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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1871, p. 1

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. I is punted and puhlrnhed Jh·e1·y 'J'htu·s(la) IUorJung~ by the Proprietor WM. R. CLIMIE. at the OFFHJE-Post om(:e Bloek, lrING STREET, BO\~lMANVILLE~ ONT, VOL.XVI. BOWMA.NVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 187'1. been. NO. 50. same that she "ill also becoine a large of da1ry prod nee 1 1871. Spring Goods. 1871. SYMPATHY AND MOST FASHIONADLE SPRING GOODS JUST :\.n old elm stood bv m1 childhoods ho1ne VV1th chirrup of birds each gladsome hour, 'V1th a moan of bough>; "hen'\\ ild w.1.n Js roam "\Yhen our hearts are sa1lantl da1k clouds lower s_ ~ F. ::S:ILL'S- I worked hard, and " as spcken of as a stead) Joung iuan who would d9 "ell by the old clerks of the store Of Bzn tl>cy )legou to speak donbtfnlly He spent too n1uch inontiy, 1nd had betln ll:ld into wild ways by his Irish cousin, they said A CHAPTER ON NAILS GENTS' /SUITS MADE TO ORDER. New Felt and Straw Hats. Please call and cxamme Goods and Prices as Great B a1gams w 111 he gn rn for Cash night I thought I should feel no worse for that n ews, but I chd The \\hole room, desk and packages, and cle1ks, and all began t o s"1n1 befo1e n1e I heud a 1101se hke the 10a11ng of the sea, and I knew that ii I did not get a" ay I should have them tellmg ho\\ Jack Ha>Hs<fll hrn:l4'amted when lle hea rd that Grace Clausi':)enhad pltcd Jum I got fo my feet and w"lked out of the mom pietty ste>dily I went straight up to the loft where packages" ere stored, and there sat down on one, a.nU kne'v 110 1uore about it ' That was at five o'clock An hour after I cu.1ne to inyself, and fuuntl that I was alone n1 th e building Everybody had gone for the mght, the doors "ere locked, and I inight ha.vc n1ade what noise I chose 'vithout being hurt out curs 111 the human plltteht, ._. C..-el>ro··p· '1al "14!n n171ti.s, and 1s h<ttter known by tho. 1nore popular names of " Spott1d fever 1 and I'ntml fever" '!he disease has long been kno\\ n, and h 'LS in former years beeh ep1den11c in- various part.a of the countI') · In the case of horses, tlie trouble IS that the animals, bc111g unable to complain, arc not suspected by their ordmary atteml ants of serious illness until they are hi::yond the reach of medical treatment Th~ a.hunal usually manifests. the <hsease by it-!i mabihty to swallo", and its loss of power o'-et its hinder cxtrenut1es '\i\ hen t1tc disease "' d1scovered, the best thmg to be done is to send fo1 the best procurable , etor1nary surgeon, thougl1 a" ay fruIJl" large cities veterinarians are uufurt.unate1 t rare In the absence of a surgeon, the best treatment lS tv move the bowels by means of a ball of aloes, and to apply lo· cal ot111mlants, such as ammorua or liqmd, bfurer, to the spme and thr~at W amt covermg and highly nutritions food shout.I be gt\' en l\ h1:1never the animal lS able to swallow Careful \ cntilatwn of stablcc, and a p1 opei attention to diet, -w Ill do much to ward off the drneusc I s. F. STOTT, CHEMIST AND DEALER!:\' DRUGGIST, A DYING MANS STORY TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOJVJJ:CANVILLE. MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stu;fi's, Patent Med1cines, P e1 [un1ery, R111shes, Combs, Soaps, Paints and Oils, Pamt Brnshcs, Coal 011, and Coal 0 1 Lamps, &c , &c NOTES IlY H T~ l'HI SICl.AN PYYSICIANS PRESCRJPTTONS CAREFCLLY COMPOC""DED AND AI,L ORDERS CORREUTLY ANSWERED Fa1iMt s and Physictan.s f1 om the l'ouui? y will Juul our Sloclv of Medicittc.i com plete and of the best qi<ality j!S:!' J u s '\.Vhcn I '"as ) ou11g I had a fri end whom I Jo, cd bettc1 tha,u life itself-better than anythmg but Gruce Clauss~ He \\as n amed DenJa.nun Redburn, and we had b een schoohnates, and were now togcthe1 in the great importing house of Claussen Brothers He was a dash; ng, splendid, handson1e fellow-I quite a quaker, and no beauty, but we \\ere selc1on1 apart I mtrodnced hun first to Grace Claussen, und I thought th it he unde1stood that my greatest ho1)e 1n hfe was to make her n1y wife some daJ . P erhaps he did not My f tthet and l\11 Claussen had been dcat T ,,. OPENED. Maye1~ Markus SIXTY thousand laborers, the cable re ports, are at work on the ruins of Parts, rcpa1r1ng damages Tlus imn1ense army of workmen Vi ill, doubtless, soon restore the city to sometluug like its fonner con d1tJon, but the pubhc build111gs- destroyed by the Cmnmunc 1t will take years to re place 'I he h1re of such a large force "ill be cxpensn e to the V ,...ersaJ:llea Guv em nunt, but the restless 2p1r1ts \VIIl be qlneted 1'ith employ1nent, and hale Jess tnnc n.nd oppo1tun1tJ for fon1ent111g dis cord and inaUJUrating riots 6 HAS JUST OPENED OUT A WEL~ SELECTED STOCK OF 01!-Meal for Cows and Calves m HATS, (;AP S, WHIC~ &c., Summer OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HE WILL SELL for CASH. But hold on, S1n1th I 1nst 110\V we lvoulcl come to your aid, and toll you \VJiat t o do with those rosy cheeked, bright eyed h ttle ' ·s ltard grrls, ,\ho know notlung of fatlter ships and tnals, but thmk their bread and butter rain down o.a it "\'lere unbidden from heaven They would like to help father, and a great deal they can help father, too 1£ he "ill be patient and, tak the1n out 'v1th bin Jnto the garden- 1ntn the field- let them help !nm plant, help him hoe, and "ork for a short tnne ooch pleasant day <\.!so let each have a smal1 piece of ground to raise sornetlnug to sell for tlte money: to pay out for the ribbon<.:, cc.1nba paper, pencils and snch notions that ill little girls wan\ and tlwik the , must ha' tl an~ ":a.y 1 and hon· n1uch bette1 they Will feel when the) ean paythemone~ that they h,L\ e ea111ed, tl!au be obliged fo tease it away from their father ' I know a little boy who rruaed potatcea and bought him a &mt of clothe~ when, he WllS only seven years old , and- Bhall I tell It t -I know also some little girls wJlo are 1ndus- .., t11ous and ).Ildepemlent enough to buy thoor clothes with the proceeds of t heir O\lf n labor They raJ.Se potatoes, peas, chernes cnttants, strawbemes, &e , to sell, and are not a.shained to feed thfl calves, turkeys, hena, Or pigs, or weed the garden, or g_o out on the fa.rn1 to help father if nccessa11 Ch1ldrc11, whether boys or gn ls, shuuld early m life he taken mto the confidencu of their parents should become mtercst ed m the affairs of hfe- as 1t wern, pa1t ners 1~ the firn1, \\ hwh .should be tl1c whole family, from the oldest to t ho youngest It s-hould be "'our ~TCS," " our shee1> i · ~ not " father's' alone Far mers' children should be allowed to have am.irc-T.' DAO I n BARGAINS I ful plan"', and built n1agn hcent castles 111 l, the an We "ere ah ays to be t ogether, ......._..,~ ---~ ~~ J(V - _._ ~ all foUI- of us I behe' ed thnt G1ace a.ud MARKUS MAYER I "ould belon,; to each othei, aud that Ro.e woul<l ruauy Ben Wlmt the oth 1 ·--- - - - - - - - - - -- · - -- - - - - ' - -- - ers believed I do not know It seemed to as I FOR llP" ,,., .FURS. -=>- , GREAT DARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE hus "Jac"k, she said, "a. 1vo1nan cannot be a. 1nrtn s \Ylf e \Y1t hout learn ing Clansscn':.;i desk heart I saw hun take two I why7 hun by Theres a 1nyste1y between you He fe irs you , ;nil ) ou tell me I sn.1d-"no, Grace Redburn" Calves "111 soon sho;1, m their improved appearance and hastened gro\\ th, tliat 01!meal is goOd for them also A smallhand· ful given them m then