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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1872, p. 1

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si 1 _ !2!!±5 ~tattsman tel!\ a r ubli ho i b) the Propr etor: THE GAME ACT OF 1872 rho Act mtroduce<l 1 y Mr Punce of J sse~ w·luch is nr ~"law 101 ~.!lls all otl;t.er Act.!'! for th I rotection < f gnma in the P1ov11 ce uf Ontario According to ~aul Act the legal se 1sous for lrnntmg an<l kill ing the var1ons 1n1n1s.ls and buds inen t1onecl the101n are as follows Dcc1 J\{ooso Ell, l')eiucleor or Ctut boo uetween tho first <lay of Septernl er and the first <lay of December Wt!d Turkeys Grouse Phen.oanl· or , Partmlgo" between t he 1st day of Se1 tembcr and the first da} of .Tanuar1 Evel'J 'l'luu·sday 1Uor111ni., WM. B KINI} CLIM:IE. at tie DO\\ M ~N"\ ILLE oFI um-Post om.,e ntocl· S IREET r. o~r · _ _ 1ppoare<l to know the most and "ore /cold and how he rolled off the crato and Icmnotpr0, 01t Ikno\\ the""' I Woolcock betMenthelst dayof.Tuly I shall not escape and the first day of .Tauuary prodigal of the1rsignifica11t wmks and nods wel!t on toirarils homo !IIld ho\\ "hell he h n e to do al with Mrs Means had always suspected him got up to the top of Means· I 111 he met with State pHson They will not spare Smpe between the 15th day of Allgust ot BAITING S NEW DRESS GOODS She seod some mighty susp1c10us tlungs Pete .Tones and Bill Jones and a shm my hfe But tho people of Clifty~ ill ono and the let day of May HOPE at BATTINGS NEW CLOTHS, abo11t lum from the word go She d a.llers sort of a. ) oung inan a ridm and how day fiiul out wl o aro t!ic thieves llf LU ard ;:1 ey duck black duck wcod, No' er doiipu.1 Tl o d rkcet clol l at BATTINGS Nl£W PRINTS hod her douht. whether he was JlSt the he know d tho .Toneaes by !her hossos and Rolph thou proceeded to tell how he or summer duck and all kinds of seal be Tl t evc1 loomed "'dl l as1:1 a IT~ ~ nt BA'ITING S NEW COTTONS, thmg and of her olo man had axed her ·omo more tlnugs of that kymd about em had loft Pete Jones s, Mr .Tones 8 hed be tween tho fifteenth d 1y of August and tJie rhe lo gcst night "'111 y ohl to d \ " at BATTING'S ' NEW FLANNELS, rhe dtnvn 'vill kindle nto day hker n not he navor d a been hired Shod but he d1dn t know the shm ~oung man mg uncomfortable ho\\ he had w Liked ht day of l\fnroh atBAITINGS NEW KNITTED GOODS WhaL iC arou l thy lonely bark thmgs with her own hvin eyes that tl10 ho tho t ho might toll hnn ef ho seed through the pasture seed how he ha I soen Exee1 t m the counties of E·sox Lamb &o &c Brc ~k fierce u.nd lugh tho waves o! sor1-o &c &c &o beat all she e'er soed in all her born days hnn ag1n ka..5o ho wa.s dressed np so fllhck three men on hor.Hb ick how ho had ton and Middlesex no quail ·hall bo t&k St.retch every oat the res lo.nd al cad ~1 d thou Hll i;a n the port to lOI'tO\.\ Aud Pete !onee snid he d allers kno\1ed and tom1 hko But blamed of ho clidn t noticed tue H011el v; ith the \v]ute left fore en or killed for tw > yerns f1uru the pass _.. ALL MARKED AT LOW PRICES I ~ th01 wam t no good m eech a fell or - tlunk it hard that a passel of tlueves sech foot and wlute nvse ho\v ho had seen ing of the Act \\hen fort u c fro,vus tll dB 1mn101 fl ct ls Like buds tl at foai u storm dopa t Couldn t stay abed "hen ho got there &S the .Tonese· ohoukl try toputthermean Dr Sn1all ho\v after ]us return he hu.d JS o poison sh ill ha\ e in lus p 8SC8Hl Hl So 1 e if tl e hc.."U't l ath tropic ,.,..armlJ And Gra1u1y Sanders sa.u.1 Laws sakes tlung:; on to a. man like tho znaster thn.t heard sumo one enter the huu.se and how ai Y of the above anunal~ o buds or u1y "ill stay and nestle nro 1 d tJ y heart · nobody d over a found !um out ef ·t hadn t WM so kymd to hun and to Shocky tho Bowmanville Oct:ober 1871 he had recog111zed the ho1.so tho next poitious of theui dw111g tho cloae seuoni Jfl,I OU nrt poot llOJOY UI won Nogood1sga1ned Lysarl1eynni g been fer her Didn t she go all over the fer that matte1 blamed of ho didn t thmk lllOlll no rher u said R..'\11 h dospcr or petlods Uur no' Inch they \r-O piotcct Gems buried tl c larkcnc l ca1 W neighborhood t. \varn111 people? For her '\lo 'vas all selfish akord1n to his tell atelJ lovehng h1!l fin 0 c1 tt P~te tl eie ed TheJ l l.'.t) be expo11od for s.alo nove1 May yot be gathered for the 11 ng part ahe scod stra1ght through tlui.t piece H td seed s Jn1obody that n ght ~ cto~inn 1s a n1au who will yet 1:>ca the u1indo of 1 ~ theless fo1 no in nth at d no longa1 after [} e10 s o lot l o'vcver sad of goods He wRS fond of tho gals too' ovci the blue giass p \St<lr D1dn t know l en1tenliary Isl :i.ll r t hvo to .i;ee it st ch per10Js 01 1 ad in possession 11.t any 11 t:! -e Sl ll l'OOf l 0 :\.'CVerlo I' RY FOR YOlJ llSELVI S! Not1nng 'vas so great a crune in her eyes who 111 thunde1 tw&S but it 'vaa r:ioi:ne but the refit of you n11J Pete pi :n led tune f.