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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1872, p. 1

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-~--------~~~---·----~,~;__---' ~~-...,--~ ..... -.... --,~ ~ _:£_ _ [ge Q[ a1ubr.i11 lEP ~hh~mm1 Um·n1ng, I tcd n 1 1 JJ I hcd ~ luu ·sill:n 1 3 t . .: P oprl to r , : C LIM fb. u.t l 0 ' Now let ns loo] tt tho incu1nl rance8 IIere ·the old laaJ and Rhoe], lf you It 11111 fight the onci 1) .,,)] he ple '" l gtl e thc1n a chance t( 1111 ' ou ~nd then tl1e d fa(h · ll cue at l tl Cj will d with Sl1ocky as t hey plea·c ' To Le surt> sn1d th e ll<l uuut 1ef1ec tively-. l'fo v · ud Ralph Gcnernl V\ ml1e!d Scott unlle:r s 1el c1rcurustanclo! s v1ould re treat u1 good 01der 'Ihen, \vhe i 1111: could 1nustc~ his forces tlghtly he would dine t lC c icni:t f101 1 lus grou ul --- \Vas Jest to eat up lB a of " HI HURU.U MIX..It:4. N l L on no:io " ell j cs t11cr s n1y brothe1 over: U\ "man to trn too Buel was doubl; enlisted on the s1<fo of homeliness of that feature 11 d doubled Ja(kaon K.> )U11ty I mou t go there at BArllNG S NEW DRESS GOOD.:3 Here Bud stopped in f11ght a.t Jll~ own Tohn I"earson the basket rnnl Ct In the tho fellow up nga1nst a tree tun feet a.wav LOVE LIGHTENS LABOR ~ 13'. llnee a n d under first inrmrtion $0 50 \\ oll s n I l3ud rlo you JU·t go ut BAI TING S NLW CLOI H.:3 Ea.ch a bsnq_ucnt. 8 Cl ion 0 13 volub1hty, for he had run hlS v.orda off first plac } u knc\\ that th1H per ecut1on Ralph can1e in sight 1n tnno to aeo the do' n to Spr111g 1 11 rock and stay tho1e ¥ OlH 0 :c tci ten I OPS f 1st ID.Se:ttiOJ 0 75 nt Btl.ITINGS \ ,,.oo 1 ;v fc r oae fron1 her bed 01 o morn I h h b NBW PHINT~ E wh s 1bs ... r r 1cmt 1nsi;::rt i<:ln O 20 And th ught v;lth u, 1 twvo tSJ dtoad liken. piece learned hy ieart, a.a t oug of tho unpoptil::n old n1~n was ) Uly a. ogunung of the fight and ho arrl1'ed 011 Thcn1 f Jlk ~ won t ho t re tell 1n1dn10'ht at BATTINGS O\ or ton l ne<: :Ill :;t insertion 11c1 lino 0 08 NEW COT l ONS ! or the pUca of clothes to be wnshod nnd mote afaatd that if lie stopped ho ~ ould not blind to sa.\ ~ somebody clae t hat they the ground Jtist a.s Peto Jone~ went down I 11 c 11 0 f(!l Jou at n ine w1th In~ 1uo :i-n E;wh s lb soquo it. ins~rllon 0 02 at :E:A 1 f!NG'"' NEW FL ~NNFLS '[ 1e n 1mbcr of lines to b e reckonOO by_ th~ space Ilana.dozen n1ou ho to ho fed lave courage to go on were th1e'\es \.vho c11ed ' atop tluef and u1 der Pho well dealt l>1 <w froin t he on]~ colt a nd l 11 set you down o'er ou tho a t B\rrlNG R NEW KNITTED GOODS vccup1ed 1neasu1e rl bv i,. aculo of eo td 1' onpa.rdl I There ~~ niea~ to he ti ot fci the 11 en l the l Ralph said that he did not ~et belong he fe1t conso {Uently that thLS\.\ LS a i.;hance 1e1n.a1111ng fiat of Bud 11eans Adve trnementQ th out spooiilc du coUous will &o b1g road on Buckev t> R lll Then ~ ou can &o &o bQ pubh~hed t 11 fo1b d and o11argcd uccord ngh I 'u d the chlltlroi t< axa" ay I to ""Y church and ho ".. afraid he to put lu· ne ·Iv fonued ro·oluhons mto Wlule R<tlph tied up Bud s d sabled left git on the m a 1] wngon t l at p ~SPS there :\ 11 tr ns tory a.dve :irni:. cnte n1ust be _paid for "'hen h ~nded tu .A.:h crtisemcnte m 1st bs in th& To school and th!J milk to be :ikin\ru ;.<'I ti t l couldn t do Bud much good But h1stone practice The Old rustamont 1elig1ous a.i1u Pete picked hunself np :-ilowlj nnd about fivo o clock in the 1uornm , and gu :e· AL! MARKDD Al LOW PRICES 1 -~ office 01 pubhco.tlon b ;; l Qo c )ok cl the \Vcd.nes da,y niorn1ug prcccedlllP: thou t1J:3t puhllon.tion -ohurncd I "as full of sympathy, and, what ts better life, "luch cons1'!ts iu fightmg the Lord · muttenng that lie fo!t eon·1 d able shuck ov01 t-0 J ackeon County ·nd kcor- ·ha.d3 .!.u d all to b o c\j)ll O th t day ro mo ch11nt.s and o her a ad\!ertis ng by tho YMt than sympathy a yearning for ·ympath) enenues smtod Buds tompet and educa up hke crawled &\l">Y hko a wluppcd till wo " n.nt y ou t o fa.co the one1n;, and to ., ptf h~ral d s;connt \ill be ma.do It ha.drained in. tbo night o.nd all thu \VOO l , y v; ns wot as it could be ou see, eat d B u d, ' I ~ant ed to t1on I t iu1ght lea.d to aomet Iung b ette1 puppy T o o' ery ~no w hon1 he met, Pote swonr agm eom< folks And than ' e 11 ~"d tl oro were n>ddingo ond pie< to b·ke I git out or tht· low hved Flat On ck" ay of ) It was the best possible to hun now "ho so mtellcct seemed to ha' 0 weakened se nd for i.: ou -- - And ~loolofcr.i;e forlro hvm Were a ha.rd o0 t down hero, ?.fr But I am afraid I shall ha~e to auknow m S\mpathy ? ith his fr-.un e remarked To oe ante Bn.1d the old ma.u u1 it ' Tb-0 do1 wao hot an \her 11Chmg head H~rt=k And Im gittm to be one of lodge that tho10 "as a socond mo'1ve that feebly that he "as con01d ah lo ·huck 111, broken '01ce I reckon Genera.I Wu1 T fhrobbod \'H~anly ae he said \V. !!~. Chuue, · tho h.a.rde15t of em But I n~ver could git moved Bud to h1s cha.unnonslnp The hke, aftd 'ouohsaf«i. uo other oxpla.nahon 11 mwdens but kne" ,,. 