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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1871, p. 3

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· ·CA.NADIA N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, Corn for Sale, Vihole or Cr acke d· '- By-Law No. A fly Lav, to wise by u ay of Uian the mm The Osborn. OF /Another i\rriv~ l Dress Goods -I .John l'llcDougaH. 16 3\1"<f - - I Carpets I Carpets I of F(Y/J,r ttuYusand and jiv~ huncln·ed dot lats, for tlw pivry_Josees tlwrein mentioned \VHEH E.A..S, The Corpo.,..a.tion of the ·vill11go of New·castlc hn' e resolved to ere.:t a b111ltllug to be used as a Town Hull and fo1 other public pur pose"l and to carry into effect the send recited obJCo:;t lt will be nece.<Jsu.ry fo:r the su.id corporntion to ra1,...e the sum of£ our thousand and five hundred do.llare m the n1anuer herein a!tcr men tioned ·1nusrt ano, B't~J "nn1Hr, ~r NJ r1J t lrJi :~i A..., , nf \ P.1 y choice .In Jllemori:un. DRESS GOODS .. m h o 1101 of the dead, !leaven has u ttc1cd no pi>oh1bnion, and l! 31tl1 h not illJUH::d, but benetittcd, by th'f'~U .A.Ji those b eo,utiful embleu1s \:vh1qlL adm n the mu.uy t0111bs around which \\e lo\ c tD linger, assmc us we arc 1n ·" w orld of warm and lo""-ing hearts, tbc ailor1ung of the sepulchres of the "lu\ t d ones' allc> 1ntcs our grief and souLlu:3 tho v,; ounded heart It also cbee1 :-; the be reavcd to kDr)W that a n adrhtional em be1lishment of tne grave '))resents stlonger uttroot1one to ft.tTest the attcn non of the stranger, and ca11i;c.:i huu to A GAINST EXPENDITURES STAP E IFOR ONE CARPETS WILL BE DRY GOODS r FOR I~ 'F. F. McARTHUR HAS \'\- e ta ke this method to 1nforin )!O'U that we can fill orders for !le( oratlllg the graves of departed frJ enlh~, o.t low figures, executed m the best style o! ;vorkmans.hip others has shared so Je.rgely in t.ho love of pa11J3e and learn the n.'Lme of 0~10 1.,ho MONUMENTS,TABLETS,ETC, OF TUE lflNEB1' QV \ Lll Y OF E Y'B ITALIA N & AMEll/GAN MARBLE A?;ll- l:'ANOR.AM SC0TCil Affl!JRDEEN GRANITE, suppheil on Rliort 11ot1co E""c1.1'th.wg pertainmg to Cemet.er}' work Wiil illect lvith prompt. atten~10:u, 'by leaving OI· ~ith. Just Received a Second Supply OF ders s A c R I F I c E D SP RI NG l 8 7 1. MACHINE T HIS CELEBRATED l t verc:U-..t of the publiu 1s n1.~ OF TH.E C BOUNS.