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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1871, p. 4

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Thete is a whole sennon in tug parngrnph from the l\fontte"l Stdr, which it would be well for those mteiest 00 to u r ead, mark, learn, and u1wardly digest " " The a.version Young Canada has to ag11cultu1al or mechanical pursuits is not calculated to a<lvance the,mtereats of the Dominion Canada has gient need of strong &11ns and w1lhng hea.1ts 1ust now Her present supply of full gro"n lawye1a, doctors, and ·' clerks" ts n1ore than suffieient for a good many years yet, a nd were some kmdJfairy;to transfo1m the icommg prolific brood into embryo artisans or fann ors, tho_change would he as' profitable to the country as to the inan. It is a great pity that parents are so led away by ap pearances, and tl1e silly notions of their children as to con.sent to their augmenting the Riread~ far too largohst of half taught, aimless, and too often (.hssolute beings, who: drag through hfe under the title of "professional 1neu." Our cities are full of these huma!l wrecks, and e' eiy 1yeai: sees large additions to tho sorry crowd " We do not wonder that the 1ecent census sho'v~ such a small increase 1n the pop ulatton of the country, when we see so many of our )Dung men deserting agn cultural.and mechamcal pursuits through the mistaken idea that they can make nloney easier, 01 because they have got .a. notion mto thell' heads that it is a little inoro respectable tobe a la.\vycr,or doctor, 01 merchant, a.nd findmg but their nus take when it 1s too ]ate, are too proud to go back to the occupatton which nature de signed t hein for, nnd oitho1 Iea-v e the country to hide therr failure or remain to becon1e burdens on their friends orsocrety It is altogether a. mistake to in1n.gine, because a. far1ner or n. m echa.1110 n1a.y 11appen to be a.hie to educate }us sons as ]a'\\yers and doctors, they 'vill be successful as such ; n1 a few isolated cases they inay be, but Ill the great maJority they will learn when possibly 1t is too Jato to retrace their steps th.at they were wrong so1newhere u1 thell' calculations A large propo1 t1011 of tho young men who leave the country overy year will, we thmk, he found te be of that cla.ss of persons who, haung mIS talrnh,their occupation m hfo, try to hiqe their failure from therr former associates by emigration lHE Illmo1s Central Railway Company, south of Clncago, are building eleven nnles of Corn Cribs, tho capacity of which "ill be three inilhons of bushels , the) a.re erecting these cribs to recen e corn in pay ment for lands purchased of the Gbmpilny, and the foll Chicago price is to be paid for it thc1e Coru m the gt eat l agr1cultura1 staple of that co 1ntcy, and the " Canadian Pain Destroy et" is the best remedy in any country whe1e a disordered con d1tion of the stomn..ch, hver and boThels, lS combined with great deb1hty, ner\:ou s weakness and intense inelan(.;holy its effects are most beneficial and wonderful Pnee 25 cts per bottle Sold by all roed icine dealers THl: efficacy of Bryan's Pulmonic wafers in curing coughs, colds, and all Bronclual affections, and cheering the aftl1cted, has passed mto a prove1b In the United States, where these marvellous 'i\'afers are known, they bear down all opposition and eclipse all nvalry , the demand for them has steadily nmeased for the last twenty years, until no\\r the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes a year Eminent members of the 2ued1cal profession without number adrmt that they know of no preparation producing such beneficial iesults as these w.