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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1872, p. 2

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· CANADIAN TRUNK ltAlLltOAll Tlli!E I 'llLE MON £REAL STATESl\'.IAN~ BOW:NIA~~VILLE? T!IlJRSDAY~ FEBRlJARY 15, 18?2 PARI IAJ\1:EtiTARY SUl'i!r[ARY - -- ~HI§_ Ihursday Mornrng Feb y ;5th TROBE TENDERS 'Ihe edit tira For IJ lt a:s haa been tho custo1n in the c tab11shme t o Er the W<ij v] 01 th cd1to1 fi nds l nnsclf cornered esca.1 o IS so 1ght a co 1 l i 1catron ot er an ans111ned name \\ e statod lost TI eek that lift Barkers tender had not been opened ai d co lsequei tly no 1 lJ tst1co coul l be don h m Tlus inforn1at10 we rece , ed upo 1 lJ>:qutry from two or three n e~bers of th bo·rd The lfer ha it· corresp01 dent l:i.s week ·ays I an creditably mforruea the T ender wa.s opene.:I and n ho k 1ow who saw 1t Up u read ng tho ·hov contradiction of our state1 uent lve wen and mq lll cd of the Town Clerk r egatdm! the matter He mfonnod us tl at upoi the recepL10n of M Barkers tende1 f1 01 an offi e hand ho ope1 ed the en vel ope 1 ot a.:now1ng that it va& n tender bu :sup1 ostng it t be :i. con1n1uu1ca.t1011 uo ti e or 11 a y bus n css o! t ie to n Im n ed a.tely upo l ope1u g the on. velope 1 e Fn<E'1EN s Somu -The he ausp ces of the Bowmanville Fue Coin :iany iuent10 ed w o 11 last tst1ue \ill be eld m the Town Hall on Thuroday even ig next 22nd mst E'er: effort mil !J< t t forth to make tho cntertai uuent a orthy oue and it 18 hoped the publi ill ox end liberal patro 1a e P u t1cu t3 "tU be u nounced n d e ti o ' \ .111tcd a ~tuden t NE WITH ·( n E h1'v"LE:i,;GE · .,, () of corn.po ldlng- PI~ oned ~ HR REU1 M 1) l,umbt'I· .tnd !l\}uJlgks SHE F OR Darlington AT l\fY 111JLL'S tlJ CURLIN At 0.o.oNO -Two r1 Brooklin a id one from Colun1bus pl \.y ed lireo nnks uf the Clarke C thog Club a Orono o l Satutda) las t Tho Orono me1 wthll.ttal GOOD CHOPPERS wmted SEV.ERAL to cu Cord vood Board furnished. t: re quired anw the 1 al e of tho docu1nent au :l i once without re"d1 g a single sm tence sealed u1 the docun ent 1n another e vol op~ vherc it remuned Ullt11 called ot b a. emplovee or th Mer ria it office Pra t ca1ly t1 e 1 ti e ten ler ·was n t 01 en cd a.nd no o e bit the authors kne w t 001 tencs 1n}css Ly their o vn tclhnn- Tu{; a bot e f icts ;vere co In nun1cated b~ !\.1r Wmdatt to ti o f re> an of tho J.fer /a I offi.co a d to no o e else prcti t /1 to ll e ap pea a ce of Jamie s httfo lettc "\\ e ar therefore Just tied 11 bel ev ng tho co m i i.;a.tion was w1 ite u tho offic o"" o conte l pora.1y- a.ther o.n u1 Enghsl n1a. 1ner of co Itro vrsy Not\ ti st~ cl n the Clerk · d ot 1 ct a o v 1 thnt J o on had seen or r ead ti e ten der ti e lledgh Jan.1 c aees fit to qucahon 1\Ir W n datt s. word-a. procecd1 1g wh1ch all .ac quamted v th the mdaubte I I tegnt) of } c latter lv11lf1 ot be ~l o v to co ldcm But the upat.