1 at. good ,vh=e!i. ku(lw field Scott wouldn t drnaPJ:)fO\ e n.f ouch I\ -o-'Ihes ,-.; ould be1n no h1 nyto \"'lod" ('In good out of Boa:t.L'v w1tll l11a wh1skyand good heart of !}-Iarthi. Ha.wkuH1 ha\"1ug Even to his wife he onlj said that ho folt SSUER Oi J\'L<\RRI \GE LICENSES n1a n oll'\ ct as t h.at thar By autho1it)' o# His E x~ell ency the Gover I' R Y ~ .f' 0 R Y 0 li R iill lE L V E S ' I Jonnie what do ,ou th! >k Itold Bon B1ow1,1 meanness And [went to llfount Tabor eopousod the cause ol the besket iuaket purty conB!d able ahuek up like and that or Gonaral OtUco ut tno S tates? tanoft1C-O Mias llfarJ1a boam od u Bud to !us j Called tho !armor frou1 tho ..vell church oncet I heard a. man d1scuss1n the hea.tt of ud lieans couhl not \ elp the boys would have to ct 011 to rught 0 HOSE wrro HAVE 1'P.IED Ir ARE CONVINCED '.l'!Hr s F HIJ,L ·~uda flush crept up to b lAbronzed btow baptism, and regenernhon, "nd w on foelmg warmly O;l t ho same sio.e Blessed without him Tl ere"'" wme 3cound1 els e' 1dont delight for ho carried Im pamflll OIFFI( E-l'o·I OOlce Dlocl<, ae ls his Goods ns Low, or Lo\Ve1, than any one el~o ,in i 1 own ~A. lurge It~~~ !~saey~::!~:a.:~~~:~~~ near That didn t seem no cure for 1ne I went 18 that man in v: nose lifo the d11v11 g o' whoso \:Ory ru ilxgn1ty i~ l'lh tk en out of aun }ll1.rt of ... the way hon1e with he1 IUNQ S1REET BOWMA.NV!LLE O~T 1 stock of Cloi bs, D eAO Good,, striped checkod and pl n Sh"' ·, Bl nketa L nens Ho smiled ond scoop ig down to a rovnal over at 01ifty Well, "amt duty and d awmg of lorn impol the same them 'or the tune being b3 a thnt ougli Ralph not1cod t hat Hannah looked at him _ Dr. .D 1 udson, lv1th a look f 1ll of contc11d1ng o notions WrnocJ'· Fi nnel" Koatcd Goode, Ho·tcry, Glove! und 'Ir mnnng·, nil bou ht Kl3'ad her choek,twaa th·· thot yo~ '!fer· no uoo l>'irat mght they was a mall that way' But why speak <>f the dmmg of drubbmg laDU UE OF T HE ROYAL COL bclorc the late arlv nee 10 pn··s lli:r A speotal lino ol Olan Tartans 60 pot cont tho beat b J Cl h I H e 2ead a.drau ~t1on grat1tuda, ttnd doubt L~GE of .Pn.ys,icla Js of Eni" and and luwer 1 than last C:.lll ! And dcnroi!lt · w lt~ int wnr spoke a. out eaus lrt.a:t in seo l a way dnty~ For ali:ea 1) Bud 'v11.s lea.ming t e n1 afiaid you re go1ngtoh:ive r.rouble Uu V'3rel-lt.} o! \ lctu ~ voui;ge Cobou1i,:: Lfnner in the evp1ess1on of 11er face ns ehe turned f(l"a.duate a.ud J: rLze a a n ... r tl.lo Univorstt.y ot that I w·nted to foll<>r him everywhere bettor le"'on of son mg God fot tho lovo with your aim, Bud," s.id Ralph tendorly r-. ' Tlte f~t'mer went ho.ck to t he tl4'ld., and thG Wlfl! J.vruni;o and Uni\ crstcy of (.J uceu a <..::oLJoge toward home ' " oil, gc od b0 olo wn 0 In.,m11ingondabsollt way But I d1dn t feel fit Next mght I came of God ' Nevel mmd I put m my best h cks lCUi.roton xner IJel ot W c Culici;e 01 l-"hy~1c1a.ua n1an, said ]..,en1 so11 as h e took u j::;iur"oo :; of Onta.no ow.:-ory and Hmu Sang sna.tcncs of tender little aoo":J back with my mind made up that Id tty 'Ine old. busko t n1t\ke:r waa tha inost un fer Hirn that air time J.\.fr II:irtsook _ dencc a :;.:> Arn~ Stroe r. !':lecond 11v1,/t east. ot JY'..i. l!a.ynu.rd ~ f!ot(j ltj :lu Shed nnt sung- fer mo Ya da:r Jesus Christ, and see ef had have me ponulat man m Flat "reek district Ho Ralph s\uverod a !tttle at thought of this httln handkcrnmet full of !lungs undstar l ' .And the ~ n in her h~ad ·w as ~onO and the ~b f good by I cloth·a l!ut hws they was a big man that mght had h¥o g1 eat vicea He would go to ut i it wa.· nght to knock J o1 as down at od for h'" h1dmg place · T Gants' Suits Mada to Order, by the BeEt W ork men m J · l 1ell.dm"" ill B own , 1 "" · · Were white as foam ortl10 aeo that preached hell Not that I don t be Clifty and have > soree once m lhreo all, why nnght not Bud do it heartily as didn t nover thmk I d des"1 t you and ef E\fBER OF J1,0Y !\.L COLLEGE OF W" Wa 1a1 led to fit and not ootne to pieo 0 ~ Her bread was lion! aud her but:erwaa sweet heve they· a holl They s plenty not a moilths And he" ould tell tho truth ma uni> tlrn LoTd ! Gideon did 1101 feel any tho old flmt lock hadn t a been rusti , I d .;,._ :::iur~e u Nn~and Lcenti1J..te .H.vJal Ool Tl t '"'I "'0 \.ndgoldenasLtoouldbe eii~ .... p lj~lCltll J:i .1!..illl )U:rg (La. c Hoo1dent. lC Best Bl:.·el· anti Green I ~ies J.D I OU ·· , :t ~ .v thousand miles a.way as deserves it and I moat unscrupulous mu.:.i.ner .A. n. an given ) tnore honest pleasure In cl istis1ng the a staid and died right here hy 1ihC ole cn.L Accou.cn.elll' :::it 1 toru~ 1:l.. o op1tn1 Lonctuu and J thl k h0 hildr 11 Ii d j b th And Shocky le okod aftor hm1 hu Act ni; Jt ::i1d t .M:i.;J Vili ur l > 0 ! L n u o 'l l1e Dest -10 Ct: ltt 1 ea ID:l Ton: n.. us n t c en a ca 0 n s rca don t know as Im too good for it myself to plain speaking was quite as obJeetion j M l d ian1t1es than dtd Bud ln ~end1ng Pete m Hosptu fo1LJ ea c;;or t.11~(.: ., 1, O:tticu v rom\Voollnsr nofftosea h d .r dbl I hobbled a "\\ a.