CA~ADIA~ STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1871. ' . A PRIZE FARl\1: An English paper gives an account of a fa.rn1 "·hich took Lh o fu::t prize given by ~~ --~ ·~ the Royal Agric,Jtural , Society for the be·t cultivated farm. It was a farm of 400 acrea, devoted to pastute, grain, and 1tock. The soil was origmally poor, but kad been much unproved with skillful troa.tmcnt . . Only four hors e~ \vere kept, yet suoh was the admirable system M management that they were sufficient for the cnltivatioa necessary for seventy acres of 'f\·hea.t, the same of Darley anil turnips, Tho probasidca son1e oats and beans. duce sold was t hirt y 3 year old steers and 200 fat sheep- nil raised on the farm; 2,450 bushels of wheat and 3, 290 bushels of barley, which realized $15,895; besides other produce, as pork, wool, butter, eheese, otc. Early m July the 11o&rly covered the growH l, and acrea of them the examiners saw no weeds; in fact, the wholo farm was perfectly free from them. Twenty tone of guano, bona d.uat, ate., wero used each year. The far= mer wa.s a lady. l HoRSEs SAvED.-The lives of thousands of horses have been saved durrng t he past year, and the credit rs due to " Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy." Tlus prepar ation is beu:ig ext ensiv ely used, and exacts from all the highest praISe, N othm10 of the kmd has ever before been hali as successful or given such universal satisfaction ; it ca.ru1ot be equalled -We can confidently recommend it, and would advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hand-it may be the means of saving your horse's life·. Remember the name, a.nd see that the signature of Hord & Co., is on eoch package. Northrop &Lyman, Ne,,castle, Ont., Propr;ctors for Canada. Sold by all medtc1ne dealers. PERUVIAN SYRUP.-This valuable medicine has been silently makmg its way into public fav or by the numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular efficacy 1s owing to tho protoxide of i1 on which in tlns preparation ramams unchanged, and is the only form in which thtS vital elemerbt of healthy blood can be supplied. BARGAINS. To Let. The Pum p Shop· wrrn HORSE-POWEJt & LA 1'lf1'j , at preRrnt w orked by the !lUb· sc u ber. PossCSBion given im1ncr1 1.-1.telj. Only business of the ki nu 111 to\-n1-plent ~ of chan ce tor a good ~wnprrmkei. , GREAT BAl:WAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT THE A TtRRrnlt TfMrTATI ON THOSE P RICES AT Cheap k Bowman'\ ille, 1'.ia.y 25, 1871 SILVER. Corner OPINION · A N D Anderson & Co's NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. '\lonltl Jon be ~u··_pris~d to'v tl~nt we are S.Et.LlNG l(_'JIE.4..PE& 'IJI 1'.N J ~t J,}t. !Vloney tP J,oalll. L OANS F OR FROM ONE TO TWEN. A PUBLIC / STOVE!R! h as fully Jtisfafied ti1e 011rpnal idea., that at the " Coiner Stoi c., yon can get HAVING CONCLU D ED TO __,, F_', IT ·:r E D \.VE T_,L SUITED Give Up thB StovB ~usiness AND CO~FINE ~ To prevent dog· from having the hydro- D. STOTT, No Risk. Thmrias' Electric Q<lL W"Orth ! splendid assortment of Fa.ll and '"V inter Goods of the most fa.shionable styles, and of the ver ~ best quality that can h e had in the 111rukot, it \Yill be to yow· advantage to 1.:all aud exanuuc t11e sto()k and prices beforepu1ohas1ng elsewhe1e. -:\o trouble to shO-\'i gooods. Great inducements offered. 'Vould it surpr1se you to know that "\Ve a r e no'\' prepared to inttn ufucture for a ll 'vho 111ay favor u s 'nth thror order ., l\len's 'Von1cn's and l\llssos' Boots n.nd Shoes made to order, wa1Tan ted to flt o:r no imk'!. H AYING JUST RECEIVED TY) ears, t.o hi-\ 1 epaid m m stulments to suit bunow ei s, who are allO"\\ed to make such p ayment.s, in addi tion to mstahnonts, as they DH\) find convenien t, may be obtamed from the Ca. nada 1-'ermaneut B1ulding s nrl Sa~111~ Society, by appl~1ng to FAREWELL. McGF,F, & RUTLEDGE. Polw1Lm'8, Bowmanv1Ue. l!ir'Pnvate funds to 102:1.11 6lt A CAUT lO N. 