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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1871, p. 1

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connected 18711 BAf11NG'S BATTIMG S '-'"""-/" ~ ~~ ...._........,,.,_,,...._,. -/' ....._,.,..,_ ~ '-,.'"' Thu World i& full of Beauty lll..1'TING'5 BATTING'S BAT':'ING'S BATTING'S ~ALI, The e llrea a voice within me a. guest angel of MARKED AT LQW PRICES I ""e:tl . ABATEMENT T Bowmru:m lle, Octoben, 1871 THAT ARE --o-.-- F1~ACTS Lfada to Oidflt, by the neet .$&'" ;rart·nted to fit ·n~ not come tn W~ltr)J.!ft ~ in -l'ow:r.i !'"°"" }£Hack ~mt ~r.cel!ll 'f~:t!!l ~ t &lfflll, nt $l.OO · 'l"he !Rest 3G cc11d Ji'ea f:11 '.l'm11r!l! · .1<:1;-g·, M1 1ens Sooks r.nd Ya"' take!! ·· C~·h for Good· Oc· 4, 1871 S. :T. IIILI,. s11m nae doot ' "Ay, ye may wee! e:.y t, Lai·'! l\fy freena t11re n u1e u yer mean, shabby kind MA·. RIC US '.R'RE has filled every shelf, hole and corner with an exce~dingly choice assortment of goods, comp11smg o folk they never da.,. thi 1gs 111 haufwhe i a thP1g: s din a\a its aye dru .,.espec~ ively Hoo-hoo-I was gaun to "'°'Y, Ch1tstj, hoo niucEle micht 1t be? ventuiecl th~ Laud, ddlidently yes, it 5 JU St Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, I' APER COLI ~l~. out ot 'Mu1derl drner, I tell J<Vll l cant bear ' A>, exackw1Il:i, and ye JI be ready I this von re not l:tceul3ed to ca1 ry tigers, when I come back agam 1 I arc you? 1 Of cour>le No, it:. honest folk gu1d1nan so the ' \"\eel, a.wa w1 t " j sooner ~ere dooh the better, ba1th for yersel and the lake o the pas<engers ' Ominous molements were be111g 1 nade The stout man, not finu.i.ng hunsolf a match fo1 Clur.ty 111 the ' sculdlllg depart 1nent, w~ about to craw his stick The interle1 enco ofthcdr1ver 1 ho~7t "e1 brought hostlht1es to a clo1Se arHl the last horn. wa.s NECK TIES, GJt.NT"S J?URNISI-IlNGS, &c. '\ holH of the stock havmg been '<\ 111 be g;ven ALL KINDS OF FURS ALTERED AND fiE PAIRED. Highest Price paid Cor Bo" manTille Octob"'" 5 1871 ·-----~--~-- ~n.w 1Fn~r!!. M.lRKUS MAYER ARRIVE D AN ELECTRIC TRIP TO LOJ.'tDON -AND- READY FOR ID~St=-ECT10N I it hos been told of the m '1ab1tants of a. ce1.,:P"a village tn & remote dJ"'htct of the WeJtern Highland·, that they "ere < ther so te~a.c10Js 1n the preservat1011 of old custom.s 1 or co ii::norant of current afiaJIB, .A FULL AS~ORT:t.1ENT OF DR.ESS G-OOI.)S VILLE and Dt:.rlmgton Residence ~)ueen .5treet 01dert:0 11uncL1mll} attended to Cb.&.r~i,.13 , A S. C.hesfri·@.ch~, UOTIONRER -"'OR IlO\I MA N !:1 Jrloderata 'i'ilomas @1onhotll§e. A General Agent Darington Centre p i.omptly attended to UCTIONEER, APPRAJSER AND Sa.lee ~lILLI NERY IN' ALL 'l'HE LA.T!:ST MA.'i':!:P.TAtS OOL GOODS been appointed agent for tlleProvin.c1c.l Pei ma.nen t Building and l":ia.Ylllg s Suc1et.y (){ Toron to m prep::i.red oo negotiate loans 1 n H.ea-1 Estate ·ocurlty on the most flL\ oul"ablc terrns '619 J B FAIRB6.IRN T Nlo"lleF to !L~1ad. HE UNDERSIGNED H.A V ING IN ALL THE LATFST NOVELTIES A CHOICE LOT OF G.A:a- 1 I so tf Cloths ' Gent's Underclothing Collars, VI R CLIMrE I Neck-Ties, &cr. SPLENDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, ~ The best value COTTON m town, can be seen at O NE WlTH SU"dE KNOWLEDGE ·.Iii.'.!. Rl!ll Wm. McMURTR Y'S. Bowmauille &ptember 27th 18'11 Ch1r8 y and John Mac.p.h"" JO 1 wete a couple of the ').Leer.st bodies mthevilhge John wa3 a qu1et 1 hrt"Inler:J re(J1r1ng sort of a. cre'"'"ture but his 'v1fe1 ~ bo.1.St{lrous, hJllowy, flippant P.Oiu of an 11d1i.:1dval~ was l\.feanttme Chusty s ' u1ckey ' seat is Ee £OI.J.t1nually br1n...,lng tl1em 1nto all k.1 lde ot cured fur home, and her twenty pound luchcrous plights, and, of m1dday, and t11e 2treets v.e:re hea\i.a.ngv. ...t h rortune is still rn the h rnds of tho London the <est tide of faahiottable hnrnamty tak ·oon becauic a popular p:ur About Chtr·t} """" mlly there wa& a mg its sunshiny