./ Qi, ana~ian 1a printed an cl published ING TON ~ve1·y Thursday lllorl!ling, by the Pto-prletor; I age, W~f. R. CLI~fIE. nt the · OFFI1JE~PoHt omcc Block, I commenced berng good at n. vet-y early and bunt Ill{rself up ou the best rnod .. els I 'vas yet an infant ,vhen 1 icad the affecting s~u1y of hacking dv"\\ n tho che1ry tree by G·corge 'Va::;.lnngton, 'lncl his ma.n ly statement to In· father that he coukl not tell a he AND MOST FASHIONA:DLE SPRING GOODS JUST F- :S:ILL'S- AND TOJJ'N HA.LL BUILDilt~GS, DEALER IN DRUGGIST, BOWM..4.NYILLE. A.T Cotton.,~oo, Kansas, on the 5th inst lVm Cohan, a. boss 11erder, l\ ns shot tler~d by a Mexican herder 111 !us employ The THE GOOD WIFE l-Iex1can then 1notu1ted a fleet horso a.ncl n1ade for TcJCas Ho was pursued by two · .\.boi; e all tJungs, if a wife ·w whes to cow boys, who overtook hun 250 miles 1nake l1ome attractive to her n1ate, ]et her !OUtlL of Abchne, and .shot ]um dt!~\d notln ng keep a sharp c., e on the cook 1nake.s a male creatw:e inore dLScout ont cd \'flth Ins houscthn.nbad dume1s ill scn cd, DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuff·, P~tent Med10mes, Perfumery, Bru·he·, Comb·, SoApll, Pamt· r.nd Oils, P"mt Brushes, Coal Oil, and Coal Od Lamp·, &c , &c PY"l'.SICIA..'!S' PRllSCRIPT!ONS CAREFULLY COMl'OU!Wl!:D AND ALL ORDERS COI.RKUJL~ AN~\\Elt.l;;D. p-- Farrneri and Ph!{'1c"'"' f· om tht Country unll pnd our Stock of M«lwo·n<· com pkte and of the i ..t quahty DENTIST SUPERIOR SURGEON Gold msm, 1:ed and a.n excellent iooth poivder for sale Uffice in }.:IcOlung s block ...:: -- l~illings "!et e.s1(b'1le'\'1ng to cftaoe All vesttg-e of the human ro.cc On that long shore lou(l moans the se~, T. J. Jones, L. D. --- - ---- s., But none, al \.R shall mourn for me S F F Bowman ville over URGEON DENTIST ],fc.A1thu1 ls stm e, King Street, OFFICE J u s T I Dow111anville Veterinary Sn1·ger) · GEON registered member of the Phar a.ceutlcal aociety of Grrot llritain and of thQ On tano Yetenna.ry College Ofttce on Kmg Stroot ~Aet ot Hender;:,ou s llotel Residence on Seu gog .St. Doivmanville CaJls l~nctuall) attend ed. to. \ et-erioa1y medicines al\HLys on ho.nd I 16.27t! A J MARTIN, VETERINARY SUR Markus Mayer \. 1 HATS, CAPS, &c., OF E"\' ERY DESCRIPTION, WHIGH HE WILL SELL 1Wrs CASH. Robert Arm~mr, lilGUE~T.......lE WEST R EGISTRAR, and Issuer of :i\iarr11ge I l CP-P.nge s Darr1ster n.ng I Attornc:r ::i.t La" t:;ol1i;1tor Li Clu~rcer.r.Jd.on"":r loaned on Real Estate Oili.ce on Klug I 8teet Bowman\llle DURHAM I A WILL AND A. WAY Jolin K. Galbraith, A.ND ATTORNEY AT B ARIUST~It LA'V Office King s+icct Bow1nnn\ illc .Ag'<>nt at Bowm1un-i.llc for the~ 1ccl1old Bwld1n 8ociet} 1\-foncy to lend ou farm sccurih St. Job11 R. Uutche!lon. BARGAINS I :S A. :& G- A. I :t'T S GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE 0'1 Cheap Corner Store. PUBLIC FI'I'rrED AND OPINION Ji,... f1tll; 3ustifiad tho ongmal id""r , tliat at the "Corner Stor&'" ;rou could gei NE~ BOOK, STATION -.l)lD- The bock room contamed a bagatelle ta ble, with other applianceafor ru1rungn1en, aml 'ery soon Perkins had forgotten all 8.'li; e excitement of the garne ...i\.n hour pcl81Scd, drink· had been taken often, and Thoma.a had now no co 1trol of h1mse1f A.11 at once it seemed to hnu t11a.t there was .son1e occasion ior a fight, and he at once began strikmg ont nght ..nd left, {lot very pa.rbcular as to whom he 1na<le the "tibJcct of his M"'~nltfil lt w-;.s but a. natural consequence that he was very soon afterward gathermg hm · self Up from the gutter in front of the anloon, bruised, blecd1ng, hntlest;, watch1ess, hm clothmg tern, and his ideas m,ost horribly confn"" d H e had mere l Y sense enough to know that he Wl\S in no cond1 t10n te continue the campaign, so he set !us face toward home, wiping the blood from h1· battered features, and vowmg ven ea.nee on his en em re· g "I a111't druuk/i he muttered, I hamt1 been drunk for three years, and I only d tin k e d once or t w1ce, Jeis t Iong of my friend Rfl.nda.ll Moat exccedtn' nice fcller, that Randall Au1't n1uch hke the " We ha' e plenty of kmd said, " you can do nothing But ycru may help Thomas Heaven pity hunt He neYer would have raised ahand, or even spoken