,) TtRRl~l t OPINION .A UElll'AlN J.t1"'!H\.t1sfied 1' STOVER! l tfe Stlys thn.t h er '"'""" husband is such a blunderer that he can't e~n trv n. new boot or f o.:i wtthout 'puttlllg h1a foot .m it. ,. A Dra.TI?tC'l'ION AND .Aunt . "Cand1dly, don 't yon think y o 11 '\C '~"'" "' ,.,...., "" ··· · "" ~;\.ND WE LL SU I "c~u >~ '~ '""" ~l' ,.. !IP I VING CONCLUDED ED I had enough, Eethel I ' Ethel " I th'1.ttk so, aunty, but I don't fetll ao 1° D . STOTT, AND DRUGGIS'"f TOWN HALli BFILDINGS, BOWMANVILLE. I r.:ijO I u11 u Up tne Storn Business AND C0°1FINE MY ATTENTION !lXCLLSIYllLY TO for Sale, or Crrcke d· .J~:g,;a U 1 Omi;1all. A STREET m Poot1". m Tu·.~.,.:·:::.~.~:::~;~.~.:~o~:.:~~~~~s, I · Oil·, P11int Brushtll!, Coa.I Oil, &!ld Ooa.l Oil IAmpe, &o , &o. .....,..__ DEAL~RIN I ! I I t HAltDvVAR E, WILL ~tlL 1 .ANDERSON lit CO CON!IS I L'<G MY s1cor Cl! OE 5!0'\iE~. Dowzntnvi.11~. ti, Sept 1871 l\fr; ~falaprop doe· take " gl·;;, of something a.t n1g:ht 1 she likes lt pretty strong She hate:i, she ea.y5, to l1~~e hei: ntm-a.nd-wat-er too much polluted ToU(;l!I:llO :O.!l'.E Nw1IT-CA1' ~When GOOK PARLOR. - AND- : p1"t.. ,.,,,;i ·f ih· b<at qm11.u11 jdr 1"ai1!ttr· l t STOVES l STOVES ' A youNG wife in Ind1&na Mw her husbJ.nd bow 1n the m.,ula of his !Plll ns he held back the h·Ulmer with hUL foot , she !mmod1&toly baotonod to hOl' mtllm&r n·got1ate for " ·nit of mourning A LAtll< at L<>ng Branch was talking to a gentleman next to her at dinner, and beeoming vory nrumatod, ·hook hor 11rn&ll fruette of blso curls in las aoup-pl·te Bo P"'·sod O'> ~Kd 1'7"/""11<1lU fl ·11> tJ.. C!oul>t!'v w!U fatd 'TM' 3*k --- ·! M~tm ~l I HARD TO BE I EVE. I True Nevertheless! BOX, j .illAPTID FOJI JllTDll ·! Q.· la.t·t fl&o l tern~ And of thri. belt workm:i.n ·h.ip, wluch h· wlU aell I AS CHEAP ..lS IN ..L'<Y MARKET to fish. IN THE DOMINION. , agent for the celebrated _.\nJer.. cc.n A ~:nco OntL u !tt Peru wntoa toamalo""'lnomtComa oyer nnd aee mo, wo ha Ye a now lamp at our hou~o that ·rn can turn llown, until there "' ·oaroely a h·t of bght in the room." AT COS'"f. ~-MY BASE BUR~ER AND HEATER. STOCK OF~ !ISir.iWELL ASSORTED, HOT AIR DHUMS ~~ ... · ENTLEMEN m want of a nea,t suit 11hould G early at Ellwtf's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. ~ -tn.acl" to ordc1 1I ot . .\1r . Fuinaces fi tted 35 lTsua . . , s fittin~ ~Satisfactio~aranteed-in all rea,sonable cases. l ·tf. ~Jfoit!pt-011, Augult 3rd, 1S71. ' . Henry Elliott, Jr. SOMEEHING A NovEL Ima -An mtox1<Atcd m"n ,·- ONG The Great Feu1ale Reanedy. JOB :MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. 11I1fa..iHng 1n the cu.re of all th.Odd ps.infal l!.nd ..la-ngeroui; disea.aos to ~ l 1ch the fem.a.le oonatltutton ts subject It m odernt.c5 all excesa and remo:. es a.1: 01.:fJtn.1:1.:loua. and a. speedy ouremay be 1'clle<1 on, co=· p·ssmg him the other evonmg with red !llld blu· lights m !l>e front roor. Hi· focltUed bram o~mpre- 1 hended colored lights, "nd ho wa.s heard to ·&y to li.m·oli, "Must bo pretty s:ckaicldy hero , they A'"O runn1ng cbem1ita' ·hops about on whe - whF!s "' liAW tV10 tr~nmay ·· j ,, u r~ JI I Z: ~ ,,\,_ T HIS I:NYALUABLE MEDIOI:NE IS BEST HOT AIR ta CM1adL 1 ? Bowm~nTllle, I!. " <::< .. f ~ J' trJ , · ' E " J.I J. UJ. "' not U Mu to eggmg, said " N aw I 'fork httlo girl tea J~dy of whom eh~ hod I 1 1 a.Eked alrns, '~ 'cau;:;ei nn ly two wcel:9 ago l "TI'"-' h ant,~ l ,. my f " th tir wa.s a _ n:cr~ _ n·-n:y' 1 child 1 how ooulifyou bo redncod to povert" .1 'BO noon 1" My father took n bad two dol- i ._ 1 .ui.r bill at lllii paa.