Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1871, p. 3

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h ave son1c kno·vledge of J:?lam sewiug.-:AppJy t o l\'lrl:l . R ei d, no w resid 1ng 111 1'-Ir. Collr,rd .s house, King sh eet. A GIRL AS HOlTSE-MAID, Ml;ST - FRESH AT THE GET T IIE _l_ - --:1,; - -- - A. ~ erva n a G irl SL ~· ·c ~s, -- , !.;very one ad mi ts that to sell mer/ !:.m<LB . . App ly 1'.'fl . F u-r Store, corner !{rng a nd f-:il \Tel' 1 n anv1 ll1-1. IM.MEDIATELY, i N A W AN'.l'ED ittm~t:;· a~ ~. l\i~YER'E Ho·w N -EW BRAND, ehandi7'e on credit v ou ni.ust " have, at THE SUBSCRIBER HA YING R ECEIVED HIS THE FAMOU S rent h a lf-y ear, Has th h; d«y been declared, a nd tb a t the sivn e will be pay.\ole n.t tl1e Da.n l..: a.nd its bra.nches on a nd a fter J!'llID-1 Y, the Jh·st d a y of D E CE_,'\LB El?. n.e.xt. !Oaed from tlH 'l'll c Trr.nsfcr Ilook.:i '.\ill be C l:ii.h to lhe 3Ct1 oi N o ve1ube1, Luth days i.1· ,..:Ue.lYC. pai d u11 Cap1 th.l isu:> ck uf l his Ingt1ta tiun for the cur - N '11'IOE IS H EREBY GIVEN THAT a di \1 1~le11 d of FOP:P. Pf"R CENT. a-pon t,hc \ \'ante d! A N APPRENTICE TO LEARN THE Dr 0 J:J smak u.g. MRS . CLINTOX, Chui c !1 Sr, YV e~ t. 'eaet, 10 per cent. more prnfit than for Full Assortment ! U ITED TO THE PRESENT SEASON, Tobacco, -AT- B ·;- or<l "l' of L';e B ottr i'. D . FJBHER, C,..s1nc1. I ~ash. Th e subscriber has therefore llowmanv11l e, Nov . ! st, 1871. INVITES THE INSPE9TION - UF THE 'PUBLIC'. -;oods CHE.APE R , a nd of better v a lue, tha n ony other man in the~ Counties : alJ He ask s is that mt-endjng pur cb aRCr8 g nre J;iim a call, a.nd Judge for themselves, satisfie d t hat t he reault '--w ill be ·nutually profita ble and satisfactory. SILVER, &' DO UGLAS. l ON E DOOR -EA ST OF, -1 ACl lE 01" LA ~ D , - -- ----- ----~0!111'1 v~, decided to reduce his prices, and that BOWMAN- Jn these d ays of puffing a.ud iinposture, h e thinks it needless t o say, t hat he sells A HOUt'lE AND I VILL E, n dri ving '\'} &llP. The ov; ner can h n.ve it by calling at Arnlerson &· Co's Boot cwul on /"t4.e ~re,, and imylng fOI' thiB a d ,.el'tt90m~ t. O N 'l'HE 12Trr I NST., IN and aft.er October 1st, 1871, he will sell for P. S. -An unrivalled ·t ock of Table Linen Damasks purchased before the recent ri.<:.!e in prices. F. Y. K ING ST., noWMANV ILLE . B o w manvlll~c, _i_ sta ble, and a good b:z:ar 1n g oechar tl. For fnrthel p1irdcula.:·s, a,:pply to MH S. L UKE N OBLE B o\vin a n V111 o, Sept. 20, 1S7l, 8-tf j THOMAS P ATEBSON. Oct. 18, 1871. .l.." 1 wul u oLbe res pons1ble fnr any d eb ts con uw.:ted by iny son. .Jan1es Sulley. \~rin m 1n l\.T O'l'TOE TS H EREBY GIVEN, THAT WILLIAM SULLEY. 46-tf. Darlington. Juno 12, 1371. Bow1na.nviile, Oct. 26, 1871. CAR RI_..._".._ GES ! Ri·i ck CoUage CA SU ONLY I STUBBORN FACTS ' I and at F OR As there is a great deal of misrepresentation regar 1ng t ~ CARRIAGES, merits of the different sewing machine11, and may persons Ji"ORSALE, MACHINE-MADEPRE!'l CASH PRICES. . . b I WAGQON ~, have been misled by these untr11thful statements, we give e 1 ~~D 'Vltm> Brim , n.t ~~~· low the names of a few of those who tested th-~ Wanzer I CUTTERSJ Royal Insurance If you will only c~l and examine Machine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the SLEIGHS. &c., C0~1:PA.N'Y. MAN C'!'ACTCRED IN ANY STYLE D:Ee tRP.:n, l L I F E. the goods you will be satisfied that Lockman, Osborn, or Raymond-some of them paying us FIRE AND AND ON TIIE SHORTEST NOTI CE. over $20 to cxch_ ange: TEllIPORARY OFFICES : en1en1ber that nothing but ·the best material is ,R I used, and b est ·workmctt ern.plnyed- thus ensur· ' (~orner of' l>it. Paul and 1iiit. he ea.sh sy stem is decidedly the most 'MRS. C. G. HANNING, Bow1,I1anville. ing dura