} o \! er t ho stones inoro than · lie~r1tn1w "- V1un u o::7"'" Butte1 E Pgs ~11lt e r s, Socks And Y ttrn t:ikeu as C ish for Good!'! l:re \ ouldn t I know it' ht) only had Bnt he p1tc ed it at us an stuck it in able in Flat Creek aa he would ha\ u been ones a:way cons1 '\ e r:i luck np hke "'er com meed that God had fo1gottcn all - ---------- - --A !i h a ppy a home !.S we our facaa In scch a wo.y that I got mad In ]ranee under the Einp1rc, thP- Coin about tlungs on F lat Creek Ho gr.vely !\oh CC -RCJUO'!"al. Oct 4 1871 S. F' · II IT, . The ntgl t came down ond the rrood wll· smiled I And I says Well ef Goa sends me to hell mune or tho Republic People who hve CHAPTEit XVII expressed th1;; opunon to the mWJtor th& R REID HAS ltEl\10VED )frg l T! T o heratet if 'bshcf·oftthl} said ovohe {">ant make me holler nough nohow lass houses have a I orror of people A COtNCIL 0.11 \VA.ll. 1n ,, f s "'Wee o 1n 01 or oao we 1 o nr. >:t day 1 0 Vr 0 ~~s 1gng; t~ ~~e ~~sc J~t;~r ~~u~~r~ ~~ TJ s no· strange that !)aids "'Alli wed! You see my dander 'vas up Aud -.,vhen who throw stones And the old basket Shocky whose feet had flown a.<:i soon as his old r e8 denc ~llrcr St cet Ofil... e hour~ _ my danders up, I 'vouldn t gm 11p for the maker having no fri etda "as a good he saw the final full of Pete JonrA told xom1Qa.wto t> 1 0 16-4.tf ] hi CHAPIEli X VIII · !il) Jr Cf ©J 1Jll .\S devil hisself T11e preacher was so insult scape goat In drmng Jum off, Pete t ie w o e stoq to tho wondormg and ad 1 ' · 1)1·. !l.. Beith, 0¥ m with he wa: of dom it He ·eemed Jones wot1ld get 11d of a dangerous neigh mmng ears of J\'llis Hawkms who un Oll Ds A ,p END$ RADUArE OF THE '.l:ORON 10 ~~-~~~~~ ~~~~ to be kmd of glad that he " "·' to be bor a11d divert attentrnn from himself h.appil) could not remember anythmg at The Spring m ·oc.- c1, as 1t WM "on~ Unlvernty Ph) Bw an Surgeon &o Office THE HGOSIER SCHOOL MASTER damned a 1d he preached somotlnn like The immediate cnme of he basket make1 the East Just like it to the fng~.tened tunes b) a cuTious pet ersity cnlled the Kluz "'reet,_; ext door to 1 el o 100~ & Quicks Giatetul to a (!ene1 ous public fo1 pa.~t hberat pat10nage b e.!> most respect I sorne f o.JS...;js1,1.0:irs !'-l t Id I k 1tlh dntsoun d a b1t wnsthat hehadhappenedtosoetoomuch earso f "h& r1eu1na1c arety S torc .!:.lovmanlllle Ontario ...... "" o td) \Vho felt roe in spring was a spnng ruunn1g - -- - - - -- fully to announce that on account of mcreasmg busmess he now occupies RW EDW'"Il" EGGLESTO~ hke the Obrist the little man preached !>Ir Hartsook, said Bud ¥hon they sure her ole mans talk and stubbornn ess out of a cave h ko fi ss me m a high hme C:. 1'W C \l I HU.I. 'l l'C ff , Jl.I 119 , '.A.' HE \\' Ii0 &,E 0 I' IU ~ G")li, D ~'I' A L\ fill, 1 \ om Heat th and Hom<. about the mght nfore So "hat does me got out rnto the road ' you d better go wuuld be the rum of lum, and to the m [ stone chfr Here tho Id man sheltm ed · 1.'rEWOASU E OFFICE- OPPOSITE CHAP1ER XJV and a lot of fellers do but slip out and cut straight heme t o the Sq nre s Bekase ef d1gnant cars< f tho ole ·oldrn1 wh> was lumsolf on tnat dreary Chnstmn.· 0 ,on lllg , ~!ossrs Nortl > 1 & Lym an 9-fun 1 l 1a.s fill ecl e\ ery sne ' If h O1e an d cornei Wlth an oxcee (1 ing J anc Y r. l101co c Bud hsten t o ine and then thr~uh n1e ofl the big preachers strrTurs and hang tlus l1ghtuln str1kes a second tune 1t 11 hobblinJ up and dowu, sentinel wise 111 nnttl Bud brought lus ro<.\n colt to th o top 'I'. J. ,Jones, L. -"· ll->Sortment of good.· compn.srng if ~ou will I went with that girl once them on to tho rider of the fence, and ·ttike awful clooto to you You hadn t [ f10nt of hlB cabm stand ng guard ove1 of the clii! aborn, and ho and Ralph helped URGE o N DE JS Tl s T o _. F IO E LT When I found yon bail some claims I ga. 0 then set Ins hoss loose i\nd from th ·t day hotter becu seen wt th TM Wlncli wa) did hunae\f the >ld man llp t ho chtl and tho a ·d S Bo~,;;:t,1lo 1\fcArthuxa · loro King Street l erup Not bee.use l"as afratdof you, somet1meaid1d and somohmesldidnt youcome,Shocky1 'No lwontlcMe hesa1d to RLlph <lie Ra! hwcntback !