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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1871, p. 4

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C~N.AJ3I!AN~ SI:A:TES·MAN, B-O~~ANVI~t..E, THURSDAY, _ THE Int<nJe dtssatA·faetwn o.f Ca'l!<tdum Immi- ' / JULY 27, 1871. oF su~sc~rnER i:.s NOW RECEIVING A · 1 '.1'0 o"\YNERs gmnt.- Schemo Frencl· Col-Ony to found "" cr.cliisivcly Lsrge and Varied Assortment EMBRACING A VERY FINE SUITE"D TO THE SEARQN, · SELECTIO~ OF Property -AND- Parlor Albums Friendly Advice! rn FrvE QUARTO voLuMEs Price, $9 00 per volume, or WnnnrEo, June 26, 1871. The prospcctmg party me11\1011e<l m my last letter returned mth 'ery favorable re· porlR of the country lying ndJacent to the lbver des Islet Boia or Rn·cr of Wood hlancls Other parties "ere sont out in different directions, but it was finally decided to locate on the Inlet Boi·, and the ruaiu body of the party atarted for that louhty. Some stragglero were left in and about the town of Winnipeg. You may judge of the ·nrprise of the party on _reac)>ing their destmatiofi to find that n number of half-breeds had been there <>nd 01' PL.A.IN STARHD FROM BOMB ilD "1th Mgh hope· nnd glo\\ mg nnticipAtiona; ORNAMENTAL A!'i :EX.TR.lf>RDIKARY DOCUMENT, ' " and is leM1ng to results so diBastrou1 to the settlement of the country that I give l t in fuJl . I GoYERNMJ:"IT IlousE, nnd the imrnihrrant 1D1SGt;1:>TED, FoRT G Anm:, .Jnne 9th, 1871. , Gtnitle.nttn--1 Jlave the honor to ncl..now. ledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th ult , on tho subiect of the rights sooured w Ute Half-breed populat10n of thlil ProTille<> by the Manitoha Act, and m reply to the inqmry you make as to the mode to he Mo}'ted in a·snrmg to the Metts the \t~t, I ham ti.., honor to state, for the rn- 'S pecial JIXICUTJID IX .! IT'CL1I Srn,-As this is the season of the year that people are in PARLOJl ALBUM: IB doubtless the ruost exten'i1ve AR1 GAJ LEHl ever published, anC want of an extra supply of Dr.r those "bfl hn' e exam.1ned the several IN FANCY AN~ DRY GOODS AND ; nIMMTNos. Com~an~, by portions of the work it has been pronounced Goods, C 1o thing, Groceriel! 1 "'l'he Chmnx ofBeautj, Eech Tolumecoo· HIS STOCK OF STAPLE EVERY DAY GOODS IS AS USUAL I -ANDBoots and Shoel'I, &c, would it ttnns 20 full page Chrotno Lithographs, in A. 1, AND BEING IMPORTED BY HIMSELF S Oil Colors, 40 full page Steel Eng1 avings, not be a great benefit to your 40 full pe.ge engrfLvings on -wood and 260 DIRECT from the British Markets, ave Haif Your Money. pages of reading mattnr, descriptive of the readers in .parlington a nd vicin· Head Ol!ice for Canada, Kingston 1llustrat1ons, the whole mak1n~ each volume '\TILL BK SOLD AT . abot1t one linlf as tluck, and same sized ity to know the best place te IIIS old and well estsbli&bed Company pages, of '?l~eb:.tec'o la1ge3t D1cwonary Q1" PRICES SO P ALPABLY CHEAP .JD insure!!! ootbiui, but Farm Property anJ EAch volnme 1s complete in itself aad will purchase. ·Numerous merchants detached Rcs1denceg, and Issues Policies at be sold sepa.1ately 1fde1nred. Sohl by Sub.. as to commend thom to close buyers, who tLre respectfully _ are offering apparently great inGrea tely Reduced Rates. 