~fera "hen taken 111 season they effect a perinanent cure Sold by all druggists and country dealers at 25 cents per box I ' GREAT BARGAINS ARE NOW GIVEN AT 1'HE A T ERRrnL~ "' Tf MrTATI ON JThe Pump Shop at p1m;ent wmked hy thP r;ub!';( ---Q--- WIT.!LFIORSE PO\'iLR & r~HHh, THOSE P IUOES Al' 11 ber f'rn-1HeSBIOn g n 1-m 1 mn1oih a~e ly Onlv h11 Smess of tl r, kind Jn l wr -plt nty of c uslom 1 1a chan t f1 r a goml v11mv1n~ker Gheap E' SlLVER 1871 Corner Anderson & Co's NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE {3 Store. ST 0 VE S I STOVER! 'h -oul~l you be surp1 i.~ecl to )(llO'\V tb:tt we nre SE:LLING CillE~PER fill~ EVER. PUBLIC _ OP IN I 0 N has fully JnstJfiGd the 011g1nal i<le.~, that at the "Corner Store" you can get li_AVING CONCLUDED TO :B' l 'I' 'l' ED AND vVELL S IJITEI) Give Up the Storn ~usiness AKD CONFINE J\JY A~l'EN JIO )! D. STOTT, , CHEMIST ~ -- ! splen dul aggortment of FaU and '\V in t er Goods of Lhe 111ost fashrnnabli SL ) leH and of Lite -.;cry best quality that ca.n be had in t11A n1 a1ket it will be t.ci JOlJl a(h ant Lge LO call au l exaIDJnc the stock arnl puces befon1 JI 11 chas1n,; ehiewh ere No h ouble to c;hO>\ g oom1s (.reat inducements offc1ed V{ould it surpuse you to k110-..v t hCLt -..ve arc now prcpu.red to manufacture for all who may favor us with then orders l([en's V\ omens and l\ltsses Boots and Shoeo roa.cle to order -..varrant ed to :fit or no sale H AVING .JUST RECEIVED A TY yc::us to hP 1e1Ja1d in 111slu.l1ucuts to suit borrower~ who ll.l'C allow·cd to make such }Jay ments., in addition lo mstalments, as they may find convenient nl.aJ be obtruned from t he Ca nada Permanent Bn.ild.lng Dnrl Srn ing Society, b> app1J ing to FAI\E\\ ELL McGEE & R<; TLEDGE Solicitors Bovrn1anv1lle t oifPrivate funds to loui. 61t L OA:'<S FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN CAUTION. ~ -~ .:~ ,..-- ~ < 1--~ _,.__ Havmg 1 engaged uo'v been tested beyond a1l questlon and the edict of tlrn public is that Lo day T HIS CELEBRATED :MAC H INE ~~--- = AND DEALER IN DRUGGIST I I EXCLUSIVELY TO I M r .LA: ·oF ~~~H~N' It St:uuls u itlrnnt :No Risk. Pa.rticula.r attention "\\ 111 be gn en to gents fii c sci' ed "01k Please 1e1ne1nber the stand TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, BOJV1JIA1V VILLE. l'hm.ias' Ekcl!rw Oil! Worth Ten T ww its Weight in Gold Do you, knmv anything of tt ~ If not, it is ton e yot1 d1d It1s tbccheapestMedic1ne e\ er made dose cures common Sore Throat One bottle has cured B1011chitis Ftft} cents v,; orth has cured an old standing Cough One or two bottles, cures bad cases of Piles and ICuluey r1oublcs S1x to Clght applications cure anJ case of Excor1 a.tcd nipples or i.ntlan1ed Breast One bottle bas owed lan1e back of eight 'ears stnud1ng Danie l Plank of Brookfield 'l'ioga ( ounty Pa savs ' l went thirty nnJes fol" a bottle of you1 Oil, -which effected a 'vonderful cure of aerooked lin1b b~ 1nx applications AnotlLer ~'"ho has had Asthma for years says ' I have half of a uO cen t bottle left and $100 wonlcl noL buy it if! could get no more llnfUs Robinson, of Nunda ~r Y "\vntes "One smaU bottle of vour Electric Oil restored the vowe where the porson had not