pasture daily, \\ill push them fonrnrd rapidly It is well to use a small tin pan to feed them with, and a few 1n1nutcs spent Vi rth the young stock daily, is not only au agreeable occupat1un, but highly profit.ible, for tbe m orn regu laily the o\\11c1 s attention is gt\ en to lug cattle, the sooner he 1'illpercervean,th1ng lVrong, and be able at once to ren1edy it, and a daily '1s1t is aeldo111 made unless there 1s son1e P. Xpress purpose in it Let the purpoae then be to gn e them " littlo extra feed, and a double benefit suit THE HOG AS A WO:RKE:R / ":No, / V' Corner PUBLIC R. H. 'l'urner, lnform the inha.bitn.uts of .Bovi: man\ 1llc a nd farmers Du1ham tha.t he is no.,. l}l epa1 cd W u.tl;e nil to any sales that muy be cnt1 ustcd to hllll Cha1g es tr od.erate 10 tf Store. here!' he m ! heads, a.~1d 8a1d th it he drank too much in, I sa.id "O, Others asked me whcthe1 it " eie true that Ben, Ben " " Co1ne," he "-Saul, tr~ng to L'lugh , 1\i1ss Grace 0 1 . . aussen had onga.gc d herself ,,~ to lun1 I ustid t o r eply thn.t I ,.., as riot ' '~hat rloes it inatter'l I 'm going to mar '1 iss Cl ausscns conf cssor, b'" ~ti "' iequcst wn ry Grace next "eek Tho mone' , ;ull be OPINION has fully inst1fiod the origmal idea, that at the " Corner Store ' you could get A UCTIONEER of"\Vest WOULD BEG TO FI'I'TED AND WELL S U I 'T E~ D NEW S. Chedel'lichl, Street 01de1 ;:J puncLua ) attended to l-l.oderatc A UCTIONEER FOit 110 W MAN :VILLE e.n d Di.nl111\'iton l esidcncc Queen Cha1bes 13 '.l'hon1as Stonhomsc. hne whfcl1 they "\VlSh to ha.vc bonnd <. tu ha, e heir orclers filled 111 the n carcsta11dn1us! 1hu 1ble style and on the sh01 test notwc Uy k i ' 1ngth em ~t tho SI.1 11£!::1 tl..lN ottice Bring alongyou1 Uu1d ing HAv lNG BOOKS J\fAGA ] :>ERSONS ZlNJ!:~ lJamphlc ts oi au} t111ng in 11 e book did wound me as t he st,1b of a kmfe might. I now bche; cd that she had given B en he1 -ANDlo' e, and though I did not wvnder o.t it, for I lmew how superwr Ben was m ap }Jeaiance o:.~nd manner to myself, I had once fancied that G1ace hked lum the best At last I resolved to ask 111m tho ques thathehas ti on, and 1£ it vw ere true that. her ho \rt, given to hin1 to had b een do my best. to forget her, or at least to en dea;oi to Jude my hcait from hc1 fo1 eve1 I nernr shall forget tJ,e moment ""I hn.d he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of B I oo r.s) met hnn on his way to her hol se H e Papern, Fancy Goods, &c Nate and Lett"1 ----~--_.::.;.;;;,;,.. was d1essed for some c1erung 1Jato1t~tl,Il A mce lot of ,MONOGHAM NOTE PAPER on hand ment, and had n. b ouquet rn h1i:; la ld, tLat I supposed he ntended to prnse 1t to Im A chmce a.~Rortment of BIBLES, HYMN and PRAYER BOOKS, cheap I As I talked to him he looked dow1mpon as t he cliea}:>est it with lus black lashes s.wcep1ng ]us c1lll1 School Books, Slates, Pens, Inks, &c I son cheek '" d tho dimples cornrng and Call and see my stock of ,ALBUMS Nothmg charged fo1 showlDg goods. gomg at tho corners of his mouth At A sho.rc of public patronage 1cspectfull:i. solicited la;:;t I saidGEO CJ..IMIE ' Ben, they say you a1c go111J to rnar1y - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grace I s 1t truel' He looked nt me then ma startled soi t of )1,ay ' Jack, he m 1ed, "you \vouldn t Juuch 1f it were so?' "It rs so, then1 I a.sked " I hope so," he said "Sl e has not BOOK, STATIONERY FANCY GOODS STORE? IN OSHAWA. I I J hers I m m difficulties, Jack I O\\ e a thonsancl pounds, debts of honor, and otlie~ tlungs De o. good follow Cleai out and say nothmg Help yourself to governors inonoy I gn e J 0 u Ieave I ve 01 1 )ltak en enoug I1 f ur tl ie d ebt ' "D~n t insu It me, "I sn.1d ' Ill not heat that ' "'Whnt areyougomg io do 1 he asked, h oarsely "If you expose me, I 11 use my pistol I ha\c OTl.0 he1e You1 life '" 11 not b e sa f e 1f you ca11 h e Ip, an d I ' m 1uore than your 1n~.tch m strength, as you well kno" "lrou Illa) kill n1e, Ben, I said, "but JOU 1v1ll only b1mJ detection on yourself You deser \ e that 11chly but .