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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1871, p. 4

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C ANADIAN STATESMAN, ' A MADMAN I N CH URCH MURDEROl S ASSA.ULT- A TF.RfiIBLE SCENE :F 0R fifteen J eaJ.s tla..1lj aln1ost 'v1thout ex ception , a Stan'lford, Con11 , man has sat 1 On Sun day n1onnng, a.bout J J o'clock, Joh11 Gib iey, a natl\ e of Ireland, tlwiy fi, e years of age, entered the Roman C:.t.th ohc Chu_ Lch of St ""lmccnt F errer, N Y He 1\ alked u p the aisle fo r some rl1sta n cc, and as he had n eglect ed t o bke of! his !mt, Ja1 nes }:1cLar ney, the sexton, called lns attention t u tl1e fact, n.n d n.skcd h1n1 to re in ove it Gibney r ephed to t ho requel:!t by m % k mg a lunge at McI arney "1th " pck-kmfe but his blow t ook effect u pon M 1ch:tel Curley, , ...11.., happened t o b e i 1 ea.rest h un, and tJ1e p oint of the kn. . .fe "as buried and broken off m the foreh eM of t h e unfor tunate mn.n His deadly a ssault natur ally creat ed the wildest confu ~non in th e congregation, and whne th e fe1nales ~ hr1ekcd J,n terror a nurnber of t he n1a.les u1ade a rush upon the a.s:su,1lant C hbn ey, hov;e\ er, d1e'v a large axe froni u nder h is coat, st ood et bay end t hreaten ed t o brnm t he first m .tn "ho should lay h ui.d:. u pon then b un Th e cry of "lynch him, spra1 1g " ith terrible earnestness and al m ost sunnltaneously from h un d,. eds of bps By so111e 1neans a r ope \Vas secured, and in a JJ.1ornent )n ore th e mfurra.ted m3J1 would have 1.Jeen dragg~ d from the chu1ch, a n d suspended to the £.1st convelt1cnt ob Ject, b u t at this c11t1cri.l int3tan t Offi cer H1t cl11nan, of the Nineteen th P r ecinct, rushed in , an d 111t erposed h in1sclf bE.tYI con (hhney and the n1add ene d congr egatH n B enig thus g r~ en a. inon1ent for re:S.e:.:t1011, t h e ou traged mult1tnde became quiet, and Gibney ' vas t aken, without diffi culty, fr on1 the church by t he officer to the N meteenth PTcmnct Station H ou se, where he 'vas Jocked up on a charge of feloIDous assault on a fence neat' t he depot , vnd w<Ott chetl e veiJ railroad train as it p q.fl:scd EVERY DESCRIPTION Large a nd V a r ied O "\VNERS OF Assortment Farrn Propert y Parlor Albums F riendly Ad vice! IN FIV E Qc AR TO VOLUo!ES P ri ce, $ 9 00 per > O l 11me 1 SUITED TO THE SEASON; A PAPER collar macl l1 1e ccsts ""from $6, - EMBRACING A VEltY l· ' INR SELECTION OF WHAT IS ' - .A :SD - or 1'o the E ditor T lJ ll 000 to $10,000, arnl to fit npafactorycosts at least $15,000, vnd so O' t up to $.50,000 A good machin:!i will turn out 120 collars . 