>bed, but Bud fo1I'o 1ld 1athet ha.vo taken tho worst VdLnt to he better \nd t1 d:i.y Jt seemed '-Why I tried to con1e donu tho hol and Bud You 8ee I JO.St \\Oll t \'\hat "ho wn!i onlj t oo eage1 to put 1n bis bost Farewell,lUcGec&Rutledge, PAPEit ('OJ LARS, NECK TIE S, thra slu ng :1ou can g1'o mo than gnc hor to mo that you must k uo\\ sornctbin as !or b t I met Jones ught by tho bigi oai! l\Oulct Genoral Wmfiekl Scott aay cf ho lwks, ""lked by the s1d 0 ofoldJ<hnl'oui BARRISTERS A'ITORNEYS, SOL! I ~ · < up E 1t I haven t spokon to her s mce would help mo and he s"oai cd at mo and s:ud ho d kill knoiv tl1at one of them as fi t ·t Lnnd; s ROil tho ·ix nnles over to Bnckeyo Ruu CITORS and N ot..._ry Public (:)-ENT S J:<""'URNISI~IN GS, &o. t110 n ght of the first i pdllng school Notlnng 1s ' orse 11 a> a ehgwus ox mod I d1dn t go bauk and stay And so Lano back1 d out retreated run fer fen» and at Lwt a tot ele· on o el0<k ho de ~ E F AUE >VEJJ, L l· Jl"- R ~fc<rEE B A -, JAni L RU LEvGE Jl A 1'h" h l f h k h i 1 1 You h o oa.11 Bml doubling Ins fu; t~ perience k ept !C·~Y t-0 bo exposed to the I went back to the house and then ·lipped of a paaeel ,f t luo>es1 No sn me nnd the posited lu u m a hollo w 5) camoro b, tho c> w o o o t t' Rtoc avmg b een well l)OU" ' 0 ll'l!'IG15 --o er ':>t m l\!cMwt Ye Drz Goods O ' 1 J u gl11H9 I H.a.Jph g1ew red gaze of eveiy bo dj whother tho tun(l 1s out througl tho grn.ve)ard You si:ot'l I old fhnt l ck will live and dto t-t: vetJtor _ road there t o "a1t th e co11unz oftl11.:i 1 1 d .Store sooond t'.l.6"01 , ... est of tho Poat Ornoo, up will be l'.'} O'}\ en D .._, sta.trs. Yon was a vi:ai bn on h&r hi.st Sun.daj a.ppropr1ate or not But never Vi as a re v; aa bound to come or I got skinned F or l ll put a ihuodortn cl n.rge of buckshot 'I\ agon th ~t '?i ou d c<1n;v h n 111t 0 J a-okaon ALL KIND~ OF FORS AL I'ERED AND t\l~P AIRI D nght nfore my .,a., and n trym "o ketch hgiou3 expenenco more appropl'ate tnn.n Mr Pearoon s stu k to i 1e ·nd I me m to mto tho tirnt ono of thom scoundrols ao Conn i; David Smn1·1, my attent on too, So when you re ready tho account wluch Ralph ga. e to Bud of shck to huu ) ou see come· up the ho tiet It 11 bn another G d b oo y .said th e l a.~ ket Juak c1, a.!S h is S truggI cs llllhe D ark T hoconfo·01on !l.RRI8TER .I.ND 11.TTORNEY AT sa' 80 · Bud lea Shock' thiough the gra\eyatd Lundy s L·ne Aud you Mi Hart.ook Bud mottiited t he c >It t-0 1eturn ., , E.f LAW Solicitor i.u dha.ncery a.nd lo.solveuor OOD.veyn:ncor Notary Solioltor for tbo Onta.ri " B ud there i~ somo m sundcrsta.nd of hi!1 ,., eaknes.s and wicked selfishne!s:Wal!I But "hen they iea.chod the forest path inny r.end Scott -word that ole Peat son, as I 1u w11.nted Jest send nie word tu d 111 B&ok,, &c Port IIope Ont. . MARKUS MAYER mg Harts 1ok ·poko slowly nud felt be 1a. great comfort to Bud from tho gra' cyard ho t.10ught that per fit at Lund) · Lano under him dwd a m·ke fori d t t I .Money to Loan a.u.d Lands for Sr.i.1.Q B 'Don t you th m k th at J esus G '!mot haps 1t wa not bo·t to 'show Ins I antl fl gt a ar lU O\ omen .... nJ lme 1 1m t Iuerna on Rocky Branch m HMp cl ... t lik mlde1 ed I tell yon Uiat I did not th th , S on o " ere in g o l un n111g otl u1 17 .. Robert 'l a-1no1n·, spe·k t o Hnnnnh last Sunday, and )OU "ou ld -1vottId -wo ll, d o you t h m k h e d "'ho expressed it, t-0 0 . oon I o1e .._.,,ounlJ ta.te of Iniea.nu) But I r ed on General 1the night time EGISTHAR \\ES£ DURHAM help & poor unl&mtFlat Crioker like mo1 J:i ow, Shocky he ""'d do you nin And tho old man hobblod faater ·nd Win!io!d Sc It Id d d know I didn t Issue of ]laITJ _p;f1 Lloeensea, Bn..rristor ang , ' I t hm k I to was o. sort of " F lat 0110k ahead and t . U the ola man that I want to faster lairn1 h!.8 wooden log to the , nry ef f wou a. or e1 e a ret"Nnit "Ha.nnor .Bud· eye· grow largo d b h 0 orney ~t La. v t11H1 Solicitor in Oharc'!.17. 110 a eon ut my s OAS I n.1 1>tfl l4onay loaned on Hee.l Eatato Otllce on King l $1ow ly an d vory see huu nght oil do"n by the Spnn0 m utmost ·· 1f Ins victory denendod on the bl "Hanner ' Hore he gasped fot;breatb,aud Ill' lumsoIf ··id R & Ipi, d t \k d 8 toot Bowm.anvllle AT THE o eego o you or in to 1ny toll ti ' looked nround "Ea.nna· · · Ho couldn t llal'lloa Y rock Ill keep tlosto behmd Jou and of veh emonce with wlaoh he walked his boat ll f \fi 1 f rth th th t fi I "You dou t sa.y' ··id Bud .. "· ·t et b d "" to t 11 d l JI' P t h b d d \'i'e te a o us se ts 1 111 cve1 \1 tlung but ~--- - · ~ geu any u "r an o name a rl! , &.Ul"l.O g any o y ouer-. rou J a you o you et · J.rs cn.rson sa wnngtng er an s a.n I 1l b d f I d John ii. Galbrrai:tlt, 1 \ a JOU t.-ttd ;:::> '"hi· 1ee t Iook mg appeaImgly nt Martha Hawk ms o + og on<1 e on 11Jete · " \ .Vby p 1ague tak e it who s3ldH anner1 t mg oa off a yell and I 11 be thar m no tm1e ARRISTER AND AT'I:OltNEY A'l' one or wo 1norc ts exceut101 ~ .LA W Ofilce IO ~ S ~1eet Bowmanvtli.c "Mirandy said you were courtmg Han "Why, you ··· tho town ho hvt>d in When Ralph left tho school house ho who stood in the door m dcop=, luokrng ·- - - _.Agent at Bowman~ llle ror tho Freehold Build.Jn Soc.lot) Money to lenu on ta.rm aocu lty n.h, said Ralph !oelmg iound ma' ague "as a rough placo lt wu c· lled N az.r folt moan Thero were Bud and Shock' appoalmgly at Bud Bud was stupefied [ ro BF. 0 >Nrrn' ED l wnv to get Ins ideas together eth \Tinch meant 'Buahtown' gone on an e1ra.nd of n1ercy, and he, the by the old nutn s s""ubbornness n.nd l:ns own St .Jahn Jll[· .Uuh::he1>oll!. A_ DISAGRE EA BL E PASS.l!: N GlH?. -:\.. dtSll 