~n ut eta.nu.~ &ind 1t run1Gd I h1m," sobbed the child. 'rt 1 " I' A b ., I ...0AC!IELL01 9 .:.JtJTTO~S -An old n brl..ng on tho monthly penod wlth re~&rlty. 1'1wtu. Pills should not be taken b_V .F'oma~ d"""'11 t\· F'IIIS2' THREE MONT.HS Of P r t{loanc11, a~ tkt:Jtansure to br.ng<m Mucarriage, but at any ct!~ time tMu are MOJe.. In all Cases of Norvou" sncl Splna.l A1f00Uon1, P&J.nsinthaBaekandLlmba, Fati.guo on slight exertion, :Palpitati<Jn o"tha t¥art, Hystcrloa, and Whites, theoe Pilts tjjJ <ill'e< t " cure whon oJJ other means have failed, 1.nd although a power rul remes!Y... do not contain iron, calumel, auti mony, er anything hurtful t o the 0011~it11tion Full dircctiQns ln the ::amp.nfot around ei:wh pa.ckagl!!, w hich shawa. ue carefully :i:rrefierYed.. 11 oo and 12~ cent;si for postage, cnololed. to J'OB MU$~ NE.~ YOP~ iOLB PBOP.kIB'l'OR. 'tO WA.1t:RIF.:D L..ADmB It i ~ l"Jenl~itrly 1rn1ted. It y; ill, in ~ ihort ttm.e. SEWING MAC HINES. AU"ent for th3 & Wilson, the Ho.ve, and th6 O.sbo.:.:ne Sewing Machlncs \Vhe.e.I~ '" £- Morch ! th 3Z..tf. '::! c J.I Xt!L e "' ~ !) 0 ~~~~~~~·~~~- 1 LltWIS QU IJK Bowman Tille · .A nsu!\ 9, 1871. Western Assurance Compar. I ll"E.Al'I Oll'FlOE-TOI'tONTO. OQ ,:;;: "' ~ f" iady, I I ,... c 0 ,Jightly bhnd 'Pihile. angarYed in a futile -.forthrop &:. Ly111an, Nev. castle, Ont, i;ieneral ' ,.. I ec-entfi :or the D nunion, will lU.<Ji.U:c a 9ott1e, sttumpt to J:!ew button J u11 young A'~"'gus- cvnte!.r:.!!:ig ove..,. 60 pill~, by return. mail. tus's Jacket rf'markfd ' , " ~ G 0 " t'. :0 J.I LUJ. ·' IJrat these but .. r 1 wne I I oan t :fi!ld ih~ no!ea, r..nd they ill BrocJyn by John\\ u.rreu, split all to 1neceo every ttmo I &tick the 1 Sold by J HIGGI~D01 HAU and D i!'TOTT Bowm.nnville Ont&no · nte dl e into 'em 11 'l'o wluch replied young 1 AugusttVJ 11 Now, look 'are, granny, you )Utt let my peppermmt drop· alone - 1 You've spht :mor'11 h~tlf '"'m already." Osha.w~, For ""a e bT W T .Atk.111 acn ~11d Dr ~ ;; ,. RoN J 'A-f0Mu1~l't.1cn, ;; l.n \v thib)" b;r J H Oer11e andJ Byrnl rJ .Ll J U ,L .? ~ ,. "' !?. ~ P res1dent Ji. lliLDAN, 1'.1.a.uag1 1g Dn ector ~ ~ ii{ Jn il!emoriam. m honor tihe den.d. Heaven h&a utterod no prohibi11on, a.nd Earth is not injured, but benefit ed, b_, tbem .All the n1n.n;: t ombs a.round wntch "°e lvve to lingftl', a.m1urc us \\e are in a woild of of thP. a.epulchros of the "loved ones Aile" 1Ale6 unr gT!Cf and oooLliss the wounded hee.:rt. It ~lso cheers lho bere& ved t-01.n11w that tin s.ddit.ion&l cm beillr!.hment of tne gra,ve vrfVl':Ont6 etronger attractions to arrest tbe attou tioJJ. of the stra.n.ger, and cnnBes him to pa:osv a.nd learn the name of oDn who ha~ eha.red ffi1 largely :!n the ] UT'e a'f others W&.nuand I~r\l.llg hearts, the adornm~ thoso Qoaut1ful erubleuu!