Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1871, p. 3

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~OVEMBER, 's -(;-.itii-... -,, · It.... \!" ~ OF THE . .,. ., ~~"(' . Ji.. ~ --, I I Hooey J:-<: state 'l'OvYNRHIP OF OAH'l" RIGH'l, BY 'fJ~ND £: R. have some knowJ.edge of plum sewi ng - lJ1Jly tu Mrs l-ttid,UO'\Vres1d.ng1u r.1r. Collttrd's c.11.:.se, K.J.ng street. ~ A GIRL AS ROUSE-MAID, MUST FRESH ARRIVALS AT THE A Good I I i Sn1oke, i .'it' ,..the Osborn. ---: o : ~--· GLASGOW \_N APPRENTICE TO LEARN THE Dre;,smnking. l\.fRS CLINTO N, Ch ui ch St. "'\Vest. 1 87 ~. HODS E J GET THE NEvV BRAND· THE FAMOUS n dividend of FOUR. Pf~H. CENT. upon thLI patd up Capital striek ofthrsinstlLuLrn n for the cnrrenthalf-yenr, haa tb1sdaJ been declared , and that the same will be p a;rahle u.t the Bank and 1t3, Ql branches on and aftul' r..: FBIDA Y, tk.firot day of DECE,,!BER nu;t. .t N ()'f'ICE JS HElrnBY GlVEN THAT The Transfer Books will b e closed from the :rHE SUBSCRIBER HAYING RECEIVED HIS Bow1nonville, 1'\ov hit, 1 ..'ou;,s s~, The ov.ner oar Full Assortment o f >G 1*:o d s>' Myrtle Tobacco, ISUITED TO THE PRESENT SEASON, 15th to th e 30th of No\-em~r. both days in· clusn o. r'1 Dy order of the DoArt1. C D. FISHER, C·shler. "' ONTAnro BANK, = el h '< e Store, l.ve 1t by calh ng at Anderson &~ Co's Boot an. andpa~1ng fo 1 I VIL LB, n. drning "\\ HIF >N THE 12rn INST , IN BOWMAN thrn ad~crt1scme n t. -AT- INVITES THE INSPECTION OF THE PUBLIC. oods CHEAPER, nnd of better value, than .tny other man in these Counties; all :ho asks is that ltcnding 11u1chasers give him n call, tt.nd Judue for themselves, Slltlafled th.&t tbe r~ult will bo aut.ually profitable and sa.tiafactory. I B,o,vma.nv1lle, 21s~ Oc t., 1871. c .. a QI SILVER & DOUGLAi. ONE DOOR EAS'I' OF ::¥01 ice. _; I · w ill not be re9ponslble ror a nJ debts co~ , <tctect by my son, 1Vilhn.1n James ~u11ey. In these days of puffing and imposture, he thmko it n eedless to say, that he Bells I \.T01'ICE IS HE1tEBY GIVEN, 'i'HA'J WILLIAM Darl lll.${ton, .T une l:'.? 1871. ~ULLEY. stable, and a good bei\r1ng orchard. tuxther part1cula:rs, apply to · 4G-tf. P . S.-An unrivalled stock of Table Linen D·moska purchMed before tho recent rise in pnces . BowmauYille, Oct. u.1m. F. Y. COWLE KING ST., BOWM.A.NVILLB. Bowmanvillo, Oct. 18, 1871. == C'l 1 ACRE OF LAND, A HOu SE AND .. .. "= ~ g C'l For Fo1· !Oiale !; '= c C'l MRS. LUKE NOBLE Bowman ville, Sep t. 20, 1371, 8~tf - To lile11t. Con. 5, Cartwright. The most of the land halil been in pasture and mendow for IO year~. A quantity of fallen cedar of excellent quality for s~le . Apply to Cartw1"Ight, Sept. Oct. Uh, 1871, ll l"id~ «.:ouage 1.1,ppl3 tn W PROWER. THOMAS PA.TERSON. A BOUT 50 ACRES OF LOT No. AG1£NCY 01~ 14, I THIS OELEBRATED M.ACHIN:I now been t ested beyond all que.U.0. "4 ~ cdtct or the public is that to."day . F OR SALE, ON WELLING'l'ON parl it..: nlar~ Stre1?1t. For tt35ti' CARRIAGES! Bricks ! lllricJ£s ! STUBBORN I Rev. w. LOGAN. 