-::r fnuuly use but Ill all tho casett But has SOillCJOY toll ~kt) I gln I Chas. lr.clly, aa to be fond of the gals body a makm ·It 11ght fer Pete .Touos a lialph · speech could not of conrse bre ik the P1oof of the tune of killrng or tak1)1g Somo Jn.tent bhes to soothe 1ts voo rtUIOSe WHO HAVE TltJl'D I'l ARE CONVINCED THAr S F HU L fhe J ght of l 01 e '\ 1U linger near lhe constable paid umv1ttmg tnbuto to Hadn t seed nobody elao cept 111 Dr the force of the testunony against Jiun _ shall be 11 n the partJ so 1n posaesa1ou J.. sells his Goods as J,ow or Lower thon any one else m Town lii1" A large " I e w1ldcst boats the heart i:i c ot101 WUham the Conquero1 by crymg Sqmre Small a short ways belund the .T oneses But it had its effect and 1t ] ad effect None of the an11nalli or birds abo'fu \ t alls 10.n " heu breakers roar stock of Cloths Dres& Good· striped checked and plum Shawls Blankets Lrnens Ha,vkin:s s cou1t open with u.11 Oyez or Ha.nnah \Vas now biought on tho stand ul menhonc l ohall at all} tnue be taken by \ sto. po be ho bled ocean enoubh to alarm Er ns l who 10.se \hooeys Flannels Krutted Goods Hosrnry Gloves und , l Hmmrngs nll Io ·ght as he said it 0 yesl and tho Sqmre She nas greatly agitated and onswe1od said ineana of tra.ps nets snares gins, batted before the littc advance rn pnces //i6Y Ai·pcmal hoe of Clan T111tans 60 per cent l he !a. me k o ti \Ot if lus field L1ve<l at .Mr, asked Squire Underwood who came mat with much roluctanee I flo od or drou g ht or bltgl L m IBt co1 e lower thnn last years I ·lwuld hke to ll3kthe pnsono· 1t tho lines or other snmla.r contrivancoe Any He questions not tl e flt.:kle skies Lha.t in1nute to sit "1tl1 huu From the Means a "\\as eighteen years of nge ln bar one question person may destroy any sucl1 traps snares But plowH n id ao s ru d totl.s 1 hop('! start it 1'a· e\ dent to &!1 h that the Octobo1 Had been bound to Mrs .Means 4..~C w]uch he inay d1rsc Ji: er without tn Ask me o. clozen s1 id IIru. t~o k 11 u 1 ~ lst.r'o u.nldnre andllo n111ng anJ habihty for so doing J prosecutmg attorney had been thoroughly three years ago Had walkod home with lo king more hke a cr1mn1al Nor doubt a han est ) o 1 will gather 1 I is time to 1nbor and to " t posted by Small though lookmg it that M:r Hartsook that evenmg nnd l1appon No one shall have m posoesaion tho egg· Well, then Mr Hai tsook Yon Webster, I,. .9. worth~ s face ono "ould have thought mg to look out of tho wmdow toward l1eeU not answer unless you choose Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Best Workmen m Town, .J...nd trust n Oodfo1gen111 weather but of any of the bhds mentioned at any tllll~ No ba.tter1es ac:nken punts or Jught lrin1 the n1oat disinterested and philoaoph morrung she sa'\'i son1e one cross tho whn.t pl"otnpted you to tako the dnect1on URGEOJ)I DENTIST OFFICE lfii'" warranted to fit and not come to pieces "'f#I ove1 F F l\.f.cArth r s store King Street hgh s allow ad m tha kdlmg of awans spectator In the court room pasture D d you kno\v \Vho it was ical ~ ou d1d in your \\ alk on that ever ing 1 Ho vn nn\ Ille reetl extracted for 25 cents The Best Bl.1ck and Green Teas in To"n, at $1 00 Bronson the prosecutor was ~ young Thong ht it wa.s Mr Hat tsook Heie l\1r cacl 'I his shot brought Ralph down 'Io an geese or <lucks 'I he Best <'.iO cent Tea 111 To'~ n. Beaver mu.skrl~t 1nu1k n1artin ra,o... ni.n and thlJ! was !us first caso smce !us Bronson (evidently prompted hy a aug s" er tlu.s question truly would attach t D1·. Davuhlon, l):J- Butter Egg· Mittens, Socks \nd Yarn taken us Cash for Goods co )n ot.h r and fishe1 ntn..} be hunted an cl election He was 'ery alnb1t1ous to dis gest1on that ca.rnu fro1n °"hat S1nall ha.tl fr1eudlcas Hannn.h Illo1npso n sou o of tho THE HOOSIER SCHOOL MASTER li ,\.DUATEOF THE ROYAL COL ktlled only between the first d&y of No tingu1sh hunself very anx1ous to ha' e overheard \Vhen he listened 1n the barn) d1agrncc that bolonged to bun LEGE of Pl )S CUl.DS or EI gJo.n~t IJ.lld 4 Oot 1871 S F'. :f-IILL. Unlvers ty ofV ctoria con gc Cobourg under... BTJ EDlVAltD J Gt LF.S'ION rnmber and the first day oI May Flat Creek nf!uence on his side 111 politics asked her if Mr Hartsook had ever said I declme to ::mslver said Ralph gra luato n1 d Pr ze a i or t1 e University or Toronto and Un vcrs t v r Q11ce1 .s College !he fine for killmg do01 &c out of was very determui anyth11 g to her about tho matter after and consequently he From Ilea1 th and II01nt Of eourse I <lo not "ant the pr1"oue1 Kingston ember of the Collego o! Ph)S cans Surgeons of O itll.1 o S irgc -y and I-teal ed to send Ralph Hartsook to State pnson \rnrd After eome hesitat10n Hannah to cr1nunate lumsc1f said B1 onaon ~:ug seaso:u 8haH not be leas tlui.n ten dollars CHAPl Elt XX\ III ·enoe al o K UQ" Str eet Secou l door en.st of Jli.f.r 1101 more than fifty doHarl:i for ea.ch at l .llu.yno.rd s }Iotei. ir..20 0 Hank shouted Hid from the top iustly or unJustly by fair means or foul said that he had said that he crossed tho mficantly tnal Of hi<.> own acco1d? No she of the cldt to some one m the creek be To h1s piofess1onal eyes th1s 'vas not a pMtme During this In.st passage Bu<l had corne J. I 1eld1ng, M D. Fot having in possession the birds or Ha<\ Mr Ha1t.ook m but to Ralphs d1sappomtment he ie low he sure to look at the Sprmg m quest10n of nght and wrong 1101 a quae spolre of it first EMBER o> lW!AL COLLEGE OF hon of life or <leath to auch a rnan as ottered any explanat10nsl No he hadn t mamod near the door talkmg to \>; altor eggs of ally of tho buds protected at auy 10ckI think hes there Surgeo s } 1 t?la1 l I ce1 tia.te Ro) al Col It was George H Bronson s op Had ho ever paid her any attentwn after Johnson whv had com"' with lum cge of Ph) slciallil Edinbu rgb (Lu.to H.ea den~ Grateful to a generous pu bhc for past liberal patronage begs most iespect This hmt was not lost on Ralph who Ralph Tho ttn1e not less than five dollara nor moro \.crmucl e St lhou as l{os p tal London tJ a And so ward1 No Ralph declmed to cross ques mag1'trates put then heals together to fix th 11 tn e1 ty f vo do1lri1'8 fo1 each ]Jird r .A.ctt g Res dent : M:ed cfl.l Oftlce City o! J ondon fully to announce that on account of mcreasmg business he now occupies spcedlly changed his quarters by climbing portumty to distmgmsh hm ·elf 1'.los.Pital fo I> "Cases of ti e Chest) Otllce Di: To 1 tn1 she never seamed the a.111 )1n1t of bail and ns they d1ll'e1 ed eg, up to a 11eclu led ·helf like ledge abo' e the v.:1th many knowing and co1 fident node t1on H annah lie l i uan s Orono THE WDOJ,E OF HIS OLD STAl\D, F or k11lmg any of tho fur boarmg ant and hmts an<l with much dwference to tho so fair ·s when telling the truth so sub talked for some minutes S1n:i.ll now for spr1og Ile ·was none too soon fur Pete 1Uals out of soll..9on n ot less tlta.n five dol two squires he opened the case affecting timely the t1rst tJme thought best to mako a n\0110 Jones and flank Banta were soon looking and has filled every shelf hole and comm with an ei<ceachngly choice :i. Nohce-Jlle1noval. Bronaon now informed the oourt that in Ins own proper parson Ilo could luu d la.rs n or 1no1e than t\venty five and a sin1 all aronnd the spring for hun \Vlulo ho great 1nd1gnat1on at Ralph s wickedness assortment of goods comprismg ' P.li REID HAS REMOVED JUS res deJ 1:0 to tho ho se la.tel~ occ l'P cd by and uttering Delphic hmte about striped this httlo tr10k of hav111g the ofd sold1or ly have been afrald of Ralphs acqlllttal ii ir fino for any other breach of the Act held u. t";cnty pound stone over their r Cro vle on Welbngti i Street Su1gery ~I In all cases the wh ole of tho fi ne 11 to heads ioady to drop upon them 1n ca.se pants and aha\ en head and the gratmg of luppen m m the nick of timo wouldn t Ho may havo boe:rt a httle axx1oua ut tho hla Id res U~ 1:0 S Iver St.1 tJcl Ofilcc lo 1rs be paid to the 11osecutor ro1nlO O.ll\ to8p1 16:1.tf they should tluuk of lookmg on tho ledge pnson doors at .Teffersonville oave the pr1sonor at tho b~r from the JU·t ma.nnor 1n 'vlucli he had bocn mentioned above and at the sigmficant look of Ralph and And now if the court plea.sa I am punishment wlnch an outraged law v1s1ted PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, .A. SAD dog-one who tar11ca long u.t lus Dr. A.. Berth, When tho crowd v. ere gone Ralph ku~w about to call a. witness whose testimony is upo11 auch crimes aa lus Ho regretted he probably meant to excite mdignat1011 w1nne RADUArE OF THE TORONTO th.at one road "as 01 en to hnn Ho could very 1n1portant. indeed Mrs Sn.ra.h that lns duty as a.pubhc prosecutor caused enough against tho sc]1ool tnas.ter to brca.k U vel'S ty Ph} s1cln S lrgeon &c Oflloo GENT·s FUR N IS:E-INGS, &c. '¥HAI cla~s f n1en gt vo touo t< soe1oty 1 l{ing Street ext door to Yello"·lecs&. Qu ck s folio" down ti e creek to Chfty and thonca Means will please step forward and be it to fall to his lot to marshal the oudence tho force of lus speech n.nd securo the &Tiet} Store Bow nun lie Outn1 o i\f a1c1ans The whole of the stock havmg buen well bought b:UJams he might escape But travelmg down to sworn that was to bhght tho prospect. 