spoken above awhurper1n five yoo.rs' Ile'\ J Ma.1101y, of Wyoming N Y , 'vrites ' Your Electric 011 cured nte of Bronchitts ln one l\eek Dealers all over the coWltry sa) \Ve have n eve1 sold a1nedu..ane that has given such eomplcte satis te.ction as this It IS composetl of six of the best oils that arc kno\\-n ls ns good to take as for exterual use, and 1 s belle' ed to be in1measurabl) l'lnpenor to anyt hmg ever made Vi' ill sa"i e you mu~h suf. tenng and n1an> dollars of expense la sold b) oneor u101edealcrs1ncvcry place "here these circulars are found Pr1ce 25 cent s 'Vhy not bu5 1t Lu da3 1 Prepared by S N TI101'iAA PHEIJ'B, N Y , And NORTHROP~ LYl\1AN NEWC-t9TI E, Ont Sole Agents for the Do1nmrnn ~OTE- Ef.ect1 ic - Selected and ElecLrizml. Ou~ HAliDWARE, \\ILL SELL :lll: STCCK 01<. . S'IO"\,..E8 CONS.iSTING OF TWO DOORS WEST MURDOCH BROS OF It i3 the n1ost substnll'<-1all) built has the fowest '"or king pa"ts ben.ut1ful in dcmgn nnd .:finish ~ Has the best design of a suttle, and by fl\r tho It is cn.pable of p erform 1 LAitGES1' H.OllB1N S lng a range of \\Ork h1the1 to thought 1m posslbl for Sewing Mac11111el'! P UN CANNOT STAY WHERE IT IS used DRUGS. l>-l[EDICTNES, - AND CHEMICALS, D:y e Stuffs, Patent 1\ifodio1nes, Perfumery, Tirushes, Combs, So::i.p:o;, Paints J.nd Oils, P,unt Brushes, Co.al Oil, and Coal 011 Lamps, &c , l-li;c ANDERSON & CO Bo" n1n.11v 1lle U, Sept 1871 I I -STO y ES-;- STOY.ES I COOK PJ-\RLO R, - ---- - --1 PY1SICIANb PR E~C!.!PrJO NS C'RM'UILY COl\!pOUNm' D ·ND iLJ, ORDERS COI\REC rLY AN~WERED. STOVE SI r1 1HE SUBSCRIEJm BEGS TO INFOR'l\t t he 1nha b1ta nts of Bo-wmain tlle nnd su1ronnllH gt ot1 1 try thaL he has the Is ;;sold nt about oue-hal lf" the 1wit·c of thkr 1ta:rnhi11\ei. ~ P'arawrs and Ph111Suiansf1oni the Cmnd1y w1llji11d 010 Stod of Medlctnes com- plete and of the best qiwl1ty - - -- - -- - ---- - - -- - -AND - - -- - - - - -- BEST SELEC1ION OF Sl'OVES e\ er o:ffer.ed 111 the 101vn comprising HARD TO BELIEVE. True Nevertheless! ----0---- BOX, AD WTED FOR COOKINU, PA RLUUl~, BUX CUAL S TOVES, AND of lhe latest patterns and of the best "ork1nan THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING THE LIKE \VORK Is equally at h ome on leather os on fine goods Haa carried oif prizes. ov er the Howe, Singer Lockman \Vheeler tf.'"'" '\V ilson VY anzcr Ro3 mond & c ft,i'T A Perfoot :nfach1ne Guarantoed or no sale rrm mm shlp ! which be '"" II sell AS CHEAP AS IN ANY 1\.1.A.Hh.. EI COAI. OR WOOD., IN THE DOMINION A.lso, a.gent for t he celebrated Ame1 1can Tll!E GUEi.PH ill UliD JUACllINES THE CLERK'S STORY WlLen I used to 'tend sto1 a lll S;) iacuae, ti'W'Ofd inan~ ca1n..e-r0Und one - day, and ao.ys ho " Boys, tthe one that solls~the n1ost be tween now and Chnstmas gets a \Ost pat tern as a present " Maybe we didn't work for that vest pat tern as a present 1 I tell you there "ere somo pretty tall st01~es fold m praise of goods Just a.bout that time , but the tallest talker, and the one that had the n;nst cheek of any of us, was a certain Jonah Squires, who rooined w1th me He could talk a dollar out of a man's pocket "hen tJ1e!lla;n- only-mtcnded to spend sixpence , and the women, they JUSt handed o\0r thell' pocket books to hun , and let !nm la.y out what ho liked for them One mght Jonah woke me up "1th, " By Jo, old fellow, if you thmk that ere's got cotton m it, I'll brmg down tho sheep that it wa,., cut froln, a.nd niake hnn own ]us Twon't "'eat out, e1U1er wore a wool pair of panta of that stuff five years, and they are as good now o.s when I first put them on Take it at thuty cents and I'll .tsay you don't owe me anyth111g Eh, too dear! Well, call it twenty eight cents What d'ye say l Shall I tear it 1 .All right it's: a ba.rgam " I could feel Jonah's hand playmg about the bed clothes for an mstant, then rip tee.r went somethmg or other, and I hlll my head lmder the blankets, perfectly eonvulsod with laughter, and sure that Jonah had torn the best sheet fxorn top to bottom When I awoke the next morn Ing I found that the back of my night shirt WM split from tail to collar baud Fo1 sale by \V T Atkinson and Dr Deans Oshawa in '\Vhitby byJ H Ger1ieand J Byrn n Brookhn by John \Varren ~old bv J HIGGIJS BOTHAM and D STOTT DO"i\Illan' ille Ontano GROCERIES VERY CHEAP. ood Cookmg Raisms only 5 cents a pound, and G er by the box. '- UMMER DRY GOODS at cost l.; Arr COS1-,. -MY STOOT( OF-- BASE BURNER AND HEATER Call nnd exammo Stoves and pr:icos before purchasmgolsowhore ~ Hardwarcofa.Hk1 nds Pmnts Oils Putt}, Glass &c &c stildieap - - o -- Canadian Pain Desta·oyer v. ell and favorably knov. n, 1 elie\ ing thou ands frorn pain m the Side, B ack aind R ead, Oo1~ghs, Colds, Sot e A S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I Tlvroat, Sp; auIS, BNvises, Orr:nnps in the Stomach, Gholeia l\forbus Dysentery. Bow-el Com.plan-its, Bnriis, Scalds, Frost Bites, &c DESTRO):J:<JR has now been before the puUhc for a length of tune and wl1ercver u sed is well liked, never fa1lmg rn a single instance to give permanent relief when tune-ly used and wc have never known a single case of d1ssatiBfact1on, where the duections ha~ o been proper1 > follo-wed, but on the contiary all arc delighted,., ith its operaLluns, o.nd speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effect..._._ _ _ \'\.'e speak from e:xfmnenee in the mn.tter:flav mg tested it thoroug tly, and therefore those who are suffering from auy of the complaints for which lt is recom1neuded mu.y depend upon it beu1g a So' ere1gn Rcmed} The astonlshtng cflicaoy of the Canad tan Pant Destroyer in curing the disease8 f01 wluch it 1s recon1 mended antl its 'vonderful effects 1n sub du1ng the torturous prune of ltheumatu1m, and in rehe' ing Nervous .1.\.ffcct1ons, entitle it to high rank 1n the hat nt Remedies Orders are coming m from l\'[edicwe Dealers ln all parts of tho country, for further supplms, and oach test1fy1ng as to the unrv ersal sat1gfact io11 it gives The Canadian Pain Destroyer ne~er fails to gn e inunod.ia.te relief ill Mcd1c1ne Dealers keeJ? 1t Physicw.ns order and use it, and no family will be v; 1thout it aft-er try1ng it .Price onl~ Twcnty~.fii.. e Cent.a -per bottle For sale b}' 'V 'l' Atkin son and Dr Deans sha"a 111 '\Vlntl-vl" J H Gcrneand J 13yrue B rcokl} n by Juhn '\'Van en Sold m Bowman~1llo b} J Higginbotharn and D Stott and all rned1c1no dealers ~Tl1e CANADJAN PAIN / iOTTON and 1,Yoolen goods arc advancmg, but you can huy \J them at Elliott's, for a short time, at the old puces Now rs the time to secure what you need 1n asso ..trn 1i+. oft11nu;-:i.1c, Rusn.a and coni ff/.01lt i, a1e th,.. he::;t 111ade "Irnple.,,t more durable and reliable t han any otliet r-imgle thread lnttc huie ~ Larger and v.;ork \"iithgreatease '~ill do all kindJ3 of domestic sewing in a pe1 fectly satisfac Len) manner Ila.s taken first prize "ivherevor exh1b1ted o i Stove p 1 1 ~, Ga1loics pipes, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHEm,-~- ~ ,...DAILY LI)[E D11mib Btoves, d:;c: , kept on hand WELL ASSORTED, HOT AIR DRUJ\1::-:l CLOTHING! - made to Old t11 _§@· Hot Ai1 Furnaces fi tted up on the And, as lTsua.l, sellmg at Prices that con- most improved plans t111no to Give Sat1sf'1.ct1011 YVORKl\-IA_l\ ;;iHIP second to none in the Do1n1n10n aU lunds of Jobbing d one on tnc shortest notice, nnd at rcnaonablo pnce::; 1':DWIN HOHSEY, Boo\ n1an-villo \.ugust" 16 1871 3 t-f I R OCH-10ESTEB. SPLE~DID IND<;CE1!EJS'fS ~ ,.-- G ENTLEMEN in want of a neat fittmg smt should call early at Elliott's Fasl1101mble Tailormg Establishment. ,aJ!JSat1sf<tct1011 guaranteed m all reasonable cases Henry Elliott, Jr. H~mpton, -tHOIVl AS BASSETT. l 11HE SUPERB NEW LAKE UPPll: I NEW r_rJN SHOP I 1 - -- - ---1 BOW:MANVILLE N 0 R s IJ, M A N Impol'~11nt to the PubHc ! · £i ' T Bo·~n1 a n Fox terms samples 0 .. ~~~ &it-~ app1> to: GCIELPH SE1'VIJ.VG MACilL.YEOetl ", , GUELPH. CANADA - . ·~~ 1lle, .A-1: guBt 30 lS'il 6 State cabm Steame> IN August 31d, 1871. ltf Stoves T Stoves T rnHE S-CBSCRIBEH, lN RE~ W . G. REED, Cn.tr}lllg Urntc(lStates ai1dCa11adu.n l\frule o.nd Exp1css ' . fi JAS JVIUCH- PLEASURE IN IN I FORl\fINC tJ1e1 nhab1tants ofBowma nvillc and Sluround111"' countJ.J that he has opened out a New In1Shop111 tl.1.c stoic latch- occupied hl John .Allen corner of Teaves Fort flop e every Morn:t11 {J for R'lchester at So clock ona.rr1' al of Grand 'rrnnk Rall way 'l ra1ns f r om East and \.Yest At the Ironmongery! SOMEEHING ONG \VANTED BY EVERYBODY, - OR-EVERY ONE HIS OR HIER OWN P!UN'l'iEU ! General Sewing Mac nine Agency. ~-t'" ~l ~ARKJ]'l' _j___ ING thanks to the in.habitan t;:: of \Vest Dur ham for the liberal support "hlch they ha;; e h TNG <>ND DIVISION ST REETS given h un begs t o ln form all those who a.re 1n Howrua.n '1e, where he will k eep constantly on want of a tirst class Stove that they can be sup l1a11d ~"!. ~' e11 Relccted s'- ock of sto' es Jap plie d b;r him as cheap as any other ho11sP. 1n tho an111 1 1 p1cssml 11ntl plain T111"\\mC trade Ile has also for salo the celeln u.ted 1vhich lie will sell URN The Great Fcniale Re111edy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS~ dangerous diseases lo wlnch the female consti~ tutton lS subj~ct It moderates all excess and r e mo\ es all obstru< hons, and a speedy curcnutj b e relied on TO MARRIED LADJES "RUTTAN 11 HOT AIR STOVt He is also mnnufactun11g the "CFlE"1P AS TIIE CHEA PEST" Special utt entmn pntd to E 'le Vll'rRO UGHIN G AND JOllBING BUILDINGS ' 1'L['LEOlD'S HOUSE AND VILLA PAINrrs , BEST HOT AIR in Canada T HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS llllfa1hng 111 t11e cure of u.11 those painfu1 and BOvVM~t\_NVIT_,L~~ Prepa1 ed for immediate use, a.nd nothing but the purest MaOOrials used, and i e quiring no furth er inixture of oils, 'Iurpent111e and Dryers THEIR COl\fPOSITION CONSISTS SOLEY OF - PRESERVING EGGS 'l here seenu~ to be a. great d1vers1ty of opinion about po.eking eggs for preservation As we hn.ve given the mode of several readers who think their manner is the best, we ehp the followmg from tho New York Oburcer of a recent date, gn rng its expenence " The most convenient and aahsfactory way to keep eggs fresh that we ever tried, lB t~ punch nun1erous holes m a tm pail, fill it with fresh eggs, lower the pail with