bility, elegance snd c omf,)r t- t h e 111ost ' HON. J. SIMPSON, Bowmanville. Bricks? Bric ks ! II Street. F or J 1~rticul!lr:3 n.p ply to I R-:l&tf. W. P R-OWER. SA LE ON WE L L I NG TON d. h thanks t o the P.Ublic for p ast liber.Ll patronage. that prepa.l"ed ~ to f1ll all or ders in his Jine in a u lanner second to no es· tabhshmont In the counties. James N RESPECTFUI,LY RETU R NING I 'vould announce he iii now = = = · ('IJ Con 5, Cartwright. The most of the lano h as been m 1>asture nnd men.dew for 10 years. A quantit y of fa.lien cedar of excellent quality t'or sale. Apply t o Rev. W . LOGAN , CartWTigh t, Sept. Oct. 4t h , 1871, 10-tf. - ---------, 'l'o !litc11t. A BOUT 50 ACRE::l OF LOT No. 14, ~>\.. now b een t( stcd beyond all questioaand tao ' edict of the public i s t he.t to~da.r . 'I1HIS CELEBRATED M-"-CRINll - G E N G Y O F "I:H-E BOWMANVILLE FURNITURE ll't StandM wit11out a RiYal J MANUFACT URING CO. T HE SUBSCRIBER HAYING BEEN It i.s the appointed retail 4 $"cnt by the B owmanville Furniture Manufact uring Co., is now in a posi· ion to fill nil ord()rti a.t ns lov.· o. rate ll.S any deal· er in the county. , 11-36 ROBT. s, M,L "<NIN G. -~-~·- ~--- ---- --------- I APP L E SI highes ' nto~t eub1tanti11.Uy built, hat tho fe1"efi working pa rt.a, b eautiful in design snd _11ni.th._.f:las the best design of a s uttle, &nd br far. the[,AJ!GEST HOBBrNS. It "' capablo of performing a rangn of w or k h ithei-to though t i mpoHible' for Se,ving M!iChiut'S. F1·a n cois Xavie1· ~ lrc e ts. . $Io~uoo.uou D. FISHER, THOS. JOHNSTON, JOIIN McCLUNG, do. do. do. W . G. PERRY, do. I i n1p or tu.nt r e quisites in a con ... e.} aueo. 4.o&u,oou aee£cla.l t o the buyer. 9 , 500,0UO 1W. E . TILLEY, WM. EDWARDS, MR. LUMMIS, Cartwright. do. do. ' · R cpail-in'g jn a11 br a nches of the trade I l;y attended t o. I ALL KINDS C:> F prompt· IL. I U F a ll apples, for which t h e I pru.:e will b e paid. ' T, Bownumville, Sept, 6, 1871. I "'"'.ANT.ED· ~oo BARRELS HAND-PICKED DARLI~G'fON. _.,._ '! ,;; ·. sold at nbo,ut onc·h.~lf'fhe 6-5-w p\·ice of-thici: J?laelline· THE SUBSCRIBER HAS NOW RECEI VED on Lives gr:tnted on fa.v01ll'able t er1ns, a nd Unq_ucstion a.blC security is offered t'l P olicy h olders. Besi d es th oLa.rge P aid· Up Cap ital of' the Com pan":, _.\ssurers Im.Ye .Additional Security in the C".N' utl:IITED LI AHiLI'fY of a '\Vealtby Pi·oprieta.ry. . T he Spco1a.l Life Assn1'n.n oo :Fund now amounts t o .A.s~uranoe RICHARD SHAW, Darlington. J.P. LOVEKIN, Clo.rb. I BLACKSMITH WORK, I I~ S A'l'ISFACTOR ILY R. T. WILKINSON, Ne>rc"8tle. MRS. HILJJAM, MR. BARFOOT, do. do. Do~:E E. BEMAN, J . B ELLWOOD, d~. A SUPERIOR I MANNER. I . HE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING l'HE LIKE \\,.ORK. Is equall7 B.t home o n ~-ather a s on fine goods. H as ca.r ried coff ~ vcr the Il o.,,e, Singer, Lock1na.n, Wheeler ~ \~ils ou, '\\ a nzer, lta ymond, &:-c. , « 4. Perteet Machine Guariln tefoil or no sale. · HIS do. S. BORLAND, Orono. MISS HAMBLY, Port Darlington. 0. W. SMI'\'H, Darlington. $6,80 3 .210· TBF. SUM OF Fall Importations of FANCY AND STAPLE I Q. When you want an,i;thing in the , carriage lino, give JAMES MORR TS a _ Icall, and he " ill suit you, One door of the Ontario B o.nk. Bowm a nville, Oct. 10, 1871. A. LOOKHART, Clarke. '"""·st THE GUELPll HA.ND 18-l r out of rep <l ir than oth et· watch es. They a re Inore accurate tune keepers. Q A special wut"1·ant y fron1 the .Fac tory w itl every watch. B ov.·manv1lle , Sept. 20. 