- which adorn )I " ~ - Tho R ochester Demcr.ro,t lS ·lightly .arcMtic on " r01lway Jmo m that Y1oimt7 It says that a gentleman took the tr:nn, a. fev; d3.]S since, on what is tern1ed " liPoklBbet ry l\.oad, " r unn1ng be~ 5.u.c.tSTIC t~·een 1 A GAINST ot EXPENDITURES 500 COOK PARLOR, HALL The !&r"'ost o,nd eh·~pest stoek o! Tmwar· !n th';, Oouuty of Durha.m AND BOX STOVES, ~ .Ll ,,UI,t " " § "' ~ ~ ' a.rrivmg and now on Exhibition wl G~neral ~ ~ 0 ~ " :: EiJREJLl." IS 4\. ~ ' i If .A.van and ?,lount!iorr1s ·.\fter the lra;n ·!srted froh1 Avon, he J1scovered that ho had left "'va.luable dog behind, but on arr1vtng nt Mount Morr1s, tho loot d<>g waa found e1ttmg at the s·attoP awa1·rng the arnva.1 of hte 1u8i'l.t~r VEGETABLE 1'1EDIO'!l"~. 1 on. TBE CU'P.2 r:J8' take thle method t-0 inform }'tm th&t we can fill ord~13 far deccratu:ii;- t.lle \\ & A G:ri..A.vE Jox:s.-Thn I=Iamilton ~~ea of dep<i.rtbd fncnde, at fo'Vi t!gures, e:recut-ed !a the boo!! _stf'fe Of DYSPEPSL~, LIVER C-Ol>ll'L.AI.RT LOSS OF .API'lr.TITE, ~ ... RA-Ii DI!h!ilfi workma.:nsbip , MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETO., OT rn::,: FINEST Qi.: 1.Lrnl' OF AND ALL DISEASES of THE B!tOf')/1, ~ ITA I LAN & .1.MEP,ICAN MA Rl1LE -..l!."D- l!!F1 SC{lTCH.IJlERDEEK GRlC!>TrF, o4 on <llort notice E~orytbing ainlng to Cmnct.eey wcrrk will meet th Firompt attention, by lM\~Lag or~ den>" th 0 BOUNSALL, Bowm&11~.U11 . ,. ·ro LET. !I S~ te Cabill ::.ioor .r L' 11,HE t5UPEllB l"E YV L AKE ·r;p1:;)h l'int Pi·izc ( 11 lthato1·11. the att~ntton ot farmeni to the o~&-horse and two-hon>o Iron CultJ.va.ton ma.nufMtured by hi.Io, a.ndwhlohha:ve!or15ixyoareobt&lnedftratprlxeil ~ ....- .... _ .....-.A,._,, D~ Qr 'i1U at ProvinoiBl and Local FAirs Tl ey &re un· ~---- ... · .... - - - ..._ doubte-:llY the beat imple.ment o! th" kind. ln Ute, 3tO'i'.4L oaNJ.DUlf 11..L.N~ ed wtll--ln a. Tery short time mor& th&n reps:y ,,,~...-.... q "'"'· · thetr eost, in th.e Cfil.clency s.nd exoellenee of their TonoNTO, ~ l'a: _ . . . . .,., ll\; work. ln"JlOOtlon !nvlt<>d A oupply of -~l~; ~£-.It &: Ji, O'llALu.ton now {)D ha.nd tor th11 lilprinz work. """"' ~"" "'"""', i.. .. be sold 3 t tow.at ra.ts. GmN"tLJtMDil.-I purch,,__.u, &U\.IUt tew. ~ ~o ono of radbttr:r'· nla.uos-tho ll1'lt oon· · W IRON HARRO ., olped to tbls market. Tt I· aoknowl~ by ill .. !!U--'or li:l<ld ·ltl> &ll hat&. prof-oDAl· to bo & r«lll&t'k&bly !IJ>e-toned in t=" ' · S l!itm..m&nt a.nd I may olso mentlo~ that ,ha.~ :S U G G I E !'l J.. :N D W J.. G 0 !< b·'" removed ..veral 1im.. dm!na: th.it ~ eonm11ll1 on h·nd fl>? ,..1.. 1II has ""1y nq;~~ l/fl!I" .UJ. kind! of B1.&~.kgmlth wor k do·· oa \v .u... . . . ..1.l?tI Tll01'I.PSON, &hort9it Bet1e&. ..!. oe.U ii0l1oited. Firm ct' Tbctopa-0n IL Bur~'ft ~ f, WP'NM'J', -~ S f;Jfl~!!t~~y;tga~~ rrlIE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT I Wm. IL I.owe., D. A..f,,J,. B., V< i t 1e ale t.;i Wl a.1 ugg:rnM l\OH.1J.-.ROP & L YMAN. Newoo..;tle, Ont. :i/i~ &l~~Jlf.w ~jl,.~jIMH · Fur role ret a1 a d ·· if OlllM on SUT.or !ltr...t, Bowm..,,'i1!1., ...~l;J' ""' ,.,. 'f! ~