'l'XTE J,EARN THAT THE!& ARE'V'l l:np r1nc1pled persons v.ho, "hen they "._ Having engaged .)1 Y. ATTENTION Mr. J. GLYNN, LA.TE OF CARTWRIGHT, Particular, attention will be given tO gent's fine se\\cd 'vork. Please r crne1nber t he stand, phobiA:- When just seven days old hold tft.em under the water fifteen mint1tes. 1 ,. Cn1cAGO grain n1ercha.nts have invest-~ 00 in th() purcha.;e oi & etean1 .fire engine I Tm Times j' CHEJ\XIS:.I=-.- AND - . DEALER IN -DRUGGIST EXCLUSIVELY TO it, Weight for elevaJ&r~a.nd-nuwctell--:tile msur- anco companies they can do '"ithont t hem. Do you know anything of it? If not, it "' time you did. in Uold. I l'OWN HL1LL BUILDIN GS, ROW'DIANVILLE. - HAllD.WAR E, WILL 8ELL TWO DOORS .WEST BROS. OF cannot palm off a "vor1:hloss Sowing .M.:i.ch1J.lC, on persons aoqullllltcd \\1th tJrn n1cr its u .. the dif-' ferent 1'.1.o..chmcs, represent L h e1m.,;elves a.a ;i,gents ' for tho colcb111ted .Lock1nan and Osborn. :Ma- ~-- _ chines . a.nd offer Lu g ran1 w1i11 ants for the SaJIIC~ \\ intent lo deceive. \;Ve b emg the only au , thor1zeU ugents for "\Vest Durham, are the only J)el'SOnH w h o ( an grant \\arrant :; there.on; and a n y person 8 n ot emplo}ecl by us, representing t henIBelves tti-5 ageu ts, or otfer1ng t o grant wnrr£tJJta, <tre nu-posters, nnd li11blo t o be prosecuted fn r fraud, The public arc hereby cautioned nga1nst such. R. & H . O'HARA llowmanville, June 22nd, 1811 . 4:'l-3-u· MURDOCH CHEMICALS, Dye StuJis, Patent Tuied1cines, Perfnme l-y, Bruahc!ll, Combs. Soaps, P ai:nte a.nd Otis, P,;mt Bmshcs, C°'l 011, and Coal Oil Lamps, &c., &c i MY s:rccrr·o.FsroYE8, ANDERSON k CO. Bow·man\ illo, 1-!, 13ept . lS71. CONSISTING OF COOK PARLOR, STOVES STOVES! THE young man Goodland, who h acl h1S fciot !CJ seyerely crushed by an acculent on the Grand Trm1k, near Prescott, that the injured limb had to be :miputatcd, died on Frid&y last. A WITNESS in a liquor: trla.I at Lond on, Vt., recently, aroused a.11 uupleMantneas in the court-roo111 by testify111g that h e drank with two 1neu-one of the lawyers employed m the case. and tho justice who WM hearing it. PYYMCBNS' PHESCR1P'1IONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL OlWEllS cormF.CTLY ANS'\\ ERED. S TQ V D - ES ..L' k~ T l"1·ocfai1n ' nnHAT TIIE GREAT SHOSHONEES \\ oTking the lH08t marvelous and asLonishmg Cnres theWorld e· erh eard of NC\ er In the annals of Canadian ::Vledical ilistory l1 as such success a ttended the introduction of any med 1 · cine l101etofo10 llfetlwn-ie ~"1!a11 D ndo 1 T.ewu; Josephus, of t he G-rPat Tribe of Shu...,11on et s, Di 1tl8h Columbia fa Stock of M ed·cin<· oom-AND- FORM the mbn b1tants of Bu\-Ylnun' 1 11e a nd SUJ" 1 onnd1ng country; t ho.t lie h · .LH 1be BEP'l' SELECTION O"' PTO"Eo,' uER BEGci ,. ., 0 IN THE !.. SlTBSCRl..o ' i::> --'l v JI Re m~ av and Pills, of t.he Eminen t I n dum 1:-':I e Yel' offered in the To" n, con1p 11su1g HARD TO BE LIEVE. Pre1lal'edbv. S. N. '1'l f0M.A.8, PHETPS, N Y., ~A..nllNORTliRO.P & LYM '\.N,...~EW CASl'LE, Ont.. So16 Agen ts for tho Dominion NOTE - Eleclnc-Se1ected and Eleetrizcc;t. For sale by "\V. T Atkinson a.ud Dr. Deans Oshawa., 1n Wh1tbyhyJ. H . Gerrie and J. Byrn n B rook lin by John "\Varren. Sold b y J IIIGGINBOTH.A.1.I a.nd D. STOT'l' Bowirian ville Onta rio. BOX, AD.