1'3il. THOMAS l\1cCLUNG, Bo wmanville. M . D. WILLIAMS, REV. R. BOYLE, do. do. do. STEPHEN CLEMENCE,Darlington. WILLIAM OLEMENCE, MATTHEW OOLE, Tyrone. JORN BURN, Manver!. d0. $73<-;,200. having l>ccn added ther eto 1\s arcSlllt of t he Bu.siness of t he P ast Year. 1 \fter the Pay·ment of o.U Cl ai m.:i, Cueb BonusetS, .Ann uities a n d 1£x pensca of c v c1·y D escription. Tables oi' Ilat.13s, Proposal Form s and fu.11 l nf('! r mat.io n cu.n be ob tained on applioa.tion to t he u ndersigned. H. L . l!OU'l1H. l!;. F'. l:Ui..: DDALL, Chief ..\.gents !or Ca.na.dn. NEW PHOT'OGRAPEI GALLERY. T HEY ARE LESS LIABLE TO GE'! GOOD NEW'i>l Dry GoodsI R. R. LOSCOMBE, llffiS. BROCK, do. I And a gre"t many other.. . .A. P E RRY, I'irc I nspe.;;t()r. lW llE R 'l' ARMOUH, Agen t at Bo\'r n:111nvi1JeN . B - The :fin o.ncial p osition of the It1,~·nl is in no wa.y ntfcetd hy t Ile rcoent .V'lre at Ch1co.g0, the Com pa n y having no Agent doing businei:s in ~t 00.y. 12-lm. i1 erance streets, or e of th e 1nm;t con:i~pleto I Intending ,purchasers, can enquire of any of the above, r e- Tem P hotJgraph G alleriea in tlus Rect inn of the Pro· vince, no w prepo..red to t a ke And notwithstanding the gree.t rise .garding the merits of these machines. ALL KINDS OF LIKEN ESSES ' is T HE SUBSCRIBER HA YING FIT- i tet. up , in the brick blor;k c or nei· of K i n,.. and R. & H. O'HARA. of all fabric3 in the foreign markets in t h e L ATEST AND l\IOST IMPROVED 'Dirno l n t ion ot· Pa;r1ne1·ship· F ORE exist ing b etween the undersign ed , a s h oop skirt manufacturer s in th e '! 'own of Bo wm anv1 lle, \1 11der tho n o.rue. style a.nil firn1 of B. Rherin & Co . is dissolved br mut11al c onsent'\Villiam ];lcClung rotiri.ng therefrom. All debts d ue by the sa1d tlrm w ill be p aid by B. Sb e:rin, .an d to whom all debts due to the &aid fir m m ust be paid. Dated a t Bowma n ville this 18th day or October, 1871. "-ritness: ) B . SHERCT R .RUSS ~L'!,4 LQSCOl\fBE, J ,V. .!l'IcCLUNG. STYLE OF THE ART. 'T H 1!1 P ARTN1!1RSHIP HERETO- he ·will !ell all goods at the old THE CHEAPEST PLACE ! A eaJl and inspection of spec1mens is requested. EX1'HA~CJ£-.Op positc T ov.-J1 l ia.U entrance. L W . SEX'l'ON. Dowman-rlllc, Oct ob er 4t h, ! Sil. I FOR LADIES T HE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES I . Millinery Goods, of Bvv.·manvillc and vicinity is respectfulh s olicited to my new stock of of everi "' of t h e l a te s t styles, an d a1 prices o sulv cv cryoody, ju~t r eceived for thh< l!'all's trndc. j I have also a v ery superior asstirt.mcn t of : L A DIES' UNDERCLOT HING, L ADIE S' COLLARS a nd CUFFS, BRAIDED SUI TS for CHJJ . DREN, Berlin , Fjn Kerin g and F leecy Wools ; B r aiding and Embroider~ M a tenals. S tam ping for Dra.i c l· work and E mbroidery; also, m aterials for the sa.1n e. Stitch ing- doue to order . Chig:non8, Switches a n d R olls in great v arie ty. All orders promptly attended t o. A ()all r e~pectfnlly solicited. Remember the stand-Two doors East of IIenderson's H otel. MHS J . C. l'OLT,AHD. Bowmn.nville, S()ptember 14:, 1871. ;re the best made, simplest, more dura.ble and ' ohab1c than any other single-thread nlachine.Larger and wor k with great e sse. Will do all \. md s of doniesh<.: se wing in a perfectly sat btfAe· · Has t aken first pr ).!i(e ~·h·reY.r exhibited. description~ AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHEM SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS, F or tern1 ~, !tunvle!J cf r;ewing , &o., AJ)ll'l.r lO prices-for euh. TO O'WNER.S OF GUELPII SEWING 1'IdCHINE CO'Y, GUE L PH. CA.. ,,_-.APA. TO BUY F. F. J\foARTHUR 1 iFar-m Property -A'ND- FOR'l'ridie.custo1nerSof th e late fi rm of B. Shen n & Co . that lie in tends ca r1 nng on t11e Hoop Sk irt business a.t t h e prCn1iSes "1ut el )" ocuu~ - 'Jlied by B. Sherill & Co. , on King street, in the '"" , 'Ilewu ofBown1anvillo : to whon1 o.11 orders m ay -.......