\.LL, Do1vma..u.ville. no .v boen t ested lH ond a ll rtnei;t10n and tile t o day ---o--- .. EUREKA" AT j It Sfaudti 'l>~i~h·m: a Rhal 01< Tlztnda;,1, iWay the 25th ONE NlGHT ONLY ildm1ssion 20 cents. Cn1ltlreu 10 G4- J\rfcCLUNG BROTHERS. .I.I .A..l!J, I Murdoch B r 0' s It hi lhA nost substantuuly built, has the ft1W~lrt -workfni; partA oeautlfuJ. u1 des1gu ui~d fln ~b 7 $£1.. For further part1cnlars aec d-eac:1 1 ~ tive p1ogr.a...n11neu H(l.s the Uei:1t de.:;1gn of u, suttlo, ...ud liy f1u tl.Le LARGES'r RODH .NS It 18 capalile of ~l .rfoim· lug n. ~ange or \vt,rk hitherto tho ught llll"posstblo fm flt;>' fng~~'-'lncnmce l>\01neti;ing Ne~~·. -- ~ -- appointed SO'~, .AGEi-./'l' ,n "'·Vh1tLy l'-'l ~ Bowuu:un1Uc fo1 the s ....lo ottlie cele'bl.utctl ' THE D.NDER:,IGNED HAS BE'E :· COLGATES ALUMINUM i'EN8 just recci vc<l several Summer Dress BOUGHT AT A / ,LI .H!.L Bales of Staple and Goods, A CHOICE COLLECTION OF Dry :,_Good~ for th(l 1'!IE PltICE OF O'rJH H M ,\.CHfo"ES DOING IH oo u&lly e.t home on 1C10.the1 a.son fine goods H 18 Clil'l... er~ ofl' pi lzes o' er the Howo :::;mgt~ Loclunc.n, Whcoler & \'\i""iloo·1, "\-Va.nzer , Ra> mo1.1.<l, 1f:<c. .t:W A l'erfq_ct I>~ Maclune G-ua1 autoed or 1H..1 sale. Edwin. DE,\ LER r,,:i ' I-Ior::.;,ey, are. o'.for,ng . I-IO USE & BEDPING D. STOTT'S DRUG ~ such low prices_that fail !to;suit HAHDW1\RE, C1:TTJ-'ERY, NAILS, - rnoN, A.!fD .ALL Kl~"DS OD' Great Bargain T AND WILL SELL 1'11ElYI r A It }f I ?\r G TO O LS, AN"D:: ~TREAD!LE: lU.U::IUl'B.l§ UlV.DLES, cloeest buyer. New supplies reeeivecl during the season. ~DON T SCYTHES, F ORK::>, HOES, ItAK3!S, Call and 15-41 mal,u selections. ' EUREKA." lS A FAIL TO CALL. CHEAPER I than any in Town. I r ']Hi;! D J[~.. .i~2 JEi.. 1\,1! PURELY VEGETABLE l\fEDICINE FOR TL!E CUlIB Ol" N EV\l SHUTTLE OR SEWING l\1:ACI-:IINES, E s' LocK-STITCH AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE SPLENDID 1NDUCEME~1'S as the CHEAT' .E.:-i [' DYSPEPSL-1., LIYER co:,IP.LAINT, J<'AJ\IILY USE AND LIGHT J 'vfANUFACTURIN G. [l:j f:rj fzj H LOS:.< 01:1 Al'.l':ETlrE, GE"{ERAL DIDILI1 'It, ' AND ALL DISP:ASES of 1'BE BLOOD. For te1ms, :;a111ples of HP.win g, (Q-c , ~~pply to v""'- "SIGN OFTIIE DEAVER, KING S'l'." DO,Yillll,UV-lllC !lfuy 25, 1&"1. 0 Gt . lELPII SFJJ'T,\G 'i.IACfTLVB f'O'Y H H z tr!. retwn111g G VELl-'ll, CAN.. -<\.DA. 187 I. ~)~Uon '.fickan;s, NEW TIN SHOP IN BOWMANYILLE Factm·y Cottou,., ih'c!l!! Lin:img,., coc., etc. lt?f' R & H. 0 H A RA, \.Vholesale agents for t11e Coi..l..llt1es ofDu1ham, Ontauo <tuil V1cL011u, il::fr Spcc10.11nducc1ueuls to L 1\1 a,.;m . . l.s, January 18th, 1871. A TRIAi . W. G. REED, al Dcb1nty, Iua.e l1on of the L~vc1 Loes of A ppe hte, &c It having b een, use 1 fo1 the. sbo· e cou~ dlr:.ints in my f J.1HJJJ Y Cl!..."