10-tr. Morris, N RESPEOTFULLY RETURNING thanks to tho pubhofor past liberalpatrana.geil would al1nonnoe that he ii now preps.rod to fi all orders in his line in a 111anner second to no M· rnE · the tabllsbment m tho count too. Al'! therl3 is a great deal of mi11repreMntation regard ing rnerits of the different sewing machines, and ruay pereons I q A.RRIAGES, FIRE AND W A.GGONS, !lave been misled by these untruthful l'IUitement-3, we give be J TEMPORARY OFF;I.<?!'!_S; low -the names of a few of those who tes~d the ~anzer j CUTTER~, 'orner of" !>if, ll"aul and St l·'r:u~cci..i Xa··iei· ~I reds. Machine and who afterwards exchanged them with us for the · SLEIGH~. &o., Osborn, or Raymond--some of them paying ~..4.t:ftf.RJ!rt IN .A.?o."Y St'YLE DEIIM'&. tJVer .\..11 descrlpt wn3 of proper y Insured a ga.ins ass or D arn :tR(' b .. J:""'..re at moderalerates ·OS~ES PRv.M..P ILY SETTLE D \V'ITHOU".:. REFERU.NC.h: J'O rII~ H0i\IE OFF£CE. FURNI1'URE MANUFACTIIRING CO. It St.'\mh1 withe·t · I I I retail a.~ent Bowmauville urrutu:re Mantifactw 1ng Co. , is no\o,.· iu a. SL· to fill .all qi:dm.·a at s,g lo'" a. ra.te as any deal· It 18 the mMt subltotiellr built, hu Mt.· ...... er in the ooun·ty. 11-26 ROBT. S. :):!A.'<NING. working P3"!· , boautlful In de·l!rzr. &11.d lll\l!lll,H as tho bo·t deoign of a.· ·uttle, and bl' M- lb LARGEST ROBBINS. It i· capable Of ing a. ro.ngo of work hitherto thought impat'.lft!I for S&\Vlllg Xa-chlnM. ~on HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN I T a.ppornted by the pert-· $20 to exchange: MR~. .LVD ON TUE SBDRTn&'I' N'OTio&.. R~member EION. J. SIMPSON, Bowm&nville. D. FISHER, C. G. lli.NN.UW, Bowmanville. 1\5. d&. TILLEY, 1mpo1ta.ntre qUlSltea mo. conveyanoe· 1ng used.,. and bca~ wo1·kmen erul)loyed-thns cnal.ll'- , aurnbllity..' elcgnnco snd comfort-tho moat tha.t nothing but tho best m&te?i&l la l FAS THEi\!! rHE PRICE OF OTHER MACIIDIZ!i ~ rHE :[,IKE WORK. Is equally al h -· 4 .eather as on Jlne goods. Has <larr!od oft _.,. CJVer the Howe, Singer, Lockm&n, W&Mltt · \:VlliOn, 'Ya.nzer, Raymond, c.f-o, da. d~. W. G. PERRY, LI Fl·: D ~~PA H f'IU ENT. A.ssurance on J...1 o,; es granted on faynurabl< r is, anrl uu 1 1 1a~t.mn 1ble security is oft"ored t o icy h lders. Hestt'ies t 11e L arge