~ be ttddressed, ancl aame w'ill receive prompt at~ :t-entiou. B. SHERIN'. ALS O, W ANTED! A few ~ma.rt girls; to lcro"D the Hoop Skirt bU!I· !n ese. High est wages given. Bewman:~Hle. Oc-tobeT !S, 1871. Mvr. --~----- T HE UNDERSIG NED BEGS TO IN- - 1 DETACHE~EIDENCE. UT P... &: H. O'HARA , "\Vhc.lesalo &gen~ fur th e Counties of Durham, Onta rio a n d Victor.a. « Special u1ducemon h to Lii.·e l\g~lltt. J anuary 18th , 187l . --------~-------~ -- Caution!! To the Public of the B ritish Pr<>vinoM of N orth America. acquaint the pub lic of tlle British North Am. encan pt-o v1 nces that in May lo.st I caused the business at 80, l\.f aiden Lane N cw York, for the sale of HoJ.LCl\VAY'8 PILLBAND OINT) [El'.'T.i..v.·Jlich "\Yere up t o th at t.une p re}lared by \Villiani J:Srowu, now tlecea sel;l. to be closed. Theso MeclicineB were, I regret to Sa), from v·hBt has lately c otue lo 1ny knowle dge, ma.de up of such v ery ordinary ingred1ents as to render th em almost worthless, a.nd thel"efor e calcnlatcd t o damage my good name. 'rhose who do 11ot wish t o 1,c de :en·cd by bu}· ing SJJUrions lnedicincs, which u1 e nO"\\" likely to e1..t'lanate from the Sta.tea 01 · elsewh er e, but t-0 fmSl!>ess the1nsel ves o f the genuine HOLLOWA v's PH.LS AND Ot~TME~T "\Ylll do w e ll to sec thnt ea.ch pot and box bears th e British Governn1ent stam p on which is engraYcd the words " HOLLOWAY'S P TLT s A NDOINT:MGNT," and t ha.t the ad~ dress on the la.Bel is 533, OXFORD STREET, LONno N, where onlJ th ey arc nuiuutactu:rcd, l)nd in no oth er i1art ofth e world. 'l'hc r etail prices are on t h e labels in British curren cy, and not in dol· laT"fl and cents. Nu l'epreaentativ e or n1in !'.l will ever t ra vel t.h r ough any p a.r t of the Brit ish Prov inces. o r the U n ii.ed States, eilh er Lo sell, or to take ordel'EI for in~ Pillf'I anll Omt1ne nt, ~nd as I h ave reason to believe that a t. tem/1 t.s \\lll ver y 1n·obably be tnade , to d eceive t11e rmb 1c in t11is way b y persons call· ' ing upon medic ine vendors, false)y r epresen tlllg thnt t1wr are acting for rue, and with n1y know~ ledge a nd l'Onsent, I cleem 1t advisabl e to put th e p ublic on Lheil' gua rd against any such d eccptiom . I most 6.'.t.tllef'ltly entreat all tho111e "'-'"ho inay ( rea d tlus wJ ,·ertisem ent t hat t hey be pleused, in tPo -pnbhr in ter est, to c ouunu niuate tlie p urport Of lhC SaUle t O t heir friend;, that th e)" lllUY llOt be de.frauded of the·r money by pnT"c~1 ng worthless iniita:"ionsof the gen nine HOLLO\VA y's l 'ILLs' ~ ND Or.:-:~E.NT . G-o o nsl I " ' INSU RE YOUR PROPERTY IN TH:& -AND- H alf Your - Money. . Office for Canada, Kingston .l z'P!~'ED . TO T H?~ .--Tiu: A -- ---~---- N A T IONA L PILLS. I BEG MOST RESPECTFULLY TO T A N D G R O C E R J. E ~ HIS old snd well es tabli shed Company insures not hing b ut Fa1m Pro pert y anJ a.1 ,.,.1 df!t acht>d Reside ac es 1 nnd Is su'es l"oli cics ~·st Ai;·" er tJeuatry. Cath:irti" ·1 Grea tely Reduc ed Hates. ASS ETS . . .. ........ . . $550,000.00 MARKET BUIJ,DINGS .DICINE, &.T e compos~d ot PURE L Y DISCOVE n. .... Y NE ~, ,., o:r Jl'Ei .. ~ l'-3 VEHW!'A1' LE J;X'tRACT8, :;; 8 ~ Deposited with the Finn.11c~ ~fin i a:ter for s pecia l b ene fi t of' Cana dian ?olicy bolders, over · . $100.00 0 ::t: fol ~ ti! p.. ~ being fre e from rnercUiv or other p o ~ ~ so ns; they can b e taken ii.t all times a nd under all circumstances, w1thout regard t o diet or bu.