the eggs mto a kettle of melt ed tallow, winch is as hot as can be without burnmg one's finger when thrust mto the hqmcl , then hit the pail out qmckly, and the meltecl tallow will flow out leaving a thm coating over every egg Let the eggs ba :r.;imoved a.s soon as possible from the pail, and placed on the ends m a keg or barrel, wh1ch shonld be kept m a cool cellar until wanted for use We have kept eggs m this mannerformore than six months, so fresh thatexpertJudges ·upposed they "ere fresh As the eggs are ao much colder than the melted tallo", a thm pell1cle of cold tallo"'._ will be founed almost mstantly, "hlch will render the Mell impervious to ~nr " 1 It is pecnh arl} smted It "ill in a sho1 t trme bring on the monthly period ,.,ith regularity These Pills sho1tld 1tot be talren by Fe1nales d1lt-inu the FIRST 'l lIRE.M 3'IO~THS of Preq nanc-y, a'il they ai e 8'Ure to brino on JJ-fi:orcarriage, Pure Col01, P u1 e White Lead, Pil~·e Whte Zww, Uinseecl Ou, Spiiit's of Turpentine and D1·yers carefully ancl scientifically com bin~d but at any othc1 time tMy are safe In all Cases of Nervous and S~1na.l Affections Pa1ns in tho Back and Limbs liat!K_UO on slight exertion Palp1tatlon ot the hea1t Hyster1cs, and \Vh1tes these Pills v. ill effect a cure when all 0Ll1ei roe ans have fa1 led , arul although a po" er tul rcinedy, do not c onta..ul u on, cnlomcl, anti u1ony or anythrng Jnn tful to the constitution Full directions n1 the pan1phlct around each package "hich should be carefully preserved. JOH MOSES, ':iEW 1.'0RK, SOIE PROPRIJITOR ri1he consumer can have any des1rod shade of Colo1s neatly put up in Cans, and al he requ1res to buy with the P aint is a Brush, as the work can be done by hun.self or .Agent fot the 'Vheeler & 1.Vllson the IIo;' e and the Osborne Sewin g Maclune"by any member of his household SEWING MACHINES. LE,VIS QUI.JK March 8th 1871 ln the matter of WILLIAM HILLIER, PURE WHITE LEAD. A large stock just received for Autumn Pamtmg, nnported direct from the English l\1anufacturers, includmg JAMES ' Genume and celebrated Rooster brand- Guaranteed pm e WestBrn Assurance Compan. HEAD OF l<ICE-'fORON'lO C i})ltal Surpln~ Sto~k, an I nsolvc'ld "Lo c KMAl\T" $1 00 and 12! cent.a for postage, enclosed to Northrop&. Lv11rn.n , NeVicastle, Ont, general agents for the Domm1on, will insure a. botlle containing over 50 p1lls, by Ieturn mail I 111uh1. 111 For sale b)~ _ '" T '.\.tk.ineon and Dr Deans Oshawa, in Wh1th) bj J H Gerrie nndJ Byrne Brodjn by John \Vo.rren, Sold by J HIGGINBOTHAM and Bo\\manville Ontario 2000 ALSO -A:ll eta.nda.rd Colors, Oils, Varnishes, and Pa.Inters' Mate11als Call and sec h ow cheap a House can be Pamted and Decorated, for all these goods \\ 111 be sold at reduced figures GALLONS MACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT KINDS B Hox J l\follfoi.it cH, President HALD Uil, Managing Director ATSO Threshers and all parties 1equn 1ng such 011 <tre specially iU"\ited to inspect the various qnahties-the price being fnr belo\\ a.nyt h1ng e'er o.fl erecl in t]ns Ulfl.lket Jn JUe1no1·ia1n in honor o!J.he dea11, Hea-o; en has uttered no proh101tlon and Earth is not uuurcd, but benefttteil, b} them .All those beautitul emblmns v,;h1ch adorn the many tom bH around Vi h1ch we love to linger, assure us -..vc are in a world of warm and lo~u1g hearts the adornrnt?, of the sepulcbres of the ' loved ones allevta.tes Olli gric! and soothes the