'llfirandy Thunder You believe Mi 'You don t · 1 1 truant membe1 o' the Chuioh of the Best pam and m Ins turn appealed mutely to ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICI grcen.blo n1c1d ent S"'eme. to hrn o 1n aomo 0 0 0 S, randy' Well' Now looky here Mr Hart' And ho wn.r, coiled a Nazareno, which Licks, ""snot ,nth then Ihe moro he tho master m "hose reao111ce· he had TOR ar d 1'i o acy Petbhc 0FrIClli - First door eas of Post OLll o up ztah.11 .... l lEl> 10 THE PRESENT SEAi;;:ON sook ef you wa!i to say that n1y s1ste:t" hed, was l\bout the f.i l me as ' ha.ckwoodr;man ' ' thought of it the n1ore he see1ued to ho a boundless con-6.clenco l~a-lph l!ee1ng t hat degree mterferod with the comfort of three I cl hck yon till yer lade wouldn t hold And Ralph mud tho difforent passages co\vard and the more he dcsp ·ed lumsolf all depended on him, "as taxmg !us wits hundred passengers on boa1d the \'"e!'if30} INVITES THE INSPEO'.lf6Hi uF THE PUBLIC 4.'. G. H.amning, shueKs But I aay, atm:<t 0 ou and me wh1ch ho had studied ot Sunda) school ·o y1eldmg as usual to the first bnve mi to thmk of oome way to get 1011n<l tho old Glenc.n'?tey on the 'oyage to Calcutta. TIROVINC'AL L!\.ND SUR\ElOR 1 on they were slurnber1ng In these days of puihng nnd unpost\1re he thinks it need.leSG to sriy t ha.0. he sellR an 1 the 6 atcpost don t yon e-..; er believe illustrating the condescons1on of Jesns the pulse he lcnped iumbly over tho fancoand mans stubhornuess & ocky hung to the One n1ght wl1 ..E°" Cn ll Enguieer and Land Agent Office a.nd ; He1 storieo of the publican·, tho harlot., the ·tarted bnskly through tho fore·t m the old muns cc at and pullod away at !11m t'Y een <leeks 111 the Straits of ~!alacca residence, Lot l3 3rd.co D111llngton Alloiders Roods CHEAPER nud Of better value than any other man in ti cse Coun ties all ho neks s tllnt anytl mg that J\'Iiraudy Means say· > left at the office of T{obc1 t Armour K3Q prompt· fntendln g "POl"~hasers g1ve h m a call and Judge for themselves aatL fled thM: tho result \\ lll be rbcd h) the gambol· of o and rn:i.:r u hts fi~t thc1rselves hko fools to poor, wlto came to ]um And he read cnrect1.on 1nttirsechng the path on ,7Jnch with many cntrcat111g v;otd!'J but the they were dis t 1 Juutuu.11y prodta.blc and sahsfacto1y 1r attended to ill black panthe1 \Vho h tel escaped from n. git you H anner! W ell, she a a mighty about :Nathaniel, who hvod only e1i: miles were Bud n.nd Shocky H e ca.1110 lU sight venerable bareheaded sentinel abode up P S - An wmvalled stock of Table Lmen Damask.· purchased b·fore the rec.nt __ 'Jl.homas tClu itdie, · rIBe in nice gal but you r e welcome to her I a'vay ~ay1ng Can any good tlung con1e Just i 1 time to see the fitst conflict of the and doHn furiously \\1th lus flint lock on cage in w h1ch it \\ as confined and a.mused prices ING S,REET, l30WllfANVI LLE nover tuck no shme t hat au way But I out of N:uarethl Church in tho :W1ldernoss inth her foes lm shoulder and his basket kmle in his itself h) tn1.1k1nppr1111:>s o er then ~1' os Agent fo1 t G,. fullowiug B t1 8h and Cana THOMAS P A TERSON. T ho1r f.ICtoams hn.v1ng at ou t of school last lhursday and Fri ' Just what Clifty folk> say about Flat For Shocky · httlo feet wont m 1~c ow1ft belt Just at tlus pornt somebody could trate bodies waa d.ian I1:i.i,: ranee Comr a.n <:'-'! '1z H.oyal l 1ve1 Bowman-ville Oct 26 1871 »Yol ru1u L und ul Briti'.lh 11uc1 ca lU d Proy1n trncted n.ttcni1on e' ei \ a\! ... 1lablo nitm,na d iy a shucku g Colll to take to m 11 a Sat Orick broke m Bid ly on their eager errand than Bud anh,i be se n mdmmct!y through tho bushes "JJH.l Agent fo KoyuJ Ma 1 I i e of Steru:ncrs Wl.( cf exit ,., ere t hro \vn open ancl alt t l1e pas 11- Fr.clght L ie of Uon~s a d ( 01one:r for United u day And wncn Icome pns,the Sqmre s Do you lhrnk I could begm without pated Ee got farth er out of Buds ·each commg up the hollow Oo-unt1e~ of ~01U Wlt be fo.rul tnU. Dur.ham One and seed von talkmg to a gal as is a gal, bemg baptized' he added presencly than the latter intended ho shot ld and he Halt cried the old hero 'Who sengers ren.chcd t he deck u1 safety you kno" heie Bud hesitated and look ' Why noll Let· begm 'TlOW to do the dul not d1sco~er Pe'e Jones tmt1! Pete goes there1 1nan alone appeared to hn'e s 1flei:ed .from Ill!. ID!. 