-irt Ja i 1e *" ies to <lo a httle browbeating an l fu1tl c1 1 ultr:J the rown. Co nc I 11 tl e follo v te1 B Bhoul l U e Hr A IF.SM.AN ° co1 t ue h1<:1 malevolo t athcb [ w 11 1101ne of tho ch \l' 1e i c1rcl ~he r <lo1ngfi an l sh there i.rc uu Engl ·I l omgs 11 ongat that ] ttle body "° c ma.de no attack-ve only sho\llecl the fala ty ai d unfatrnessof the Me d ants iltt:.,ck upoll tho To ~ u Cou 011 nnd o u selves a nd~ ill C)llhn ie to expoge s1uul a.r slanders whdn ever oppor u uty occurs The Town Council oro doubtless quak mg i 1 theu- boots "hile th1akmg of t'1c trem.,ndo is expos ires: whwh a.wa it them at the hands of th · uh.ant Tamie Had the latter been awarded t he teudei two weeks ago Ill Ml nfa r na.nner we ! Uppose natl 1ng wo ild bo made known of the u 1 English do g· of that bodJ whom o r couto nporary s yles I tile H e appears to kt o v a gooc\ deal thM o ght tc l c tol 1 ti e p tbhe and yet 18 will ing to r1t hold it pon cert ri.1n co1 di ons By all moans he should do Ina d uty "\.\ o obsor \:e that the C 1110111 ave o:x tended the ti ue for receiving t ocders f._. pr ntn g till th o 2Gth is~a>t 'Ihm ~iJ give our cont o 1 I or ary n.. cha co to bac down fr n lus hastuy \Saun cd posiho and to rer lace h 8 te der 0 l tel d was beforo the Council last Monday m ght and will re nrun 1 1 posscss10 l of the Cl i l nntll tho matter IS decided ("f I Darli c on Dec th 18 JAMES VJ!:AL Lot 6 4th Coin Ul...f.'f' NE'v CrutcH -The 8 1 Ca.it ght are abo t to er c new b11c .... church at VV lh l. tsbu gl and a e ad ert1se l for te lcrs f or th c ec o be ece1 ve tl p to the r no . . . n:-in v \ '-Jlknd11l I iu 1n fo1 "iale, TOWN COUNCIL IN l HF COUNTY OF DURHAM r.µ o B 11. n~ art11 n le \:pplioat1621 ICouNCIL CITAMDER Feh 1? 1872 t.o be wade to J S D /\.I ES Pro1 rleLo:r Bo mnn I.le Octobe 4th 1 ~ l 10-t! ! J"(mblc Dov o.nvi le Jl\n 3 l S 2 i\ohce. e Dow nn lle. Ja n u 4cl E LIZABETH CA\\ KEH 9 h 18 ;? 24.-i( Noh cc 8 e comp! ed a id ti e roblioro 820 000 in gold com J\.l li 1a aud others vho a.ve ~n ill t1 I) ba.b t of p~a.c lomg vi h ball c-0r :Pdge1 on the. tltlt v; ill please beB.r 10 utlnd ui:\t nom tho ls u.bsol tel,} T HE MEMBERSoF n.ll) VOLU~"l'EER on~ Some a counts weri;; l tell! nte 1 n. d re ferred to the Finance Com n1ttco On motion of Mr Tho ipso l 5'CO lled by Mr Allen tie timo for roce1v ng Tend ers for Pr1nt1 g lvns e.4.tended to next neet1 ig of Co l cll the Clerk to gtve no hce to both offices n tcwn An =1.n1e ldln nt to the abo'\'e 1nove 1 bJ \fr Po ter and ee anded b~ Mr Brnd ·haw that th o tender no v n the ( !erk s Ill Feb 7th -A pM<senger Howroa.uvill~ Feb l ith 18 Z tra n ~01ng to St Louis on th.a R :JottfL>rd R ! and St Lo us R It wh· i about three qnar·ors f am lo be Olf Alton ·ta OTICE IS HE.RHIY GlVEN THAT ~ ou ca. 1 e tu co ua on with n. fre ght train a. J;J a -v v b u r du ad at tb.a moctu:ig grnn norih The bi\g· f \ga c:i.r and first v .:.11) Ta RU u . . uo.cil of. lJ..