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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1871, p. 4

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CANADIAN STATE,S MAN, BOWMANVILLJ?, TI:-IURSDAY, -MAY 18, 1871. GE. -------- =====--============---=-= 0 B .S E : & V E -I BROS. 0 - ESE - ~V:E! T,):iis wholcpage belongs to OESE:RV'E This whole page belongs to T - This whole page belongs to M'CL UNG M;CLUNG .And McCLUNG BRos. occupy it with r"'FORMATIO:N", FACTS and M"C LUNG BROS. And McCLT; NG Enos. occupy it with IXFORMATION, FACTS and INVITATIONS in regard to their establishment which the public will do well to consider. Spring is here, Summer is approaching, and the all-absorbing questions of the day are: And ]\foCLUNG BROS. occupy it ~ith IXFORMATIO::f, FACTS and INVITATIONS in regard to their establishment which · the public will do w"ell to consider. Spring is here, Summer is approaching, and the all-absorbing questions of the day are: · -~ INVITATIONS in regard to their establishment which the public will do well to consider. Spring is here, Summer is approaching, and the all-absorbing questions of th c dny are: \VHAT SHALL WE WEAR? ' Where shall we purchase what we wead \Vho shall make and trim that which we wear? WHAT SHALL vVE "\VEAR? vVhere shall we purchase_what we wear? \Vho shall make and trim that which we wearl WHAT SHALL ·w;E WEAR? Where shall we purchase what we wear? ..,, Who shall make and trim that which we wear? GO TO :Dll:~CLU:tt\il"-G Style~ B:R..OS. Do you want Style? Do you "\Yant Style? Do you want an Unerring Fit? Charges~ Do you want Do you want an Un~rring Fit? Do you want an Unerring Fit? Do you want Reasonable Do you want Reasonable Charges? Do you want your Bonnet, or Mantle, or Suit, on the day it is promised you? Do you want Reasonable Charges? Do yo{Twant your Bonnet, or Mantle, or Suit, on the day it is promised you? Do you want your Bonnet, or Mantle, or Suit, on the day it is promised you? ... G0 T0 Mc C L U N G BRO S. G0 T0 Mc C LU N G var~ety BR 0 S. _ G0 T0 Mc C LU N Q BR 0 S. Do you want a _ large variety and assortment to select fr.om? Do you want a large and assortment to select from? Do you want a large variety and assortment to select from? G 0 Their busines~ G_0 T0 Mc C LU N G BR 0 S. G0 T0 Mc C LU N G- B R 0 S. T 0 ' Mc C L U N G B R 0 S. Their business is still steadily increasing, and, as the seasons have come and gone, a discriminating public have learned wher~ to buy to the best a.dvanf:d\ge, '}'heir business is still steadily increasing, andi'as the seasons have come and ' . gone, a discriminating public have learned where to buy to the best _ advantage. is still steadily increasing, and, as the seasons have come and gone, a discriminating public have learned where to buy_to the best adva;;tage. ' Hundreds of Farmers! in Darlington, , Cartwright, Clarke, Ma11vers, are learning this important ICsson every year. _ GREY -- Hundycds of Farmers! in Darlington, Cartwright, · Clarke, ' - H unclreds of Farmers! in Darlington, Cartwright, Clarke, Manvers are learning this important lesson every year. - _ , Ivianvers' are learning this important lesson every year. --~--.- COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, GR,EY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, that our Grey Cottons are the best value in the Dominion. GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, I GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, 1 . GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, GltEY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, GREY COTTONS, Remember that our Grey Cottons are the best value in the Dominion. .f - R~member Remember that our Grey Cottons are the best value 'i n the Domi~ion. PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS, llRILLIAXTS, , BRJI,LIANTS, 'BRILLIANTS, - Como and -see om' Prints and Brillianfii! HALF PRINTS, PRINTS, PRIXTS, PRINTS, BRILI,IANTS, BRILLIAXTS, _ BRILLIANTS, Como and see our Prints and Brilliants! PRINTS, BRILLIANTS, PRINTS, BRILLIANTS, PRINTS, J'--:UNTS, -BRILLIANTS, Come and see our Prints and Brilliants! ' Pl~JCE, PRICE, HALF PR.ICE, HALF PRICE, HALF PRICE, HALF PRICE, IIALF PRICE, HALF PRICE, HALF HALF PRICE. HALF PRlCE, IIALF PRICE, - HAU' PRICE. ",', ·--v We have a large lot of JOB Dm:ss GOODS at Half Price. \Ve have a large lot of Jon Drrnss GooDS at Half Price . . We have a large lot ofJoB DRESS GooDs at Half Price. C.ARPETS! Hemp, Uriirm, Dutch, Two-ply-all Wool, 'rhree-ply, Tapestry, &c_ Floor Oil Cloths, Mats and Hugs. CARPETS! CARPETS! Hemp, Union, Dutch, Two-ply-all Wool, Three-ply, Tapestry, &c. 11'loor Oil