~nnegs. T hey act un tJ1e ~ L'iver a nd L>Toe ~t1 ve Organs, giving H them ton e and healthy a ction O T hey a r e a gc1 1111ne R lood a nd Sto· Z m a£h P u rifier, a r e niild, sea1·oh1ny a nil i»' a. Tho ro 11gh P urya tive, and are p r o· ~ nounced by a.1 1 wl10 h a ve used t h em to ~ M a first;..cl ass fam1ly pill, and well t'4 w oith y or a trial . ~ « THEY A R E SUG.il\ CO A TED. ~ Sold by all drnggists and me dicjna dealers. W OODH CFF, B ENTLEY & CO. Pr oprietors, Brougho.n1, Ont . z See t hd follow ing Certifir~tes :This is to cer tify lh11t 1he Ag t·icul t ura.I ln- DR. RPA-DvVAY'S PERFECT BO'\VMANVILLE FOR CASH IS AT ' · sur11.nce Oomuan) having d('pos itt'd in tli e band s of the R e c~ iver G e n eral of Ct\ nnda, the 8Um of Fi fty .four Tbousa.1~cJ i-· iv e Hun- :n I dred Dol lars) in L:n1ted Stutes bo..irl::', as re· qid1ed by the .A ct of Canada, 3 L Vic., cha. 4 8 1 sec 22 , is hereby hcensed to c arry o n.. the buq-iness in Ctt.nad i\ of Fire lnsnta.uce Da ti-d a t lbe C ity of OttawA, tbe 2ad dH)' of J une, 18 70. JORY LA~ GTON 1 f ·r Mi iste1· o f Finft.n~e . Th is is tQ cer t ify lbtLl (hav e b een acqun.ivt- PILLS. "LOCKMANn tJ 1e a~ teu t 10!; of. f~nn ers t o t?e ~one-hors_e i~n u two-hor."~ 11011 Uulti v.-t_tors manufactured b!i ~m , :rd \\ hU,h ha.Ve for SIX :yea.L'S f?~tau1ed erst prizes Pl'o vi?cial and. Loca l F :uro:. Th~. are un. doubtedh t he best im plement of t h e kind ln use, a nd r'Ylll 1n.a very short ~ime more tha n repa:Y ~h ei , cost, in th~ ~tfl cienc; and exooU ~nce of theu· vorx. Inspection invited. A suppl~ of Cultiv!l-· t ors now on hand for tJ~e sprm g >'l Ork, a nd "\Vlll be iiOld at lowest ra,tes. T - H E SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIR. ECT , I Pd with the Office rs n nd Ma.ringers of t h t> .Agricult! , H al Ineurn.u ce Com pa ny for nt!\ny ye11ra, l\nd l\.lso w ith th~ b usi uess ope rnti ons of tlie C ompH. ny 1 and h Rve n o bei:d tst.ion 1n recommt'nding 'it HS U, perfl·Ctl _y S~ fo ~1nd rP l u~b l e f' x rm pa n y, a nd i ts U1tl cers a s c oinJJ'· tPUt a·1d ho no r ah !~ buswe ~ ~ ruen· ; tUJ d as n insu:i;:t.>s n tl thin g b u t F ·i r m P1n pe rtv tt nd dl'1a c bed Dw<>Plngs, a nd has $53n. oo~o- A alf1? ts. l co n.s Hl e r 1t reS jlJ asibti bt·yond any con tit; IRON H _-\.RROVVS of a supe rior ldnd, a lso on han rl. G G I E S A N D \V A G 0 N S con:'!t.antl.1- un b &nd fore.ale . ·131" A ll k inds of B hi.ck ,,c1nith wcr k done on t he sh ortes Ln otice. A ca.JI sohCl tcd . I LJ..:Utf. I. "\VESTCOT T , B ov.-manville, B U Look-Stitch Sawing Machine! 'KING OF CANADIAN SE'\VIN G :M.ACIIINES. K -fftG OF AMERIC.AJ."f ... . ~ _,..,:.. I 'I' !EWThG MACHINES. · N ADA a.re now using these :Ma.chines· They have been tested beyond all que!!tion, m a ke t,he fa.vorite lock -!3titch-nlike on bot11 side3i and are pronounced s uperior to a.ny othermac hineoffe.:red to the public. For wide range of work, pe rfection, beauty and excellence of mechanism,adaptalulity, tr·nlit h a.nd d ura bility, T HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CA- I w ould a:.k , as a grea t fav oar, that shou ld it come to th"' k n owledge of an y person that spu.rious mcdicinOs u.re beillg inadc or sold i n my nu.me, h e be pleased to send m e all the particulars he can collect r esp ectin g t he same, tha t is to say, 1he n ame and a ddr~as of the venrlor who is sell 1ng the spuriou s m edJmne", a nd llkewJse t h e name a nd addr ess of t he H ouse in the U nited States, or elS('.where, w h ich may h a.ve suppli ed them, s o as to enable me, for the protection of the public, to ins titute pr oceedi n g~ a.ga.int1t such evil-doers, a nd I engage to r emunerate very hands omely any person w ho m ay giv e me such information, the informant 's narne 111:n·er being divu.lJ::;:'ed. Should any pP.rsnn have r on.son to believe thn.t he has been dec~ived by buying spuriou s Jmitations of thes e 11mUcin es, h e \\"lli do well to send me, in a letter, to the itdrlress at foot (which he can do at a. cost of six cents 1n postage), one of the books of instruct wns ""·bich are a tllx.ed to the same. I prom1ae to examin e i t and se nd a. replv, s t.a.ting "'-"·hether the Mediciues are genuine Or not, so