>w llld.:J. J.o w tXt o.e a. oa coac 1 ere tel es(}{ ped and th on n.lmost u stantly to k fire Th seeno o·t au[ >lll 1, Tiu At,TON presont trmc oonsen hitherto gi en by me.. ua u and :i.uy wilfu.llycontmwngI fleprac 11'"it N mu.st ba doa.lt w .th ns 1b.e l.a,w dliootti F II.A.~ F.I!, iloWbMJl..-i.llo May 10 18\1 '1-tt ceaJ.;~thlsnotxce tou:nd:. · 0 'fl:.P~A"'I11 E 1AILO~ \. 1 A tfnB AT denl of ex cite lenth~s bee 1 <c cn.1 onod in B ta l n.1d A. er ca. by ti e\.n lnterest g: meet ng of tl19 cluo was l eltl 1n Hu. npto l on the C""\ e ng of F1 da.y Tan ZG h An able cssriy :vas read by Mr H U Hoo o I e eeo o n za hon of manuro wh cl vas well received b) those prnse1 t Asp itod d scuss o i ensued betoke ung t he doer mterest felt in th s very 1 nportan tsubJect The eve 1 ing hoV< ever w1,;:J.I Lng la.to a 1d severn.l ------'----~ prou1 neut inombers left to speak it wn.s LORD :l<fAyo Govomor General ofiudia decided to allo v the a JOCt to lay over hM been assaos na ed b) a l\fahome lru for d1scu'ls on at the next n cet ng h c1 1 convict The t1ag1c e cnt occurr'""d on " ll :>ke pin.co 11 Frwa~ t11e 23rd mst <'>no of the A.nda na Isl nds to wl eh per at 7 I m sons under sentence or g ave cr1 nos are ·ransported It is aupl osed revenge was OSHAWA Fe, 11 -About So clock th1S the obiect of t he assasS! who staboed tl e I morn r g a fire broko out m tho boot e i l Governor fat.Uy Musmg ·poody death sl 00 store of H W lkmson Ki >g sheet He leaves a wiuow and s1.,, ch I h e to whlch was tota.11:} c1cstro,ro 1 together w th mo irn the sad los· the fio rand feed oto " f R H Ro obs and a d vellmg house occur ied by Mr It was CU -;Lll<G - Un Thursday la·t M otl e \\ilk nso L ai d ~no her 1"UI I: only l y th o utmost exertions of tho fire of tho smgle han 1 medal natc 1es ··· played-H Tow us d ofeatmg "\V Do 10 las men and cit z:e a that "tho Commcrc1al Tho t otal loss is esti by 13 to 11 and on E 1 da3 T Brodie oeat 1-Totel was saved mated at abo 1t $20 000 part ally covered W W1lha nson by 13 to 8 The rctur 'lh13 or g.,., of tho f IQ rn match between the Ola ko and Bo vman by 1ns ranee ville eh bs was to I a e been pl 1ve I on unkno vn Tuesday last b 1t ti e mo was too soft The medal match w1tl Mo itreal is like cnorm o 111 a id 1 exr o ted cla1 ns I ut 1 by tb"._A er C\I Go on o t for alJ td Ci\tlon by th~ Geneva Board of Arb tt ti on 111 ti1e sh i e of <o seq en i da i agP.s o acco 1nt of tho do 0 3 of I e Al bet.ma anu 111 n1l ar ~ essels Tho i nd rect losses tl us presontod foot p to a fa.bl lous s u 1 110 Br1t1sh Governt l"nt ma nta1n thnt no such mdnect losses were to bt auu1n1ttod \Vhile the Ai encans as fii nlj contc1 d the ou1 o e te It s supposed on aC<..."'OUnt of this d1vcrs1ty of op1 non that tl o Genova con fore ice" 11 prove a fa lui e b 1 t r. t o be hoped ~hat t he quest on m } bo nm10ably IUTange I g s ioet Cot nc I adJ O trnod 11 l\fonday even ng 6th lnst at tl fj usui.