1md blaat lynchmg of the prisoner cluefiy by I co Clifty ho debated whether it was best to 'Vuo ire the self possessed pco1 Io of TJna ~f1s ~leans did 'v1th alacrity She the char1cter and n.nn1h1lato for eve1 so plo outside lus gang Ho rose, and asked will be given Jau1es P. Lovclllll, JU. D. thu w01 ld 1 Old maids escape T flee was to confess lna gi.nlt had met the prosecuto1 a.n<l impressed balo and pronuemg a young man b it that ti o court in gentlest t res to hear 1nn1 EMBEH, OF rHE COLLEGE OF ALL KINDS OF FURS AL'IERED AND HEP1\IRI D to 1n tko hnnself an outlaw to put an in him with her dark hmts She was sworn ti e law knew no diflerence between the He hM. no personal intc est u1 tins Lr1 ll Physimans ~n 1 S ugoo s Onta :io OJHce \\H EN 'von1en a1e in u 1s ihe.) novc-{' J(in~ Stroot Ne:., c st.le 7 3n1 s1n11101u1tahlo ba111er bet\voen hln1so]f a.nd No\v l\frB llc111s ha\e the goodness od icated and tho u11eduC11ted and th 1t except Ins interest 111 tho l-Velfa.re of Ina O[ pose the hbeity of the Jl""' U1ghest P1·1ee 1mld Cor llan Fn··11. He ' as Hain ah w-l oso tcr101 atr1cken and anxious to toll us what you know of tho 10bbe1y at for Ins pa1 t ho tho ight Hartsook " most old school mate Mr Hai tsook Fin·e" ell,IUeGee &Rntletlge, Wu"Y is t 1-1loop entble1na.ti of the I u ..'it gr1e\ od and d1s11.r po1 tecl to find tho ovi hoe ns slw stood b~ the brook willow' the ho11"e of Peter Sclnoedei and the dangerous foo to the peaco of l'!oc1ety MARKB~ MA1:Ji R AlIBISIERS ArrOh.NEX s SOL! Bo v lt ville Octob· " 1871 deuce ag u1 st h 11n so damaging ar l he 1 ld futu1e 1 Boe tuso it s tfo10 and after haunted hun nO\\ a.n.d v!."u:1 1n involun I nt defendant had in it The 0\ idonce already given f uitened sns CI I OR::; at d Note. 'YI Ul c t ary \\ itncss to h eI lovo '\Voll yon sea I allers suspected that p1c1on on huu The prisoner had not yot would not for the 11 01kl Ldd a foathet to No \ ouder all ]a,vyo1s nte s 1uuch J E FAHEWELL L L ll R McGEE B A JA)l{~S ltv l LEDGE BA L oHg befo1 e he ioachc l Clifty l 1s 1 Ln :l au young: 111a.n- beon ablo to lneak its forco 1! 111 lhe it, if rt WC[O not that Ins own n::nno ht l dik e Thoy pas::1 tho1r hvtt!:i 111 follow Oll"FIC~ 01er \Vu 1.1ci\iu1irys Dry Gools 'vaa 1na.de u1 not to flee anothe1 nule I I010 Sqture Underwood stopped he1 prrnoner had nut e\ en dared to try to ex boen twice all 1ded to by the defen la1 t 111g 8\Ut Store f:lecor tl doo cat or IJ e Po :;L OOlce up ata.frs He knocl ed at tho doo1 f Squ1re Un lei an i t >ld 1101 thn.t 3ho n1u8t not tell h01 pln n tho roason for Ins being out at 111ght and by }us friend an l l orhn.ps h 1:> con G1tA01 01mENw1ou wkn wlodgon that AT 'IHJ<' But Squire Underwood \Vas also Rusp1c1ona but fa.ct8 'vood to a } oung lady He "onld now conclude federate .Tolrn Poa1 on He was proparn<l n a H3 a. ~r :t.nd c1 catnre even if ho is l\ Da"t ul Sn1art, a docto1 and had beeu called a\\ ay He Well, it a facts I au1 ' gomg to tcll by g1v1ng the l:ist tonch to the dark to swoa.r that he war; not ove1 in Flat little stmg) about the f1 anchiso \RRlSIER AND A r10ItNEY A'I knocked at the door of Squire Doolittle she sniffed mdiguantly Its !nots tha.t evidence tl 1\t 'voulcl smk the once fru.r Creek the mght of tho robbexy ! tter tlian I A 'V SollcJtol' 1l Vh u eel) a.n<l Insolvency lfoRNE ToOKE when 81!kod by Gooige But Sqmrc Doohttle Imel gono to Lewis I meah to tell Conveyar ce Nut.a y Solie L o.r for IJ e 01 ta1 Hera her voice iose to name of Ralph Hartsook 111 a hundrnd ten o clock and whilo tho st 1te1ne11t.s of .Oo.nk &c I 01t l-Iope Ont bmg Ho was about to g1vo np ~II hope a koen pitch l\.nd sho began to abuse the fathoms of mfam} He would ask that the two persona alluded to whether r1n.- III why he ne'er played at cards re J\'Coooy to Io :\n l J...a d~ fo S \le THE SUBSClUBER HAYING RECEIVED HIS [ C!l.nnot tell a ku1g fr i11 a hc1ously intended or not could not unph phe l of bemg able to sm reudet lamaeli to the defendant Agam and 1gam the co irt m Henry Bnnta be cl\l!ed kn i.ve 21ste I that she must tell wh·t tho10 wa· la.