\ PTED FOl". lEHJIER COOKING, PA RLOUR, BOX AND COAL STOVES, "orkn~an' WHYl w e will n1ention, su ch a s the Ext1 at ts of \-Vlld S i l'.iPI.Y because Lhe numerous Va.lnM-hlP a.ctn" n1cdioinal vegeLabl e 1ngred1onts, (some of w hicC of the latflSt pat.l,erns 'a.nd c f the bc !:!t ship, -which be \v1ll soll DR. J onNSON once silenced a notorious few&le backbiter, who was condemning aome 'Of her friends for pa1nt1ng their cheeks, by tho romark that " It is a far more har mless thmg for a t"ly to redden her own complexrnn than to blacken her neighbor's character." A LADY at Zanesville, Ohio, in cleaning house, found o. package of two pounds of True Nevertheless! - - -- :o.---- AS CHEAP A S l). T ANY M.AlU{E'l' COAJ_j OR WOOD, IN THE DOMIN IO N . Also, ageut for thGl cc1cbratcd Alnc11 can GROCERIES VERY c ·HEAP. AT COST. -.MY STOCK Oli'- BASE BURNER AND HEATER. Call and exn.n1u1e Stoveo and prices before purchasing effiewhere ~ H at d war~of all kinds. P aints, 0 1ls-, Putty, Glass, &e, & f'. Canadian rain D estroyer G lJ ood Cooking Raisins only er by the box. 5 c ents a pound, and stilcheap - -·o - - powder, and thmking it w.ts lampblack she threw It in the fire. Her lurnband thinks she has escaped, a.a nothing has been seen of her au1ce, except a piece of O!\lico dres.~, -which wa.a found on an apple tree in the orchard. Who la that young lady who JU·t bowed to ;rou, Dolphie, a refatrnn1" Master Dolphie· 11 Ah, I believe she is r elated by marriage, · lh fact J believe she ttsed to be one of my step-mothers; but I h!.vn' t seon hcr~ound the hou·e lately, and I guess the old man hM mado ano.t her change." I.JIFJ.ll "-' UMM ER DRY GOODS at cost TI NW ARE. C is OTTON and W oolen goods are advancin g, but y ou can buy them a t Elliott's, for a s hort t i me, a t the o ld prices. Now the time to secure what you need. HARDW.A. RE IS WELL ASSORTED, . A n a:not lrne-at of tinuJCw e, Rtlssia and co11ira.on i-ron S toi·e pi1Je~, Gallotvs p ..pcs, Durnb Sto1,es , &:c., kept on ha nd. ExtJ:act of Colocynth , J alap, So uotr1ne Aloes Capsicum, &c , &c ,) ·w hich ente_c mtothe 001npo ~ s1t1on of the combined incdif 1ne, are such and 80 ha1mornously classified and c o r;npoundcd, tha t 1t 1 s made the most seru·uhi ng cur ative in t h e known \o\ 01ld, and cannot help but act on the sys1 em in 1:t. "\'ery t-rallsfa< L ory a nd d esu 11blo n1an ner. N0In a l l.c1 wha.t~'cm t ailment may be, or of ho w long ::iiand 1ng, 1t w11J find the spot and ttstu n1sh) on b y Uie l apul inannor in wluch y ou are restored t o pe1fect heal th and full v1gor. 'J'h1s l\ied1c1ne 18 plea..s,mt and safe to t.ak e and · is Vl a.rranted, <tud rn,Ly positively be iehed Upon to make a per manent cur e of all di<:>ca.cies or tho Throat, Lw1gs, Liv& Kidneys D1gest1v e OrQ"ans &c, &e , a s well as Scrofula, the va1 1ous 13kiD Diseases, llumors and all disease" a.risin g froro In1p11r1ty of the Blood , oxcephng t h P Third Stageof Consum pti on J<'urt11c1 infn nnat.10n, with full di1ections formnngtbeGrcatShoshonoes R emedy and P ills and contauu11.c; te::,;1 unonials and Ce1ti· fica.tes of Cu1es, l un b ~ obtai n ed by secunng the Treatise , t h e H an el hoo k , or the Almar a c a nd CU"culars ft01n any r espe ctabl e Druggrnt in thA Dom1w.on-free. P 1·ux. of Re.?nedy ni large Pint Bottlts 1.00. ills per Box 25 cents. -Sm a.It~eed, l>a.ndelion, Hyoseyamus, Compound C4erry B aik, Podophyllum, Juniper," QUD.ss1a 1NCHICAGO.- YoungMiss- 11 HOT AIR DRUM:s niada f,o order. CLOTHING! DAILY -TO- LTN E G E N TLEMEN in want of a n eat fitt ing suit sho uld early at Elliott's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. Hot Air Furnaces fitted up on the And, as Usual, selling nt Prices thn.t con- tnost i111proved Pl~lls . f t 1nne to Gi'\ e 8atis~achon. ' VORI{MANSHIH >::<;econ1l t o none in the Dom1u1on. a11 kinds ot' J t~~lllg done on the shortest call· notice. and at l'e<~ .. ona'blo priCes. ~ R 0 O EIESTER. THOMAS BASSETT. Bowman ville, ' A u gUBt 3.11 1S71. EDWIN HORSEY. :Bow1 nanv11le, August lU, 1871. 