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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1871, p. 3

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".I- · CANADIAN STA~TES·MAN : BOWMA:f:.iVILLE, T.H URSDAY, JULY 27, '.1871; _, { (, ·, " -;... . :.. . ' : ,,. . .... . Jl. ·' - . - . . . . '. ' . . - ,. Brick- Cotta~~~~-·-1· Fil'st P1·izc Cultivatorl!l. the attention of farmers to the one-horse and t'vo-horsc!ron Cultiv.ntorsmo.nuf~cturedby h_in1, and which h ll.vc for SL\: yearsobtamedtl.ret prizes at .Provincial and Locnl Fairs. 'l'hey ·are un- F ' Best summe r~· Drink . Known I ' Receipt OF The Osborn. T he pheapest Weekly IN CANA.Di ----,r OR SALE, <?N WEL t INGTON THESUBSCRIBERWOULDDIRECT Street. For pa.rt.iculars apply to 16-35tf. ,V, :PRO\VEH. . I · -----------.~------ A. ""-""· doubtcdlv the best implement of the kind in use, a.nd vdll ln a very short ,t ime more than repii,y T TIIE BO Wlvf.ANVILLE J<'U RNI- 1their cost, in tlfo cfficienc}" and excellence _ ortheir . 1 \Va:h.fe· d' Dress Goods I WEEKLY TIMES· cOntains an rmmeneo ..unount of ' 0 'l'tiRE Faeiol'Y, iv few· strong young ineu, . \Vork. Jn3pcctiou invited. _ .(1. suµplykof G'd_lt1vli )'Ls apprentices to the Cane-Chair a ncl Cabinet tors no>...- on ~and .for the spnng \VOr , an w1 bnsiness. Apply to 'fHO}IAS JO H~S'fOX, ]\fan- be sold v.t lo" est rates. _" I IRON HARROWS -- -- -- of a superior kintl, al.so oil hand. Stoves! Stoves! , --~ Bu G GI Es AND w AG 0 N $ the I N PARLOR, Bl!X A1iD COOK, El- i ~ ~IBkindsof Black.smith work done on THER Coal or \Vooc._ I' heapcr than ever. 0MAS BASSETT. constantly on hand for saJe. DRESS GOODS. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, foR BOWMANViLLE. ~~~----~~~---- ··-~-- STAP G·od Frm;ily Rc«ding ~f ""' Intere;;f;,,g kvnd, and is me of the B est .and :Moot Be.liable 1{c11)spope1·s publ falwd in. w-es.f..ern- Canada. In addition to carefuJ1r writ.ten edhorhl.J!5 on t 1 r-' leading political and social events of the. day,._1 : Tt....iES will be found t o co; n tain valuabl e 150] 04:·! . ' ~. articles from the British, Canadian and Ame1i c. ' , .T0urna.ls, forming a concise a.nil pleasing epiton.[-. of the NE\VS" OF TI1J1J \\rEEK. Particular att" cntlon is po.id io ' PoUtic~. Dritio ,.: and ]foreign New~. Canadinn News, A 1noric-:1:.. N ews,Local matter.s,l}'lark.cts, P arographs,Poet ;·y Commercial, Facet-i~. &c. MARKETS.-Perhaps no depnrt1nont. of a.Not'· i paper is of mor:e importance to the li'arn1er 01; "'. ~tore- k eeper than copious Mnrket Reports, 'vh i, h are relinblo for thcii.: impartial correctness. 'l'!. ,·. Conductors of the T:JMES will givo spccin.1 attc ·:, tion to this dcpart1ncnt of the Journal, J;\.nd gat h , ~ , tho retw·ns fro1n all the principal points of 'l'c ~ ; "graph n.nd lHaif, up to the hourofpublicii.tion, I ·r· the information o! their SubsQribers. Commer('~.;;. Intelli;encc like'"-ise forms a leading feature il shorte~t notice. A call solicited. 15-3itf. I. "\VESTCO'.rT, Bowmanville. " .' ;~ Cottage Cor Sale. ~he subscriber. tng ~hed T - HE BRICK COTTAGE ON WELLINGTON Stroot at present occupied by 1 · Qf)od Garden, Stable and Driv- 100 F ..A::R~1:S for · ~ 16-tl. J · ~ , BELL · Wanted. ~y :Ufills in .Podon1' to Bowma.nville nnd· O.shav.-a.. ' · . Forfurtherpartieulars enquiroatmill. , ...A. B. CAl\.)fPBELJ.,. BoVw'llllln"\'ille, l'IIny 3rd, 1871 . , 40-tf. - . ---· · T.E <I.MS TO DRAw LUMBER FROM '1'1et W:.1.tet\, .. RAILROAD 'r IES. _ bc1ug the Soµth 99 Aolcres, and 10 on the No1·th-Ct'1.st corner of Lot 9, in the 4.th con. of Darlington,2l rnilcsfromtheTOwnofBown1auv:ille. 