\l hou1 RE l1 \\IND,T'l' TC 17 tl DARLINGT01 FARMERS CULB ~og~r.: L-C ORNISH IT~~ TEEM J. tlie 1 .att-Or uf EDWIN HOT:sEY of B ow na, mlle cm l n41>1v·nt THE I mcod. Mei<' p --- OU~ UO';;i.\ch ot B o .it. lle b!lve been ar u tJ.l.U. m~ wr Orod.it-0rs who h 1.V13 not a.lr oad:v filed thev cla nIS e.ra requ.est.6CI. o do so be! re n.io ntbir. ARL.A~E .A ~'fin&ci UNDERSIGNED DUNCAN DUNCA..'< McF A.RI.A.NE a A mgnee- BJ:ocl..-..ille Feb 1:1 1.-::. Z ARE LESS LIABLE 'I'O GE'l' T HEY ot Tb.er a.cc out rcn3 r tb11n otl er watd.\.eil ar& uore i.ratc tune keeper tsl A. &pee a.1 warranty from. tno Fitetb'ry wtl:Ji l"6TY wa.tch '\\anted, Bowntt.nvtlle, Sept 2'1 13 l DAN A'S P.A TENT SHEEP MARKS. JOI!:-> 1, GALBl All H Bow nauv lie F u 6 n 11:) ~3 w1ae p o!tpone l Plus Ultra A NEW GLEE 1300h WI H PIANO ACCOMP' l MENT On Saturday foro 1000 last the long tall< ed of match between a iu1k of E 1ghsh non and a nnk of Scotchn1en in con1pha lCe PR.A'YERS wer e off~Ied t p 1n '1.ll the with a challenge trom the for 1e was f1hurcl es of Sheffie! I E gland on Sun played lhe Scotchmen led fr o n th e 1 ty, for the preve l o l of ' n.r b etween that co mlty an I t he U t ted States atart and ca.n1 0 o tt ' v1nne1 by s1xtea pemts The folio vmg wore tho players TnE D , ly N ic sttttes tha' p 1blic op1n1on 1n Ger nu 1v ts str ng n i ta oon :E OL 5rl tEN BCOTCII I F1"S W Douglas J Lyle d emnat1on ol the co rse p rs cd by t l e v Icman Capt Ke th U l te l St \tcs Got ern n(,"\nt in conncct1011 Bu '<l e 'V Ron" ck Cub tt skip R Dodd!! ak p with the Alabama Cla1mo fnE new Nat101tal Party of Q 10\ ec C P Soau.r - Mr Cha· Tod w JI gne s ctnely at "\'fork ln-3 ng its schen1es with 0. 1oc1a] In the basement t the ( anada the PresbytenM1 ehurch 111 th s morrow (Fr1da3) evernn~ at 7 o clock Mr Tod s name 1s a "1ffi.c1ent g iarantee that the re're·hrn ents will be first c as 11nd &rrangementa h ave alao been made for the ente·ta.111111eut of those who attend 1 r c.; $1 50 ia h <Jv per doze " It CLUi Ill Nb'" >J=:I:O'l <)C:>: H.P~ PH GALLE I. - - --·- - I -- the ' I. iJ MOST IMPnOVEn LL KIND> SHINGIE" 1'< 13 n.tn "! 1\1 l Lot. U 1the< Do. Ing 33 u.oo t 1 i:iue..; 1 um .B vn u il e 4a0@47o JO' U1.HAN srE HEN l'ebrtW'Y I l8 2 !17 m. " 00 "" 2-0 3v w ", 12 @ li> u " ~ l LE 0 F T TI B A U T. 12 @ ;;O ® A m all a. l n neu 10.u of~I t NT H NCE-01p L \\ SEXTON 3oW1Qnn" lie October 4.tJi l.8 l ll'ttlt. 11m·l<1. r·o.d:ln~ ~u.

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