3-tf A FRIGHTFUL disaster is reported as having occurred at Agra, in India recently, by which thirty-six soldiers were killed They were engaged in a powder and cartridge- fMtory, in the~ iort, : w:h J:i1 an explosion took placo, ' with the melancholy eonsequences stated. Two officcFs were Among the killed . FULLER ~Satisfaction guaranteed in all r easonable cases. 5· INEW TIN SH0 p I ' UPPE r11 HE SUPERB NEW LAKE Stab Cab n Sceamer Henry Elliott, Jr. Hanipton, }1.ugn !;t 3rd, 1871. 1-tf. Im1mr1ant Co the ;Public! - - -;- ~--:- - S- to_..Y-8.S T St Q..:V::8.:S T ·--' · mHE SUBSCRTBER, IN RETURN· particulara of tho outrage in the At the IronmongeryT SOMEEHING ONG WANT E D - OR - atref'lts of Rio Jn.11e1ro, upon s on1e officers and sailor.S of a. Genuan frigu.te, increased the indignatwn the firs t intelligence caused m Y ·terland. A Berlm joum&l demands an apology from the Brazilian government, and a liberal indemnity to the p.rties who suffered from the lawles1Jness of certain citizP.ns of Rio. BY E \ TE RY B Q D Y ' I _L . I KG thanks to the 1nhab1tanti;i. o r "\Ve9t Durhain, for the h ber a l suppoJ t ,vhich the.1- ) given hun, begs to 1nforn1 all those ·w]1Q rn \'iant of a firs t ~ tove , that they ('an be s uµplied b y hrm as cheap ns n.ny other house ln lhe 1I' Ho has also for sale the cel ebratetl Ua1 r j u,g -i;Jn1tedS rotcsm1dCa no.dianMa_'"' ,:n:_,~ Express, TAS MUCH PLEAST:hE .JN .I.""'" Port Tiop ; eve> 1 fo>' Rschc,,;;,. 1 ITFORMING the m ho.fofuntsor':Dovinlanv1lle at9o clock,onaruvo.lofG1n.nd 'I run k Rall~ and surrounding co untry that ho has oµened -wav Trams from and ' Vest out a Kew Tin Shop in the sto1e oci uµied · by John Allen, corner of llet?lrning, Leaves Port of Rocl1este1· (Cha11 lolt} ], ING 'ND DI'r IS I 0 N ST R E ""r S e very eventngat 9 o'1l ock, (~xc ept Sa-tu1 .M.v n days , \.\ hrn she leaves a t 2 o'<[ock .. p ~I· fol Brighton). ' 1 Bo'\o\rruan' ille, whiwe h e \ Vl11 Iceop constanth on hand a. wP1l selecte d sto ck ofsto>: cs, Jn-P 'l'hlS is the favorite summer route from Torn'fl~ an netl,pressed and plain T 1 n,~a"e to to Hocheste1 A11 11Lny, &c '1 hc < 11 eap est and 1 1 which he will sell - ' Q:tuckest r oute u on1 pmnts East of Port Hope on the Gr a nd '1'1 unk, to Hocnestcr, B uffalo, &c. W. - IN BOWMANYILLE. G. -- · REED' 1 N 0 Rs E -Th'.I A_ _~r0, 1 nng ~ 1,'... .i-~' ' _JN~ EVEUY 01\iI~ HIS OR BER OWN PAJN'l'Ell! H RUTTAN" HOT -AIR STOVt, H o is a lso n1anu fact u rrng the "(~HE.A.I' ...4 8 7.'HE C TTE A PEST." S pc1 1al a.ttent.10 n paid to HOUSE .ANL· VILLA PAINTS, -.,.;h1ch ia now in u se in all t.he twmc1pal Raih\ll-J' / l~ A .YETRO U <'1 HING AND JOBBING ' Stations ln Canarla. I I IR Just L h e thlug -forChurche s, !Ialls, and publJc liu1ld~ 01ders fron1 the country promptly attended ings. tu. ,ur llighcst price paid for H1de~ Sh eepskins Rags , \\.' ool pickings, Copp or, .ll·eath cra and llor seha1r. /tdJ" Gr eat inducements h e kl o ut to perllers. N B -Farm erl'! v.anLlng ::VI1lk T'u1ls or P a ns \VOuld do wt>Jl to ().~n and examine n1 y stock be for e pu1chas1ng d ~ewhei e. .A shar e of Public 11atro11age rel5p ectfulJ~ s ol101ted, · (fl ;:r ~ Prepared for iin1ued1n.t e use, and nothing but the pu1 est ~{a te11als used, and requu u1g no further mrrtnre of 01 ls, Tnrpenhns ~n d Dryers. THEUi COl\IPOSITTON CONSISTS i:lOLEY OF -- BEST HOT AIR in Canada. DRUM J>a.qse ngers and freight ta ke cars a long side SI ea mer: a t Rothester Landing Connect.ion made at Cobourg an d Port Hope with Royal Mail Line Steamers from Han1ilton and )fontrenl. 