promenade, "hen Olursty curious n~turQl fonduees to hd b1g- b1g in -plain, si..u!'l gowned, ?ihite n utche<l, tar tan shaviled Ch1raty-passed up the n1ost 1ler own e.st1maboii. and in eve J other n1cnt ' bcdy'i::- :a.nd faw tl·e""'e ""'Sre in tht: v1Jla~e "'Veelt that m1cht be, but Lo d-ha fasluunable thol"oughfare, and soon '\\a.a with any patience at all ~ho wo o not w:il ha - I wudna heed aboot it I "ud rath m Jm1g her c1muus demands at tl1e doo1 dulled mto her gonealogy from the Co er go by the ·tea:n coach ' of the Electnc relegraph Offic< venanJ.era down' arda ~Iayhe ye wid, La1rd bi.J.t it'l a l1eap "\)eel, nustressJ what iis t1 i;a1d Oue mornrr1g Chn!iLy o.;a;Tne 1 tto Lau l I che1per b~ the telygraph, bc.:n des, its boJ, on OL)en1ng t1 e door 1 Logans shop, r;ud Jntroduced ber!!.eJf only a ma.ttt1r o' twP.. ortlnee 1neen1ts, 8'1 "\:hat mt' ye 1mpJdent soaur crav; r is sometb ng af er "he fo towi'lg faah.o'l yer clapp1t <loon m Londo" I mte1 cl that a the mamners yo hac? Is yer ma1s u :Vs a do ace ruorn.1"1g 1. '11rd, said being back t11e motn a n1cht I lea thIB ter no m1 Clursty, with au &- stoc... at c sha 1ie of the \TI' the firSt bu.:! lTI. the morn1n' ' "No, n1en1, but-but come ben and head "Ay, and what tune docJ it ·tnrt" hell soon be "Ou ay, there'i naeth1ng wrang w1 the "The 'bu'!l1 ' "When does th-e 61st telygraf start? morning, l\hat :::s neweat wt' yl!I ?" "No, telygraph ' said Chll'stv, addrer,s1ng one of the clc1ks "Newest' presenes u·' did ye no "Ou, the) tell me they'll send ye off aJ "First telegraph! \~hat do \Ou he:.r 1" soon· ye enter the office, and a the; ma a.m1' "No het1r 11'hat 1 sa1il ti a Lr.iid m chnrge '·three shtll n a ' "I inst 111e.,n the first telygraf d1t'.rerently "Lo d Christy, it· wonderfu, ay, but, I wad I mean1' " That me ·nd .Ionn hae gotten a for I preserves uo, I thm 1< I w1d ra.yther tak' " Do you mtend sendmg o, tune left us," ·ns,,ered Ohm1ty, to.Jmg the steam coa h, MI sa1d before, though 'No, but ye II send me, and I 11 her head c~:nously about w1' le the Laud for my pa rt I don t thmk I'll ever need the me·sage myael ' ~ wondered ony o them ' The clerks lo,ked puzzled "What ' "fortune, Chirsty1' "\vhere are you gomg1' "Ay, L~urd, a fo1 "une, ~nd its ' To London mere matter of shillin's ~nd pnce, "Oh' some 0 1 yet lega"'1es ".4.y, \VOman and yc 1 "\ e had rich freene after a I'he La.trd had Ion_£ 8tl1ce cea hei.:e in Clur~ty s i1ch conneol!1ons, and looked on her boa3fa 15 as come· 1 11~ g of a ""'OR EVER natural weakneaa " Losh keep the man r u/s easy ceen we There JS contau1ed in th1:;; wo1.d ...01ne a"'e n t.e ord1nar folk_, our ve11 nppearruice tlnng "luch 1nsp1rcs us with profound awe, nucht convince ye that we\'"( come f:ra.e gr-~u pooler1ty ' But wha s de~d, Oh 'otJ I "Oht the 1 e~t o them, 11' 11tl a tnan I aye respe ket for 11e honc>ty, upnghtne'1, ancl hie big fortune but he a awa' noo, pmr fallow, and we II no forget lnm m a hutry " "But what freen' 'H\.3- he1' "Weel, Laird, I hru:dly JU·t mmd t:te I thmk he atraucht hne o connect10n wao- ay- wait-lct me see-I thmk h ~ wa.a second couam ta:e 1uy bnther m law's w1fe 1 or some way the1ea'booi.. At ony rate, my m1ther, honest and dnscreet and dutiiul w~man, uood to wash and do bit· " Ilal'1y Laird Prov dence has so1ue g111d use fo ' Jt s a ris 1... , woman "What way, Laird1 "Just hecau'39 vre had a gentleman ca ing on lLS lant weel, an' he sa td he 1 a..l been i:-on1e pla . . o en saw a ne,v1:1pape .., a 1d there was newa 1n t say1~' that t\ven'-'Y. three Ru1;1h1una Jiad been kilt by electr c telegrv.ph " Ou ay, but that's fa= awa', Laird, for by, it n ust hae been same nusn.anage " Oh, yes, but people must put up wI<h h ttle 1nconven1ences now and again ' Jf ye h1:ina a nu:.ir comfor abler sage lh rn that, gu,dn an, I doot ye JI Let me oot I I tlft;OlllPLIUUChng p:refer1ed :t.r ll send, 1 persisted

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