5cr111 t1on , Onl~~ uuccments, hut the be§t place J] 'H Vol I Is devoted to Wild American B1rd11 INVITED TO tCALL AND UDGE FOR TH:E:M ASSETS ....... . .. , ... $550,000 00 Vol II Contains Wild AmericA-n Animals to purchase is at ELLIOT 'f'~ Deposited with the Finance Minis· Yo1 III American Dome11ti.cated Birds rt.nd GLASGOW HOUSE, ter for special benefit of Canadu1.a General Store, H.~MPTON, whe1e Aaimal~ . · THOMAS Po1icybolders1 oHr .. ., .. $68 000 Vol. IV Foreign Bhds and Animals. BowmanTllle, April, 187-J,, a great Yanety is always kepi'\,_; Vol V F1shes, Reptiles and Insects See tlu follow:1llg Certificates Tb is wo1 k will at once commend itself to in stock, at reasonable prices. !'.'\.. 'l1h1s iii to cerL1f1 tha.t the .Agricultural In· the cultivated Amoncan people, Rnd no Ji .. snrnnce Compnny having deposited in tho brary wi1 l, hereafter, be complete witb .. Elliott's clothing is as stylish hands of tbe Receiver Genera.I of Canada, ~nt this arldit1on to 1ts treasures, while as the sum of Fifty-four Thomrn.Rcl Five Ilun· parlor amusement it 1s unequalled by as any; his assortment of cloth1 dred Dol~lnrs, in l n1ted Sti}teB bu.ii:Is, 11.s re· American publ1ca,aons. is very complete ; Ladies' dres1 quired by the Act of Canada, 31 Vic, cha.. 48, sec. 22 i! h,ereby licensed to car1y on ;tgents Wanted. goods---a very fashionable lot; th~ b11~1neas tu CnnadA of Fire Jnsun1uce V{ o Wtll give agents very IL\: eral terms for Dated at the City of Otta'?fl\ the 2nd d·y selhng tlle n.bove described publications, and E1liott's groceries are of the of June 1870. Dcpus1l 1ncrea.s.cd,s11)ce date of uhO"Ve ccrt1 'lcatef wbh to RJ'lp01nt an agent 1n every towu in the United States and British PrDv1nccs very h~st description, and low to over $6..'i,000. E.xpeneneed book agents and all other per .. JORN L:.l).'OTON, for Mit ister of Financb in p1 iel'.· -lie sells cunanfs a Thhria to certify that I b9vo been ncquaint· 80fiS'of"l'espectab1hty should apply at once ed with the Officers and Managers of the Any Ye ng A.tun, or Young Lady, can, by de· '5c, pe1 lb. and upwards, raisins .Agricultural Insurf\.nce Company fr# many voting ·short t me dnr1ng the day or evenyears, and also with tlu~ business opCrntions ing, Se('urc n. complete set, free of expense, at IOc. and np"ards, his tea is of the Company, and have no hesilalwn 1n or 1f prcforrrd 1 we will allow large Comruianot surpa~ sed. If you are in s100 in Cnsh recommending it as a perfectly safe and re We-- have prepared a most benutiful Jiable Company, and itg Officilrs - ns compewant ot a fir+class Sewing lent and hono1n.ble busn css men, n.nd ns rt S11edmen Rook f'or Agents, conins1nes nothing but Farm Prope1ty aud tlt<- taining 5 of the 011' Chromo;, 10 Steel En- Machine, EJ:iott's is the place tc.