1_\ bout 1 300 persons ate the collar fact ories of ~ e'v Shas ter , or I! 1nc100 bible, forbids a v,: oman to see da1 c1ng, l1ear in us1c, wear 10-w els, blacken her e,J eb10 \ 3 , eat 1dau1t y food, s1t at a wTndow, or ·v1ew herself 111 a nnrror dur ing th . . '1.bsence of ]..er husband , a.nd allO\VS h 1n1 to dn: orcc h c1 1f she h as n o sons, IDJ1Ue.s ] 1 u~ property, scolds hnn, q uarrels with an ot her wo111an, or presumes t o eat before h e h:ts firush ed lns meal rHE New and F a shionable, OF IN FANCY AN D DRY GOODS AND TRIMlVHNGS DETACHED RESIDENCES INSURE YO UR P ROP ERTY IN T HE ~O, @O 11er Set CcmpJc t c . D llSCl1IP TIO N OF THJl WORK T PLAIN HIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS TS AS USUAL A 1, A~D Agricultural Insurance ~ompany, \.ND - I' ARLOR ALBUJ. I S do ubtlt;ss the lllO~t ext en l>1ve AR T GA IL ERY ever pu bli s h e r] n nd by tho ;:i e "ho ha\e ex a m ined l he '<C \enl.I 1 ortJons of the w o1k i t ba s b C'cn I ronoun ced ' 'I h c Climax of Beaut\ Ee ch "'lfOlnme conta ins 2 0 fu ll page Ch;orno Lit h og1a'phs, in 0 11 Oolo1s 4 0 tull p age S t ee l Rn gra· 1ngs, 4D fu ll p a ge eo grav1ngs on wood a n d 260 pa ge s cf r ea din g n1atter 7 dcscnpt1ve of the lll u..s tr a ti ons , t he wh ole m aki n g each \ c lum e about one ba lf as t h ick a nd snme sized p ag es , o f Webs t e?" s la1gec;zt D 1c t1on a r J E ach vol ume ts complete in itse lt n nd w il l b e sold sepa1a tel y, i f d esire d Sol d by S u b~ scnpt1on, On ly Vol I Ts devo t ed to 'V il d .A m en ca n B1rd1> Vo l II Oon ta1ns ' V1l d ~m er 1 1 11. n Ar nna ls Vol II T A me ri can D om ~ t;tle a t...,d Birds anfl BEING I:MPORTED BY HIMSELF DIRECT from t h e Brit ish Markets, W I LL DE SOLD A l' S ave l'Iaif Your Jvfoney. H ead Office for Canada, Kmgston @"' PlUCES SO PALPABLY: CHEAP..@,! nr;;;- as t o commend thet."1 to close bu yers, \'\ h o arc r espectfully T:ms old a n d well esta bl1Sbcd Compr.ny 1nsu1es ocHh 1ng h ut Fatm Pro perty an J detached Resule M ces, and I ss~1es I' ol 1c1es al Great.~Jy R ed u ced P~ates I N VITED TO CALL AND UDGE FO R THEMSELVES $5 50,0 00 00 QLASGOW B owm a n ville, .A.pi il, 1871 HO U S E, THO M A S PATERSON. ?oh cvbol de1s 1 o v er $ 68 000 AND Special Announcemen t. D. F 0 RB ES I N ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE ORNAMENTAL cd th e wife , · l "e h 1 <l fivP. r.u::-i.b n.n as, and S P :RING TR A DE v; o u lr1 take the opportu n it y of 1nfon nn1z the public that h e is prep ared to atlc1ul to their orders lla~ 1ng ri {Ctved a rcl bein g in r cce pt of n.1 oy good assort iuent of th e See l hu f }llow 1n g Oct t diratc s l h1s 1!'l. t o cer lfy llrn.t tbG Agncult111al Jn au ru. nce Com r a ny 1 av1n g de posited in t he ha nlls of 1 11e 1lece 1ve1 Gc netal of Ci;i n ada, th e .s u·n nl li 1tty fo ur Tb ousar.i c l P i e Hun d red Vollnrs , HI Uni te d St11tes b o uds, ru> requ1t:ed by tbti Act of Cana da, 3 1 Vic , cha 48, s ec 22 is hc. 1eby lice nsed t o cauy on the b us uiess in Ofioada. of .F'1re Insurance Dat ed at the C1 t.} of Ott a.w~, tbe 2nd d!Jy of J n n ei 1b 70 Depos1trnl"'rB<" ~ed ~uwe elate of above c.., rtlftcate t o over ~ 08 l·O ) JonN L A1'iG-TON 1 f or Mir is ter of Fina n ce 'l l 1s is to cer Ify tb :;tt T ha ve b een ac q 1 an ted ' v 1th the OCTice rs a n d :.