\v 'vhen he 1nct Squuo Hln\ kins who cate ]um ·t all he thought perhaps this Hank came fo1 ward sheepishly nnd Roberl '1r1nou1·, At WllS ·worn Ln e<l about a hundred yarda lack of veracity In their statements nnght had cone over to Clift~ to a\ oid responsi auap1c1ous a.bout the irnhool nutster I CAUGHT he1 gelltly by tho atnl iny EGISTR~R "EST DURHAM R Issuer of Mrur u.gl) L ceenscs Bnrristc1 ang bihty for the ill deedo of ln11 neighbors last aha got it out be of weight in daterm1ning some other gentle blue eyod Kate She squealed from the house that was robbed He .Attorney nt Lo. v nd Solic1tor 1n Oharoorx Sl IhD 'fO nm PRESENT SE.A.SON wlnch he w1s powerless t> prevent Well fer one thmg what kmd of gala seen ole Pearson and the master and one pomts He tl1erefore suggested-he could Mone} loaned o Real E sta te OtHco on l~ing I et go yu 1 cussed fool you hmt my Stoot Bo" mun ville Io that you Mr Hartsook! did he go with? Hey1 Why with my other feller that he d1dn t know come on!~ suggest as he was not a party to tho 'ncc1nate IJ'/VlIES THE INSPEC'llJ·N OF THE PUBLIC Yes and I wa.nt ~ou to airest ine and bound gal Ifanner a loafin along tlnough :ln a.yftom thore together about one o clock case many way-that h s student "alter A DHUN!\.E:S- utan by loAAon of the fie .John K. Galln·.dth, Tr these d 1ys of p iffmg and =po·turo ho ti mks it ncedle!IS to say thot l e sells try me here m Cltfty tl1e blue grass paate1 at ten o clock and He heerd tho horses kick111 , and 'vent out Johnson be oa led to testify as to JnsCHEAPEn and of bettor '\ alue than any other mo.n in these r-o t es all he asks ia that quency of his f11.Us on t he I avement. 1nay ARlUSJ l It A.ND AITORNEY Al !{OOds intonding purchasers give hlm a call and Judge !or themselves sutlSfied that tl o result ·w ill be keepm that gal tltat · got no protector but to the ·table to soo ubeut them Ho aeed Dr Sniall s- exnct whereabouts on the I A '\V Q(tlcc 1(1ng Stroet Bo nnrun1llc mutuu.lly proflta}>le and &ati,,facl.ory be said to be much gmug to sainting flags Agent nt BoWJunnv !lo !o tJ e 1' rcchol l Iluildin CHAP'IER X:XIX me out that a-way an<l destroym her two men come out of Schroeder s back mght m q11e·t10n They w·re together m Society Mo icy to lei d on farm aecur ty I' S - An um1Valled stock of Table Lmen Dnmasks purchased before tho recent THE TltlAL A NB'W 'YOll.K JUl:lt1ce told a lVttness character by ]us cornpany, thn.t n. n t fer door and inct one man standing at the his office until two whr,n ho 'vent to the rise in prlces tavern a.nd went to bed Im; prosecutu g attomey (for eo the nobod~ "Young rnan if yGu speak 1n ti at way St. John ll. Dut·ltesun. gate When they got clostcr he knowcd ~g.'.un tJ s court \\ill forget lts chgn1ty ar d State a attorney 18 called m Indiana) had. 'I'HOMAS Here Bronson saw that he had caught a \RRISTER <'.TTORNEY SOLICI Pia1sou by lna v; oodon leg and the 1naa Sqmro Hawkms haung adjnsted hli! 1 IOU a.nd Notar) Publ c Bowfun1 ville Oct 26 1871 been sent for tllu lllght before Ralph re tal'tar Ho Sa.Id he had no n1ore quest1one ter by his hat 0 1 cross examination he teeth his wig and lnH glass eyo th3.1 1 cd punch you u the snoot 011 FrcE - 1! rstdoo east or I ost Office U'Jl stair· fueed all legal help It was not wise to re to ask of lllrs Means and that unless the was a little confused when asked "hy he D1 Small fo1 a suggcst1on so valuable I sN Tit a rat her durn.gr eeablo occnr1euciJ Ject counsel but all hrn blood was up anrl deft:.ndant "IShed to cross question her hadn t told of it hefore but said that he at d thought bost to put .Tohn Pearson un { G. llmnung, 'v hen " younr. n1an s suspender111 g1 \ e way deolnied that he would not be cleared by he she could stand aside ltalph oaid he wRS afrnLd to say much bekase the folks der arrest before proceeding furthoi - while he dances a schott1sche "\\ ith u :young HO\ INCI\L L~ND SURVEYOR legal qu1bbles If his innocence wero n t would like to ask her one quest10n C v IE '"' eP. l ) t nU Ag:ent Office and Did \Va.a a tw.kin al out hn.ng1ng the n aster }fr Poarsou was t] ieforo arrested and l td.J who ne\ e1 w·i.nts to sut down rmn le o~ Lot 13 3 d con D111li gtOJ \ l3 or lets made evident to everybo \y he would I e>er go with )Our daughter Miranda1 was bea.1d to n1utter someth1ng ab it a and he d1dn t Wl.nt no lynclun JP.It at tl e o Ycc f I obe1 t \:rmo l Esq pro pt .lt KJ.NS \R 1n.1y went to u theat1e and l) attended to 40 rather not bo acquitted on a prel1111mary No you d1dn t aIBwered the wit 'pa.Mel ofth1evee whe l the court \\arn pr02ecut1on here rasted Bronson The handed the man 111 the Lox offico a fino As them is a great deal of mrsropresentat10u reg,udmg the exam1nat1o'J Ile 'vould go O\ er to the noas with a. tone and a toss of the hoad 1na1nta1ning that there \VaB enough ev1d eel him to be qmet 'I ltoinas Clu·istic, tooth co1nl hav111g 1 n 1eta.ken it foi her c1rcu1t court and have tho mu.ttor ~nfteU tv that let the cat out and sot the court room ence