'll u1·ncn·, ed fo ihsh - 'I felt hoppm road ' best we c:>n, by hlB help with hm hog drovers whip was righ t upb ' It· 'll!e Mr Pel1t9vn Don t ·hoot the clM · of the an mal, a lnrge strip of UcTIONEER 'i' 0ULD BEG TO Bud put on hIB coat 'You mean, then, that Im to begin h1m ~ mi:- plt}ase ' ekm and !lesn bemg t orn off lus back .A.i mf'o1n1 t he i nh!l-b tunts of Bowmanvllle u.nd fa~we s of \Ve<>t Du1hulll thnt he f.s n ow prepa.r R alph pu t on his coat now to put m my best hcks for Jesus Shocky tried to halloo for Bud but he It was the vowe of Hannah Thomson the panther cou d n ot be ·onnd 1t ,...., ed 'ta U.ttend to 1 i.r y ::inlef! ti a~ I!ui.y be entrusted As there is a gTeat deal of nusrep1 es entat on rega1 dmg th'" Tl en they shook hnnds and Bud went Ohnst, nr.d that hell help me1 o hllll Cbo..iuc:> modero.to IQ tf was hke one m a mghtmare Tho yell He mng that tho whole neighborhood was concluded th· t he rnuat have ;umped out merits of the cliffe· ent sewmg niach1nes, and may pe1 sons out R ·lph sat lookmg mto tho fire ThIS shocked Ralphs venerahon .. little died mto 8 wlusper which co1 ld no t have r1Srng agamat the benefactor of Shocky of the port into the sea, and the next even S. ~ hc~tf'B'~ehl, . The e \Vas no oonsc1enbous difficulty r:o" Dut it was. the 1Jincere utterance of an been br.:.'l.l'd ten fcc i;, and of he1 fa.m1ly sho had slipped away lug the passengera settled down iu the1r A. UCTIO N E E R FOR BO\\ M i\N It may not hrn been an M J from tlta eyes of her imstre·s ·n ·' ran f]_uartc1s as b o.r-ore Duung the night~ ..i:..i ""ILLE and Da.rhngton Residence Queen have been misled by these hntruthful statement.,, Vie gn e be m tile way of !us claimmg Hannah fha earnest soul 1 s1 ia11 not i epoat 1 ones· word· · ~ ~t.l"eet Ord< rs pun.ct u;i.l JJ a.tt cndcd to CharQ'es l\iodc rate ij lo-w the nanles of a few of those who testerl the V\'anzei I dry forestick IJBg on the rnde ·tone orthodox start, but it was the onn start They wore frightfilly profane But he with bret>hlesshasto to gno 1ammg m howe\ e1 the p <tnthe .. ttnned up aga n j anduons burst mto a blaze The smolder fot Bud And there ho thoao who ha. e did not stop at "otd· He 8 rnpt his 111 the cabm on Rocky Brui ch Seeing Sonic boat \\- n1ns storeM.bc1ng required ' 'l'hoitnn~ Stonhomie. Machme and who afterwards exchanged them with lS for the mg hope m thohea1t ofR>lph lla·tsook did repeated mth the finest resthetic apprcci feet round rnd gave little Shocky one t er Ralph, she blushed nnd wont m to the from forward o n e of tho Chinese lasca:rs lvas sent do\ n to get th~rn ' n on ho preB UC'lIONEER APPR..USJ!lR .um L k Ob the same Ho could have Hannah 1f ho ot10n tho old English liturgies who have nble cut Then the \oice """released c·h n General A.gent Da.rll.ogt.on Centre. Sales oc man, s oru, or Raymond-some of them pavmg us could wm her Btlt there came slowly never known rehg10us aspiration so Slll an d t h e p1ercn1g cry of pn.lu brou5ht "Bud \\'ell ~Hu d R a lPI l th e encnlj' is not ently returned 1 xcl11tm1ug ln ., ~ 'lhng tirom:ptJ..v attended to T1g;,i1 got cc don n thDre Thu over $20 to exchangti back t he reco1lect10n of !us !oat standrn~ ce·e ·· that of this 1gnoront young Hor cu down tho path fl}~ng con mg , et Let [us hold a conncil of accenta ca.ptau1 de. . erm1nod to stand no 1noro no1 circumstantrn.! !es, whose hoot oonfemon ".. that he war R. JFoley, I m Flat Oree. rhere ' ""You good for nothing l'lcoundrel, I ev1denco aga nat !um It was oV!dent that meant horeafte~ " t<i put iu lua best licks gro 'led Bud 'yo l ro a co\\ arcl nnd a thief Tlus thought came to Ralph !urn au m Etonso im1ned1 a.toly sent for his brcechloa.d !OEN SJ!lD AUCTIONEER FUR IIOJ:i J SIUPSO:iS , Boinnan,,l" I M.!tS C. G HANN INC the To\ nshlp or D.i.rlJngton So.lea prompt.. Hannah believed so n ethrng of t!us What for Jesuo Oltr11\ And thoro be those to ho a boat n' a httle cxootm like !um , spiml!on It pleased the old man 8 wlnm ing 11fle ~1ncl cu t idg-{);; anl went dowu tendetl to Chn.rgc:s lnoden1t 6 D FISHERl do G PERRY, do other stones Small may hnvo out in c t en who 0011 define repentance and faith te the itnd ho sat do·rn on the door step tho hatch by lnmse\f a.nd ordorod it to be and with that Bud \\alkd up on Jonos I W £ 'llLLEY, i'liloney to Lend. THOS JOHNSTON, W> lauon he did no· Lno~ Woold Small try tnrmng of B hir who never mM!o so gnnu " h o pruc1ently changed posit on 1ll such o ' Now, I suppose oaid Ralph 1 that cloood after hu n lot 'eu t lrn benot should · ~ to wm Hannah's lorn to throw it a· ay me a st...-t for the kmgdom of hoavon as General Wl!lfield Scott ahvayo looked mto n,gam get en deck nnd cause furthe- ou HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JOHN McOLUNG do WM EDWARDS, do wa~ "" to get the upper ·1de of tho hill boen appowtod a.gen for the P r ovincial Per r agam ""ho bad done inth o'heisJ At]o(Ult Bnd Means did thmgo a little beforo ho "ent mto "'fi!(ht noyanco and ilarm to the passengero On IUa.nent Building end S·vfag s &cletr of roron RivHARD SHAW, D3'llngtu1$ MR LUMMIS, Co.rt~ right. he 1rnuld n ot sparo any pa1no to turn the Ralph said yes, that he thoughtthatwas 'Wall, 1 ll gm you tho uppor side, but D1dn t ho1 reaclung the deck d iho atore·,>om and t.Q lJi.-pl'Grrs.t'ed to negotiat.e roans on Root Estat-e .aecuritj on the mos~ !a.' ourablc term8 \ J p LOVEKIJS, Ola.rkt> hem of the bound gul ngaJnat Ralph I coma on cned Bud of 'ou ant afoar l k d ti J 1 R. 1 WILKINSON, ~"ewco,tl.e l&-19 J B F..;.IRBA!RN To be ·me assented the old n ·n oo mg a.roo n ic arge yo lm ht ey JU·t it At ~t he guossed if there was od to fight somebody be>idea a poor httlo lt!Upn nw been watclung flickered &nd - ~" na..lllOro tho mnn that wi!.B puttm sickly baby or ,. cnppled soldioi Gor n £ \\ell said Ralph What 10 the of tho ~mmal glared doim o i h11n 1 !