} ou ha"i e been my fl~end for many years I lo\\'ed 0ou as a brot her, and Gmce is to be ~om wife Rc"torc th 1t inun ey, ::i.nd l \\ill say nothmg of ,,11 this 1 pJ;Onuso ) ou that, l Ben s I innst have INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN '£HE ' By hcrp; ens, I cant, h e srud i I . tlus in oneJ-I ~uu despe_..atc, Jack · 1 ' I shall not let , 011 iob ]\fr Cl rnssen,' I sru.d ' My life 11 no t suci 1 a very pie cious tlung GlYe niethat nloney" The hog "' nafairally mdustnous Form ed and mtended for the purpose of eam mg ]us food by hard labor, he is often re leased from this neooss1ty, and by urtue of Ius Jnore f o rt unat e c1rcun1st ance.a en JO YS a 11f cof 1dl eness an d l n.::s::ury t hat is unnatur 1I to Illlll N ot t h at t h is IB Ius choice F >r from it, 1t 1s forced on lum · - -aga1nst ]us mil, and 111 defiance of his I N the course of an article on the re , 1 gorous protest 'Vhy should he alone, sources of British ColwnlJit the Colont'>t of all other fann ~mimals, be thus pre sa0 s ' If we. turn t o soc t k f arm,m g 1t m 11 vented from fullillmg hIB dcstmy1 Not be found that this colony has no 11\ al any only can he fill the pork bariel, but he can whete \1iropos of thill branch of our emn], \ In· time profitably as well ~s a subJect it 111a) be remarked that a gentle tnanufacturer of curnposts and 1nanures he 1nan of n1a.ny yea.I s experience in Califor is unrnn.1ed, and the 0,i;ner of a hog who na ind clsen 1 e1e possessrug a thoroughly ls ~o unv.:ise as to for bid 111n1 th e employ practwal knowl;dge of the subiect! ha>i mcnt he is so adnni-.>bly adapted for, acts JUSt ic!urned from the countrywatered by m opposition to Ins own mterests Let N1chola Lake, "Where he has selectudho1ne him be supplied lv1th the ra'y materials, I ·t ead for hunself and friends Th1s gen. and he will labor most mdustuously m lus tleman tells us-,md it is really nothmg ·ocat10 n, and not only mdustriously, but I i ow-that in no pa.rt of the \\ orld has he ·well, £01 no pr :1.ct1cable a.mount of hu1nan seen unh oush e<l istock, 01, indced,t]1emost labor could so d1smtcgrate and nux to tenderly cared for st ocl, looking so well gethe1 t he coarse nmtenals of the barn 1 as m Bntisli Columlna He saw thou yard and compost heap as he can do, and I sands of herds of t he finest cattle, look- 1 "hile "ork1ng will find his re'\\ a.rd as w·ell 1ng fn.t and sleek 111 1r!fl.l'i.;h after lHt"\ing as]us owne1 s ptofit, in the "Various snb foraged through the 1VJnte1, fur then food, st..1J1ces h e 'vrll discover in his pile tl1at will a.ncl ncvci h n.v1ng co1ne under shelte1 other helrJ luui the more readily to convert hlS .t than th,.,t p.t.ovided by nat~c To son1e food into pork She clutched me tighter "It s JUSt as Vi ell, she said "I kn J\'i 1t I did not then I've come at the truth somel1o'i\ As far as I go you are aveng ed I Jilted you for a ha.ndson1e man,and I ve found out that lns heart is the heart of satan Oh, "hat a life l'\C ted, Jack How cru1;lly I 'e been insulted, by word and cleed My heai t went back to its old love long ago, Jack I C..'Ln tell you that, no" that om youth 1s past, although yon n1ay despll!e ine for it n I may have been W"'ong, but I could not help it I took th e po01 hands, so hot and tre1nbhng , in iniue, and kissed Ben Reel burn's wife upon her hps, and I said (no mttter what) a fei " 1ld "ords, best not rc[:fcated, and .vent "" ay agarn, never to see h r any more I had not hated Ben for his conduct t o me, I h ad clung to