to iushfy &lph a oomnuttnl to await Walter Johnson was then called But ticket wlncl 11110 left ti t ho1ne The dour ING SiltEEr BOWMANVILLE meuts of tho d11feient sewmg machmes, and may pmsons the bottom But ho would have beon 111 n. g1gglo Bronson say, that he v. na trial But the com t thought that na tho before gi,1n1:o h1s testimony I lnust eri..vo Age lt for the follo\'iing British nnd Cana..kcepe1 told her she cot 11 not co1nb in d3an I au ance Comr a cs v z llo3'ul I vet have been mrnled by these untrnthful statements, we gn e be pleased had Ina uncle vffered !um conn gaunn nothing and nov. resolved to fol 0 defoudant had no counsel and offered no the readers 1 ·hence "hlle I go hack t :pool cu d I on lon B itish \.. erica and Provfn though he would lrnvo declmed it ael ('i Ll Ag~nt fo lto al Mu J ne of Steamors an l low t)le hne which Small had md1cated ~ >IOIRER who had nth her 11 little rebuttmg !ostnnony it would bo only fair son10 tlnngs 'vh1ch ha1 pened nea1ly a JJ'relgl t Line of boats~ nnd Coroner for United low the names of a few of those who tested the Wanzer He "ould I avo felt better to h 1ve had a Peto Jones w:is ca.lled and swore point to hear "hat the pneoner had to say m wock beforo and ,v]uch will se1ve ton1a.k0 cl ~ughter was ox.arnnnng the figu10 of a Counties of :N"ortl u ocrla d ~ l l Durham hcnse on a. tombstoniJ, aud WCJndeuug it mtelhgible M,ichme and who afterwards exchanged them with us fo1 the letter from ho1no aon1e,vhat difforent from bl mk that he heard llillph go out of the hie own defense lll.-11. Turnei.; the one he 10001ved from his Aunt Ma house soon aftor he "ent to bed, and that w·hat 1t 'V lS 8.11 01ublcm of rJtero Wafl AU this wlule poor R~lph wu lookmg UCTIONEER \\ OULD BEG ro Lockman, Osbo1n, 01 Raymond- some of them paymg us t1lda by the hand of tho prosecutmg at hlj heard ]um return at two 111 tho 1norn notlnng to ex1 ltun 1t i. n the inscr1pt1on i Uo 'ID the n11ab1ta ta of Bov. n1ani: Ille and B11d s n.ct:.1011s CHAPr.um xxx torney It was not "ery encotuag1ng or mg Tlus teat mony was given without abou~ the room for Bud tn.rrncraof\VcstD rhn.m tlatJ~ fl ov prepar llia nma ·aI<l tho httlo one ,,,. they rd to attend to a1 l ~mlos that nay be entrusted over :\520 to exchange very sy111pathot1c though it 1vas '01y char ltos1tation and mado a great impres:uon had of late been strangely contrnd1ctory IlttOTUElt SODOM 1novod n.way I should nt wonder if she o him Cha gcs 1nodc LtO. 10-tf a.cter1st1c agamst Ralph u1 the rnmds of tl10 JU·hces But had ho tumed coward and desorted Jn ordor to explain Walte1 Johnson a <l1od \VJth the 111Jhtnuue HON .T SIMPSON, Bowm mv11lo MRS C G H~NNING Bo1>manville his friend? Why else di<l he a.void theses testunouy and his state of n11nd I 111ust. Doar Ralph Mrs Jouoa a poor, bro'v beaten ,vo1na.n S. Cllcstt'rflehl, A NOR'\\ EGIA..N 70 y 0 i. r s old hTtng atdo G PERRY do D FISHER Tins w \\hat I h we al vaya boon afraid ca1ne on the stand in a frig-11ton ed way aion of the court? After asku1g hnnaolf carry tho render back nearly " week rho ue I 10])1 I ER FOH BOWM \N THOS JOHNSTON Wlnto Bear lake Mmnosota mm ntly ha I such questlOJ _s LS thoao Rl\lph \l'ould won 11 1rned you faithfully tho last time of I do WE TILLEY do scene '"as Dr Sn1all s ofhco Bu l nnd Lnd S't\010 to the s:\.1no hes as Iler huaband VlLLlll and Da1li11gton Rcrudc cc Q teen Ho fought What could Bnd "\\a.I tor J ohn.ao11 had Leen 1 av ng so1110 a ·mg ilar fight wit! o 1 >If fl ro0t: Or le "'1n tua.U~ a tc1 ded to Ohar'f.CB I sa. \ you lrl) sku ts are clear of your llalph c:ross questiono<l her but hc1 I a1 t dor at !us own folly 1.ioderu.tc 13 .TORN McCJ,!JNG do clo WM AHDS 1 nn fhst \\it} a club t hou with a I itch do if he wo1e thtueg There 'vas no hutnan coufiUenb.a l conservat1on th \t oven1n. blood l can not consent for )'out unclo had been 11 ell loamed 0 fork ind t nally got ~ 101 a touud tho powe1 that could prevent tho v1ct1m of .so R JCHAltD SHAV. Dat h ngton l\llt I UMMIS Cartwright to ippc 11 as. your cunnacl or to go your '.l'ho1nais S1ouhon!lle. The10 seemed no1v httlo hope for Ralph vile a consp1rt\Cy as t1ua, lodging in tha.t and Bud had gotten > 1nre ont of ]us co1n neck of tho bea.st dro .,.. Ju n to 1. cR.1pen ba.11 You know how u1uch it would u1 UCTIONRER APPRUSEh AND J p LOVEKrn Clatko R T WILKINSON Ne~ctstle But JllSt at this 1noment 'vho 15hould stride v.:orst of Stato prisons tt JoffatEJOnv11le a pan1on than that exquunte but \\ Cal Joung te1 s \ 1sc sere :ved las hen.. I l 1t) 1t anU Goneral ~gent D111l gLo Ce t o S Jes J lUO hun n the county u1d ho hns no i1ght mau had intended Ho lookc l ionn 