'lhe Norseman~w1ll call a t the J:lor t of n arUna· ton every \ VEDNESDAY MOH.J."'i!NG, sh ou ld sufllc1e11t fre1ght offer Yello~\'lces & Q.nir:k, 4_gent.s. Ad dress. R C, CARTIER , 37 tf Poi t Hupe, Ont "All is not, lost; the unconquerable .,,-1~ A.nffconragc never t o eulnn1t or yield. Th ofa\'or 1teroutetoA"Von andCh ftonSprings~ ~ elor." Two FoLLIEs.-First, to eat a hearty 1upper for the pleasure experienced during tho brief-time rt is pasatng down the tlu:oat, at the expense of a whole night of disturhFor sale bv \ V". ·r. Atkinson and Dr. Deans ed .sleep, and A weary waking in t he morn- Oshawa. m '\Vh1t11) 11} J.H. Gerueu.ndJ.Byrno ing. !'lecond, to try ·11 the remedies m in Brod)!n by John Wan-en, Sold b} J , IIIGCHNBOTIIAM and D STOTT; exiatence for rheumatism, pains in the Bowmanville, Ontario. b~ok and sides, coughs, colds, cramps 1prains, bruiRes &c., before trying the " Canaclian Pain Destroyer." Sold by all medicine de&lers at 25 ci s. pet· bottle. GAINST EXPENDITURES in honor of .the dead, I I eaven has A. XA.N who had fought "mit" Shcrnu\n uttered no JrrOh1bition, and .li:arth is not imur.e d, b ut benefitted, by them. .All wa.s caught in one of the la.te 'V18consm those b eautiful emblems 'vhioh adorn the many tombs around v. luch ·we love pn.ir1e fires, witll no 1neans of building a to lmger, n.ssure us we nl'C in a wotld of back fire, so he imitated the gophers. CutWal'm a nd loving h earts; the adorn1nJf, or the sepulchres of the "loved one1>' ting a huge sod with his huntmg knife, h e a.lleYia.tes OUl'~ grief a nd sooilies the wounde d heart. It a ls o' cheera the bethrew the dry dirt out till a hole sullicient reaved to kn·:nY that a.n additional embcllishulcnt of the grave presents for his body was made, when he crawled stronger attro.cuon s to arrest the attenin and rolled the turf over ]urn and v,.·as tlon of the stranger, and causea hin1 to pa.u se and learn tho no.roe of one '"'ho speeding furiously on its way inilcs distant, has shared so largely in the love ot others. t,hen sl~ he crawled out of his hving "\Ve t.ake t his method to inform you grove, heatectfearfuITy, buf i11jifreamli0 - '-that we ca.n-flll orderB fol decoi.-a.ting tho graves of departed fr1enilit, nt low wsy whatever. figures, executed 1n t he best style of 0 Pu1·e Color, P ure White Lead, Pm·e White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of 'l'11~rpentine and IJryen to11·fjully and scMntifica,lly com Inned. The co11Run1er can have any desired shade of Colors h eatly put up 111 Cans, and al he requires to buy with the Paint is A Brush, as the work can be dona by h1n1self or .Agent for the Whcele.1 & W i lson, tho H otvo, and t.he Osborne Se"\\1ng l\!aclune::,. by a.:ny 111ember of his household. S"EWING MACHINES. LEWIS QUICK. Dowman\·1lle, Au~ust lmio lvent Act o.lf 1869. In the mcittc> of TV1LLIA11f TJILLIER, o.a, Insolvent. W.G.HEED. Bo,vmn.nville, Marc h 8th, 1871. 32-tf. PURE WHITE LEAD. A large stock just r eceived for Autumn Painting, imported direc t from the English l\!Ianufacturers, including JAMES ' G e nuine and cele b rated Rooster brand-Guara nteed pure. .ALSO -All sta11dri.rd Colors, Oils, \T a.nnshes, and Painters' Materials Call and seo ho-w chen.p a House can be Pain ted and Decorated, £01 all these goods ,vin he sold at r educed figures GAI,LONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS. 9, 18il. 1-0in WBstern Assurance .Com pan. N OTICE IS HEREBY G l YEN HEAD OFFIOE-'l'ORON'l'O THAT -s 0 c+ 0 0 2000 500 Threshers and all parties requ1x1ng such 011 specially 1nv1tcd to inspect t ho va.11ous quaht1es-the price being far below anything ever ofl'e1ed 1n tlus market HoN. J. Mcl'<IuRRICH, President. B. HALD.AN, Managing Director. Fire and Marine IN D EALER P ORTED GROCERIES, CHOICE TEAS. FRIJI'l'S, PROVISIONS, &c , CROCKERY AND GLASSWAlU:. Bow1nanv1lle, Ont, 37-t l by virtue of