan:! &c., &c., a s 'veil ns Scrofn1a, t lH; ,·n:·lons :3kit' .J)iseas~. Ihmiors, und all tli.::;case" .<;ri:;iing fron 'I1i1Rurit.r of the Blood, exc(;1wing t he Tlt frd Stag-~ of Consmnptton. l'"'nrther u1formatiu11, ·with fnl ~ Girec t.iOns for usingthc GrcaiShoshonees H e rn od~ t:.nd Pill!j, an<l. c aut,; dning te,;t.imon ials nnd Ccr\.1 , rtcatcs <?f Cure3, can be c htaincd b y Hccudng t h f' 'i'rcatise, the I-land-book, 01· th e 'Alnianac ana Ciri.;ulare .f1'()m any respectable Druggist in Ow J)omlnion- fre.e. . ,· Prfoe of I?,e1nedy i·n large P-inf · llottles 1.00. P.iUs per B.ox 25 c:C1its. · Spcc-i-<,~l ~ attcn-tion to this line-1-l"ai.ls, .T.oc"ks, Ifin~ge.~ , . Glass, Hash, I'·u: tty, Paints, Oil.'4, ...... . . . TTa1Ntil3hes, Earee T1·ou.ghs, 1Vin:lo1v and Picture .Cords and Tassels, a-nd Ever·vth-i.ng else requiired, an d thC'~t in one place, thu,s presen.tin.g. y recder fri.duoe·nien-ts to the bHyer fho,n any other .Ff011.se i.n. the Trade, whirJ1,of itself i.': 11n B1nall a.cl-r,antc1ge. N Large Stock OF 'i'. DARJ,fl\'G'.l'OlV, G o -o --D -S AT THE FRIENDLY ADV BER. December 14, 1870. TO o'\,vNER§ G-OLDE~ LIO~_-Farm Propert y -AND- N .B .. ~-FEATHERS Ag·ent $'01'. °"ray & Vlcllington Building, Bo\vreanviJle, itpril 10th, 1871. FOR SALE. GEN'I'LEMEN'S IDowniir·i.1·'s II"atent l'ffangle. IGROCERIES, ) · DEA~~R 1 POl11ED IN ;DOMESTIC AND - IM.. .:,,, DETACHED RESIDENCES. l.NSURE YOUR PROPERTY -IN THE JC)FIN JY.IcT.EOD. CHOICE TEAS, FRUITS, Agrlcultural Insurance Company, -AND- . PROVISIONS, &c., . CROCKERY ~\ND Save Half You r llfone_y. Head Office for Ca_ nada, -'1'0- Ontario Bank. ' DIYIDEKD .NO. 28. NOTICE i.<3 hereby given, that a dividcnd.of!{'o~~~:pe ~·cent UJi·On the Ca:1Jital stock FURNI~HINGS GLASSWARE. HowmanvilJe, Ont. 37-tf Kingston, n 0 0 l-1: E S TE B. ~i~!J!:t THE LOCKMAN 1 - ..,JTIS old an·:l w·ell e:.1tablished Ilate~. Company insures nothing hnt Farm P roperty n.n.J __.t',, l'l:~n.hood : ..liion' lLost, Pow ~e,;;~cred. - · . -· _ . I .-.:__ ;j 1 J rJ!'IHE SUPERB NEW I,AKE 1;pPER tST PUBLISHED, ANJ;;W JL 8ta~e Cabin Sict!.me1· cu.re ("without incclici.nc) of Spcrma~ tori·hvea, Seminal ";cakne.ss, Involuntary ~f'.minnl Losses, l mtiotency, 1\fental a.-ncl Physical I ncapacity, I1npedimc11ts to J:.::I:irr iag·c, etc., a)fio Consumption, Epilepsy, n.nd Fits, induced by snlf-indulge11 ce or f'lex11n.J extraYaga11ce.- J\¥' Pr1ce, in a sen.led cri:v{'Jopc, only 6 conts. '£he cclclJratcd Ruthor, iu Urn; ~\tllliir:_able essaY, clearly ctem~nsirates fJ·ou1 a tl_1irty yen.rs' su'ocessfl1l pract.1cc, lha.t tltc. ala.rn11ng con.scqucu.cet; of self-abuse 1nay be i·ad1enlly curell without the danger o us·use of internal nrndicl.ne or the n.p plication of_ the Y.nife; pointing ont a n1ode of cure. nt once sm.i:ple, ccrtau1 n.ud effectual. lJy incans ot ·w hich every sufferer, no rnatter \Vhat his condition ll1.ay be, may cure Liluself cheaply, pri,·ately, aud raclieali·y. · ~~· 'l'h:iR L ectlu'e should be ln 1.hc hands of everv- youth n.nd eYet·y mnn in the 1£it1 d g.