'lO ocre.'I clea:t·ed, and 30 in 'Vood8, ('kunfortable DwoUing House, guod Barn, Stabll', anil Shed ; ·mme Fruit Trees ou the l?re1nises, ti. good \Yell , also a stre1un Of Spring'\'.\'. ater. -- , , ACRES 01< GOOD LAND, S A~E· SOLE AGENT DRY GOODS I FOlt F F MCARTHUR · · ' ~ ' , '·:anted betlYeen N ewtonvilla and Oshawa, to be made of Ash, llenilook, Cedar and TO,marack. Apply to 16-:ilitr. JOH~ McMURTRY. oo 000 12, in the 5th con. of the a.bove ·rownship, 130 n.crCs clcar.ed. 70 in \Vuod5. 'Vell Y'"ntcr~d.; also a good \Yell. A n ew J'ro.n1c. DweU1ng House, iivith St.one ·Cellar· U1e full size of tho HouseJ.. a s1nall Log Hom,e, two ~arns, S~ble ~nd Co\'.- ~hed. Exeellent land, s1tualml 3i nule.s fro1u the To\vn o! Bownian xille. For further l).{!,rticulo.rs npply to U1c iwnpdet..u:r, THOMAS WE!JDON Temµo P. 0 .· or lo JAMES \VELIlO)I , Lot No. 13, in the 4th co n. uf l11e a.hove 'l'o,vnship. l6-39-3m. t AL!30 200 ACRES, BEING LOT NO. II.AS Carpets r' Garpets1 SPRING 1 8 71.,I T HIS CELEBRATED ~Lii.CHINE how boon tooted beyond ·au q11etni.on and lhe vercllot ot t.J1e public ia Um.t LO·day · ~ : o:--- . ~~;;~;~;~~;;'~··- - $L.oo .a'Yeai;; PAYABLE IN ADYANCE_- . CLl.TBS may be formed at any period u f t:he yu~.; by SIX or more Subimribers associating t.ogctL1 1 a.nd r outiLtin;.:- the Cash in Advan ce. IJ' U S t Fruit Trees C~n· Sale. _ Spectaclcfl and Eye Gfasses mlinllfa.cturod bv LAZARUS & :1.fORRIS, nilrl for 'vhich h~ve the g~]e agency, a.re gaining golden opinionP' i from all thus6 whO have trirnl it. !(JOU want ' R()l\f LOT No. 7, QTH CONCESSION presc; \'e your sight to extreme olll~. utie ·thcii D1xrHngton, S~ SHEEP, five of 'vhich ar~ and no otlrnrs . ..A.~'1.RO~ BUCKI~F.R, agent !~J marked 'villi red prunt on the back. .An:v persdn giving such information a.!:! ·w ill lead to '1:heir.re-1 .Bowrr1an \'11lc aud v1c11uty. " --" 1-Infl ~o,very 'vill be suitably l'e'Jf~~8 B0n.LA.Nri. Bowman ville, June 13th. 1871. 16·3w. · ·niE~--:R-Dlur,, !'or Perservcs,... i,5 cenl:8 ;, aiid beSt dc;;;eri--Ga.gc, V\rash:ingtou, kc '. , 50 eta. ; al.So '"English Cherri~s. Blggarcnus and Hoo.rt.a, at 2.5 cts· .Also, Flower .Plants in abundance very chetip, no'w gro)ving in hot bed.a. 39-11. Dowrnanville, .A.Pril ~th, 1871. P COLEMAK.C.AN S.U.PPL:f PLUM . Received J a Second (F Supply TERMS: 0 R ~ MONTH ' '· ., . Murd och B r 0' S'I 'CARPETS .\VILL BE T HE · CELEBRATED PERFEOTJW OF F I Sh:: ' Copiei-;for One Year - · - · · - - - S!i ~ Thus a llowing a copy 1.l'RlCE to tho ,;:ett.Cl". up of H or F~VE. U . Stand~ wHJrnnt a R i T club. A little exertion only is ncccesary to sccnn· ., clti.b of FIVE. The 'fI~ES is ·now widely knov ii and ge ne:rally a.pprccin te!;l , and can coutidentftt ·;;. be rccomn1cnded. ·' #ffComttJ.unications to be addressed to the P: .... It is tl_l.9 !host s~l°)stnnli~ly luur the f~wcs~ p1·ietor. a~ under. .All le~r3 inust be Post-P.n'. . , . w-orkIDa: fQ.rts, bCautJ!ul !11 deijignL.,and :ililh1h.- S11bscr1pttons ruay be r emttted by post., fil!.d 1f t 1 ·~· letter be registered, 'vill be nt our own risk .·' Hu.!! tlie heal. design of a l'!uUle, and by far Uie .AddresB , ., L.A RG EST ROBBtNS. IL ii! cap~bl~ of performC. E . STEWART & Co., \: ing tL l'RllgQ or work hilhe rt..u tho ught ilnpos& ble Propriet.oru fol" St:"win:; ll!ach ines. , Hamil~on, May, 18~1. built: HA VE just received several 1 , 1 · · · ·· · Gorri for Sale, _ , "\Vhole · or Cracked· John ~IcDoug·au. 16,-39-t(. Summer Dress BOUGllT .A.TA. ;. s A c R I F I c "EURE I-C .A" price oC tl1iea· lllaeh!nes E D ~~ . Is sohl at ab:outone-halCthe - ~~ Cases and Bales of Staple and 1· . f. J' Goods, AT l\'oticc. l\lilltia' anrl othet~ who have been in the · habit of -practicing with ball cart ridge, on tho tlat, lvil1 please b~a.r iu inind that: fr01n the