- -~ ~nH01·. - ; ;;L~;~OD do MR BARFOOT do I burnw lo.,,. out ould be sure to find it tho topo f i!Omo spars stowed alvng ~J,_, " I on condition of the enemy? I suppose tho EJSTLEMEN S AND BO'YS GAR I ' Do you th k h 0 d h"'h0 1 smp ·side '1akmg adrnutago of the dim MISS HAMBLY, Port Dari ngto1· I MENTB read· in tho S BORLAND, Orou6 CHAPTER XV m neip J>-ro.. VM no ms1_nifico.11t antag01uat " e neighborhood 8 agamst us ~ NEWESl STYLES Seems to me 1t would be number ono to "'I b d h light ad1mtted by the port, the captatn I C W SMTT'R Darlmgtou l!!o'l'l'llll>n~ille Fob 19 186il 00-tt A LOCKH II.RT O!a·h 0 e sure THl!l CHURCH OF XH~ llllST LIOM I have Glod help you Not to help you SOMoned anns were hko 1.ron A.J'ft-0 ')1'{} sai 1 · old man The took a stead) aim at ' hat ho con·1dered srEPHEN CI E ME N OE,D>rlmgton .i!Jooli;: Ruuhng, THOMAS McCLUNG "Bo,,,"l?lAnvill· s body and fit ed J us\ ao th e fl 11J11e on th · foro·t1ek, which fi ght o tl1er f olks b 11t to help you when it not the splondid se' of Bud but ho had to Ralph had watched ao intensely, flickered comes to nghtmg the devil msido But more skill and exponence m th e r ido "Next said Ralrh I snp oso Gen t ho yellow eyes glared on and" sec WILLIAM CLEMEN CE, <lo · , ~:>ERSONS HA YING BOOKS, MAGA M D WILLIAJ\'ISdo ZINE:;:; P&wphlol! or anytning 1n tho book and btn:i "'d low a.ad "Ill.st as Ralph with n. you sea I don t belong to no church tonrnament of fists to 1\luch the back Scott would alwnys inquiro intop the con ond shot. omo -...thn_. pathe1, lneJ:!Hll c wh ch they wjsh to 1u1.\e bouod t::a-n ha.ve RE'"" R DO"YLE do MATTHEW COLE Tyrone \\Oods 1s so much mvon N b t d1 fh Ing soven fo ot eight InGh e~ 111 length ioll- ' ,_ I h heir orders tlllcd n the neatest aud: mo~ durn.blo ~ hon:vy b nt not qu1t e tupc css Ol.\rt rose to c( ¥Yell, Jet a "t ou nnd nlo h tve on· riglit f f .r ow· e1ng on 1 1011 o is own troops Now let us seo ou otvle and on the aho test notice by lcavingtlum1 R R LOcOOJ\"""' do JOilN B"""N Manvou " v o tng1LG o \11t110saoa nnd ti I oap ta111 p earson has Bud, who is thonght li dead at tho ~apt nn s foot, to hti> gre~t re atthe S tAl.f:l;l '-!A::i 'Ofil.ce B1 ng along-Jourbtnd · :i ii->.!.11 v.n leave the late h 1iI te d an dB ud IO entored off Two p eople ti at ho'p Ono ~not her to sure 1at ie f l"I< ' I wanted to Sa.Jr ometh1ng ' he sta.m ecrve God n1ake a church r co~ld l ..e a.bon 1.i th~ fign t afterwards, he \\1ng badlv crippled by having his arm e, and no dou bt to that of the pa.a:sen W R CLD!IE MRS BROCK, do }. nd a great many otharo mered, "but you k11nv its ha.rd to 1Ja.y it I f t 1 not scrut le to hi.ko advantages wh1uh brokan 1ll the first battle (.1\-f II gen:: also '"-~~-~~-~-----am · rBid thfa eccles1utLCal tl1eory will would ham dtsgrocod !um fore' er if he I kmR looked pale ) '"" aw -...-.. --- ~ La .ul su~ve~ing. Intendmg purchaser,,, can enquire of ary of the above, re I ha n t no book !arm to speak of, and It was had taken them m a pubhc fight on eloc ' To ho suro id th 11 aome thmgs '" hard to say when a man not be conaldered orthodox Now .,hen children, s1i1d a. l~atiAh Ralph a, and I write it down at tho rl9k of trnn or tramrng d 'Y He took the u ' A I sa " o ' man 1n1sh oss, showi ng hir pupils off on exa.n1 L R E ED PROVINCIAL LANB gardmg tne merits of these machmes ha n t got book wors to say orn with bnn,,mg him i 1to condemnat10n hill side and I e ch bbed h Ji t kp nd am tho loft wmg, pretty good e !Survey 01vll En$1.necr otc LB prepai eil to Ina.hon day, who lo ves all ni.en1 You A1 d they B !lomc tlngs ti. nutn cant hard B J. is 'IV. ip s Oc nt g1v1ng adv1m;i but Tery slendor in. f\ do u.U orders t tb. vh c l he. mo.v bG fa~orf:d ly ever say anyl owo nnyl ody u, other people before tho dayoof Bud stnkmg Bud with all his force w1tl1 the fight .A.ddlees; Bowms.nvU c. P O mmsu 1 "t'f~!'l t 11e un(Jxpccted answer March !.5th 1371 He·e l3uil atonp" But Ralph ·poke atnJ Rahlph hlaav dh10cuosed church orgamza hea' y end, wluch, coward like he had 'And Sbocky and M1os J ll-Tnrth· ·nd lilo '" nnnlle Octobc 1!th 1871 B u d t h rew up hrn liannah good al<h but n ·h J.. .... n FAO~TI'f - Why 1$ a. len lmn1or tnlf in "' ch a n at er c~v toe ~ ay u r eply IOhW ent eys (}Uld I'" e b oen d omg lo " d ed' " th Iea d r ellg1oll!f \vorl .F b ·] f l t I ft d , o ing in l\ 1 )at Her son ne'er sets "\\ hy have cli1cko1·· - - - - -- that he felt vnco 1rt.!":d to go on " or Oi. 1 o t l a m had s rong e rtrm an parred the QJow ·whlch tle ..,. THE LOCKMAN You gi 1 tip llmer kase Jou lhonght fo1gotten tl a d1 mger that hnng O\ er tho hoWe\ er was so ~e-ce that it fra.ctn red ' To b· a ire, said tl10 basket imck e· a no hope m tho t uturn 