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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1871, p. 1

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at tl ~ OFFIUI -Post O lllce IJ!ock KlNG S TRE ET BO\\ MA'>\ TT IE VOL. XVII. BOWMANVILLE, ONrr., DECEMB IDR 21, 1871. House o.nd t h e country The)' were as a rule tl at s rt of person of \li 1 01n an .Au1 Annexe l \ 1 be fo ulCl the Globe.., re erica.n poet ha l spoken 'vhen h e sa1 l that I or t of ]\fr E Blake ' able speech wl ch The 1nerclfu.l P o 1dencc h a l fash oned the hollo v 12 . dehverecl m the H ouse of Parhame 1t at Toronto on Moi day 11th mst pre On put'pOl'le io 1et t1 e n the r prn c pies s allo v fat; ng the an »ndrnei t to t h o first para (Laughter ) Tl at was an apt desc11pt on grnph of the address m r eply to the speech of the character of so1ne of these persons f on1 tl c t hrone an 1 "h1ch amendu1ent The) were h e1 e t o mote their const1tu ents had reieeted them a11d sent better W<IB fin a.11 y carried on the sl cceed1ng Wed There was an dcsday mght bJ a maiority of seven' otes men to fill their places other result 0f the elect10ns upon which agamst the Go-\ crn neut l'rli BLAKE rose and ea d he co1 gratn they had cause to congratulate themselves Tl e 1 esult of the 1;;}ect1ons were such ns to lated the gentlemen 1 ho had i nst spoken for the manner m "! ICh they had discharg necessitate a. change in the Gove1iunentel a very a;<; k vard task a id if tie nui.t not that change that was short!) to be made (laughter ) but a mmor change ter had been as good as the manner there Fou1 years ago in his fh st speech 111 tins , o ld be nothn g to wl8h for (Laugh House h o clw.racte11zed t he Govern1ne11t te1 ) Bllt that could not be for ti e gen They still t1eme i K ll C\V theJ w et t'J adur essing thont as a Borough <l.dmnmtration seh es to a vory bad business The Ho se represented boror ghs The lat e Com ms had lnet again under very d11Ierent ctr s1oner of Crown Lands now the Sec1 etarv represented the s nallest const1tuenc.)! In c lU stances peiso ally a1 d politically the 'vhole count1y-a borough or only fron1 those u1der 'vluch it had n1et last Eiess1on Dt.u:u g the last cla.j s of that ses some 3 uOO so t ls m debt over heal and l figl ting fot ears to this co mtiy a bankrupt bor ough s10n a small b it p;alln.n t b c in the hands vf anv go~ ernment of the the mtorost of the cot 1 try sat on the 01 day (laughter )-a borough the foe simple (,\ppfause ) Nuner of "hieh } on could not sell m or ler to pay its debt tJ the c1o"n T he fir>t l'!Iin1stc1 had the next smallest borough Hon J S l\fACDON <l.LD-And h ave kept it too a ll along ~11 BLAKE-I s 111 oee it s ea.y to keep It h ad only soi e 7 100 souls while wei e a'i a rul~ his honourablo friend fro1n N orth Huron 111 the coui try repr esented sorne 49 000 souls Tl en there was the Treasurer he a.lso represent ed a bor<iugh It "aa true that ti e South Riling of Brant 'vas a fine constituency that there was a fit e rural population ti ere but the Treasur er after unheard of efforts durmg the election was rei ected by the r ial population b~ a maionty of 200 votes It was tru e that the town of Biantfor l ga" e 111 n Honie ... OO n aJor1ty but 1t was also true that he owed hlB elec tion not to the un1nfl enced votes of the borough even but to the votes of the Grand T runk employees whose '\ otes ex ceeded h s whole maJ i ty Tl at was the position of the 'I reastll'er of the Prov111ce The Comnuss1oner of P 1bhc "Works repre sented a pleasant httle borough but it was a. borough fo1 o.11 that conta1n1ng somo 15 000 souls 'Ihe Comnuss1one1 of Cro~n NO. 21. 