t11e po\ver vested 111 ifrn 8.8 .Assignee of the Est.ate a nd effects of thu above na.n1cd Insolvent, A.nd u nder the pro~1s1 ons of t ho I nsolvent Act of 1809, l sJ10,ll offe1 fo1 flale by Public Ai1ction, at L attimer's Hotel ill t heVillage of Enn1sk1Den 'l'O\-"\'IlShlp of Darhn'1ton, County of Du1ha.1n, a l lhe ho1n of Eleven o clock 1n thei fore noon, on 'l'UESl>AY, J;"'J.FTH tla.y of IJECE:r..fBER, .A D 18'il, all the estate 11gh t, title and.1nterer;I of the above nan)cd lnHol vent', and of n1e the 11 ndersigned as such i.1..s~ 1 gnee, in and to nlf and s1ngu1ar Lots numbers 2 .uHl 3, Jn 1st Range Nor th Durham Road, T uwnsh1p of Os pre), CoUnty of Grey. _ .u.,so, ' N orth H air of Lot nun1ber 15, in ?tJ1 concession of the 'l'o\o\n slnp of Darlington , except lho South :i LLmeof. ALSO , A C OOK , PARLOR , HALL AND BOX S TOVES, DOMESTIC ANJ> INSURANCE arrivincr and now on Exlubition. "' . AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. Spemn.l L ow Tnrrff of R ates, coveru:g u1 C1hf' ,.<; One Rood pa.rt of 18, in the 7th c onc>ession of the 1'o,\'lls lup or l>a.rlin_gton, as Uesr:r1bed in a d eed the1eof from one Edward Floo11 y. Dal eel a t Bo·v1na11, 1lle. this 26th day of Sep· tember, A. D 18'71. 9 9in CHAI\LES It D BOO'! H , Oific1 al ..A.ss1guec. The largest and cheapest stock of q-eneral Ra1dware, Caiuage Goods, and T H1ware, in tho County of D ur hanL ' Velhngton Bmld1ng, Bo\Y:nanville, A ugust 9,1871. ~ JC> I-:IN n1cJ,EOD. Druni. (;eteb1.·aied Dradbu1·y I ,j~i1n';; Dot <fLil- ' l·'n·t-Prize Insurance !or one or three yeors, on- D otnched D" olhngs, Churches and Schools, -with contents, Towns and Country places These rates a.nd t~rn1s of poher: part1cula1 Ir fa, 01 able t o lhe Farming C01nmu1nt). riano Forfe. FIRST- CLASS M AN WANTED for a Travelhng Agency, for the 1'0\\ n shlp:s outlying this 'l'own. .AppJy in v;r1ting, with refe1-en ces to the unde11SJgned for ti a ns1mss10n to the llead Otiice. for S.A'. LE· being t he South 00 Acres, a nd 10 on the North-east c orn er or Lot. 9.\..1n t h e con . of Darlington, 2! niiles from the TO'vn of B owman '1Ue . -70 U()r es, 8Jld JO in \ Voods Oon1fortable D\\ elling l:Iouse, good Barn, Stable, and 8hed ~ some Fruit 'l'rees on t he premises, a good \Vel1, aleo a stream Of Sprrng \Va.tor. 100 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, It & H. O'HARA, Local ..Agent::i 7 "orkmansh1p. NEYER \vh1ne over what yon suppose to MONUll1EN'rS, TABLETS, ETC , OF TH~ Cott:1g·c and f ,aml Cor Sale. EN ACRES OF LA N D, WITHIN !!ito p and See. T 'I'estimor~tals of the most -..v011 derful and PX· }, tru.01d1na.ry cures in Canada b y the GHE-"· T J,...,'"J--.. DIAN TI~M}..D Y They a1 e ot.ern, lllitlen rnble · und in c01itcstablc fncts, s1lilH ient to convmco the most skeptical that the Ci-eat Medical Cmnpound ~~~;;ted aftcl fo1 n.ges 1~ n ow aoccss1blt~ 111 the SHOSH O NEES RE MEDY For Diseases of the 'l'hroo.t, Lungs, Liver Digestive 0 1gans, Kidneys, &c., ns well as sCiofu la the v~\.l'1ous Skin Dlsea.scs , IJ11111ors and all th~ sea..9c!'J arb1n1Z" fton1 I mpm1ties of tho Blood ·we bol<l ly s l.ate IJ1at th1"I gH'ai. remedy has NEV ER B E :F~N EQe !\.LLRD. "\Vhero \-\'as Llleie evet· suc h a (m-o u, th:d 1n the p erson of W il son Storms ofill'lgh ton, On tari o of Commn1ption or that of PetBI n V J\f11ler, of E111e:itown 0 1 r1 0, of Consun1ptiou, or that of Ambrose \Vood of Consecon, Ontario, of D1_s_µcpst.t nnd Ln 8-{. Complaint, or that of Joh11 H ol"ey, of Na:paJHl' Ontario, of l{.heumatism, '\ llo Lad actually bee~ on crutches for yenrs, ill sp1t1~ of tt.11 t1e:l.t men t horetofo1e, and is no" ' well Si ores of such caaes might be m en honed had v. e sp ace. U'J Call a..t tho Drug Store anil got a Cn cul a r of u nquest10n able on the GREA 'f SHOSHONEES REMEDY nnil satisfy yoursel ves. p,"~· of R<medy in LOAge Prnts, $1. B"' For Sale bv nll Druggists and Denier:; in :n..1edicine. Agents tor B o,'i n 1 1:tnvJlle -~:lessrs. J . Hig~bothnm, D. Stott. 