1111 mto the school houso hut Pearson tho ploco too bad for cmmnala I o ir My "tten led IO E IJEMAN do then got "g i and sh it !um MRS HILLAM do But when to suflor for your evil acts 0 n y dear one logged ol<l oold1er basket makex! He thure was no h tn1an power to help how a. frightened way - - -- - - --nephe v f 1 ti e sake of you poo1 dead do Mlt BARFOO'l <lo J BEIL\\ OOD r OU Bee s111d " ra.lts1 if SLn 11 kne v HAVE yon a cough Uold Pam m iha lll. D. :t'oley, had mept homo tho night baforn to naturally does tho human mmd look fo1 mothcr-I had told you that l d get a bullet fi om Cl ef.lt 01 B1oncl11t1M 1 I i fuct have you see ef tho ole 'voman didn t want some MISS HAMBLY P ort Darlmgton lOE:riSED \UCTIONICER FOR S BORLAND Orono !!Orne inter,ent1on of God on the Stele of \Vo neveI shn.U know what the lest of the 'Io i,; n!3h1p f Da.rl n~on Sales pro npt tlun , and hearmg of Halph · :u rest he Right' And Rolph · faith m Pm, idenco somebod) But when you re i111tlated it tho p1e1no1ntory syn1pto1us of the 1nsat ly te:IJde l to Cl a.rgea oile1n.te C W SMI'l'H Darlinf(ton A LOCKHART Cl~rke that lotter was Whenever Aunt Matilda will be all right Sometimes ] \\ ish I vas i ite ru cher Consnmpi1on? If so know concl ided that the tm1e for him to rno.ke looked m th" d1rect1011 of Bud But got to Ralph " poor dead mother m her IHOMAS McCL UNG Bowmrumlle S'IEPHEN CIEMENCE Dallrngton out of it But JOU kno ~ 81 alls tJ 1s that rchcf ts 'vitlun you1 1e!lch in the shape a foITard movement had come t1.nd so IHoney to Lent!. since )10 Dud came he shut do vn the convo1sn.t1on l~alph ran ( ut of the house he determmed to face the foo of Dn WrnrAR s BALSA" 0 1 \\rm CmrnnY kind of a. mn.n Ele sees tlu ough you HE UNDEHSIGNED HAVHW 111 D WILLIAMS WILLIAM CLEMENCE <lo do valves and roae to h s feet proudly de \ud now that Ina poor dead mot! er was T been appo tP.1 ttg:ent for U e P o\~ncial Per He cnn look throu;:h a door -and he1 e \\lnch in n1any C3.ie!i where h.opo ha.d fled ' Looky here Squar he said wipmv fiantly fiercely calm .u\.llont Bulldll g an l ~a. ngs Socio-tr or Ioron ltEV U HOYLE MATTHEW COLE l'yrono agru.n made to do service in ]us aunt a has snatched the v1ct1rn fro1n thu ya.wnu1g do M ia preJ a cl t<. utigo t.late Joo.JUI on lteal Eat.ate ho sh1vered and his '01ce broke do\\ n in the perspll'ahon from Jue b1uw looky MOurity on tho n1oet favourable tcrn1s grave pious ihetonc he ]muled tho letter on tho It a no une for n10 to tJa.y anything to a whispei Bud was perfectly cool and R R LOSCOMil3E do .TORN BURN, Mm1vere lll-19 J B F AIRBA.IRN that I can tell as hot coals bofore him and 'vatched 1t van here I J··t want to l'oter .Tones has ·wom to " deliberate doubtless 1t w&l:I the strong coolness of ln:r. la.test d(){l0 0 of a 1111 nt to ovei much about this oa·o as anybody do And a great many others MRS BROCK, u~h into 1nnoke ~ ith a grun sat18fa.ct1on It Peatc 'l':nlor. aa1d Br.3niion faloohood and he knows it He has ma.de Bud that made Walter \fl10 shuddornd at come h s sons :t.\e1s on t o med1c1ne and ' Let us hear it then Halph w 18 a httlo afraid of a mob But who thought ho would mill Ralph now for hli wife perJure her I oor soul that she a shado\\ come to !nm for sympathy and docto1 lnn1 al the san10 tuue occurred ENTLEMEN S AND '.BOYS GAR Intenclmg purch1se1s, can enqmre of any of the above, ie Clifty was better than Flat Creek, and dare not caU her own l!ere Pete rt fiats w1boaoiu lnmself of one of Ins guilty se iuOlevelA.nd where a c1oupy youngster wn.s ME~ rs made t t1 a certain N1'1\1'ST STYIES Sqmre Rawkms with nll hrn faults Jo,ed gatding the merits oftl1ese machines 111duced to 1nu.ke qui te a l1earty 1ncnJ of llowu au-\ ilJe Feb 19 18C8 So with many allus10ns to the tune he clenched, but Ralph in his present hu111or cret. iustice tmd had a profound respect for fit at Lundy s Lrtne and l!IOtuo indignant d1<l not care for mobs The ·pmt of the maple syrup Lets go n.nd h a u Brother Sodom buck1'heat cakes a11d the m·J··ty of tho law and a profound remorks about the pack of tine· es that bull dog lrnd complete posaemon of !um preach to mght ·aid Bu<l W. Jt, Chnne, but the latter proved to be iuce syrup of respe_st for lua own 1rlaJCRty v;hen s1ht1ng It is of no uae for me to foll you that sqmlls Tl o l oy said he tho 1ght aomo SS1JER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES <lriv !um off nnd a p,..smg tnbuto to Miss No I dont hko to 1olowmanvillc October lllh 1871 as \. courL :i present ng the law What ~ n U o ty of l[ s I xocllcncy tJ o GoT"er Henry Banta haa ·worn to a he par Lly to tlnng lule l the 1nolasses LJ1e uunute lui!i He dou t