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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1872, p. 2

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°+" t 'ib t GRAND lD!B r~B LJJ: BOW .M:ANVlLLE vs MONlH!.:AI a __· J=::llus Ultra r 99 Droudv.ay N Y FOR ' ILi GI \RKR ng lS · No l , Dr 13 ghn.n l'lk 1 19 No 2 skip 25 Ja,a Bro n i.k l ~ No 3 J l\foDo gall sklp 35 :\. ]of Naughton akip l~ No { T Brod f? skip .2i ' ' Prlogle "k p 31 No 5 F Cub tt ~kip 26 D RenW1ck l'lk p 30 To doJ "o r s of the Bowman ville Club meet t"o nnka of tl e llfomrea.l Cal edoma Cl 1b a+ Oidensb rg to play for a Caledon a ruedal w nocordance "Ith ar rangemonts ma le by tho R ) al Caledonia Club m Scotland It""" e~pected that a. gnara.ntee g 'en that tie House 1;1} a.ll t] a mot I would 1e played at Kmgoton ot bo Jille 1 '"th ti e pa d oervan · and fo r r r ks a· de but the dtffic 1lty f ob oonseq 01 tly oub·en 101 t s Pl o WI'· o! tat ung pronor ice at ti · latte place pre whatever Go c ent 1uay be i powe1 ,. ted-heuce the 1 etmg at Ogdensb irg and othor r fo i s of hko in I 01t11 ce J udgu g the by what h"" b~en already done 11 the very short tenu1a oi office oi ti c R fotm Go\ o nu ent we say tl e coun try has cause to reJo ce at the change re cently etlected and t exr oot that u. career of ~nexu.. pl d l rosper tv and develop ne1 t is in stote f r tlus Province dur ng the co n1ng few yeall! True we rn st expect that the porty of flla1 der and Obstruction led by 111 C Can eron will pursue the course they aro at present follov. ng :JJ o will retard tl o progresa of 01 tar10 ll"' much a· poss ble but we be! eve the aplen~t o efforts \ ll prove una.va hr g ur d that progress · II b s e ied m spite of .-them The Gr ider. were held t ogetl et an I ko1 t n po ver solcl by self mterest an l not h a g a pu bl c prmc pie m com man they now abuse o e unotl er and $eek to obstruct the course of ~the r sue cessors '.Imo·nblc Tho ur it<id cho r rendered iu o·n tal stJ le several pieces before and one betwoon the two p:ut· o! the lecture Yh ch lattet re ce1' eel the profound attention tt mented A.fWr ts oonclus on a 00U1s1der.i,b]e au1ount Pio Bono PubUc o A HORRIBLE storv s tolu in a l etter tro l I ~ LL KINDS OF Co\l'\CEl'tt; AND 3 T uuor taken out a. l o ed :v thout the cl5ow e e Bu To I.et. 'l'\ELLIN G HOUSE A~D nol'l'r se of tha kut o by DR li f' AI IBR~ON Tho shop to let with lqnnediat-0 ~°"' Oil App y to R PEAT~ r&tm best of references gt en ill Bo rua.nv Ue aud E'.lng stree D l 01: E IVE- Churo VDJ.ll.!l Ue Feb 21 Sb cct :So m.3.nvl le 1872 Bowm&.nville Yo" 9 18'11 :iQ...tf For i!oiale etabl a d a goo l bearing ot-chard.. lw'the particulars apply to Bowma. e S~pt JFo.i: u ~ale 01 to I.et ACRE OF LAND A ROUSE Al'fD FO(' ---·---- llfa T D s Soci.u -Tho ·ocial ield m tl o basen ent of the C P churcl oi Ih 1riiday e"ten g last was a.1nost suooes:s ful affair The att e1 dnnoo woa large a1 d LI e awl enco after I o.rtakmg of an excel ent tea pr0v ded by Mr Tod were enter ta 1 ed by smgmg from members of the I oir and Sabbath Sci o I au excellent er HE SHOP !I.ND DWELLING NOW ed t 'I B'l.a et 1 a il 11to. e r~ ant "ho It u~occu;i S ree Dow a v lie :\.pD o SAA!CEL The .HEA.L Down a.nvlllc o to l!R.:i THOS ECK T MRS LUKE