present tiJne, 'any consent, hitherto given by 111c_1 1a absohitely \~it.hd;.:aw n; a..1.id any on~ foup.a "'ivil!n.Uy continmng Rlflc practice v.!tcr thts notice mllSt be dealt. with as the law directs. BROTHERS. T HE MEMBERS OF VOLUXTEER I · I Spring;. Tra de, an d are ffiermg them at: :SUCh low pnceS that I Fancy Dry : Goods for 'the 0 J.I ,\U.L ' 'rHE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING 'fHlC LIK E \VORIC leatheres on flne goo~s- Has carded otr pnzes J.I XU,1 I~ equally at home on over tho Ho"We, Singer, L ockman, YVheeier & :v\rilaon. "iVan ~er, Ray1nond, &c. ltd!" A Pcrfoot <, Machine Gnarnnteed or no sale. ' . riowrnanville, ~Iay 10, 1871. F . RA YNES. 41-t!. '.l'. DARJ,INGTON, Great Bargains AND WIL],, S.ELL THEM they cannot fail~ to suit~ the TUE GUELl'll HA.l\"D A.ND-TRE:lDLE l!lA.Cll.IN ES E. NEW To Let. A · R.. 1'\I.[ B' SHUTTLE QR L9!=.K~Srr,rcH :E3:. Bleadted Cotto1u, l:rj . J ,T X1I.L CHOICE TEAS, P'RCTI'l'S. SE\.VING MACHINES, FOR USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTURING .. FAMILY . , ~ Bown1anvUJe, Ont. Ilo1 vn1a n villc, Muy 25, 1871. 1 CHEAPER! - - . Bleached Sheetings, ,, ' Denim&, are the best made, simplest, more dur.a.blo a.ncl reliable f11Rn any other single -thread mnchine.L a"rger and work with great ensc. \Yill do all kinda or domestic sewing in a perfectly ent.isfactory manner. Has taken tlrst prJ.ze v:herever ... exhibited.ILl --- - - - · -" - ·- - - - -- - THE LOCKMAN In J Ue1uoria1n. in honornf the !lead, li-Cavc1.1 ha.s ut,tered no prohihi tiou, and Earth lS not injnred., but be1H;;fi t1erl, by them . .!JI those hea,utiful mn bl em~ which udorn the 1na11y t.0 1nhs a r01md whiCh 'Ye Joyo to linger, aa~m 1:e us \\c are in a \\"Orld. of warn1 and lo ving hearts ; the ad m·n1ris of the scpulr:hrcs of the "loved ones' alleviates oui.· gl'ief and soothes l.he 'vo\u1ded heart. It a!so cheers Ilic b er eaved. to knQIV that an a.d(titional c111bD!.lishl11ent of the g!"itVC presents .stronger attractions to arrest the <;Ltlention of the 1"t n.11v··CJ.· and cu.uses 11un 1.u 'pause and Jea.rn 'tJ..1 e name of one who has shfn·pcl so largely in tj1e .. JoVI} uf others. ·- , " · "" Ille take 1his tn6lthod to inform you AGENTS W.ANTED EVERYWHERE SPLJ!:NDlD IXDU,CEMEN'IS. THE "EUREKA" . IS A For terms. 3amplcs of ocwing, &·c.. apply l-0 GUELPifi>JC WINGnf.1CWNl<JCO'J~ ·PURELY VEGE'l'AB.LE MEDI CIN _1,; ! §:~GUELPH, SEWING MACHINE IS :N"O"-r THE A GAINS'I' EXPEXDl'l'URES than-;any in TOwn, ' p ST." '1 N THE atto.lned through it;; inhen:o-nt good q.ualhies. These qnnllties nre sin1plicity, d tu·d.bil1ty, elegance, ad.apt.nbilit~r, be.Bill~ a sLJore n1oro Qfequ;;il importance. For full particulars add.l'ese to the Jifanufacturers, 'VII.SON, DO\Vtf.A.N, & Co., II:l;milton~ 9n_ t ai·to. T LEADlNU MACHINE D01ifINlON OF CANADA. HIS PROUD POSITION IT HA.SI I _.. "SIGN OF THE BEAVER, KING Bo·wnH)nville,)\-fay 25, l8il. ~ <1 fil H z Clleckc<l Regattas, Ti c k' IIessmn iug·l'l, CANAD.A. FOR THE cunE ,O F, (;ottou 'l'icldii-gs, - - - Factory Dre's s 1Li1tings, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. n. & n. o·nA RA, , . , ;s 1-1 p., Agents for Durham ancl "irictoriti; :· . that WC Can 1111 orili:i1·s fnr clecor~Ltin g the gl'a.ves of f1t'p1.1rte<l l'rimuls, at low - John's Hot i.ir l · 'rst-Prizc \ Drum. I. and ccon o1nical Drun1 in use, a nd >vill -diS-' t.lbutc' inorc heat, occupy less roor11~~aind -answe1·tt.\l purpose bettc.1·.tha.n any other. .uy· it.$ u se a h·Juse can be n1uch better heated with one· sto,·e tt1a11 under the old. ,svsten1 \\.ith two 011 th ree i;toVes- thus more thfi.n va y1ng for itself ID one season bv a saving of \vood. All who hav ~ tJ.'i.ed ._ them \Yo\tld not be ·without them for many times trheiT cost. 