1871 $0 50 0 i3 0 7u FALL! 1871 at B,\TTINGS ut BArTING S at BATTINGS at BATTINGS nt EATrING'S at B,\TTING S ORIGINAT lilR BLAKE S SPEECH NEW NEW NEW NEW DRESS GOODS CLOIHS PRINTS COTTONS FADED AWAY I): F ORE~ E ll,\.YWAR 0 20 0 08 0 02 NEW FLANNELS NEW KNl'IlED GOODS &e &e !@"AIL MARKED AT LOW PRICES' ~ '!ho roees 1 a e faded away Qone Yi ith tl ~summer fau As fades t1 e last bright sunset raj Or aa the merr) wddb1rd s lay D cs on the evQ g au NO ~er~ ATE M E N T I Bown1anvillc fled I I FACTS THAT 'I' Ry FOR --o-- ARE FACT Tl YOURSELVES! ARE CON.l'lNCED TRAT S F HU:;I:;sclls lus Goods as Low or Lowei than any one else m Town _ . !\.large stock of Cloths Dress Good· stnpod checked and plain Shawls, Blankets Lmens Wrneeys Flannels Kmtted Goods Hos1ery Gloves and 'Ii:immrnge, all bought before the late arlvanee m pri·es l6f" A{epec1al line of Clan Tartans 60 per cent lower than laet ears THOSE WHO HA VE TRIED IT A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Best Workmen m Town, JEi'" warranted to fit and not come to piece· "'!WI Tile Best BJ.tck and Green Teas 1n To,n1, at $1 00 'lhe Best 50 cent 'l'ea 1n Town. ~Butter Eggs Mittens S ocks and Yarn taken us Cash for Goods Oct 4 1871 S. F. Hl LT... I 'l'. J. Jones, J,. D. s., MAYER Grateful to a generous public fur past liberal patrnnage begs most respect fully to announce that on account of mcreas mg busmess he now occupies S URGEON DENrISI ~'[c ~rthur OFFICE King Street over F F Bo n a ville s store On Tuesday t]ie Sons of Ter porance of the P 10\1nce of 011tai10 co menced tl e1r twenty third a nnual seas1on in Toronto rhe meetn gs ve re I eld u t ho Temper ance H all on Brock street and at thetirst one h undred and thirty delegates ";ere present be3tdes a large n mbe1 of lad1es ancl gcYtleincn as spectat ors Tho G 'V P Mr G \\ Ro · of Strntl my was i t the chair lilB annual add ress which was delivered aln1ost lm1nediately en open nrr evinced conrn le1abe carti in preparation and \Vas well fill ed with facts and Info 'ln pr ospects Tlie Bo"'R ni anvdle Veter1na1·y Surge1·!i ~ 1 1 SIN'tbo !\fr Thos \\ ebster of llrantfoll showed that the Order waa m an en and has tilled every shelf h ole ancl co111er Wt th an exceedmgly choice eouragmg oondit10n ma 1y of the do1mant a ssortment of goods compnsmg D1vrs1ens rev1vmg rnto nchvity dead ones ret un ng to h fe ur d ne v D1vIB1ons corn THE \VHOJ,E OF HIS 81,D STA:lD, Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo R o b es, P ,\PER COJ,J.. ARS NECK TIES been established and with a populatrnn of about 10 000 had been gn enfot 1 nem bers in the Conunons Hts f11Cnd fro1n North Huron ie1 iesei ted 49 000 I eoplo the average of whose concl1tion 1s to" ea.1th and stake m the country he did not hesi tate to say was ]ugher than t l e a ~1ago of the population of Mamtoba But N 01th H non with 49 000 speaks ' ti but one '01ce in the I-louse of Commons while l\famtob > ' ith 10 000 spoke w th fo ur One evil done '~as ""'ollo ved by an other Last sesrnon Brtbsh Columbia was added to the Confederntwn an I ith a population of 10 000 got no Jess than six 111e1nbers that was one 1nen1be1 to every 2 000 people m tho·e two provmces r!teJ on hJ.S s de ha I contended a d he r eioiced to say with succeRS for the right of the people of Ontar o to protest against the violation of the Constitut on and set nost sole i n and th en foot down in the 1 formal "ay agamst such vi lat10n That protest Vias r eco1ded