that if spurious he m ay apply to the per· son from whom he purchased them to b a ve h is money ret u rn ed . · ~~ Chemfats and Druggists who de15ire to obtain the l\fedrnines can -be s n:pplied at t he lowest wholesale pnces in q uantities of n ot leaQ t han £20 "\vorth (for '\\·hich r emittance m ust be sent in adunce)-,·iz., 8s. 6d., 2'13., and 3ie. pel' dozen lmxes of Pills or pots or Ointment. nett, without discount. I h R.ve t he h onour to be, With g reat ree.peot, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 553 O:r!ford Street (l.at e 211, Strand), London, w. Septu nb"" I, 1871. 11-10. McCLUNG \ l.ccturc to Y ouug 1'1~11. Sealed Envelope. Price six cent s· .& L ectu1·e on the N at.ure, 1'reat1nent a nd r adica l CureofSpe1·n1atorrhcaa, or Scm1na.l "rcakness, Involunr,ary Ennsions, Sexunl Debility, and Iinpedunents t.o Marriage genora.lly; Nervousness, Consumpt ion, Epilep>y, and Fits; Mental and Bhysi c aflncain1.c1~y. r esult1ng__frorn Self~Abmm, &c.-By ROBE R1' J. CUJREWELT~ M. D,. Author of the " Green Book," &c. The world·renowned author, in thi111 &dmireable Lecture, cl(larly prove~ from h.is owu ex· perience that the a w ful consequences ot S elf.Abus e ma.y be etrectneJly remo ved without medicmMC, and without dangerous· surgical oper· atione, bougxee, instruments. ringa. or cordials pointing ouL a 1node of ouro &t one& certam and e ffectual by which every sufi'erer, no n1atter what is condition may be may cure himsrlf cheop!y, ~rintely, n.nd r;;(lically, THIS LE?TURE WILL PROVE A BOON 1:0 THOUSANDS .!..N:D TH~ USAN DS. Sent under Sf.(1.4 in a plain euve.lope, to av ad dress, pastp aid on receipt of six cents or two 'POst st.a.m.J)s:. · ., . . ~lso, Dr. Culver f' Jl 1 Marr1ags Guido, BROS l<'A llM &<;RS! gE ·ncy. D. D. GALY! !', l f P. I'. We have examined int o the cona1non arul e s t a n ding of t he Agncultu ral ln su rftu11 Compan y, nn tl d o f ull) cvn cur with Mr, {J H. e n in rrcommeudi ng it to the Fn.1m~rs or tot!! Prov ince, as o ne pertt> c tl y sl:lfe aad 1cli.ith1e in wbi c h to insure t.he1r prop erty . · J UST PUBLISHED IN .A or Shed, attend the Auction of buildings in r eal' of t h e ol d distillery, on Saturda y first , a t 3 · ·· p .m. A rare ch ance. S. BURDE~, Sec. B. C. C. B o"\vmanl·illc, 26th Oct . I F YOU WANT A BARN, STABLE, A Splendid l~a1·1n f'o1· !iiiale, ~lemen, in J . C, CLAllK 1 Bnnk~t, J . CAJUtUT H IOtS & ' CO . G,;o. A. Ki nK P.ATllIClK, )t. B. M . BRll'TON. r. I c+ 0 n ear t he Town of Bo"·manville. Applicatio~ to be made to J . S. BATES, Propriet or. Bowmn-nville, October 4th, 1871. 10-tf. IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM .Notice. APPLICATION W:ILL BE MADE --totheLegislatureottheProVinccofOritario 1:1.t its n ext Session for a n A c t to amend the A ct of the Province of Ca.nada, entitled ·· .A.n .A.ct to consolidate tbedebt of t.heTown ofBo~-man'i'tlle " and passed on the l!lth da y of May 1860 so a s io e nable the Corporation and -RatePa.rc:ra of""th j said Town of Bowmanville to increase the debi t h ereof. We wo uld refe r you to the f ollow i ng gen. 1 regard to tbe responsibilit 1 or the Oompanv :-D. Fis her, F.sq . 1 Ca.shiP r o f the Ontari~ Pt.nk i Jno~ .M r LPod, 1\1. P . P ., J , B Fairbnii J., Esq., PoetTn as ter; J. E. F a rewell Esq ·1 Barrister. ' · Agent for ~ob ~ n rg a nd vic inity, ... ville. . WILLIAM T, FISH. W. R. CL!M!E, L ocal .!gent at Bowman~ ·, j , Decem be r ~ 1 1871. a., prfgdzs ce~f:· rfiil 6 i~r~.~ ~·. c CONDENSED , 127 Bowery, N·w { · . ~t'Jme Box, 4,SM 0 KI..IN7.:. k co R. 