\lanage i;, o f tlu !\g11 cult u 1al Insuranc e Oo m )aDJ fo1 ma n y ;Nn9, a n d als o with the bus111ess o peratio ns oftlle Compa n ~, n nd h a ve n o bc;:;tt a t10u u1 reco mmend m g It as a pGrfecth s 1fe a nd rfl l iab le C om pan') 1 a n d its Office1s a s com pe tent a n d hono1able b usrnes;:; men 1 a n d as Jl in sur es no thi ng L 11 t Faim Pr oµe1ty a n d dtta cbe ll D wc lhn gs, an d has 9530,000 .A ssets I co rnnd el i t rcsp::> ns1ble beJ ona. a ny con tln gen cy D D CAL VIN M P l' \\ c have exam1n e(1 .n to t he c ond1t1on anrt stand i ng cf the .Agrtcnlt ura l In 1n1.111 e Oomra ny ~n ddof'u ll y c o n c ur 'i\1 t b fir 1 C aM e n Ju r e c om m ~ nd ng 1t t o tL e Fu mc1 s or t 1 11s P 10, 1n cc , a.s one per fo c.:.tlj i;a fe a nd r elrn.. bi e Vol Vol Sm,-As this 1s the season of the y ear that people are in want of an ext ra supply of Dry Goods, ( 1oth1 n g, G,roceries, Bo0ts an d Shoes, &c , would it n ot be a g1eat benefit t o J our reade1s 111 D,u] mgton and v1cm1ty to k i10w the best p 'ace to p urch a~e. Nu m erous merchan ts are o 'fe ri:ig apparently g reat inducem 0n ts, but the best place to p urchase i s at E LLI OTT'S General S tm c, HA I\'IP TO:f, \t he1e a great va riety is al wa ys kept m stc.:k, a t rea,.m a ble pi ices. Ellrntt' s clot hing is as stylish as a ny; hrs asso1tment of c loths is very complet e; Ladie s' dress goods-- a vei y fashwna b!e lot . EIJ10ti's groceries are of t h: very bt<t d e ~u ,pt10n, and low m pi ice,-- he sells l Pl! a n ts a Newest and Most Fashionable Goods nud as he hae deter mined to condu ct husu te?.s on the 5c, pe1 lb <1 nd lll' \ \ <'l, icl s, raisins at lO c. antl up-' cdds, his tea IS n ot Slll pd '::;e rl. If Jon are rn w an t Pt a fi rot-clas s Sewin 0 O' never i,vas af1"0tid of a ny of then1 ' ' DID you over t h n1k Hrn,t Vi l1 :tt ts tern1eda common cold, \Yhen syste111a t1ca.lly D.eglect- Cas h Princ ipl e . Great Bargain s w ill b e given. NB - All outstwnding acco"nts m e requested to be settled 1t1thout del<M J ed, often leads to that most fatal an d dis t ress1ng chsease-consnmpt 1on- but wh en attended to at oi ce 1;;. gcne. . a.~ly easy of cur e I f you are t10· 1Jle l \\1th n. cold or D A VID F O RBES. '.Ihe Englsh Chan nel Problem PRINTING NE\V SPllING GOODS -AT- 111 which to 1nsu1e L he 1r p1ope11y J C Or.. AuK, Banke1, J C .A 1 RUT HE HS & Co E EXECUTED IN A fSTYLE A T TIN"' G- S T ll M f }wo A KrRE:PATRICK 1 M. ll nIT TON P. PRO§l'EF!l.' VS l'fo'OR ["J'd!. Machrne, EJ!10H-s 1s the pla ce to buy--you un get u Lock man, VVauze1, or an y otlier kind, at or below m a nufac~u ters' prices. Ell10tt h ds lateiy <1ddecl a n 'assortm ent of clocks to his s to ck whic h h e ;;ell s r ema rkably' cheap, at d waira ntb the m . He acts also as age nt fo r mo st of the leadrng N ewspa p<:'!S. T h os6 n want :;lwu