$ l'CHpr H ALSO ?!:TR. 1{ F Row&, .. D.ii~ u~ S1R,-Ilt1VtnJ! nsed three br!ttles or 'rav valuable J11ell1cine rn 111) fam.ly w ith good etfrct I feel safe m 1ecomn1end1ng the jj;ureka for gene AE> :MUCH PLEASURE IN IN. nrn LOUK:MAN FOit111NG the inh!\b1t ants ofBo,Y1nan~1llc oud. 8unounn..mg count~ that he h~ s OlJt:ncd out a ...~p,w 1111 '-'hep Ul the ~tore 1ately oceup1ed by John Allen, co1n..e~ of KING AND DIVISIO.N STHEETS Ilowma11v1lle, where he will kcCp constantJi: hand a well selected stock ot stoves, .Ja.p .anned,prcssed and 1)la.111 '!1nwu.i'C, ·1 l'.Jch he wilJ sell SEWING M:ACHINE IS Nr,w THE :11ARKET Bl'ILDINGS, t:f.iully, LEADING MACHl~<E Large Stock BOWl\1:ANVIL E· J Fu. nso:-., M I N THE D'JHINION OJi' CAN.A DA THE CELEB1U.TED PEIU 'J': t/f!', V "CHEAP AS 1'/iE CHEAPEST." ~ucclal Spect..9.c'e13 and .iiye Gla:;scs m <ln u-""u ct ui i.::il ' by T AZAitlJS & l\lOR.H.IS, and fo1 ViJrn.: i' f\ttcnt10:0. pu.1d to Ji,.., c the sole a.gene}, are gillr;Jng g olden oplrtfon~ If you wn.tlt t prem1 vo :. 0111 sight to extreme o1d ago, use thcl a.11il no ollu t1' AA HO N DG C_h_LEB., ogen" rw· Buwinanv.llt!aud v101.u t.y 1 IlliGl~N'I'LE~:lEN'S fron1 nll tbo s~ "\\:ho h.."l.ve tried it E<V·:1 i.OLG!IING ..l.XD JOBBING tJ. ~ Ordor~ t1ou1 lJ,e co1·ntry promptly attended ' l!;:Jll Thern are m any points of exc:e1lence about the Machine, Superior K"'IT Groot inducen1euts he\cl u11t t pcdle·~ !i B - Farmcrs wu.utmg l\1ilk P.\us or Pans ""'onld do well to call and cxrun.lllc mv Htot k he fore pPrchasing eJgeuhcro A share of I>ubhc patronago respectfullJ solicited W GREED. Bowm1~.n"\<illc, l\Iarch 8th, 1871. 32-tf. ~ORTHilOP & LYMAN to others \\ hich we c .nnot ex 11hun 11ei c1 but will be p lco s r1 to fo1 wanl Cuctllro-s a.nd .. ~e-v1qu1ti8, Ont I WOlio. every\,hvte on <1pJH1c11lI011 DISC OUN'l '10 CIJ'li:HGYMEN J \VINER &:Co ,Hamilton. D IT. !viITCUEL, ~"' ]:f.A() ITI.i\TES ]11f I LLY WA RP.,A]{TED ~ London. 0 ~aruples o! - l!lot rllfr Fr:!!im.P1·iize D~·tun. ![p AGEN'l'. wanted in Bo>1 m11J1v1lle, and in eveiy other Town where c~L ~1 "L FURNI$HINGS 0 CK MA'N" , 1 e ha'\ enot got one aJ:readJ lt::;bcG. Lai ge1 H.d ncement::i than uny othc1 co111pn.nv E H AR.l\1.S, Sewing I\'Iac1une Con1pai..y DAILY LINE - '1'0- No 1 Rosin House Bluclc, Toronto, Ont 16-41 ROCHESTER. 1871. IRONMONGERY. 1871. F 'l' JI OSilIN, T-weeds, etc., etc. LATJ~RT T HE SUPERB NEW LAKE UPPER NORSEMAN, State Cabin Steamer JOHN JMcLEOD, PAINTS, OILS, ~~:ND FASHIONS. T. DAH:f.,:!l:rti'GTOIV. J\1 rs . J. C. Pollard B \ S RECEI VED A l"ULL ASSORTllfE?