'l'hc tu:uler.ih{ued ha.::; sec1u·t·tl the Right for DoWrne.nvillB, :tb.rli ngton, C<1.rt}\'right, O~a.rke <'Lnll :ft.:fan\."c..t.."!, and is prepared W 1111 a ll · ~.icn; on the shOrtest, uotice. A fuJJ a.s&JrLme nt .,.r Couk, Parlor ru1d Box Stoves, constantly on l~rtnrl. :tlgn:rcS, e.'!ccutrnl in I.he best style of 1vorkmansl1ip. MONUMENTS, TAiiLE'l'S, ETC ., O}r 'l"H1·: FTNE::n' l,JU ,\l.T'J'Y Ob' 'lirus IS THE MOST EFFICIENT BOWMANVILLE, LINDSAY, 1AND. BOBCAYGEON ITA T~IAJ\T ,c_. A }.,fERTCA l l J lfA I:BLE. -XXf>--- I SCOTCH ABERDE}JJ~ GRA~TTE, supplied on short notic~'. Every t.bing pertaining to Ccn1otcry lYOrk w ill tneot with prompt a ttention, by lea\ iug orders with · C. BOUNSALL, Bown1a.nville. T FOUlt'l'H the parts in its constructioiT t he.t. Js iri ot.hf~f· iVIa.ehines, th_ereforc ~~u~ly ONE-FOUR'f.H as liable to get ont u! order. 1t fa: :pnra11le ln ull_ 11 ~ Pi+~·l.8 . ai,1d CYf'.lry motion. posrtnre. It has the un. four niotion fccd- J::he best in 1u:~, and ·will tm:-1>'> fro1n the: llncst Mur:lln to t he ooa1·sest of work der 01 without cluu1ge of e\ther 'l'J<..!~STO N or ST~'.fCI~~ It, umkcs · the Genuin~ . SH U'l'TLE 01· LO O[( ST11'Ci-£. alike on both sides so famou s fu r its S on:.nuth, B .cunt-y QI' Du1·ab,.il.~ty and 1'-"ILL NOT RIP. runs ra'piill v a 11 d uses n ~hOrt S traigh t N eeille, w·h tch ilrei.isil y udjnsted into place and n·o t, near so o ~ny uf :1~e high price }.f~lchinea. It ·will FRINGE , 1iable to bi·eafr.. It is hig hly ornum e:ilcll., eq:ml !._ CD. HE MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN THE .. MARKET-ONLY LOSS OF APPETITE, GENERA L DffiU,lTY, "i:\' holeB111e agents :for the Countie.s of Durham, Onta rio an<l "\'"icl.oria. I l AND ALL DISEASES "f THE BLOW·, ~Cottonl!I, a- Special induceme,n.ts t 9 Live agentt!. .Ja.nua"'fy I.8th , "1871. f· ch~., · It pos~~s"lcS the power of" T oning.and Si'l"~ng1 !, e ningthcStomo.cl1,of Exciting the Torpid Liver 11-t . a Healthy Action, and of Purgiug o\1t aJJ"Depr:: · fl I;· cd Hu1nors ahd BUious Secretion from tl!fl '4af'it-:-&· H~·O'llARA, ctl:.3 " . ·~ ~,,,:;.-· ABOUT .ONE I ALSO IJB_ nera I sewinlT ··M , A' acu_ mc· gency, & it HEM; FELL, TUCK, CORD,. BIND, FRILL, GATHER, QUILT, BRAlD or anything tba.t al!y .other Machine will do, 11' IS JUS~' THV. ¥ACHINE FOU RAILWAY CAN RE BUJT/f J:c.fARKE'.I.' BUII;ITJI:srGS, Large Stock OF PRIVATE :FAMILIES, ·MILLINERS, DRESS-MAKERS, . 'l'AILORS, 1 AND F ARM.ERS. ' I )·li ~'. T. HOSflTN. I l)AILY LINE -TO- · '\\' itl1011t Raisi11g· 1 lie BY CALLING AT ~ T· h ere are many points of excellence abolit the Machine, Superior 'l~axes, to others which wo cannot cX})la.in here, lJut will bo1plcascd to fur·w ard Circu1ur3 and Samples of IBO Wl\1:ANVTLL1:!~ GEN'I'LE~f:EN'S i .ly a.ggl'.aVU.tcdby l ndfgc:otion, frolil'·th ei Role can ...~ that the DigestiYe Oq~an.s do not perfornt t h~ 1 duty that nature ]Hts designed them , · 'htlll~e tl:t 1 nutriment is not ~·bstractc d fron1 thtt foo<l , a!tl" the blood is depTived of that n 0Ul'isbn1ent it i-.· requires of the Digestive Orf!'a.ns. .. If ydu li'eel Du.II, J)rowsy, ':Debilitated and D ' ""'pondent, bave frequ'ent +fetida.che, Il-Iouth·Tu.s"'. .ii ·D adJy in the morning, ll'rpgular, . Appetite H~ t 'fongne coated, you arc sWterin_g from To11· · Livor or Billoinsness. ln )nanY ca3es of L.i\ .. , Co:r:1pl a int only a :Pa.rt pf t hese syri)ptoms are t \ por1e1.!ced. · A;s a ren1edy for all such cases 1 . " Eureka. has no ·eq11a.l, as i t ett'ects Perfect Cn ,. .,. ·ea\i)ng t?~ Liv e r Strengthened o.nd . Hcalth;sr. Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1870 :\IR. H. F.. Row]!:, · . . D~AR Su-t., ~Having- used tbree bottlef> ot y r"' v aluabl e 1ne1lid 11 e tn my family with good effct' I I focl l:!.afc in reeo~mendin g the Eureka fot· gen .~ ·n1 Debilfty, Inaction of the Llv.er. Loss of .A.pp, lite. &c., it ha.vin g been used for the above co;[· plnints ju nLy fumjJy, Yours re.spectfnlly, .T. FU.HUSON, M. E. MiriiStc r. Syl};;',::\'(!iaeases)lavc. theiror4';in h),.orare grc"'· L .-\Ti<~'l' FASI-IIONS. .· Mrs . J.C. Pollard· R 0 CI-I: E S TE R. H AS REC.Erv ED A FULL ASSORTfl-1ENT -of , J Anderson & 0 S j N E "\V c work ev-~rywhcro on npplical,io11. DTSCOUNT 'l'O q LERQYMEN. J21' -~fACHINES"PULLY. WARRANTED.-~ ,ve ba.vcnoL got. oue already established. La.1·6re1· 11Hluccnu~n ts than a,ny other co111pany. . n'· d . @'AGENT wanted ili. Bowmam~ .:~,. an in every other Town where MiI,LINER Y GO O DS, ' ;_ No. 7 Rossin House Block, Tonm.lo/ Ont. J. C. TODD, General Agent. 16-41 the Spring tr~de, eumsi.':lt iw~ q f l:onnt'i .~ , IIat'!, rrHE STJPERB NE\\r LAKE UPP~R bbrms, Feathers ·.Flowers, L·i, : ·~~ &-,.: .. ,\Yliieh ', . Stak Cabin Ste 11111 e1· e ulfers lo thela.dw.KnfBow l!l all'.'~l!c ·l ntl .1~:f· : .ru1uuling- cau11try, a t h!west price. I '\._f Also in st-0.ck. Ladies' Collars and Cu.ff:'>. Bt·1dd 1 ~ -~ ,~ ' ""1ld Einb?:0ide.1:y ruaicrials; o.nd Gentc' C0LI:lr::i I · ·id Cull's~ ' t '.tn·.1 in;:; United Stat~es and Canadian 1:1ails und 1~ l\Iachinc sc"'ving done to or der: nlso stamping Express, E "BEG TO INFORI\'I THE INO:>r Bro.id "\Vork. All orders pi·omptly filled. / ttr r"..·· Po··t J-fope every 11101·ninv /01· llsch.C8tcr 1\. S~ore TYiiO doors EMt oC !fender.eon's IIotcJ. u L!J o\·Jn ck,o narriva.1 ofGro.nd l'n1nkUailHABITANTS of Bowmanville and sur· J_V_J_ w~tT 'J' r,1ins from East a.nd 'Yc1:t. ' rounding country that ,,.e axe now s~lling Jlct urninr;, Lcar·i~~'> Pm"t of Rochester (Ohu,rlotl) Boots a.nd Shoes at Prices t hat cannot tail te --;· every.evening"' 9 o'clook, (except Satmplca_se, and from th~ varied aswrtmont the most JMPOWI'ER OF HA.RDWARR ,' IRON, WINDOW days, w lwH ,.,Jie lea,·es at 2 o'clock, fa.st1dious may be swted. and ELECTR.O·Pl...A.'l'E SIL'YERVY ARE. S<'.11-'EES, ~.P. 1\f., f:w Brighton) . , 1 · 'f his is the fo. vuri L'~ sumnler route froin ToronBy: s trict attention to bu8ll1ess a share of yo\u· 1 · . " TJ!:A P ARTIES, lf; o R sE M & Shoe Store, A N IBoot_ 1871. IRONMON.GEI{Y. 1 ' w · J o H N 1871. -.t r, · cL E .0 D , -, GLASS, P .AINTS, OILS, · "Lo F UR N I $ H NtI GS CKMAN" " Lyn·, May 11th, 1870. MB. H . E . .RO\VE, Sm,...:....1 l,iave u setl Eureka for Sick Hcada.c! ·.. caused by a disordered Bton1ach, and imperf1 · J " di~estlon with euccH1:1H, '\.\-'lien oth er rcn1cdi. ; failed to do 1nc auy .good, A.nd I n.m · sa tisfied .:: .1 that is necessary to Convince any per8on of ilf n1orits ivould be to gjvl:'l i t a trial, a.nd loheerful J,, recormnend it to all wh ose condition detna11 f1 , Jtnything of this nature, · E . COOK, . ··· ' Prop'1· of Lyn v..~oo1on Factory. For sale retail a.nd wl~ol~al~..bY.. all ~~gisr~ NORTH!tOP & LYM.A.N; . NewCastle, Ort1 , J. \\T INE!-t & Co., Hrunilton. ,B. H . M I'fCflliJ.1 , London, BALI, SUPPERS, Pl.J HLIC DlNNERS,, WEDDING C , ;...,,,S -~ · ' , Got up in the heat s1 :.·le an.d o~ reasonable terms tsy the eiub:1criher. . 1'lle wP,lkst, the s>vcetc.st and .beat brc.'Ltl clcht'CZ.'.cd d aily ~ to cus.t omers tn a.Il :parts of the town. 15·3:! .. AT,EX. FLETCHER. · -· mH'E SUBSCRIBER HAS ..J 1 _ - Spring Fashion~ I Photo .. r~ . b~ Edwin NOW THE i ~ 'fhe favorite route to Avon :.Lud Clifton Sprillg!3. 1 ' Passengers and freight Lake ca.rs along side :MURDOCH Connection mad-cat Cobourg a.nd P ort Hopo r with Iloyn.l .:vlall Line Steamers from Hamilton an d l'.1o:ritreal. · 1 '. l'he Norseman 'YiJl call at the Port of Darlr'n gl{.ing St., Downrnnv I ton, o.,.