scare you 1 Thero was JUst ~fartha Hawkins nnd sundry other d1 ar General 01Iice u.t tl e f:Jl le!:i "iu1H.ce ever nuLueuver s he ln1ght .rcso1t to in He father told Ju n to eat all ho wanted to greesions 111 w Inch he ho.d to be checked, revenge hnnself on 1n0 for sundry punish a touch of r1dicula 111 Buds "oice business affan-a m order to avoid a confhct r:l'CE LOCKMAN l~!!!OLVEN'l' ACT oCl869, the old man told how he d drunk wh1"ky ments I havo given hun and partly, per knew \\ a.lte1 and ho Ii.ad not conntcd A S TORY is t old of an ed1to1 who <lied with h1a lawless neighbors he wns cour at Welch s store that mght and how hn.pa fo1 m·ney The real th1evei:1 are 111 a1n1ss when le used tlns little goad to \Vent to Heav ni. bit was denied admit AND AMENDMENW ~HERETO &gcous ai d1n.Ae:x1ble on the bench Th& I could put n~y finger prick a 1:1k1n 10 ae1121ti' o B1 other Sod tancc> lest he hvuld ineot son1e dehnquent Weloh · vrhlBk) wt\8 all fired mean, and this court 1oom -~ IS NOW THE Sqmre was the hetter part of I im V. ·th how it lillers went strn1ght to !no heail on thom UAN.Al):\ }It the Couty Co rt of oni "i\S the n lcl na.1ue ~1 vcn by scoflcr.:; to sub::ic11be1s uid bad fr eI ng:;i be eugor dei ProvJ ce of Ontario the Untt-Od Countica of the co oper it1on of the constable he hn.d &nd how he had got a leetle too much Unlted Counties of Northnmbc1land &nd LEADING MACHINE robe sure responded the old bask the preacher- Mr Sod1:111- l\hO::iO n1anner eel 11tli\t1eacef1l clune Ha.ling to go Nort.b l & Du:rham Durha.tn organized a p lSSC of men who oould be and how he hail felt kymder gm aout by et maker Ralph looked at Pete .To1rns of preaclnng had so 11....,oused J3ud s com son1ew]nu tho editor next appeared in IN THE DOMINION OF GA.NADA depended on to cnfo1oc the l1nv agalnst a In the 1iatte.r of FREDFJlIOK 1VILL1.AM the tune he got to the blaoke,m1th s shop, then ~t ·mall The fierooly calm look at bat1venuss, and 'vhose S<ld<lle aL1r1ups Ji id regions of darkness bul WWI poa1tn:ely re RATCLJF'F E. an lnBolvett't HIS PROUD POSirION I1 HAS n1ob an how lie had laid down to rest ~n<l tractod the attention of the people F r reasou. of fused aduuttauce a· tho pluce was full of He had helped to amputato attained through its mhoreht gooc_l quo.lltioe By the ttmo the trial oponed m tho how as he a poeed the boye ha.d crated h1111 knovr that this look would rrohably cost Ina owi\ Bud "thought best to oubJect clolmquent' hscnbera Wearily tho 001 On \Vod oaday the Tenth da.yat Jan uu·y next rheee qu&litieB a.re fdmplimt:r durability olo the un,dm signed w 11 appl} to the J t lgti o:r tho gancc adaptability, boside:1111 a scoro mo10 oreq al large oohool house ln Chfty 11t eleven and how ho thought it \\ .r nil fired mean hun h1B life beforo the noxt mornmg -- young Johnson t 1 the hoat of Mr Sod on · tor turnc<i back to the coleobal city, ·nd lmport.a.1 ~ For tull 1 u.rticula.ra nddrC68 to the said Court fo1 ti. disch&rgo under tho said .A.ct :?.fn.nuro.eturere o clock, nil the gur1ound1ng country ltad to orate n old ·oldlor whst fit tho Britl8hers But he did not care for hfe Dated at Bo\vmanvJlle in the Connty of Dur The test1 furnn.oo wus mot by tho watchman of the portala, WILSON BOW~L\N & Co M FUltlJA.IRN BARRTSIElt & I am tlus Btl.:H lttY o! Doeem ber A D !871 emptied its population mto Clifty nnd all and !oat Ill· leg by one of the blamed cr1!r mony of M1os Hannah 1 hompson 10 ovory "ith a sm1l(} ,vJto said I was mi11ta.ke.n, lio.milton Onta.rlo eAtto1no-,; Sollcito1 &c LL n lsay I!' W RATCLIFl!'H, Flat Crnek wRS on hand ready to testify ters u punclun Ill· hat,'Onot through it "ord t.:ne Office h K~c uu a Block lh c1 l U<:nll a nook ll & II 0 HA;RA, ~ JonN K OALBIL\JTH I behove that of llfr Poor fHESE two hues v; 111 be read 'vtth ffilll h you can entc1, the1c iit not a dehnquont ~tore A.i1911I& b ·l:lurham 1u1d Viotow.,. t o ~<Jmetlnng lll-6w hlt .A.t\oNey "" fltc1 1!hose who knon tho f·aat a.n!-l bPw wllon hw wokcdn it "'Mi 1:1ill fired son to bo tn1· fho re·t Ii faloo But lll.te1eat by out. n1any 2ua<l.e1s wuhs t1bet Hl Ht:a.vcn VOL. XVII. BOWM.ANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCI-I 21, 1872. _ _ N0.34. _ _ _ __ _ _ 1871 FA.LL! 1871 NO ABATE ME NTI THAT --o-- FACTS ARE FACTT '"ii s. (,,. s., A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost S Ii' G M MARKUS MAYER l Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, G M B FRESH ARRIVALS B GLASGOW HOUSE I l Full Assortment of Goods, B B P STUBBORN FACTS I K I f' A A 'v Eff"' A L ··Y G R. & H. O'HARA. 1 I SlWI NG MAC HINE T T t -

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