'Vholesa.le .A.gents Nor tno:p,& Lyman, Ne,-..c a.,tJo. · b e loss of opportnnit1es. Every n1aJ.1 '"ho wIShes it may educato himself. Many a servant has listened with attent10n while his iuaster's children were saying their letter., and by putting together what he thus learned, acquired tha clo1nenta of spelling. If a man h"" a tllll'st for knowledge it matters not where htS lot may bo C&8t, he will become an oduoatcd man Tho first step towards self-improvement is to leave off " crying oYer spilt inilk. "~ Lot tho past go, and bend every energy to the improvoment of tlte present. Flr.I EST QUALITY OF - A:N'D-- ITALIA N & AMERICAN 1\URBLE. SCO'J'(Jil ABERDE EN GRANITE, supplied on sho1 t uot wc Everyth1ng perta.1n1ng t o Oenletery v.: 01 k v;ill u1 e t~t With pron1pt ,\t ten L10n, by lea\ 1ng 0 1ders with 1 C. B OUNR.A.L I., _ _ ~ J Bowma.nv1lle.::: ! H ON · .TOHN S1MPSON !ii OPJN TO N 011' 'fII !JEH(\8 TO LET. Tl:le Pump Shop WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, A.t present worke d bJJ the sUb!'lcnber. Posse'!sion given imm ediately « Only buslness of the kind in to\-.·n ~plenty ot custom rare chance for a good Pump1nn.ker. . E. SILVER. lio wm a.n-rlllo, J.fa.y 2.i 1871. 1 Bov; nmnyille, Sept.. 5t,h, 1870 Messrs R. & ll. O'IIARA-"t '"' General .Ag en ts, no·wma-nv:illc · DEAR SIRS,-Tho pwno purch nsod f1on1 )OU ~o me six n1onths ago, n1anufactru.·cd by 11.:1.ossrs II'. G. S mi th & Co, Ne" Y o1 k, (successors to 1V B B radb ury, of 1he same city,) for'" hon1 \ ou a1 e General Agents, 1 ~ givm{{ grcnt satisfaction , and is, m my op1n10n. an1l 111 the o-puuon of n1an-' 01npctent Judges, a fus t-cla...9~ 1nstru1ncnt. As fa.r as tho workn1anship is concerned 1t IS equal to th e b est Ch1ckerilll'J, aiid is, m my op;. n10n, superior to tho instrum ents n1ade by this tir.m. in r1chnc 3s a.nd fullness of tone; a nd 1t is equal, if not superior, 1n both these respects, to the 1nstrumen ta manufacturod by 800ddnrd & Dunham, or Dunham. I may m ent10n that I h ave pnreba..qed, for myself and fnends, iieveral Pia.Jlo 3 m a nufa<"turod bi the old finu of Sto<ldaul & Dunham, and h ave still one of thens in my house. Yours, J. SIMPSOX / · PERFEOT I\ P Specta.cles and Eye G lasses manufactn1e1l _ by £iAZA.I-t1..: S & :l'tiORHIS, ttnd for v; h1cl1 have the sole agency, arc gaining go Iden opuuon roro a:ll th ose "ho hav e tn ed it If l 011 i.\ rut and no other s. .A.ARON BU CKJ, RR. a.gen Bo>'inHtnvilh=1 and v~mn1ty. 1-mf'l ( Q_:.; r <tRTO BA~E: , T ODO fL1'fl it qnarter 1mles of D ow1na nv1ile, bein{i\' t h e 100,r of lot No 12, 2nd concession of 12, i.n the 5t.h con of th e abo-.;; P Ton nslu p, Darhngton GoodDrick: Cottnge, Cistern , Garden 130 ltc1 es clc111ed, 70 111 \Voo di;. Well "\\Utt·r ed ; and 1r1 u1t 'l'rees on the premises. 'l'er1ns oasy also a good \i\-"ell A ne'v Fra me Dwelling Applyt6 H ouse , wi th Stone Cellar t.he full :size of the R ICHARD PIDLP. H ouse , a s::uall Log lloLbe, t\\O Darns, Stable and 1~ 'VHI _ Cnw Hheil. Excellent land, situated 3i miles fro;m the 'l'own of Bo"'lllanville. F or further particula r s npply t o the p1 opr1etor.._ r!:H oM.A_S \VELllON, 'l'om po P. 0 , or to JA.:.M S WELDON, L ot ~o. 13, 1n tho 4th con of the above To\\ nsh1 16 39-31n. HE FOLLOWING ltEMARl(S- o.N \. A LSO 200 ACll.ES, BEIKG LOT NO SONG ECHO FIFTY S THE CELEBRATED ' F h· pr1ng as 1ons k1n!I. Price., $7 50 per F 0 R $ 3 . duz"'" Contams overSUBSCRIBEitS 1r\\O h un dred now and A!~k~b~~~~~.