on their Journals and tho votes of th e Mmistry " ere record ed in its fa'i 01 Tbat4 as "ith i eference to a financial question-a question of sec ondary importar ce but only of secondar~ unportanco to the q ucst1on of reprcsenta t un :\.nd yet this '1olahon of tl e con stitut1on was contmuod and not a word or re1nonst1anca 1s n the speecl against that w}nch tvas rapidly depr1v1ug this Prov mee of evorythmg for which she su r fie d He so mucl r i accer tmg Confede1at 01 'vas not at all surprised that l'I1n1sters should ha' e absta ned fl orn alludLng to an othet subieet m which th s country was Interested After iu-,ihng the H ouse a.a they hnd done t o pas.s a solemn rcaolu t1on expressive of t hen J UJ' 1.o 1at no, ernor .Ar cl ibald ha l 1ssuea 'va.rr ri.nts for t h e aries~ prised that in vie v of r ecent e'en ts !-fin u1ters prese1'"Verl a d1sc1eet s lence upon that subJect 1he House had smce learn ed ho'v inuch truth there \\ as in the war rant story They had leamed the n 1ser able conse 111.::nees of ta n r 01 ng with cr1n1c They had Reen a second attempt m~de when none 'vould ha' e been l al tl e proper course been t..ken at first and they had seen that attempt so far successful that the represent atne of Her MaJeS&J m that provmce had been sl akmg hands with the i 1an for whose a.r1 est tl BJ re JOiced last session warrants had been issue l Under theso c r cun ~ ances 1t was not surr nsmg that MmIBters should have abstamed from any allusrnn to that sub iect Although theie "as silence on many top10s yet there was a good deal of !au l a hon running ti rough it The speech aeen1ed to ha.' e boon frruned on the notion that havmg nothi g worthy of subnuttmg to the House they spun out the speech to a decent length bJ pramng the measures of the past He well remembered for it had been often dmnod mto his cars by Jlftmsters when therr c1y was that it was ver,> improper to discuss settled questions they say have no thing to do with them they are dead issues But what was th1~ beggarly array of empty boxes that was submitted to thern 1 What but a p1 oposal to discuss w·hether it was Wl.Se to establish a Technologteal college that had been es tn.bhshed whether it was vnse to ei;tabhsl an Agr cultural college tl at I ad been cs tablished whether 1t was wise to pass a ~ boo! Bill that had been passed "!tether i t was WISe to IBSUC a COIDflll85i011 to the G ENT"S FURNISHINGS, &(·. The whole of the stock ha' mg been well bought hargams 1\111 he gnen L ALL KIND~ OF FURS AL l ERED AND hEP AIRED MARKUS MAYER the quarter ending Sepi;e>10.be1 30 & h 1871 showing at the p!e ent tune a fall n1em bership of 6 620 an u crease of l 744ove last year and the whole number of lacly vmto·s 546 Durig tl e year 1 290 new n embers have been ad utted Jule the Highest Price paid fur R.iw Furs. encouraging aspect --In tlie evening a. pu lie ten per a. ice meeting was h eld m the Bond Street Bap t1st Church 1n connection 1v1th ti e 1cct ing of the Grand Dn 1s1on Mr Ross oc cupy ng the chnu Tun Joel Briggs of Georgetown 1uadd a brief speech remark u1g that he 'vn.s glad to see 1n1n1sters 've1e taking up the question of 1ntompe n ce and dealing with it from their pulpits aud that he bel eved thohn1c was com ng when the question with regard to men who tum ed at election to the Legislature of the country would not bu Is ha a Refonner or a C0nser' at1ve? bit ca.ta of temp erance ? Robert A1·n1onr1 qteet Bo\vma.n' Ile E GIS TRAR WESI DvR H AM I ssuer of !