Paid.Gp Cap Hor t he Co1np·1nv, ..A .ssurers liave .Additio ns ecu nty in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a \Teat.b y Proprietary. ::'ne Spec·al Lite Avsurence Fand now mount · to rnos. JOHNSTON, .w. E. Hepa.iring in all br>.nch"' o! tho trft.do ly at t-onded· to . pram!'t- I JOHN l\foCLUNG, J.P. LOVEKIN, Clo.rko. E. BEMAN, WM. EDWA.RDS, MR. LUil-IMIS, Cart-..rlght. d<t. ALL KINDS Oll' !1ICHARD SHAW, Darlini\011. da. do. BLACKSMITH WORK, S.A.TISFAOTORILY DONE R. T. WILKINSON, Newcutle. MRS. HILLAM, MR. BlltFOOT, d~. $6.()03.210. THE SUM OF IN call, A ~nd SUPERIOR M.il<"NER. he "ill suit you. W .&. P~ Machillo Guar:a111Hd or RO 1111111. ) ·!1.vlng l·ee.n at.tded theret o as a re~n ltof th6 Bus- S. BORLAND, Orono. lC59 of the Past 'I ear, aft er the Pay ment of a] ).a.1 os, C~eu B· )nuses, AnJlUttlet1 tt.nd E:qmnseb \.. LOCKHART, Clarko. f e" erJ· De~cnptun. l'u.bles or R :i." c ~ . P1opnsi! Form~ !lnd fu11 tnt'nr att0n can be obta.r1ed r;,n apphea t o n to t.kto u n - rHOl\L-\.S McCLl'NG, BoivmanTill·. eri>!,ined. 11. J,. ROUTH M. D. WILLIAMS, do. J.J F B~DDA.LL, Ch, cf .A.gents for Canada do. REV. R. BOYLE, PEilRY, ! \.rc I nspecto1 HOJ3ERr ARMOU R , d@. R. R. LOSCOMBE, ~.\ge nt at Bo vnnanvllle !f B - rhe fln!\.ncial p o::oiti ll of the n ya.1 is in > ..., a. 1 '\ff~ted by th?. recP.nt E' u·e a.t Cnicago, MRS. BROCK., do. " '=' Con to inr J~ a:.rln~ no A~ent dmnz bua1ne9s jn u.t C1t). l~·lm. $73fi1:200. J. BELLWOOD, do. MISS HJ.MBLY, l"orl Dar!ingtoa. - . When you w&nt anything In ths carnage line, give JAMES MORRIS a One.door West of tho Ontario Haak. Bowmanvillc, Oct. 10, 1871. IS.IT C. W. SMI'l'R, D&rlington. STEPHEN OLEMENCE,Darlingtoa. WILLIAM CLEMENCE, MATTHEW COLE, Tyron·. JORN IJURN, Manvers. .And a KT·<>t man7 othel'i. d<>. THE GUELPH U.t.lV· out of repair thll.Il other wa._tches. They mori;) accurate time keepern. Q A apecl.al \va.rranly !rom the Factory 'Vrill ever'¥ watch. Bowml\nvllle, Sept. 20. 137J, NEW T HEY ARE LESS tIABLE TO 'GE1 a.rL GOOD NEWi'll lND TREA.DLE M.t..CllU· PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. RA YING T HE SUBSCRIBER 'l'emnerance ore the most FIT· teC. np, in the brick block: corner of King and :ilreets, of com~leto Ph<. l ig.r a.ph GaJ.lertee in this soctLon ot the Pr~ vi.nee,' Us now prepared to tak.e "re the best ma.de, si?!l.plest, more duabl.· ait ;eha ble tht.n any other single-thread mac~..-.. Larger and 'vork with great ea.se. WW iki d d a.dsoCdomesticsewlngina perfooUy .M~ COl'f mAWlil\ Has taken tltii -prlae wluifit:nit ~xhlb!Wd. ,H!!.i.olutiu11 ol.' p .