NOBLE 20 1~71 8-tt O,:iuawa li eilir huolvent Act of IS6tt, (,\:fD AMENDMENT TllIWXTO) y 1 13 2 30-tf SALE BY Ln" of the late Thos Crosatvi o was a member of tho Cartwr ght \ ol m cer Infantry r ompany and wl o d ed rom the effects of tl e suu while at the at nt al drill two yen.rs go- has iust re ce1ved f1om the Donun on ( overnment b\ he ha11ds of Lt Cul Cul Lt the ·u n uf r o H ndre l Dollars t-0 ass10 m her ·upport A pra "' ortl y act and one cal cl n.ted to enco 1rago the -,.:olunteer move n ent ready been s bsor1 oQd lF'rom our specuil rorr.wponden.t 'Vanted a Student Oof NEWII II l11E RNO"LElJGE ll H REID lll D n p u d ng ii e erred ORONO Tlie Co mty C nv nt on of tie Sons of Te ~perar ce was l eld in the Sons Hall here on" ednesdaJ the 14th b t owmg to the Secretary not h 1V ng notified tl e Divis o a of the meet 1 g the e wa..q bl t a a1 all a.ttenda1 ce Tl e usual amou1 t of l u~uneas I a\ 1g b2on trtt sacted the Con I ura.bCJt and !it.lun,;Jes AT MY MILLS Darlington Nov 29 18 1 A B CAMPBELL IN lS..tt CDOPPEH~ ~Ai 1'EV. - ----"'ll '.1£A - \ \ e eet ng fl1boah School 1 derstand ti at t pub n tl e i tere ts of t be held m tho base quired ERAL GOOD CHOPPERS wanted SE"\ to c Cotd"ood noard ed f re furni..e:l J~MES Du.r ngtc.n Dec 4- 18 1 VEAL Lot i.> i.th Cloh:~ 194w Fo1 §ale. COTT 01' LTl'lERl'Y STONE s reot at esent occup od. by J Gl r pas ~GE p tat[on Agoo F or Cllints cmqui e Wm TUOMl'SO!lS ti Ji~ eontem1 rri.ry s a.tta.ck :val;S moat nfa raid King 2~f 1mcalle i tor but e need rot r fer furtl er to the q est 01 here our c;is" hn.\1ng bem proved .\··Mil er txa11 pie that there " '01y I ttle Fa.ir PlaJ m the ar iclrn of ow con·cmporary regard I g the Town Coaucil and oursel"teb we iuay ohRe1-va that; 11 his last is.s ie our tr tbor cd tor takes one member of ti o Cot n ii to ta k for lua ut torance· at tho Boar I \I h l I o allo "8 o e friendly to h n ·elf to go scot free idthough the latter lS reported to I ave made soma very otlens o ra1narks a.nd had to be calle 1to or !er Is ot ti Ul n akmg fish of one a1 d Iles] Ol a oil er rather un English I SI ould ti o quo,hon be fur tber ref6rred to by ou1 xii temporary we mny I Mo oon ethmg tc saJ about Ohurcl and stn.te l ext woek To NIGHT -R member tho Firemen a soc al m the To\Oll llall ·lus "'em11g :\fr Tod w I furnish 1efresh nents and an excellent mus al 01 l hter·iy entertatn me 1t will be presented-one nf the best ei.:er given u1 Bowma.nv1lle is expected The obiect '" to raise funds to assat In preparation· fo1 the great Fu:eman · U11 en Pie me to he held in th s town next a i 1 mer Let tho firemen be properly en co 1raged PARLIAMENTARY ----'SUMMARY On Th rsday a numl>Br of potitions I ment of an Inebriate ;\sylmn I were presented pro;in g for the estabhs 1 and for cor taln restrlct1ons regard ng the sale of liquor and iss ie of hcenoe therefor f t Dr Bo11ltcr cha rruan o t 1 1e comn 1 tee appomted to 1 ivoat gate the circun s anoes connected with tho res gnatio of tho late Treasurer presented the report of the com mttoe and moved the adoption of the raport After some d1scusuon l:t:r Cam eron m sed a pomt of 01 101 that t 10 re port could not bo t>doptod without two day· notice 1h1s bemg & r !lo of the House when the reception of a. ropart was