Cloths, )fats and Rugs. _ m ~-- Hemp, Union, Dutch, Two-ply-all Wool, Three-ply, Tape.stry, &:c. Floor Oil Cloths, Mats and Rugs. ' ' HAT A~D CAP DEPARTMENT. _ HAT AXD CAP DEPARTMENT. Children's Hats and Caps, Boys' Hats and Caps, Youth's Hats and Caps; Men's Hats and' Caps. All kinds, sizes, prices and qualities Hats and Caps. Full Assortment and Large Stock. HAT- AND CAP DEPARTMENT. Children's Hats and Caps, Boys' Hats and Caps, Youth's Hats and Caps, . _ All kinds, sizes, priGes and qualities Hats and Caps. Men's Hats and Citps" Full Assortment and Large Stock. ChjJdren's Hats and Caps, Boys' Hats ancl Caps, Youth's Hats an_d Cap~, Men's Hats and Caps. All kinds, sizes, prices and qualities Hats and Caps. Full Assortment and Large Stock. · CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS-CANADIA:N" AKff IMTORTED. CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS-CANADIAN AND I:vIPORTED. CLOTHS OF ALL KINDS-CANADIAN AND IMPORTED. CLOTHING -Ready-made, and CLOTHING Made to -Order. l'H.yle and Workmanship not to be surpassed. At the Lowest possible paying prices. Your orders will be promptly and punctually executed, _ CLOTHING Ready-made, and CLOTIIIXG Made to Order. Style - a.nrl Workmanship not to be surpaS8ed. At the Lowest possible paying prices. Your orders will .be promptly and punctually executed. CLOTHIKG Ready-made, and CLOTHING ~fade to Order. Style and Workmanship not to be ' surpassed. - At the Lowest possible paying prices. Your orders will be promptly an(i punctually executed. - LADIES' DEPARTME'NT. Our Show Room will supply Hats and Head Dresses suitable for the month-old infant or its grandmother or- gr~at-gYandnuJther. :PR1cEs VARYING . . 1fu,o.r.1 T FiN CENTS TO TEN . Do1.r.J..n.s. LAD,l ES' DE PART MENT~ ~ ~.,., LADIES' DE PA RTM ENT. Our Show Room ><ill supply Hats ancl IIead Dresses suitable for the month-old infant or its grandrnolher or great-gro.md11u:ither. PBICES YARYING - FRO)f ' TF.N CENTS TO TEN DOLLARS. Our Show Room wiil supply Hats and Head Dresses suitable for the month-old infant · or its graudn1othcr or grea.~gra!fldrnot.her.. PR~CES Y.A..It:YING FRO!II TEN CENTS 1'0 1.,EN Dor.LA.RR. MANTI, E 8. MANTLES. ~1: A N T L E S. For the past two years our Mantle Departm'i;nt has been a succ~ss, and ~he work tm:ned out will, we know, compare favourably w1tl1 the best establishment m the Dommiou. '\Ve will t rY to suit your tast-e as well as to fit your back. We spare no expense in getting our. p'a.ttern mantles, and ii you want a stylish garment, please give us~ call. 0 -~ Q For the pa.s-t two years our :i\1~n:tle Department liaE been -a success, and the work turned. out will, Vw'e know, compare favourably wit h i:he best .establislunent.~ in Ute Dominion. . VVe .will try to .suit your taste a.::.i ·well a.a to fit your back. \"Ve spare no expense in getting our pattern mantles, and if you want a stylish garment; please give us a call, }.,or the past. t,wo years ?Ul' Th"Iantlo Depa'.rbnent haR been a succes~, and the work t urn .. ed out '~i11, we k.11ow, con1pare.favourably with t he best establighrrtents in the Domin.. ion. 1 - \\re will -:..ry to ·suit your, taste :1s well aa to tit your back. \V c spare no expense in ge~ti!1 g Ol.lr pattern u,1a~ntlcs, and if you 1van.t a stylish. garrnent, please give us a call. _ Excellent Tea at Fifty Cents. - , Exceller1t Tea I ~ Q Excellent Tea I i 1 1 1 () () r at Fifty I Cents. f-i at . Most extensively used and universally liked. · z Q d m Most extensively used and universally liked. z Q T c Fifty Most extensively used and universally like" d. I N evv Garden a 'n d Field Seeds 1I Olf New Garden and Field Seeds New Garden ' and Field Seeds I EVERY DESCRIPTIO:N". td ~ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. First-class newly imported Turnip Seed. td ~ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. First-class newly imported .T urnip Seed. First-class newly imported Turnip Seed. 0 Crockery, Glassware, Stoneware. To arrive, in.a few days, from the English Potteries, a very choice selection of Granite Tea Sets of new patterns and styles. 0 Crockery, Glassware, Stoneware. To arrive in a few days, from tho English·Potteries, a very choice selection of Granite Tea Set:" of new patterns and styles. .... (/) (/) Crockery, Glassware, Stoneware. To arrive in a few days, from the l<~nglish Potteries, a very choice selertioi;t of Granite Tea Sets of new patterns and styles. The fir~t of tlw kind 'imported. Sec them befor~ you buy. The first of the,,kind imported. See them before you buy. The first of the kind imported, See them before you buy.

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