'VIN¥~;ik. ATMOSPHERIC BATH The Gre.,test fnvtlnt!oa et tlle Ase. D1sMsee, both a.cute and ohronic. Prof. a nnounce to the people.of Oahawa and the count ry at Jarcc th&t w. . condensed Air B.:\th ie n ow i n successful oper:ation 1Jl Osh&l\"O. a.nd he is reedy to treat all di!seH.Sol5 on the priD.: c1ples of .Airpathy, or a condensed ~tme>sphere. lie has purified nnd dlscl pllned it tO become one of tho greutest sanitary agents of th~ a.co, nd perhaps or the. w orld. As a core for di~eaees, it must unquestionably hold · ~ J1l ae 3 M fa.r a.boV't all other cnrativo an.d sanits ry agents aa its re.. la.tion to animal life is abo ve a ll other elementt or agencies know11 to scien ce . A-cute di·Mti·e, auch A! Scarlet Fev er, 'l' YJJhotd Fever BihoUi! !!'ever, .Acute Infia.m me.tio-n of the L-ii:ng.a &nd Bo'.\·ele, D ysentery, w ith all oth.f!!r!or ma o! .Ac·wDiseases, cn.n be c1U"ed in t heir early staget in a very fe w h ours Wlihout f&il, l'lo if you .or yoat fft.I!lily are attacked witll any a cut e dise&lJe come to tho Bath a nd save the au1fer1ngo! a Ions protra.oted illness. 1'he {'Ure is sure and certain Bowma.Dville, Oct. 2!-t~, 18.71. 13-6w. {lllronic Di11ease8. The Osborn S ewing J'vtachine has no rival. luil)lvellt \.cl of TOOK ::.THE F tlUiT l'RJZE AT l 'II E &:rlmp1-ol'em ent15 ha Tc lately been mad e, e:na.blin g t he n:ui.nu1acturere to claim it a s the n e plu.~ 'Ult·ra of S e wing 1\.f ac!nnes. H undrcdsof tcstimvwals a.re b eing r eceived d a.ily fr om oltla.s ·well a s. !lew O,J?erat.or s att est mg "its "\vondcrfUl ca.pa.b1liL1es . ' ' lll do all k1ndH of dornostic se\\1ng from t he :fin est cfl.lllbr w to t he coa.raetit ov er-coat or upper loather. R. JA..'1ES ,ELEC1'ICPHYSICIAN, OR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OJI D F Stone would I Guairanttcd to be a:i re:nr~e n ted or no ial.t Trr f ' · rt' a-rranted f or thru ytMlf. 0eBOIL"i" O UTFIT i:-J oornplr:t~ tt.nd r eadily compr ehended . Is sold a t on e-h n.lf th e price h ith erto charged for n1e.chine3 doing n. hke ro.ngc of ~ ork, the manufacturers lH~1 n g determmed tCI place it within tll6 .rent h of cTe1-y family in the <:ountry, others""" teotity, who The trea.tine nt h&s been thol"Ongh!:r te-st ed ln Chronic Discasr:s with the greatest success. Is pre-ern lnentljr LJ1 e b e!"it Sing~e Thread ~1&1'hln e Uis~nfi es ?f the Hem:t, Head and Throat, Bron· offered tli e p ubhc-h enc~ its m Rrvcllou.s sueoeoo oh1tis, Liver Co1nplaint, Dyspepsia A sthma \Vill do a ll "Va.r1etieso t' llomestic sew ing Pn.ICEt: Ce.ta.rrh1 K erv ous A lf ection.e., Nenous Headaobe; G R E AT-LY RE DUCED. Para.lYSlS, Dea.fnelis, Neu r a lgia. Rhewnati~n. Ha nd 1I\l.cbine -..,1tl1 f,1ll w 1tfH. $1~; Tr eadle D1a.be tce, Du>pflv, Diseases or the L ungs COn· ~um,ption in its 'Early and Middle Stages, i:nsn.n· do., $17. « Eac.1 i l\:!adnne gnar& ntoocl. ity, a nd all F e male D1fflculties. He Las never ~...!..;,-en<'~ wanted etterywmre. Splttt d id i-n.- ll1l.lde a. failure of & c nre, "\V h ere he hn.d a r e.aeon· tl·!:-.OmRtit.! ~ maktJ m oney Apply t.8 able tilne and & regular attendance. lie v.·ould invite &11 tho11e that Aro eutnirtng from disea.ses of any. kind to call on him a'J:ld in· ~'J'ELPH SEWING MACH I NE CO'Y, letltigato hir,; pr in ciples of ouro or any inqulrie& 1 <;!;UELPH , CANADA. to tr~atm ent and cure b;y letter "\"rill r ela tion honettly and promptly a.n· 'IT'ercd. .,. The Gue I p h Revers1"ble f.:~;i~a"tt'·d, which "\VoUld respectfully at&t e t hat he is now I n the matter of treating sucoeMfully tbe following diseaacs :J. 0. L, GIBSON, Epilepsy, or falling F1ts. tu their' worst form i deceased, an In.1olvtnt. Constnnption, eht ltl'J '\"&rioua 111t1t.!"!!1, (with Dr. J.'1 :remedies eoni.iumptioll i~ no lonzc r an inc nr ab1e disen.ae); Bronchitis, CAL&rrb, .A9thms, si.:coND DIVIDEND ·SHEET IS ;i Orav~I Drop~y, General nrop!\f, &o., -p:atiente I G G I ~ R 0 T U ii:' 1'1, : . .