obiected to Dr lloultor · mohon wns ruled out of order '.I he follow mg B lls we o read a thud t1mo and pMsed -Respect ng tl e estab bshment of RoglBtry offioos i 1 rid ng· and to amend the reg strat on of titles (Ontar 10) Act to amend an Act of the P o' nee of Ont·rio mt1tuled An Act to amend the Agricultural and Arts Act to con sohdate ·ml amend the la s for potect on of game and f 1r bearing an rnals m 0 tar10 to be made to THE CO'GNTY OF DURR.AM I }; nea.r tbo 'Io of Bowm:i.n"-lllo .Applleatlotl ;vu A. !iiJ>lend1d Fa1 in for ll!Jale, Be "i'::P.:U: ~ J B lH TES Proprietor October ith 1811 U~tt. I Pa;, up and save Trouble. In Bo" ville on the 1 oth msto w1fo of 111r R chard ~'<·od i Youi;G MEN s CaRrsrrAI< AssoorHION -A moot ng mil be held m the Counc1 Charnl er on" ednesduy o\em g of next POSTPONE -0~ g tu unavo1dablo cir week for the p rpose of oigan13 ng a cl nstances Rev T S Cart vr1gl t war;. _._ Yo.}lng Men 8 Chriatlan Assoc ahon 11 this nable to int Bowmanv1llo on MLnday hlB celebrated lecture on place S1 n1lar organizations are produc last and dcln t1 ve of great good tl roughu it ti e ' orld Luther and the Reformation ~· - ~nd.Jr.o.Jiope to see a · 1cce··f ii bra cl 11 hope Mr Caro vllght mil shortly find it m opernt 0Il n tl ' t o" n Let thera ha n 11 · po <er to d 'l el ti e haa1 po ntme 1t large meeting of J' ormg men a1 d friends of ca sed many by ti e l ostponement A ME£ rrno of the mechanics and other vork ng n en of tl e Town was I eld m the Firemen a Hall on Mo1 day evemog last to d sc lss the n ne ho I movement which is 1 ow ag1tat ng employees in i.: ar1ous places Ill health prevented our attend a.1 ce n.t th0 meeting and a report of pro ceed ngs has not been furmshed for pub hcat1on M ag6d 30 J ears Hmnm:~tA BO IH:IAN'i ILLE Fol r ary 22 1872 $3 00 @ 3 2o 120 @ 125 118 @ l 20 40@ 63@ 58@ 60@ 45 6o 60 EI TZ \l~ETH CA WKEF 2Ut l e r 4 ~o@ 4, 5 00 @v 2~ 62 30@ 40 12@ lv 12 @ 13 30 0: 33 liowmn.ni:il e M~ 10 1871 I ENGLAND S ,. ENNISKILLEN MILL -The atte1 t on of Farmers is directed to l\Ir .J Stalter s ~Gl<ICUlTCR.AL-" c expcc tic b g new advertisement m this 11Jsue He has geat show tha l ns ever been witnessed purchased the new mill built by the late m this county inc n action with agr cul Dr H !lier ~l d IB prepared t<> fill orders tural affa rs will be held m Bo vma n lie for gr sting etc G1 o our old fr end noxt Fall Tl o Dall gton society J as Stalter a call agreed to t e ' ti tie Cou !\ societ) ln hold ng a grand n on exh b1tion 01 on A mat h g le at curl ng was played m t-0 tl e whole I roi; nee s that son etlung Orono on '.Ih rsdav of l..t we~k botwoen unprecedented ma) ho looked f r Let No 1 nnd 2 rmks resultmg ma majority farmer· and all others mterested take n of one tor No 1 rmk Total- No l nnk t100 in time a.nd prepare t can-y oft prizes \\ lmgle skip 0 t No rnk Dr the mo\"crnont ox \"'\ ednesday next o.t 7 30 o clock ev@n g MARP'JME MACY TORONTO 111.ARKETR Fe! 22 ::Ju So @ $0 90 1 28 @ 66 @ 4o@ $ 2d Ut wud 1 3 68 70 @ 17 00@ Dowmo.nvil e Feb J.2th lS ~ n \.