ld g:ve him a call A ll kmds of fa1 m pro duce tal,en rn exclrnngP. Ac counts due 011 ht .1 pri! and 1st 'fHE LADY'8 Fit!IiiiD. W R CLJMIE, L ocal A gent at Bowma n VlllP- at once. New R ailway Project I -~~ 0 --~ Octobet. You1s, &c. , F l:UENDL Y ADVISER. Decembe. H, 1870 J 111 1ior1ant to Fal'.mer!l :incl t b c Public G e nera lly prel!s ure, thus procur rng ~' cull.8ba11 t su p ply of ptue an , ,tnd at t he sau10 fa.1 11 ~ p re Dce 18 70 cludrng the poss1b1lit y of ,, colhmo,1 It m Gstim,,tG ·l t hat a slow tram Wlll he able SECOND TO ENLARGEMENT OF 1rn-JIBE are ife;· .substances capable of be 1ng applied t o a greater v ~n 10ty of uses than paper , inifaet t heie are but few uses "to wluch it C 2.nnot hOW , \\l! h some degr ee of succesa, 1 Je ap;Flied The t-t te..,t -v; e edy, " \ Ve advise all who r eqi.ure anytlnng 1ta.ve he·1rd of is .tho e111pl oy1ncn"t c~ i h is I of the k ind to b1'tP i t a ti ia.1 -we know ~ 11 atelf1:'1! in malfng car ,vhe:;ls The Nci.v I th ey \vill be ;;('.tlotl ed v11tl1 -rhe re::1ult Re·' f.!.'Un 1 describes t he m a ::n Bl of llllnbe1 t l1e Il ah e ci.l1d E09 that the s1gn at 'ftre of H urd & Co , is on e~ich p,1ck age N orthr op & L yn nn, ~e-.,, cn, st e, Ont , p-ropr1etors for Canada SolCl by all n1ed!.. c n "' dealers NO ""TM fl PORTER mho.b1ta.11t.s of Bow1n ani; tlJe and mu r uun <ltng vu::uuty, tha t he has no \v on h a.n d t h e following new a nd 001u plcte stock of wom,n MOST PESPECTFULT,Y ANNOUNCE TO THE Sled and Gang Plows, Sw1yk and D o1<b1c OiiUivatois Cool", I'ailm , and B ox Stoves, A g1ic1tli1.Mal Furnaces, toolers, Root Outlets, I ron E'encing, &:c NB - O L D I R ON T AKEK IN EXCHANGE W ILL IA])[ PORTl!J R, Ti o" Founde r 1871 i6'S2tf 0 F F I c E 1 N E 8 7 1 . GOODS AT THE [JN THE G-OLDE:t'T D 0 MIN I ~\; f LIO ~ - O~N. i;ten tJ1 t he space of, iPid It occupies b t L one accomph shes t en t unes more 1'iork, than any otJ1er 100 1n A boy can fu:rnisli enot.gh p o1-\ er for erdl ~nachines The old n eedle is used, b ut the bobbins are so fr ee f101n t ension t hat delicat e tl11 eada can be kmt and wov en m t o n :fine strong cloth erat1un ls v ie-wed at a g lance passes di...ect fr om tJ1n b obbin Knots arc smoothl3 shear ed, a nd fr esh bohbms arc supplied w1thont :my mlerrnption There is no tb: ctml l g, b ea1ning :-ip1 ing or '\Hl1':p1ng) 1n fact, t he olcl method is enb1rely r e\ olut10·11zc 1 The 1 naclu no make~ t H nty foe p rds of cloth per hour It t akes it s o" n \11arp or fillu1~ fu..1tn the same bobbin as the ' veft threa<l.'1 I t weaves a cloth that cannot be ravelled, of Jute, fl ax, wool, cotton or sil k, and can produce fine bl anR et.