· ., ~ .'.;: ... 'i 11 · l ·' , , I - ~ · · cnt h-~°:e 1 7CtV-, ~ ,a 1-' up. en\ e ope, !'.'Jany ~~-1 dress , po .. lpa.td on i eccip t, of s)x ccnlS or t"\,o poet stamp?. ' - , , , " . , , , ~.lso, Di. Cuh e1 ~ell :i l\fa.ITH!.ge Gtude, i 11nce 25 cents. . · J;lddr~ss t.he Pu~)l1Sh~1~ ~ . , , CHA~-"· C-,KLIN)'o, & CO,,, 127 Botvery, Ne\v ~ork, J ost-Offi.CB B ox 4,586. Etlition of ])H, CTU LV ER\VELL'S C.Ei:T,EHR4.TED Ess,\Y on the 1'(Ui'ical N Oll SE J\1 AN, Carrying United States and Canadian l\1uils and E >..-prCS3, Le7.t·e.~ p 01 ·t Hop e , e·vcrtt },.fo?"<nln(I for J:!.scheste1· atDo'clock onar1ival ofGra11d 1~rru1k RaiJ - · It eyery cve1~1ngat .1 o ulo_ck, (-.xc~~t wtur· aax s, v, hen she lea,·e.s n.t 2 f! ull?ck, .,. _ P. M,, for _ Ilr1ghtun.1. Thi~ is thA fitYorit.e finmmer route from T or ont t R 001 t '1..lb n & , Tl1 , ·h , ~· t d o.. ?. er, . . a !· c? " ~ c ~U!Jl*i an ~u1ckest 10,~le f1on1 ]J ~mts Ea_t o! Pait JI ope on -,e, Oran ? J.rnnk, to Ho,[h est er, B1Jffalo, ff"c> ·lhe fa~~r1te route to. _~ ...von o.nd Cl~ft~1~ ....,p1mg·s. PMsen'""ers and fre 1ght ~a,}{e cars a~ong side st.e ameratRochest~t J.. anding. Connect.ion n1adc at ~obourg and Port Hope with Roval :Hill Line Steamers from Hamilton ~~bion. and J\foritrea.L . The Norseman 'vill cull at tltc Porl of Darlington ev en.. "-r EuN.t:SDA£ MO RNING, Rhould snfficient freight offer. · - Adclross, I\, C, CARTIER lJort IIope, ~ lnt. 37.tf Ret1o·ning, Lec:-ves Pgr~~of J!-o~hestc.r ~<:'.fl.<u·lott( ·way ']?rains from East and _ "'\·Vest. · ~ :es of tlus ln st1~ut1on, for the cnr:rent half year, has tl~1 s d ay been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Rank and [its Bmnchcs on a11<l after THURSDA y + ,he first d(},y of JUNE next. The transfe~ boQks w'11 be closed from the 16th to the :-11st day of Tu1a.y, both days inclusive. l~ oti<.:e is .also given, th:1t the .A.nnua.J Genel'al ineeting of t.he stockholders, fur tho Election o.f Directors, will be held at their Dc~11king H · ou:se in Bov.'111ruTville on MONDAY, tlie FIFTII DAY OF JUNE :ffEXT, co1n1nencln g at the hour of 12 o'clock, no o.ll, precisely . ·~- oticc .is furLlier give~, . . that at such General Annual Meeting th e propriety of I increasing the Capital st ock of the Bank, un der th~ authority of the Act passed at the last Ses&ion of the Do minion Parlianient, i 11 t,ituled "An .A ct r ela.ting to Bank.a & Banking," will be tB.ken int:J consider- SEW I -NG MAC HINE 'f'w-eeds, et0., etc. I.S 1",T O'V TIIE ' detached Residences, nnd Js sues l'olicies at.. Greately Rednced LEADITfG MACHINE Spring Importations. WM. McMRTRY HAS RECEIVED A LARGE POI{'l'ION OF HIS ASSETS ··. ; .......... $550,000.00 :Oeposlted wilh- the Fipance Mibiatei" for 1ipec ial benefit of Canadian ?olic~ho]d'ers, over IN THE DOMINION OF GAN.ADA. INSPECTION INVITED. MURDOCH BROS. attained.thro ugh Its in·h erent good q,ue..litics. These qualities are sh:n.!Jlicit.y durabihtv el~ $ance, ndapta.hiliL-y, besic es a sCore more Oi equfi'.t importance. For fuU particnlars address to the l\fanufacturers, -. \VIJ,SON, BO"VV1:fAN, & Cu.. ' .