1 lhay hM o their she belonged to m< That s more n Id n old baoket maker until Shoaky burst into one o£ tlie bones of tho arm Throwmg little doubtfully next ,,or!d (neck· t ·irled) m tin· \\ hy AND A~mN DMEl'TS THERETO G.one hy a long :slu N ow, artar I left the 1:1chool houi:ie weeping Indeed, the away h1a whip he rnsh~d upon Bud fur1 ' N0 w 1 t 1 k h ls :l. hen on a fence hke a cent ? Head on 0 00 IS ::{OW THE CANADA the County Court of poot ne I ttl f l i at t c tu ms and ac one all· tail on tho other V"-y d 1 ' here JC at now, 1 "" to myself, " man rvou· l · rama "'"'ready to go ous y, ntendmg to o' orpower l1un but coutcrments I thmk yon call tho W h l ·rn on M FAI RBAIRN B~RRISrER & I Province of Ontarw Ibo l nltcd Counties of LEADTN G IvIAOE:INE · At·otne 1.:J ollc to ..... c Lt l a t u tel Co 1 t es of ~orthumberland sud what can gm up l:i~al on accou11t ofoeeb mto oonvnl·1ons tlud slipped qmckly to ono '1da ·md lQ t thin old k th b l m c ens a:i at mght 1 Then thoy aie roosten O.tll.ceillKeenn.u8Blocl Ovei BeallsBoo.k Northd ..t Du:rhr.i.m D rha!n ' JI' '· Jones pass d own tiio h i11 ' an d as J one· Th n;us e a· ocn Why 13 the first chicken· of " br··1<l l1ke store .·t·s ""' .a.aw.tns~ ' d Ioaded- IN THE DOMINI ON OF OA1iAD4 a feclmg fer the rite of a Flat Orickor ,,., came up agat .., d d It l "A Ids } en YI car, at t le o,d lady the nrnimna·t of a shm. 1 !\. little krtl·ard In the matter of T'REDER/(JK WJLLIA.~I I, sech a .oud stnr!ed ot montion ·f th· n·m· n ... u oa um one crush· n t 10 ook 1" no t th w Il..:lTCLJ.[11J']i,'. an In!Jol11ent HIS PROUD POSI'J:ION IT lIAS like mo why dogn it v ~ '" , . bl th rus y at you of tho mom hatch WJ1y is a clnckeii tISt attained through its inhe1e 1 good q uU1t es man is the man asn help me do bettor l 'M: s H k mg ow at sent him foll Ieng h upon cculd !lot cock it wh<n wanto<l to t.keotm hatch~! Ike b ll t 1 , " 1 On Wconcsdnv tl1e Tenth day or Jn.nnorynert Thei:ie qualities rnc sim:pl citJ durability e le-- I don t k11o'v- \Vhefl j cu r a Hardshell or tl its aw ~ns ins Jn.st been over t:Q / the ground I~oth111g but t1 e ]eave~aaved nt Hnnna.h n u .s rn · .;."lever seen be ihe unde.re gne ~ vlll apply to the J idge of the gnnce adnptab1lity besides a score tnoTe ofequu.l ia a crow ,,. gomg to t:Lr and feot h him from a most terrible fall J T>io old man look··' fool1·l1 fore Why should not a chwken cross th~ .J · 11".!. 13&... ninaco:n be, lh D. S., 1:1ald Co ut for a discharge under the ?Saitl Act \ l{rfi{}~C~rc~o full pa1l1c ilars addrcs9 10 t ho a Saft·hell or ~ l'>hod st or a Cambell say or Mr Pearson to moht And I one· m· and 1u11t oad I It ]d b f l Sh ky t " - - iere 1 ·prang ·o hw foot morn angty than over at tered To be ·mo r wo n e · ou proceedmg lf "' ·O~' DE NTIST STJPERIOR Dated nt Bowmanvllle fn theConntyofDur WILSON BOWM !lN & Co ito or a. N ew L1g or n. United Brother~ SURG .!.'i ham t.hl~ Jli:xth day of Decerr her .A D 1871 oc wep agam ' And ha won't run bemg whipped by- o h h "A d l " sl11p captam hod no eggs what would I · CoJi lillings inse t"-'d Tf:cth extracted F ,V RATCLllFE lln.mllton Ont ario or a M1llerite, orl.a.t not But I say~, but hos lo·dod up tho old flintlook b dd no ilv om e regardod n t ioia isn t nnotho1 iound of ·m· do 1 Lny to (t wo ) A d t } tho man what ca..1' thu ·l·~n. thia.a by a up h· U d;.. in ha t<&U.. tor 2S ccots eacl An .c~oolle:r. t 1o61h ;f>o,,det by JOHN It G..lLtsR.t.?1'a · , .R &. :a 0 HAR.A,,.. ·~·Vl ' ao a Olf, an i:ow " ong -<11.rk l<mfe mum hon m tho houso ' I n o conclude, a ~I' s~le. Qafo· tu McCltm$'."1 block. · I l:Q~w lt11' AJ;t·l"ll.QT Ad iu.m ~u.·s f."Jr ~ roi.4. .c..Got-or1 ~. ., Pote ltlincl w>ih raie, and llwi 'lh· old ntllll ,... . .,i,.,,~ [ hen is a. poor ccononmt 1 boouu·e for T~ry ~roin WQ !l"'vo· e ne'*. $ ONFI\ , THlJRSD~t\.Y, FEBRlJARY 229 ]872. 1 ·~~=~8=;'"1=A.===L==~L===!===j_ ==9"'~"';;; '7=~-~1=-= ==8 ='.:! 7 =~1==T===-=-~ ="l,., p"" ==1,.. .=~ -~= "'-"' ~~= -~=u=~~1y"'f~e~ll,,.,er'"?.lik:"a=m=e=an"'d~st"'w":k=to"'i~t=w:"h"'en"'r:-T-===~c::;H~\P=:T: I ;: R"":' X:':V':l"'~=="'"'"=1Fd~o":d"'g"'ed~t1"'0""k"'n ~if"'·=·"'n"'d"'t"'Ju"'s"',"' ~ 11~"'g"'nv"'o~P~c~ 1 ~ 10 $ Jl. ~ U ready lum kind blOl\' "ht:> wluch ~nnrred the VOL. :XVII. I I To be sure s1 ud ll1E "\\hot m t 1 to dol ' Rave vou any f11 ond3/ l<l n1an I NO ABATE ME NTI I FACTS TH T --ARE F AC T I T 1 I G A 1ot f L ast ;.::,ea son s T wee d s, a t 2 0 per Cent 1eSS th an COSt. M a· .. D I I I MARKUS fl i G s., I .l--:ia s. t C aps, F I I I I urs, Buffalo Robes, inw I I I I B I FRESH .A.RRIVALS I I i.; B GLAS GO~ H 0 U , . . ., E f G d T ' B Full Assortment I I I I K I I I 0 ' STUBBORN FACTS I A I - I A I 1 L e. '"IS :w I T I I I I G I I I ~e~a:o~il:e:n~t,~b~t~It~al~l_:f~o~ll~t:h:e~s:l:·:te ~i~ n~e:n~ t tt~h~e~c~o~ n~ tr~e~o~f~t1~ te~an~~unal I I;). I J R. & H. O' H J\RA T }In S :E W I N G M AC ff IN E 141 Q " T "'Y· .1.'.l I and Ii·· w··

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