\ IXDATT II.) .uC rk t\ohcc Rivet: in th~ town:.hip f Kennebec and for other purposes here n n ent oned to u corporate ti e trus ees of the First E, an gehcal I utl eran (St John s cong1 egat10n of tho towneh p or Ellice in the countv of Perth to otmend the charter of the On tar10 Carn n 0 l Comr ony Ila ml ton Onta.r o to a.ntho11zc tho c rpora. ion of the ~ I;> of Kiugoton to uegotiat<1 a loan for four nitndred and seventy thousand dollars to cor sol date the c ty debt by tho i1rnua of debentures and for other p n poses to mend an Act mt1tuled an Ac+ to mcorporate the Fenelon Fall· Railway Company A numbor ot Pr ~ate B Us were cad a. eecond time In comm1tte· of rnpplv a la.rge 1mmbe1 of items of tho Estimates were passed L CORNISrI FTAS THEM r1ts Il L and B rn1lway 1r0Ject1orro gressmg aat1sfactonlJ' Tho B Jl author 1amg the ·sue of a CI artei ha\ ng ia·sed ,. third readm 0 no ob>tacle can '" 80 n that direct on Immediately, 1 on the Bill reooi mg tho royal aa·cnt, ·tock books will be opened at d " con pany formed and tho eonstruehon of tie !me proceeded with "" opsedily asp ssible --- · -- NoTWlrHSTA.!<DWG tho nclemency of the weather on Tuesday e en ng of la·t ~Wl!u the ·oma held at tie 1 "silence of with St H Vann Renw ck sk11 20c Woon· Hou,JlUOLD MAGAZrnE FOR has taken a New Departure w th Gail Hamilton as its editor m chief In I er salutators ahe unblushingly a.rnws that The or1gmal and govern ng motive u! this Maga me" to make money We kn v that tins i· a fa.ot unparalla<l Ul the h story of htcraturc and wo might dis guise it m finer 1hrneo but the underly mg moh · "o >ld ohll be the sa.me Pro foundly ao ' e believe m nrt 1e morality I and tho powor JlfARCII wer~ carrtcd. o tncr~ a \ery great I a ge wanare p1a t ced 111 tho days 0 1 NolBo l Our sl ip· would l o longer go a ong, d the ci 'emy broads de to broadsw.e I :u ticularl~ whm thev kne" th t there w s son a i: esael of pecul ... r cons ru t on c oso to then w th a h dao n gu l undor "ater which was to fire on ihe a cortl1ng tot e o t of repa r than other wa.tcha. more accurate t me keeper& T HEY ARE LESS LIABLE TO Gf<71' Th(!f lU'e cverv wa cb. ~ A e:pncllll Wl'i.I'!'B.Utl from thti1 Factory "'!tb BoWina.nnlle S!)pt W 1311 __ ....., lhasohcnt \ct ot: 1859. Int n after f J!JJJtt JN HOI'.l:!EY 1 lJ mu 10.Z a ' l Town Hall of th a to fact of itll e1 or nous c re ila.hon whi h ing next 2""th nst con tn6nc1ng at ""' 30 1 0 r exceAds tl at of any other Magazine o clock Tl e lecturer bemr, a Vi esleya1 rublial ed An;i peuo, not acquarnted it mmuiter of abilih it is lope i tn te will may re one a spec1 nen free by ad lres.s be a goo i at en la c of the puol o Col g S S Wood & C Newburgh N Y Ki<:tion m r.id of tho leot 0 f md Qu1u.T Fnu rN '.Co1t0!1T) - A de·truc Onli TEMYL· -An opon n et ng of t \ ~ conflagration PCC lrred ll Tot"onto on Bowmamtlle Templo or Good '.Iemplar. ~ edna·aay n ght laot Tho b·autiful will be held Ill the r"ml eranco Hall Mc We·t of Cllung Bto· block to n on:o~ (Friday) \1 n CLIMIE NLW Jn the L iTESr AND MO<T niPROVED .N OTG Mr Cho· Kelly· card u anotl r H~ ~ ca.rrying on bus nes~ lll eoluron the stlmd fern etl) oCCt pied b~ the late Mr Ed woods and will b· found s<ea ly ~"d THE ART coileot:lo on JOUN ll: QALflRAITH ~ rap~ctmcns is requested " o ~osts £NTRANCE-Opposit.e: To vn Ho.11 entr~o· I!o'!' Xll>l>~ Feb lllJ, 1$ :i. ··pable ll·,._n·l!Jo Q.· t·\><;· (tl~ .W7l. t. W BE:X:W.!i -.

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