a.11 unkind word, but Ior the drmk Re bad not t-0uched it foi- .u' a.gain " I gM e The woman's , 01ce faltered, and she ·a~ to a fresh bur.t of tear· j could rein.a.in no longer-with a. word of a.d1t:u he left the house, and wandared forth ngam mto the open air Li1<e one of old ' the burden of Ins unspoken cry was "My pun11shn1ent ts greater thnn .,. I can bear'" Too late he realized the ter nhle nature of tha viper with wluchhcJ1ad been dallymg But 1t was not too late to A boy rarned one hnnrlred cucumbf r g, v;}nch he sold for pickles, and ga'e t he pio{ eeds for 1111ss1ons .A J onng man pl~ted one potato on laud \'rhi..)1 hls a.uuh allowed for that p 11 pose It yielded a. pecir for a second p 1an..1ng these Jo ieluo<l. se' en a 11d :=t half bushel a, "W Jllc.:h fiold for enough to 1nake what was r egarded as a. generous donati on A lady 111 Pcnn.syl' ania ha.d a n ~dB o ia15 hen wh1ch supplied her wtt11 an annu al cont~but 1on A man "ho cou!J not thmk of anything else he could spare, cou.sevrated a guosebeny bush for nnsi 1onR This he could put in a fenc e A a.o in1ud1oun that thousands re1na1n unoon sctous o ita prelience tu1h it ias THE first approaches of co ununpt1on arc men in hero I 11 see about th18, to mor ro:v; Thu1 am't over with, not tf 1n..y There v. as httle bitterness or Stonhomie. we J name is To1n Pei kin8 I'll Bee 1f I'nt to blame on the part of P crkms The dis be a.bused tha.t way" ucrIOlrnER, APPRAISER AND tress and p~n1tcnce of his friend were General Agent Darhne:t.on Centre Sales H~ reached home tn a. short P,romptly at l o.: . nded to The sub1cnber moet rrl!Jlf'..CLfully a.nnounCC'<S to the inhabitants of Oshawa and Ticiaity tbaL he bu.scarcely ll'S8 extreme than his own opened out ll Book Sta.tlonerr and Faney Good~ Stor~. you don t thmk it worth your while t0 call lowe<l by a. crowd of 1dlo bo~· <>nd men, Before thev sepnr<>te<l the two wen had I the latter keepmg at a eafe dutance m the pledged themselves solemnly to each other In the Stand Lately Occupied by Mr. RIGGS, as a. Tailoring Establishment, and called Heaven 1o witness that they SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, 1'I ould ne· er ngi\ln touch the accursed beverage 'With the memory of that Where dreodful lllght to b'llaid them, we need scarcely say tlmt the pledge is unbroken the w.ork taDle, bn:-:ily sewing, while her Thomas P'erkins is atill an inmate or the n11nd was filled "tth pleasant n1e1nor1e8 State Pnson, and :for years to come, the and happy thought· j decree of the law col181gm him to the same ~.\. promunng boy of ,eight was lntting be- [ hvmg tomb But ea.mce;t and noblu men stde h1s mother, studyn1g tlle morroVi 's a1e laboring to secure his freedon1 1 nnd let letison-which, alaa, '"'as never to be ua hope they may succeed learned -lookmg up now and then to as'k Mrs Perkms knows not a qu ~shon which none could answer so ""tll!fa.ctenly "" the mother Ir.ANCY GOODS S'l'OB:EI IN OSHAvVA. f I l Liough t l l f h T t ie1n to tic verge o t c gro.vc he un j med iate use of "B rya.n ' is p uI11on10 "raf l e fi rs t appea1a11ce of tie l coug h ers , upon ti f ti It t pam or Boreness o ie t roa or ch est, Id II I I f I I wou genera y prec U( e a ata 1 esu t adopt all poss1bl~ precn.utlona.ry ine.VJures therefore when you take a cold use "Dry f th f t , ' ,, or e u ure. ans Puhnontc \Vafers and thus pre'\'ent 'I.'\' th t l d Iii I I d d ' ' I ou muc 1 l cu ty ie snccec e 111 the necesinty of ta.king then1 111 1uu1 e dan d tt te ti l k H gnnung a nu a.nee ie oc up e gerous co1uplai1nts ro be obWnec.l of all found a sober, wretched, heart broken D1ugg1at:w and country dcalur.a 111an t b cen 8 per ox I A INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE .Just then the father reached the door, fumble<\ for wme moment~ at the latch, threw it open and staggered in Hts mo· ements h:id been such as to alarm Mrq. Pe1k1ns, and his appearance was quite might l!lee a. rn..an 1n 'vhosc breast con sufficient to fill het with horror sc10nce LS still wh1spenug "murderer'" Sprmgmg h> h ·r fee· with a wild "l'J ," h f ·· ~ rushed toward her h1ll!band COMMERCIAL .AJ:ISURANCE Co , of LONDON, BN<JL.AND. CAPITAL FULLY SUBSCRIBED. £2.500.000 STERLING & co ..