·ery VVEDN.t.:SDAY MORXIKG, l:!hu uhl sufficie11L freight offer. I Address, H. c, CARTIER, ' 37-tt' ... Port Iln11e , Ont l.otoRochoster,Albany,&c. 'l'hc cheapest nnd patronage!ssoH cited. ll'iJDon'tfailfaicall. quickest r oute rnnn 11oints East of Port H ope on tho Grand Trunk, to Roohes1er, Bntrruo, &c. STAND TWO DOORS WEST OF Manufacturer of all kinds of Tin .. ware, . S ff. S k H b Stoves, Carriage Hardware, Bent tu , po es~ and u s. · JUST RECEIVED A T-vveeds, etc., etc.I · st. earner at Hoehestcr Landing. BROTHERS . .April 29, 1871. · AKD Dl!:ALEn. I N· · A~DERSON I{, CO. INSPECTION. INVITED. LARGE ASSO fl~'.MENT 01!' Spadl"!'l= Gartlen, Drawing· and:Ditc:;h!n;-,C.o rnisb SboTels, Raf{es, Scythes, l>'ol'ks, and, all kinds oC Garden and Jo'anning '.!"ooh. ll'IURDOCII BROS. · · Fashionsfort.hlssJJ.ring, 1871,andjsprcp&.r e<l. I' ·"make Ladie~, Dr<>B"68 au<l. Manll·s . ·· -- g p - ,-·- · · tl.S USUAL IN L°<l.'l'F'ST STYIES · : .t. . :. .1 · ! occup1e ~ by !\'Ir. H. Tn1t, THE SUBSCRIBER HA YING )!ii<:. J'.l'fTED1md imp.roycd the G_allAry Iate11 HARDWARE, is DEALER IN The BL1ilding .T rade. Specicd attention lo. this Hne-Nails) LoCl,~'1, H{:ii.gcs, ¢lass, Sash, P1itty, Pa,int.s, Oils, MILLINERY! , -... P1·ociailn tht; Glad 'J'idi~,gii; ! no1v p1·eJ.1<1red tu takf CUTLERY, ' IR.ON, STEL. ntte~tion _paid t~ cu~t.ing and llttlllg. I CHJ"R , . M.ltS . .A.LEX. FLE'r !, · Aprir 12, 1871. 37-t.f. i<!J' )'articular j P II0 1'0GBAPHS IN · A~D AT . A [,I, S'l.' YU~" - NAILS, L OW E ST PlUCE ~S. A:S-D ALL KlNDS"'OF , : .A,GENCY OF 'fl(E ·pi~t,ur~s made in alfkhids of"'--c~thcr. Varnis1ie..;;, Ectve 1-'ren.,,."gh.s, TVi.n.dou. n~I-d Pi-ct?l/i'e Cord,.r; arul ':Cas3els, ar~d E'Verythintg else requi'J·cd, 0.-1; . u l that 41) ·on{i place, th1is p re.sen-ting greater ind1t,cC.1nents to.-tJi~ D)tyer than ~:1iy oth-e1· House h i the ·Tradi!;-:W7/iclt of ifadj · · is no s;iwtin.dtfd!iitdge.. 1 ~, .. Ucinedy a.nd P ills, o'f the Eminent lndin H .JWedicin¢ ..1.lfan Doctor Lcnvis Josephus._ of. tlh· Great.Tribe of ~lioshCq1oos , -Bri.ti_sh Colufu.biu., : !-I 'vorking {be n;iost mnr~telous a)Jd astoriish.in , Cures the 'Vorld ovcrhenrd of. Never jn UH, annals of.Canadian Medical Hi.story hrui ·suc11 s11ecess .{l,ttended th~ :introduction Qf ally m~d1· cine her~tofore . · , , T H AT THE GREAT SllOSHONEEl' WHY? ~·- J;IOWMANVILLE SA'l'l(ll!'.ACTION Gl:"ARAXT.1£El'. FURNITURE A cnll respectfully solicited., Gallery-Corner 01 · K ing and Jlivision Strc~ts, entrancn-uupositc Mr. 'l'releven's shoe store. , FARMING TOOLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, FORKS, HOES, &c., &c.; N.B.--FEATHEB..S Agent f'or Way & DowninK's . Patent illang·le. MANUFACTVltlNG CO. i appointed r etit.il a.~ent by _the Bo"!"-mtU\V ill~ , .Fni'Jliture l\fann factu.r1ng Co., ts no1v. in a po s1~ [ JJo·wmanville, April 26th, 18'll. 1011 to ·fill a.11 orders at as low a rate as any deal. ex in the county. -· . . 11-26 HOBT. S.l\!N"NING. mHE SUBSCRinER HAVING BEEN EDWIN J. FLETCHE"H, 16-3'it1 .Murdoch Bros . Sewing ;tvf achihe TO INFORM THE LADIES B EG the Town and.Co untry, t11at their OF STOCK OF l'rIILLINERJ GOODS IS N:m·w 'l.,IN SHOP ·rn Bow!lfANvrt:LE. Wellington Building, Dow1na~ville, .A.pril) Oth,1871 ;_ JOHN 1'.1:cT .. EOD. Plants for Sale. f:lOT BED & COLD BED PLANTS. l·'OR GOODA;\'D CHEAP A. Sinai! Fa1·n1 l:Vanted. . VNDERSIC::NED WISHES 'l 'O ' ITHR exchange good house and lot in a thriving illal-\i:: in Mechlgan for a small farm Bow~ ,1n. a n v1lle, if fa.rm is ivorth ID.ore t han house and Call immediately 41-tf.. 