·· llamilton, Ontario. , - R: & H. O'HARA, .A.gents for Durham nnd Victoria. . HIS T PROUD POSI'l'ION IT HAS :·. ·_, , .$68..COO S ee tha f1Jl1owing Certifiralc s : This is to cert ify 1hal the Agl'icultnr~l i n- surance Company ha·ing _ d.rposit~d hands of the HecriYer General of in the the ~um of Fiffv.fonr ThonsRn<1 dred Dollars, irl "Cnited Stlltes hv11i:ls 1 aa· requi l·cd by the Act of Canada, 3.1 Vic., chn.. 48, sec. 22, is hereby licensed to ca-rry on t.he busin ess in Ufiu n.dn of Fire Insurance - c~.nnda, Pive Hun ~ J\1:ILLINERY ' ~ I. ·1 D'ated at tbeC ity of Ottawo, the 2nd doy of June, 1870. Deposit inc1-eased, since u_ate of above ccrtlficn te, to OYCr $5.3,000. JoHN LAN GTON , f\~I'. ~Ii.rister of Finn.nee. By order of the Board, SHOW ROO~I~ THE CELEDRATED PERFECTED Spring Stock of ·Dry G Q O d S of which he would call special attention to the following lines :, Spectri.clcs iu;d. Eve Glasses manufnctnrOO. by LAZARUS &- llrORRIS, and for whicb J have the sole agency, are gaining golden opinions frorn all those ·w ho have t1·ied it. If yon 'iVttnt to preserve your s ight to extreme old'·n.ge, use these and no others. A A noN DU_ CKLER, agent for DowmanviJle and vicinity. 1-mo. I D. FISHER, ONTARIO BANK, Bowmanville, 22u<l April,1871. ) 1 Cashier. 'I Bees!! Bee rs !!! Murdoch Bros. I Dress Goods, '!'his i.~ to certiJy: that I Im.Ye been acquniDt~ ed with the Officer~ an,d bfa.nagers of th~ ·Agricu1tnral · lnf'.1Hance Company for nuiny years, ntrd also with t he business operatiqDs of tb e Company , and have no hesitation iu rccomm en·ding it ns a perf~Ct1y safe · and rn · liable Con1pnny, nnd its Officers H S compe · leut and houornble busit~C3S lUCu -; u -nd aS: -it insure3 nothing but }~nrm Property n1H1 dt< · lacbed Dw~llings , and has $530,000 .As~etS~ F OR SALE, BY E. B. CRYDEil:(l{AN, near Ha111pton, Notice .. aµplicaUon 'vill be mndc by the Corporation of the to,vn of Bowruu..nville, to the .lk,gislature of t.he Province of Ont.-'lrio,at its next Session for au A.ct authorizing The cons~·uct.ion of a Ilailway fron1 the ·wat ers of Lake Ontario in ' the Town of Do,vmo,nvillc in the County of Durham through soine parL:s of t·hP. ·.rownship::i of Darlington Clarke , C:-l.rtw1. "lght, and 1.-Ianvers in tlle said Oountyof Dmllam,andt.he'fownofLirnfaayand Townships of Ops, F.ntlly, Fenelon ttnd \r erulam to f;l1~ YiHage ?f. Bobst~ygco,nin the Qm.intyofVic: t.on~ thence. to t11c Government lands utid lands of tlle English Land Co1n pauy iu t he counties of V' ir,tol'in and Pcterbot·o, and to amalgamate or n1ttke i·unlling arrangeinents with other Rail~ way~. . F CUBITT · · R. \VlKJ)ATT, Mayor. 