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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1871, p. 1

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nnd111gh· prepa.r1ng a d1sconn~e tv deliver to 1ns conbrregahon when ho heard a. uc.1se belnnd hun and became conscious Mr Leo VO I ... XVII. BO-VVThiANVILL]J, N0.10. BOLD DANK ROllDERY \1'D MOST FU!HIONIBLE elPRING GUOD" JUST I s_ F_ I I grieve not with tho. moaning m td As if a loss befell SUITS MADE TO ORDER 1 New Felt and Straw Hats. I ~ Iloase ce,ll r.nd e:!:imn~~ Gcoda l\nd P11<~11- ie Gicr..t I!rga r.1 w11l lc g.i."tn Before mo ev19n a.a behind God H!l and all 1e: well light &lines on me from ~bove His low \OJoe speaks within_,_ The patience of immortAJ. lov~ Outwea.ry1ng mortal <i1n Hu~ for Ca·h 8. F. HILL Not rnindle!S n.., tbe gro1' ing sea-rt Of care a.ad locis and r111 n 1\fy C't"CS aic wet with thankful te11rt1 For bleisill~ which remriin D CHEI\1IST STOTT, AND DEALER IN If din'.l the gold of life ll~!! grown~ I wtll not--oot nt it dross NOT tnrn from tre&a:t'-1'1!\-=t still my O't\"lt To s gh fo"' 11\ k and loss DRUGGIST, I 1'0 H N :IIA LL B 1- lL D.JjJt GS. BO JV;rJANYILLE l--lfEDICTNES, AND CHEMICALS, Dye Stuffs Patent M:ed1cmes Perfumery Brushes Combs Soar ' Parnt. and 0110 Pam, :Brushes 0001 01\ and Co&! 0 l L"'mp· &c , &o The bark bt U!:mpest vainly os&ed !-Ia} founder lU the calm .And ha who braved the Polar ~t E aiilt by tho ls1cs of baJu1 Retter thau self indulgent yenn;i Tho outtlunZ' hea.r.t of youth Than pleMant songs in ldle ecir ... The tumult of the trnth Rest fo1 the w~axy hands l!!'. good And love for hearts that pine But let the manly ha.b1tude (}fup1ightso1sb 1u ne PYYSICU...."'\:':j ALL ORDERS · BARGAINS I BA:RG-AI ~S GRE ol.T BARGAIN::; ARE .NOW GIVEN AT THE Feeney gl t back to the drawer anj drev. out h s revolver, the taller of the tVi o wen spr u1g tu-?i ard and grnspp.d at the pa.Jk ages of inouoy 1..-1ng in an opeu <lra,ve1 on the t"blc at the Rame tune the two fired M stated al ovc It was tnought at first that the rohbe1 s had been foiled in their des gns on the ba1 k .a funds but tlH: loss of $1 536 was disco\ erea after the bank losed last n ght 1 Corner PUBLIC Store. I I Bo nMr me in my bo1.ll"8 of nted Io sooth or cl)-eer 01 wa.xn ii.nd down these slopes of s 1nl'let lead A.3 up th!I'\ hillil ofmo:rn ! -From th-t Oetob& 4tlit.ntic OPINION Cornet St.ere you roeuugtl [ has fuhy JUotLli·d the ongu.o.f1dea ;h&t "t the :B l'l' ci~ED .AND vVELT. . , INSURE YOUR LIFE, AND YOUR PROPERTY, IN THE l T youn£! man besides myself was d1scu1e1ng h111 supper further do,\n on the oppo1ntt side of the table and two others were I 'eated down nea.1 the fll'e At last I broke the s1\cnco ! I 1 ing Eorne tnv1t\l romarlt to inv ne1gb bor II il'J and after n 1 ttle conver... t10n I a2ked lnm if he wou1d Join n1e in a walk to tl1e tow er, whence v. e could obtain a fine 1noon IIIS FIRS'I OL!cSS BRITISH COMPAliY OFFERS SOPERIOR ADV.AN The moon TAG ES to the Polley Ilol lers in both the Lifo ttnd J.'il'3 departmen R.a,t~ low gnd. tel"ltl.8 hght vtew of the ca\ara t Loeral and full of UMl'A:ERCIAL ,iSSURA.NCE Co UNION and rc111an c..:i Thon came nu n&l e:cplanat1on!. 'lhe to put up the tv; o young men who had gon a l'i ith me ten ptec1 to make a suoceas from the hotel had ~uspected me or cv11 · utenhon toward thern·elve· and had de A MAN WITHOUT A BODY c1dcd that th~ one who h d Joined us on. '"U"w The had ! A.. LIVING HEAD ON A P.A.R.A.L'\Z.ll.D Tr. .......y HOW H~ KEEPS l"IIE FLI ES OFF ex'"raord.1nary qunrtot(J 1:iea1 Glenw0od Io" a reiude~ Ja1nes T 1 I of LONDOY JL'iGLAliD j Three yeai qI FUL~ Y SUB2CHIBED 1'J-!:O'~.LAND, ~VA.T!i!\ON &; CO., Montreal rn.1 Agfll'thJ fur C.11nP!:d ROOM Paper Hanging, HI! H.A.8 ALSO ON HAND A WlT.:I AS~ORTED STOCK OJ' Statlonerv, . fANCY GOODS, An~ ToJs Remember the stand, Oo;hawa. Oohl\wa, .<l.fril 13th 1871 direct!~ A Small Farm \Vanted. exchange good ho 1A~ and lot in a thr1 v1ng Vu age in Mecliigan tor a sn all farm near Bow manv1li"" iffa. mis wo th iuou: ihan house end lot w llpaybalanceinmoney Calllmm·diately 1....:' in peraon or address T HE 41 tt: UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO 1"11QNS\ PR-,; Y J...;1 I T W NICE:OU! BoxH I RC IT CJGRS I B~~v 1_! Notice I ONE DOOR EAST OF Y. I h~d pl~cad n yself on the 011'01de of the way at startrng and I behe..-o the first thing tliat a:rouseu any uncom-Forta.blo feel ing in my mind vi as not1c1ng th at one or the other of my comparu.ona manoged to chi'llge lns place by fallmg ~step 0 1 mom the re&r, 11.nd co1n1ng mto hue again on ,.., ' J u"· '.!'!·it an SILVER & DOUGLAS.IF si;ree; l!"·r~cnl"'!'!l&pptyLto '"J1 1M'l.i1:t OR SALE ON WE w ING ON the outside of th· walk thus pl&cl!ig me T betweon them I tried to hold my P°"' l"J!ct1'1"'1$ f ;;,,,, 1"11t i. ,,e "~ 11~· if'll h»ld 1t fi:ir mt·

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