<hed Dwolhngs, and bas ~53Q,000 Aasets gra\·1ngs1 10 Wuud Engravings aod 50 pages of rlescript1ve reading, being PeJect1011a to buy-·you can get a Lockman, I consider it responsibl e beyond any- contin from each' ulume, together with blank pngene,. Wa11zer, or any otl1er kind, ,1i D. D CALV!:-1,M P. P pcr spcr 1mcn ~ of binding &c, &c p- New supplies received during the season. Call and Ou1 Specimen Book bas coat u!I quite or below manufacturers'pricelj. largely, and we do no& W'ish to send it to make selections. #T DON'T :FAIL TO CALL. 16-41 persons wbo do not intend to act as a.gents, Elliott has lately added an asbut to any one who will make RD effort to p1ocure s.nbscnbeLS to the Wo1k, we will sortment of clocks to 'his stock, send tbc Specnnen Book, prepaid, on receipt s e [Is remarkably o( 40 cents to cover postage. Enclose stamp which he for reply and address Announcement~ cheap, aud warrants t hem. He J. C Cr,AnK, Banker 1 J C.a.nnnTn.tRs & Co AMERICAN PUBLISHING Co, acts also as agent for most of Gs:o. A KrnxP.1.rn1cK 1lt. P. RUTLA.Nr> VT B M Bnn·To:i:. the leading Newspapers. Those 'f· wonlcl refer you to the foJIO\'<lng gen ·l~meo, rn regard to the re,ponsibihty of the PROSk·ECTlJS l'Oli liiiJ7J. n· want should give him a call ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE Oompanv .-D. F1sht:'r E"q, Ga~h1er or the at once. All kinds of farm pro· Ontan< P·nk, Joo McLeod, M P, P, J, R THE LADY'S FRIEND, Fo1rb1til L Esq , Postmaster 1 J E. Farew cl I duce taken in exchange. Ac· ,f:sq B uns ter. count:s due on 1st Ap1 il and 1st Agent fur Cobourg and vicinity, W!LJ,JAl\l T FISH. October: W, R. CLJMlE, J,oc11l .Agro! a\ Bowman Till Yours, &c., WHAT ll ~ To tl<e Edit01 . THE New and . Fashionab;le, DETACHED RESIDENCES. INSURE YOUU PROPERTY IN 'TrrE '10,t!O pea· Set Complete. BSCRTPTION OF THE WORK 1 Agricultural Insurance D T 1 1 T 1 1 1 D. STOTT'S DRUG 1 D. F 0 RB ES 1 TRADE 1 fl. De· 1870 FRIENDLY ADYISER. December 14, 1870. TO rtque>tul to b< 1tttlta without d.U.11. DAVID FORBES. -ENLARG EivIEN T OF 'J' I I R NEW .SPRING- . ~GOODS NO c. ' -AT- :SA ,~TI N'"G-S! F I c E IX TBJ!I N E ·wAT THE L:I 0 :Q 0 P11rley'11 Arabia· Oil. FOR HORSES :AND CATTLE. :t:::r - Jr[ I N I 0 N. Erro1'8 of 1011th Nci,.on s Deb1ltfa, Prutntlure Decay and all the effects of w·l1~c 1etrn11s: rf youth-a crue is guaranteed , Dysp e_p1mi., Liver Discnses, and disc uses of 1-Vonicn nnd Chtldrr.n, Caucci-s cured ""ithont cutting, and little pa1u , Rore Legs, Salt Hhcuro, and Scrofnln 1n nil its I HJ: Gi.z11:T1'1C 1:s 11i .. rm g n1"'htd for tbP. 11Ulel!t l"dnorial~ 1'1c m· st n h 11JJ,. 1._ r n1m i;n ml Rt'tiorl· tho ful!ost le legruplnc lJt:"jllt tb" rh .. bc-0\t Lo t ul N'ew· the mma n hil t le Ll"gid Jr11r. 1 1gt 1r"e Ila: ch\ncao·, L1t c rntur e, 11 flord 11 1ir to 1hc rcaar:r e , ch monmi.'l:t comrlf te B} nops1" of CONlEl\lPORARY EVENTK TIJROUGJIOUT JEE HORLD. ..&.T THE , ' Dr. J is happy to sav, diseases wlnuh bttve hitherto been thm1 ght incurable arc now Iforms. rapidly yielding to his treatment. as his grateful patie nt s are "Wing to t estify. No Ca.!ome1 no mercury, no Z..Uneral Po1sona, will be adnunis tered in any form, 1n any dtseMe. Tho a.ffi1ct ed, "'ho cannot obtrun relief from other eolTrces, are particularly m vitod to call nnd t1eeh1m Spring , Importations. VVM. McMRTRY HAS RECEIVED A LARGE PORTION OF HIS PRINTING ERT..lBLI!JHDXT. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE \VIII al"o appear m gr~n.t l y enla rged 1rnd 1mprin form, nrn.1 'pccml pum~ wJll be 1akt"u m 1111:: ll!"hctw 1t 11ml a1 rt111g1 m~HI of the mn.tte1, 1<n n11 tn gne s-n mter- t 1 1 ,.