1 consider it respDD.sible boy.and any con tin. ITALIAN AND HYBRID BEJ!:S, At a reduced price, having been \vinter ed in a ~plendid condition, and con taining YOUNG QUKENS, 'vhich is tha great secret of successful - Dee cultul'e. April 8th, 1871. 37·tf. N OTICE IS HEREBY -GIVEN THAT B EG TO INFORM THE J.ADIES OFthe To\Yn and Country, that their _ STOCK OF MILJ,INERY GOODS Prints, Millinery, Cloths, Parasols, AN ASSORTMENT OF ., gency . D. D. CALVIN, :11. P . P. We h ave exan1ined into tho condition r..11d standing of the 1\gricnltural Jnrinr.i u.co ORES ~ OF _ ,GOOD LAND . CHEMIST- AND DRUGGIST, -· th So h 00 A d ' b emg th T h .e ut 1 . ui·es, an lO on e .~ort ·et;-.;>t cor1le1 of Lot ~J.,in the 4th con. of EGS RESPECTJi'ULLY TO AN- Du1linJrt.on, :.lJt,.n1iles from the '1.~nvn _of Bovn~tl.ll:NOU.I\C.E th at 11 e J1as received a ·w ell as ville. 70acrei::;.clcarcd, and SO ~n 'Voo<l::i . Uom~ sorted stock of Genuin e Drug-S and Pure English fortable D"\vclhn~ Hou.s~, good lia.rn, Stahlo, aud Chcnlicals. .Al so, a spleEdid stock of the . most Shed; some J;'nllt 'l'i'ees on the prem.i s~s, u. good carcfullr selected W.e11: also a stream of Spring'~ atur. J: .H IG- G I N n o T n A. lll: B DYE STUFFS: 10 0 ..A FARMS · for SA I,E, Photographs I I C 0 JU: IS NOW Company, nnd do fully cpncur with j\fr, Oir,: en in recommending it to the Farm~ers or t.tlls Province, as one perfec tly safe and relia hte in which to insure th eir properly. PLE FHE T E ? FITTED an4. hupro\'ed the Gallery lately occupi ed by llrfr. H. Tait, is now prepared to take T HE SUBSCRIBER IIAYING RE- J . 0 . Cr,Alno\, Banker,J. CARRUTHERS & Oo. GEO. · .A. KUIKPATDJ0:&:, B. M. BR I'rTo N. , Ilf. P. · PHOTOGRAPIIS iN ALL STYLES, WITH .ALL AND AT ' Bownrn~~.fil:~~fa;ch 22nd.1871. -121 in t.he 5th con. of the :ibnve -TO"\\"DShip, Picturr,s made in all kinds of ·weather. "ivhich cannot be' surpassed fo1· excellency of 130 clf'.-Rr ed, 70 in Woods. "\Yell ·watered · - -- - - - quality. .An assortment of Aniline Dyes kept also " good Well. A 11e_ w Frame Dwelling T@ BIE M: E'I' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. oonsta.11tly 011 l.tand, togeth er. -with u choice se- Ho u~c. '\'i(,h :::Jtone Cl'Ollar the ·full size of i lic ... ,.Iii, .. l~ction of A r-nll ref'pect.f.ully Rolicited. Gallery-Cot'llCr of AND UNDER 'l'HE l'>fAK.ifGR~Ji?.NT OJI' . House a sl)lall Log Honse, t·wo Barns, StaUle and -IGng n.nd DiYision Streets, cut.ranee o pposite :M r. .:PRLlG:S, Cow Shed. Excellent land. ~ituated 3t miles I A_ TERM OF YEARS IF RETreleven's ::;hoe st.ore. fro1n ilie 'l'own o~ .Ho,vrna nv11le. For furt.hcr T,., ' CIIEJIIICALS, particular s -a.nply to the -proprietor, THO:rt1A.S QUIRED, tlle 8mart Rs~te PA'I;'ENT l\ffiDICt~ES, EDWIK J. FLETCHER. \VJ!jLDON 'l'cn1po P. 0 ., ur t.o .r Al\f.RH vv·EL- I . ., ·~ , , · .MISS IUcT -A.VISll., BRL'SH.B:S, COMBS, DON, Lot No.13, in the 4th con. of t.hc ubo;-e HOMEH'IEAD, WITH IMMEDIATE Bown1anville, April 26th, 1871. 