~ woP,.9~~~~S to PETERS ~!USIC.AL Is he·llh worth h:.vmg 1 If it is protect it- it is a jewel as easily lost as virtue, and in many ca.sos as difficult to recover. In this chmate, and more pa.l'hcularly &t thie season of the year, people aro very apt to take cold and suffer from sore thro·t, coughs, ·pitting of blood and pulmonary compla.mts gener&!Jy, which if not checked immediately lead to serious consequences. The question a.rises-which la the quick.eet and most effectual remedy? Bryan'· Pulmonic Wafero have been before the public for twenty years, and have alwa.ys given perfect satisfaction, a.nd inY&riably effect permanent curee when taken in se&11on. Sold by &II medicine deal·re and country ·~ore., at 25 cents per First Pi·ize Cullivntors. thri attention offatn1ers to the one-horse and two-horse Iron Oultrvaturs 1na.nufactured by him, a nd which have for six years obtained first prizes 11-t P rff\mc1al a nd Lor·al F 1uri'., The~ are undoub tedl y the best imple1nen t of Lhe k1ucl in use, and will 1n a. very short tune more than repay their coat, in t he cffic1enoy and excellence of their work. Inspect1on inVIted A supply of Cultiva tors now on hand for t h e spring 'vork, and will be sold nt lowest rntes. T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT IRON IIARROWS constantly on band for sale g All klndfj of Bls.cksm1th w·ork done on the 1 box. shortest.. noilca . A ca.118olicited. lk"-Mtl. I. WESTSQTT, Bowma.n viJJe. = = = · (#1 .A.pril 12, 1871 MRS . .ALEX. FH~TCHE'R. 37 tf. Still A.head. somEES, TEA P ARTIES, BALL SUPPEWS, :PUBLIC DINNERS, WEDDING CAKES hYo cents a.. piece. Those who h ave not seen this 1Iusi ca. 1 J\i~i gaz1ne should send 30 <e nts for a sa.mple COJJY. Tl1e a.nd specimen pages sen ni u 8 1 c 1 8 b J Il ays free. Sam ple copies 'J'h omas, Ku1k(ll, I'Nsr mailed free of post age ~s. and oth er popuJar to tcaehers for 65 oenb;; wtTile:rs. b k " v-ro ac · num ...ers: L1bornl terms Cor int;:ro. for 10 cents. Four bnok duction. num ben; for 75 cents. AddJ:oss, ~ ' 'Vebster , 'l'homas. ~t::.. E\eryth1ng 1sne w,fresh a nd sparkling. Contents beautiful Songs, Ducts Mo::-.'THLY aro getting etc , by "\Vill S Ho. ·s their .l\fus1c for less t ha.n w. moM"f.15oN E SQ , DIRl!:(TfOR OF THE ROYAL CAN..l.D IAN :SAr.iK TORONTO, ).:larch 15tll, 1870. Sewing JJiachinc C Ila llenge. 1nonths 1n t.110 United States sellin g the n1ost <" elebrate'l J\fach1nes , ranging in price fr om $65 lo $150, I an1 sati~tied that lit ran ge and quali~ f~ of work the "Lockman " 1s not s ·. rpa.ssod by any of thein, a n d I hereb:y re1wat InJ chn.ll Cnffo to Inst yen.r, to 1un it aga inst tu1 y machine of i t.s price mnde iu MJl:SBRS R. & H. 0 lIAn.A ,GENTLEYRN , -I purchased, al1out tP.n yea1s ago, one of Bradbury's _ JH11ll03-tln.e :first COll· signed to this market I t. is a.ckuow lPdged by to b~ a rema.rkabh flne loneil tn· strwuent, and l rnayal Bo nwntion, that havu1g bcicn r emoved sevm a l Lunes dur rn!: that period, .tt has only reqlll.I'ed t uning t wice. Yours tr ul y, '~ILLI.Al\i 'l'ROl\lPSON, Firm of 'l'.h01npson & Buri ::. & I{ O':p:aro., Genora1 A~nts fQ1 Ontarfu I "\VIII . 1re.. . r..owe, G. A . r..... r'· B ., lll!F I J. L. P:ETERS ,tJ[IO BroaNew il,way, Yorlt A F TER BEING E NGAGED P OUR B .i\.RRISTER . T,A W, Sol1mto11n Chancery and Insolvency Got up in the best st},1le-and on rca.sonn.b'o torms &c , &.c. b' the sutl::;cribor rhe ', t he sweetest and best b~a.d delivered daily to eu"tomers~1n Office on S1lve1· Sllreet, Ilo;vmau villc, all parts oft.ho town. Hi-3 onloanterm_.\:~' 1;1 o~ ~en ~ y- IG·H. A'L1illll FI,ETORER. . 'J~.;;.;,;;;-.;;o;;~;;;;;;,;,;.:;.~...,.:.;:: AND ATTORNEY-AT- 9~~~,;.:;;.c I ·· Lockman" ,A_~ent fm· R. ~~II. O'HARA. Bownaun Y1lle, July 2olh, 1871. 5f!-tf. SAMUEL SMA LT,,