· r.ne1·1!1hi1·· Intending purchasers, can enquire of any of the above, regarding the merits of these machines. ALL KINDS OF LIKENESSES IN 'rIIE R .. & H. O'HARA. ' Bowrrnlllvill~, TOW2';SH1P OF CLARKE. O·tober !!th, 1871. IST~T~s~ A.;;o; ;;o;i T. J I I I ~ in tho and vicinity fa r espectfuU 1ollcited to my new stock or FOR LADIES AT'l.'ENTlON OF THE LADIEf T HE orBo,vma.nvtlle Millinery Goods THE CHE.A PEST PLACE TO BUY ALSO,WANTED' B. SHERIN. A {ew smn.rt g1rl~; to learn the HooI! Skirt bWI· ine:se. I!Jgnt>Ht ·w ages given. Do.,. manvllle._OctnberlS, 1871. 12·3vr. f A call and in3pootlon of speC'1mens is req uested. EN!fR.A.....'l\iCE-Op:posite Town Hall c11tranCD. Bowma.~nvllle, ot every description of the latest styles, and a prices to suit evcrybod~~. just received for thi Fa.ll s trade. I have also a very supcr10r assortment of LADIES' UNDElWLO'rHING, LADIES' COLLARS and CUFFS, BRAIDED SCITS !or CHILDREN, Berlin, F1ngoring and 1~1eccy Vtools, .l3ra.id.Jnr a.nd Embroldory .M'..aterials Stamp1ng for Braid AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERW SP LENDID INDUCEMJl:NTS. , L w. SEXTON. October '1 th, 1871. 0-WNEUS OF ·Farm Property I ·1 , work and Ero broldery , nlso1 materials for th· l s&rae. Stitching done to order Chignons I 8 witches a.nd Holls in great va.noty. I All orders p romptly attended to . A call re .f'or tcnru;, samples ot sei wu·g, £.@.. ~ *f GUELPH SEWINCI MAOHINEOO'Y. GUEI,PH. O.A.NAJU, -G __Q _0 D s r DETACHEDASREIDENCE. INSURE i ~i r YOU~::~~ERTY TN TH!l I f 1 , ~ epectfully solicL ted. Remember tho s.t.an d-T\~(_ doors E ast of Henderson's Hotel. NRSJ. C. POLLARD. Bowmanvlllo, September li, 1871. U!' n. d: It. O'HAHA, Wnol""'1le ~ il\Mt'11 rOI the Count!·· of Dmham, Ontario and V~ 1,'1" Special inducements ta Livo agent4. January 18th, 1B71. S a.fie ITalf Yout· M(J1Ujl.- -1 Het.d Office for Canada, Kingstoa de tacbt>d Residence&, and Issu!'!e Policie1 at T HIS old nnd well os~abliaherl Comp·ny General Sewing Machin-egan CJ I mrnn tm'1~: 1 tri.~ fill~ I I THE i'RUE - - - --·--·-- · ----------, insures nothing hut Farm Property anJ AND Gro&tely ,Reduced Rnteo. J.SSETS ...... ........ $550,000.0& Depo1ited with the F inance Mlnl1~ ter ror ·peclal bene at of O&nodian ... .. . tro0.801 .l'o!icybolders, over ILIVER, KIDNE YS, SKIN, I STOMACH & BOWELS. I K.iJlltB'r · BUILl>INll Bee th· (ollowing Oertifio&tea :This 1s to certify that the Agrlcu 1tural Jn .. DR. RADWAY'S ~ERFECl' FOR CASH. IS AT 1t1rd.nce Company having depo11ited In the h·ItdB of tbe Rec~1ver Genera! of Oan11da 1 the eum of Fift1-four Th ou ea~(l P"lr& Hun .. dred Dollar1, in l-nited States bo11'1s, a1 re· q"ired by the A ct of Con&d· , 31 Vic. 1 cha. 4:8, see 2:1, it hereby licensed to carr1 oa II PURGATIVE PILLS. ! - : tbe bu,inesi1 in Ollnftd& of Ftre In1ur&nce D~t·d ·I tho Oit7 of Ottawa, tho 3nd 4·1 or UTO. l·n·, JoKK LA·S1'01", f ~ r Mi~ i! ter or Pin Arte&. Thie ii to certify tbl\t l h!