16-39-tf. '.l'o wnship. · ., 16-39~3m. SHOULDEH-BRACES, POSSESS!ON, SU PPOHTERS, &c., &c. who will fill all orders promptly. Co~i sting of fl.ve acres of Excellent Land, mostly J Uoney OILS , .Notice. planted wit h vnlunblc fruit trees in full bearing, PAD'"TS, -. REVISION F ·, OR· tho i·est ueing garden and pastnra(te. Also, L OANS FOR ]'ROM ONE TO TWENqmred , a ffHV more acres could be uad on reasonCOLORS. TIIE ColJRT Thls is. a. n" e·v brnnch.,of their bu.s ineas and the . TY years to be repaid in instalmcnt.s to suit r evising the:._A sessment Rolls of the'"-'l1ow1] · abfc tern1s. . VARNISHES, Stock ·will be found 1 l>orrowcrs, ,,.ho ure alluweU lo rnake such payof Carhvl'ight, for ihe year 18'71, will he held zy- I · - ,1 ·~ Led 'th ' ' h " , · · lncnts, in addition to instalm r,nte, as they n1a.y _ and \VlIITELE ...iD ship u.t the Town Ra.llin said 'l'own sh ip . on ::\:101\D \. y I mt . ~ is we~ SJ.~_ua ·w J. int e J O"\vn, close to convenient, may be obtained fro1n the Ca· :find thel;lth day of }r!AY 1871 Lt. IO , i 1 A..r::\f l,h eRailway ~tation,an dc on1n1andsafiue view ) ' t£r .A.t the very lo"\T~st prices. nu.Ila Pe~·mauent Building and EaYing Society, .Parties intci-Cstell_are 'here th! _req~ili-~ ~o iakC ! of . 1,s,ke <>nta.rio and the Stc.'.illlboat lt:i.nding. -CHEAP AND GOOD. by applying to - . .. · HORSE AN-D CATTLE ' l\ffiDICINES. · uot.iceherebyandg(!vern themselves nucording- · tfdi"JI'orparHc ula.n:: on application to DA.VIn ·1 FAREWELL, M cGEE & RUTLEDGE. ly. . . I ~Jl.fA.Il'f, Barrister, Port Hope; or on the preru· i 1\. B.-Country Storekee~crs S np:)lied on V{. LUCAS, T'p Clerk. i isua Lo 11RS. SM.A.U.T. 'i Solicitors, Bo\vmu.n ville. ni.ntagcuus t c:::-rns Cartwd~hti April 17th, 1871. 38·td. · Bo\Yina<:i.nville, Ma.r ch 20th> 1871. 34:-tf, . E,,.,-manvllle, Apdl 26th, 1871. 16-:l!ltf. . ~Private {unds to-lo;,11. 61tf LSO 200 ·ACRES; BEING LO'!' NO. Aacres Latest Novelties of the Season, L'OWEST PRICES. FOR Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, &c NOT TO BE EXGE-LLED JN TJIJ/:3 P.ART OF THE DmJINION FOR STYLE, {]UALITY, · AND PRICES. r Wo would refer you to the f ol!ow lng .r;en. : 1.lemen, iu regard in tlie responsibility ol .hti Companv ;-D. Fioher 1 Rsq. 1 Oasbi('r.of 1i1e Qptari<l. P11.uk; Jno. l\fcT1f'Od, i\I. P, P., J. fl Fn.irb:tit l" Ji;sq., Postm as ter j J. E. F at· t! ~veH 1 Esq. 1 Barrister. ., : Agent for Oo.bourg end vicinity, . WILLIAM T . F foE. W. It. CLJMIE, Local Agent at llo wrn ou V · ille , bee 1870 to J,oan. <>F if,,,. A FIR~T CI,,,A.iss .IV.Hfl,Lll\'Elt . alway~ . iu Attendance. LOvVEST PRICES· Spring Fashior1s HE_ SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW THE T to make Ladies, Faajlions. for.this. spring~ 1871, a.nil ls prepttl.'l d Dresses a.no. Mo.ntlos ' "AS USUAL IN- LATEST S'fY:r,ES." az"' Particnlar attention pnid to cutt;.::.J;; 1u~r::. fitting. ad-1 ,. -_ l Weekly Arrivals of New Goods. MRS. ALEX. FLET CH l~?..

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