\'!arr i:.gc L ceonscs Bn.r istcr ang Attorney nt Law an d ~ol c tor n Clar crv Money lonncd on Real Esto.re Office on Jung R ARRIVED - AND John K. G.tlb1·ait11, B .Agent a t Bovnnu.nville for the Society ARRISrER AND ATIORNEY AT LA" Office K mg St eet BOWJnaJl' i le 1! reehold Bulldi n Money to lend on fnrm sccW'ity St. John B. Hutcheson. ARRISTER ATTORNEY SOLICI B IOR nnd Notary Pu bl c 0FFJCE JPirstdoor east of Post Office up sta rii READY F'OR INSPECTION believed thn.t the countrv ought also t o bo re}l1eseuted Ill the admn 1stration and that the mterests of the country at large would be better attended to if sue 1 "ere the case He knew the ad mllllBtmtion felt t h s ti ei seh es at else had md tced t he present Secretary to depo.rt from his snug little b Q1 ough of N1a.gara and "an der up to So ti Oxford and make appeals as there to the people for his clect10 i But I e ms defeate I by a maJ011ty 01 ~00 South Oxford \lO 1ld have none of them it ·1 ewed !nm ou t of ts mouth (lat ghte1 ) 'Ihe :b{1nistr,y wete not so fortunate in the count11 as in the boroughs The :first J\fmister had some time ago tnod Stor mont but Stormont r eJected him Hon J S MACDONALD- I w.s elect "I Civil Engineer and Land 1'Lgent Office and :res dence Lot lJ 3rd con Darlington Al orde s .left at the o.tfice of H obert A r mo rr Esq promptly attended to '10 P t'. G. Jla111nng, RO\IN CIAI L<l.ND SURVEYOR ~11 BLAKE-And even with that oer tificate of good character he failed to carry the day m Stormont (Laughtei ) The Co1rumss1oner of Crown Lands too a.t one tnne tned North Ontario but with very little success Therefo·e the Mmisters · .A :FULL ASSORTMENT OF S. Chcstf'1·fiehl, S~eet Ordei:s p unctually attend d to Mbderate DR,ESS G-OODS Cha.:rges 13 A UCTIO NEER J!OR BOWM<l.N '\-~LLE n.nd Darlington Res1den '°' Queen IN .A.LL THE LA rEST MATERIALS Thomas Stonhouse. ,t. UCIIONEER APPRAISER AND ...el.. General .Agent ha l ngton Centre Sales l'r'Olllptly nttendcd to MILLINERY IN ALL THE L~TESr MATERIALS -W-OOL GOODS reports a nd h e found that the consuu 1 t1on of spir1 tuous liquor cost the people of this DomLn1ou more than t he whole value of expotts of cattle po1k beef and articles the of that kind-more than 50 per cent more than the value of all the produc·s of the forest He also fot nd that th1s P1ov1nce spent three rnillions of dollars m ore for 1ntox1c ding bever 1gcs than for cducat on for the support of the Gospel for the con sti l ction of churches aad ln contrib ltions to Bible o.nd other societies The people of Ontar io spent 1 01e l :t'3t year fvr 'vine alone than the whole revenue of the British and Fore gn Bible Soc ety He concluded an eloq ent speech by appeal ing to all lovers of their countl') to strn e to d1ssemmate the prmciples of total ab stmenco amo1mg the people and th is pre1 are the way f r the total bamshn ent ef intemperance The officers for the ens tung y ea1 were elocted on \\ ednesda) follows G W P Rev Joel Bnggs Georgeto"n G W A Rev J Griffith Londo (} S G G a· IN A.LL THE LATEST NOv ELTIES GIB TRB surest W:t;} to loose your he:iJ.th 1s to keep drinkmg other people s PHYSIC for the most part is but a sub st1tute for 1;1x.erc1se or temperance A CHOF'E LOT OF Cloths, Gent's Undercloth1 ~RlB Two thmgs a man does not ofte i forget first love and Ina firot smoke . ON the 14th of f;ept embcr last D1 L ith er of Bilk cltscovered a new planet It was e 1ual m bnlh mcy to a tar of the eleventh magnitude Tho nnmbor of as tero1ds now known is 11"" A I ITT LE boy afiP:1 ' a.tclung he burn mg of the school house until the novelty of the th1 ng ha l ceased sta tc l do :vn the street say mg J m glad the old th ng is burned down I didn t h a'e In) Jogfry lee.son no how 1 A foll bearded grnndfather recently had Ins lursute append ige shaved off sho ving a clean face for the fhst tune for n U \ inher of years At the dmner table l 1s three year old grand daughter n oticmg it gazed long with wondermg eye an l finally ex Grandpa wh ose has l Jo" got clauned on1 Collars, N eek-Ties, &c. SPLENDID BLANKETS VERY CHEAP, ~ WITH EOM E E :M V 11 LC I O NEoompo ltnS" H R REI ld D Of l p:t~fe1rl)d Ihe best value COflON m town can be seen at Wm. McMURTR Y'S. Bowmanvillo Septernbe1 27th 1871 011lter co int el:\ and n o'v the3 vere bound to protest in the st onge t and the 1 ost solemn ma.nner aga1nst any mterferenca e th er b) th s or a n\ other Goi.: ernment with the freedom of the I eople m elect ng the r repr ese >t·t \es (Chcero ) Other lnfiue ict::a " e1 e used bJ the G 'ernment The) obtamed a. measure tne prn1c1ples of vluch they o i his side did not oppose bt t rather approved of fo r Ute rednct10n of ti e pr ee of c o" n lands a td the\ J.11 kne'v hov. th s 111easm e was used In the couuty of Grey there wos a large qu antity of poor lands !flth refer once to which 1e.!' I orts h ad be n made a id the sup1 oder of tl e G i,: ern 1 ent 11 that count) who was seek111g Ie election no v told the elec tor. 1t w o Id be extremely nnprudent for then1 to elect an opponen t of the Go' e1'll n ent Ife sa:vs notfu 1 0 of wh t the re port 1a or \ h t the Governme1 t inteuda to do but all h e would tell them "as +fiat it wonJd be very impru lent on their p rt to elect an opponent of the Governn ent (Heal hear ) rha& wos ' l at vas Sall lll pubhc but what 'vn.s said in private 'vas son1etl 1g a gr eat lea.I stronge1 and h a would appeal to the Tr easurer f such was not th e ca.B e It natteied little to the Government of tho cay that ti ese mfortu n ate settlers hacl not 8ha...ed in the ma.tort alp os1 err\y to wh1 h the rcsol it on called upon them to test fy It matt ered I ttle t J tl em that as a r lle 111 so mo of these t ownships they reaped less than they sow ed It m tt ered I ttle that they I ept tnesc people upon the tenter hooks f ex pectatiou t ntil the l l lone their d it)' by froely eleetmg Mr <l.braham La der (Hear h ear ) Another "a) i 1 w Inch the Gove1nme1 t interfered m tho elect ons was wrth l ogard to the rail rny fund but he would not enter t pon tnat s 1biect at tlns stoge or the debate Mr Blake then proceeded to refer to the ·ate of he vrs Thet.:10 men ve e ele ted p ledge· t hat n ey ' ere t o use tho c ltrt sted to them to ~ d' ance tho very Under cau se which they h ad betraJ eel what c1rc 1mstance~ they strayfl<l frotn the right path was pr·tty well known t~ the crrcnmstances it was n ot surpr1s1ng that they l1ad mado mistakes with regard to rur-.. ~.l u1t-erests and tl at thev "ere not so v; cll 1nfor ned 'v1th regard to those inter ests as th ose me1nbe1s who d rew their po lit cal breath from the country const1tuen c es Under these c11cumstances he was not surprised tl at tl e late Co n n ss1011cr 01 Crown Lands had progressed un1nter ruptedly from blunder to blunder No do ibt tins wa· to a certa 11 extei t attrib utable to that hon gentlemo.n s peculiar cast of n md which made it d1ffic ilt for him to make up his mmd upon even the smalle·t quest10 r But a good den! of it "as attributable to the ignorance of the Govern1ncnt on the questions connected satrsfacto1y " th that department to know t hat the Government early felt that in th1s H use such a