\ve been acq11&hrt· ed with tht Ofticerl'I And M1nagers of t~t" .A1rl.colt11ral lueurRrnce Onmpany for many yrcr1. itnd Alto \\ ith tht! buaines1 operHtiou1 of ~he Oumpany, anrl ha Ye, no hesitation 10 recommeudtnl{ it as a perfectly snfe ttnd fft 1mpany 1aud itil Officers as coms,·· liable C 1 tf'rt and hono · Abl~ b1n11n e 3d men ; and RS It 1osaree nothing bat F1um Propr1ty and d .... t1ched D\v1·l 11ngs , and hns $53tJ,000 A!llllf'tl, McCLUNG to Young Men. BROS. FA il.M I~ I consider it resp:uuible beyond any con tin gencf. RS! I !. ~ · 1, 1 Ul>lveroally acknowledged to bo one the Dl03~ powerful Lnums~ts for liho cul·e of J~ ATMOSPHERIC l;j CONDENSED ~ - Sewing Machine BATH L Clu·onic Diseases. R. JA.M:ES ,ELECTICPJIYSICI.A.N, J,. t/t4 Won1d respectfully st.a.te that he is now tll?tlt<Y ~1 ~ I Tb.0 Gn;a.t-f!'it Dlivflntio:n 9f tho ~. 1869. .1. 0 . L. GIBSON, <!u.aO«I, .,.. 1-~ ..i ·, :0 _ 0 ~1 1, R H E U M A T I S M, Niil UR.A.I.Gil .... ' O BR.r b is l.:.O \., i.11 i;uccesoful operation in Osh& wa, J. s remedies oonaum.ption 18 DO lon,aer a.n Incudisea.ae}, Bronchitis, Ca.ta.rrh, Asthma., !Jll:COND DIVIDEND SHEET IS ~ Aud :for a.U oases ~llere nn orl~rn!ll :ip- ~ · nd 1e0l'.:\·ea.dyhto treat a.11 dctleeasdes on the priJl .. rable Gravel Dropsy, General Dropsy, &o, p.atient.s prer.mred and is open f'or lne.~tJon and ob"'11 plication is r eo Lured, an extcn~1ve use > C.L,.1.cs i~-p1:1. t :,. · or a con en se .Atmosphere. who have boen t&pped severe.I U.mes are eura.blo jeot.foD, at my ofHo.()J_UP to the tenth day of No~ of it has prov~l that it ho.3 no equal Z He lla.1:1 puufiod a.ud d1smpJlued it to become one undor Dr. James' treatment; diiteiUet ot t.h· T&mbel', 1871, whon th"'"i dividends therein allotted ~ or the greatest sd:rnta,ry agents of the a.;a, and will oo paid. ..01 the complaJ.nts euumei 0,tcd. "'1 0 per.ua ..>s of tb.e ,world. Al:! a c ure for d.Jo t:a.aes, it 1 01 ~ rousi; unquer;tiontt.bly hol d a. pla.ee s.s fa.l a.bovt EYE AND EAR,. THOMAS OHRISTilll, oo! PZ' Sold by e..11 D~"Uggist.sa.nJ Medicine t"' all otber curative and sa..n1ta.ry agents as its Il!t Bomi'lanTllle, Qe~ !Sfd, 1871. Aeoign... ~.._ Dealers. '~ 1 .ation to anrmal life. is a.bove a..ll oi.her elementf .Erren ot /outh Nerrous Debility .Premature WOOD!l.V FF, BENTLEY & CO., . S ur aJ'en c1<;1_5 know r: to 5Cionce. .Acut..e disea568t 1 Deea.7 au Bil tho etfects of