'I'. "\V, NICIIOLS, Bux 74, Bo,vn1anvi1le. ' 7 J1ear f . w. G. REED, Mill, Or oss~Cut a,nd Hand Bav»s ,; &ale.-. - C.ADBAGE. 8D WINNING- .-· country ·~ S'l'ADT, La.to J\'fsiM"le~t:ad;, Mannnoth, ou t a New Tiu Shop in the store l.atdy occupied ·liittone :L\'Inson nrun1heaU. Robinson s Chan;i.:pion hy John i\.llen, co rne ~f · t·iizc Oxhart', Premi11n1 Flat Dutch, .A.mcri~ hnprovcd Savoy, Red Dru mhead, large for pick- h ING A:ND DI VISION STREETS ling. My Cabbage took the First Prize at the no,vm.anvillc, \\·here he w ill kce[J constan tly OD · laat P 1'<lvincial .Fa.ir. hand a well sclcct.00. ::itock of !;it.ovei:;, Jap. CAULU'LmvER. a.nned 1 :P~sscd and plaiu. Tinware, ' which he '.\;\"ill sell F.AH.LY,- Half Paris or De~11i<lur. . L A'J'.E,Ji'.i Normand Short S tenuned. .r he Ita.han Giant, "CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST." '-· 6he Autumnal Giant. Special atten1.iun paid to i . TOMATOES. EAVE1'1t0 UGHING AND JOBBING ·1..i-,ARLY YORK, MUCH PLEASURE IN lNI I AS l!.,ORMING the inhabitants ofilowmn.nYillc fl.n d surroundin_g that he has opened CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. FRUI1 ' Tin, I-:Iheet-It·on and O<>pper Ware ·niade f~ <mlcr and kept on hand ; a!l kitl<l>- of JoJ· bing done 1 vith . loreatness and Despatch. Special «ttenf.frm given to Uhe<se Facto-Yy apparattis, mch as Vats, Heat- Platform and Counter; Bo;i'ft1t Mcu:.hine~ Wago?)' lfHieriaf, including Sniart's Pa .. tent Self- OHVng seamless 1J1agonSkeins: I'aints, Oil.s, Gla.ss, Stoves a.1v.l Tinivare · GROCERIES, · . NOW L 'lot will 1>ay balance in money, PRO ..,TISIONS \" k ;1 111 pel'3011 or a clrlre ;-;,; . ·s c 0 E E ., " W ITH .}!.L. l'HE CIGARS, ~'LL Latest Novelties of the Season, · "ND 1· "IPEo · . the Pl'Operty known a.a the '·FouJ den l\fills' J)::'J, \nll be r11·usecuted. ii. J oux l\fcDOUGALL. Bo!YrrwnvHIG, 5th June, 1871, 15-t !ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING ON A.ND L"ND:B:R THE MA.N..lGEMRNT OFj e1·s, 'J1filk Pans, &~c., &c. C°' TO TJI"E Jl __ I SS lll c~T A. V I S D , STI\iPLYibecause tLe nuulcrons Valuable aoti \' <' n1edicinn vegetable ingi-erlie11l1:1, (i:sorne of ' \>bier we' will mentiuu, such u:i' the Extracts of . 'Vil :f Cher~·y .Bark ~ P bdophyllum , . Juniper, Q 1nssi;i. Sniurl. weed, Dandeli.011, ·Hfoscya1ntts, COnlp OUilll ,Exl.ra.ct of Colocynt.h, .Tala.p~ ·Socotrine 1-4Ioe ~· . CaIMicum, &c., &c.,) whioh enter i.ntotbe com_p v 1 :;it,ion of t he co1nb jllP.<l 1nedicirre , are such ·and·s1) I . .. lw.r111uniouslv t:las:;iiled anil c~mnpoundCd, th~t it is "l.i'm.de t1it\ mOst search ing-. c urative in th t!. knowi::t world. and_ cauuot help , but, · act_ On th · a:iyste1n' in ~very S."ltisfac:tory ~u1t.1 dei:;irabieDrti. n-;1_;,er. No inatter what your ailn1~nt may :be, " OJ' of how long standing, it vt:i11 find- the spot ,and o.stonisl1 yOu bythe rapid· n1nnne1: in w hich you TOOK 'l'IIE F:IRST PRIZE lll'e restored t o perfed; hca.lU1 and full v:igor. This 1\!edicine is pleasant atltl safe to take, an cl if> W<'ll"ranted, and uu1v p ositively be relied up o.1.· to make u." perruan e nl .cu.00 of all ilisea1:;es of tb1 · Throa.t., L uu gi;, Liver, Kidneys, Dige8tive 0rgans. j_ATTHE &c., &.c., as, w~ ll as SCI'.ofuJa, the various Sldr> Disea8es, H umor.sf and all diseases urising fr on· I1npurfty ·of the B ood, excepting lhe 'rhird Stag;.. of Consmnption. }'urthcr infnrrnR.t.i on , 'vith full directions t"orusingthe Grea.tSl10sho11 ees U.eJlle'd r and Pills, a nd oontnining t estiinonials·und Cert;. ficatcs of Cures, can be obtained by s"ee uring th·· · '.l'rcat.lse, the H&Jld·book, 01· t he .A.lmanae. aurl Cix(mlnrs fton1 any respectable Druggist iu 01P Just held at 'l\n"O:Qto, over the inost,·_ ronowned . Donrlpioil...'