narrO\\! contract e I blundern1g 'ac1llatory policy a· characterized the adm1nist1at1on of Cro,vn imousl,> assented lest seas on rhese were pnme paragraphs m the Speech It ' as now at the er trance u pon then duties solemnly proposed to dtscuss whether they should take t he roof off the Technological College wheth er t11ey should sell agam tho land purchased for tho Agneult iral College and whether they should revoke tho con m1ss1on they agreed sho lld isst e last sess10n This was tnfl11g with the House and co untry These m easures b e they of h ttle 01 great consequ ence were settlecl queatwns except to the extent with regard to so ue of th em thaJ; the Speech left them unsettled One of '!;ho ina1n obJections had last session people 'vas k 1ow11 the Corum ss1oner of the proposal to e·tabhsh t' o of these m Crown Lands subsided from t hat position et1tut1onB ,..,..as h e believed of great force to the easy ore of Sec1etMy where it11at \\ th reference to the Teohnologieal Col tered 'ery little what kind of letters he lege they mtencled that a B1!1 should be wrote \Vhcthe1 ho tnn.de up lus l nd prrnented to the Ho ise t reg ilale ti e to ' nte lette1s at all (Laught r ) If propose I Col ege showmg what tho func His Excellency had called upon them to hons of the College ' ere to be ho' it was express their JOY t1 at the Con1ml.Ss1oner to be governed &e Instead of that t e had been remo' ed from hts post and trans only 'ay in v; luch tl1e inattei 1vas brought feired to one i 1 "luch he could do httle befoto the Ho 1s0 was the vote m the es harm he would have heartily concurred rn hmates for $50 000 for the e·tabhshmont it and IeJOtced that when thmgs got to of the College If uable gentlemen the worst they h acl m ended a little B ut no doubt would say t hat m passmg the t hey were not allowed to reJoice even upon vote the House m ea1 t that the Govern a subiect "I ich must be a matte1 of re ment should take cha1ge of the College ioicmg t o M1msters th emselves By the Perhaps it "as to be annexed t o a depart Go, ernrnent so changed they were called ment perhaps to the Secretary s depait upon to discuss the Speech from the ment to diversify Ins dut ies rite same Throne and to co1 sider the policy pro with re'erence to the Agricultllxal College pounded by the ad1n1nIBtrat1on I t wne There was no prov1s on for the regulatr ie that there were so me other tlungs tron of that mshtut10n The I on gen upon which the Speoch m ght have said tleman who spoke before !urn said ngl t ly somethmg if the mterests ef thlB co mtry that thetr objection was to the details had been I roperly attended to-if the They oould not tell what the deta ls "ere Go,ernment were not alavIBhly s ubserv1 They had a r eport from t"o gentlemen ent t o and kept in life by the Govern v.;l o had inspected snnilar instit 1t101 s n ment at Otta rn (Hea1 hear) Smee the !Jmted States but "hen t he} attack they last met a blo v- a fatal blow if it ed a port10n of ·hat repoit tak git to be 'vas to he repeated a da. gerous blow ri.t the recom1nenuatlona of th e Govern1uent ar > rate-had bee1 stt ick at the con trtu they were told that it was not the Gov t1011 and the r ghts tnd interests of the ein1nent report and no mformation ' as What was that for gr.ven them l'hen tho Speech proposed people of Ontario which they strt gglecl so Jong-although j that they should congratulate t hemselves the 81d and goo<\ Reformor, th· fi.r·t llfin up·n tha working of the School Bill He It""" 0 ll l L

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