indiSoretions of .,., ~ Ui.;H a~ :Searle~ Fever, LYPhOid Fever, Biliou4 youth-a cure ts gu&ra.nteed · Dyspepsia, LlYer 1 Fever, Ae1 lte In:tlamm&tiOU or the IJunga 8.Jll DlBM.8C5 a.nddiS""~eeof women.ax.a Chadh·cn ~, Proprietor~, .... Broug Oha.m.n j J BJt\ ~ls, D/aent.ery, \\uh a.Llotherto1m:1 of .Acute<Janeen 'cured i: 11h 1ut cuttiDs, · a.nd little P&in: r..L . .L--:L -<I · ui:iea:>e:i, can be uuie.d. m i-helr e&!'ly at&gtl1i m u Sore Lege Salt Rhe 1m and t:>(iroful& in ~ itli - -I >'mJ tow how: o; without ,,1a.il, em 1f you o.r ~ou1 forme. D~. J. is ..._.._ppy' to sn.;r, diseases which , ALL YOU 'VHO NEED SHOEING 1allllly a:i.re a.tta.cke:l whn a.ny acute dua.:a:!le ha\il hitherto been thought Jncurable are now oomeal d t B ' come to the Bath and save the :iuffbnng of a long J ap1dly J1.elding to his treatment u his gratetul k.nowledged in,~~se gt ar~alns, !!hor it 1& ao0 expe -p:otJ:a.ct.cd 1l1ne::;s. lhe cure is ::;ure and cert.a.in pa.Lients are "'illmg to testify. No Calomel, no ~ enoa t &\ NE COMPETEN T to do GENEP-AL / ..,.,,above stated, wruch others can tea ify, who mercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be a.dnUius· Tblf!t la the Place 1-o Huy Boot8 " 1 ~1a vc tried n . terod iD any form in 4DY disease housework. li..i:oply t o !he treatment has been thorougb1 y teated in The a.fHicted Who cannot obiain rellet' from Rltd Sbeea··l\ro11.e Better ~:1RS. GEO. G. ]\fANN Uhrvruc DBeases wlth the giea.t~t success. other sources, 3re p3.l't1oul~ly innt.ed. to oa.11 and · D ' 1J1~ea ses or the Heart, Heil.Ii and I'hroa.t, Bron· eee him We are now manutaotu.ctng, from the beat ~m}gia.~ i ~p1 t1::, Ltver ()ompla1nt, Dy:spepsl.at.~.A.sthma, ta"Ofilce tn Neilson'· Hall, Bellovlli&. 04'1.ce matenaI.. Boots or any dos.tted pattern a.no war· D owOJ.unv'J.lc, Scpt.1~, 1871. 1 I 1 atarrh, Nervous Arrectlon s, Nervous 11eadache, houn, ll a. m . to 3 p. m . ro.nted to fit or no &ale. ' l <>.raty:»s, D.:iafness, Nouralg-i a, Rheumatism, Youn. most rnpectfnlly The subaonber feels gra.tetul for tho V6f'1 IJberD1atJetes, Dio::i::.}'., Diseases of t.he Lung::s Con' al pa.tr·a.nge he ha.shad {or the la.st 11fteeri yea.re ..,umption in its Eu.rly and M1dd.le St.a.gc:i, '.tnsan· II. JAMES1 ll. D. awd would solicit a oonttriua.noo of publio p.o.tron! 1ty, and all F emale D1fficulttes. Ile has never 11 HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES 'l'O ~bi~~i~~~eao~~~~~c~~~e~~i;~~a.d roa.son- lll'l«.tlNG, r'IJ. No, TIOJ.IN, RAUl.Olllt'M me,':~~~~ l;.g~t!"J"r ~~ ':!c0 ~~ ~~~~te,!u.~ exchange J.('oo U. house .::nd lot 1n a thri iring Ile 1\·ould lUVlte a:U those that are eutrerlng cow1t to the strratch thi8.