wounded hl:".art It also cheers tl1e be rea..; ed. to kn·n..: that a n additional embelhshment of the grave presents stronger altla.ctions to arrest the attention of the stio.nger and causes hun to pa.use and learn the name of one who has shared so largely in the lo'\ e of othArs '\Ve take t his n1ethod to 111form you that wo can fill orders for decorating the graves of departed friends at low figures, executed in the best style of v; orlonanship A GAINS'f EXPENDITURES 500 COOK, P .A.RLOR, HALL AND nox STOVES, D EALER ~ :N DOMESTIC ANJ> PORIJcD airivmg and n ow on Exhtb1t10n The largest and ch.eapest stock of Gencial Hardware, Carriage Goods, and Tinware, m the County of Durham. Welltngto n Building Bo,vrnan~ illc Augu,,t 9 1871 GROCERIEI:', CHOICE TEAS l<RVIL'R, North Half of Lot n111nher 15 111 'ilh conceHs1011 of t he Townslup of Dadrngton except the South Ea.st t thereof ALSO One Rood part of18 iuthc7thconcc.;:.s10n of the 1 Towns hip of Darlington U:; described 111 a, deed th ereof fion· one Edward l!loody Dated tt Bo-..VJna.n ville thfa 26th day of Septem ber A D 1871 CHAHJ,ES R D BOOTH £0m Oitte1al A:;s1gnee ' JOHN MoT.EOD. PROVISIONS, &c , CltOClCEltY AND Do.,; mun \ 1l1c Ont The Celeb1·ated Br:ullm1·y rJoh-;.,; Hot <l.ir l<'t·st-Prize Piano Forte. D1·11m. and economical Drum in use and ~ill dis tribute inoro hea.t, occi1py less roon1 a nfl anF>wei n-U--purpose better than an]' other BY 1ts use a hoUBe can be n1nch better heated -with one sto\ e than under IJie old ~r-. stein with t\\O or three stol es-thuA n10re thun payrng foI itself in one seaMon by a savmg of,vood. All who have tried t hen1 >vould not be '\nthout. them fo:r man) trmes their cost Tb.c undersigned has secured the Right for Bowmanville, Darlington Cartwright Clarke and Manvers nnd is prepared to 1111 all orders on the shorte"t notrne A full assortm ent of Cook Pa.rl01' and Box: 8to\ es constantlv on band F r HOSRIN 16-18 HON JOH:>.~ SIMPSO:fB OPINION OF TII ( O~T \H.TO B \Nh. FIRS T-CLASS MAN WANTED for a Ira\ elhng .A gene), for Urn ·rownslnps outh 111 g this 'lo\"on Appl~ m "r1ting 7 with ilfm e nce"' to the unders1g1u d fo1 L1ansnl!S"'i0n to the H ead O:ffice T HIS IS THE :MOST EF:FICIEN'f R & H O'HARA, J,ucal AgjnlH I -.. PER~ON~ who ha\e becon1e thorouJhly chilled from n.ny causo, may have their Cll'cui&tlon at once restored by takmg mto the sto1uach & teaspoonfulofJoli nson',,. An. odynt Linuncnt mixed m a httle cold water, well sweetened EvERY fa.r1ner who owns a. good stock of horses, cn.ttlc and sheep, a.nd intends to keep then1 tluongh the winter, should get at once a good stock of SM1 ukm's Gavaln1 Go"d't'°" Powde>S. One dollar's "orth ll'lll ""' e at least a half ton of hay THE Qui::sTION 8.ETYLED -Those enun ent men, Dr Jan1es Cla1 k, Physician to Queen Victoria, and Dr Hughes Bennett, aay that consumption can be cured Dr W11ta.r knew this when he disoovernd his now widely known Ba/,w.m of Wild Of.,, ry, and experience has pro~od the co1rectoness of his oprmon Da. BuRG, m reviewing the statustics of death· from cholera, finds that out of about 32,000 artisu.ns m copper, braas and bronze employed in Paris and other cities durmg the lost outbreak of cholera, only 16 deaths resulted from that d rnease An other mterestmg fact bearrng on tlus question 1· that the city Mio-Tinto, surround ed. as it is by copper mines, has never been vmtcd by this ep1denuc. MONUlUENTS, TABLETS, ETC , OF TH~ ll'INEST QUALITY OF -AND- ITALIA N&· 4MERICANMARB.LE SCQTCH ABERDEEJS GRANITE supplied on short notice Everything pertaining Lo Cemetery work 'vill n1eet with prompt attention by 1eavrng or ders with C BOUNSAJ,L Sewing Machin~---- - - MltRlTS ---....... Bowma.n'\; 1lle ::: t Bowmanvflh, Sept t>th, 1870 Messrs R & H OHARA, TOOK . THE FIR!!'l' PRllZF A'f T[lE TO LET. General ..A.gents, Bow1nn.nville. The Pump Shop WITH HORSE POWER & LATHE, At present" orked b~ theeubscnbei Pos!:u~ss1on g1~cn immed1ateh 121' Only b111:31ness o! the kind in town- plenty of cnston1-1are chance for a good Pum pn1akcr E SILVER Bowman v11le, 1\{nv 2_. 1871 1·rol'incial Exhibition ! THE CELETIRATED PElUEO'IllP Jnst h eld at 'Toront o over the 11wst ienO\\ned SP.wing M&ohmes 1n tbe 1-vo1 l1( among wluch "ere the celeb1ated Howe, '\'\,.heeler & \.'\' k n, This J.B only a confilmation of the \ ordict pre' 1ously rendered b} the Great Canadian Spectacles ancl Eyt Glasses manufacturciJ by LAZAHUS & MORRIS and f01 whic h. ha· e the sole agency are ganung go lden opinion ron1 all thor.::e wl o have tncd lt If 3 cu war.t and no otl1ers AARON DU Cl{L F.R agen Bo,vnutn\ ille and -v tcllllty 1 m~ Fit·st Prize Cnltivator!ii. the attention of !armers t o the one-horse and two-borse Iron Cultivators 1nanufac.tured by him, and w"lrich ha.-..:e for six yeal'S obtamed first pr.izcs at ProTincial and J-"'Jcal Fairs Ihey are un doubtedly the best Implement of the k1nd u1 use, and will in a' ery short tin1c more than repay their cost, in the effimency and excellence of their work Inspectmn 1nVItcd .A supply of C11lt1va tors now on han1l fo1 the spring "urk and "ivill be sold at }O\.\ est rates T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD DIRECT It:ROM W TIIOMl'SON JMQ , DIRECTOR 01~ 'IHB somEEf-1 TE<> PARTIEP, BA T,T, SUPPERS, J' UBLIC DIN~EltS, !!Je,Vil~a :Public, anll pro' es conclu.s1vely the SUPERJORITY OF IIIE ' LOCK.i.'IJ:.. 11\i O"i ER ALL 0THER8 ROYAL C .\ N \DIA:."i' BA..i.~Ir TORONTO, l\1arch 15th, 1870 J't(aclaine Ch:, Henge. WR .Agents &II OIIAlH Wholesale am! Hotail ,Also a.gents for Guelph Sewing Ma IRON HARHOWS of a supeuor kmd also on )1arnl BUGGIES AND WAGONS study fop ladies m wmdy m- All kinds of nlac kamnh work dont:' on. the shortest notice A call solicited weather-PcttJoo~t Govern1nent. UJ Bttt: I 'VES rCOl'l'. Bowmanl rile. A. l'!Wl".ER constenll) on hnnd for sale about ten JC ar::; ago one of Bradburys pm.nos t he fl13L con s1gned to this 1narkct lt is a.ckno·vled.l(ed by Win.II. I.owe, B.A.f,.L.B., professionals to be a ren1arkably fine toned in M Lrumcnt, a nd I nw.y also mc11L 1on, t hat hn.1 mg ARRISTER AND A 'l'TOl'l.NEY AT. been remo"\ ed several times during that period, JJA,V, Sohc1tor in Ohanaery and lusol ency 1L has onl} 1equU"ed tuning b;ice &c &c Yours truly · WILIJAll! THOMPSON, Office on 811, ei Street, Bow manvllle, Ji'1rm ot Thmnpson & Burns onloantcrmA:!l' ~ 9) ·o& ·Y 16 H & Jl O Hara, GenerRl Agents for Ontax~o MESSR..Cl R &; II 0 HAU.A GENTLE:\IEN-I lJu1chasod clun e Co G1ove1 &- Bake1, S1ngfn ,Howea.nd \'r1n am!'! 11-'f!u hines VY t have nlso on h a nd a B l Wi<:-..-,DING CAKES member R & TI CH1!>.'E DEPU1 Got 1 p Ht th htt'-'L Blrle and on reas.onable termB bv 1hfl f:H th"c11bei 1l' h.e ¥1h1 est, the sweetest and lH HL b ett 1 thlrvoied dril} to e11storners!h1 a11 11ttrts of Uic to"i\n lD 3 ARK FLlllTOiillR '

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