\ l ui INSPEr:TION INVITED. D I:AT.RR IN DOMEb'l'lC P01tIED Ol~OOEitlES, rnoY~ISIONS, A.ND I!ilt. CHOIC'.b! '.fl<]AS, &c ' CI{001UJRY AND Carrying United StaWs and Canadian Moi11s and Ex:rress, MlLLIN ERY GOODS, DE..:\..Lt;R IN Stoves, Carriage Ra1dware, Bent Stuff, Spokes and Hubs. Jvs·r RECEI VED a LAllGE .A.SSOB.ll\IENT OF §1md.cs~Gard. cn, lh.·~n1'i£Eg· a:ntd Dli~daing,Corni:d11 Shove!!':, J\I lT_.,LINERY I Bowman· ille, Ont GLA$SWAIP·:. ~7 t { Ra!i:eoi,. §q;tbc.,, l·'in:lrn, a:ul an kinds of' Ga.o:deu and Fann in;· Toois. llOOlVI. soIREES, TEA P ARTIES 1 BALL SUPPERS, Pu}JT.rc D~xNzrts, wEDDrnGcAKEs, Photographs mHE SUBSCRIBER FAYING PHO ~POOBAP.HS 1 l~" The BL1ilding Trade. Sp~c 1al 37 tf m, upier1 by II-Ir, II 'l'a1t, l:J n ff\'I'" prepti.i'ed: to h \O>;C!> j_ FIT'1 En and itnpro1 cd the GulJerv latc 17 atltnt1on to tlns linc.-No1Js , L ocks , ~ H,nges, Glas1', Sash, I'Fttyi I'av~l~ Vart1/1~7ws, Ea1:e Ttonghs, Tl-indo· w cuj,d Pie.tun Co rd~ a11d J'c;,.tels ) a1~~' Jl'i:eryfLi ng else 1equw ed, and that in one pla-ce, l 1~W:> p. esenl1ng grcate.; 11~drncern. enfa to the b'U'<j,_,1 than (en~ vth 01 ]{01,,,sc tn the 1.'lrfr...1.e, wnich of itself IN ALL s:L'YL.ic~, M urdocb. · Bros. B EG "TO FKFOIUvl THE L.~DIES AND AT Sewing Machine L 0 \YES 'r PR I CES. Plants for HOT BED & COLD BED PLAKTS. CABBAGE. is no sniall advantage. (,F the 'lov.:n and Uount r )' , that thcu N .B.--FEATI-IERS FOR SALE. Agent .f or Way & Dowll1~1!1;.;'s ~·atent 'l'~<in§l.e. J Spring Fasl'1ions ']1RE SCl:Gl to 1 ·11 v.e STOCK Q]' HILLINERY GOODS - - - - -- · A1 1' TH1i' RIDER-HAR NOW - ,J'OHN M cT,EOD. CAULIFLOVrER. n: \RLY,-Half Pa118 o.r De1 udui. :B asJnc l1 " for tb1s s1n1ng Ladies, Drcssesu.nd ].fa.ut.les '"HE I 1871, 1n1 1 is ln'eparod I STYL f~S 110\",rr:an ,Jllc, .A , ... 11 '.?)Lli 1 1'::!':'1, - - ----- -- - - - - !639t Plan.ts for Sale. " AS USUAL lN L_,_\..TEST 1 ';,:. {J ', C 0 \ YITlI Pa1 t10ula1 at.te:nt...on pa.id to L ~:.It '.I:' .!. Hli, for SALE. .l1U,i 1lJ' 1rne ALEX 12, IS7' J...::i. i\01mo11d Silo 1L.8l~mmed the ..,\_ut wnnal Gia.at. J,.ATE ,'Ih(}Ilaha.11 U1ant, AGET'fCY OF ,.'l!E Latest Novelties of the BO W J\'IAN Y IL L E FURN:LTU ltE I M 'i._.NUl-1'...\.CTURING CO "no \\ lll till all 01der~ 01om1 tly 'T1n15 Is lud . . J \ ~1.1 l..J.., ne\v b1 an ch of tlwu UuSJn css and i OL llld A EI-L~ ~~j1i FEMALE SERYAN"T _,l._ 1}pl~ CHEAP AND G OOD 4Z-tf. J to :,f1lS C LJHI'T, T ~nvman\L!e :\1ay 17th, IS;! Be v n'anville, A1)ril 26th, 1871 3H tf I CHlNE DJ',,_PO'l Tl rm hf" l\ & l J. ·

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