-omce ln Ne.ilson's Ilal4 ' Ilelleville. O.m.ce hours, ll a m to 3 p m. Yours mos\ reapcctrnlly,., , H. JAMES, M D. cslrng n1id c orn pie: le cp1lome <1f tne weel,'· ue" 5 THE. \~txxitL? '1.A.z.1nri.: \\Ill <?ontrn 1t1 to be m11.~litd t· 1ubscul.ieu 01 $1 a )car, pa/ ab lri '1r11 II) m udTan'1e. T & R. WHITE, Dry Goods, NOUNCE that he has rec eiv~d ~ w ell a!J BOrted stock of Genuine Drugs anU Pure English ChemJoa1s. Also, a. sp1en:clid &tock of tJie 1n0Mt:' carefully selected 1 B EGS RESPECTFULLY TO AN- DYE STUFFS' Dress Goods, Prints, Millinery, Cloths, quaUt)- An assortment of Anilme D&es kept fe°c£i~~~JY on hand, t.ogcther 'ntlt a c 01Ce seDRUGS, CHEJ\UCAL~. which cannot be surpassed for excellency of PATEKT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER·BRAOES, SUPPORTERS, &c.. &c. ()JLS, PAINTS, COLORS, 1 Bof\'mauville, Sept 5th, 1870 Messrs. R &: ll 0 H.AllA, General Agents, Bowma.nYille ( --o;TAHIO BANK, ' ' VARNISHES, and WIH1ELEAD a" At the 1 er.} lo,l""c"'-t prices. NEW PRESSES. .AN -ASSORTMENT OF Parasols, Hats, Bonnets,. Flowers, Feathers, &c., ](OT TO BE EXCELLED IN THIS PART OF THE DOMIN:ION FOR STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICES. HORSE ' .AND CATTLE ll!EDICINES. N. B.~Country ~anta.goous t erms Storekeepers supplied on adr Bees? Bees!! Dees! ! ! - F OR SALE; BY E. B. CRYDERMAN, near Ho.mpton, ITALIAN AND HYBRID BEES, At a reduced :price, haTing been -W"lnteeed In a splendid condition, and contu.1111ng YOUNG QUEENS, v; hlcb is the great SC(jrct of successful Bee culture. Dlmham, or Dunham. I may mention that I have JHll'ehase d, for myself and friends several P1arws n1anufactured b} the old flr1n of Stodda.td & DunhRin, and have still one of theirs ill my house. 1· ours, J SIMP~ON. FRO:M W, :Hrm, in richness and t'ullness 01 tone, and it is equal, if npt superioJ, 1n both these respects, t-o the mstrurnents manufactured by Stoddard & F G t:Jmith & Co, ~ew York, (successors to "\V B. Bradbury, of the Mame c11 y ,) fur whom you a.re Genera l .Agents, ts g1v1n~ great sut.i:sfactmn , and lS, m m) opm10n, aud lJl. t.b.e opnnon of many competent- Judges, a flrst·class mstrument· As far ns the workmanship fa couoorued, it is equal to the best Chickering, and is, m my o_p1nion, s1tpenor to the mstirmnents made by tWs some six n1out hl'.! ago, n1nnuFa.ctnred by .l\fcssrs. DEAR R1ns, ~1he piano purchased from you dozen. etc T,o; 0 hundred Contams oversUBSCRIBERS n~w and t-0 PETEES MUSICAL April 8th, 1871. 37 il FIRST «;f,ASS MILl..l.NER alwayw in Atkndance. MESSRS L ·owEST PRICES· ;llor.Rizro~., Weekly Arrivals · Y ) ' t'vocentsa piece Those W ebste.r 1'homa"', et c ,.. ho ha\ e not seen th1s Ever~ t111ng1s new,fr· shl){ us real l\Iagaz 1 n e nnd sparkling Contents should send 30 cents for a sample copy. Tho andi,;pec1mcnpagcs r:cn DlU s i c 16 by H a.y s free. Snmplc copies Th cm1as, Rinkel~ Pe!'!r mtu1ed free of posta;;e ey, and other popular 'i\ r1te1)3 to teacheia for 65 cenls Two b a,ck numbora Liberal ten::1s for 1ntro-jfor 40 cents. Fo1u- ba~k ductwn num b~r s for 75 cents beautiful Songs, Ducta l ~\ioNTHLY nre gctttn~ b ' Vill S. Has theirMus1cforlcssth~ of New Goods. , J. L. l'ETE!ts,599 B1oaducwy, N<w York Addl'ees,

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