- prepared and is open for inspecti on a.nd ob· · who ha ve been tapped seTeral tun~a are cur able Jeet1on 1 a t my office u p to the tenth day of N ounder Dr. 1amcs' troo.tmont; dlseaso· of th· CHEMIS.T AND DRUGGIST;vember, 1871,V't h en t:he d ividends there,in allotted will be patd. ANEYE AND EAR, TIIOM..iS CHRISTIE, · TIEGS - RESPEOTFULLY TO DNouNc:n: tha t he has roce1Tel1 a well &I' Bo"\vmanvillc, Oct. 23rd, 1871. As8igne e. Etton of youth NerTous Debility, Premat ure .:irted,,!'t-OCk fJf Genui_ne Drug, 3.lld Puro En1irlish De~ay and all the etrecte o! indi:lcreUonl!I of tb.emicaJ.s. Aleo, a. splendid atock of t he mo1t youth--acnre lo gnar&nteed; Dr>,P·,P01a, Llnr T_T _ A T L Q ! '1-.H -"~l"E! Ar.to.Uy selected DIBeMol!I, and disea.eel!I of JVomen and Ohildrt.n, .C. .L .&.....1 r _ ~ DYE STUFF.S! . Cancerg cured wi t.hout cuttilll', a.nd lit tle Jl&ln : Sore Lege', Salt Rheum, and Scrofula. in all its LL YOU -WHO NEED SHOEING wh1Ch e.nnot bo surpl\s·u1;d for ie::reellener of founl'l. Dr. J. le happy to ~ay , diaease8 which qnality An ueortment of .Aniline DyM kept c ome along a nd get B argain s for it U; h ave hitherto be~n thO U!i:'ht incurable &J"e now ecintta11tl7 on )and, toget her With a. lllt0t.oe 15era.p~illt yielding ~o hie. treatment, M hb1 grateful k nu"\Yledged by t hose o! experience'. that l1et.lon of · patient! are willing to teetify. No Ca.lome l, no mercury, no Mineral P oisons, will be adtnmie.· TJJls b the Plac<· to Duy Boots DRUG!!, terctl in any form, 1n any dieoaee. CHEMICAlll, · and Shoes--i\'odc Bette1·. Tue afthc~d, who cannot obt&i:n relie r from PATENT MEDTCINJ!S, oth er BQurcee, are particuln.rly inTitOO lo call and '\'\re , are now manufa cturing , from the br.iit llRGBHE R, COMB'<, see hitn , . rnater1al , Bnots of any dcs u e il pa ttern, ano \Yru·· 1 Br Office in Nmlson s Ha.U, J3olleville. Ofilce ran t ed to fit or no sale. l!HOULDEJR-BRACM, hour&, 11 a . m . to 3 p. m. The s u bscnber feels gra teful for the v ery liber~ , SUPPORTERS, - · 11:<. : Youn moat reBpeotfully, ' al palr·ange h e hMhad!or th e last fifteen years Jt. JAMES~ M. D. anil would soli cit a contin uance of pub lic patron: MI.a, A I 1-i I I l"rovincilll Exlaibition ! J us t hell! at Toronto, over th0 mos t renown~ Sewi11.g l\.fachiue s in the " ' orld, nniong which vr er e the celebrated _ H owe, Wbeeler &: W i~n, A n.,; T · , · .T. & .A. Sl\Il'l'E):, ~ti-~ 9!!1M!wo, J1"'t 111, 1m, ' - ITONI:. I would lwg to any to a1J who a.r e indobtetl to m e, mt her by note or.book account, they mu.wt n .., NO, T 1 OJJINt :U:.l.Nw.llONllJW conie to the scratchthir.Jfall. P ast cxpel'lenceJ1u .urn ra11: TJmOJ\'\" OJ' Ktl'llC. taught me tba~ steel's a re much ensicr broken in _ 1vhen yloduni;- i! a lJowod t-0 run until fonr or five y ears o it is eons1derad a brea k·ncck age. Now N CAMI 1 JOH DGE, Ml: S. DOC., ENG· all that are in arreurs, n.nd ail accounts due thi· LA.ND, TMehir at ti.. abon. fall wll be expected to pay up. :;..,':.,-..,~·:: 0 , ~n n~· B.. BR ADSHAW. , Ito - · .. _,,.; & H. ~ .,., ...411.. ~e, ,,..lmt !NJ', age. p~e. "I -Giii~ I'l.l "- "'1:0!l I - E AN" I HORS · J;J ' T .AJ:tNISH~, and"""HITEtlt.A.D 1111' .At Hao Y(it;r lo"ftt·t pr!cft · CO LOM i 1 ,. = ., · [1;.1 &c. 'l'his Ja only a conflr n1a t ion of th~ \ 'e:rdict previously reniler ed by tlic Great Caiiadi~i Public, and provef:I conclusively th e en7PERion1TY chine Co., Gro..,.·er cl: Itu.ker) Singer, H<>lVI'.! Ati d \Villinms' Machinee. W e h~ \· e a lao on hand.a a full stocl' o!the LlTTLE WANZE R ~ochtn""" · :Per sons not satisfied with onei Machine Ct\i:i ,.,.~ change for any other inside of t hirt y days. ~~ !nemher It. & H. O'Hara't~ 1" Utfl' hwtN11 JU.· CATTLE MEDIOI'"ES i· )I'. _ B.-Oounirf nnJIJ.lod cm M_ .._ Bt<>rok..p... 1 . ~- . -. -I ~

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