~, stJ: ong carp etg, wool sacks, g un n y cl oth hitgg1ng, cotton, linen, or :nlk t ext ures- indeed anJ thing can be ' 'oven or knit The ope1at1on 1s 1n;re - ; ;eless and b eau tiful than th1 t of the se1v1ng ina chine The introduct ion of t lus inverit 1on in to genc1M u se has alrea dy con11uR111.:ed , a.ncl it bids f tu to greatly red u . . e I ri ces of dura.b le h omr:1 m ade cloth lVIany p e . . sor s possessing s1nall ' vater and st ean1 po\\ er he1 ctofor c 11n ava1lab]e , vwill n o-w ~ be en abled to s11ccessfu1Jy coinpet e with t he larger In :tnufacturera, who by the old pro cess ieq ured m uch n1 or e po\~ er and 1oom No p rint ed d escrl.pt1on can do full JUSt1ce t o tln s in' ent1on, which 1nust be seen t o b e opprcciated. 1cccnt 1n\enbons AT THE Spring Im ~ TATESMAN p or~at ions. VVM. Mcl\!1RT R Y Jl' mrky '§ .&ralbi~D~ ®ii. H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. AS RECEIVED A LARGE PORTION OF HIS FOR HORSES AND CA.T1LE .J. U I G G ! N B 0 T IDi A NI, Spring St o c k o f D r y of wluch he Vi CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, «JeEebr:d e d Rr:u lbo r y l"iauo l.l."01·te. ould call spec.Lal attention to the following h11es - Dress G oods, NEW: TYPE, Print s, l\1 illinery, OILS PA I I· ~ I MEDICI!' ES, DRU SHJ~ S COMB~ SHOU LDER DR 1CJ£8 SUPPORTERS & c A IHTT:E gul .;t Akro 1, Oh10, JUmpcd J OB MOSES' P ERIODICAL PILLS t he r upe four hundred and seventy-five times, and thc.1 st opped long enough to H I S IN VALUABLE MEDICINE IS be an angel Hei par ents ]ui.ve got a ruce un failing in t h e cure of a ll tJ1ose p a inful a nd jumping rope t o sell dli.llgerous diseases to wJnch the fcmu.J.e consti- C loths, ~NEW P . .ili ~T R l OLOP. S V ARNISHES aud J; - .ir A! vn.u i l T -~ New H ampshn e y oung lady l'vfary Broclnrny, iecently cerebrated her 104th I1 rthday m E ast Washmgt on, by sphtt rng and « ·rrymg m the h ouse half a cord of wo od It m oder ates a ll excess and re~li~ds0~1 obst.i uct..i011i->, ind a sp-oedy curelllay be IS tut ion s nbJec t PRESSES. Parasols, 1'N ASSORTl\'illNT OF Ute v e .,.y lowest pr10es H ORSR AND CATTLE MEDICINES J:h_B - Co Wltl') Storekeepers Suppl e don all Aantagcous terms De(' § ! ill:ecs ! ! Dees ! ! ! CRYDERMAN, Hats, Bonnets, Flo-vvers, Feathers, & c., NOT TO BE EXCEHJW IN TFTIS PART OF THE D OMINION FOR STYL E, QUALIT Y, A ND PRI CES .t\.. "\VA~r SUPPLIBD--T:he pubhc have felt t h e · wa y 1t of so111etl11ngthat could b e depended upon for the cure of rheumatism, sprains, l1l'111.s es, n euralgia, bowel complamts, &c , and we are happy to ""Y that 'vaut i 1;:; 11ow supplied rn t he'shape of th e "Oa.nd.than P ru.n D estroyer " I t JS t1ulv a m ost wonclcrfu] Jnedicine, n.nd one th;t effects an Immedia t e and p c1 n1an en t cti rc in all cases for which it is recouu nen d cd llold h,i <tlJ Med1cme ))ealers BY JllAIL PROMPTLY .ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLA§S JJIILl~LINER alnay~ i n Attenda n ce . LOvVES T W. R. OLJMIE, PBOl'BIBTOR. PRI CES x l1 e1 s Dead Weekly Arrivals of New- Goods. D fry t hem and sleep in peace.. K ille1 D llL< UTCHERS L IG H TENING FLr Shot for Beil Bu gs H lrn H &II

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