...free. · ,Price of Rwiedy in la.1'{/C- Pint Bottles 1.00. Sewing Machines in the wOi'ld, among ,-.,,~ch . -ills per Box 2-5 cc.nt8. 'v~.re the celebrated Ho"-e, Vl/hcele~ & W~.u. · -'--------'-----~-- · ·----- &c. Thi!! is only a confirmation or the Ycrdict p1·eTiOu81y re ndered by the Great CanadiaD Provincial Exhibition! .· Money to J,o.an· Public, ai~rl proves cunclusiyelythe .sur~n1o"rt1T"t; OF" TIIE ! ' LOCK1l-lA. l\"' OYKK ALL OTHERS. 'fhc General Gr::i.nt, the ..iegee, IJ1i': Ac lgc.r, the U·rt~a.t Chihuahua, Orangl'llelll1 l\1"a1nm?t,h Cluscr ]{ey's Prolific the dook:::i F1:1,vonte, Early _)."'o~·k. Dra'vf Soot.ch Lal'ge Red, Boston lYiarkct, -he Celebrated Trophy. · Also a variety of Celery, Pepper, {tnd l'lo\\'Cr l 1liints. These plants 1Vill 8.U be ready in their season. 'fq b~ had at l\fr. Higginbotham's, s?me o! t h.e muli!lB" Grocery Stores, and at the Subscribers ALL WOHK W.AHRANTED Mr Orders from the country prorr1pLly attended t-0. BE A. 1,- IF you DON'T BELIEVE l 'J' '.l'O ICRYSTAL , PALACE! FarDl Cor Sale. ;. .. · \~' ·who will 1111 allorders promptl,r. · . ]te~denoe. HARVEY PEAPER. j J-tf. ~ow;QJu.nville, May it, isn, .tE Highest price paid for Hides, 8}1 eepskin Rags,' "\Vool·pickings, Cuppcr, Feath ers and Horsehair. 1 idr Grea.t inducfnnents held out to pedl.ers. If'.$ A liberal discou.nt offered to N. B.- Farrnen; "'anting J\'lilk Pails or t")an;i PEDLl~.ItS. Rcmcmbcrroy:Vlotto: Small11rotlt woultl tln wcll to call and examine my :stock lJP,- and quick returns. The hlgJlcst ptice -paid tor fore 1lm-chasing eL'"lewhere. A sha.re of P ublic Hides, Sheep Skins1 Wool Pickings, Rlib"S, oli' Copper, Brnss, !l"""'eatners, hor&C Hair, &c. patrouagc rcspect,fnll~· solic}ted , , W.G.REED. EDWIN" HORSF.Y. Bo wmwvillc, 1Iu.rch Sth. 1871. 3~-U'. }30"\Vlll!lllYillc, ~{ay 11. 1871, J~ ti GIVE ME A ,TR·IAl. ONE DOOR EA.ST OF -~~l~ F. Y. KING S T June 28t.h, 1871. a .. [ ..l. in the 1st conccssiou of Darlington so acres t.he Hravel Road, one mile 'Vcstof ,Ilo"·mau0 W LE 'S ' ron ville; well \Vaterod "TI.ith tv,.·o springs ~ a.lso good BOVi'MA:NVII LE SILVER & ·DOUGLAS - ' · · . This is ii new branch of t-h0ir buMin elY! and the Stock will be fo1111<1 ·' \\'iJliams' l\.la.ellines. 'Ve l1ave also on hand n. a full .stock of the ·LI-i"rLE 'V .A.N"ZEn. ~faohilles. ·:orchard, hou ~e. barn,.outbuild.ings, Ctc. 're1·n1 ilib!';ral. Apply to , . P ersons not 3atis:fte.d. \\1th one · Mi:Whine can exDricl~s ! B\'icks ! . I . WM. J . JO NES, CHf!J A P .A. N D GOOD. :or to · On1,.r10 Bonk change for any other inside of tl.ii.rty days. Re,: R. R. LOSCO~!DE, )l >q. , J?owmanville. member R.-d'· R. O'Hara'· is the 8F.WI)[Q i\<IA- FOR SALE, MACHINE-MADE ~REI' . Bnrrn;t-<:'J', &e., __ SED \Vhiti:.: B1·kkR, at tlu'"l 0Rha."-·a Tilt!" . !5-~f. Bo1vn1anville. · . ErTrJll anville, ,A.pr il~tith, 1871. 3?-t ·· CH[XE DEPO T, 'Verke. JOIIN n~LSON mBE WEST HALF OF LOT No. 17 ~l:t-. &."H . O'HARA, 1.Vholosale a~d Retail .Ag'(lnts. Also, agents for Guelph Se·wing · Machine . ,Co., Grover -& Baker, S inger, I!owe and TX ;years, to hP- repaid Jn instalmen ts to suit borrowers, who nrH allowed to n1u.ke M ueh paJ ments, in additim! to instalments, ns t hey rna;· find convenient, may be obtn.ined fro1n the Ca nada PermaneT 1t H 1tllding ;;i,nd Saving Soclet,· , . by applying, t,0 ·' F A.RE\\...ELL. M c GEE & R C"TLEDGE. , Soh citors, Bo,vru'anVille. nrPrivate runas'to lu&1.. . , 61t - L OANS FOR FROM ONE TO 'rWE:i\. I "---------------~ ·<~ ' · , :;i_~~.~,: · .::~-!~-,· ·----~-'------------~-----~-.c---~~----~--_;;;.;,;.__..,..,, r;· ... - _ _;.;__________~_____________,..........,_

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