(alJ, PasL exPcrience hu Village in l\icchigxu fur a small fa1 rn near Bow from diseases of any kind to c~ on him and in· .0-.1> TnD l'RMORT OJ! Muatc. taught me tha~ steers a.re much ea.aier b.:-oken lo manville, iff;;i.dn w wolth mo1c thau ho ise and \ vestigtlte his ]l rin.oipl~.3 of cur e, ol any tnQ.uirrns whein young-it allowed to rua u ntil four or ft"'e lot will pay bala..nce in moneJ. (all unrnedia.tel.v rela.t.on to treatment o.nd cure by letter ·will JOHN CAMIDGE, MUS. DOO , ENGw 7ear1J old ltis oons1dcrod a Qre&k-nock lt fle, Now In person or add.c-x>ss h mestlr "nd pr omptly anowor·d LAND. Teache< or the &b1>vo. ..Lpr.;.o· 8.11 that are In arrO>ll'B, and all accounts due thla 'L' W , KIOHOLS, Box 74, q~ fo, WID3, &e., lo M ._.. 1lo _ .t. H. foll wU be expectOO. t<> pa1 n~. 4 t H _ -Wlb ~ ~ 1m ' ~ ........ · , !< S. ll. ll.lil~. ~~ @it, ' . . .. I I ., :'J 0 :-; F - > bi,i,Il-3 ':VOU.1d announce to t h e people uf Oaha.\.\·a !i.DU i:;h.e country at large t.ha.i; his ooudensed Air OR THE OURE OF .ALL KINDS 0] D·seases, botn s.cuto Md ohronlc. Prof trea.dng suooeesftllly the following diseases :Epilepsy, or !a.Ulng Fit.!. lo their worst form; Conaumptlon, In its va.rloas stages, (wJth Dr. D A HIGGINDOTRA.1'1, 1 OHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, · I t!j I B EGS I -r:.....TALLO! T-.:.:rERE' NOUNOE tha.t he ha.a received a. well aa oortod ·tock of Gonulno Drug11 and Pure En11Ifsh Chemioala. Also, a splendid atook of the moK efW:ttuJ.17 eelocted RESPEOTFULLY TO AN- I DYE S 'l'UFFS: " = = .. A .J. \.,. Just h·ld ·t Toro11to, ovor tho mo·I 1'$1111WllM :ie"i\·inll M&ehine::i: in tho world, a.mona whle!iwerc the cclebrr~Wd llowe, WhNle? .Ii W~~ I I l whioh ea.nnot be ifDl'PAlied tor ex:<:lelle:nor ot q nalttr An as1ortment of Aniline D7eit ko-pt oonatantly ou ha.nd, toa:&thCI' witla. o. -®oioe . . leotioa. of _.. DRUGS, OHBMIOAH!, P..LTENT MEDIC~. BRUSHES, COMBS, .e-c. This ii only "' confirmH.t.:ion ot the verdi~ ;>rovlously r-endcrcd by the Groa.t Canad.IM Public, nl!.d provva conclusl~cily the SVPERJ:OR:in LOCK.1l . f..4]'tl.." OYER \LL OTHJ!:RS. S'R. ,to H. O'HARA. Wholeaa.io ud n.iall Ag<>nl>, Al·o, agenls to' Guolph Sewing Ma JF THE (j i!HOULDER·BRAOE!I, MUPPORTJIBS, &.., k0. I T 8'"· 0 . Jtlne C<i., OroTcr ti: Bllc:r, S'in!l01"1 Howe ..ai; \Vllllam&' 1.fachi.Des. 'Vo have also on h and a · !nll stock of the Lll'TLE w ANZ ER 3facb!o ..i; Persons not .rotisfted with unD Machine can <,& .i:i"' oh11nge for MY other Inside of th!riy 46YI. :r,> . ., J.lo"""'"'l.11· '!t> u.. 5inm<~ Ko· ."

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