my love tluoughall Bnt;l!,en I learned that lie had ill used he1' ttnd nut.do her hfe nuserable, I cursed hun I':1n trymg to feel tha-t I for.JU e him now-tIJ ing hard morn m length, their ends should also Le pinched off, checking the gro\vtl1 of stems and leaves and thro" 1ngthc 1vholc strengtl1 of the plant mto the frmt, and hostenmt; its matu11ty If the obiect I· to produce ripe instead of green ones; then alloy; nu greater number to start than is hk.Jy to mature. WATERING PLANTS w1m HOT Wa:tx - I 1 I certain cases, oleander.s ,v]uch had nei:~I lJloomed, or did so only imperfectly, a.ftcr bcmg treated ~1th luke 1var1n ll'ater, u1 cre,LBmg the tempernturc gradually lrom 140° upto170 9 F' produced the most n1ag111.ficent lu.x:unance of bloo1n Surultu results occurred \\1th an old plant of Ho) 1 and a]so 'v1th an India rubber t1ce wlnch had nearly withered fi\\ny In all these ea.es the apphe thon of water heated to about 110 F , \V1th out an3 other precau t1on, caused a ne\\ and flou11shing g1owt11 l{ECENTLY m London a deaf ,\ o nan 1 took het mfant babe to clnuch to 1lll, e !um b·ptrncd, and wlule she was waitm" ! near the font she thought she ,vquld J\.eep hun qmct by foedmg hun from a bottle 01 uulk While the child "as still takmg ifa milk, the mother \\as suminoncd to the font In her agitation she drew the b ot tle from the babe's mouth humedly, when the no,.le ca.me off and the uulk \\as spilled upon the chi]d 8 new clothes When the clerg)~man took the c]ul<l in hra arm.s, he looked dowu at it and asked the mothci h ·~ h ld b it Sli "itli w a., uame a ou e g1'\011 t!' he1 nnnd troubled about the accident, ° I said No ' COMMERGIAL U N I 0 N I .ASSUB.A:NCE Co, of LONDON, ENGL.AND CAPITAL FU~LY SUBSCRIBED. £2.o00,000 STERLING W"ATSON & co., Montre a l, 1 God bless you both" " Indeed it JS not, ' I replied, earnestl y saul, and I ru eant t hat fioln my sou] "I swear by all that IB sa.e1ed that not a "You are the best fellow that ever "ord of this night's 'vork shall pass my lived said Bon But T '\Vas not I could not be hcartil3 glad that lll) de~ 1est fi1end ha<l. "on the s" eetest girl a.way fro1u 1ne I could on.ly p1om1se iny self that I woulcl nc; c1 let them know ho\\ I suffered I shoo1c hands " 1th Ben He chd not reply for a fow- mo111ent;:, a.way I thought then t h ::i.t I 1 i ust soon and I t 110ught I had gamed tho victo1y " Bv h eavens l n ust h a e t 1ns iuoney but I had n ot learned h o\\ n1uch a he ).; 11;:seutl:y mud ' Jct the l:Onsc rncnce:s ' ut we- kno\v THE DISEASE AMONG HORSES Much alarm has bee n felt, and with good reason, b~ O\\ners of horses, \r1tlt regard to & disease w1uch ha;s recently preva1lod m some of the large st..bles m New York Very ;uld accounts ha\e appeared 111 the daily papers saying that the disease was e1 tirely ne\\ ' and that our 'etcnnary surgeons vter~ at fault concerning it, and th 1t the IDUJOnty of cases were fatal. Lou1sv1lle, in ta.lung tl10 census, asked a colo·od woman what personal property SnH..:e t hese r eport s appea1 ed, we have con· sdtecl with our f11ends of the New York ohe possessed, to "h1ch she rephcc', Coll go of V . ,. cteruun y Su1 g~ons, and fu1d "Nothm but dese t'rec 1;h1llen yerc, aH. the 'man cir a that tins dtsease ,, l e1fcctly undorntood by them, and is what is knoi\n, l'hen it thought Jie lHts askn1g: how the cloth1nb bec:>me soiled, so she answered, " Nozz'c come off ' Rather surprised, he a.sketl d h th kin l agau1 for the name, an s e, in g e did not understand her, bawled · oul, "Noz2'lc come off, I say!' "\Vheieupv 1 the ,..toruahed dmue sprmkled water upcu the ch Id 5 head, and saul, "Nozzle c01ne off PaJkinson, I baptize thee," &c. AN .Asatstant Umted States Marshal 111 ·

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